rpms/ejabberd/F-12 ejabberd-captcha-bashism.patch, NONE, 1.1 ejabberd-http-poll-web-page.patch, NONE, 1.1 ejabberd-mod_admin_extra.patch, NONE, 1.1 ejabberd-piefxis-vhost-export.patch, NONE, 1.1 ejabberd-vcard-reqs-forwarding.patch, NONE, 1.1 ejabberd-ejabberdctl_fix.diff, 1.7, 1.8 ejabberd.spec, 1.47, 1.48 import.log, 1.15, 1.16

Peter Lemenkov peter at fedoraproject.org
Thu Dec 10 19:09:43 UTC 2009

Author: peter

Update of /cvs/pkgs/rpms/ejabberd/F-12
In directory cvs1.fedora.phx.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv10376/F-12

Modified Files:
	ejabberd-ejabberdctl_fix.diff ejabberd.spec import.log 
Added Files:
Log Message:
Fixed all issues, related with upgrading from the previous 2.0.5

 captcha.sh |    2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

--- NEW FILE ejabberd-captcha-bashism.patch ---
Makes the captcha script explicitly request bash as it uses
its special variable "RANDOM" which is not defined by POSIX.

The issue is tracked upstream at

While it will be sensible to incorporate the upstream fix
(which will make the script work in POSIX-compliant shells also),
until bash is required in Debian, this patch is OK.

diff --git a/tools/captcha.sh b/tools/captcha.sh
index 4d40567..d68edfa 100755
--- a/tools/captcha.sh
+++ b/tools/captcha.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

 ejabberd_http_poll.erl |   22 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 mod_http_bind.erl      |   25 ++++++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

--- NEW FILE ejabberd-http-poll-web-page.patch ---
Generates a human-readable XHTML page which is returned
when a user tries to browse the HTTP-poll URL configured
for the server (a common mistake).

This issue is tracked in EJAB-1106.

This changeset was introduced in revision 2751,
branch http://svn.process-one.net/ejabberd/branches/ejabberd-2.1.x

The first stable version containing the fix is 2.1.1.

--- a/src/web/ejabberd_http_poll.erl	(revision 2750)
+++ b/src/web/ejabberd_http_poll.erl	(revision 2751)
@@ -154,12 +154,32 @@
 	_ ->
-	    {200, [?CT, {"Set-Cookie", "ID=-2:0; expires=-1"}], ""}
+	    HumanHTMLxmlel = get_human_html_xmlel(),
+	    {200, [?CT, {"Set-Cookie", "ID=-2:0; expires=-1"}], HumanHTMLxmlel}
 process(_, _Request) ->
     {400, [], {xmlelement, "h1", [],
 	       [{xmlcdata, "400 Bad Request"}]}}.
+%% Code copied from mod_http_bind.erl and customized
+get_human_html_xmlel() ->
+    Heading = "ejabberd " ++ atom_to_list(?MODULE),
+    {xmlelement, "html", [{"xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"}],
+     [{xmlelement, "head", [],
+       [{xmlelement, "title", [], [{xmlcdata, Heading}]}]},
+      {xmlelement, "body", [],
+       [{xmlelement, "h1", [], [{xmlcdata, Heading}]},
+        {xmlelement, "p", [],
+         [{xmlcdata, "An implementation of "},
+          {xmlelement, "a",
+	   [{"href", "http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0025.html"}],
+           [{xmlcdata, "Jabber HTTP Polling (XEP-0025)"}]}]},
+        {xmlelement, "p", [],
+         [{xmlcdata, "This web page is only informative. "
+	   "To use HTTP-Poll you need a Jabber/XMPP client that supports it."}
+	 ]}
+       ]}]}.
 %%% Callback functions from gen_fsm
--- a/src/web/mod_http_bind.erl	(revision 2750)
+++ b/src/web/mod_http_bind.erl	(revision 2751)
@@ -69,7 +69,14 @@
     ejabberd_http_bind:process_request(Data, IP);
 process([], #request{method = 'GET',
                      data = []}) ->
-    Heading = "Ejabberd " ++ atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ " v" ++ ?MOD_HTTP_BIND_VERSION,
+    get_human_html_xmlel();
+process(_Path, _Request) ->
+    ?DEBUG("Bad Request: ~p", [_Request]),
+    {400, [], {xmlelement, "h1", [],
+	       [{xmlcdata, "400 Bad Request"}]}}.
+get_human_html_xmlel() ->
+    Heading = "ejabberd " ++ atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ " v" ++ ?MOD_HTTP_BIND_VERSION,
     {xmlelement, "html", [{"xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"}],
      [{xmlelement, "head", [],
        [{xmlelement, "title", [], [{xmlcdata, Heading}]}]},
@@ -77,15 +84,15 @@
        [{xmlelement, "h1", [], [{xmlcdata, Heading}]},
         {xmlelement, "p", [],
          [{xmlcdata, "An implementation of "},
-          {xmlelement, "a", [{"href", "http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0206.html"}],
-           [{xmlcdata, "XMPP over BOSH (XEP-0206)"}]}]}
-       ]}]};
-process(_Path, _Request) ->
-    ?DEBUG("Bad Request: ~p", [_Request]),
-    {400, [], {xmlelement, "h1", [],
-	       [{xmlcdata, "400 Bad Request"}]}}.
+          {xmlelement, "a",
+	   [{"href", "http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0206.html"}],
+           [{xmlcdata, "XMPP over BOSH (XEP-0206)"}]}]},
+        {xmlelement, "p", [],
+         [{xmlcdata, "This web page is only informative. "
+	   "To use HTTP-Bind you need a Jabber/XMPP client that supports it."}
+	 ]}
+       ]}]}.

 ejabberd.app        |    1 
 mod_admin_extra.erl | 1279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1280 insertions(+)

--- NEW FILE ejabberd-mod_admin_extra.patch ---
Adds the mod_admin_extra module to ejabberd.
This module extends the functionality provided by ejabberdctl
by adding several new commands.

The code is taken from the ProcessOne repository:
(trunk, revision 976).

