[rubygem-sexp_processor] Rebuilt for Ruby 1.9.3

Bohuslav Kabrda bkabrda at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jan 30 13:31:53 UTC 2012

commit 62708ce7fe7e5e69b2b379c735638f5e0605c195
Author: Bohuslav Kabrda <bkabrda at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Jan 30 14:31:13 2012 +0100

    Rebuilt for Ruby 1.9.3

 rubygem-sexp_processor.spec |   58 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rubygem-sexp_processor.spec b/rubygem-sexp_processor.spec
index 3a128a9..5667b0f 100644
--- a/rubygem-sexp_processor.spec
+++ b/rubygem-sexp_processor.spec
@@ -1,28 +1,24 @@
 # Generated from sexp_processor-3.0.3.gem by gem2rpm -*- rpm-spec -*-
-%global gemdir %(ruby -rubygems -e 'puts Gem::dir' 2>/dev/null)
-%global gemname sexp_processor
-%global geminstdir %{gemdir}/gems/%{gemname}-%{version}
+%global gem_name sexp_processor
-%global rubyabi 1.8
+%global rubyabi 1.9.1
 Summary: A branch of ParseTree providing generic sexp processing tools
-Name: rubygem-%{gemname}
+Name: rubygem-%{gem_name}
 Version: 3.0.4
-Release: 4%{?dist}
+Release: 5%{?dist}
 Group: Development/Languages
 License: MIT
 URL: http://rubyforge.org/projects/parsetree/
-Source0: http://gems.rubyforge.org/gems/%{gemname}-%{version}.gem
+Source0: http://gems.rubyforge.org/gems/%{gem_name}-%{version}.gem
 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
 Requires: ruby(rubygems)
 Requires: ruby(abi) = %{rubyabi}
-BuildRequires: ruby(rubygems)
+BuildRequires: rubygems-devel
 BuildRequires: ruby(abi) = %{rubyabi}
-BuildRequires: rubygem(rake)
-BuildRequires: rubygem(hoe)
 BuildRequires: rubygem(minitest)
 BuildArch: noarch
-Provides: rubygem(%{gemname}) = %{version}
+Provides: rubygem(%{gem_name}) = %{version}
 sexp_processor branches from the ParseTree gem bringing all the generic sexp
@@ -42,50 +38,54 @@ This package contains documentation for %{name}.
 %setup -q -c -T
-mkdir -p .%{gemdir}
+mkdir -p .%{gem_dir}
 gem install -V \
   --local \
-  --install-dir $(pwd)/%{gemdir} \
+  --install-dir $(pwd)/%{gem_dir} \
   --force --rdoc \
 rm -rf %{buildroot}
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gemdir}
-cp -a .%{gemdir}/* %{buildroot}%{gemdir}/
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}
+cp -a .%{gem_dir}/* %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}/
 # Drop the standalone mode - won't run that way due to missing rubygems require
 # anyway
-find %{buildroot}%{geminstdir}/test -type f | \
+find %{buildroot}%{gem_instdir}/test -type f | \
   xargs -n 1 sed -i  -e '/^#!\/usr\/.*\/ruby.*/d'
 # Ships with extremely tight permissions, bring them inline with other gems
-find %{buildroot}%{geminstdir} -type f | \
+find %{buildroot}%{gem_instdir} -type f | \
   xargs chmod 0644
 rm -rf %{buildroot}
-pushd .%{geminstdir}
-rake test
+pushd .%{gem_instdir}
+testrb -Ilib test
-%doc %{geminstdir}/History.txt
-%doc %{geminstdir}/Manifest.txt
-%doc %{geminstdir}/README.txt
-%dir %{geminstdir}
+%doc %{gem_instdir}/History.txt
+%doc %{gem_instdir}/Manifest.txt
+%doc %{gem_instdir}/README.txt
+%dir %{gem_instdir}
 %files doc
+* Mon Jan 30 2012 Bohuslav Kabrda <bkabrda at redhat.com> - 3.0.4-5
+- Rebuilt for Ruby 1.9.3
 * Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 3.0.4-4
 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild

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