[imagej] 1.44h first try

Fabien Georget manawy at fedoraproject.org
Tue Oct 12 19:21:36 UTC 2010

commit fcea64939c0488ace4869b01d3ffa3d727c46c80
Author: manawy <manawy at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 12 21:20:02 2010 +0200

    1.44h first try

 .gitignore               |    1 +
 imagej-1.44-patch0.patch |   14 ++++
 imagej-1.44-patch1.patch |  167 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sources                  |    3 +-
 4 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 38273f5..b11c217 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/imagej-1.44-patch0.patch b/imagej-1.44-patch0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf368c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/imagej-1.44-patch0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diff -up ./source/build.xml.patch0 ./source/build.xml
+--- ./source/build.xml.patch0	2010-09-28 20:40:51.481574104 +0200
++++ ./source/build.xml	2010-09-28 20:41:06.019566895 +0200
+@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
+     <copy file="IJ_Props.txt" todir="build" />
+     <copy file="images/microscope.gif" tofile="build/microscope.gif" />
+     <copy file="images/about.jpg" tofile="build/about.jpg" />
+-	<copy file="plugins/MacAdapter.class" tofile="build/MacAdapter.class" /> 
+-	<copy file="plugins/JavaScriptEvaluator.class" tofile="build/JavaScriptEvaluator.class" /> 
++	<!--<copy file="plugins/MacAdapter.class" tofile="build/MacAdapter.class" /> 
++	<copy file="plugins/JavaScriptEvaluator.class" tofile="build/JavaScriptEvaluator.class" />  -->
+     <copy todir="build/macros"><fileset dir="macros"/></copy>
+     <!-- Build ij.jar. -->
+     <jar jarfile="ij.jar" basedir="build"
diff --git a/imagej-1.44-patch1.patch b/imagej-1.44-patch1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d1c4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/imagej-1.44-patch1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+diff -up .find ./imagej.sh.patch1 ./imagej.sh
+--- ./imagej.sh.patch1	2009-11-16 17:24:43.486407325 +0100
++++ ./imagej.sh	2009-11-16 17:29:56.947412083 +0100
+@@ -6,50 +6,38 @@
+ # This program is free software, but comes with no warrenty or guarantee
+ # send bug reports or feedback to jjackson at familyjackson dot net
+ # Author: Jon Jackson
+-# Last modified date: $Date: 2008-09-17 10:31:27 +0100 (Wed, 17 Sep 2008) $
+-# $Revision: 51 $
++# Maintainer : Fabien Georget for fedora
++# Last modified date: 2009-11-18
++# Revision: 52 
+ #
+ #
+ ### WARNING ###########################################################
+ # This file must be edited with a program that supports unix new line characters
+ # - it won't run if edited in 'Notepad' !
+ #######################################################################
+-# Source location: http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/download/linux/unix-script.txt
+-# 1) Save this script in the ImageJ directory as 'imagej'
+-# 2) Modify path variables according to your system 
+-# 3) Give the new file execute permission
+-# 4) Be sure the 'imagej' wrapper is in the 'PATH' 
+ # setup environment
+-set +u # don't give error for unset variables (matters for environment variables)
++set +u 
++# don't give error for unset variables (matters for environment variables)
+ shopt -s extglob # allow extended pattern matching
+ ############ SITE SPECIFIC VARIABLES #########################
+ # Trailing / is not required for path variables
+ # IMAGEJ PATH - production installation
+-# Path to ImageJ development installation
++#path to data files
++# Path to user
+-# assumes executable is ${java_home}/bin/java
+-# set java_home variables ='' to use JAVA_HOME environment variable
+-if [[ -d /usr/java/jdk1.5 ]] ; then
+-	java_home='/usr/java/jdk1.5'
+-	# Optionally specify java path for all available OS / architecture combinations
+-	java_home_Linux="${ij_path}/jre"
+-	java_home_Linux_x86_64="${ij_path}/jre64"
+-	java_home_SunOS="${ij_path}/jre64"
+-	# 
++JAVA_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink /etc/alternatives/java)))
++# report bug to http://bugzilla.redhat.com/
++ijadmin='Fedora project'
+ doc_url='http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/'
+ #ij_log="${ij_tmp}/log.txt"
