rpms/openoffice.org/devel workspace.cairotext01.patch, NONE, 1.1 openoffice.org.spec, 1.1406, 1.1407 openoffice.org-2.4.0.ooo85470.vcl.cairotext.patch, 1.2, NONE

Caolan McNamara (caolanm) fedora-extras-commits at redhat.com
Mon Jan 28 09:33:58 UTC 2008

Author: caolanm

Update of /cvs/pkgs/rpms/openoffice.org/devel
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv9944

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:
add optimized cairo text rendering, make as default


--- NEW FILE workspace.cairotext01.patch ---
Index: gsl/vcl/inc/vcl/glyphcache.hxx
diff -u gsl/vcl/inc/vcl/glyphcache.hxx:1.2 gsl/vcl/inc/vcl/glyphcache.hxx:
--- gsl/vcl/inc/vcl/glyphcache.hxx:1.2	Wed Apr 11 10:55:02 2007
+++ gsl/vcl/inc/vcl/glyphcache.hxx	Fri Jan 25 00:53:45 2008
@@ -186,6 +186,10 @@
     virtual const ::rtl::OString*   GetFontFileName() const { return NULL; }
     virtual int                 GetFontFaceNumber() const   { return 0; }
     virtual bool                TestFont() const            { return true; }
+    virtual void*               GetFtFace() const { return 0; }
+    virtual int                 GetLoadFlags() const { return 0; }
+    virtual bool                NeedsArtificialBold() const { return false; }
+    virtual bool		        NeedsArtificialItalic() const { return false; }
     const ImplFontSelectData&   GetFontSelData() const      { return maFontSelData; }
Index: gsl/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.hxx
diff -u gsl/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.hxx:1.39 gsl/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.hxx:
--- gsl/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.hxx:1.39	Tue Jul 31 09:09:30 2007
+++ gsl/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.hxx	Fri Jan 25 00:53:46 2008
@@ -185,6 +185,10 @@
     virtual const ::rtl::OString* GetFontFileName() const { return mpFontInfo->GetFontFileName(); }
     virtual int                 GetFontFaceNum() const { return mpFontInfo->GetFaceNum(); }
     virtual bool                TestFont() const;
+    virtual void*               GetFtFace() const { return maFaceFT; }
+    virtual int               	GetLoadFlags() const { return mnLoadFlags; }
+    virtual bool                NeedsArtificialBold() const { return mbArtBold; }
+    virtual bool                NeedsArtificialItalic() const { return mbArtItalic; }
     virtual void                FetchFontMetric( ImplFontMetricData&, long& rFactor ) const;
Index: gsl/vcl/unx/inc/salgdi.h
diff -u gsl/vcl/unx/inc/salgdi.h:1.41 gsl/vcl/unx/inc/salgdi.h:
--- gsl/vcl/unx/inc/salgdi.h:1.41	Wed Jun 27 13:41:23 2007
+++ gsl/vcl/unx/inc/salgdi.h	Mon Jan 28 00:53:49 2008
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
 #include <vcl/dllapi.h>
+#include <deque>
 #include "xfont.hxx"
 // -=-= forwards -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
@@ -78,6 +80,19 @@
 // -=-= SalGraphicsData =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+class CairoFontsCache
+    static int mnRefCount;
+    typedef std::deque< std::pair<void *, void*> > LRUFonts;
+    static LRUFonts maLRUFonts;
+    CairoFontsCache();
+    static void  CacheFont(void *pFont, void *pId);
+    static void* FindCachedFont(void *pId);
+    ~CairoFontsCache();
 class VCL_DLLPUBLIC X11SalGraphics : public SalGraphics
     friend class            X11FontLayout;
@@ -90,7 +105,8 @@
     SalColormap    *m_pDeleteColormap;
     Drawable        hDrawable_;     // use
     int             m_nScreen;
-	void*           pRenderFormat_;
+    void*           pRenderFormat_;
+    CairoFontsCache m_aCairoFontsCache;
     XLIB_Region     pPaintRegion_;
     XLIB_Region     pClipRegion_;
@@ -198,6 +214,7 @@
