rpms/eclipse-anyedit/devel assemble.xml, NONE, 1.1 eclipse-anyedit-2.2.0-unicode.patch, NONE, 1.1 eclipse-anyedit.spec, NONE, 1.1 package.xml, NONE, 1.1 .cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 sources, 1.1, 1.2

joshkayse joshkayse at fedoraproject.org
Thu Aug 20 19:35:34 UTC 2009

Author: joshkayse

Update of /cvs/pkgs/rpms/eclipse-anyedit/devel
In directory cvs1.fedora.phx.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv9510

Modified Files:
	.cvsignore sources 
Added Files:
	assemble.xml eclipse-anyedit-2.2.0-unicode.patch 
	eclipse-anyedit.spec package.xml 
Log Message:
Initial creation of eclipse-anyedit.  Import from srpm by rmyers

--- NEW FILE assemble.xml ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="gather.bin.parts" name="build">
        <target name="gather.bin.parts">
                <ant antfile="${sourceDirectory}/build.xml" dir="${sourceDirectory}" target="gather.bin.parts"/>

 TextUtil.java |  188 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

--- NEW FILE eclipse-anyedit-2.2.0-unicode.patch ---
# This patch was generated with:

for char in à á À Á â Â ä Ä å Å ã Ã æ Æ ç Ç é É è È ê Ê ë Ë í Í ï Ï õ Õ ó ô Ó Ô ö Ö ø Ø ß ù Ù ú Ú û Û ü Ü
    newchar=$(echo $char | od -x -N1 | tr 'a-f' 'A-F' | head -1 | awk '{print "\\u"$2}')
    export char newchar
    perl -pi -e 's/$ENV{char}/$ENV{newchar}/g' $1