+ # default behaviour when an ImageJ window is already open
+@@ -84,26 +72,17 @@ declare -i mem
+ declare -i max_mem
+ declare -i free_mem
+-if [[ "$OS" == 'SunOS' ]] ; then
+-    java_arch='-d64'
+-	JAVA_HOME="${java_home_SunOS:-$java_home}"	
+-	max_mem=`vmstat | awk 'BEGIN{maxMem='$max_64bit'} NR == 3 {fmem=int($5 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'`
+-	free_mem="max_mem"
+-	mem=${free_mem}/2
+-	if (( $mem > $default_mem || $mem < $min_mem )) ; then mem=$default_mem ; fi
+-elif [[ "$OS" == 'Linux' ]] ; then
++if [[ "$OS" == 'Linux' ]] ; then
+ 	if [[ "$processor" == 'x86_64' ]] ; then
+     	java_arch='-d64'
+-        JAVA_HOME="${java_home_Linux_x86_64:-$java_home}"
+     	max_mem=`free | awk -v maxMem=$max_64bit 'NR == 2 {fmem=int($2 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'`
+ 		free_mem=`free | awk -v maxMem=$max_64bit 'NR == 3 {fmem=int($4 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'`
+ 		mem=${free_mem}/3*2
+ 		if (( $mem > $default_mem || $mem < $min_mem )) ; then mem=$default_mem ; fi
+ 	else
+ 		java_arch='-d32'
+-    	JAVA_HOME="${java_home_Linux:-$java_home}"
+     	max_mem=`free | awk -v maxMem=$max_32bit 'NR == 2 {fmem=int($2 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'`
+ 		free_mem=`free | awk -v maxMem=$max_32bit 'NR == 3 {fmem=int($4 / 1024); if (fmem < maxMem) {print fmem} else {print maxMem}}'`
+ 		mem=${free_mem}/3*2
+@@ -112,16 +91,38 @@ elif [[ "$OS" == 'Linux' ]] ; then
+ fi
+-# if tools.jar is not in ${ij_path}/jre/lib/ext/ edit the 'tools=' line 
+-# to point to tools.jar. The -compile switch will load tools.jar into the 
+-# classpath and enable plugins to be compiled in imagej
++# create plugins, macros, luts dirs
++mkdir -p $ij_user_path/plugins
++mkdir -p $ij_user_path/macros
++mkdir -p $ij_user_path/luts
+-if [[ -f "${ij_path}/tools.jar" ]] ; then
+-    tools="${ij_path}/tools.jar"
+-    tools=''
++if [[ ! -d "$ij_tmp" ]] ; then
++    mkdir -p "$ij_tmp"
+ fi
++# makes symbolik links from shared plugins, macros and luts 
++ls $ij_data_path/plugins | while read p ; do
++  if [ ! -e "$ij_user_path/plugins/$p" ] ; then
++    ln -s $ij_data_path/plugins/$p $ij_user_path/plugins/$p
++  fi
++ls $ij_data_path/macros | while read p; do
++  if [ ! -e "$ij_user_path/macros/$p" ] ; then
++      ln -s "$ij_data_path/macros/$p" "$ij_user_path/macros/$p"
++  fi
++ls $ij_data_path/luts | while read p ; do
++    if [ ! -e "$ij_user_path/luts/$p" ] ; then
++	ln -s $ij_data_path/luts/$p $ij_user_path/luts/$p
++    fi
++# enable plugins to be compiled with imageJ
+ # End Site specific variables ---------------------------------------------------------
+ # other variables 
+@@ -320,9 +321,9 @@ fi	
+ # Resolving ij.jar path.  If ij.jar is a symbolic link to ij_<version>.jar
+ # this allows updating ij.jar without crashing running sessions
+-ij_jar_path=$(derefln ${ij_path}/ij.jar)    
++ij_jar_path=$(derefln ${ij_path}/ImageJ-1.43.jar)    
+-for mod_jar in ${ij_path}/lib/*jar  ; do
++for mod_jar in ${ij_path}/*jar  ; do
+     modules="${modules:-}${modules+:}$mod_jar"
+ done
+ modules="-cp ${ij_jar_path}:${modules+:}${modules:-}"
+@@ -470,9 +471,9 @@ if [[ "$portopen" == 'false' ]] ; then
+ fi
+ if (( $verbosity > 0 )) ; then
+-    echo ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${java_arch} -mx${mem}m ${modules} ij.ImageJ -ijpath ${ij_path} -port${count} ${images} ${macrocmd} ${macroargs}
++    echo ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${java_arch} -mx${mem}m ${modules} ij.ImageJ -ijpath ${ij_user_path} -port${count} ${images} ${macrocmd} ${macroargs}
+ fi
+ cd "$dir"
+-eval "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${java_arch} -mx${mem}m ${modules} ij.ImageJ -ijpath ${ij_path} -port${count} ${images} ${macrocmd} ${macroargs} "
++eval "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java ${java_arch} -mx${mem}m ${modules} ij.ImageJ  -ijpath ${ij_user_path} -port${count} ${images} ${macrocmd} ${macroargs} "
+ exit 0
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 9ee9c2b..1e2c64b 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
-266866864fd0a2d575338daccc09ec72  ij143m-src.zip
-8161ec95aa84e9fa3e46e68a00fada4d  macros.zip
+cb4e4f94166268bf09885355a0de5ca0  ij144h-src.zip

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