diff --git a/src/ejabberd.app b/src/ejabberd.app
index e0e943e..f017015 100644
--- a/src/ejabberd.app
+++ b/src/ejabberd.app
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
+             mod_admin_extra,
diff --git a/src/mod_admin_extra.erl b/src/mod_admin_extra.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3ca14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mod_admin_extra.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,1279 @@
+%%% File    : mod_admin_extra.erl
+%%% Author  : Badlop <badlop at process-one.net>
+%%% Purpose : Contributed administrative functions and commands
+%%% Created : 10 Aug 2008 by Badlop <badlop at process-one.net>
+%%% ejabberd, Copyright (C) 2002-2008   ProcessOne
+%%% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+%%% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+%%% published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+%%% License, or (at your option) any later version.
+%%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%%% General Public License for more details.
+%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%%% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%%% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+%%% 02111-1307 USA
+-author('badlop at process-one.net').
+-export([start/2, stop/1,
+	 %% Node
+	 compile/1,
+	 load_config/1,
+	 get_cookie/0,
+	 remove_node/1,
+	 export2odbc/2,
+	 %% Accounts
+	 set_password/3,
+	 check_password_hash/4,
+	 delete_old_users/1,
+	 delete_old_users_vhost/2,
+	 ban_account/3,
+	 num_active_users/2,
+	 %% Sessions
+	 num_resources/2,
+	 resource_num/3,
+	 kick_session/4,
+	 status_num/2, status_num/1,
+	 status_list/2, status_list/1,
+	 %% Vcard
+	 set_nickname/3,
+	 get_vcard/3,
+	 get_vcard/4,
+	 set_vcard/4,
+	 set_vcard/5,
+	 %% Roster
+	 add_rosteritem/7,
+	 delete_rosteritem/4,
+	 process_rosteritems/5,
+	 get_roster/2,
+	 push_roster/3,
+	 push_roster_all/1,
+	 push_alltoall/2,
+	 %% mod_shared_roster
+	 srg_create/5,
+	 srg_delete/2,
+	 srg_list/1,
+	 srg_get_info/2,
+	 srg_get_members/2,
+	 srg_user_add/4,
+	 srg_user_del/4,
+	 %% Stanza
+	 send_message_headline/4,
+	 send_message_chat/3,
+	 %% Stats
+	 stats/1, stats/2
+	]).
+%% Copied from ejabberd_sm.erl
+-record(session, {sid, usr, us, priority, info}).
+%%% gen_mod
+start(_Host, _Opts) ->
+    ejabberd_commands:register_commands(commands()).
+stop(_Host) ->
+    ejabberd_commands:unregister_commands(commands()).
+%%% Register commands
+commands() ->
+    Vcard1FieldsString = "Some vcard field names in get/set_vcard are:\n"
+	" FN		- Full Name\n"
+	" NICKNAME	- Nickname\n"
+	" BDAY		- Birthday\n"
+	" TITLE		- Work: Position\n",
+    " ROLE		- Work: Role",
+    Vcard2FieldsString = "Some vcard field names and subnames in get/set_vcard2 are:\n"
+	" N FAMILY	- Family name\n"
+	" N GIVEN	- Given name\n"
+	" N MIDDLE	- Middle name\n"
+	" ADR CTRY	- Address: Country\n"
+	" ADR LOCALITY	- Address: City\n"
+	" EMAIL USERID	- E-Mail Address\n"
+	" ORG ORGNAME	- Work: Company\n"
+	" ORG ORGUNIT	- Work: Department",
+    VcardXEP = "For a full list of vCard fields check XEP-0054: vcard-temp at "
+	"http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0054.html",
+    [
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = compile, tags = [erlang],
+			desc = "Recompile and reload Erlang source code file",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = compile,
+			args = [{file, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = load_config, tags = [server],
+			desc = "Load ejabberd configuration file",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = load_config,
+			args = [{file, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_cookie, tags = [erlang],
+			desc = "Get the Erlang cookie of this node",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = get_cookie,
+			args = [],
+			result = {cookie, string}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = remove_node, tags = [erlang],
+			desc = "Remove an ejabberd node from Mnesia clustering config",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = remove_node,
+			args = [{node, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = export2odbc, tags = [mnesia],
+			desc = "Export Mnesia tables to files in directory",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = export2odbc,
+			args = [{host, string}, {path, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = num_active_users, tags = [accounts, stats],
+			desc = "Get number of users active in the last days",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = num_active_users,
+			args = [{host, string}, {days, integer}],
+			result = {users, integer}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_old_users, tags = [accounts, purge],
+			desc = "Delete users that didn't log in last days",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = delete_old_users,
+			args = [{days, integer}],
+			result = {res, restuple}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_old_users_vhost, tags = [accounts, purge],
+			desc = "Delete users that didn't log in last days in vhost",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = delete_old_users_vhost,
+			args = [{host, string}, {days, integer}],
+			result = {res, restuple}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = check_account, tags = [accounts],
+			desc = "Check if an acount exists or not",
+			module = ejabberd_auth, function = is_user_exists,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = check_password, tags = [accounts],
+			desc = "Check if a password is correct",
+			module = ejabberd_auth, function = check_password,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {password, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = check_password_hash, tags = [accounts],
+			desc = "Check if the password hash is correct",
+			longdesc = "Allowed hash methods: md5, sha.",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = check_password_hash,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {passwordhash, string}, {hashmethod, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = change_password, tags = [accounts],
+			desc = "Change the password of an account",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = set_password,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {newpass, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = ban_account, tags = [accounts],
+			desc = "Ban an account: kick sessions and set random password",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = ban_account,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {reason, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = num_resources, tags = [session],
+			desc = "Get the number of resources of a user",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = num_resources,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {resources, integer}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = resource_num, tags = [session],
+			desc = "Resource string of a session number",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = resource_num,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {num, integer}],
+			result = {resource, string}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = kick_session, tags = [session],
+			desc = "Kick a user session",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = kick_session,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {resource, string}, {reason, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_num_host, tags = [session, stats],
+			desc = "Number of logged users with this status in host",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = status_num,
+			args = [{host, string}, {status, string}],
+			result = {users, integer}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_num, tags = [session, stats],
+			desc = "Number of logged users with this status",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = status_num,
+			args = [{status, string}],
+			result = {users, integer}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_list_host, tags = [session],
+			desc = "List of users logged in host with their statuses",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = status_list,
+			args = [{host, string}, {status, string}],
+			result = {users, {list,
+					  {userstatus, {tuple, [
+								{user, string},
+								{host, string},
+								{resource, string},
+								{priority, integer},
+								{status, string}
+							       ]}}
+					 }}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = status_list, tags = [session],
+			desc = "List of logged users with this status",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = status_list,
