rpms/picturetile/F-12 import.log, NONE, 1.1 picturetile.pl, NONE, 1.1 picturetile.spec, NONE, 1.1

edwintb edwintb at fedoraproject.org
Tue Nov 17 19:35:44 UTC 2009

Author: edwintb

Update of /cvs/pkgs/rpms/picturetile/F-12
In directory cvs1.fedora.phx.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv19345/F-12

Added Files:
	import.log picturetile.pl picturetile.spec 
Log Message:
Initial import (#498218).

--- NEW FILE import.log ---

--- NEW FILE picturetile.pl ---
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright © 2005 Jamie Zawinski <jwz at jwz.org>
# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
# documentation.  No representations are made about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or 
# implied warranty.

#     picturetile.pl
#     Takes a bunch of images and tiles them into one large image.
#     Not so much a collage, as a "photo wall."
#     The images are selected randomly from the given directory, and packed
#     together as tightly as possible.  Images that are very small are
#     assumed to be thumbnails and are ignored.  No image will be used more
#     than once, and the images need not be of the same size or aspect ratio.
#     Created: 14-Mar-2005.
# Options:
#     --verbose        Loudness.  -vvv for more.
#     --size WxH       Max size of the resultant image.
#     --margin N       Spacing between images.  default 8 pixels.
#                      This may be negative to make the images overlap.
#     --border N       Size of the overall outside border.  Default 8 pixels.
#     --directory DIR  Directory tree where images are found.
#     --background C   Background color, default white.
#     --scale N        Resize the sub-images before pasting; default 1.0.
#     --uniform        If all your images are the same size, use this to get
#                      a more regular grid (i.e., all lines flush-left.)
#     --checkpoint     Write the output file at the end of each line, as well
#                      as at the very end (so you can watch the progress.)
#     --pages N        Instead of just writing one image file, write up to N.
#                      Does not duplicate any pictures between pages until
#                      the last page (where it may duplicate some in order
#                      to fill out the remainder.)
#     --quality PCT    Compression level when writing JPEG or PNG files.
#     --cmyk           Write CMYK instead of RGB.
# Example:
#      Suppose you have a bunch of images from a 6 megapixel camera, and you
#      want to end up with a file that you can have printed on a 30" x 60"
#      sheet at 200 DPI, where each individual photo is snapshot-sized
#      (meaning around 5" in its longest dimension.)
#      The size of the output file should be 30" x 200 DPI by 60" x 200 DPI,
#      or 6000 x 12000 pixels.
#      Within that image, each individual photo should be 5" x 200 DPI, or
#      1000 pixels.  Since 6 megapixel images are a mixture of 3072 x 2048
#      landscape and 2048 x 3072 portrait, that means they need to be scaled
#      down by 1000/3072, or 0.3255.
#      If you want a half-inch border on the outside, that's .5" x 200 DPI
#      or 100 pixels.
#      So you'd invoke this program as:
#          picturetile.pl --verbose                   \
#                         --size 6000x12000           \
#                         --scale 0.3255              \
#                         --border 100                \
#                         --directory /the/pictures/  \
#                         output.jpg
#      That will make use of around 80 images from that directory, and will
#      take about five minutes on a 2GHz machine.  It will also use a truly
#      gargantuan amount of RAM, and result in an output file of 4-5 MB.
#      You can write a TIFF (or just about anything else) instead of a JPEG
#      by using the appropriate output file extension.
# Details:
#     The images are packed in pretty tightly, but bin packing is NP-complete,
#     so the packing will not be optimal.  This program usually gets at least
#     75% coverage, which isn't so bad.
#     The traditional bin-packing algorithm is to sort the objects by size,
#     and pack them in largest to smallest ("first-fit decreasing"), but that
#     doesn't result in an aesthetically pleasing result (all the big images
#     would be clustered in one corner.)
#     The method used here is a Tetris-like strategy:
#       - place the first image at the bottom left;
#       - for each subsequent image:
#          - place it just to the right of the previous image, at the top edge;
#          - drop it straight down until it collides with another image;
#          - then move it left, if possible;
#          - then drop again, if possible.
#     Then the overall image is cropped to the resultant bounding box, and
#     written out.
#     Images are chosen randomly, and no image will be used more than once,
#     unless the supply of images is exhausted before the page is full.
#     Very small images in the source directory (thumbnails) are ignored.
# Warning:
#     When dealing with very large images, make sure you have plenty of free
#     space in your /tmp directory (or point $TMPDIR at somewhere spacious).
#     The ImageMagick library sometimes silently fails when it runs out of
#     room for its scratch files.
# Alternatives:
#     If all your images are exactly the same size, or if you want them
#     arranged on a regular grid, then the ImageMagick "montage" program
#     will probably serve you better than this script.
# Discussion:
#     http://jwz.livejournal.com/455804.html

