[liborigin2] Update to 13092010

Chen Lei supercyper at fedoraproject.org
Wed Oct 13 06:54:04 UTC 2010

commit 73dc0b6eef7939f47e5056dc590ef4ea626a9be3
Author: Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 13 14:53:11 2010 +0800

    Update to 13092010

 .gitignore                     |    2 +-
 liborigin2-13092010-path.patch |   28 +
 liborigin2-svn1748-path.patch  |   44 -
 liborigin2.spec                |   52 +-
 sources                        |    2 +-
 tree.hh                        | 2710 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 2750 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3debf9e..c896250 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/liborigin2-13092010-path.patch b/liborigin2-13092010-path.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429f518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/liborigin2-13092010-path.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+--- liborigin2/liborigin2.pro.orig	2010-10-13 14:32:01.093027496 +0800
++++ liborigin2/liborigin2.pro	2010-10-13 14:37:37.149781442 +0800
+@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
+ #LIBS        += ../boost/lib/libboost_date_time.a
+ #LIBS        += ../boost/lib/libboost_thread.a
+ # or dynamically against a system-wide installation
+-LIBS        += -lboost_date_time
+-LIBS        += -lboost_thread
++LIBS        += -lboost_date_time-mt
++LIBS        += -lboost_thread-mt
+ HEADERS += endianfstream.hh \
+ 	   logging.hpp \
+@@ -40,3 +40,14 @@
+ 	   Origin800Parser.cpp \
+ 	   Origin810Parser.cpp
++# Install directives
++target.path = $$LIBDIR
++headers.path = $$INSTALLBASE/include/liborigin2
++headers.files = $$HEADERS tree.hh
++INSTALLS = target headers
++# Avoid link against Qt gui modules
++QT -= core gui
diff --git a/liborigin2.spec b/liborigin2.spec
index 450a9af..7a84be8 100644
--- a/liborigin2.spec
+++ b/liborigin2.spec
@@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
-%define svndate 20100903
-%define svnver 1804
 Name:		liborigin2
-Version:	06042009
-Release:	6.%{svndate}svn%{?dist}
+Version:	13092010
+Release:	1%{?dist}
 Summary:	Library for reading OriginLab project files
 License:	GPLv3
 Group:		System Environment/Libraries
 URL:		http://soft.proindependent.com/%{name}/
-#Source0:	http://download.berlios.de/qtiplot/%{name}-%{version}.zip
-# The source for this package was pulled from upstream's vcs.  Use the
-# following commands to generate the tarball:
-#  svn export -r %{svnver} svn://svn.berlios.de/qtiplot/trunk/3rdparty/liborigin liborigin2-%{svndate}
-#  tar -cjvf liborigin2-%{svndate}.tar.bz2 liborigin2-%{svndate}
-Source0:	liborigin2-%{svndate}.tar.bz2
+Source0:	http://download.berlios.de/qtiplot/%{name}-%{version}.zip
+Source1:	http://tree.phi-sci.com/tree.hh
 # Fix build and install
-Patch0:		liborigin2-svn1748-path.patch
+Patch0:		liborigin2-13092010-path.patch
 BuildRequires:	qt4-devel boost-devel
 BuildRequires:	doxygen
 BuildRequires:	dos2unix
@@ -39,7 +32,8 @@ The %{name}-devel package contains libraries, header files and documentation
 for developing applications that use %{name}. 
-%setup -q -n %{name}-%{svndate}
+%setup -q -n %{name}
+cp -p %{SOURCE1} .
 %patch0 -p1
 # Convert encoding to UTF-8
@@ -48,16 +42,9 @@ touch -c -r FORMAT FORMAT.tmp
 mv -f  FORMAT.tmp FORMAT
 # Remove DOS line endings
-dos2unix -k FORMAT readme copying
-find -name '*.h' -exec dos2unix -k {} ";"
-find -name '*.hh' -exec dos2unix -k {} ";"
-find -name '*.hpp' -exec dos2unix -k {} ";"
-find -name '*.c' -exec dos2unix -k {} ";"
-find -name '*.cc' -exec dos2unix -k {} ";"
-find -name '*.cpp' -exec dos2unix -k {} ";"
+dos2unix -k *
 # Remove exec permission
-find -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} ";"
 find -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} ";"
@@ -95,24 +82,5 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
-* Fri Sep 03 2010 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 06042009-6.20100903svn
-- svn 1804
-* Thu Jul 29 2010 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 06042009-5.20100629svn
-- rebuild(boost 1.44)
-* Tue Jun 29 2010 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 06042009-4.20100629svn
-- svn 1748
-* Thu Apr 22 2010 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 06042009-3.20100422svn
-- svn 1703
-* Sat Jan 23 2010 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 06042009-2.20100119svn
-- svn 1552
-- split doc subpackage
-* Wed Nov 25 2009 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 06042009-1
-- add API documentation
-* Sat Nov 21 2009 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 06042009-0
-- initial rpm build
+* Wed Oct 13 2010 Chen Lei <supercyper at 163.com> - 13092010-1
+- New upstream release
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index c4c1a64..177d10a 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-62db6c6ce0b603c62c45dd93748c560c  liborigin2-20100903.tar.bz2
+e2b41c4d8a1e2d357dd2b5b331d31375  liborigin2-13092010.zip
diff --git a/tree.hh b/tree.hh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa47763
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tree.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,2710 @@
+//	STL-like templated tree class.
+// Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Kasper Peeters <kasper.peeters at aei.mpg.de>
+// Distributed under the GNU General Public License version 3,
+// (eventually to be changed to the Boost Software License).
+/** \mainpage tree.hh
+    \author   Kasper Peeters
+    \version  2.65
+    \date     03-Apr-2009
+    \see      http://www.aei.mpg.de/~peekas/tree/
+    \see      http://www.aei.mpg.de/~peekas/tree/ChangeLog
+   The tree.hh library for C++ provides an STL-like container class
+   for n-ary trees, templated over the data stored at the
+   nodes. Various types of iterators are provided (post-order,
+   pre-order, and others). Where possible the access methods are
+   compatible with the STL or alternative algorithms are
+   available. 
+#ifndef tree_hh_
+#define tree_hh_
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <set>
+#include <queue>
+#include <algorithm>
+// HP-style construct/destroy have gone from the standard,
+// so here is a copy.
+namespace kp {
+template <class T1, class T2>
+void constructor(T1* p, T2& val) 
+	{
+	new ((void *) p) T1(val);
+	}
+template <class T1>
+void constructor(T1* p) 
+	{
+	new ((void *) p) T1;
+	}
+template <class T1>
+void destructor(T1* p)
+	{
+	p->~T1();
+	}
+/// A node in the tree, combining links to other nodes as well as the actual data.
+template<class T>
+class tree_node_ { // size: 5*4=20 bytes (on 32 bit arch), can be reduced by 8.
+	public:
+		tree_node_<T> *parent;
+	   tree_node_<T> *first_child, *last_child;
+		tree_node_<T> *prev_sibling, *next_sibling;
+		T data;
+}; // __attribute__((packed));
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator = std::allocator<tree_node_<T> > >
+class tree {
+	protected:
+		typedef tree_node_<T> tree_node;
+	public:
+		/// Value of the data stored at a node.
+		typedef T value_type;
+		class iterator_base;
+		class pre_order_iterator;
+		class post_order_iterator;
+		class sibling_iterator;
+      class leaf_iterator;
+		tree();
+		tree(const T&);
+		tree(const iterator_base&);
+		tree(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>&);
+		~tree();
+		void operator=(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>&);
+      /// Base class for iterators, only pointers stored, no traversal logic.
+#ifdef __SGI_STL_PORT
+		class iterator_base : public stlport::bidirectional_iterator<T, ptrdiff_t> {
+		class iterator_base {
+			public:
+				typedef T                               value_type;
+				typedef T*                              pointer;
+				typedef T&                              reference;
+				typedef size_t                          size_type;
+				typedef ptrdiff_t                       difference_type;
+				typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
+				iterator_base();
+				iterator_base(tree_node *);
+				T&             operator*() const;
+				T*             operator->() const;
+            /// When called, the next increment/decrement skips children of this node.
+				void         skip_children();
+				void         skip_children(bool skip);
+				/// Number of children of the node pointed to by the iterator.
+				unsigned int number_of_children() const;
+				sibling_iterator begin() const;
+				sibling_iterator end() const;
+				tree_node *node;
+			protected:
+				bool skip_current_children_;
+		};
+		/// Depth-first iterator, first accessing the node, then its children.