+			args = [{status, string}],
+			result = {users, {list,
+					  {userstatus, {tuple, [
+								{user, string},
+								{host, string},
+								{resource, string},
+								{priority, integer},
+								{status, string}
+							       ]}}
+					 }}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_nickname, tags = [vcard],
+			desc = "Set nickname in a user's vcard",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = set_nickname,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {nickname, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_vcard, tags = [vcard],
+			desc = "Get content from a vCard field",
+			longdesc = Vcard1FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n\n" ++ VcardXEP,
+			module = ?MODULE, function = get_vcard,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {name, string}],
+			result = {content, string}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_vcard2, tags = [vcard],
+			desc = "Get content from a vCard field",
+			longdesc = Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n\n" ++ Vcard1FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
+			module = ?MODULE, function = get_vcard,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {name, string}, {subname, string}],
+			result = {content, string}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_vcard, tags = [vcard],
+			desc = "Set content in a vCard field",
+			longdesc = Vcard1FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n\n" ++ VcardXEP,
+			module = ?MODULE, function = set_vcard,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {name, string}, {content, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = set_vcard2, tags = [vcard],
+			desc = "Set content in a vCard subfield",
+			longdesc = Vcard2FieldsString ++ "\n\n" ++ Vcard1FieldsString ++ "\n" ++ VcardXEP,
+			module = ?MODULE, function = set_vcard2,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {name, string}, {subname, string}, {content, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = add_rosteritem, tags = [roster],
+			desc = "Add an item to a user's roster",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = add_rosteritem,
+			args = [{localuser, string}, {localserver, string},
+				{user, string}, {server, string},
+				{nick, string}, {group, string},
+				{subs, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     %%{"", "subs= none, from, to or both"},
+     %%{"", "example: add-roster peter localhost mike server.com MiKe Employees both"},
+     %%{"", "will add mike at server.com to peter at localhost roster"},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = delete_rosteritem, tags = [roster],
+			desc = "Delete an item from a user's roster",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = delete_rosteritem,
+			args = [{localuser, string}, {localserver, string},
+				{user, string}, {server, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = process_rosteritems, tags = [roster],
+			desc = "List or delete rosteritems that match filtering options",
+			longdesc = "Explanation of each argument:\n"
+			" - action: what to do with each rosteritem that "
+			"matches all the filtering options\n"
+			" - subs: subscription type\n"
+			" - asks: pending subscription\n"
+			" - users: the JIDs of the local user\n"
+			" - contacts: the JIDs of the contact in the roster\n"
+			"\n"
+			"Allowed values in the arguments:\n"
+			"  ACTION = list | delete\n"
+			"  SUBS = SUB[:SUB]* | any\n"
+			"  SUB = none | from | to | both\n"
+			"  ASKS = ASK[:ASK]* | any\n"
+			"  ASK = none | out | in\n"
+			"  USERS = JID[:JID]* | any\n"
+			"  CONTACTS = JID[:JID]* | any\n"
+			"  JID = characters valid in a JID, and can use the "
+			"globs: *, ? and [...]\n"
+			"\n"
+			"This example will list roster items with subscription "
+			"'none', 'from' or 'to' that have any ask property, of "
+			"local users which JID is in the virtual host "
+			"'example.org' and that the contact JID is either a "
+			"bare server name (without user part) or that has a "
+			"user part and the server part contains the word 'icq'"
+			":\n  list none:from:to any *@example.org *:*@*icq*",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = process_rosteritems,
+			args = [{action, string}, {subs, string},
+				{asks, string}, {users, string},
+				{contacts, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = get_roster, tags = [roster],
+			desc = "Get roster of a local user",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = get_roster,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {contacts, {list, {contact, {tuple, [
+								      {jid, string},
+								      {nick, string},
+								      {group, string}
+								     ]}}}}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = push_roster, tags = [roster],
+			desc = "Push template roster from file to a user",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = push_roster,
+			args = [{file, string}, {user, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = push_roster_all, tags = [roster],
+			desc = "Push template roster from file to all those users",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = push_roster_all,
+			args = [{file, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = push_alltoall, tags = [roster],
+			desc = "Add all the users to all the users of Host in Group",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = push_alltoall,
+			args = [{host, string}, {group, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_create, tags = [shared_roster_group],
+			desc = "Create a Shared Roster Group",
+			longdesc = "If you want to specify several group "
+			"identifiers in the Display argument,\n"
+			"put  \\ \" around the argument and\nseparate the "
+			"identifiers with \\ \\ n\n"
+			"For example:\n"
+			"  ejabberdctl srg_create group3 localhost "
+			"name desc \\\"group1\\\\ngroup2\\\"",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_create,
+			args = [{group, string}, {host, string},
+				{name, string}, {description, string}, {display, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_delete, tags = [shared_roster_group],
+			desc = "Delete a Shared Roster Group",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_delete,
+			args = [{group, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_list, tags = [shared_roster_group],
+			desc = "List the Shared Roster Groups in Host",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_list,
+			args = [{host, string}],
+			result = {groups, {list, {id, string}}}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_get_info, tags = [shared_roster_group],
+			desc = "Get info of a Shared Roster Group",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_get_info,
+			args = [{group, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {informations, {list, {information, {tuple, [{key, string}, {value, string}]}}}}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_get_members, tags = [shared_roster_group],
+			desc = "Get members of a Shared Roster Group",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_get_members,
+			args = [{group, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {members, {list, {member, string}}}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_user_add, tags = [shared_roster_group],
+			desc = "Add the JID user at host to the Shared Roster Group",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_user_add,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {group, string}, {grouphost, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = srg_user_del, tags = [shared_roster_group],
+			desc = "Delete this JID user at host from the Shared Roster Group",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = srg_user_del,
+			args = [{user, string}, {host, string}, {group, string}, {grouphost, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = send_message_chat, tags = [stanza],
+			desc = "Send a chat message to a local or remote bare of full JID",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = send_message_chat,
+			args = [{from, string}, {to, string}, {body, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = send_message_headline, tags = [stanza],
+			desc = "Send a headline message to a local or remote bare of full JID",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = send_message_headline,
+			args = [{from, string}, {to, string},
+				{subject, string}, {body, string}],
+			result = {res, rescode}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = stats, tags = [stats],
+			desc = "Get statistical value: registeredusers onlineusers onlineusersnode uptimeseconds",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = stats,