--- eclipse-anyedit-2.1.1/src/de/loskutov/anyedit/util/TextUtil.java	2008-10-11 20:38:10.000000000 -0400
+++ eclipse-anyedit-2.1.1/src/de/loskutov/anyedit/util/TextUtil.java	2008-10-11 20:38:21.000000000 -0400
@@ -894,53 +894,53 @@ public class TextUtil {
             "&gt;", ">" }, {
             "&amp;", "&" }, {
             "&quot;", "\"" }, {
-            "&agrave;", "à" }, {
-            "&Agrave;", "À" }, {
-            "&acirc;", "â" }, {
-            "&auml;", "ä" }, {
-            "&Auml;", "Ä" }, {
-            "&Acirc;", "Â" }, {
-            "&aring;", "å" }, {
-            "&Aring;", "Å" }, {
-            "&aelig;", "æ" }, {
-            "&AElig;", "Æ" }, {
-            "&ccedil;", "ç" }, {
-            "&Ccedil;", "Ç" }, {
-            "&eacute;", "é" }, {
-            "&Eacute;", "É" }, {
-            "&aacute;", "á" }, {
-            "&Aacute;", "Á" }, {
-            "&egrave;", "è" }, {
-            "&Egrave;", "È" }, {
-            "&ecirc;", "ê" }, {
-            "&Ecirc;", "Ê" }, {
-            "&euml;", "ë" }, {
-            "&Euml;", "Ë" }, {
-            "&iuml;", "ï" }, {
-            "&Iuml;", "Ï" }, {
-            "&iacute;", "í" }, {
-            "&Iacute;", "Í" }, {
-            "&atilde;", "ã" }, {
-            "&Atilde;", "Ã" }, {
-            "&otilde;", "õ" }, {
-            "&Otilde;", "Õ" }, {
-            "&oacute;", "ó" }, {
-            "&Oacute;", "Ó" }, {
-            "&ocirc;", "ô" }, {
-            "&Ocirc;", "Ô" }, {
-            "&ouml;", "ö" }, {
-            "&Ouml;", "Ö" }, {
-            "&oslash;", "ø" }, {
-            "&Oslash;", "Ø" }, {
-            "&szlig;", "ß" }, {
-            "&ugrave;", "ù" }, {
-            "&Ugrave;", "Ù" }, {
-            "&uacute;", "ú" }, {
-            "&Uacute;", "Ú" }, {
-            "&ucirc;", "û" }, {
-            "&Ucirc;", "Û" }, {
-            "&uuml;", "ü" }, {
-            "&Uuml;", "Ü" }, {
+            "&agrave;", "\u00E0" }, {
+            "&Agrave;", "\u00C0" }, {
+            "&acirc;", "\u00E2" }, {
+            "&auml;", "\u00E4" }, {
+            "&Auml;", "\u00C4" }, {
+            "&Acirc;", "\u00C2" }, {
+            "&aring;", "\u00E5" }, {
+            "&Aring;", "\u00C5" }, {
+            "&aelig;", "\u00E6" }, {
+            "&AElig;", "\u00C6" }, {
+            "&ccedil;", "\u00E7" }, {
+            "&Ccedil;", "\u00C7" }, {
+            "&eacute;", "\u00E9" }, {
+            "&Eacute;", "\u00C9" }, {
+            "&aacute;", "\u00E1" }, {
+            "&Aacute;", "\u00C1" }, {
+            "&egrave;", "\u00E8" }, {
+            "&Egrave;", "\u00C8" }, {
+            "&ecirc;", "\u00EA" }, {
+            "&Ecirc;", "\u00CA" }, {
+            "&euml;", "\u00EB" }, {
+            "&Euml;", "\u00CB" }, {
+            "&iuml;", "\u00EF" }, {
+            "&Iuml;", "\u00CF" }, {
+            "&iacute;", "\u00ED" }, {
+            "&Iacute;", "\u00CD" }, {
+            "&atilde;", "\u00E3" }, {
+            "&Atilde;", "\u00C3" }, {
+            "&otilde;", "\u00F5" }, {
+            "&Otilde;", "\u00D5" }, {
+            "&oacute;", "\u00F3" }, {
+            "&Oacute;", "\u00D3" }, {
+            "&ocirc;", "\u00F4" }, {
+            "&Ocirc;", "\u00D4" }, {
+            "&ouml;", "\u00F6" }, {
+            "&Ouml;", "\u00D6" }, {
+            "&oslash;", "\u00F8" }, {
+            "&Oslash;", "\u00D8" }, {
+            "&szlig;", "\u00DF" }, {
+            "&ugrave;", "\u00F9" }, {
+            "&Ugrave;", "\u00D9" }, {
+            "&uacute;", "\u00FA" }, {
+            "&Uacute;", "\u00DA" }, {
+            "&ucirc;", "\u00FB" }, {
+            "&Ucirc;", "\u00DB" }, {
+            "&uuml;", "\u00FC" }, {
+            "&Uuml;", "\u00DC" }, {
             "&nbsp;", " " }, {