+		class pre_order_iterator : public iterator_base { 
+			public:
+				pre_order_iterator();
+				pre_order_iterator(tree_node *);
+				pre_order_iterator(const iterator_base&);
+				pre_order_iterator(const sibling_iterator&);
+				bool    operator==(const pre_order_iterator&) const;
+				bool    operator!=(const pre_order_iterator&) const;
+				pre_order_iterator&  operator++();
+			   pre_order_iterator&  operator--();
+				pre_order_iterator   operator++(int);
+				pre_order_iterator   operator--(int);
+				pre_order_iterator&  operator+=(unsigned int);
+				pre_order_iterator&  operator-=(unsigned int);
+		};
+		/// Depth-first iterator, first accessing the children, then the node itself.
+		class post_order_iterator : public iterator_base {
+			public:
+				post_order_iterator();
+				post_order_iterator(tree_node *);
+				post_order_iterator(const iterator_base&);
+				post_order_iterator(const sibling_iterator&);
+				bool    operator==(const post_order_iterator&) const;
+				bool    operator!=(const post_order_iterator&) const;
+				post_order_iterator&  operator++();
+			   post_order_iterator&  operator--();
+				post_order_iterator   operator++(int);
+				post_order_iterator   operator--(int);
+				post_order_iterator&  operator+=(unsigned int);
+				post_order_iterator&  operator-=(unsigned int);
+				/// Set iterator to the first child as deep as possible down the tree.
+				void descend_all();
+		};
+		/// Breadth-first iterator, using a queue
+		class breadth_first_queued_iterator : public iterator_base {
+			public:
+				breadth_first_queued_iterator();
+				breadth_first_queued_iterator(tree_node *);
+				breadth_first_queued_iterator(const iterator_base&);
+				bool    operator==(const breadth_first_queued_iterator&) const;
+				bool    operator!=(const breadth_first_queued_iterator&) const;
+				breadth_first_queued_iterator&  operator++();
+				breadth_first_queued_iterator   operator++(int);
+				breadth_first_queued_iterator&  operator+=(unsigned int);
+			private:
+				std::queue<tree_node *> traversal_queue;
+		};
+		/// The default iterator types throughout the tree class.
+		typedef pre_order_iterator            iterator;
+		typedef breadth_first_queued_iterator breadth_first_iterator;
+		/// Iterator which traverses only the nodes at a given depth from the root.
+		class fixed_depth_iterator : public iterator_base {
+			public:
+				fixed_depth_iterator();
+				fixed_depth_iterator(tree_node *);
+				fixed_depth_iterator(const iterator_base&);
+				fixed_depth_iterator(const sibling_iterator&);
+				fixed_depth_iterator(const fixed_depth_iterator&);
+				bool    operator==(const fixed_depth_iterator&) const;
+				bool    operator!=(const fixed_depth_iterator&) const;
+				fixed_depth_iterator&  operator++();
+			   fixed_depth_iterator&  operator--();
+				fixed_depth_iterator   operator++(int);
+				fixed_depth_iterator   operator--(int);
+				fixed_depth_iterator&  operator+=(unsigned int);
+				fixed_depth_iterator&  operator-=(unsigned int);
+				tree_node *top_node;
+		};
+		/// Iterator which traverses only the nodes which are siblings of each other.
+		class sibling_iterator : public iterator_base {
+			public:
+				sibling_iterator();
+				sibling_iterator(tree_node *);
+				sibling_iterator(const sibling_iterator&);
+				sibling_iterator(const iterator_base&);
+				bool    operator==(const sibling_iterator&) const;
+				bool    operator!=(const sibling_iterator&) const;
+				sibling_iterator&  operator++();
+				sibling_iterator&  operator--();
+				sibling_iterator   operator++(int);
+				sibling_iterator   operator--(int);
+				sibling_iterator&  operator+=(unsigned int);
+				sibling_iterator&  operator-=(unsigned int);
+				tree_node *range_first() const;
+				tree_node *range_last() const;
+				tree_node *parent_;
+			private:
+				void set_parent_();
+		};
+      /// Iterator which traverses only the leaves.
+      class leaf_iterator : public iterator_base {
+         public:
+            leaf_iterator();
+            leaf_iterator(tree_node *, tree_node *top=0);
+            leaf_iterator(const sibling_iterator&);
+            leaf_iterator(const iterator_base&);
+            bool    operator==(const leaf_iterator&) const;
+            bool    operator!=(const leaf_iterator&) const;
+            leaf_iterator&  operator++();
+            leaf_iterator&  operator--();
+            leaf_iterator   operator++(int);
+            leaf_iterator   operator--(int);
+            leaf_iterator&  operator+=(unsigned int);
+            leaf_iterator&  operator-=(unsigned int);
+			private:
+				tree_node *top_node;
+      };
+		/// Return iterator to the beginning of the tree.
+		inline pre_order_iterator   begin() const;
+		/// Return iterator to the end of the tree.
+		inline pre_order_iterator   end() const;
+		/// Return post-order iterator to the beginning of the tree.
+		post_order_iterator  begin_post() const;
+		/// Return post-order end iterator of the tree.
+		post_order_iterator  end_post() const;
+		/// Return fixed-depth iterator to the first node at a given depth from the given iterator.
+		fixed_depth_iterator begin_fixed(const iterator_base&, unsigned int) const;
+		/// Return fixed-depth end iterator.
+		fixed_depth_iterator end_fixed(const iterator_base&, unsigned int) const;
+		/// Return breadth-first iterator to the first node at a given depth.
+		breadth_first_queued_iterator begin_breadth_first() const;
+		/// Return breadth-first end iterator.
+		breadth_first_queued_iterator end_breadth_first() const;
+		/// Return sibling iterator to the first child of given node.
+		sibling_iterator     begin(const iterator_base&) const;
+		/// Return sibling end iterator for children of given node.
+		sibling_iterator     end(const iterator_base&) const;
+      /// Return leaf iterator to the first leaf of the tree.
+      leaf_iterator   begin_leaf() const;
+      /// Return leaf end iterator for entire tree.
+      leaf_iterator   end_leaf() const;
+      /// Return leaf iterator to the first leaf of the subtree at the given node.
+      leaf_iterator   begin_leaf(const iterator_base& top) const;
+      /// Return leaf end iterator for the subtree at the given node.
+      leaf_iterator   end_leaf(const iterator_base& top) const;
+		/// Return iterator to the parent of a node.
+		template<typename	iter> static iter parent(iter);
+		/// Return iterator to the previous sibling of a node.
+		template<typename iter> iter previous_sibling(iter) const;
+		/// Return iterator to the next sibling of a node.
+		template<typename iter> iter next_sibling(iter) const;
+		/// Return iterator to the next node at a given depth.
+		template<typename iter> iter next_at_same_depth(iter) const;
+		/// Erase all nodes of the tree.
+		void     clear();
+		/// Erase element at position pointed to by iterator, return incremented iterator.
+		template<typename iter> iter erase(iter);
+		/// Erase all children of the node pointed to by iterator.
+		void     erase_children(const iterator_base&);
+		/// Insert empty node as last/first child of node pointed to by position.
+		template<typename iter> iter append_child(iter position); 
+		template<typename iter> iter prepend_child(iter position); 
+		/// Insert node as last/first child of node pointed to by position.
+		template<typename iter> iter append_child(iter position, const T& x);
+		template<typename iter> iter prepend_child(iter position, const T& x);
+		/// Append the node (plus its children) at other_position as last/first child of position.
+		template<typename iter> iter append_child(iter position, iter other_position);
+		template<typename iter> iter prepend_child(iter position, iter other_position);
+		/// Append the nodes in the from-to range (plus their children) as last/first children of position.
+		template<typename iter> iter append_children(iter position, sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to);
+		template<typename iter> iter prepend_children(iter position, sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to);
+		/// Short-hand to insert topmost node in otherwise empty tree.
+		pre_order_iterator set_head(const T& x);
+		/// Insert node as previous sibling of node pointed to by position.
+		template<typename iter> iter insert(iter position, const T& x);
+		/// Specialisation of previous member.
+		sibling_iterator insert(sibling_iterator position, const T& x);
+		/// Insert node (with children) pointed to by subtree as previous sibling of node pointed to by position.
+		template<typename iter> iter insert_subtree(iter position, const iterator_base& subtree);
+		/// Insert node as next sibling of node pointed to by position.
+		template<typename iter> iter insert_after(iter position, const T& x);
+		/// Insert node (with children) pointed to by subtree as next sibling of node pointed to by position.
+		template<typename iter> iter insert_subtree_after(iter position, const iterator_base& subtree);
+		/// Replace node at 'position' with other node (keeping same children); 'position' becomes invalid.
+		template<typename iter> iter replace(iter position, const T& x);
+		/// Replace node at 'position' with subtree starting at 'from' (do not erase subtree at 'from'); see above.