+			args = [{name, string}],
+			result = {stat, integer}},
+     #ejabberd_commands{name = stats_host, tags = [stats],
+			desc = "Get statistical value for this host: registeredusers onlineusers",
+			module = ?MODULE, function = stats,
+			args = [{name, string}, {host, string}],
+			result = {stat, integer}}
+    ].
+%%% Node
+compile(File) ->
+    case compile:file(File) of
+	ok -> ok;
+	_ -> error
+    end.
+load_config(Path) ->
+    ok = ejabberd_config:load_file(Path).
+get_cookie() ->
+    atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()).
+remove_node(Node) ->
+    mnesia:del_table_copy(schema, list_to_atom(Node)),
+    ok.
+export2odbc(Host, Directory) ->
+    Tables = [
+	      {export_last, last},
+	      {export_offline, offline},
+	      {export_passwd, passwd},
+	      {export_private_storage, private_storage},
+	      {export_roster, roster},
+	      {export_vcard, vcard},
+	      {export_vcard_search, vcard_search}],
+    Export = fun({TableFun, Table}) ->
+		     Filename = filename:join([Directory, atom_to_list(Table)++".txt"]),
+		     io:format("Trying to export Mnesia table '~p' on Host '~s' to file '~s'~n", [Table, Host, Filename]),
+		     Res = (catch ejd2odbc:TableFun(Host, Filename)),
+		     io:format("  Result: ~p~n", [Res])
+	     end,
+    lists:foreach(Export, Tables),
+    ok.
+%%% Accounts
+set_password(User, Host, Password) ->
+    case ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Host, Password) of
+	ok ->
+	    ok;
+	_ ->
+	    error
+    end.
+%% Copied some code from ejabberd_commands.erl
+check_password_hash(User, Host, PasswordHash, HashMethod) ->
+    AccountPass = ejabberd_auth:get_password_s(User, Host),
+    AccountPassHash = case HashMethod of
+			  "md5" -> get_md5(AccountPass);
+			  "sha" -> get_sha(AccountPass);
+			  _ -> undefined
+		      end,
+    case AccountPassHash of
+	undefined -> error;
+	PasswordHash -> ok;
+	_ -> error
+    end.
+get_md5(AccountPass) ->
+    lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~.16B", [X])
+		   || X <- binary_to_list(crypto:md5(AccountPass))]).
+get_sha(AccountPass) ->
+    lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~.16B", [X])
+		   || X <- binary_to_list(crypto:sha(AccountPass))]).
+num_active_users(Host, Days) ->
+    list_last_activity(Host, true, Days).
+%% Code based on ejabberd/src/web/ejabberd_web_admin.erl
+list_last_activity(Host, Integral, Days) ->
+    {MegaSecs, Secs, _MicroSecs} = now(),
+    TimeStamp = MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs,
+    TS = TimeStamp - Days * 86400,
+    case catch mnesia:dirty_select(
+		 last_activity, [{{last_activity, {'_', Host}, '$1', '_'},
+				  [{'>', '$1', TS}],
+				  [{'trunc', {'/',
+					      {'-', TimeStamp, '$1'},
+					      86400}}]}]) of
+							      {'EXIT', _Reason} ->
+		 [];
+	       Vals ->
+		 Hist = histogram(Vals, Integral),
+		 if
+		     Hist == [] ->
+			 0;
+		     true ->
+			 Left = Days - length(Hist),
+			 Tail = if
+				    Integral ->
+					lists:duplicate(Left, lists:last(Hist));
+				    true ->
+					lists:duplicate(Left, 0)
+				end,
+			 lists:nth(Days, Hist ++ Tail)
+		 end
+	 end.
+histogram(Values, Integral) ->
+    histogram(lists:sort(Values), Integral, 0, 0, []).
+histogram([H | T], Integral, Current, Count, Hist) when Current == H ->
+    histogram(T, Integral, Current, Count + 1, Hist);
+histogram([H | _] = Values, Integral, Current, Count, Hist) when Current < H ->
+    if
+	Integral ->
+	    histogram(Values, Integral, Current + 1, Count, [Count | Hist]);
+	true ->
+	    histogram(Values, Integral, Current + 1, 0, [Count | Hist])
+    end;
+histogram([], _Integral, _Current, Count, Hist) ->
+    if
+	Count > 0 ->
+	    lists:reverse([Count | Hist]);
+	true ->
+	    lists:reverse(Hist)
+    end.
+-record(last_activity, {us, timestamp, status}).
+delete_old_users(Days) ->
+    %% Get the list of registered users
+    Users = ejabberd_auth:dirty_get_registered_users(),
+    {removed, N, UR} = delete_old_users(Days, Users),
+    {ok, io_lib:format("Deleted ~p users: ~p", [N, UR])}.
+delete_old_users_vhost(Host, Days) ->
+    %% Get the list of registered users
+    Users = ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host),
+    {removed, N, UR} = delete_old_users(Days, Users),
+    {ok, io_lib:format("Deleted ~p users: ~p", [N, UR])}.
+delete_old_users(Days, Users) ->
+    %% Convert older time
+    SecOlder = Days*24*60*60,
+    %% Get current time
+    {MegaSecs, Secs, _MicroSecs} = now(),
+    TimeStamp_now = MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs,
+    %% For a user, remove if required and answer true
+    F = fun({LUser, LServer}) ->
+		%% Check if the user is logged
+		case ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LUser, LServer) of
+		    %% If it isnt
+		    [] ->
+			%% Look for his last_activity
+			case mnesia:dirty_read(last_activity, {LUser, LServer}) of
+			    %% If it is
+			    %% existent:
+			    [#last_activity{timestamp = TimeStamp}] ->
+				%% get his age
+				Sec = TimeStamp_now - TimeStamp,
+				%% If he is
+				if
+				    %% younger than SecOlder:
+				    Sec < SecOlder ->
+					%% do nothing
+					false;
+				    %% older:
+				    true ->
+					%% remove the user
+					ejabberd_auth:remove_user(LUser, LServer),
+					true
+				end;
+			    %% nonexistent:
+			    [] ->
+				%% remove the user
+				ejabberd_auth:remove_user(LUser, LServer),
+				true
+			end;
+		    %% Else
+		    _ ->
+			%% do nothing
+			false
+		end
+	end,
+    %% Apply the function to every user in the list
+    Users_removed = lists:filter(F, Users),
+    {removed, length(Users_removed), Users_removed}.
+%% Ban account
+ban_account(User, Host, ReasonText) ->
+    Reason = prepare_reason(ReasonText),
+    kick_sessions(User, Host, Reason),
+    set_random_password(User, Host, Reason),
+    ok.
+kick_sessions(User, Server, Reason) ->
+    lists:map(
+      fun(Resource) ->
+	      kick_this_session(User, Server, Resource, Reason)
+      end,
+      get_resources(User, Server)).
+get_resources(User, Server) ->
+    lists:map(
+      fun(Session) ->
+	      element(3, Session#session.usr)
+      end,
+      get_sessions(User, Server)).
+get_sessions(User, Server) ->
+    LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+    LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+    Sessions =  mnesia:dirty_index_read(session, {LUser, LServer}, #session.us),
+    true = is_list(Sessions),
+    Sessions.
+set_random_password(User, Server, Reason) ->
+    NewPass = build_random_password(Reason),
+    set_password_auth(User, Server, NewPass).
+build_random_password(Reason) ->
+    Date = jlib:timestamp_to_iso(calendar:universal_time()),
+    RandomString = randoms:get_string(),
+    "BANNED_ACCOUNT--" ++ Date ++ "--" ++ RandomString ++ "--" ++ Reason.
+set_password_auth(User, Server, Password) ->
+    ok = ejabberd_auth:set_password(User, Server, Password).
+prepare_reason([]) ->
+    "Kicked by administrator";
+prepare_reason([Reason]) ->
+    Reason;
+prepare_reason(Reason) when is_list(Reason) ->
+    Reason;
+prepare_reason(StringList) ->
+    string:join(StringList, "_").
+%%% Sessions
+num_resources(User, Host) ->
+    length(ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Host)).
+resource_num(User, Host, Num) ->
+    Resources = ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(User, Host),
+    case (0<Num) and (Num=<length(Resources)) of
+	true ->
+	    lists:nth(Num, Resources);
+	false ->
+	    lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Error: Wrong resource number: ~p", [Num]))
+    end.
+kick_session(User, Server, Resource, ReasonText) ->
+    kick_this_session(User, Server, Resource, prepare_reason(ReasonText)),
+    ok.
+kick_this_session(User, Server, Resource, Reason) ->
+    ejabberd_router:route(
+      jlib:make_jid("", "", ""),
+      jlib:make_jid(User, Server, Resource),
+      {xmlelement, "broadcast", [], [{exit, Reason}]}).
+status_num(Host, Status) ->
+    length(get_status_list(Host, Status)).
+status_num(Status) ->
+    status_num("all", Status).
+status_list(Host, Status) ->
+    Res = get_status_list(Host, Status),
+    [{U, S, R, P, St} || {U, S, R, P, St} <- Res].
+status_list(Status) ->
+    status_list("all", Status).
+get_status_list(Host, Status_required) ->
+    %% Get list of all logged users
+    Sessions = ejabberd_sm:dirty_get_my_sessions_list(),
+    %% Reformat the list
+    Sessions2 = [ {Session#session.usr, Session#session.sid, Session#session.priority} || Session <- Sessions],
+    Fhost = case Host of
+		"all" ->
+		    %% All hosts are requested, so dont filter at all
+		    fun(_, _) -> true end;