require 5;
use diagnostics;
use strict;

use bytes;
use POSIX;
use Fcntl;

use POSIX ':fcntl_h';				# S_ISLNK was here in Perl 5.6
import Fcntl ':mode' unless defined &S_ISLNK;	# but it is here in Perl 5.8

use Image::Magick;

my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s at .*/@@g; $progname =~ s@\.[^.]+$@@g;
my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.9 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/;

my $verbose = 0;

my $image_directory;
my $canvas_width;
my $canvas_height;
my $orig_canvas_width;
my $orig_canvas_height;
my $margin = 8;
my $border = 8;
my $image_scale = 1.0;
my $bg_color = 'white';
my $orig_output_filename;
my $output_filename;
my $uniform_p = 0;
my $checkpoint_p = 0;
my $target_pages = 1;
my $duplicated_images = 0;
my $quality = 90;
my $cmyk_p = 0;

# This matches files that we are allowed to use as images (case-insensitive.)
# Anything not matching this is ignored.  This is so you can use an image
# directory at directory trees that have things other than images in
# them, but it assumes that you gave your images sensible file extensions.
my $good_file_re = '\.(gif|p?jpe?g|png|tiff?|xbm|xpm)$';

# Images that are are smaller than this size are rejected: this is so that
# you can use an image directory tree that contains both big images and
# thumbnails, and have it only select the big versions.
my $min_image_width  = 255;
my $min_image_height = 255;

my @boxes = ();
my %used_images;
my $canvas;
my $area;
my $cursorx;
my $cursory;
my $out_of_files = 0;

my ($X, $Y, $W, $H) = (0, 1, 2, 3);  # "struct box"

my @all_files = ();     # list of "good" files we've collected
my %seen_inodes;        # for breaking recursive symlink loops
my $skip_count = 0;     # number of files skipped, for diagnostic messages
my $dir_count = 1;      # number of directories seen, for diagnostic messages

# mostly lifted from "xscreensaver-getimage-file"
sub find_all_files_1($);
sub find_all_files_1($) {
  my ($dir) = @_;

  print STDERR blurb() . "reading dir $dir/...\n" if ($verbose > 4);

  local *DIR;
  if (! opendir (DIR, $dir)) {
    print STDERR blurb() . "couldn't open $dir: $!\n" if ($verbose > 1);
  my @files = readdir (DIR);
  closedir (DIR);

  my @dirs = ();

  foreach my $file (@files) {
    next if ($file =~ m/^\./);      # ignore dot files/dirs