+		template<typename iter> iter replace(iter position, const iterator_base& from);
+		/// Replace string of siblings (plus their children) with copy of a new string (with children); see above
+		sibling_iterator replace(sibling_iterator orig_begin, sibling_iterator orig_end, 
+										 sibling_iterator new_begin,  sibling_iterator new_end); 
+		/// Move all children of node at 'position' to be siblings, returns position.
+		template<typename iter> iter flatten(iter position);
+		/// Move nodes in range to be children of 'position'.
+		template<typename iter> iter reparent(iter position, sibling_iterator begin, sibling_iterator end);
+		/// Move all child nodes of 'from' to be children of 'position'.
+		template<typename iter> iter reparent(iter position, iter from);
+		/// Replace node with a new node, making the old node a child of the new node.
+		template<typename iter> iter wrap(iter position, const T& x);
+		/// Move 'source' node (plus its children) to become the next sibling of 'target'.
+		template<typename iter> iter move_after(iter target, iter source);
+		/// Move 'source' node (plus its children) to become the previous sibling of 'target'.
+      template<typename iter> iter move_before(iter target, iter source);
+      sibling_iterator move_before(sibling_iterator target, sibling_iterator source);
+		/// Move 'source' node (plus its children) to become the node at 'target' (erasing the node at 'target').
+		template<typename iter> iter move_ontop(iter target, iter source);
+		/// Merge with other tree, creating new branches and leaves only if they are not already present.
+		void     merge(sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator, sibling_iterator, 
+							bool duplicate_leaves=false);
+		/// Sort (std::sort only moves values of nodes, this one moves children as well).
+		void     sort(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, bool deep=false);
+		template<class StrictWeakOrdering>
+		void     sort(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, StrictWeakOrdering comp, bool deep=false);
+		/// Compare two ranges of nodes (compares nodes as well as tree structure).
+		template<typename iter>
+		bool     equal(const iter& one, const iter& two, const iter& three) const;
+		template<typename iter, class BinaryPredicate>
+		bool     equal(const iter& one, const iter& two, const iter& three, BinaryPredicate) const;
+		template<typename iter>
+		bool     equal_subtree(const iter& one, const iter& two) const;
+		template<typename iter, class BinaryPredicate>
+		bool     equal_subtree(const iter& one, const iter& two, BinaryPredicate) const;
+		/// Extract a new tree formed by the range of siblings plus all their children.
+		tree     subtree(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to) const;
+		void     subtree(tree&, sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to) const;
+		/// Exchange the node (plus subtree) with its sibling node (do nothing if no sibling present).
+		void     swap(sibling_iterator it);
+		/// Exchange two nodes (plus subtrees)
+	   void     swap(iterator, iterator);
+		/// Count the total number of nodes.
+		size_t   size() const;
+		/// Count the total number of nodes below the indicated node (plus one).
+		size_t   size(const iterator_base&) const;
+		/// Check if tree is empty.
+		bool     empty() const;
+		/// Compute the depth to the root or to a fixed other iterator.
+		static int depth(const iterator_base&);
+		static int depth(const iterator_base&, const iterator_base&);
+		/// Determine the maximal depth of the tree. An empty tree has max_depth=-1.
+		int      max_depth() const;
+		/// Determine the maximal depth of the tree with top node at the given position.
+		int      max_depth(const iterator_base&) const;
+		/// Count the number of children of node at position.
+		static unsigned int number_of_children(const iterator_base&);
+		/// Count the number of siblings (left and right) of node at iterator. Total nodes at this level is +1.
+		unsigned int number_of_siblings(const iterator_base&) const;
+		/// Determine whether node at position is in the subtrees with root in the range.
+		bool     is_in_subtree(const iterator_base& position, const iterator_base& begin, 
+									  const iterator_base& end) const;
+		/// Determine whether the iterator is an 'end' iterator and thus not actually pointing to a node.
+		bool     is_valid(const iterator_base&) const;
+		/// Determine the index of a node in the range of siblings to which it belongs.
+		unsigned int index(sibling_iterator it) const;
+		/// Inverse of 'index': return the n-th child of the node at position.
+		static sibling_iterator child(const iterator_base& position, unsigned int);
+		/// Return iterator to the sibling indicated by index
+		sibling_iterator sibling(const iterator_base& position, unsigned int);  				
+		/// Comparator class for iterators (compares pointer values; why doesn't this work automatically?)
+		class iterator_base_less {
+			public:
+				bool operator()(const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base& one,
+									 const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base& two) const
+					{
+					return one.node < two.node;
+					}
+		};
+		tree_node *head, *feet;    // head/feet are always dummy; if an iterator points to them it is invalid
+	private:
+		tree_node_allocator alloc_;
+		void head_initialise_();
+		void copy_(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>& other);
+      /// Comparator class for two nodes of a tree (used for sorting and searching).
+		template<class StrictWeakOrdering>
+		class compare_nodes {
+			public:
+				compare_nodes(StrictWeakOrdering comp) : comp_(comp) {};
+				bool operator()(const tree_node *a, const tree_node *b) 
+					{
+					return comp_(a->data, b->data);
+					}
+			private:
+				StrictWeakOrdering comp_;
+		};
+//template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+//class iterator_base_less {
+//	public:
+//		bool operator()(const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base& one,
+//						  const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base& two) const
+//			{
+//			txtout << "operatorclass<" << one.node < two.node << std::endl;
+//			return one.node < two.node;
+//			}
+// template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+// bool operator<(const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator& one,
+// 					const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator& two)
+// 	{
+// 	txtout << "operator< " << one.node < two.node << std::endl;
+// 	if(one.node < two.node) return true;
+// 	return false;
+// 	}
+// template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+// bool operator==(const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator& one,
+// 					const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator& two)
+// 	{
+// 	txtout << "operator== " << one.node == two.node << std::endl;
+// 	if(one.node == two.node) return true;
+// 	return false;
+// 	}
+// template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+// bool operator>(const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base& one,
+// 					const typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base& two)
+// 	{
+// 	txtout << "operator> " << one.node < two.node << std::endl;
+// 	if(one.node > two.node) return true;
+// 	return false;
+// 	}
+// Tree
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::tree() 
+	{
+	head_initialise_();
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::tree(const T& x) 
+	{
+	head_initialise_();
+	set_head(x);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::tree(const iterator_base& other)
+	{
+	head_initialise_();
+	set_head((*other));
+	replace(begin(), other);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::~tree()
+	{
+	clear();
+	alloc_.deallocate(head,1);
+	alloc_.deallocate(feet,1);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::head_initialise_() 
+   { 
+   head = alloc_.allocate(1,0); // MSVC does not have default second argument 
+	feet = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+   head->parent=0;
+   head->first_child=0;
+   head->last_child=0;
+   head->prev_sibling=0; //head;
+   head->next_sibling=feet; //head;
+	feet->parent=0;
+	feet->first_child=0;
+	feet->last_child=0;
+	feet->prev_sibling=head;
+	feet->next_sibling=0;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::operator=(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>& other)
+	{
+	copy_(other);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::tree(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>& other)
+	{
+	head_initialise_();
+	copy_(other);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::copy_(const tree<T, tree_node_allocator>& other) 
+	{
+	clear();
+	pre_order_iterator it=other.begin(), to=begin();
+	while(it!=other.end()) {
+		to=insert(to, (*it));
+		it.skip_children();
+		++it;
+		}
+	to=begin();
+	it=other.begin();
+	while(it!=other.end()) {
+		to=replace(to, it);
+		to.skip_children();
+		it.skip_children();
+		++to;
+		++it;
+		}
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::clear()
+	{
+	if(head)
+		while(head->next_sibling!=feet)
+			erase(pre_order_iterator(head->next_sibling));
+	}
+template<class T, class tree_node_allocator> 
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::erase_children(const iterator_base& it)
+	{
+//	std::cout << "erase_children " << it.node << std::endl;
+	if(it.node==0) return;
+	tree_node *cur=it.node->first_child;
+	tree_node *prev=0;
+	while(cur!=0) {
+		prev=cur;
+		cur=cur->next_sibling;
+		erase_children(pre_order_iterator(prev));