+		_ ->
+		    %% Filter the list, only Host is interesting
+		    fun(A, B) -> A == B end
+	    end,
+    Sessions3 = [ {Pid, Server, Priority} || {{_User, Server, _Resource}, {_, Pid}, Priority} <- Sessions2, apply(Fhost, [Server, Host])],
+    %% For each Pid, get its presence
+    Sessions4 = [ {ejabberd_c2s:get_presence(Pid), Server, Priority} || {Pid, Server, Priority} <- Sessions3],
+    %% Filter by status
+    Fstatus = case Status_required of
+		  "all" ->
+		      fun(_, _) -> true end;
+		  _ ->
+		      fun(A, B) -> A == B end
+	      end,
+    [{User, Server, Resource, Priority, stringize(Status_text)}
+     || {{User, Resource, Status, Status_text}, Server, Priority} <- Sessions4,
+	apply(Fstatus, [Status, Status_required])].
+%% Make string more print-friendly
+stringize(String) ->
+    %% Replace newline characters with other code
+    element(2, regexp:gsub(String, "\n", "\\n")).
+%%% Vcard
+set_nickname(User, Host, Nickname) ->
+    R = mod_vcard:process_sm_iq(
+	  {jid, User, Host, "", User, Host, ""},
+	  {jid, User, Host, "", User, Host, ""},
+	  {iq, "", set, "", "en",
+	   {xmlelement, "vCard",
+	    [{"xmlns", "vcard-temp"}], [
+					{xmlelement, "NICKNAME", [], [{xmlcdata, Nickname}]}
+				       ]
+	   }}),
+    case R of
+	{iq, [], result, [], _L, []} ->
+	    ok;
+	_ ->
+	    error
+    end.
+get_vcard(User, Host, Name) ->
+    get_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name]).
+get_vcard(User, Host, Name, Subname) ->
+    get_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name, Subname]).
+set_vcard(User, Host, Name, Content) ->
+    set_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name], Content).
+set_vcard(User, Host, Name, Subname, Content) ->
+    set_vcard_content(User, Host, [Name, Subname], Content).
+%% Internal vcard
+get_vcard_content(User, Server, Data) ->
+    [{_, Module, Function, _Opts}] = ets:lookup(sm_iqtable, {?NS_VCARD, Server}),
+    JID = jlib:make_jid(User, Server, ""),
+    IQ = #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD},
+    IQr = Module:Function(JID, JID, IQ),
+    case IQr#iq.sub_el of
+	[A1] ->
+	    case get_vcard(Data, A1) of
+		false -> "Error: no_value";
+		Elem -> xml:get_tag_cdata(Elem)
+	    end;
+	[] ->
+	    "Error: no_vcard"
+    end.
+get_vcard([Data1, Data2], A1) ->
+    case xml:get_subtag(A1, Data1) of
+    	false -> false;
+	A2 -> get_vcard([Data2], A2)
+    end;
+get_vcard([Data], A1) ->
+    xml:get_subtag(A1, Data).
+set_vcard_content(User, Server, Data, Content) ->
+    [{_, Module, Function, _Opts}] = ets:lookup(sm_iqtable, {?NS_VCARD, Server}),
+    JID = jlib:make_jid(User, Server, ""),
+    IQ = #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD},
+    IQr = Module:Function(JID, JID, IQ),
+    %% Get old vcard
+    A4 = case IQr#iq.sub_el of
+	     [A1] ->
+		 {_, _, _, A2} = A1,
+		 update_vcard_els(Data, Content, A2);
+	     [] ->
+		 update_vcard_els(Data, Content, [])
+	 end,
+    %% Build new vcard
+    SubEl = {xmlelement, "vCard", [{"xmlns","vcard-temp"}], A4},
+    IQ2 = #iq{type=set, sub_el = SubEl},
+    Module:Function(JID, JID, IQ2),
+    ok.
+update_vcard_els(Data, Content, Els1) ->
+    Els2 = lists:keysort(2, Els1),
+    [Data1 | Data2] = Data,
+    NewEl = case Data2 of
+		[] ->
+		    {xmlelement, Data1, [], [{xmlcdata,Content}]};
+		[D2] ->
+		    OldEl = case lists:keysearch(Data1, 2, Els2) of
+				{value, A} -> A;
+				false -> {xmlelement, Data1, [], []}
+			    end,
+		    {xmlelement, _, _, ContentOld1} = OldEl,
+		    Content2 = [{xmlelement, D2, [], [{xmlcdata,Content}]}],
+		    ContentOld2 = lists:keysort(2, ContentOld1),
+		    ContentOld3 = lists:keydelete(D2, 2, ContentOld2),
+		    ContentNew = lists:keymerge(2, Content2, ContentOld3),
+		    {xmlelement, Data1, [], ContentNew}
+	    end,
+    Els3 = lists:keydelete(Data1, 2, Els2),
+    lists:keymerge(2, [NewEl], Els3).
+%%% Roster
+add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subs) ->
+    case add_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, Nick, Group, list_to_atom(Subs), []) of
+	{atomic, ok} ->
+	    push_roster_item(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}),
+	    ok;
+	_ ->
+	    error
+    end.
+add_rosteritem(LU, LS, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subscription, Xattrs) ->
+    subscribe(LU, LS, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subscription, Xattrs).
+subscribe(LU, LS, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subscription, Xattrs) ->
+    mnesia:transaction(
+      fun() ->
+	      mnesia:write({roster,
+			    {LU,LS,{User,Server,[]}}, % uj
+			    {LU,LS},                  % user
+			    {User,Server,[]},      % jid
+			    Nick,                  % name: "Mom", []
+			    Subscription,  % subscription: none, to=you see him, from=he sees you, both
+			    none,          % ask: out=send request, in=somebody requests you, none
+			    [Group],       % groups: ["Family"]
+			    Xattrs,        % xattrs: [{"category","conference"}]
+			    []             % xs: []
+			   })
+      end).
+delete_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) ->
+    case unsubscribe(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) of
+	{atomic, ok} ->
+	    push_roster_item(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server, remove),
+	    ok;
+	_  ->
+	    error
+    end.
+unsubscribe(LU, LS, User, Server) ->
+    mnesia:transaction(
+      fun() ->
+              mnesia:delete({roster, {LU, LS, {User, Server, []}}})
+      end).
+%% -----------------------------
+%% Get Roster
+%% -----------------------------
+get_roster(User, Server) ->
+    {ok, Roster} = get_roster2(User, Server),
+    make_roster_xmlrpc(Roster).
+get_roster2(User, Server) ->
+    Modules = gen_mod:loaded_modules(Server),
+    Roster = case lists:member(mod_roster, Modules) of
+		 true ->
+		     mod_roster:get_user_roster([], {User, Server});
+		 false ->
+		     case lists:member(mod_roster_odbc, Modules) of
+			 true ->
+			     mod_roster_odbc:get_user_roster([], {User, Server});
+			 false ->
+			     {error, "Neither mod_roster or mod_roster_odbc are enabled"}
+		     end
+	     end,
+    {ok, Roster}.
+%% Note: if a contact is in several groups, the contact is returned
+%% several times, each one in a different group.
+make_roster_xmlrpc(Roster) ->
+    lists:foldl(
+      fun(Item, Res) ->
+	      JIDS = jlib:jid_to_string(Item#roster.jid),
+	      Nick = Item#roster.name,
+	      Groups = case Item#roster.groups of
+			   [] -> [""];
+			   Gs -> Gs
+		       end,
+	      ItemsX = [{JIDS, Nick, Group}
+			|| Group <- Groups],
+	      ItemsX ++ Res
+      end,
+      [],
+      Roster).
+%% Push Roster from file
+push_roster(File, User, Server) ->
+    {ok, [Roster]} = file:consult(File),
+    subscribe_roster({User, Server, "", User}, Roster).
+push_roster_all(File) ->
+    {ok, [Roster]} = file:consult(File),
+    subscribe_all(Roster).
+subscribe_all(Roster) ->
+    subscribe_all(Roster, Roster).
+subscribe_all([], _) ->
+    ok;
+subscribe_all([User1 | Users], Roster) ->
+    subscribe_roster(User1, Roster),
+    subscribe_all(Users, Roster).
+subscribe_roster(_, []) ->
+    ok;
+%% Do not subscribe a user to itself
+subscribe_roster({Name, Server, Group, Nick}, [{Name, Server, _, _} | Roster]) ->
+    subscribe_roster({Name, Server, Group, Nick}, Roster);
+%% Subscribe Name2 to Name1
+subscribe_roster({Name1, Server1, Group1, Nick1}, [{Name2, Server2, Group2, Nick2} | Roster]) ->
+    subscribe(Name1, Server1, Name2, Server2, Nick2, Group2, both, []),
+    subscribe_roster({Name1, Server1, Group1, Nick1}, Roster).
+push_alltoall(S, G) ->
+    Users = ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(S),
+    Users2 = build_list_users(G, Users, []),
+    subscribe_all(Users2),
+    ok.
+build_list_users(_Group, [], Res) ->
+    Res;
+build_list_users(Group, [{User, Server}|Users], Res) ->
+    build_list_users(Group, Users, [{User, Server, Group, User}|Res]).
+%% @spec(LU, LS, U, S, Action) -> ok
+%%       Action = {add, Nick, Subs, Group} | remove
+%% @doc Push to the roster of account LU at LS the contact U at S.
+%% The specific action to perform is defined in Action.
+push_roster_item(LU, LS, U, S, Action) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun(R) ->
+			  push_roster_item(LU, LS, R, U, S, Action)
+		  end, ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(LU, LS)).
+push_roster_item(LU, LS, R, U, S, Action) ->
+    Item = build_roster_item(U, S, Action),
+    ResIQ = build_iq_roster_push(Item),
+    LJID = jlib:make_jid(LU, LS, R),
+    ejabberd_router:route(LJID, LJID, ResIQ).
+build_roster_item(U, S, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}) ->