    $file = "$dir/$file";
    my @st = stat($file);
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
        $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = @st;

    if ($#st == -1) {
      if ($verbose > 1) {
        my $ll = readlink $file;
        if (defined ($ll)) {
          print STDERR blurb() . "dangling symlink: $file -> $ll\n";
        } else {
          print STDERR blurb() . "unreadable: $file\n";

    next if ($seen_inodes{"$dev:$ino"}); # break symlink loops
    $seen_inodes{"$dev:$ino"} = 1;

    if (S_ISDIR($mode)) {
      push @dirs, $file;
      print STDERR blurb() . "  found dir  $file\n" if ($verbose > 4);
    } elsif (S_ISREG($mode) || S_ISLNK($mode)) {

      if ($file =~ m/[~%\#]$/ ||               # backup file, or
          ! ($file =~ m/$good_file_re/io)) {   # no image extension
        print STDERR blurb() . "  skip file $file\n" if ($verbose > 4);
      } else {
        push @all_files, $file;
        print STDERR blurb() . "  found file $file\n" if ($verbose > 4);
    } elsif ($verbose > 4) {
      print STDERR blurb() . "  nonreg $file\n";

  foreach (@dirs) {
    find_all_files_1 ($_);

# Permutes the array (reference) in place.  "Fisher Yates Shuffle".
sub shuffle_array($) {
  my ($array) = @_;
  for (my $i = @$array; --$i;) {
    my $j = int rand ($i+1);
    next if ($i == $j);
    @$array[$i,$j] = @$array[$j,$i];

sub find_all_files($) {
  my ($dir) = @_;

  $dir =~ s@/+$@@g;

  print STDERR blurb() . "recursively reading $dir...\n" if ($verbose > 1);
  find_all_files_1 ($dir);
  print STDERR blurb() . "found " . ($#all_files+1) .
               " file" . ($#all_files == 0 ? "" : "s") .
               " in $dir_count dir" . ($dir_count == 1 ? "" : "s") .
               "; skipped $skip_count file" . ($skip_count == 1 ? "" : "s") .
    if ($verbose > 1);

  if ($#all_files < 0) {
    print STDERR blurb() . "no files in $dir\n";
    exit 1;

  shuffle_array (\@all_files);

# Returns the name of a random unused image from the preloaded list.
# undef when no more.
sub random_image_name() {

  my $max_tries = $#all_files+1;

  for (my $i = 0; $i < $max_tries; $i++) {
    my $file = shift @all_files;  # take it off the front
    push @all_files, $file;       # put it on the back
    return $file if (!defined ($used_images{$file}));

  print STDERR blurb() . "out of files ($max_tries) in $image_directory\n";
  exit 1 if ($#boxes < 0);  # no suitable files present at all
  $out_of_files = 1;

  # re-shuffle the array and begin again...
  shuffle_array (\@all_files);
  %used_images = ();

  return undef;

sub max($$) { return ($_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1]); }
sub min($$) { return ($_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1]); }

# Whether the two rectangles intersect.
# Args are references to 4 element arrays of [ X Y W H ]
sub boxes_overlap_p($$) {
  my ($a, $b) = @_;

  my $maxtop   = max($a->[$Y], $b->[$Y]);
  my $minbot   = min($a->[$Y] + $a->[$H] - 1, $b->[$Y] + $b->[$H]);
  return 0 if ($maxtop >= $minbot);

  my $maxleft  = max($a->[$X], $b->[$X]);
  my $minright = min($a->[$X] + $a->[$W] - 1, $b->[$X] + $b->[$W]);
  return ($maxleft < $minright);

# Returns (one of) the box(es) with which we collided, or undef.
sub box_collides_p($) {
  my ($a) = @_;

  my $canvas_height1 = ($canvas_height + ($margin < 0 ? $margin : 0)
                        - $border);

  # collide with wall
  return $a if (#$a->[$X] < 0 ||
               #$a->[$Y] < 0 ||
               #$a->[$X] + $a->[$W] >= $canvas_width1 ||
                $a->[$Y] + $a->[$H] >= $canvas_height1);

  # collide with another box.
  # iterate backwards to compare with recently-added first.
  for (my $i = $#boxes; $i >= 0; $i--) {
    my $b = $boxes[$i];
    return $b if (boxes_overlap_p ($a, $b));

  return undef;

