devel/vim vim-7.1-ada.patch,NONE,1.1 vim.spec,1.185,1.186

Karsten Hopp (karsten) fedora-extras-commits at
Wed Jan 16 15:58:49 UTC 2008

Author: karsten

Update of /cvs/extras/devel/vim
In directory

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Log Message:
- add newer ada runtime files to fix bugzilla #246378


--- NEW FILE vim-7.1-ada.patch ---
diff -urN vim71/1/ada_options.vim vim71_ada/1/ada_options.vim
--- vim71/1/ada_options.vim	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ vim71_ada/1/ada_options.vim	2008-01-16 16:37:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+"  Description: Options setable by the Ada plugin
+"	   $Id: ada_options.vim 774 2007-09-17 09:11:59Z krischik $
+"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+"   Maintainer:	Martin Krischik
+"      $Author: krischik $
+"	 $Date: 2007-09-17 11:11:59 +0200 (Mo, 17 Sep 2007) $
+"      Version: 4.5
+"    $Revision: 774 $
+"     $HeadURL: $
+"      History:	24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+"		16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
+"		02.10.2006 MK Folding for "gnat pretty"
+"		15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+"		05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
+"	 Usage: copy content into your .vimrc and change options to your
+"		likeing.
+"    Help Page: ft-ada-options
+echoerr 'It is suggested to copy the content of ada_options into .vimrc!'
+finish " 1}}}
+" Section: Ada options {{{1
+   let   g:ada_abbrev		       = 1
+   let   g:ada_default_compiler	       = 'gnat'
+   let   g:ada_extended_tagging	       = 'list'
+   let   g:ada_folding		       = 'i'
+"  let   g:ada_folding		       = 'gibxp'
+"  let   g:ada_folding		       = 'spftc'
+   let   g:ada_rainbow_color	       = 1
+   let   g:ada_space_errors	       = 1
+   let   g:ada_standard_types	       = 1
+   let   g:ada_with_gnat_project_files = 1
+"  let	 g:ada_extended_completion     = 1
+"  let   g:ada_line_errors	       = 1
+"  let   g:ada_omni_with_keywords      = 1
+   let   g:Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow       = 1
+   let   g:Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close  = 1
+   let   g:Tlist_Sort_Type	       = "name"
+   let   g:NERD_use_ada_with_spaces    = 1
+   let   g:backup_directory	       = '.backups'
+   let   g:backup_purge		       = 10
+   let   g:mapleader		       = "<F12>"
+   if &diff
+       let   g:Tlist_Auto_Open	       = 0
+   else
+       let   g:Tlist_Auto_Open	       = 1
+   endif
+   filetype plugin indent on
+   syntax enable
+" }}}1
+" Section: Vimball options {{{1
+:set expandtab fileformat=unix encoding=utf-8
+:.+2,.+13 MkVimball ada-4.5.0
+" }}}1
+" Section: Tar options {{{1
+tar --create --bzip2	      \
+   --file="ada-4.5.0.tar.bz2" \
+   autoload/ada.vim	      \
+   autoload/adacomplete.vim   \
+   autoload/decada.vim	      \
+   autoload/gnat.vim	      \
+   compiler/decada.vim	      \
+   compiler/gnat.vim	      \
+   doc/ft_ada.txt	      \
+   ftdetect/ada.vim	      \
+   ftplugin/ada.vim	      \
+   indent/ada.vim	      \
+   syntax/ada.vim	      ;
+" }}}1
+"   Copyright (C) 2006	Martin Krischik
+"   Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
+" vim: nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
+" vim: textwidth=0 foldmethod=marker foldmethod=marker
diff -urN vim71/1/autoload/adacomplete.vim vim71_ada/1/autoload/adacomplete.vim
--- vim71/1/autoload/adacomplete.vim	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ vim71_ada/1/autoload/adacomplete.vim	2008-01-16 16:37:03.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+"  Description: Vim Ada omnicompletion file
+"     Language:	Ada (2005)
+"	   $Id: adacomplete.vim 825 2007-12-09 13:34:03Z krischik $
+"   Maintainer:	Martin Krischik
+"      $Author: krischik $
+"	 $Date: 2007-12-09 14:34:03 +0100 (So, 09 Dez 2007) $
+"      Version: 4.5
+"    $Revision: 825 $
+"     $HeadURL: $
+"      History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+"		26.05.2006 MK improved search for begin of word.
+"		16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
+"		15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+"		05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested not to use include protection for
+"			      autoload
+"		05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested agaist using setlocal omnifunc 
+"		05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
+"    Help Page: ft-ada-omni
+if version < 700
+   finish
+" Section: adacomplete#Complete () {{{1
+" This function is used for the 'omnifunc' option.