+    {xmlelement, "item",
+     [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(jlib:make_jid(U, S, ""))},
+      {"name", Nick},
+      {"subscription", Subs}],
+     [{xmlelement, "group", [], [{xmlcdata, Group}]}]
+    };
+build_roster_item(U, S, remove) ->
+    {xmlelement, "item",
+     [{"jid", jlib:jid_to_string(jlib:make_jid(U, S, ""))},
+      {"subscription", "remove"}],
+     []
+    }.
+build_iq_roster_push(Item) ->
+    {xmlelement, "iq",
+     [{"type", "set"}, {"id", "push"}],
+     [{xmlelement, "query",
+       [{"xmlns", ?NS_ROSTER}],
+       [Item]
+      }
+     ]
+    }.
+%%% Shared Roster Groups
+srg_create(Group, Host, Name, Description, Display) ->
+    {ok, DisplayList} = regexp:split(Display, "\\\\n"),
+    Opts = [{name, Name},
+	    {displayed_groups, DisplayList},
+	    {description, Description}],
+    {atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:create_group(Host, Group, Opts),
+    ok.
+srg_delete(Group, Host) ->
+    {atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:delete_group(Host, Group),
+    ok.
+srg_list(Host) ->
+    lists:sort(mod_shared_roster:list_groups(Host)).
+srg_get_info(Group, Host) ->
+    Opts = mod_shared_roster:get_group_opts(Host,Group),
+    [{io_lib:format("~p", [Title]),
+      io_lib:format("~p", [Value])} || {Title, Value} <- Opts].
+srg_get_members(Group, Host) ->
+    Members = mod_shared_roster:get_group_explicit_users(Host,Group),
+    [jlib:jid_to_string(jlib:make_jid(MUser, MServer, ""))
+     || {MUser, MServer} <- Members].
+srg_user_add(User, Host, Group, GroupHost) ->
+    {atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:add_user_to_group(GroupHost, {User, Host}, Group),
+    ok.
+srg_user_del(User, Host, Group, GroupHost) ->
+    {atomic, ok} = mod_shared_roster:remove_user_from_group(GroupHost, {User, Host}, Group),
+    ok.
+%%% Stanza
+%% @doc Send a chat message to a Jabber account.
+%% @spec (From::string(), To::string(), Body::string()) -> ok
+send_message_chat(From, To, Body) ->
+    Packet = build_packet(message_chat, [Body]),
+    send_packet_all_resources(From, To, Packet).
+%% @doc Send a headline message to a Jabber account.
+%% @spec (From::string(), To::string(), Subject::string(), Body::string()) -> ok
+send_message_headline(From, To, Subject, Body) ->
+    Packet = build_packet(message_headline, [Subject, Body]),
+    send_packet_all_resources(From, To, Packet).
+%% @doc Send a packet to a Jabber account.
+%% If a resource was specified in the JID,
+%% the packet is sent only to that specific resource.
+%% If no resource was specified in the JID,
+%% and the user is remote or local but offline,
+%% the packet is sent to the bare JID.
+%% If the user is local and is online in several resources,
+%% the packet is sent to all its resources.
+send_packet_all_resources(FromJIDString, ToJIDString, Packet) ->
+    FromJID = jlib:string_to_jid(FromJIDString),
+    ToJID = jlib:string_to_jid(ToJIDString),
+    ToUser = ToJID#jid.user,
+    ToServer = ToJID#jid.server,
+    case ToJID#jid.resource of
+	"" ->
+	    send_packet_all_resources(FromJID, ToUser, ToServer, Packet);
+	Res ->
+	    send_packet_all_resources(FromJID, ToUser, ToServer, Res, Packet)
+    end.
+send_packet_all_resources(FromJID, ToUser, ToServer, Packet) ->
+    case ejabberd_sm:get_user_resources(ToUser, ToServer) of
+	[] ->
+	    send_packet_all_resources(FromJID, ToUser, ToServer, "", Packet);
+	ToResources ->
+	    lists:foreach(
+	      fun(ToResource) ->
+		      send_packet_all_resources(FromJID, ToUser, ToServer,
+						ToResource, Packet)
+	      end,
+	      ToResources)
+    end.
+send_packet_all_resources(FromJID, ToU, ToS, ToR, Packet) ->
+    ToJID = jlib:make_jid(ToU, ToS, ToR),
+    ejabberd_router:route(FromJID, ToJID, Packet).
+build_packet(message_chat, [Body]) ->
+    {xmlelement, "message",
+     [{"type", "chat"}],
+     [{xmlelement, "body", [], [{xmlcdata, Body}]}]
+    };
+build_packet(message_headline, [Subject, Body]) ->
+    {xmlelement, "message",
+     [{"type", "headline"}],
+     [{xmlelement, "subject", [], [{xmlcdata, Subject}]},
+      {xmlelement, "body", [], [{xmlcdata, Body}]}
+     ]
+    }.
+%%% Stats
+stats(Name) ->
+    case Name of
+	"uptimeseconds" -> trunc(element(1, erlang:statistics(wall_clock))/1000);
+	"registeredusers" -> length(ejabberd_auth:dirty_get_registered_users());
+	"onlineusersnode" -> length(ejabberd_sm:dirty_get_my_sessions_list());
+	"onlineusers" -> length(ejabberd_sm:dirty_get_sessions_list())
+    end.
+stats(Name, Host) ->
+    case Name of
+	"registeredusers" -> length(ejabberd_auth:get_vh_registered_users(Host));
+	"onlineusers" -> length(ejabberd_sm:get_vh_session_list(Host))
+    end.
+%% Purge roster items
+process_rosteritems(ActionS, SubsS, AsksS, UsersS, ContactsS) ->
+    Action = case ActionS of
+		 "list" -> list;
+		 "delete" -> delete
+	     end,
+    Subs = lists:foldl(
+	     fun(any, _) -> [none, from, to, both];
+		(Sub, Subs) -> [Sub | Subs]
+	     end,
+	     [],
+	     [list_to_atom(S) || S <- string:tokens(SubsS, ":")]
+	    ),
+    Asks = lists:foldl(
+	     fun(any, _) -> [none, out, in];
+		(Ask, Asks) -> [Ask | Asks]
+	     end,
+	     [],
+	     [list_to_atom(S) || S <- string:tokens(AsksS, ":")]
+	    ),
+    Users = lists:foldl(
+	      fun("any", _) -> ["*", "*@*"];
+		 (U, Us) -> [U | Us]
+	      end,
+	      [],
+	      [S || S <- string:tokens(UsersS, ":")]
+	     ),
+    Contacts = lists:foldl(
+		 fun("any", _) -> ["*", "*@*"];
+		    (U, Us) -> [U | Us]
+		 end,
+		 [],
+		 [S || S <- string:tokens(ContactsS, ":")]
+		),
+    case rosteritem_purge({Action, Subs, Asks, Users, Contacts}) of
+	{atomic, ok} ->
+	    ok;
+	{error, Reason} ->
+	    io:format("Error purging rosteritems: ~p~n", [Reason]),
+	    error;
+	{badrpc, Reason} ->
+	    io:format("BadRPC purging rosteritems: ~p~n", [Reason]),
+	    error
+    end.
+%% @spec ({Action::atom(), Subs::[atom()], Asks::[atom()], User::string(), Contact::string()}) -> {atomic, ok}
+rosteritem_purge(Options) ->
+    Num_rosteritems = mnesia:table_info(roster, size),
+    io:format("There are ~p roster items in total.~n", [Num_rosteritems]),
+    Key = mnesia:dirty_first(roster),
+    ok = rip(Key, Options, {0, Num_rosteritems, 0, 0}),
+    {atomic, ok}.
+rip('$end_of_table', _Options, Counters) ->
+    print_progress_line(Counters),
+    ok;
+rip(Key, Options, {Pr, NT, NV, ND}) ->
+    Key_next = mnesia:dirty_next(roster, Key),
+    {Action, _, _, _, _} = Options,
+    ND2 = case decide_rip(Key, Options) of
+	      true ->
+		  apply_action(Action, Key),
+		  ND+1;
+	      false ->
+		  ND
+	  end,
+    NV2 = NV+1,
+    Pr2 = print_progress_line({Pr, NT, NV2, ND2}),
+    rip(Key_next, Options, {Pr2, NT, NV2, ND2}).
+apply_action(list, Key) ->
+    {User, Server, JID} = Key,
+    {RUser, RServer, _} = JID,
+    io:format("Matches: ~s@~s ~s@~s~n", [User, Server, RUser, RServer]);
+apply_action(delete, Key) ->
+    apply_action(list, Key),
+    mnesia:dirty_delete(roster, Key).
+print_progress_line({Pr, NT, NV, ND}) ->
+    Pr2 = trunc((NV/NT)*100),
+    case Pr == Pr2 of
+	true ->
+	    ok;
+	false ->
+	    io:format("Progress ~p% - visited ~p - deleted ~p~n", [Pr2, NV, ND])
+    end,
+    Pr2.
+decide_rip(Key, {_Action, Subs, Asks, User, Contact}) ->
+    case catch mnesia:dirty_read(roster, Key) of
+	[RI] ->
+	    lists:member(RI#roster.subscription, Subs)
+		andalso lists:member(RI#roster.ask, Asks)
+		andalso decide_rip_jid(RI#roster.us, User)
+		andalso decide_rip_jid(RI#roster.jid, Contact);
+	_ ->
+	    false
+    end.
+%% Returns true if the server of the JID is included in the servers
+decide_rip_jid({UName, UServer, _UResource}, Match_list) ->
+    decide_rip_jid({UName, UServer}, Match_list);
+decide_rip_jid({UName, UServer}, Match_list) ->
+    lists:any(
+      fun(Match_string) ->
+	      MJID = jlib:string_to_jid(Match_string),
+	      MName = MJID#jid.luser,
+	      MServer = MJID#jid.lserver,
+	      Is_server = is_glob_match(UServer, MServer),
+	      case MName of
+		  [] when UName == [] ->
+		      Is_server;
+		  [] ->
+		      false;
+		  _ ->
+		      Is_server
+			  andalso is_glob_match(UName, MName)
+	      end
+      end,
+      Match_list).
+%% Copied from ejabberd-2.0.0/src/acl.erl
+is_regexp_match(String, RegExp) ->
+    case regexp:first_match(String, RegExp) of
+	nomatch ->
+	    false;
+	{match, _, _} ->
+	    true;
+	{error, ErrDesc} ->
+	    io:format(
+	      "Wrong regexp ~p in ACL: ~p",
+	      [RegExp, lists:flatten(regexp:format_error(ErrDesc))]),
+	    false
+    end.
+is_glob_match(String, Glob) ->
+    is_regexp_match(String, regexp:sh_to_awk(Glob)).