# Place a new image in the canvas.  Returns 0 if ok, 1 if failed.
# When last_resort_p is true, uses an alternate algorithm intended to
# better fill in any remaining gaps in the top row.
sub place_image($) {
  my ($last_resort_p) = @_;

  #return 1 if ($out_of_files);

  my $max_retries = 20;
  my $retries = 0;

  my $img = undef;
  my $status;

  my $eol_count = 0;

  my @aa;
  my $a = \@aa;
  my $b = undef;
  my $name;
  my $name2;

  my $margin0 = max ($margin, 0);
  my $canvas_width1  = ($canvas_width  + ($margin < 0 ? $margin : 0)
                        - $border);
  my $canvas_height1 = ($canvas_height + ($margin < 0 ? $margin : 0)
                        - $border);

  while ($last_resort_p || $retries++ < $max_retries) {

    if (!$name || ($retries > 0 && !$last_resort_p)) {
      $name = random_image_name();
      return 0 if (!defined ($name));  # out of files!
      $name2 = $name;
      $name2 =~ s@^.*/@@;

    undef $img;
    $img = Image::Magick->new;
    $status = $img->Read ($name);
    imagemagick_check_error ($status);

    ($a->[$W], $a->[$H]) = $img->Get ('width', 'height');
    if (!$a->[$W] || !$a->[$H]) {
      # bad image
      $used_images{$name} = 1;  # don't try it again
      undef $img;

    if ($a->[$W] < $min_image_width || $a->[$H] < $min_image_height) {
      print STDERR blurb() . "$name2: too small ($a->[$W] x $a->[$H])\n"
        if ($verbose > 2);
      undef $img;
      $used_images{$name} = 1;  # don't try it again
      $retries--;               # "too small" doesn't count as a retry
      undef $name;

    if ($image_scale != 1.0) {
      my $ow = $a->[$W];
      my $oh = $a->[$H];
      $a->[$W] = int ($a->[$W] * $image_scale + 0.5);
      $a->[$H] = int ($a->[$H] * $image_scale + 0.5);
      #print STDERR "scaling ${ow}x${oh} to $a->[$W]x$a->[$H]  $name2\n"
      #  if ($verbose > 3);
      $status = $img->Scale ('width'  => $a->[$W],
                             'height' => $a->[$H]);
      imagemagick_check_error ($status);

    $a->[$W] += $margin;
    $a->[$H] += $margin;

    $a->[$X] = $cursorx;
    $a->[$Y] = max($border + $margin0, $cursory - $a->[$H] - 1);

    if ($a->[$X] + $a->[$W] >= $canvas_width1) {	# end of line
      $cursorx = $border + $margin0;
      $a->[$X] = $cursorx;

      if ($#boxes > 0) {
        if ($checkpoint_p) {
          imagemagick_finish ();
        } else {
          check_df ();

    # If this image is the first one on the row, shift it to the right
    # by a random amount, so that both the left and right margins are
    # ragged (instead of everything being flush-left.)
    my $left_edge = $border + $margin0;
    if (!$uniform_p && $a->[$X] <= $border + $margin0) {
      $a->[$X] += int (rand($a->[$W] / 2));
      if ($a->[$X] < $border + $margin0) { $a->[$X] = $border + $margin0; }
      if ($a->[$X] > $canvas_width - $a->[$W]) {
        $a->[$X] = $canvas_width - $a->[$W];
      $left_edge = $a->[$X];

    if (! ($b = box_collides_p ($a))) {

      # Drop the image until it can drop no more
      do {
      } while (! ($b = box_collides_p ($a)));

      # now go left as far as we can (a tetris dance)
      do {
      } while ($a->[$X] >= $left_edge &&
               !($b = box_collides_p ($a)));

