[Scitech] R.E. Scientific Spin Updates

Stuart Mumford stuart at mumford.me.uk
Tue Jan 24 15:13:47 UTC 2012


I was thinking this myself, and good that you kickstarted the
>  discussions. I started a new discussion on the Spins SIG mailing list. I
> shall keep you updated.


Did you mean individual package categories such as- Physics, Chemistry,
> Biology... ? In that case, it won't be specifically relevant to the
> Scientific Spin, but it will hopefully be useful to the SciTech SIG.

Yes, that was mainly what I was thinking, I am aware that maybe it's not
specific to the Scientific Spin, as I think you mentioned before however I
think it will add some value to it. I was also thinking if it would be nice
to either upgrade the existing software Centre UI or make something special
for the scientific spin to set up packages specific to the use case of
Scientific Spin.

Where is the best place to discuss this? On the SciTech SIG mailing list?

Also, I remember you discussing about custom wallpapers for the
> Scientific Spin? Would you like to give it a shot for the F17 spin?

Yes, no problems I can attempt to compile a few from interesting sources
online, etc. What are the licensing requirements for wallpapers inclusion
in Fedora?

Also therefore does anyone on this mailing list have any appropriate


 For astronomy software we generally install the rpms from the ESO Scisoft
> set on top of a standard fedora install.
>  This time I plan to install them on top of the F16 Scientific spin. Maybe
> relevant to update the list of those rpms to latest
>  versions of Fedora for the next Spin.
>  The files are linked to on http://www.eso.org/sci/software/scisoft/which describes the scisoft package.

That's an interesting list of software but some of it is a bit out of date.
I wonder how much of it is in the Fedora package repositories, and if more
of it could be included.

Are you suggesting that you upgrade the ESO SciSoft archives to bring them
up to date for F17? If so that is interesting especially if a lot of it is
/ could be included in the Fedora repos then it could be a easy add on for
the package catogires as mentioned above w.r.t having install options that
allow for specific (while being of general interest) use cases.

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