+function! adacomplete#Complete (findstart, base)
+   if a:findstart == 1
+      return ada#User_Complete (a:findstart, a:base)
+   else
+      "
+      " look up matches
+      "
+      if exists ("g:ada_omni_with_keywords")
+	 call ada#User_Complete (a:findstart, a:base)
+      endif
+      "
+      "  search tag file for matches
+      "
+      let l:Pattern  = '^' . a:base . '.*$'
+      let l:Tag_List = taglist (l:Pattern)
+      "
+      " add symbols
+      "
+      for Tag_Item in l:Tag_List
+	 if l:Tag_Item['kind'] == ''
+	    "
+	    " Tag created by gnat xref
+	    "
+	    let l:Match_Item = {
+	       \ 'word':  l:Tag_Item['name'],
+	       \ 'menu':  l:Tag_Item['filename'],
+	       \ 'info':  "Symbol from file " . l:Tag_Item['filename'] . " line " . l:Tag_Item['cmd'],
+	       \ 'kind':  's',
+	       \ 'icase': 1}
+	 else
+	    "
+	    " Tag created by ctags
+	    "
+	    let l:Info	= 'Symbol		 : ' . l:Tag_Item['name']  . "\n"
+	    let l:Info .= 'Of type		 : ' . g:ada#Ctags_Kinds[l:Tag_Item['kind']][1]  . "\n"
+	    let l:Info .= 'Defined in File	 : ' . l:Tag_Item['filename'] . "\n"
+	    if has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'package')
+	       let l:Info .= 'Package		    : ' . l:Tag_Item['package'] . "\n"
+	       let l:Menu  = l:Tag_Item['package']
+	    elseif has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'separate')
+	       let l:Info .= 'Separate from Package : ' . l:Tag_Item['separate'] . "\n"
+	       let l:Menu  = l:Tag_Item['separate']
+	    elseif has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'packspec')
+	       let l:Info .= 'Package Specification : ' . l:Tag_Item['packspec'] . "\n"
+	       let l:Menu  = l:Tag_Item['packspec']
+	    elseif has_key( l:Tag_Item, 'type')
+	       let l:Info .= 'Datetype		    : ' . l:Tag_Item['type'] . "\n"
+	       let l:Menu  = l:Tag_Item['type']
+	    else
+	       let l:Menu  = l:Tag_Item['filename']
+	    endif
+	    let l:Match_Item = {
+	       \ 'word':  l:Tag_Item['name'],
+	       \ 'menu':  l:Menu,
+	       \ 'info':  l:Info,
[...46958 lines suppressed...]
+" We won't map "adaAssignment" by default, but we need to map ":=" to
+" something or the "=" inside it will be mislabelled as an operator.
+" Note that in Ada, assignment (:=) is not considered an operator.
+syn match adaAssignment		":="
+" Handle the box, <>, specially:
+syn keyword adaSpecial	<>
+" Numbers, including floating point, exponents, and alternate bases.
+syn match   adaNumber		"\<\d[0-9_]*\(\.\d[0-9_]*\)\=\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\=\>"
+syn match   adaNumber		"\<\d\d\=#\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\(\.\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\)\=#\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\="
+" Identify leading numeric signs. In "A-5" the "-" is an operator,
+" but in "A:=-5" the "-" is a sign. This handles "A3+-5" (etc.) correctly.
+" This assumes that if you put a don't put a space after +/- when it's used
+" as an operator, you won't put a space before it either -- which is true
+" in code I've seen.
+syn match adaSign "[[:space:]<>=(,|:;&*/+-][+-]\d"lc=1,hs=s+1,he=e-1,me=e-1
+" Labels for the goto statement.
+syn region  adaLabel		start="<<"  end=">>"
+" Boolean Constants.
+syn keyword adaBoolean	true false
+" Warn people who try to use C/C++ notation erroneously:
+syn match adaError "//"
+syn match adaError "/\*"
+syn match adaError "=="
+if exists("ada_space_errors")
+  if !exists("ada_no_trail_space_error")
+    syn match   adaSpaceError     excludenl "\s\+$"
+  endif
+  if !exists("ada_no_tab_space_error")
+    syn match   adaSpaceError     " \+\t"me=e-1
+  endif
+" Unless special ("end loop", "end if", etc.), "end" marks the end of a
+" begin, package, task etc. Assiging it to adaEnd.
+syn match adaEnd		"\<end\>"
+syn keyword adaPreproc		pragma
+syn keyword adaRepeat		exit for loop reverse while
+syn match adaRepeat		"\<end\s\+loop\>"
+syn keyword adaStatement	accept delay goto raise requeue return
+syn keyword adaStatement	terminate
+" BUSH-specific statements
+syn keyword adaStatement	cd
+syn keyword adaStatement	clear
+syn keyword adaStatement	env
+syn keyword adaStatement	inkey
+syn keyword adaStatement	jobs
+syn keyword adaStatement	logout
+syn keyword adaStatement	pwd
+syn keyword adaStatement	step
+syn keyword adaStatement	trace
+syn keyword adaStatement	typeset
+syn keyword adaStatement	unset
+syn keyword adaStatement	wait
+syn keyword adaStatement	history
+syn keyword adaStatement	"?"
+syn match adaStatement	"\<abort\>"
+" Handle Ada's record keywords.