      # and finally try to drop again.
      do {
      } while (! ($b = box_collides_p ($a)));

      # If this image is on the bottom row, shift it up by a random amount,
      # so that both the top and bottom margins are ragged (instead of
      # everything being flush-bottom.)
      if (!$uniform_p && $a->[$Y] + $a->[$H] + 2 >= $canvas_height1) {
        $a->[$Y] -= int (rand($a->[$H] / 2));
        if ($a->[$Y] < $border + $margin0) { $a->[$Y] = $border + $margin0; }
        if ($a->[$Y] > $canvas_height1 - $a->[$H]) {
          $a->[$Y] = $canvas_height1 - $a->[$H];

      if ($a->[$Y] >= $border + $margin0) {

        $used_images{$name} = 1;
        push @boxes, $a;
        $area += ($a->[$W] - $margin) * ($a->[$H] - $margin);
        $cursorx = max ($cursorx, $a->[$X] + $a->[$W]);
        $cursory = min ($cursory, $a->[$Y]);

        $duplicated_images++ if ($out_of_files);

        if ($verbose) {
          my $x = $a->[$X];
          my $y = $a->[$Y];
          my $w = $a->[$W] - $margin;
          my $h = $a->[$H] - $margin;
          print STDERR sprintf ("%s%s %3d %2d%% %5dx%-5d\@%5d,%-5d %s\n",
                                ($last_resort_p ? '*' : ' '),
                                int (($area * 100) /
                                     ($canvas_width * $canvas_height)),
                                $w, $h, $x, $y, $name2);

        $status = $canvas->Composite ( 'image' => $img,
                                       'x' => $a->[$X],
                                       'y' => $a->[$Y] );
        imagemagick_check_error ($status);
        undef $img;
        return 0;

      } elsif ($verbose > 3) {
        print STDERR blurb() . "fail$last_resort_p " .
          "(drop $a->[$X],$a->[$Y]): $name2\n";
    } elsif ($verbose > 3) {
      print STDERR blurb() . "fail$last_resort_p " .
        "(top $a->[$X],$a->[$Y]): $name2\n";

    if ($last_resort_p) {

      if ($b) {
        $cursorx = $b->[$X] + $b->[$W];    # right of collision box
      } else {
        $cursorx += ($margin != 0 ? $margin : 1);

      if ($eol_count > 0) {
        print STDERR blurb() . "fail$last_resort_p " .
          "(last $a->[$X],$a->[$Y]): $name2\n"
          if ($verbose > 3);
        return 1;

  undef $img;

  return 1;  # done: too many retries

# Find the overall bounding box of the canvas, and crop to that.
# Otherwise we end up with larger margins on the right and top edges.
sub crop_to_bbox() {
  my $status;
  my $minx = 999999999;
  my $miny = 999999999;
  my $maxx = 0;
  my $maxy = 0;

  my $margin0 = max ($margin, 0);

  error ("total layout failure?") unless ($#boxes >= 0);
  foreach my $box (@boxes) {
    $minx = min($minx, $box->[$X]);
    $miny = min($miny, $box->[$Y]);
    $maxx = max($maxx, $box->[$X] + $box->[$W]);
    $maxy = max($maxy, $box->[$Y] + $box->[$H]);

  $minx -= $border + $margin0;
  $miny -= $border + $margin0;
  $minx = 0 if ($minx < 0);
  $miny = 0 if ($miny < 0);

  $maxx += $border;
  $maxy += $border;

  if ($margin < 0) {
    $maxx -= $margin;
    $maxy -= $margin;

  my $ow = $canvas_width;
  my $oh = $canvas_height;
  my $nw = $maxx - $minx;
  my $nh = $maxy - $miny;

  my $pct = int (($nw * $nh * 100) / ($ow * $oh));

  if ($nw / $ow > 0.97 &&
      $nh / $oh > 0.97) {

    print STDERR blurb() . "not cropping ${ow} x ${oh} to " .
                 "${nw} x ${nh} ($pct%)\n"
      if ($verbose);

