APPROVED: pure-ftpd

Aurelien Bompard gauret at
Sun Mar 13 22:35:20 UTC 2005

Name: pure-ftpd
Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standard-comformant FTP server,
based upon Troll-FTPd. Unlike other popular FTP servers, it has no known
security flaw, it is really trivial to set up and it is especially designed
for modern Linux and FreeBSD kernels (setfsuid, sendfile, capabilities) .
Features include PAM support, IPv6, chroot()ed home directories, virtual
domains, built-in LS, anti-warez system, bandwidth throttling, FXP, bounded
ports for passive downloads, UL/DL ratios, native LDAP and SQL support,
Apache log files and more.

QA done at :

Maintainer: Aurelien Bompard
Reviewer: Jose Pedro Oliveira

--   ~~~~   Jabber : abompard at
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -- Rich Cook
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