+		kp::destructor(&prev->data);
+		alloc_.deallocate(prev,1);
+		}
+	it.node->first_child=0;
+	it.node->last_child=0;
+//	std::cout << "exit" << std::endl;
+	}
+template<class T, class tree_node_allocator> 
+template<class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::erase(iter it)
+	{
+	tree_node *cur=it.node;
+	assert(cur!=head);
+	iter ret=it;
+	ret.skip_children();
+	++ret;
+	erase_children(it);
+	if(cur->prev_sibling==0) {
+		cur->parent->first_child=cur->next_sibling;
+		}
+	else {
+		cur->prev_sibling->next_sibling=cur->next_sibling;
+		}
+	if(cur->next_sibling==0) {
+		cur->parent->last_child=cur->prev_sibling;
+		}
+	else {
+		cur->next_sibling->prev_sibling=cur->prev_sibling;
+		}
+	kp::destructor(&cur->data);
+   alloc_.deallocate(cur,1);
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::begin() const
+	{
+	return pre_order_iterator(head->next_sibling);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::end() const
+	{
+	return pre_order_iterator(feet);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::begin_breadth_first() const
+	{
+	return breadth_first_queued_iterator(head->next_sibling);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::end_breadth_first() const
+	{
+	return breadth_first_queued_iterator();
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::begin_post() const
+	{
+	tree_node *tmp=head->next_sibling;
+	if(tmp!=feet) {
+		while(tmp->first_child)
+			tmp=tmp->first_child;
+		}
+	return post_order_iterator(tmp);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::end_post() const
+	{
+	return post_order_iterator(feet);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::begin_fixed(const iterator_base& pos, unsigned int dp) const
+	{
+	typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator ret;
+	ret.top_node=pos.node;
+	tree_node *tmp=pos.node;
+	unsigned int curdepth=0;
+	while(curdepth<dp) { // go down one level
+		while(tmp->first_child==0) {
+			if(tmp->next_sibling==0) {
+				// try to walk up and then right again
+				do {
+					if(tmp==ret.top_node)
+					   throw std::range_error("tree: begin_fixed out of range");
+					tmp=tmp->parent;
+               if(tmp==0) 
+					   throw std::range_error("tree: begin_fixed out of range");
+               --curdepth;
+				   } while(tmp->next_sibling==0);
+				}
+			tmp=tmp->next_sibling;
+			}
+		tmp=tmp->first_child;
+		++curdepth;
+		}
+	ret.node=tmp;
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::end_fixed(const iterator_base& pos, unsigned int dp) const
+	{
+	assert(1==0); // FIXME: not correct yet: use is_valid() as a temporary workaround 
+	tree_node *tmp=pos.node;
+	unsigned int curdepth=1;
+	while(curdepth<dp) { // go down one level
+		while(tmp->first_child==0) {
+			tmp=tmp->next_sibling;
+			if(tmp==0)
+				throw std::range_error("tree: end_fixed out of range");
+			}
+		tmp=tmp->first_child;
+		++curdepth;
+		}
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::begin(const iterator_base& pos) const
+	{
+	assert(pos.node!=0);
+	if(pos.node->first_child==0) {
+		return end(pos);
+		}
+	return pos.node->first_child;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::end(const iterator_base& pos) const
+	{
+	sibling_iterator ret(0);
+	ret.parent_=pos.node;
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::begin_leaf() const
+   {
+   tree_node *tmp=head->next_sibling;
+   if(tmp!=feet) {
+      while(tmp->first_child)
+         tmp=tmp->first_child;
+      }
+   return leaf_iterator(tmp);
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::end_leaf() const
+   {
+   return leaf_iterator(feet);
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::begin_leaf(const iterator_base& top) const
+   {
+	tree_node *tmp=top.node;
+	while(tmp->first_child)
+		 tmp=tmp->first_child;
+   return leaf_iterator(tmp, top.node);
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::end_leaf(const iterator_base& top) const
+   {
+   return leaf_iterator(top.node, top.node);
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::parent(iter position) 
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=0);
+	return iter(position.node->parent);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::previous_sibling(iter position) const
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=0);
+	iter ret(position);
+	ret.node=position.node->prev_sibling;
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::next_sibling(iter position) const
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=0);
+	iter ret(position);
+	ret.node=position.node->next_sibling;
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::next_at_same_depth(iter position) const
+	{
+	// We make use of a temporary fixed_depth iterator to implement this.
+	typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator tmp(position.node);
+	++tmp;
+	return iter(tmp);
+//	assert(position.node!=0);
+//	iter ret(position);
+//	if(position.node->next_sibling) {
+//		ret.node=position.node->next_sibling;
+//		}
+//	else { 
+//		int relative_depth=0;
+//	   upper:
+//		do {
+//			ret.node=ret.node->parent;
+//			if(ret.node==0) return ret;
+//			--relative_depth;
+//			} while(ret.node->next_sibling==0);
+//	   lower:
+//		ret.node=ret.node->next_sibling;
+//		while(ret.node->first_child==0) {
+//			if(ret.node->next_sibling==0)
+//				goto upper;
+//			ret.node=ret.node->next_sibling;
+//			if(ret.node==0) return ret;
+//			}
+//		while(relative_depth<0 && ret.node->first_child!=0) {
+//			ret.node=ret.node->first_child;
+//			++relative_depth;
+//			}
+//		if(relative_depth<0) {
+//			if(ret.node->next_sibling==0) goto upper;
+//			else                          goto lower;
+//			}
+//		}
+//	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::append_child(iter position)
+ 	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	tree_node *tmp=alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data);
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	tmp->parent=position.node;
+	if(position.node->last_child!=0) {
+		position.node->last_child->next_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		position.node->first_child=tmp;
+		}
+	tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child;
+	position.node->last_child=tmp;
+	tmp->next_sibling=0;
+	return tmp;
+ 	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::prepend_child(iter position)
+ 	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	tree_node *tmp=alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data);
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	tmp->parent=position.node;
+	if(position.node->first_child!=0) {
+		position.node->first_child->prev_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		position.node->last_child=tmp;
+		}
+	tmp->next_sibling=position.node->first_child;
+	position.node->prev_child=tmp;
+	tmp->prev_sibling=0;
+	return tmp;
+ 	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::append_child(iter position, const T& x)
+	{
+	// If your program fails here you probably used 'append_child' to add the top
+	// node to an empty tree. From version 1.45 the top element should be added
+	// using 'insert'. See the documentation for further information, and sorry about
+	// the API change.
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data, x);
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	tmp->parent=position.node;
+	if(position.node->last_child!=0) {
+		position.node->last_child->next_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		position.node->first_child=tmp;
+		}
+	tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child;
+	position.node->last_child=tmp;
+	tmp->next_sibling=0;
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::prepend_child(iter position, const T& x)
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data, x);
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	tmp->parent=position.node;
+	if(position.node->first_child!=0) {
+		position.node->first_child->prev_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		position.node->last_child=tmp;
+		}
+	tmp->next_sibling=position.node->first_child;
+	position.node->first_child=tmp;
+	tmp->prev_sibling=0;
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::append_child(iter position, iter other)
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	sibling_iterator aargh=append_child(position, value_type());
+	return replace(aargh, other);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::prepend_child(iter position, iter other)
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	sibling_iterator aargh=prepend_child(position, value_type());
+	return replace(aargh, other);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::append_children(iter position, sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to)
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	iter ret=from;
+	while(from!=to) {
+		insert_subtree(position.end(), from);
+		++from;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::prepend_children(iter position, sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to)
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	assert(position.node);
+	iter ret=from;
+	while(from!=to) {
+		insert_subtree(position.begin(), from);
+		++from;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::set_head(const T& x)
+	{
+	assert(head->next_sibling==feet);
+	return insert(iterator(feet), x);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::insert(iter position, const T& x)
+	{
+	if(position.node==0) {
+		position.node=feet; // Backward compatibility: when calling insert on a null node,
+		                    // insert before the feet.