     void                    DrawServerSimpleFontString( const ServerFontLayout& );
     void                    DrawServerAAFontString( const ServerFontLayout& );
     bool                    DrawServerAAForcedString( const ServerFontLayout& );
+    void                    DrawCairoAAFontString( const ServerFontLayout& );
     void freeResources();
Index: gsl/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx
diff -u gsl/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx:1.149 gsl/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx:
--- gsl/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx:1.149	Wed Dec 12 05:21:50 2007
+++ gsl/vcl/unx/source/gdi/salgdi3.cxx	Mon Jan 28 00:53:49 2008
@@ -123,6 +123,32 @@
 #include <hash_set>
+struct cairo_surface_t;
+struct cairo_t;
+struct cairo_font_face_t;
+typedef void* FT_Face;
+struct cairo_matrix_t {
+    double xx; double yx;
+    double xy; double yy;
+    double x0; double y0;
+struct cairo_glyph_t
+    unsigned long index;
+    double x;
+    double y;
+struct BOX
+    short x1, x2, y1, y2;
+struct _XRegion
+    long size;
+    long numRects;
+    BOX *rects;
+    BOX extents;
 using namespace rtl;
 // -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
@@ -734,6 +760,282 @@
+namespace {
+class CairoWrapper
+    bool mbIsValid;
+    cairo_surface_t* (*mp_xlib_surface_create)(Display *, Drawable , Visual *, int , int );
+    void (*mp_surface_destroy)(cairo_surface_t *);
+    cairo_t* (*mp_create)(cairo_surface_t *);
+    void (*mp_destroy)(cairo_t*);
+    void (*mp_clip)(cairo_t*);
+    void (*mp_rectangle)(cairo_t*, double, double, double, double);
+    cairo_font_face_t * (*mp_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face)(FT_Face, int);
+    void (*mp_set_font_face)(cairo_t *, cairo_font_face_t *);
+    void (*mp_font_face_destroy)(cairo_font_face_t *);
+    void (*mp_matrix_init_identity)(cairo_matrix_t *);
+    void (*mp_matrix_scale)(cairo_matrix_t *, double, double);
+    void (*mp_matrix_rotate)(cairo_matrix_t *, double);
+    void (*mp_set_font_matrix)(cairo_t *, const cairo_matrix_t *);
+    void (*mp_show_glyphs)(cairo_t *, const cairo_glyph_t *, int );
+    void (*mp_set_source_rgb)(cairo_t *, double , double , double );
+    bool canEmbolden() const { return false; }
+    CairoWrapper();
+    static CairoWrapper& get();
+    bool isValid() const { return mbIsValid; }
+    bool isCairoRenderable(const ServerFont& rFont);
+    cairo_surface_t* xlib_surface_create(Display *pDisplay, Drawable drawable, Visual *pVisual, int width, int height)
+        { return (*mp_xlib_surface_create)(pDisplay, drawable, pVisual, width, height); }
+    void surface_destroy(cairo_surface_t *surface) { (*mp_surface_destroy)(surface); }
+    cairo_t* create(cairo_surface_t *surface) { return (*mp_create)(surface); }
+    void destroy(cairo_t *cr) { (*mp_destroy)(cr); }
+    void clip(cairo_t *cr) { (*mp_clip)(cr); }
+    void rectangle(cairo_t *cr, double x, double y, double width, double height) 
+        { (*mp_rectangle)(cr, x, y, width, height); }
+    cairo_font_face_t* ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face(FT_Face face, int load_flags)
+        { return (*mp_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face)(face, load_flags); }
+    void set_font_face(cairo_t *cr, cairo_font_face_t *font_face)
+        { (*mp_set_font_face)(cr, font_face); }
+    void font_face_destroy(cairo_font_face_t *font_face)
+        { (*mp_font_face_destroy)(font_face); }
+    void matrix_init_identity(cairo_matrix_t *matrix)
+        { (*mp_matrix_init_identity)(matrix); }
+    void matrix_scale(cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double sx, double sy)
+        { (*mp_matrix_scale)(matrix, sx, sy); }