 ejabberd_piefxis.erl |   23 ++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

--- NEW FILE ejabberd-piefxis-vhost-export.patch ---
This patch enables generation of the main XML file
when exporting data of a virtual host into PIEFXIS format.

This issue is tracked upstream as EJAB-1098.

This changeset was introduced in revisions 2753,
branch http://svn.process-one.net/ejabberd/branches/ejabberd-2.1.x

The first stable version containing the fix is 2.1.1.

--- a/src/ejabberd_piefxis.erl	(revision 2752)
+++ b/src/ejabberd_piefxis.erl	(revision 2753)
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@
 	{atomic, exists} ->
-	    ?INFO_MSG("User ~p@~p already exists, using stored profile...~n",
+	    io:format("Account ~s@~s already exists, updating it...~n",
 		      [User, Domain]),
 	    ok = exmpp_xml:foreach(
@@ -417,10 +417,10 @@
-%%%% Export server
+%%%% Export hosts
-%% @spec (Dir::string()) -> ok
-export_server(Dir) ->
+%% @spec (Dir::string(), Hosts::[string()]) -> ok
+export_hosts(Dir, Hosts) ->
     FnT = make_filename_template(),
@@ -430,7 +430,6 @@
     print(Fd, make_piefxis_xml_head()),
     print(Fd, make_piefxis_server_head()),
-    Hosts = ?MYHOSTS,
     FilesAndHosts = [{make_host_filename(FnT, Host), Host} || Host <- Hosts],
     [print(Fd, make_xinclude(FnH)) || {FnH, _Host} <- FilesAndHosts],
@@ -443,14 +442,20 @@
+%%%% Export server
+%% @spec (Dir::string()) -> ok
+export_server(Dir) ->
+    Hosts = ?MYHOSTS,
+    export_hosts(Dir, Hosts).
 %%%% Export host
 %% @spec (Dir::string(), Host::string()) -> ok
 export_host(Dir, Host) ->
-    try_start_exmpp(),
-    FnT = make_filename_template(),
-    FnH = make_host_filename(FnT, Host),
-    export_host(Dir, FnH, Host).
+    Hosts = [Host],
+    export_hosts(Dir, Hosts).
 %% @spec (Dir::string(), Fn::string(), Host::string()) -> ok
 export_host(Dir, FnH, Host) ->

 ejabberd_c2s.erl         |    2 -
 ejabberd_sm.erl          |    2 -
 mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl |   58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

--- NEW FILE ejabberd-vcard-reqs-forwarding.patch ---
This bug fixes a long-standing bug with ejabberd violating
RFC 3920 by intercepting vCard request coming to a user's
full JID, which should be forwarded to the user's client instead.
This behaviour is especially noticeable in MUC rooms.

This issue is tracked upstream as EJAB-1045.

This changeset was introduced in revisions 2766-2768
branch http://svn.process-one.net/ejabberd/branches/ejabberd-2.1.x

The first stable version containing the fix is 2.1.1.

--- a/src/ejabberd_sm.erl	(revision 2762)
+++ b/src/ejabberd_sm.erl	(revision 2768)
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
 				_ ->
 				    Err =
 				    ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err)
 			_ ->
--- a/src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl	(revision 2762)
+++ b/src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl	(revision 2768)
@@ -470,9 +470,10 @@
 	      {xmlelement, "iq", Attrs, _Els} = Packet},
 	     StateData) ->
     Lang = xml:get_attr_s("xml:lang", Attrs),
+    StanzaId = xml:get_attr_s("id", Attrs),
     case {(StateData#state.config)#config.allow_query_users,
-	  is_user_online(From, StateData)} of
-	{true, true} ->
+	  is_user_online_iq(StanzaId, From, StateData)} of
+	{true, {true, NewId, FromFull}} ->
 	    case find_jid_by_nick(ToNick, StateData) of
 		false ->
 		    case jlib:iq_query_info(Packet) of
@@ -489,13 +490,15 @@
 		ToJID ->
 		    {ok, #user{nick = FromNick}} =
-			?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(From),
+			?DICT:find(jlib:jid_tolower(FromFull),
+		    {ToJID2, Packet2} = handle_iq_vcard(FromFull, ToJID,
+							StanzaId, NewId,Packet),
 		      jlib:jid_replace_resource(StateData#state.jid, FromNick),
-		      ToJID, Packet)
+		      ToJID2, Packet2)
-	{_, false} ->
+	{_, {false, _, _}} ->
 	    case jlib:iq_query_info(Packet) of
 		reply ->
@@ -829,7 +832,6 @@
 	    {next_state, normal_state, StateData}
 %% @doc Check if this non participant can send message to room.
 %% XEP-0045 v1.23:
@@ -969,6 +971,50 @@
     LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID),
     ?DICT:is_key(LJID, StateData#state.users).
+%%% Handle IQ queries of vCard
+is_user_online_iq(StanzaId, JID, StateData) when JID#jid.lresource /= "" ->
+    {is_user_online(JID, StateData), StanzaId, JID};
+is_user_online_iq(StanzaId, JID, StateData) when JID#jid.lresource == "" ->
+    try stanzaid_unpack(StanzaId) of
+	{OriginalId, Resource} ->
+	    JIDWithResource = jlib:jid_replace_resource(JID, Resource),
+	    {is_user_online(JIDWithResource, StateData),
+	     OriginalId, JIDWithResource}
+    catch
+	_:_ ->
+	    {is_user_online(JID, StateData), StanzaId, JID}
+    end.
+handle_iq_vcard(FromFull, ToJID, StanzaId, NewId, Packet) ->
+    ToBareJID = jlib:jid_remove_resource(ToJID),
+    IQ = jlib:iq_query_info(Packet),
+    handle_iq_vcard2(FromFull, ToJID, ToBareJID, StanzaId, NewId, IQ, Packet).
+handle_iq_vcard2(_FromFull, ToJID, ToBareJID, StanzaId, _NewId,
+		 #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD}, Packet)
+  when ToBareJID /= ToJID ->
+    {ToBareJID, change_stanzaid(StanzaId, ToJID, Packet)};
+handle_iq_vcard2(_FromFull, ToJID, _ToBareJID, _StanzaId, NewId, _IQ, Packet) ->
+    {ToJID, change_stanzaid(NewId, Packet)}.
+stanzaid_pack(OriginalId, Resource) ->
+    "berd"++base64:encode_to_string("ejab\0" ++ OriginalId ++ "\0" ++ Resource).
+stanzaid_unpack("berd"++StanzaIdBase64) ->
+    StanzaId = base64:decode_to_string(StanzaIdBase64),
+    ["ejab", OriginalId, Resource] = string:tokens(StanzaId, "\0"),
+    {OriginalId, Resource}.
+change_stanzaid(NewId, Packet) ->
+    {xmlelement, Name, Attrs, Els} = jlib:remove_attr("id", Packet),
+    {xmlelement, Name, [{"id", NewId} | Attrs], Els}.
+change_stanzaid(PreviousId, ToJID, Packet) ->
+    NewId = stanzaid_pack(PreviousId, ToJID#jid.lresource),
+    change_stanzaid(NewId, Packet).
 role_to_list(Role) ->
     case Role of
 	moderator ->   "moderator";
--- a/src/ejabberd_c2s.erl	(revision 2762)
+++ b/src/ejabberd_c2s.erl	(revision 2768)
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@
 	    "iq" ->
 		IQ = jlib:iq_query_info(Packet),
 		case IQ of
-		    #iq{xmlns = ?NS_VCARD} ->
+		    #iq{xmlns = ?NS_VCARD} when (To#jid.luser == "") or (To#jid.lresource == "") ->
 			Host = StateData#state.server,
 			case ets:lookup(sm_iqtable, {?NS_VCARD, Host}) of
 			    [{_, Module, Function, Opts}] ->