+		}
+	tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data, x);
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	tmp->parent=position.node->parent;
+	tmp->next_sibling=position.node;
+	tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->prev_sibling;
+	position.node->prev_sibling=tmp;
+	if(tmp->prev_sibling==0) {
+		if(tmp->parent) // when inserting nodes at the head, there is no parent
+			tmp->parent->first_child=tmp;
+		}
+	else
+		tmp->prev_sibling->next_sibling=tmp;
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::insert(sibling_iterator position, const T& x)
+	{
+	tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data, x);
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	tmp->next_sibling=position.node;
+	if(position.node==0) { // iterator points to end of a subtree
+		tmp->parent=position.parent_;
+		tmp->prev_sibling=position.range_last();
+		tmp->parent->last_child=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		tmp->parent=position.node->parent;
+		tmp->prev_sibling=position.node->prev_sibling;
+		position.node->prev_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	if(tmp->prev_sibling==0) {
+		if(tmp->parent) // when inserting nodes at the head, there is no parent
+			tmp->parent->first_child=tmp;
+		}
+	else
+		tmp->prev_sibling->next_sibling=tmp;
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::insert_after(iter position, const T& x)
+	{
+	tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data, x);
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	tmp->parent=position.node->parent;
+	tmp->prev_sibling=position.node;
+	tmp->next_sibling=position.node->next_sibling;
+	position.node->next_sibling=tmp;
+	if(tmp->next_sibling==0) {
+		if(tmp->parent) // when inserting nodes at the head, there is no parent
+			tmp->parent->last_child=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		tmp->next_sibling->prev_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::insert_subtree(iter position, const iterator_base& subtree)
+	{
+	// insert dummy
+	iter it=insert(position, value_type());
+	// replace dummy with subtree
+	return replace(it, subtree);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::insert_subtree_after(iter position, const iterator_base& subtree)
+	{
+	// insert dummy
+	iter it=insert_after(position, value_type());
+	// replace dummy with subtree
+	return replace(it, subtree);
+	}
+// template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+// template <class iter>
+// iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::insert_subtree(sibling_iterator position, iter subtree)
+// 	{
+// 	// insert dummy
+// 	iter it(insert(position, value_type()));
+// 	// replace dummy with subtree
+// 	return replace(it, subtree);
+// 	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::replace(iter position, const T& x)
+	{
+	kp::destructor(&position.node->data);
+	kp::constructor(&position.node->data, x);
+	return position;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::replace(iter position, const iterator_base& from)
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=head);
+	tree_node *current_from=from.node;
+	tree_node *start_from=from.node;
+	tree_node *current_to  =position.node;
+	// replace the node at position with head of the replacement tree at from
+//	std::cout << "warning!" << position.node << std::endl;
+	erase_children(position);	
+//	std::cout << "no warning!" << std::endl;
+	tree_node* tmp = alloc_.allocate(1,0);
+	kp::constructor(&tmp->data, (*from));
+	tmp->first_child=0;
+	tmp->last_child=0;
+	if(current_to->prev_sibling==0) {
+		if(current_to->parent!=0)
+			current_to->parent->first_child=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		current_to->prev_sibling->next_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	tmp->prev_sibling=current_to->prev_sibling;
+	if(current_to->next_sibling==0) {
+		if(current_to->parent!=0)
+			current_to->parent->last_child=tmp;
+		}
+	else {
+		current_to->next_sibling->prev_sibling=tmp;
+		}
+	tmp->next_sibling=current_to->next_sibling;
+	tmp->parent=current_to->parent;
+	kp::destructor(&current_to->data);
+	alloc_.deallocate(current_to,1);
+	current_to=tmp;
+	// only at this stage can we fix 'last'
+	tree_node *last=from.node->next_sibling;
+	pre_order_iterator toit=tmp;
+	// copy all children
+	do {
+		assert(current_from!=0);
+		if(current_from->first_child != 0) {
+			current_from=current_from->first_child;
+			toit=append_child(toit, current_from->data);
+			}
+		else {
+			while(current_from->next_sibling==0 && current_from!=start_from) {
+				current_from=current_from->parent;
+				toit=parent(toit);
+				assert(current_from!=0);
+				}
+			current_from=current_from->next_sibling;
+			if(current_from!=last) {
+				toit=append_child(parent(toit), current_from->data);
+				}
+			}
+		} while(current_from!=last);
+	return current_to;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::replace(
+	sibling_iterator orig_begin, 
+	sibling_iterator orig_end, 
+	sibling_iterator new_begin, 
+	sibling_iterator new_end)
+	{
+	tree_node *orig_first=orig_begin.node;
+	tree_node *new_first=new_begin.node;
+	tree_node *orig_last=orig_first;
+	while((++orig_begin)!=orig_end)
+		orig_last=orig_last->next_sibling;
+	tree_node *new_last=new_first;
+	while((++new_begin)!=new_end)
+		new_last=new_last->next_sibling;
+	// insert all siblings in new_first..new_last before orig_first
+	bool first=true;
+	pre_order_iterator ret;
+	while(1==1) {
+		pre_order_iterator tt=insert_subtree(pre_order_iterator(orig_first), pre_order_iterator(new_first));
+		if(first) {
+			ret=tt;
+			first=false;
+			}
+		if(new_first==new_last)
+			break;
+		new_first=new_first->next_sibling;
+		}
+	// erase old range of siblings
+	bool last=false;
+	tree_node *next=orig_first;
+	while(1==1) {
+		if(next==orig_last) 
+			last=true;
+		next=next->next_sibling;
+		erase((pre_order_iterator)orig_first);
+		if(last) 
+			break;
+		orig_first=next;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::flatten(iter position)
+	{
+	if(position.node->first_child==0)
+		return position;
+	tree_node *tmp=position.node->first_child;
+	while(tmp) {
+		tmp->parent=position.node->parent;
+		tmp=tmp->next_sibling;
+		} 
+	if(position.node->next_sibling) {
+		position.node->last_child->next_sibling=position.node->next_sibling;
+		position.node->next_sibling->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child;
+		}
+	else {
+		position.node->parent->last_child=position.node->last_child;
+		}
+	position.node->next_sibling=position.node->first_child;
+	position.node->next_sibling->prev_sibling=position.node;
+	position.node->first_child=0;
+	position.node->last_child=0;
+	return position;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::reparent(iter position, sibling_iterator begin, sibling_iterator end)
+	{
+	tree_node *first=begin.node;
+	tree_node *last=first;
+	assert(first!=position.node);
+	if(begin==end) return begin;
+	// determine last node
+	while((++begin)!=end) {
+		last=last->next_sibling;
+		}
+	// move subtree
+	if(first->prev_sibling==0) {
+		first->parent->first_child=last->next_sibling;
+		}
+	else {
+		first->prev_sibling->next_sibling=last->next_sibling;
+		}
+	if(last->next_sibling==0) {
+		last->parent->last_child=first->prev_sibling;
+		}
+	else {
+		last->next_sibling->prev_sibling=first->prev_sibling;
+		}
+	if(position.node->first_child==0) {
+		position.node->first_child=first;
+		position.node->last_child=last;
+		first->prev_sibling=0;
+		}
+	else {
+		position.node->last_child->next_sibling=first;
+		first->prev_sibling=position.node->last_child;
+		position.node->last_child=last;
+		}
+	last->next_sibling=0;
+	tree_node *pos=first;
+   for(;;) {
+		pos->parent=position.node;
+		if(pos==last) break;
+		pos=pos->next_sibling;
+		}
+	return first;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter> iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::reparent(iter position, iter from)
+	{
+	if(from.node->first_child==0) return position;
+	return reparent(position, from.node->first_child, end(from));
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter> iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::wrap(iter position, const T& x)
+	{
+	assert(position.node!=0);
+	sibling_iterator fr=position, to=position;
+	++to;
+	iter ret = insert(position, x);
+	reparent(ret, fr, to);
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter> iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::move_after(iter target, iter source)
+   {
+   tree_node *dst=target.node;
+   tree_node *src=source.node;
+   assert(dst);
+   assert(src);
+   if(dst==src) return source;
+	if(dst->next_sibling)
+		if(dst->next_sibling==src) // already in the right spot
+			return source;
+   // take src out of the tree
+   if(src->prev_sibling!=0) src->prev_sibling->next_sibling=src->next_sibling;
+   else                     src->parent->first_child=src->next_sibling;
+   if(src->next_sibling!=0) src->next_sibling->prev_sibling=src->prev_sibling;
+   else                     src->parent->last_child=src->prev_sibling;
+   // connect it to the new point
+   if(dst->next_sibling!=0) dst->next_sibling->prev_sibling=src;
+   else                     dst->parent->last_child=src;
+   src->next_sibling=dst->next_sibling;
+   dst->next_sibling=src;
+   src->prev_sibling=dst;
+   src->parent=dst->parent;
+   return src;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter> iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::move_before(iter target, iter source)
+   {
+   tree_node *dst=target.node;
+   tree_node *src=source.node;
+   assert(dst);
+   assert(src);
+   if(dst==src) return source;
+	if(dst->prev_sibling)
+		if(dst->prev_sibling==src) // already in the right spot
+			return source;
+   // take src out of the tree
+   if(src->prev_sibling!=0) src->prev_sibling->next_sibling=src->next_sibling;
+   else                     src->parent->first_child=src->next_sibling;
+   if(src->next_sibling!=0) src->next_sibling->prev_sibling=src->prev_sibling;
+   else                     src->parent->last_child=src->prev_sibling;
+   // connect it to the new point
+   if(dst->prev_sibling!=0) dst->prev_sibling->next_sibling=src;
+   else                     dst->parent->first_child=src;
+   src->prev_sibling=dst->prev_sibling;
+   dst->prev_sibling=src;
+   src->next_sibling=dst;
+   src->parent=dst->parent;
+   return src;
