rpms/icewm/FC-6 icewm-configure.patch, NONE, 1.1 icewm.desktop, NONE, 1.1 icewm-keys.patch, NONE, 1.1 icewm-menu.patch, NONE, 1.1 icewm.spec, NONE, 1.1 icewm-startup, NONE, 1.1 icewm-toolbar.patch, NONE, 1.1 icewm-xdg-menu, NONE, 1.1

Gilboa Davara (gilboa) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Fri Feb 16 00:44:43 UTC 2007

Author: gilboa

Update of /cvs/extras/rpms/icewm/FC-6
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv21137/FC-6

Added Files:
	icewm-configure.patch icewm.desktop icewm-keys.patch 
	icewm-menu.patch icewm.spec icewm-startup icewm-toolbar.patch 
Log Message:
Missing files from FC-6 branch.


--- NEW FILE icewm-configure.patch ---
--- icewm-1.2.30/configure.in.old	2007-01-16 16:12:51.000000000 +0200
+++ icewm-1.2.30/configure.in	2007-01-16 16:13:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@
 	APPLICATIONS="${APPLICATIONS} icewm-menu-gnome2"
 	GNOME2_PREFIX=`pkg-config --variable=prefix gnome-desktop-2.0`
-	CONFIG_GNOME2_MENU_DIR="${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/gnome/vfolders/"
+	CONFIG_GNOME2_MENU_DIR="${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/desktop-directories/
       if test "${GNOME2_CFLAGS}" = ""; then
--- icewm-1.2.30/configure.old	2007-01-16 17:44:10.000000000 +0200
+++ icewm-1.2.30/configure	2007-01-16 17:44:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -12000,7 +12000,7 @@
 	APPLICATIONS="${APPLICATIONS} icewm-menu-gnome2"
 	GNOME2_PREFIX=`pkg-config --variable=prefix gnome-desktop-2.0`
-	CONFIG_GNOME2_MENU_DIR="${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/gnome/vfolders/"
+	CONFIG_GNOME2_MENU_DIR="${GNOME2_PREFIX}/share/desktop-directories/"
       if test "${GNOME2_CFLAGS}" = ""; then

--- NEW FILE icewm.desktop ---
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Simple and fast window manger

[Window Manager]
# vi: encoding=utf-8


--- NEW FILE icewm-keys.patch ---
--- icewm-1.2.30/lib/keys.in.old	2007-01-18 13:55:20.000000000 +0200
+++ icewm-1.2.30/lib/keys.in	2007-01-18 16:07:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -9,28 +9,21 @@
 # You'll have to omit XK_ prefixs and to replace XF86XK_ prefixes by
 # XF86. Valid modifiers are Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Meta, Super and Hyper.
-key "Alt+Ctrl+t"		xterm
-key "Alt+Ctrl+f"		fte
-key "Alt+Ctrl+e"		nedit
-key "Alt+Ctrl+g"		gimp
-key "Alt+Ctrl+n"		netscape -noraise -remote openBrowser
-key "Alt+Ctrl+b"		netscape -noraise -remote openBookmarks
-key "Alt+Ctrl+m"		netscape -noraise -remote openURL(mailto:,new-window) 
+key "Alt+Ctrl+t"			xterm
+key "Alt+Ctrl+b"			htmlview
+key "Alt+Ctrl+s"			htmlview http://www.google.com
-key "Alt+Ctrl+KP_Divide"	aumix -v -5		# lower volume
-key "Alt+Ctrl+KP_Multiply"	aumix -v +5		# raise volume
+key "Super+KP_Subtract"		amixer sset PCM 5%-
+key "Super+KP_Add"			amixer sset PCM 5%+
 # "Multimedia key" bindings for XFree86. Gather the keycodes of your
 # advanced function keys by watching the output of the xev command whilest
 # pressing those keys and map those symbols by using xmodmap.
-key "XF86Standby"		killall -QUIT icewm
-key "XF86AudioLowerVolume"	aumix -v -5
-key "XF86AudioRaiseVolume"	aumix -v +5
-key "XF86AudioMute"		aumix -v 0
-key "XF86AudioPlay"		cdplay play 1
-key "XF86AudioStop"		cdplay stop
-key "XF86HomePage"		netscape -noraise -remote openHomepage
-key "XF86Mail"			netscape -noraise -remote openURL(mailto:,new-window) 
-key "XF86Search"		netscape -noraise -remote openURL(http://www.google.com/)
-key "XF86Eject"			eject
+key "XF86Standby"			killall -QUIT icewm
+key "XF86AudioLowerVolume"	amixer sset PCM 5%-
+key "XF86AudioRaiseVolume"	amixer sset PCM 5%+
+key "XF86AudioMute"			amixer sset PCM 0%
+key "XF86HomePage"			htmlview
+key "XF86Search"			htmlview http://www.google.com
+key "XF86Eject"				eject