  } else {

    my $geom = "${nw}x${nh}+$minx+$miny";
    print STDERR blurb() . "cropping ${ow} x ${oh} to " .
                 "${nw} x ${nh} \@ $minx,$miny ($pct%)\n"
      if ($verbose);
    check_df ();
    $status = $canvas->Crop ( 'geometry' => $geom );
    check_df ();
    imagemagick_check_error ($status);

    $canvas_width  = $nw;
    $canvas_height = $nh;

# Do the full layout.
sub place_images() {

  print STDERR blurb() . "beginning layout...\n"
    if ($verbose);

  @boxes = ();
  $area = 0;

  my $margin0 = max ($margin, 0);
  my $canvas_height1 = ($canvas_height + ($margin < 0 ? $margin : 0)
                        - $border);

  $cursorx = $border + $margin0;
  $cursory = $canvas_height1 - $margin0;

  1 while (!place_image (0));     # fill left-to-right, bottom-to-top.
  1 while (!place_image (1));     # try to fill the rest of the top row.
  1 while (!place_image (1));     # twice.
  1 while (!place_image (1));     # thrice.

# Create the output image canvas, and initialize it to the background color.
sub imagemagick_init($) {
  my ($page) = @_;
  my $status;

  $canvas_width    = $orig_canvas_width;
  $canvas_height   = $orig_canvas_height;
  $output_filename = $orig_output_filename;

  if ($target_pages > 1) {          # "out.jpg" => "out02.jpg", etc.
    my $n = ($target_pages >= 100 ? sprintf("%03d", $page) :
             $target_pages >= 10  ? sprintf("%02d", $page) :
             sprintf("%d", $page));
    $output_filename =~ s@(\.[^./]+)$@$n$1@;

  check_df ();

  undef $canvas;
  $canvas = Image::Magick->new;

  print STDERR blurb() . "creating " . ($cmyk_p ? "CMYK " : "") .
               "canvas ${canvas_width}x${canvas_height}\n"
    if ($verbose);

  if ($cmyk_p) {
    $status = $canvas->Set (colorspace => 'CMYK');
    imagemagick_check_error ($status);

  if ($output_filename =~ m/\.tiff?$/i) {
    # ImageMagick likes to write TIFFs with 16 bits per channel.  Use 8!
    $status = $canvas->Set (depth => 8);
    imagemagick_check_error ($status);

  # Eh, doesn't really matter what this is; set "units" so Gimp doesn't bitch.
  $status = $canvas->Set (density => '300x300',
                          units   => 'PixelsPerInch');
  imagemagick_check_error ($status);

  $status = $canvas->Set (size => "${canvas_width}x${canvas_height}");
  imagemagick_check_error ($status);
  check_df ();

  print STDERR blurb() . "background color $bg_color\n"
    if ($verbose);
  $status = $canvas->ReadImage ("xc:$bg_color");
  imagemagick_check_error ($status);

# Write the canvas to the output file.  This can be called multiple times.
sub imagemagick_finish() {

  my $status;
  my ($w, $h) = $canvas->Get ('width', 'height');

  check_df ();
  check_df ($output_filename);

  $status = $canvas->Set (quality => $quality);
  imagemagick_check_error ($status);

  if ($output_filename =~ m/\.tiff?$/i) {
    # always use Zip (aka "Deflate") for TIFFs.
    # Note: this broke some time between ImageMagick- and
    # ImageMagick- on Fedora.  It never compresses now.
    $status = $canvas->Set (compression => 'Zip');
    imagemagick_check_error ($status);

