[airrac/el5] (27 commits) ...Package creation

Denis Arnaud denisarnaud at fedoraproject.org
Tue Dec 25 15:24:03 UTC 2012

Summary of changes:

  066e71a... First RPM release for that package. (*)
  16218e0... First RPM release for that package. (*)
  e6a7547... Upstream integration (*)
  2bb8d53... Corrected the change-log comment. (*)
  f389aa6... [Doc] Removed the need for Graphviz (and the class diagrams (*)
  7fd7d9d... Upstream update (*)
  421221f... Upstream update (*)
  39c67dc... Upstream update (*)
  41d5509... Rebuild for the new 0.43.0 version of the StdAir package (*)
  e7ff93a... Upstream update (*)
  6e3e74a... Upstream update (*)
  5ee67c7... De-activated the CMake/CTest, as it does not currently work (*)
  d63c638... Rebuilt for the new soci-3.1.0 and stdair-0.44.0 packages (*)
  d231c71... Rebuilt for the new soci-3.1.0 and stdair-0.44.0 packages (*)
  fc1a12b... Upstream update (*)
  f1cf175... Rebuilt for the new soci-3.1.0 and stdair-0.44.0 packages (*)
  6175f76... Rebuild for the new Boost-1.48.0 (*)
  581d04b... Upstream update (*)
  29fbf58... Upstream update (*)
  1f2aec9... - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass (*)
  df9e139... - Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage (*)
  9b288c7... - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass (*)
  a840363... Rebuild for new boost (*)
  3260fdf... Upstream update (*)
  cca97c5... Removed unused parts (merged from the f18 branch) of the ch (*)
  2368d32... Upstream update (*)
  56ef42b... Package creation

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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