--- NEW FILE icewm-menu.patch ---
--- icewm-1.2.30/lib/menu.in.old	2007-01-28 15:14:30.000000000 +0200
+++ icewm-1.2.30/lib/menu.in	2007-01-28 15:17:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,16 +4,7 @@
 # since modifications to this file will be discarded when you
 # (re)install icewm.
-prog xterm xterm xterm
-prog rxvt xterm rxvt -bg black -cr green -fg white -C -fn 9x15 -sl 500
-prog fte fte fte
-prog NEdit nedit nedit
-prog Mozilla mozilla mozilla
-prog XChat xchat xchat
-prog Gimp gimp gimp
+prog xterm /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/32x32/apps/gnome-terminal.png xterm
+prog "Web browser" /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/32x32/apps/mozilla-icon.png htmlview
-menuprog Gnome folder icewm-menu-gnome1 --list @CONFIG_GNOME1_MENU_DIR@
-menuprog Gnome folder icewm-menu-gnome2 --list @CONFIG_GNOME2_MENU_DIR@
-menuprog KDE folder icewm-menu-gnome at GNOME_VER@ --list @CONFIG_KDE_MENU_DIR@
-menufile Programs folder programs
-menufile Tool_bar folder toolbar
+menufile Programs folder programs.autogen

--- NEW FILE icewm.spec ---
Name:			icewm
Version:		1.2.30
Release:		12%{?dist}
Summary:		Light and configurable window manager

Group:			User Interface/Desktops
License:		LGPL
URL:			http://www.icewm.org
Source0:		http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1:		http://lostclus.linux.kiev.ua/scripts/icewm-xdg-menu
Source2:		icewm.desktop
Source4:		icewm-startup
BuildRoot:		%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

BuildRequires:	imlib-devel
BuildRequires:	xorg-x11-proto-devel
BuildRequires:	libXinerama-devel
BuildRequires:	libXft-devel
BuildRequires:	libICE-devel
BuildRequires:	gettext
BuildRequires:	gnome-desktop-devel
Requires:		redhat-artwork
Requires:		alsa-utils
Requires:		htmlview
Requires:		xterm

Patch0:			icewm-configure.patch
Patch1:			icewm-menu.patch
Patch2:			icewm-toolbar.patch
Patch3:			icewm-keys.patch

IceWM is a window manager for the X Window System (freedesktop, XFree86).
The goal of IceWM is speed, simplicity, and not getting in the user's way.

%package		gnome
Summary:		GNOME menu support for IceWM window manager
Group:			User Interface/Desktops
Requires:		gnome-menus
Requires:		icewm = %{version}-%{release}

%description	gnome
IceWM-gnome adds gnome-menu support for the IceWM window manager.

%package		xdgmenu
Summary:		Automatically generate the main IceWM menu
Group:			User Interface/Desktops
Requires:		pyxdg
Requires:		icewm = %{version}-%{release}

%description	xdgmenu
IceWM-xdgmenu generates static IceWM menu files from the existing
freedesktop.org .desktop files. Files are re-generated each time the
user logs-in.

%setup -q
%patch0 -p1 -b .configure
%patch1 -p1 -b .menu
%patch2 -p1 -b .toolbar
%patch3 -p1 -b .keys

# Configure sets the CXXFLAGS to: -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wxxx...
# In general it doesn't seem to break anything. BZ# if you hit something bad.
%configure --enable-gradients 					\
			--enable-antialiasing				\
			--enable-menus-gnome2				\
			--disable-menus-gnome1				\
make %{?_smp_mflags}

make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT INSTALL="%{__install} -p"

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1
%{__install} -p -m 644 doc/icewm.1.man $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/icewm.1

%{__install} -p -m 755 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}

%{__install} -p -m 755 %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icewm/startup

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/xsessions/
%{__install} -p -m 644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xsessions/

%find_lang %{name}


%files -f %{name}.lang
%exclude %{_datadir}/icewm/startup

%files gnome

%files xdgmenu

* Sat Feb 10 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-12
- Add missing dot in the -gnome sub-package description.
- Replace REQ icewm (in both -gnome and -xdgmenu) with icewm-x.x.x.
- Fix -xdgmenu file list and %%install section.
- Preserve the source time-stamp.