+    void matrix_rotate(cairo_matrix_t *matrix, double radians)
+        { (*mp_matrix_rotate)(matrix, radians); }
+    void set_font_matrix(cairo_t *cr, const cairo_matrix_t *matrix)
+        { (*mp_set_font_matrix)(cr, matrix); }
+    void show_glyphs(cairo_t *cr, const cairo_glyph_t *glyphs, int no_glyphs)
+        { (*mp_show_glyphs)(cr, glyphs, no_glyphs); }
+    void set_source_rgb(cairo_t *cr, double red, double green, double blue)
+        { (*mp_set_source_rgb)(cr, red, green, blue); }
+static CairoWrapper* pCairoInstance = NULL;
+CairoWrapper& CairoWrapper::get()
+    if( ! pCairoInstance )
+        pCairoInstance = new CairoWrapper();
+    return *pCairoInstance;
+CairoWrapper::CairoWrapper() : mbIsValid(false)
+    static const char* pDisableCairoText = getenv( "SAL_DISABLE_CAIROTEXT" );
+    if( pDisableCairoText && (pDisableCairoText[0] == '1') )
+        return;
+    mp_xlib_surface_create = (cairo_surface_t* (*)(Display *, Drawable , Visual *, int , int )) 
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_xlib_surface_create" );
+    mp_surface_destroy = (void(*)(cairo_surface_t*)) 
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_surface_destroy" );
+    mp_create = (cairo_t*(*)(cairo_surface_t*)) 
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_create" );
+    mp_destroy = (void(*)(cairo_t*))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_destroy" );
+    mp_clip = (void(*)(cairo_t*))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_clip" );
+    mp_rectangle = (void(*)(cairo_t*, double, double, double, double))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_rectangle" );
+    mp_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face = (cairo_font_face_t * (*)(FT_Face, int))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face" );
+    mp_set_font_face = (void (*)(cairo_t *, cairo_font_face_t *))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_set_font_face" );
+    mp_font_face_destroy = (void (*)(cairo_font_face_t *))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_font_face_destroy" );
+    mp_matrix_init_identity = (void (*)(cairo_matrix_t *))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_matrix_init_identity" );
+    mp_matrix_scale = (void (*)(cairo_matrix_t *, double, double))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_matrix_scale" );
+    mp_matrix_rotate = (void (*)(cairo_matrix_t *, double))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_matrix_rotate" );
+    mp_set_font_matrix = (void (*)(cairo_t *, const cairo_matrix_t *))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_set_font_matrix" );
+    mp_show_glyphs = (void (*)(cairo_t *, const cairo_glyph_t *, int ))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_show_glyphs" );
+    mp_set_source_rgb = (void (*)(cairo_t *, double , double , double ))
+        osl_getAsciiFunctionSymbol(NULL, "cairo_set_source_rgb" );
+    mbIsValid = 
+        (
+            mp_xlib_surface_create &&
+            mp_surface_destroy &&
+            mp_create &&
+            mp_destroy &&
+            mp_clip &&
+            mp_rectangle &&
+            mp_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face &&
+            mp_set_font_face &&
+            mp_font_face_destroy &&
+            mp_matrix_init_identity &&
+            mp_matrix_scale &&
+            mp_matrix_rotate &&
+            mp_set_font_matrix &&
+            mp_show_glyphs &&
+            mp_set_source_rgb
+        );
+    if (!mbIsValid)
+    {
+        fprintf( stderr, "not all needed symbols were found\n" );
+    }
+bool CairoWrapper::isCairoRenderable(const ServerFont& rFont)
+    return rFont.GetFtFace() && isValid() && 
+        (rFont.NeedsArtificialBold() ? canEmbolden() : true);