+   }
+// specialisation for sibling_iterators
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::move_before(sibling_iterator target, 
+																													  sibling_iterator source)
+	{
+	tree_node *dst=target.node;
+	tree_node *src=source.node;
+	tree_node *dst_prev_sibling;
+	if(dst==0) { // must then be an end iterator
+		dst_prev_sibling=target.parent_->last_child;
+		assert(dst_prev_sibling);
+		}
+	else dst_prev_sibling=dst->prev_sibling;
+	assert(src);
+	if(dst==src) return source;
+	if(dst_prev_sibling)
+		if(dst_prev_sibling==src) // already in the right spot
+			return source;
+	// take src out of the tree
+	if(src->prev_sibling!=0) src->prev_sibling->next_sibling=src->next_sibling;
+	else                     src->parent->first_child=src->next_sibling;
+	if(src->next_sibling!=0) src->next_sibling->prev_sibling=src->prev_sibling;
+	else                     src->parent->last_child=src->prev_sibling;
+	// connect it to the new point
+	if(dst_prev_sibling!=0) dst_prev_sibling->next_sibling=src;
+	else                    target.parent_->first_child=src;
+	src->prev_sibling=dst_prev_sibling;
+	if(dst) {
+		dst->prev_sibling=src;
+		src->parent=dst->parent;
+		}
+	src->next_sibling=dst;
+	return src;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter> iter tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::move_ontop(iter target, iter source)
+	{
+	tree_node *dst=target.node;
+	tree_node *src=source.node;
+	assert(dst);
+	assert(src);
+	if(dst==src) return source;
+	// remember connection points
+	tree_node *b_prev_sibling=dst->prev_sibling;
+	tree_node *b_next_sibling=dst->next_sibling;
+	tree_node *b_parent=dst->parent;
+	// remove target
+	erase(target);
+	// take src out of the tree
+	if(src->prev_sibling!=0) src->prev_sibling->next_sibling=src->next_sibling;
+	else                     src->parent->first_child=src->next_sibling;
+	if(src->next_sibling!=0) src->next_sibling->prev_sibling=src->prev_sibling;
+	else                     src->parent->last_child=src->prev_sibling;
+	// connect it to the new point
+	if(b_prev_sibling!=0) b_prev_sibling->next_sibling=src;
+	else                  b_parent->first_child=src;
+	if(b_next_sibling!=0) b_next_sibling->prev_sibling=src;
+	else                  b_parent->last_child=src;
+	src->prev_sibling=b_prev_sibling;
+	src->next_sibling=b_next_sibling;
+	src->parent=b_parent;
+	return src;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::merge(sibling_iterator to1,   sibling_iterator to2,
+														sibling_iterator from1, sibling_iterator from2,
+														bool duplicate_leaves)
+	{
+	sibling_iterator fnd;
+	while(from1!=from2) {
+		if((fnd=std::find(to1, to2, (*from1))) != to2) { // element found
+			if(from1.begin()==from1.end()) { // full depth reached
+				if(duplicate_leaves)
+					append_child(parent(to1), (*from1));
+				}
+			else { // descend further
+				merge(fnd.begin(), fnd.end(), from1.begin(), from1.end(), duplicate_leaves);
+				}
+			}
+		else { // element missing
+			insert_subtree(to2, from1);
+			}
+		++from1;
+		}
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sort(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, bool deep)
+	{
+	std::less<T> comp;
+	sort(from, to, comp, deep);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <class StrictWeakOrdering>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sort(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to, 
+													 StrictWeakOrdering comp, bool deep)
+	{
+	if(from==to) return;
+	// make list of sorted nodes
+	// CHECK: if multiset stores equivalent nodes in the order in which they
+	// are inserted, then this routine should be called 'stable_sort'.
+	std::multiset<tree_node *, compare_nodes<StrictWeakOrdering> > nodes(comp);
+	sibling_iterator it=from, it2=to;
+	while(it != to) {
+		nodes.insert(it.node);
+		++it;
+		}
+	// reassemble
+	--it2;
+	// prev and next are the nodes before and after the sorted range
+	tree_node *prev=from.node->prev_sibling;
+	tree_node *next=it2.node->next_sibling;
+	typename std::multiset<tree_node *, compare_nodes<StrictWeakOrdering> >::iterator nit=nodes.begin(), eit=nodes.end();
+	if(prev==0) {
+		if((*nit)->parent!=0) // to catch "sorting the head" situations, when there is no parent
+			(*nit)->parent->first_child=(*nit);
+		}
+	else prev->next_sibling=(*nit);
+	--eit;
+	while(nit!=eit) {
+		(*nit)->prev_sibling=prev;
+		if(prev)
+			prev->next_sibling=(*nit);
+		prev=(*nit);
+		++nit;
+		}
+	// prev now points to the last-but-one node in the sorted range
+	if(prev)
+		prev->next_sibling=(*eit);
+	// eit points to the last node in the sorted range.
+	(*eit)->next_sibling=next;
+   (*eit)->prev_sibling=prev; // missed in the loop above
+	if(next==0) {
+		if((*eit)->parent!=0) // to catch "sorting the head" situations, when there is no parent
+			(*eit)->parent->last_child=(*eit);
+		}
+	else next->prev_sibling=(*eit);
+	if(deep) {	// sort the children of each node too
+		sibling_iterator bcs(*nodes.begin());
+		sibling_iterator ecs(*eit);
+		++ecs;
+		while(bcs!=ecs) {
+			sort(begin(bcs), end(bcs), comp, deep);
+			++bcs;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::equal(const iter& one_, const iter& two, const iter& three_) const
+	{
+	std::equal_to<T> comp;
+	return equal(one_, two, three_, comp);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::equal_subtree(const iter& one_, const iter& two_) const
+	{
+	std::equal_to<T> comp;
+	return equal_subtree(one_, two_, comp);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter, class BinaryPredicate>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::equal(const iter& one_, const iter& two, const iter& three_, BinaryPredicate fun) const
+	{
+	pre_order_iterator one(one_), three(three_);
+//	if(one==two && is_valid(three) && three.number_of_children()!=0)
+//		return false;
+	while(one!=two && is_valid(three)) {
+		if(!fun(*one,*three))
+			return false;
+		if(one.number_of_children()!=three.number_of_children()) 
+			return false;
+		++one;
+		++three;
+		}
+	return true;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+template <typename iter, class BinaryPredicate>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::equal_subtree(const iter& one_, const iter& two_, BinaryPredicate fun) const
+	{
+	pre_order_iterator one(one_), two(two_);
+	if(!fun(*one,*two)) return false;
+	if(number_of_children(one)!=number_of_children(two)) return false;
+	return equal(begin(one),end(one),begin(two),fun);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator> tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::subtree(sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to) const
+	{
+	tree tmp;
+	tmp.set_head(value_type());
+	tmp.replace(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), from, to);
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::subtree(tree& tmp, sibling_iterator from, sibling_iterator to) const
+	{
+	tmp.set_head(value_type());
+	tmp.replace(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), from, to);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+size_t tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::size() const
+	{
+	size_t i=0;
+	pre_order_iterator it=begin(), eit=end();
+	while(it!=eit) {
+		++i;
+		++it;
+		}
+	return i;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+size_t tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::size(const iterator_base& top) const
+	{
+	size_t i=0;
+	pre_order_iterator it=top, eit=top;
+	eit.skip_children();
+	++eit;
+	while(it!=eit) {
+		++i;
+		++it;
+		}
+	return i;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::empty() const
+	{
+	pre_order_iterator it=begin(), eit=end();
+	return (it==eit);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::depth(const iterator_base& it) 
+	{
+	tree_node* pos=it.node;
+	assert(pos!=0);
+	int ret=0;
+	while(pos->parent!=0) {
+		pos=pos->parent;
+		++ret;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::depth(const iterator_base& it, const iterator_base& root) 
+	{
+	tree_node* pos=it.node;
+	assert(pos!=0);
+	int ret=0;
+	while(pos->parent!=0 && pos!=root.node) {
+		pos=pos->parent;
+		++ret;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::max_depth() const
+	{
+	int maxd=-1;
+	for(tree_node *it = head->next_sibling; it!=feet; it=it->next_sibling)
+		maxd=std::max(maxd, max_depth(it));
+	return maxd;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::max_depth(const iterator_base& pos) const
+	{
+	tree_node *tmp=pos.node;
+	if(tmp==0 || tmp==head || tmp==feet) return -1;
+	int curdepth=0, maxdepth=0;
+	while(true) { // try to walk the bottom of the tree
+		while(tmp->first_child==0) {
+			if(tmp==pos.node) return maxdepth;
+			if(tmp->next_sibling==0) {
+				// try to walk up and then right again
+				do {
+					tmp=tmp->parent;
+               if(tmp==0) return maxdepth;
+               --curdepth;
+				   } while(tmp->next_sibling==0);
+				}
+         if(tmp==pos.node) return maxdepth;
+			tmp=tmp->next_sibling;
+			}
+		tmp=tmp->first_child;
+		++curdepth;
+		maxdepth=std::max(curdepth, maxdepth);
+		} 
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+unsigned int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::number_of_children(const iterator_base& it) 
+	{
+	tree_node *pos=it.node->first_child;
+	if(pos==0) return 0;
+	unsigned int ret=1;
+//	  while(pos!=it.node->last_child) {
+//		  ++ret;
+//		  pos=pos->next_sibling;
+//		  }
+	while((pos=pos->next_sibling))
+		++ret;
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+unsigned int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::number_of_siblings(const iterator_base& it) const
+	{
+	tree_node *pos=it.node;
+	unsigned int ret=0;
+	// count forward
+	while(pos->next_sibling && 
+			pos->next_sibling!=head &&
+			pos->next_sibling!=feet) {
+		++ret;
+		pos=pos->next_sibling;
+		}
+	// count backward
+	pos=it.node;
+	while(pos->prev_sibling && 
+			pos->prev_sibling!=head &&
+			pos->prev_sibling!=feet) {
+		++ret;
+		pos=pos->prev_sibling;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::swap(sibling_iterator it)
+	{
+	tree_node *nxt=it.node->next_sibling;
+	if(nxt) {
+		if(it.node->prev_sibling)
+			it.node->prev_sibling->next_sibling=nxt;
+		else
+			it.node->parent->first_child=nxt;
+		nxt->prev_sibling=it.node->prev_sibling;
+		tree_node *nxtnxt=nxt->next_sibling;
+		if(nxtnxt)
+			nxtnxt->prev_sibling=it.node;
+		else
