[ldc: 2/3] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/ldc

MERCIER Jonathan bioinfornatics at fedoraproject.org
Mon Oct 3 11:18:14 UTC 2011

commit 78190c7a79713f3f316e2aa721b8d88aec73e6be
Merge: f44a5d5 554b45a
Author: Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Oct 3 13:16:17 2011 +0200

    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/ldc

 ldc.spec |   30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --cc ldc.spec
index bfd5d6d,ca2af6b..ede973e
--- a/ldc.spec
+++ b/ldc.spec
@@@ -1,30 -1,19 +1,43 @@@
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +%global     snapdate        20110915
 +%global     ldc_rev         423076d
 +%global     phobos_rev      a8106d9
 +%global     druntime_rev    fba10fa
 +%global     alphatag        %{snapdate}git%{ldc_rev}
 +%global     phobostag       %{snapdate}git%{phobos_rev}
 +%global     druntimetag     %{snapdate}git%{druntime_rev}
 +# The source for this package was pulled from upstream's git.
+ %global     alphatag        20110801
+ # incorrect tarball name
+ %global     err_alphatag    20110901
+ %global     git_revision    git58d40d2
+ # The source for this package was pulled from upstream's subversion (svn).
++>>>>>>> 554b45aa5499869ae1e69c821397ac3ff20cda11
  # Use the following commands to generate the tarball:
 -# git rev-parse --short HEAD -> for get hash
 -# git clone git://github.com/bioinfornatics/ldc2.git ldc-20110901git58d40d2
 -# (cd ldc-20110901git58d40d2; git checkout 161823bef25fa366677d; git submodule init; git submodule update)
 -# find ldc-20110901git58d40d2 -name ".git" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -fr
 -# tar cJvf ldc-20110901git58d40d2.tar.xz ldc-20110901git58d40d2
 +# cd ldc; git rev-parse --short HEAD            -> for ldc_rev
 +# cd ldc/phobos; git rev-parse --short HEAD     -> for phobos_rev
 +# cd ldc/druntime/;  git rev-parse --short HEAD -> for druntime_rev
 +# git clone https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc.git
 +# (cd ldc; git checkout 423076d; git submodule init; git submodule update; \
 +#  git archive --prefix=ldc-%%{alphatag}/ HEAD \
 +# ) | xz > ldc-%%{alphatag}.xz
 +# (cd ldc/druntime; \
 +#  git archive --prefix=druntime/ HEAD \
 +# ) | xz > ldc-druntime-%%{druntimetag}.xz
 +# (cd ldc/phobos; \
 +#  git archive --prefix=phobos/ HEAD \
 +# ) | xz > ldc-phobos-%%{phobostag}.xz
  Name:           ldc
  Version:        2
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +Release:        4.%{alphatag}%{?dist}
+ Release:        3.%{alphatag}%{git_revision}%{?dist}
++>>>>>>> 554b45aa5499869ae1e69c821397ac3ff20cda11
  Summary:        A compiler for the D programming language
  Group:          Development/Languages
@@@ -32,15 -21,11 +45,20 @@@
  # The files gen/asmstmt.cpp and gen/asm-*.hG PL version 2+ or artistic license
  License:        BSD    
  URL:            http://www.dsource.org/projects/ldc
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +Source0:        %{name}-%{alphatag}.tar.xz
 +Source1:        %{name}-phobos-%{phobostag}.tar.xz
 +Source2:        %{name}-druntime-%{druntimetag}.tar.xz
 +Source3:        macros.%{name}
 +# fix current build system report to upstream done
 +Patch0:         %{name}_fix_build.patch
+ Source0:        %{name}-%{err_alphatag}%{git_revision}.tar.xz
+ Source1:        macros.%{name}
++>>>>>>> 554b45aa5499869ae1e69c821397ac3ff20cda11
  BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
 -BuildRequires:  llvm-devel >= 2.9
 +#BuildRequires:  llvm-devel >= 2.9
  BuildRequires:  libconfig, libconfig-devel
  BuildRequires:  cmake
  BuildRequires:  gc, gcc-c++, gcc
@@@ -126,35 -96,18 +144,44 @@@ pas une religion, c'est un langage de p
  parfois, les objectifs sont contradictoire et contre-productive dans certaines
  situations, et les programmeurs doivent implémenter d'une certaines manière.
 +%package        phobos-devel
 +Summary:        Support for developing D application
 +Group:          Development/Tools
 +Requires:       %{name} =  %{version}-%{release}
 +%description phobos-devel
 +The phobos-devel package contains header files for developing D
 +applications that use phobos.
 +%description phobos-devel -l fr
 +Le paquet phobos-devel contient les fichiers d'entêtes pour développer
 +des applications en D utilisant phobos.
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +%setup -q -n %{name}-%{alphatag}
 +%setup -q -T -D -a 1 -n %{name}-%{alphatag}
 +%setup -q -T -D -a 2 -n %{name}-%{alphatag}
 +%patch0 -p1 -b .fix
 +find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/\r//g' {} \;
+ %setup -q -n %{name}-%{err_alphatag}%{git_revision}
+ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/\r//g' {} \;
+ # config.h is renamed in Fedora to allow for 32- and 64-bit llvm-devel to
+ # coexist; look for the appropriate file
+ sed -i.multilib -e 's|config.h|config-%{__isa_bits}.h|' CMakeLists.txt
+ #%patch0 -p1
++>>>>>>> 554b45aa5499869ae1e69c821397ac3ff20cda11
 -%cmake -DD_VERSION:STRING=2 -DCONF_INST_DIR:PATH=%{_sysconfdir} -DRUNTIME_DIR=./druntime -DPHOBOS2_DIR=./phobos .
 -make %{?_smp_mflags} VERBOSE=2 phobos2
 +%cmake  -DD_VERSION:STRING=2                        \
 +        -DCONF_INST_DIR:PATH=%{_sysconfdir}         \
 +        -DRUNTIME_DIR=./druntime                    \
 +        -DPHOBOS2_DIR=./phobos                      \
 +        -DD_FLAGS:STRING="-O2;-g;-w;-d;-release"    \
 +        -DLLVM_CONFIG_HEADER=config-%{__isa_bits}.h \
 +        .
 +make  VERBOSE=2 phobos2
  rm -rf %{buildroot}
@@@ -220,16 -171,9 +247,19 @@@ rm -rf %{buildroot
  %doc phobos/LICENSE_1_0.txt
 +%files phobos-devel
++<<<<<<< HEAD
 +* Sat Sep 17 2011 Jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at fedoraproject.org> - 2-4.20110915git423076d
 +- Update to latest revision
++>>>>>>> 554b45aa5499869ae1e69c821397ac3ff20cda11
  * Wed Aug  3 2011 Michel Salim <salimma at fedoraproject.org> - 2-3.20110801git58d40d2
  - Rebuild against final LLVM 2.9 release

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