+} //namespace
+CairoFontsCache::LRUFonts CairoFontsCache::maLRUFonts;
+int CairoFontsCache::mnRefCount = 0;
+    ++mnRefCount;
+    --mnRefCount;
+    if (!mnRefCount && !maLRUFonts.empty())
+    {
+        CairoWrapper &rCairo = CairoWrapper::get();
+        LRUFonts::iterator aEnd = maLRUFonts.end();
+        for (LRUFonts::iterator aI = maLRUFonts.begin(); aI != aEnd; ++aI)
+            rCairo.font_face_destroy((cairo_font_face_t*)aI->first);
+    }
+void CairoFontsCache::CacheFont(void *pFont, void* pId)
+    maLRUFonts.push_front( std::pair<void*, void *>(pFont, pId) );
+    if (maLRUFonts.size() > 8)
+    {
+        CairoWrapper &rCairo = CairoWrapper::get();
+        rCairo.font_face_destroy((cairo_font_face_t*)maLRUFonts.back().first);
+        maLRUFonts.pop_back();
+    }
+void* CairoFontsCache::FindCachedFont(void *pId)
+    LRUFonts::iterator aEnd = maLRUFonts.end();
+    for (LRUFonts::iterator aI = maLRUFonts.begin(); aI != aEnd; ++aI)
+        if (aI->second == pId)
+            return aI->first;
+    return NULL;
+void X11SalGraphics::DrawCairoAAFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
+    static const int MAXGLYPHS = 160;
+    sal_Int32 aGlyphAry[ MAXGLYPHS ];
+    sal_Int32 aWidthAry[ MAXGLYPHS ];
+    std::vector<cairo_glyph_t> cairo_glyphs;
+    int nMaxGlyphs = rLayout.GetOrientation() ? 1 : MAXGLYPHS;
+    Point aPos;
+    int nStart = 0;
+    int nGlyphCount;
+    while ((nGlyphCount = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs(nMaxGlyphs, aGlyphAry, aPos, nStart, aWidthAry)))
+    {
+        long nXPos = aPos.X();
+        long nYPos = aPos.Y();
+        for (int i = 0; i < nGlyphCount; ++i)
+        {
+            cairo_glyph_t aGlyph;
+            aGlyph.index = aGlyphAry[i];
+            aGlyph.x = nXPos;
+            aGlyph.y = nYPos;
+            cairo_glyphs.push_back(aGlyph);
+            nXPos += aWidthAry[i];
+        }
+    }
+    if (cairo_glyphs.empty())
+        return;
+    CairoWrapper &rCairo = CairoWrapper::get();
+    Display* pDisplay = GetXDisplay();
+    Visual* pVisual = GetDisplay()->GetVisual( GetScreenNumber() ).GetVisual();
+    cairo_surface_t *surface = rCairo.xlib_surface_create (pDisplay,
+        hDrawable_, pVisual, 1, 1);
+    /*
+     * It might be ideal to cache surface and cairo context between calls and
+     * only destroy it when the drawable changes, but to do that we need to at
+     * least change the SalFrame etc impls to dtor the SalGraphics *before* the
+     * destruction of the windows they reference
+    */
+    cairo_t *cr = rCairo.create(surface);
+    rCairo.surface_destroy(surface);
+    if( pClipRegion_ && !XEmptyRegion( pClipRegion_ ) )
+    {
+	for (long i = 0; i < pClipRegion_->numRects; ++i)
+	{
+            rCairo.rectangle(cr, 
+                pClipRegion_->rects[i].x1, 
+                pClipRegion_->rects[i].y1,
+                pClipRegion_->rects[i].x2 - pClipRegion_->rects[i].x1,
+                pClipRegion_->rects[i].y2 - pClipRegion_->rects[i].y1);
+	}
+        rCairo.clip(cr);
+    }
+    rCairo.set_source_rgb(cr, 
+        SALCOLOR_RED(nTextColor_)/255.0, 
+        SALCOLOR_GREEN(nTextColor_)/255.0,
+        SALCOLOR_BLUE(nTextColor_)/255.0);
+    ServerFont& rFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
+    cairo_font_face_t* font_face = NULL;
+    void *pId = rFont.GetFtFace();
+    font_face = (cairo_font_face_t*)m_aCairoFontsCache.FindCachedFont(pId);
+    if (!font_face)
+    {
+        font_face = rCairo.ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face(pId, rFont.GetLoadFlags());
+        m_aCairoFontsCache.CacheFont(font_face, pId);
+    }
+    rCairo.set_font_face(cr, font_face);
+    cairo_matrix_t m;