 ejabberdctl.template |   10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

Index: ejabberd-ejabberdctl_fix.diff
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/ejabberd/F-12/ejabberd-ejabberdctl_fix.diff,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -p -r1.7 -r1.8
--- ejabberd-ejabberdctl_fix.diff	21 Nov 2009 08:02:51 -0000	1.7
+++ ejabberd-ejabberdctl_fix.diff	10 Dec 2009 19:09:42 -0000	1.8
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---- src/ejabberdctl.template.fix_ctl	2009-11-06 22:53:19.000000000 +0300
-+++ src/ejabberdctl.template	2009-11-21 10:43:17.654686409 +0300
+--- src/ejabberdctl.template	2009-11-06 22:53:19.000000000 +0300
++++ src/ejabberdctl.template	2009-12-10 21:07:28.648659178 +0300
 @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
  # define default environment variables
@@ -13,6 +13,15 @@
  # parse command line parameters
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+     LOGS_DIR=@LOCALSTATEDIR@/log/ejabberd
+ fi
+ if [ "$SPOOLDIR" = "" ] ; then
+-    SPOOLDIR=@LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/ejabberd
++    SPOOLDIR=@LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/ejabberd/spool
+ fi
+ if [ "$EJABBERD_DOC_PATH" = "" ] ; then
 @@ -60,14 +60,14 @@

Index: ejabberd.spec
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/ejabberd/F-12/ejabberd.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.47
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -p -r1.47 -r1.48
--- ejabberd.spec	21 Nov 2009 08:02:52 -0000	1.47
+++ ejabberd.spec	10 Dec 2009 19:09:42 -0000	1.48
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 Name:           ejabberd
 Version:        2.1.0
-Release:        1%{?dist}
+Release:        2%{?dist}
 Summary:        A distributed, fault-tolerant Jabber/XMPP server
 Group:          Applications/Internet
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Source2:        ejabberd.logrotate
 Source3:	ejabberd.sysconfig
 # http://www.ejabberd.im/mod_ctlextra
-# this module will be removed in the near future in favor of mod_admin_extra
+# this module will be removed in the nearest future in favor of mod_admin_extra
 # svn export -r 1020 https://svn.process-one.net/ejabberd-modules/mod_ctlextra/trunk/src/mod_ctlextra.erl
 Source4:        mod_ctlextra.erl
@@ -47,7 +47,23 @@ Patch3: ejabberd-ejabberd_cfg_pam_name.d
 Patch5: ejabberd-mod_ctlextra_mentioning_in_ejabberd_app.diff
 # fixed delays in s2s connections
 Patch8: ejabberd-fixed_delays_in_s2s.patch
+# captcha.sh uses some BASH-specific variables
+# see https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-1105
+Patch9: ejabberd-captcha-bashism.patch
+# Introducing mod_admin_extra
+Patch10: ejabberd-mod_admin_extra.patch
+# Fixed long-standing bug with RFC 3920 violation
+# see https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-1045
+Patch11: ejabberd-vcard-reqs-forwarding.patch
+# Generates a human-readable XHTML page which is returned
+# when a user tries to browse the HTTP-poll URL configured
+# for the server (a common mistake).
+# see https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-1106
+Patch12: ejabberd-http-poll-web-page.patch
+# This patch enables generation of the main XML file
+# when exporting data of a virtual host into PIEFXIS format.
+# see https://support.process-one.net/browse/EJAB-1098
+Patch13: ejabberd-piefxis-vhost-export.patch
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
@@ -93,6 +109,33 @@ Documentation for ejabberd.
 %{__fe_groupadd} %{uid} -r %{name} &>/dev/null || :
 %{__fe_useradd} %{uid} -r -s /sbin/nologin -d /var/lib/ejabberd -M \
 			-c 'ejabberd' -g %{name} %{name} &>/dev/null || :
+# we should backup DB in every upgrade
+if ejabberdctl status >/dev/null ; then
+	# Use timestamp to make database restoring easier
+	TIME=$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)
+	BACKUPDIR=$(mktemp -d -p /var/tmp/ ejabberd-$TIME.XXXXXX)
+	chown ejabberd:ejabberd $BACKUPDIR
+	BACKUP=$BACKUPDIR/ejabberd-database
+	ejabberdctl backup $BACKUP
+	# Change ownership to root:root because ejabberd user might be
+	# removed on package removal.
+	chown -R root:root $BACKUPDIR
+	chmod 700 $BACKUPDIR
+	echo
+	echo The ejabberd database has been backed up to $BACKUP.
+	echo
+# fix cookie path (since ver. 2.1.0 cookie stored in /var/lib/ejabberd/spool
+# rather than in /var/lib/ejabberd
+if [ -f /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie ]; then
+	cp -pf /var/lib/ejabberd/{,spool/}.erlang.cookie
+	echo
+	echo The ejabberd cookie file was moved.
+	echo Please remove old one from /var/lib/ejabberd/.erlang.cookie
+	echo
 /sbin/chkconfig --add %{name}
@@ -134,6 +177,11 @@ fi
 %patch3 -p0 -b .pam_name
 %patch5 -p0 -b .mod_ctlextra
 %patch8 -p0 -b .s2s
+%patch9 -p1 -b .bashism
+%patch10 -p1 -b .mod_admin_extra
+%patch11 -p1 -b .vcard_rfc_violation
+%patch12 -p1 -b .xhtml
+%patch13 -p1 -b .piefxis
 dos2unix src/odbc/mssql2000.sql
@@ -169,6 +217,9 @@ chmod a+x %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/%{name}
 # fix example SSL certificate path to real one, which we created recently (see above)
 %{__perl} -pi -e 's!/path/to/ssl.pem!/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.pem!g' %{buildroot}/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
+# fix captcha path
+%{__perl} -pi -e 's!/lib/ejabberd/priv/bin/captcha.sh!%{_libdir}/%{name}/priv/bin/captcha.sh!g' %{buildroot}/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/var/log/ejabberd
 mkdir -p %{buildroot}/var/lib/ejabberd/spool
@@ -194,12 +245,9 @@ install -p -m 0644 src/odbc/mssql2000.sq
 install -p -m 0644 src/odbc/mssql2005.sql %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
 install -p -m 0644 src/odbc/mysql.sql %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
 install -p -m 0644 src/odbc/pg.sql %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
-# install example script for CAPTCHA-protection
-install -p -m 0644 tools/captcha.sh %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}
 # removed files, which would be packaged later (see 'files' section)
 rm -rf %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/%{name}
-rm -f %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/%{name}/priv/bin/captcha.sh
 rm -rf %{buildroot}
@@ -253,6 +301,7 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
 %attr(4750,root,ejabberd) %{_libdir}/%{name}/priv/bin/epam
@@ -262,7 +311,6 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
 %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
@@ -303,6 +351,11 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
 %doc doc/yozhikheader.png
+* Thu Dec 10 2009 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov at gmail.com> 2.1.0-2
+- DB backups are made on every upgrade/uninstall
+- Fixed installation of captcha.sh example helper
+- Added patches 9,10,11,12,13 from Debian's package
 * Fri Nov 20 2009 Peter Lemenkov <lemenkov at gmail.com> 2.1.0-1
 - Ver. 2.1.0
 - Upstream no longer providing ChangeLog

Index: import.log
RCS file: /cvs/pkgs/rpms/ejabberd/F-12/import.log,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -p -r1.15 -r1.16
--- import.log	21 Nov 2009 08:02:52 -0000	1.15
+++ import.log	10 Dec 2009 19:09:42 -0000	1.16
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ ejabberd-2_0_5-6_fc11:HEAD:ejabberd-2.0.

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