+			it.node->parent->last_child=it.node;
+		nxt->next_sibling=it.node;
+		it.node->prev_sibling=nxt;
+		it.node->next_sibling=nxtnxt;
+		}
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::swap(iterator one, iterator two)
+	{
+	// if one and two are adjacent siblings, use the sibling swap
+	if(one.node->next_sibling==two.node) swap(one);
+	else if(two.node->next_sibling==one.node) swap(two);
+	else {
+		tree_node *nxt1=one.node->next_sibling;
+		tree_node *nxt2=two.node->next_sibling;
+		tree_node *pre1=one.node->prev_sibling;
+		tree_node *pre2=two.node->prev_sibling;
+		tree_node *par1=one.node->parent;
+		tree_node *par2=two.node->parent;
+		// reconnect
+		one.node->parent=par2;
+		one.node->next_sibling=nxt2;
+		if(nxt2) nxt2->prev_sibling=one.node;
+		else     par2->last_child=one.node;
+		one.node->prev_sibling=pre2;
+		if(pre2) pre2->next_sibling=one.node;
+		else     par2->first_child=one.node;    
+		two.node->parent=par1;
+		two.node->next_sibling=nxt1;
+		if(nxt1) nxt1->prev_sibling=two.node;
+		else     par1->last_child=two.node;
+		two.node->prev_sibling=pre1;
+		if(pre1) pre1->next_sibling=two.node;
+		else     par1->first_child=two.node;
+		}
+	}
+// template <class BinaryPredicate>
+// tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::find_subtree(
+// 	sibling_iterator subfrom, sibling_iterator subto, iterator from, iterator to, 
+// 	BinaryPredicate fun) const
+// 	{
+// 	assert(1==0); // this routine is not finished yet.
+// 	while(from!=to) {
+// 		if(fun(*subfrom, *from)) {
+// 			}
+// 		}
+// 	return to;
+// 	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::is_in_subtree(const iterator_base& it, const iterator_base& begin, 
+																 const iterator_base& end) const
+	{
+	// FIXME: this should be optimised.
+	pre_order_iterator tmp=begin;
+	while(tmp!=end) {
+		if(tmp==it) return true;
+		++tmp;
+		}
+	return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::is_valid(const iterator_base& it) const
+	{
+	if(it.node==0 || it.node==feet || it.node==head) return false;
+	else return true;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+unsigned int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::index(sibling_iterator it) const
+	{
+	unsigned int ind=0;
+	if(it.node->parent==0) {
+		while(it.node->prev_sibling!=head) {
+			it.node=it.node->prev_sibling;
+			++ind;
+			}
+		}
+	else {
+		while(it.node->prev_sibling!=0) {
+			it.node=it.node->prev_sibling;
+			++ind;
+			}
+		}
+	return ind;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling(const iterator_base& it, unsigned int num)
+   {
+   tree_node *tmp;
+   if(it.node->parent==0) {
+      tmp=head->next_sibling;
+      while(num) {
+         tmp = tmp->next_sibling;
+         --num;
+         }
+      }
+   else {
+      tmp=it.node->parent->first_child;
+      while(num) {
+         assert(tmp!=0);
+         tmp = tmp->next_sibling;
+         --num;
+         }
+      }
+   return tmp;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::child(const iterator_base& it, unsigned int num) 
+	{
+	tree_node *tmp=it.node->first_child;
+	while(num--) {
+		assert(tmp!=0);
+		tmp=tmp->next_sibling;
+		}
+	return tmp;
+	}
+// Iterator base
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::iterator_base()
+	: node(0), skip_current_children_(false)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::iterator_base(tree_node *tn)
+	: node(tn), skip_current_children_(false)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+T& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::operator*() const
+	{
+	return node->data;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+T* tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::operator->() const
+	{
+	return &(node->data);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator!=(const post_order_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node!=this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator==(const post_order_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node==this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator!=(const pre_order_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node!=this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator==(const pre_order_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node==this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator!=(const sibling_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node!=this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator==(const sibling_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node==this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator!=(const leaf_iterator& other) const
+   {
+   if(other.node!=this->node) return true;
+   else return false;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator==(const leaf_iterator& other) const
+   {
+   if(other.node==this->node && other.top_node==this->top_node) return true;
+   else return false;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::begin() const
+	{
+	if(node->first_child==0) 
+		return end();
+	sibling_iterator ret(node->first_child);
+	ret.parent_=this->node;
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::end() const
+	{
+	sibling_iterator ret(0);
+	ret.parent_=node;
+	return ret;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::skip_children()
+	{
+	skip_current_children_=true;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::skip_children(bool skip)
+   {
+   skip_current_children_=skip;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+unsigned int tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::iterator_base::number_of_children() const
+	{
+	tree_node *pos=node->first_child;
+	if(pos==0) return 0;
+	unsigned int ret=1;
+	while(pos!=node->last_child) {
+		++ret;
+		pos=pos->next_sibling;
+		}
+	return ret;
+	}
+// Pre-order iterator
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::pre_order_iterator() 
+	: iterator_base(0)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::pre_order_iterator(tree_node *tn)
+	: iterator_base(tn)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::pre_order_iterator(const iterator_base &other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::pre_order_iterator(const sibling_iterator& other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node)
+	{
+	if(this->node==0) {
+		if(other.range_last()!=0)
+			this->node=other.range_last();
+		else 
+			this->node=other.parent_;
+		this->skip_children();
+		++(*this);
+		}
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator++()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	if(!this->skip_current_children_ && this->node->first_child != 0) {
+		this->node=this->node->first_child;
+		}
+	else {
+		this->skip_current_children_=false;
+		while(this->node->next_sibling==0) {
+			this->node=this->node->parent;
+			if(this->node==0)
+				return *this;
+			}
+		this->node=this->node->next_sibling;
+		}
+	return *this;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator--()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	if(this->node->prev_sibling) {
+		this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+		while(this->node->last_child)
+			this->node=this->node->last_child;
+		}
+	else {
+		this->node=this->node->parent;
+		if(this->node==0)
+			return *this;
+		}
+	return *this;
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator++(int)
+	{
+	pre_order_iterator copy = *this;
+	++(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator--(int)
+  pre_order_iterator copy = *this;
+  --(*this);
+  return copy;
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator+=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		++(*this);
+		--num;
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::pre_order_iterator::operator-=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		--(*this);
+		--num;
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+// Post-order iterator
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::post_order_iterator() 
+	: iterator_base(0)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::post_order_iterator(tree_node *tn)
+	: iterator_base(tn)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::post_order_iterator(const iterator_base &other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::post_order_iterator(const sibling_iterator& other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node)
+	{
+	if(this->node==0) {
+		if(other.range_last()!=0)
+			this->node=other.range_last();
+		else 
+			this->node=other.parent_;
+		this->skip_children();
+		++(*this);
+		}
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator++()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	if(this->node->next_sibling==0) {
+		this->node=this->node->parent;
+		this->skip_current_children_=false;
+		}
+	else {
+		this->node=this->node->next_sibling;
+		if(this->skip_current_children_) {
+			this->skip_current_children_=false;
+			}
+		else {
+			while(this->node->first_child)
+				this->node=this->node->first_child;
+			}
+		}
+	return *this;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator--()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	if(this->skip_current_children_ || this->node->last_child==0) {
+		this->skip_current_children_=false;
+		while(this->node->prev_sibling==0)
+			this->node=this->node->parent;
+		this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+		}
+	else {
+		this->node=this->node->last_child;
+		}
+	return *this;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator++(int)
+	{
+	post_order_iterator copy = *this;
+	++(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator--(int)
+	{
+	post_order_iterator copy = *this;
+	--(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator+=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		++(*this);
+		--num;
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::operator-=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		--(*this);
+		--num;
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::post_order_iterator::descend_all()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	while(this->node->first_child)
+		this->node=this->node->first_child;
+	}
+// Breadth-first iterator
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::breadth_first_queued_iterator()
+	: iterator_base()
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::breadth_first_queued_iterator(tree_node *tn)
