[xmlada] Update to new release

Pavel Zhukov landgraf at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jul 16 08:26:25 UTC 2011

commit 23779a03656d4b07809bd45f9f814ef71589641b
Author: Pavel Zhukov <pavel at zhukoff.net>
Date:   Sat Jul 16 12:25:46 2011 +0400

    Update to new release

 .gitignore                                         |    1 +
 sources                                            |    2 +-
 xmlada-destdir.patch => xmlada-4.1-destdir.patch   |  195 ++++++++++----------
 ...a-gnatflags.patch => xmlada-4.1-gnatflags.patch |   14 +-
 xmlada.spec                                        |   25 ++-
 5 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 38da341..812bbbe 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 68d590f..3dfd44e 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-f52e66adee5cdf7d8b7c7454d0cbc196  xmlada-gpl-3.2.1-src.tgz
+c17ac563b8375bd652a0eb8e141cda59  xmlada-gpl-4.1-src.tgz
diff --git a/xmlada-destdir.patch b/xmlada-4.1-destdir.patch
similarity index 61%
rename from xmlada-destdir.patch
rename to xmlada-4.1-destdir.patch
index cb68ecd..f501632 100644
--- a/xmlada-destdir.patch
+++ b/xmlada-4.1-destdir.patch
@@ -1,55 +1,79 @@
---- a/Makefile.in
-+++ b/Makefile.in
-@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- ## The type of library we want to build. Possible values:
+--- a/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:17:09.335569486 +0400
++++ b/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:19:13.406569528 +0400
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  ##   relocatable
  ##   static
  # Replace with the location for the installation directory
-@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
- .PHONY: all obj clean install install_dirs build_library_type install_library_type
+@@ -114,30 +114,30 @@
+ 	cd ${xmllib}; ${CHMOD} ugo-w *.ali
- ifeq (${BUILDS_SHARED},yes)
--all: static relocatable
--install: install_static install_relocatable
-+all: relocatable
-+install: install_relocatable
- else
- all: static
- install: install_static
-@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@
- 	${MAKE} LIBRARY_TYPE=relocatable build_library_type
- obj: force
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Punicode/unicode.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Pinput_sources/input_sources.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Psax/sax.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Pdom/dom.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Pschema/schema.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Punicode/unicode.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Pinput_sources/input_sources.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Psax/sax.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Pdom/dom.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Pschema/schema.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
+ install_dirs: force
+-	@${MKDIR} ${bindir}
+-	@${MKDIR} ${xmllib}
+-	@${MKDIR} ${libdir}/gnat/xmlada
+-	@${MKDIR} ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
+-	@${MKDIR} ${includedir}/xmlada
+-	@${MKDIR} ${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
++	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}
++	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}
++	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/xmlada
++	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
++	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${includedir}/xmlada
++	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
- test: force
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Punicode/test/unicode_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Psax/test/sax_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Pdom/test/dom_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
--	${GNATMAKE} -p -Pschema/test/schema_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Punicode/test/unicode_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Psax/test/sax_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Pdom/test/dom_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
-+	${GNATMAKE} -R -p -Pschema/test/schema_test.gpr ${MAKE_ARGS}
+ ## Do the installation for either shared or static, depending on
+ install_library_type: install_dirs ${MODULE_INSTALL}
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_shared.gpr         ${libdir}/gnat
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada.gpr                ${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_dom.gpr            ${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_sax.gpr            ${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_input.gpr          ${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_schema.gpr         ${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_unicode.gpr        ${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} xmlada-config  ${bindir}
+-	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.ps   ${datadir}/doc/xmlada 2>/dev/null
+-	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.pdf  ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
+-	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.html ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
+-	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.info ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
+-	${CHMOD} +x ${bindir}/xmlada-config
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_gps.py ${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_shared.gpr         ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada.gpr                ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_dom.gpr            ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_sax.gpr            ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_input.gpr          ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_schema.gpr         ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_unicode.gpr        ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
++	${INSTALL} xmlada-config  ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}
++	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.ps   ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada 2>/dev/null
++	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.pdf  ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
++	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.html ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
++	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.info ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
