rpm package for ruby gems

Aditya Prakash aditya.prakash132 at gmail.com
Thu May 28 20:13:06 UTC 2015


I will start with sort introduction before I come to the topic. My name is
Aditya Prakash. I am second year CSE student at NIT Durgapur
<http://www.nitdgp.ac.in/>, India. I am working on GlitterGallery
<https://github.com/glittergallery/GlitterGallery> webapp (in rails) under

Today in fedora-infra meetting, Kushal mentioned that it is important that
whatever gem I use, I should make sure that it comes as rpm package. Good
people of ruby-sig have already build packages of many popular gems (link
here <http://www.isitfedoraruby.com/>). Unfortunately, there are still many
gems which aren't available on rawhide and there are others which aren't
upto date with upstream. ex: guard <https://github.com/guard/guard>,
cancancan <https://github.com/CanCanCommunity/cancancan>, capybara-webkit
<https://github.com/thoughtbot/capybara-webkit>, omniauth-facebook
<https://github.com/mkdynamic/omniauth-facebook>, haml-lint
<https://github.com/brigade/haml-lint>, rubocop
<https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop> etc.

My guess is that atleast 50 gems from my gemlist.lock file would need
packaging or update. However, GlitterGalley is not an app app but it is a
web app. What I am trying to say is that main purpose of of GG is that it
is hosted on cloud somewhere and people will use to from web-browsers. How
important it is that gems I am using have rpm available? A good amount of
development time will be wasted in packaging if this is a requirement.

Also, how important it is that rpm package are available for ruby gems in
general? In name of being a ruby developer and part of fedora community I
would like to package a few important ones.

Thank you.
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