* Sun Feb 04 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-11
- Remove .Xdefaults fix from startup. (reported upstream).
- Replace buildroot with RPM_BUILD_ROOT.

* Sun Jan 28 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-10
- Missing REQ: icewm (both -gnome and -xdgmenu)
- Updated menu.in patch.
- Updated startup script. (-xdgmenu)
- Updated icewm-xdg-menu script. (-xdgmenu)

* Thu Jan 25 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-9
- Remove redundant icewm-xdg-menu* %%file entry.
- Change sub-package name to xdgmenu.
- Move icewm-xdg-menu to xdgmenu sub-package.
- Removed the icewm-generate-menu script.

* Sat Jan 20 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-8
- Fix source1 URL. (2nd is a winner)
- Fix -gnome summery.
- New sub-package: icewm-xdg-menu
- ALPHA: icewm-generate-menu script added to use icewm-xdg-menu to generate static menus.

* Sat Jan 20 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-7
- Fix source1 URL.
- Fix xdg-menu* owner.
- Replace default terminal icon to reduce dep-chain.
- Fix icewm-gnome description.
- Replace install with %%{_install}
- Push -gnome's BR to main package.
- Change hard-coded sysconf path.

* Tue Jan 18 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-6
- Change license back to LGPL.
- Change summery.
- New sub-package: -gnome. (GNOME menu support.)
- Missing REQ: xterm.
- Missing REQ: htmlview.
- Remove redundant %%_sysconf section.
- Remove redundant redhat-xxx icons.
- New REQ: redhat-artwork. (icons)
- Better man pages handling.
- Customize keys to better match fedora.
- New REQ: eject. (keys)
- New REQ: alsautils. (keys)

* Wed Jan 17 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-5
- Fix Source0 URL.
- Replace cp with install.
- Do not gzip the man page, just copy it.
- Use htmlview instead of firefox.
- Use BlueCurve icons instead of the mozilla ones.
- Re-fix lang support.
- Return the default configuration files to %%_datadir
- Add gdm session support.
- Remove gnome-menus from default menu - replace it with pyxdg/icewm-xdg-menu.

* Tue Jan 16 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-4
- Fix man page name.
- Remove missing menu items.
- Convert GNOME-menu patch to configure.in patch.
- Push default configuration into /etc/icewm
- Remove the default KDE support. (At least for now)
- Require firefox (default browser in Fedora).
- Add missing firefox icon. (No source - manual convert)
- Add missing gnome-menus. (required for GNOME2 menus)
- Fix missing gettext BR.
- Fix missing lang support.

* Sat Jan 13 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-3
- Fix wrong license. (Was LGPL, should be GPL.)

* Tue Jan 11 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-2
- Manually add missing man page.

* Tue Jan 11 2007 <gilboad AT gmail DOT com> - 1.2.30-1
- Initial release.

--- NEW FILE icewm-startup ---
[ ! -d ~/.icewm ] && mkdir ~/.icewm
icewm-xdg-menu --entire-menu --with-theme-paths --icon-size 16 --theme Bluecurve > ~/.icewm/programs.autogen


--- NEW FILE icewm-toolbar.patch ---
--- icewm-1.2.30/lib/toolbar.in.old	2007-01-18 18:51:55.000000000 +0200
+++ icewm-1.2.30/lib/toolbar.in	2007-01-18 18:55:50.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
 # since modifications to this file will be discarded when you
 # (re)install icewm.
-prog XTerm xterm xterm
-prog FTE fte fte
-prog Netscape netscape netscape
+prog xterm /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/32x32/apps/gnome-terminal.png xterm
+prog "Web browser" /usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/32x32/apps/mozilla-icon.png htmlview

--- NEW FILE icewm-xdg-menu ---
This script generates FreeDesktop application menu for IceWM window manager.