+" 'record' usually starts a structure, but "with null record;" does not,
+" and 'end record;' ends a structure.  The ordering here is critical -
+" 'record;' matches a "with null record", so make it a keyword (this can
+" match when the 'with' or 'null' is on a previous line).
+" We see the "end" in "end record" before the word record, so we match that
+" pattern as adaStructure (and it won't match the "record;" pattern).
+syn match adaStructure	"\<record\>"
+syn match adaStructure	"\<end\s\+record\>"
+syn match adaKeyword	"\<record;"me=e-1
+syn keyword adaStorageClass	abstract access aliased array at constant delta
+syn keyword adaStorageClass	digits limited of private range tagged
+syn keyword adaTypedef		subtype type
+" Conditionals. "abort" after "then" is a conditional of its own.
+syn match adaConditional	"\<then\>"
+syn match adaConditional	"\<then\s\+abort\>"
+syn match adaConditional	"\<else\>"
+syn match adaConditional	"\<end\s\+if\>"
+syn match adaConditional	"\<end\s\+case\>"
+syn match adaConditional	"\<end\s\+select\>"
+syn keyword adaConditional	if case select
+syn keyword adaConditional	elsif when
+syn keyword adaKeyword		all do exception in is new null out
+syn keyword adaKeyword		separate until
+" These keywords begin various constructs, and you _might_ want to
+" highlight them differently.
+syn keyword adaBegin		begin body declare entry function generic
+syn keyword adaBegin		package procedure protected renames task
+if exists("ada_withuse_ordinary")
+" Don't be fancy. Display "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords in all cases.
+ syn keyword adaKeyword		with use
+ " Highlight "with" and "use" clauses like C's "#include" when they're used
+ " to reference other compilation units; otherwise they're ordinary keywords.
+ " If we have vim 6.0 or later, we'll use its advanced pattern-matching
+ " capabilities so that we won't match leading spaces.
+ syn match adaKeyword	"\<with\>"
+ syn match adaKeyword	"\<use\>"
+ if version < 600
+  syn match adaBeginWith "^\s*\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
+  syn match adaSemiWith	";\s*\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>"lc=1 contains=adaInc
+ else
+  syn match adaBeginWith "^\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
+  syn match adaSemiWith	";\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
+ endif
+ syn match adaInc	"\<with\>" contained contains=NONE
+ syn match adaInc	"\<with\s\+type\>" contained contains=NONE
+ syn match adaInc	"\<use\>" contained contains=NONE
+ " Recognize "with null record" as a keyword (even the "record").
+ syn match adaKeyword	"\<with\s\+null\s\+record\>"
+ " Consider generic formal parameters of subprograms and packages as keywords.
+ if version < 600
+  syn match adaKeyword	";\s*with\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
+  syn match adaKeyword	"^\s*with\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
+ else
+  syn match adaKeyword	";\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
+  syn match adaKeyword	"^\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
+ endif
+" String and character constants.
+syn region  adaString		start=+"+  skip=+""+  end=+"+
+syn match   adaCharacter	"'.'"
+" Todo (only highlighted in comments)
+syn keyword adaTodo contained	TODO FIXME XXX
+" Comments.
+syn region  adaComment	oneline contains=adaTodo start="--"  end="$"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_ada_syn_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_ada_syn_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later.
+  HiLink adaCharacter	Character
+  HiLink adaComment	Comment
+  HiLink adaConditional	Conditional
+  HiLink adaKeyword	Keyword
+  HiLink adaLabel	Label
+  HiLink adaNumber	Number
+  HiLink adaSign	Number
+  HiLink adaOperator	Operator
+  HiLink adaPreproc	PreProc
+  HiLink adaRepeat	Repeat
+  HiLink adaSpecial	Special
+  HiLink adaStatement	Statement
+  HiLink adaString	String
+  HiLink adaStructure	Structure
+  HiLink adaTodo	Todo
+  HiLink adaType	Type
+  HiLink adaTypedef	Typedef
+  HiLink adaStorageClass	StorageClass
+  HiLink adaBoolean	Boolean
+  HiLink adaException	Exception
+  HiLink adaInc	Include
+  HiLink adaError	Error
+  HiLink adaSpaceError	Error
+  HiLink adaBuiltinType Type
+  if exists("ada_begin_preproc")
+   " This is the old default display:
+   HiLink adaBegin	PreProc
+   HiLink adaEnd	PreProc
+  else
+   " This is the new default display:
+   HiLink adaBegin	Keyword
+   HiLink adaEnd	Keyword
+  endif
+  delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "ada"
+" vim: ts=8