+	: iterator_base(tn)
+	{
+	traversal_queue.push(tn);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::breadth_first_queued_iterator(const iterator_base& other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node)
+	{
+	traversal_queue.push(other.node);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::operator!=(const breadth_first_queued_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node!=this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::operator==(const breadth_first_queued_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node==this->node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::operator++()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	// Add child nodes and pop current node
+	sibling_iterator sib=this->begin();
+	while(sib!=this->end()) {
+		traversal_queue.push(sib.node);
+		++sib;
+		}
+	traversal_queue.pop();
+	if(traversal_queue.size()>0)
+		this->node=traversal_queue.front();
+	else 
+		this->node=0;
+	return (*this);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::operator++(int)
+	{
+	breadth_first_queued_iterator copy = *this;
+	++(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::breadth_first_queued_iterator::operator+=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		++(*this);
+		--num;
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+// Fixed depth iterator
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::fixed_depth_iterator()
+	: iterator_base()
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::fixed_depth_iterator(tree_node *tn)
+	: iterator_base(tn), top_node(0)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::fixed_depth_iterator(const iterator_base& other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node), top_node(0)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::fixed_depth_iterator(const sibling_iterator& other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node), top_node(0)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::fixed_depth_iterator(const fixed_depth_iterator& other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node), top_node(other.top_node)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator==(const fixed_depth_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node==this->node && other.top_node==top_node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+bool tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator!=(const fixed_depth_iterator& other) const
+	{
+	if(other.node!=this->node || other.top_node!=top_node) return true;
+	else return false;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator++()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	if(this->node->next_sibling) {
+		this->node=this->node->next_sibling;
+		}
+	else { 
+		int relative_depth=0;
+	   upper:
+		do {
+			if(this->node==this->top_node) {
+				this->node=0; // FIXME: return a proper fixed_depth end iterator once implemented
+				return *this;
+				}
+			this->node=this->node->parent;
+			if(this->node==0) return *this;
+			--relative_depth;
+			} while(this->node->next_sibling==0);
+	   lower:
+		this->node=this->node->next_sibling;
+		while(this->node->first_child==0) {
+			if(this->node->next_sibling==0)
+				goto upper;
+			this->node=this->node->next_sibling;
+			if(this->node==0) return *this;
+			}
+		while(relative_depth<0 && this->node->first_child!=0) {
+			this->node=this->node->first_child;
+			++relative_depth;
+			}
+		if(relative_depth<0) {
+			if(this->node->next_sibling==0) goto upper;
+			else                          goto lower;
+			}
+		}
+	return *this;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator--()
+	{
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	if(this->node->prev_sibling) {
+		this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+		}
+	else { 
+		int relative_depth=0;
+	   upper:
+		do {
+			if(this->node==this->top_node) {
+				this->node=0;
+				return *this;
+				}
+			this->node=this->node->parent;
+			if(this->node==0) return *this;
+			--relative_depth;
+			} while(this->node->prev_sibling==0);
+	   lower:
+		this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+		while(this->node->last_child==0) {
+			if(this->node->prev_sibling==0)
+				goto upper;
+			this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+			if(this->node==0) return *this;
+			}
+		while(relative_depth<0 && this->node->last_child!=0) {
+			this->node=this->node->last_child;
+			++relative_depth;
+			}
+		if(relative_depth<0) {
+			if(this->node->prev_sibling==0) goto upper;
+			else                            goto lower;
+			}
+		}
+	return *this;
+//	assert(this->node!=0);
+//	if(this->node->prev_sibling!=0) {
+//		this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+//		assert(this->node!=0);
+//		if(this->node->parent==0 && this->node->prev_sibling==0) // head element
+//			this->node=0;
+//		}
+//	else {
+//		tree_node *par=this->node->parent;
+//		do {
+//			par=par->prev_sibling;
+//			if(par==0) { // FIXME: need to keep track of this!
+//				this->node=0;
+//				return *this;
+//				}
+//			} while(par->last_child==0);
+//		this->node=par->last_child;
+//		}
+//	return *this;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator++(int)
+	{
+	fixed_depth_iterator copy = *this;
+	++(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator--(int)
+   {
+	fixed_depth_iterator copy = *this;
+	--(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator-=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		--(*this);
+		--(num);
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::fixed_depth_iterator::operator+=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		++(*this);
+		--(num);
+		}
+	return *this;
+	}
+// Sibling iterator
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::sibling_iterator() 
+	: iterator_base()
+	{
+	set_parent_();
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::sibling_iterator(tree_node *tn)
+	: iterator_base(tn)
+	{
+	set_parent_();
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::sibling_iterator(const iterator_base& other)
+	: iterator_base(other.node)
+	{
+	set_parent_();
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::sibling_iterator(const sibling_iterator& other)
+	: iterator_base(other), parent_(other.parent_)
+	{
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+void tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::set_parent_()
+	{
+	parent_=0;
+	if(this->node==0) return;
+	if(this->node->parent!=0)
+		parent_=this->node->parent;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator++()
+	{
+	if(this->node)
+		this->node=this->node->next_sibling;
+	return *this;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator--()
+	{
+	if(this->node) this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+	else {
+		assert(parent_);
+		this->node=parent_->last_child;
+		}
+	return *this;
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator++(int)
+	{
+	sibling_iterator copy = *this;
+	++(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator--(int)
+	{
+	sibling_iterator copy = *this;
+	--(*this);
+	return copy;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator+=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		++(*this);
+		--num;
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::operator-=(unsigned int num)
+	{
+	while(num>0) {
+		--(*this);
+		--num;
+		}
+	return (*this);
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::tree_node *tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::range_first() const
+	{
+	tree_node *tmp=parent_->first_child;
+	return tmp;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::tree_node *tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::sibling_iterator::range_last() const
+	{
+	return parent_->last_child;
+	}
+// Leaf iterator
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::leaf_iterator() 
+   : iterator_base(0), top_node(0)
+   {
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::leaf_iterator(tree_node *tn, tree_node *top)
+   : iterator_base(tn), top_node(top)
+   {
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::leaf_iterator(const iterator_base &other)
+   : iterator_base(other.node), top_node(0)
+   {
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::leaf_iterator(const sibling_iterator& other)
+   : iterator_base(other.node), top_node(0)
+   {
+   if(this->node==0) {
+      if(other.range_last()!=0)
+         this->node=other.range_last();
+      else 
+         this->node=other.parent_;
+      ++(*this);
+      }
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator++()
+   {
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	if(this->node->first_child!=0) { // current node is no longer leaf (children got added)
+		 while(this->node->first_child) 
+			  this->node=this->node->first_child;
+		 }
+	else {
+		 while(this->node->next_sibling==0) { 
+			  if (this->node->parent==0) return *this;
+			  this->node=this->node->parent;
+			  if (top_node != 0 && this->node==top_node) return *this;
+			  }
+		 this->node=this->node->next_sibling;
+		 while(this->node->first_child)
+			  this->node=this->node->first_child;
+		 }
+	return *this;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator--()
+   {
+	assert(this->node!=0);
+	while (this->node->prev_sibling==0) {
+		if (this->node->parent==0) return *this;
+		this->node=this->node->parent;
+		if (top_node !=0 && this->node==top_node) return *this; 
+		}
+	this->node=this->node->prev_sibling;
+	while(this->node->last_child)
+		this->node=this->node->last_child;
+	return *this;
+	}
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator++(int)
+   {
+   leaf_iterator copy = *this;
+   ++(*this);
+   return copy;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator--(int)
+   {
+   leaf_iterator copy = *this;
+   --(*this);
+   return copy;
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator+=(unsigned int num)
+   {
+   while(num>0) {
+      ++(*this);
+      --num;
+      }
+   return (*this);
+   }
+template <class T, class tree_node_allocator>
+typename tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator& tree<T, tree_node_allocator>::leaf_iterator::operator-=(unsigned int num)
+   {
+   while(num>0) {
+      --(*this);
+      --num;
+      }
+   return (*this);
+   }
+// Local variables:
+// default-tab-width: 3
+// End:

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