Written by Konstantin Korikov <lostclus at ua.fm>, put in the public domain

Requires pyxdg http://cvs.freedesktop.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/pyxdg/


Add to $HOME/.icewm/menu this line:

	menuprog Applications - icewm-xdg-menu

and restart IceWM.

import sys
import locale
import getopt
import re
import xdg.Menu
import xdg.DesktopEntry
import xdg.IconTheme
import xdg.Config

version = "0.3"

def print_usage(exit_code = 1):
  print """Usage: %s [options]
  --locale=locale               set output languege and encoding
  --root-folder folder          folder to generate (for example: /Games)
  --terminal command            set terminal emulator command (default: xterm -e %%s)
  --default-folder-icon icon    icon for folders that not provide Icon option
  --default-entry-icon icon     icon for entries that not provide Icon option
  --with-theme-paths            convert icon base names to icon absolute paths
                                using icon theme
  --entire-menu                 print entire menu
  --icon-size                   set default icon size
  --theme theme                 set icon theme
  --help                        print this help and exit
  --version                     print version and exit
""" % sys.argv[0]
def print_version():
  print "%s version %s" % (
    os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), version)

root_folder = ""
terminal = "xterm -e %s"
default_folder_icon = "folder"
default_entry_icon = "-"
entire_menu = False
with_theme_paths = False
icon_size = 16

exec_clean1_re = re.compile(r'%[a-zA-Z]')
exec_clean2_re = re.compile(r'%%')
encoding = None
locale_str = None

def find_icon(entry):
  icon = entry.getIcon()
  if icon and with_theme_paths:
    icon = xdg.IconTheme.getIconPath(icon, icon_size) or icon
  return icon

def process_menu(menu):
  for entry in menu.getEntries():
    if isinstance(entry, xdg.Menu.Menu):
      name = entry.getName() or entry.DesktopFileID
      icon = find_icon(entry) or default_folder_icon

      if entire_menu:
        print ("menu \"%s\" \"%s\" {" % (name, icon)).encode(encoding)
        print "}".encode(encoding)
        print (("menuprog \"%s\" \"%s\" %s" % (name, icon, sys.argv[0])) +
            (" --root-folder \"%s\"" % entry.getPath(org=True)) +
            (" --terminal \"%s\"" % terminal) +
            (" --default-folder-icon \"%s\"" % default_folder_icon) +
            (" --default-entry-icon \"%s\"" % default_entry_icon) +
            (" --theme \"%s\"" % xdg.Config.icon_theme) +
            (" --icon-size \"%d\"" % icon_size) +
            (with_theme_paths and " --with-theme-paths" or "")).encode(encoding),
        if locale_str:
          print (" --locale \"%s\"" % locale_str).encode(encoding),
    elif isinstance(entry, xdg.Menu.MenuEntry):
      de = entry.DesktopEntry
      name = de.getName() or entry.DesktopFileID
      icon = find_icon(de) or default_entry_icon
      execute = exec_clean2_re.sub('%', exec_clean1_re.sub('', de.getExec()))
      if de.getTerminal(): execute = terminal % execute      
      print ("prog \"%s\" \"%s\" %s" % (name, icon, execute)).encode(encoding)

try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", 
  ("help", "version", "locale=",
   "root-folder=", "terminal=", "default-folder-icon=", 
   "default-entry-icon=", "entire-menu", "theme=", "with-theme-paths",
except getopt.GetoptError: print_usage()

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")

for o, v in opts:
  if o == "--locale":
    locale_str = v
    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_str)
  if o == "--root-folder": root_folder = v
  elif o == "--terminal": terminal = v
  elif o == "--default-folder-icon": default_folder_icon = v
  elif o == "--default-entry-icon": default_entry_icon = v
  elif o == "--entire-menu" : entire_menu = True
  elif o == "--with-theme-paths" : with_theme_paths = True
  elif o == "--icon-size": icon_size = int(v)
  elif o == "--theme" : xdg.Config.setIconTheme(v)
  elif o in ("-h", "-?", "--help"): print_usage(0)
  elif o in ("-v", "--version"): print_version()

encoding = locale.getlocale()[1] or 'UTF-8'
menu = xdg.Menu.parse()
if root_folder: menu = menu.getMenu(root_folder)

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