  $status = $canvas->Write ( 'filename' => $output_filename );
  imagemagick_check_error ($status);

  check_df ();
  check_df ($output_filename);

  my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
      $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($output_filename);
  my $k = int (($size + 1023) / 1024);
  if ($k < 1024) {
    $k = "${k} KB";
  } else {
    $k = sprintf ("%.1f MB", $k / 1024.0);
    $k =~ s/\.0+//;

  my $pct = int (($area * 100) / ($canvas_width * $canvas_height));
  my $n = $#boxes + 1;
  print STDERR blurb() . "wrote $n images (${k}; ${w} x $h; $pct%)\n";

  if ($duplicated_images > 0) {
    print STDERR blurb() . "$duplicated_images images are duplicates\n";

# Check and print error status from various Image::Magick commands,
# and die if it's not just a warning.
sub imagemagick_check_error($) {
  my ($err) = @_;
  return unless $err;
  print STDERR blurb() . "$err\n";
  my ($n) = ($err =~ m/(\d+)/);

  print STDERR blurb() . "maybe \$TMPDIR (".
               ($ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp") . ") filled up?\n"
    if ($err =~ m/pixel cache/i);

  exit (1) if ($n >= 400);

# Check free space on the file system of the given file (or $TMPDIR)
# and print a warning if it looks suspiciously full.
my $last_df_warn = 0;

sub check_df($) {
  my ($file) = @_;

  my $tmp_p = !defined($file);
  if ($file) {
    if ($file =~ m@/@) {
      $file =~ s@/[^/]*$@@;  # directory part
    } else {
      $file = ".";
  } else {
    $file = $ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";

  my $df = `df '$file' 2>&-`;
  $df =~ s/^[^\n]*\n//s;
  my ($avail, $pct, $dir) = ($df =~ m/\b(\d+)[ \t]+(\d+)%[ \t]+([^\s]+)/);
  error ("df '$file' failed?") unless ($dir);

  # somewhat empirical...
  my $bytes = ($canvas_width * $canvas_height * ($tmp_p ? 20 : 4));

  $pct = 100-$pct;
  if ($pct <= 5 || $avail < $bytes / 1024) {
    my $tag = "$dir $pct";
    $avail = ($avail >= 1024*1024 ? sprintf("%.1f GB", $avail/(1024*1024)) :
              $avail >= 1024      ? sprintf("%.1f MB", $avail/1024) :
                                    sprintf("%d KB", $avail));
    print STDERR blurb() . "WARNING: disk $dir has $pct% free ($avail)\n"
      if ($tag ne $last_df_warn);
    $last_df_warn = $tag;

sub blurb() {
  my $of = $output_filename || '';
  $of =~ s@^.*/@@;
  $of .= ': ' if ($of);
  return ("$progname: " .
#         strftime ("%H:%M:%S: ", localtime) .
          strftime ("%H:%M: ", localtime) .

sub error($) {
  my ($err) = @_;
  print STDERR blurb() . "$err\n";
  exit 1;

sub usage() {
  print STDERR "usage: $progname " .
    "[--verbose] --size WxH --margin pixels --border pixels\n" .
    "\t\t      --directory image-dir --background color --pages N\n" .
    "\t\t      --scale float --quality pct --cmyk --checkpoint\n\n" .
    "\t\t      output-file\n\n";
  exit 1;

sub main() {

  my $size;

  while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
    $_ = shift @ARGV;
    if ($_ eq "--verbose") { $verbose++; }
    elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; }
    elsif (m/--?dir(ectory)?/) { $image_directory = shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/--?size/)   { $size = shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/--?margin/) { $margin = int(shift @ARGV); }
    elsif (m/--?border/) { $border = int(shift @ARGV); }
    elsif (m/--?scale/)  { $image_scale = 0.0 + shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/--?(bg|background)/) { $bg_color = shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/--?check(point)?/) { $checkpoint_p++; }
    elsif (m/--?uni(form)?/) { $uniform_p++; }
    elsif (m/--?pages?/) { $target_pages = 0 + shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/--?q(u(a(l(ity))))/) { $quality = 0 + shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/--?cmyk/) { $cmyk_p = 1; }
    elsif (m/^-./) { print STDERR "$progname: unknown option $_\n";
                     usage; }
    elsif (!defined($orig_output_filename)) { $orig_output_filename = $_; }
    else { usage; }