             "&reg;", "\u00AE" }, {
             "&copy;", "\u00A9" }, {
@@ -963,99 +963,99 @@ public class TextUtil {
             return "&amp;";
         case '"':
             return "&quot;";
-        case 'à':
+        case '\u00E0':
             return "&agrave;";
-        case 'á':
+        case '\u00E1':
             return "&aacute;";
-        case 'À':
+        case '\u00C0':
             return "&Agrave;";
-        case 'Á':
+        case '\u00C1':
             return "&Aacute;";
-        case 'â':
+        case '\u00E2':
             return "&acirc;";
-        case 'Â':
+        case '\u00C2':
             return "&Acirc;";
-        case 'ä':
+        case '\u00E4':
             return "&auml;";
-        case 'Ä':
+        case '\u00C4':
             return "&Auml;";
-        case 'å':
+        case '\u00E5':
             return "&aring;";
-        case 'Å':
+        case '\u00C5':
             return "&Aring;";
-        case 'ã':
+        case '\u00E3':
             return "&atilde;";
-        case 'Ã':
+        case '\u00C3':
             return "&Atilde;";
-        case 'æ':
+        case '\u00E6':
             return "&aelig;";
-        case 'Æ':
+        case '\u00C6':
             return "&AElig;";
-        case 'ç':
+        case '\u00E7':
             return "&ccedil;";
-        case 'Ç':
+        case '\u00C7':
             return "&Ccedil;";
-        case 'é':
+        case '\u00E9':
             return "&eacute;";
-        case 'É':
+        case '\u00C9':
             return "&Eacute;";
-        case 'è':
+        case '\u00E8':
             return "&egrave;";
-        case 'È':
+        case '\u00C8':
             return "&Egrave;";
-        case 'ê':
+        case '\u00EA':
             return "&ecirc;";
-        case 'Ê':
+        case '\u00CA':
             return "&Ecirc;";
-        case 'ë':
+        case '\u00EB':
             return "&euml;";
-        case 'Ë':
+        case '\u00CB':
             return "&Euml;";
-        case 'í':
+        case '\u00ED':
             return "&iacute;";
-        case 'Í':
+        case '\u00CD':
             return "&Iacute;";
-        case 'ï':
+        case '\u00EF':
             return "&iuml;";
-        case 'Ï':
+        case '\u00CF':
             return "&Iuml;";
-        case 'õ':
+        case '\u00F5':
             return "&otilde;";
-        case 'Õ':
+        case '\u00D5':
             return "&Otilde;";
-        case 'ó':
+        case '\u00F3':
             return "&oacute;";
-        case 'ô':
+        case '\u00F4':
             return "&ocirc;";
-        case 'Ó':
+        case '\u00D3':
             return "&Oacute;";
-        case 'Ô':
+        case '\u00D4':
             return "&Ocirc;";
-        case 'ö':
+        case '\u00F6':
             return "&ouml;";
-        case 'Ö':
+        case '\u00D6':
             return "&Ouml;";
-        case 'ø':
+        case '\u00F8':
             return "&oslash;";
-        case 'Ø':
+        case '\u00D8':
             return "&Oslash;";
-        case 'ß':
+        case '\u00DF':
             return "&szlig;";
-        case 'ù':
+        case '\u00F9':
             return "&ugrave;";
-        case 'Ù':
+        case '\u00D9':
             return "&Ugrave;";
-        case 'ú':
+        case '\u00FA':
             return "&uacute;";
-        case 'Ú':
+        case '\u00DA':
             return "&Uacute;";
-        case 'û':
+        case '\u00FB':
             return "&ucirc;";
-        case 'Û':
+        case '\u00DB':
             return "&Ucirc;";
-        case 'ü':
+        case '\u00FC':
             return "&uuml;";
-        case 'Ü':
+        case '\u00DC':
             return "&Uuml;";
         case '\u00AE':
             return "&reg;";