Index: vim.spec
RCS file: /cvs/extras/devel/vim/vim.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.185
retrieving revision 1.186
diff -u -r1.185 -r1.186
--- vim.spec	16 Jan 2008 09:37:16 -0000	1.185
+++ vim.spec	16 Jan 2008 15:58:14 -0000	1.186
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 Name: vim
 Version: %{baseversion}.%{beta}%{patchlevel}
-Release: 1%{?dist}
+Release: 2%{?dist}
 License: Vim
 Group: Applications/Editors
@@ -295,6 +295,8 @@
 Patch3010: vim-7.0-syncolor.patch
 Patch3011: vim-7.0-vimspelltypo.patch
 Patch3012: vim-7.0-specedit.patch
+# Remove this one when the runtime files get updated (#246378):
+Patch3013: vim-7.1-ada.patch
 Patch3100: vim-selinux.patch
 Patch3101: vim-selinux2.patch
@@ -664,6 +666,7 @@
 %patch3010 -p1
 %patch3011 -p1
 %patch3012 -p1
+%patch3013 -p1
 %patch3100 -p1
@@ -1031,6 +1034,9 @@
+* Wed Jan 16 2008 Karsten Hopp <karsten at> 7.1.230-2
+- add newer ada runtime files to fix bugzilla #246378
 * Wed Jan 16 2008 Karsten Hopp <karsten at> 7.1.230-1
 - patchlevel 230, fixes memory leak

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