[glusterfs/f17: 7/7] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into f17

Kaleb S. KEITHLEY kkeithle at fedoraproject.org
Wed Aug 22 15:22:42 UTC 2012

commit 48dde7ef4bad9b0dde90eb0a4f2e8c2371c327ea
Merge: a56d385 4d2de6c
Author: Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 22 11:22:09 2012 -0400

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into f17

 .gitignore                    |    1 +
 gluster-swift-account.init    |   78 ++++
 gluster-swift-container.init  |   78 ++++
 gluster-swift-functions       |   64 ++++
 gluster-swift-object.init     |   79 ++++
 gluster-swift-plugins.tar.gz  |  Bin 0 -> 18951 bytes
 gluster-swift-proxy.init      |   79 ++++
 glusterfs-3.3.0.swift.patch   |  797 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 glusterfs.spec                |  359 ++++++++++++++++++-
 openstack-swift-docmod.patch  |   14 +
 openstack-swift-newdeps.patch |   36 ++
 openstack-swift-nonet.patch   |   11 +
 sources                       |    1 +
 13 files changed, 1596 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
diff --cc glusterfs-3.3.0.swift.patch
index 0000000,8ed5070..8ed5070
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/glusterfs-3.3.0.swift.patch
+++ b/glusterfs-3.3.0.swift.patch
diff --cc glusterfs.spec
index 43299b6,847be0c..67b0c52
--- a/glusterfs.spec
+++ b/glusterfs.spec
@@@ -196,8 -197,156 +197,156 @@@ is in user space and easily manageable
  This package provides the development libraries.
+ %package swift
+ Summary:          GlusterFS OpenStack Object Storage
+ License:          ASL 2.0
+ BuildArch:        noarch
+ Source10:         http://launchpad.net/swift/essex/%{SWIFTVER}/+download/swift-%{SWIFTVER}.tar.gz
+ Source11:         gluster-swift-functions
+ Source12:         gluster-swift-account.init
+ Source13:         gluster-swift-container.init
+ Source14:         gluster-swift-object.init
+ Source15:         gluster-swift-proxy.init
+ Patch3:           openstack-swift-newdeps.patch
+ Patch4:           openstack-swift-docmod.patch
+ Patch5:           openstack-swift-nonet.patch
 -Patch6:           swift.patch
++Patch6:           glusterfs-3.3.0.swift.patch
+ #BuildRoot:        %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/swift-%{SWIFTVER}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
+ BuildRequires:    python-devel
+ BuildRequires:    python-setuptools
+ BuildRequires:    python-netifaces
+ %if ( 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7 )
+ BuildRequires:    python-webob1.0
+ %else
+ BuildRequires:    python-webob
+ %endif
+ BuildRequires:    python-paste-deploy
+ BuildRequires:    dos2unix
+ Requires:         python-configobj
+ Requires:         python-eventlet >= 0.9.8
+ Requires:         python-greenlet >= 0.3.1
+ Requires:         python-paste-deploy
+ Requires:         python-simplejson
+ Requires:         pyxattr
+ Requires:         python-setuptools
+ Requires:         python-netifaces
+ Requires:         python-netifaces
+ Conflicts:        openstack-swift
+ %description swift
+ OpenStack Object Storage (swift) aggregates commodity servers to work together
+ in clusters for reliable, redundant, and large-scale storage of static objects.
+ Objects are written to multiple hardware devices in the data center, with the
+ OpenStack software responsible for ensuring data replication and integrity
+ across the cluster. Storage clusters can scale horizontally by adding new nodes,
+ which are automatically configured. Should a node fail, OpenStack works to
+ replicate its content from other active nodes. Because OpenStack uses software
+ logic to ensure data replication and distribution across different devices,
+ inexpensive commodity hard drives and servers can be used in lieu of more
+ expensive equipment.
+ %package swift-account
+ Summary:          A swift account server
+ Group:            Applications/System
+ License:          ASL 2.0
+ BuildArch:        noarch
+ Requires:         %{name}-swift = %{version}-%{release}
+ %description swift-account
+ OpenStack Object Storage (swift) aggregates commodity servers to work together
+ in clusters for reliable, redundant, and large-scale storage of static objects.
+ This package contains the %{name}-swift account server.
+ %package swift-container
+ Summary:          A swift container server
+ Group:            Applications/System
+ License:          ASL 2.0
+ BuildArch:        noarch
+ Requires:         %{name}-swift = %{version}-%{release}
+ %description swift-container
+ OpenStack Object Storage (swift) aggregates commodity servers to work together
+ in clusters for reliable, redundant, and large-scale storage of static objects.
+ This package contains the %{name}-swift container server.
+ %package swift-object
+ Summary:          A swift object server
+ Group:            Applications/System
+ License:          ASL 2.0
+ BuildArch:        noarch
+ Requires:         %{name}-swift = %{version}-%{release}
+ Requires:         rsync >= 3.0
+ %description swift-object
+ OpenStack Object Storage (swift) aggregates commodity servers to work together
+ in clusters for reliable, redundant, and large-scale storage of static objects.
+ This package contains the %{name}-swift object server.
+ %package swift-proxy
+ Summary:          A swift proxy server
+ Group:            Applications/System
+ License:          ASL 2.0
+ BuildArch:        noarch
+ Requires:         %{name}-swift = %{version}-%{release}
+ %description swift-proxy
+ OpenStack Object Storage (swift) aggregates commodity servers to work together
+ in clusters for reliable, redundant, and large-scale storage of static objects.
+ This package contains the %{name}-swift proxy server.
+ %package swift-doc
+ Summary:          Documentation for %{name}
+ Group:            Documentation
+ BuildArch:        noarch
+ # Required for generating docs
+ BuildRequires:    python-eventlet
+ BuildRequires:    python-simplejson
+ BuildRequires:    python-webob
+ BuildRequires:    python-sphinx
+ BuildRequires:    pyxattr
+ %description swift-doc
+ OpenStack Object Storage (swift) aggregates commodity servers to work together
+ in clusters for reliable, redundant, and large-scale storage of static objects.
+ This package contains documentation files for %{name}-swift.
+ %package swift-plugin
+ Summary:          GlusterFS Unified File and Object Storage.
+ Group:            Applications/System
+ License:          ASL 2.0
+ BuildArch:        noarch
+ Requires:         %{name}-swift = %{version}-%{release}
+ Requires:         memcached
+ Requires:         openssl
+ Requires:         python
+ Source20:         gluster-swift-plugins.tar.gz
+ %description swift-plugin
+ Gluster Unified File and Object Storage unifies NAS and object storage
+ technology. This provides a system for data storage that enables users to access
+ the same data as an object and as a file, simplifying management and controlling
+ storage costs.
  %setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
+ %setup -q -T -D -n %{name}-%{version} -a 10
+ %setup -q -T -D -n %{name}-%{version} -a 20
  %patch0 -p0
  %patch1 -p0
  %patch2 -p0

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