--- NEW FILE eclipse-anyedit.spec ---
%define eclipse_base %{_libdir}/eclipse
%define rlsdate 200904262004

Summary: AnyEdit plugin for eclipse
Name: eclipse-anyedit
Version: 2.2.0
Release: 2%{?dist}
License: BSD
Group: Development/Tools
URL: http://andrei.gmxhome.de/anyedit/index.html
Buildroot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)

Source0: http://anyedittools.googlecode.com/files/de.loskutov.anyedit.AnyEditTools_2.2.0.200904262004.jar

# SOURCE1 and SOURCE2 written by rmyers to facilitate PDE Build
Source1: assemble.xml
Source2: package.xml

# work around unicode/compiler issue
Patch0: eclipse-anyedit-%{version}-unicode.patch

Requires:      eclipse-platform >= 3.4.0

BuildRequires: jpackage-utils >= 0:1.5
BuildRequires: eclipse-pde
BuildRequires: java-devel >= 1.4.2
BuildArch:     noarch

The AnyEdit plugin adds several new actions to the context menu of text-based
Eclipse editors.

%setup -q -c
%patch0 -p1

# remove pre-compiled classes
rm -rf de

/bin/sh -x %{eclipse_base}/buildscripts/copy-platform SDK %{eclipse_base}

SDK=$(cd SDK > /dev/null && pwd)

# Eclipse may write preferences and logs here
mkdir home
homedir=$(cd home > /dev/null && pwd)

# create the required assemble and package targets
mkdir $(pwd)/build/
# this symlink creates the assemble target which assembles the plugin
ln -s %{SOURCE1} $(pwd)/build/assemble.de.loskutov.anyedit.AnyEditTools.all.xml
# this symlink creates the package target which packages the plugin
ln -s %{SOURCE2} $(pwd)/build/package.de.loskutov.anyedit.AnyEditTools.all.xml

# find correct location
package_build=$(find %{eclipse_base} -name 'package-build' -print | grep pde | grep templates)
build_xml=$(find %{eclipse_base} -name 'build.xml' -print | grep pde | grep scripts)

# build the plugin
eclipse \
     -nosplash                                         \
     -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner       \
     -Dtype=plugin                                     \
     -Did=de.loskutov.anyedit.AnyEditTools             \
     -DbaseLocation=$SDK                               \
     -DsourceDirectory=$(pwd)                          \
     -DbuildDirectory=$(pwd)/build                     \
     -Dbuilder=$package_build \
     -f $build_xml \
     -vmargs -Duser.home=$homedir

rm -rf %{buildroot}

# create plugins directory
install -d -m 755 %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/eclipse/dropins/anyedit/plugins

# install plugin
install -m 644 de.loskutov.anyedit.AnyEditTools_%{version}.%{rlsdate}.jar \

rm -rf %{buildroot}

* Wed Aug 19 2009 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 2.2.0-2
- Drop LICENSE file
- Minor spec file cleanup

* Wed Aug 19 2009 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 2.2.0-1
- Updated to 2.2.0
- Drop gcj support
- Change jar location to /usr/share/eclipse/dropins/anyedit
- Bump eclipse-platform to 3.4.0+

* Wed Oct 15 2008 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 2.1.1-3
- move plugin to dropins

* Sun Oct 12 2008 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 2.1.1-2
- use build.update.jar package target
- update Requires for compatible versions of eclipse

* Sat Oct 11 2008 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 2.1.1-1
- update to 2.1.1

* Wed Oct 17 2007 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.8.2-5
- install as jar instead of zip

* Tue Oct 16 2007 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.8.2-4
- rebuild

* Tue Sep 25 2007 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.8.2-3
- update to meet http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackagingDrafts/EclipsePlugins

* Thu Sep 13 2007 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.8.2-2
- update defattr settings from alcapcom

* Fri Sep  7 2007 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.8.2-1
- update to 1.8.2
- update unicode patch for IcedTea compatibility

* Sun May 27 2007 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.8.0-2
- enable gcj_support and rebuild

* Fri May 18 2007 Rob Myers <rob.myers at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.8.0-1
- Update to 1.8.0
- switch to pde build
- add gcj_support
- work around 'Ü' compiler issue
- add license

* Mon Apr 23 2007 Patrick Neely <patrick.neely at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.7.0-0
- Update to 1.7.0 for RHEL5

* Tue Jun 27 2006 Patrick Neely <patrick.neely at gtri.gatech.edu> 1.4.1-0
- Rebuilt for RHEL4

--- NEW FILE package.xml ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="build.update.jar" name="build">
        <target name="build.update.jar">
                <ant antfile="${sourceDirectory}/build.xml" dir="${sourceDirectory}" target="build.update.jar"/>

Index: .cvsignore
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/eclipse-anyedit/devel/.cvsignore,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.1 -r1.2
--- .cvsignore	19 Aug 2009 21:26:21 -0000	1.1
+++ .cvsignore	20 Aug 2009 19:35:34 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Index: sources
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/eclipse-anyedit/devel/sources,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -r1.1 -r1.2
--- sources	19 Aug 2009 21:26:21 -0000	1.1
+++ sources	20 Aug 2009 19:35:34 -0000	1.2
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+2b4f4844ac69a0516fa640ac96cc433a  de.loskutov.anyedit.AnyEditTools_2.2.0.200904262004.jar

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