+    const ImplFontSelectData& rFSD = rFont.GetFontSelData();
+    int nWidth = rFSD.mnWidth ? rFSD.mnWidth : rFSD.mnHeight;
+    rCairo.matrix_init_identity(&m);
+    if (rLayout.GetOrientation())
+        rCairo.matrix_rotate(&m, (3600 - rLayout.GetOrientation()) * M_PI / 1800.0);
+    rCairo.matrix_scale(&m, nWidth, rFSD.mnHeight);
+    if (rFont.NeedsArtificialItalic())
+        m.xy = -m.xx * 0x6000L / 0x10000L;
+    rCairo.set_font_matrix(cr, &m);
+    rCairo.show_glyphs(cr, &cairo_glyphs[0], cairo_glyphs.size());
+    rCairo.destroy(cr);
 void X11SalGraphics::DrawServerAAFontString( const ServerFontLayout& rLayout )
@@ -1111,15 +1413,20 @@
     // draw complex text
     ServerFont& rFont = rLayout.GetServerFont();
-    X11GlyphPeer& rGlyphPeer = X11GlyphCache::GetInstance().GetPeer();
-    if( rGlyphPeer.GetGlyphSet( rFont, m_nScreen ) )
-        DrawServerAAFontString( rLayout );
+    if (CairoWrapper::get().isCairoRenderable(rFont))
+        DrawCairoAAFontString( rLayout );
+    else
+    {
+        X11GlyphPeer& rGlyphPeer = X11GlyphCache::GetInstance().GetPeer();
+        if( rGlyphPeer.GetGlyphSet( rFont, m_nScreen ) )
+            DrawServerAAFontString( rLayout );
 #ifndef MACOSX        /* ignore X11 fonts on MACOSX */
-    else if( !rGlyphPeer.ForcedAntialiasing( rFont, m_nScreen ) )
-        DrawServerSimpleFontString( rLayout );
+        else if( !rGlyphPeer.ForcedAntialiasing( rFont, m_nScreen ) )
+            DrawServerSimpleFontString( rLayout );
 #endif // MACOSX
-    else
-        DrawServerAAForcedString( rLayout );
+        else
+            DrawServerAAForcedString( rLayout );
+    }

Index: openoffice.org.spec
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/openoffice.org/devel/openoffice.org.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.1406
retrieving revision 1.1407
diff -u -r1.1406 -r1.1407
--- openoffice.org.spec	25 Jan 2008 07:39:06 -0000	1.1406
+++ openoffice.org.spec	28 Jan 2008 09:33:20 -0000	1.1407
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 %define oootag OOH680
 %define ooomilestone 4
-%define rh_rpm_release 1
+%define rh_rpm_release 2
 # undef to get english only and no-langpacks for a faster smoketest build
 %define langpacks 1
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 Patch67: workspace.sw24bf02.patch
 Patch68: openoffice.org-2.4.0.ooo85448.emptyrpath.patch
 Patch69: openoffice.org-2.4.0.ooo85487.evoconnectivity.patch
-Patch70: openoffice.org-2.4.0.ooo85470.vcl.cairotext.patch
+Patch70: workspace.cairotext01.patch
 %define instdir %{_libdir}/openoffice.org
@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@
 %patch67 -p1 -b .workspace.sw24bf02.patch
 %patch68 -p1 -b .ooo85448.emptyrpath.patch
 %patch69 -p1 -b .ooo85487.evoconnectivity.patch
-%patch70 -p1 -b .ooo85470.vcl.cairotext.patch
+%patch70 -p1 -b .workspace.cairotext01.patch
 echo build start time is `date`, diskspace: `df -h . | tail -n 1`
@@ -1197,6 +1197,7 @@
 echo build end time is `date`, diskspace: `df -h . | tail -n 1`
 source Linux*Env.Set.sh
 #figure out the icon version
 export LONGICON`grep "PRODUCTVERSION[ ]*=[ ]*" sysui/desktop/productversion.mk | sed -e "s/ //g"`
@@ -2863,6 +2864,11 @@
+* Mon Jan 28 2008 Caolan McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com> - 1:2.4.0-4.2
+- replace cairotext with workspace.cairotext01.patch, not use
+  SAL_DISABLE_CAIROTEXT=1 to disable as cairo text rendering is now
+  default
 * Thu Jan 23 2008 Caolan McNamara <caolanm at redhat.com> - 1:2.4.0-4.1
 - next milestone
 - drop integrated openoffice.org-2.4.0.ooo83410.solenv.renameserbian.patch

--- openoffice.org-2.4.0.ooo85470.vcl.cairotext.patch DELETED ---

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