++	${CHMOD} +x ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}/xmlada-config
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_gps.py ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
- run_test: force
- 	@cd unicode/test; ./test_unicode
-@@ -88,57 +88,55 @@
+ ## Do the installation for an explicit target
+ install_static: 
+--- a/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:21:57.232569582 +0400
++++ b/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:22:12.952569588 +0400
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ ## The type of library we want to build. Possible values:
+ ##   relocatable
+ ##   static
+ # Replace with the location for the installation directory
+--- a/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:27:57.295569704 +0400
++++ b/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:30:25.628569754 +0400
+@@ -91,27 +91,27 @@
  # Rule for installing the modules
  %_inst: force
@@ -60,7 +84,7 @@
 -	${RM} ${libdir}/libxmlada_$**
 -	${RM} ${xmllib}libxmlada_$**
 +	${CP} $*/*.ad[bs]        ${DESTDIR}/${includedir}/xmlada
-+	cd $*; ls *.ad[bs] > ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/xmlada/xmlada_$*.lgpr
++	cd $*; ls *.ad[bs] > ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/xmlada/xmlada_$*.lgpr
 +	-cd ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}; ${CHMOD} ugo+w *.ali
 +	-${CP} $*/lib/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/*.ali   ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}
 +	${RM} ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/libxmlada_$**
@@ -70,8 +94,7 @@
 +	${INSTALL} $*/lib/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/libxmlada_$*.a ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}
  ifeq (${OS},Windows_NT)
--	${INSTALL} $*/lib/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/libxmlada_$*.${LIBEXT} ${xmllib}
-+	${INSTALL} $*/lib/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/libxmlada_$*.${LIBEXT} ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}
+ 	${INSTALL} $*/lib/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/libxmlada_$*.${LIBEXT} ${xmllib}
  	cd ${bindir}; ${CP} ${libdir}/xmlada/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/libxmlada_$*.${LIBEXT} libxmlada_$*.${LIBEXT}
 -	${INSTALL} $*/lib/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/libxmlada_$*.${LIBEXT}.${VERSION} ${xmllib}
@@ -90,63 +113,45 @@
 +	cd ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}; ${CHMOD} ugo-w *.ali
  install_dirs: force
--	@${MKDIR} ${bindir}
--	@${MKDIR} ${xmllib}
--	@${MKDIR} ${libdir}/gnat/xmlada
--	@${MKDIR} ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
--	@${MKDIR} ${includedir}/xmlada
--	@${MKDIR} ${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
-+	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}
-+	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}
+ 	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}
+--- a/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:47:49.580570102 +0400
++++ b/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 11:49:47.465570142 +0400
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
+ # Rule for installing the modules
+ %_inst: force
+ 	${CP} $*/*.ad[bs]        ${DESTDIR}/${includedir}/xmlada
+-	cd $*; ls *.ad[bs] > ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/xmlada/xmlada_$*.lgpr
++	cd $*; ls *.ad[bs] > ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/xmlada/xmlada_$*.lgpr
+ 	-cd ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}; ${CHMOD} ugo+w *.ali
+ 	-${CP} $*/lib/${LIBRARY_TYPE}/*.ali   ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}
+ 	${RM} ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/libxmlada_$**
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
+ install_dirs: force
+ 	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}
+ 	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${xmllib}
+-	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/xmlada
-+	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
-+	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${includedir}/xmlada
-+	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
+ 	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
+ 	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${includedir}/xmlada
+ 	@${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
+@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
  ## Do the installation for either shared or static, depending on
  install_library_type: install_dirs ${MODULE_INSTALL}
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_shared.gpr         ${libdir}/gnat
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada.gpr                ${libdir}/gnat/
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_dom.gpr            ${libdir}/gnat/
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_sax.gpr            ${libdir}/gnat/
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_input.gpr          ${libdir}/gnat/
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_schema.gpr         ${libdir}/gnat/
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_unicode.gpr        ${libdir}/gnat/
--	${INSTALL} xmlada-config  ${bindir}
--	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.ps   ${datadir}/doc/xmlada 2>/dev/null
--	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.pdf  ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
--	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.html ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
--	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.info ${datadir}/doc/xmlada
--	${CHMOD} +x ${bindir}/xmlada-config
--	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_gps.py ${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
-+	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_shared.gpr         ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_shared.gpr         ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada.gpr                ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_dom.gpr            ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_sax.gpr            ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_input.gpr          ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_schema.gpr         ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
+-	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_unicode.gpr        ${DESTDIR}/${libdir}/gnat/
++	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_shared.gpr         ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}