  error ("no output filename specified") unless ($orig_output_filename);
  error ("no image directory specified") unless ($image_directory);
  error ("no size specified") unless ($size);
  error ("quality must be 1-100") unless ($quality > 0 && $quality <= 100);
  error ("border cannot be negative (did you mean --margin?)")
    unless ($border >= 0);
  error ("unparsable size: $size")
    unless ($size =~ m/^(\d+)\s*x\s*(\d+)$/);
  ($orig_canvas_width, $orig_canvas_height) = ($1, $2);

  error ("bad scale: $image_scale") if ($image_scale <= 0);

  find_all_files ($image_directory);

  $target_pages = 1 unless ($target_pages);

  for (my $page = 0; $page < $target_pages; $page++) {
    imagemagick_init ($page);
    place_images ();
    imagemagick_finish ();
    last if ($out_of_files);
    print STDERR "\n";

exit 0;

--- NEW FILE picturetile.spec ---
# reviewed at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=498218

Name:           picturetile 
# The source file does not use version number, just has a release date.
Version:        0
Release:        4.20050314%{?dist}
Summary:        Tiles a bunch of images into one large "photo wall"

Group:          Applications/Multimedia
License:        MIT
URL:            http://www.jwz.org/picturetile/
Source0:        http://www.jwz.org/picturetile/picturetile.pl
BuildArch:      noarch
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

Requires:       ImageMagick-perl
Provides:       picturetile.pl = 20050314

Takes a bunch of images and tiles them into one large image.
Not so much a collage, as a "photo wall."

The images are selected randomly from the given directory, and packed
together as tightly as possible. Images that are very small are
assumed to be thumbnails and are ignored. No image will be used more
than once, and the images need not be of the same size or aspect ratio.

This script can be used stand-alone from the command-line, or from the
F-Spot plugin "create photowall".

%setup -qcT
cp -p %SOURCE0 picturetile.pl.ISO-8859-1

# The downloaded picturetile.pl is ISO-8859-1 encoded. First transform this
# file to UTF-8.
iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 picturetile.pl.ISO-8859-1 > picturetile.pl
# Preserve original modification time
touch -c -r picturetile.pl.ISO-8859-1 picturetile.pl

# Extract the help at the beginning of the perl script as README, since
# it was meant to be the README, just not in a separate file
head picturetile.pl -n135 | tail -n124 > README

# The copyright notice at the beginning of the perl script will not be 
# extracted as COPYING, since that would violate the Packaging Guidelines [1],
# which state:
# "If (and only if) the source package includes the text of the license(s) in
# its *own file*, then that file, containing the text of the license(s) for the
# package must be included in %doc." The crux here is the *own file*. It does
# not include the text in it's own file COPYING. It is therefore incorrect to
# generate the file (because if the "If (and only if)").
# [1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/LicensingGuidelines#License_Text

rm -rf %{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -pm 755 picturetile.pl %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/

rm -rf %{buildroot}


* Thu Nov 12 2009 Edwin ten Brink <fedora at tenbrink-bekkers.nl> - 0-4.20050314
- Additional comments from review. Undone change of release 3 to prep section.
  Removed generation of COPYING. Changed version number to 0 and use release
  tag only.

* Sun Nov 08 2009 Edwin ten Brink <fedora at tenbrink-bekkers.nl> - 0.1.20050314-3
- Additional comments from review. Changed version number prefix to 0.1,
  license to MIT and prep section.

* Thu Oct 29 2009 Edwin ten Brink <fedora at tenbrink-bekkers.nl> - 0.20050314-2
- Changed version number to prefix with "0."

* Wed Apr 29 2009 Edwin ten Brink <edwin.ten.brink at gmail.com> - 20050314-1
- Initial creation.

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