 +	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada.gpr                ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/
 +	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_dom.gpr            ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/
 +	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_sax.gpr            ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/
 +	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_input.gpr          ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/
 +	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_schema.gpr         ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/
 +	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_unicode.gpr        ${DESTDIR}/${ADA_PROJECT_PATH}/
-+	${INSTALL} xmlada-config  ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}
-+	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.ps   ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada 2>/dev/null
-+	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.pdf  ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
-+	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.html ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
-+	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.info ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
-+	${CHMOD} +x ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}/xmlada-config
-+	${INSTALL} distrib/xmlada_gps.py ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/gps/plug-ins/
- ## Do the installation for an explicit target
--	${MAKE} LIBRARY_TYPE=static install_library_type
- install_shared install_relocatable:
- 	${MAKE} LIBRARY_TYPE=relocatable install_library_type
-@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@
- 	-gnat clean -XLIBRARY_TYPE=$* -q -Psax/test/sax_test.gpr
- 	-gnat clean -XLIBRARY_TYPE=$* -q -Pschema/test/schema_test.gpr
--clean: clean_relocatable clean_static
-+clean: clean_relocatable 
- 	cd docs; ${MAKE} -e clean
- distclean: clean
+ 	${INSTALL} xmlada-config  ${DESTDIR}/${bindir}
+ 	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.ps   ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada 2>/dev/null
+ 	-${INSTALL} docs/xml.pdf  ${DESTDIR}/${datadir}/doc/xmlada
diff --git a/xmlada-gnatflags.patch b/xmlada-4.1-gnatflags.patch
similarity index 50%
rename from xmlada-gnatflags.patch
rename to xmlada-4.1-gnatflags.patch
index 7120a49..6f1008d 100644
--- a/xmlada-gnatflags.patch
+++ b/xmlada-4.1-gnatflags.patch
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
---- a/Makefile.in	2011-02-20 17:55:26.420257717 +0300
-+++ b/Makefile.in	2011-02-20 17:56:13.768263891 +0300
+--- a/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 12:05:27.728570456 +0400
++++ b/Makefile.in	2011-07-16 12:06:24.945570476 +0400
 @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  ##   static
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
  # Replace with the location for the installation directory
-@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
- docdir=@docdir@
- includedir=@includedir@
+@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
-+GNATMAKE=@gnatmake@ ${GNATFLAGS}
+ # Set a default value (ignored if set in the environment)
+-GNATMAKE=@gnatmake@ -j${PROCESSORS}
++GNATMAKE=@gnatmake@  ${GNATFLAGS}
  # Compiler mode: one of "distrib", "debug", "optimize", "profile"
diff --git a/xmlada.spec b/xmlada.spec
index 17f8424..add269d 100644
--- a/xmlada.spec
+++ b/xmlada.spec
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 Name:       	xmlada
-Version:    	3.2.1
-Release:    	11%{?dist}
+Version:    	4.1
+Release:    	1%{?dist}
 Summary:    	XML library for Ada
 Group:      	System Environment/Libraries
 License:    	GPLv2+
 URL:        	http://libre.adacore.com
 ## Direct download link is unavailable
 ## http://libre.adacore.com/libre/download/
-Source0:    	xmlada-gpl-3.2.1-src.tgz
+Source0:    	xmlada-gpl-%{version}-src.tgz
 ## Patch for use relocatable libs instead static 
 ## and add DESTDIR option for make install
-Patch0:     	%{name}-destdir.patch
+Patch0:     	%{name}-%{version}-destdir.patch
 ## Fedora-specific
 Patch1:     	%{name}-gpr.patch
-Patch2:	    	%{name}-gnatflags.patch
+Patch2:	    	%{name}-%{version}-gnatflags.patch
 BuildRequires:  chrpath
 BuildRequires:  gcc-gnat
 BuildRequires:  fedora-gnat-project-common >= 2 
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Requires:	fedora-gnat-project-common >= 2
 Xml library for ada devel package.
-%setup -q -n xmlada-3.2.1-src
+%setup -q -n xmlada-4.1-src
 %patch0 -p1
 %patch1 -p1 
 %patch2 -p1 
@@ -47,18 +47,23 @@ make %{?_smp_mflags}  GNATFLAGS="%{GNAT_optflags}" ADA_PROJECT_PATH=%_GNAT_proje
 rm -rf %{buildroot}
-make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}  ADA_PROJECT_PATH=%_GNAT_project_dir
+export BUILDS_SHARED=yes
+make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}  ADA_PROJECT_PATH=%_GNAT_project_dir BUILDS_SHARED=yes
 ## Revoke exec permissions
 find %{buildroot} -name '*.gpr' -exec chmod -x {} \;
 find %{buildroot}%{_docdir} -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;
 ## Delete old bash script (not needed now)
 rm -f %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/xmlada-config
 ## delete rpath manually (#674793)
-chrpath --delete %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/libxmlada*
+chrpath --delete %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/%{name}/relocatable/libxmlada*
 install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/%{name}/static/
 ## There is not GNAT programming studio in Fedora
 ## To enable GPS plugin delete this string and create subpackage
 rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/gps/plug-ins/%{name}_gps.py*
+rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/%{name}/static/*
+## only-non-binary-in-usr-lib
+find %{buildroot}/%{_libdir}/ -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;
+find %{buildroot}/%_GNAT_project_dir -type f -exec chmod -x {} \;
@@ -78,6 +83,7 @@ rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/gps/plug-ins/%{name}_gps.py*
 %files devel
 %dir %{_includedir}/%{name}
@@ -102,6 +108,9 @@ rm -f %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/gps/plug-ins/%{name}_gps.py*
+* Sat Jul 15 2011 Pavel Zhukov <landgraf at fedoraproject.org> - 4.1-1
+- Update to new release GNAT-GPL-2011
 * Wed Mar 30 2011 Pavel Zhukov <landgraf at fedoraproject.org> - 3.2.1-11
 - Fix library type (add configure options)

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