[cobbler/f16] New upstream release - 2.2.3-1

jimi jimi at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jun 6 04:04:23 UTC 2012

commit f67e2c98bc36d5ee5faf856edc0e544395fc0433
Author: James Cammarata <jimi at sngx.net>
Date:   Tue Jun 5 22:40:13 2012 -0500

    New upstream release - 2.2.3-1

 .gitignore   |    1 +
 cobbler.spec |  317 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 sources      |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 286 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8f89cb9..298e0ab 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ cobbler-2.0.5.tar.gz
diff --git a/cobbler.spec b/cobbler.spec
index e07782a..18967e4 100644
--- a/cobbler.spec
+++ b/cobbler.spec
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Summary: Boot server configurator
 Name: cobbler
 License: GPLv2+
 AutoReq: no
-Version: 2.2.2
+Version: 2.2.3
 Release: 1%{?dist}
 Source0: http://shenson.fedorapeople.org/cobbler/cobbler-%{version}.tar.gz
 Group: Applications/System
@@ -263,9 +263,10 @@ test "x$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" != "x" && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 Summary: Helper tool that performs cobbler orders on remote machines
 Group: Applications/System
 Requires: python >= 2.0
-Requires: python-simplejson
 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 11 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
 Requires: python(abi) >= %{pyver}
+Requires: python-simplejson
+Requires: python-virtinst
@@ -300,7 +301,9 @@ of an existing system.  For use with a boot-server configured with Cobbler
 Summary: Web interface for Cobbler
 Group: Applications/System
 Requires: cobbler
-Requires: Django
+Requires: Django >= 1.1.2
+Requires: mod_wsgi
+Requires: mod_ssl
 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 11 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
 Requires: python(abi) >= %{pyver}
@@ -310,21 +313,287 @@ Requires: python(abi) >= %{pyver}
 Web interface for Cobbler that allows visiting
 http://server/cobbler_web to configure the install server.
+%post -n cobbler-web
+# Change the SECRET_KEY option in the Django settings.py file
+# required for security reasons, should be unique on all systems
+RAND_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 40 | sed 's/\//\\\//g')
+sed -i -e "s/SECRET_KEY = ''/SECRET_KEY = \'$RAND_SECRET\'/" /usr/share/cobbler/web/settings.py
 %files -n cobbler-web
 %config(noreplace) /etc/httpd/conf.d/cobbler_web.conf
-%dir /var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions
+%dir %attr(700,apache,root) /var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions
-* Wed Apr 11 2012 James Cammarata <jimi at sngx.net> - 2.2.2-1
-- New upstream 2.2.2 release (jimi at sngx.net)
-* Thu Jan 12 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.2.1-2
-- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
+* Tue Jun 05 2012 James Cammarata <jimi at sngx.net> 2.2.3-1
+- [BUGFIX] add dns to kernel commandline when using static interface
+  (frido at enu.zolder.org)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #196 - repo environment variables bleed into other repos
+  during sync process This patch has reposync cleanup/restore any environment
+  variables that were changed during the process (jimi at sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX quick dirty fix to work around an issue where cobbler would not log in ldap
+  usernames which contain uppercase characters. at line 60 instead of "if user
+  in data", "if user.lower() in data" is used. It would appear the parser puts
+  the usernames in data[] in lowercase, and the comparison fails because "user"
+  does hold capitalizations. (matthiasvandegaer at hotmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] simplify SELinux check reporting 
+  * Remove calls to semanage, policy prevents apps from running that directly 
+    (and speeds up check immensely) 
+  * Point users at a wiki page which will contain details on ensuring cobbler
+    works with SELinux properly (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #117 - incorrect permissions on files in /var/lib/cobbler
+  (j-nomura at ce.jp.nec.com)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #183 - update objects mgmt classes field when a mgmt class is
+  renamed (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] adding some untracked directories and the new augeas lense to the
+  setup.py and cobbler.spec files (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Added ability to disable grubby --copy-default behavior for distros that may
+  have problems with it (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Major changes to power commands: 
+  * Fence options are now based on /usr/sbin/fence_* - so basically anything the 
+    fence agents package provides.
+  * Templates will now be sourced from /etc/cobbler/power/fence_<powertype>.template.  
+    These templates are optional, and are only required if you want to do extra 
+    options for a given command. - All options for the fence agent command are sent 
+    over STDIN. 
+  * Support for ipmitool is gone, use fence_ipmilan instead (which uses ipmitool 
+    under the hood anyway). This may apply to other power types if they were provided 
+    by a fence_ command. 
+  * Modified labels for the power options to be more descriptive. (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #136 - don't allow invalid characters in names when copying
+  objects (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #168 - change input_string_or_list to use shlex for split This
+  function was using a regular string split, which did not allow quoted or
+  escaped strings to be preserved. (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Correct method to process the template file. This Fixes the previous issue
+  and process the template. (charlesrg at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #170 - koan now checks length of drivers list before indexing
+  (daniel at defreez.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Issue #153 - distro delete doesn't remove link from
+  /var/www/cobbler/links Link was being created incorrectly during the import
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] snippets: save/restore boot-device on ppc64 on fedora17 (nacc at us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fixed typo in pre_anamon (brandor5 at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Added use of $http_port to server URL in pre_anamon and post_anamon
+  (brandor5 at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fixed dnsmasq issue regarding missing dhcp-host entries (cobbler at basjes.nl)
+- [BUGFIX] in buildiso for RedHat based systems. The interface->ip resolution was
+  broken when ksdevice=bootif (default) (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] rename failed for distros that did not live under ks_mirror
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Partial revert of commit 3c81dd3081 - incorrectly removed the 'extends'
+  template directive, breaking rendering in django (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Reverting commit 1d6c53a97, which was breaking spacewalk Changed the web
+  interface stuff to use the existing extended_version() remote call
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Minor fix for serializer_pretty_json change, setting indent to 0 was still
+  causing more formatted JSON to be output (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Adding PrivateTmp=yes to the cobblerd.service file for systemd
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] add a config option to enable pretty JSON output (disabled by default)
+  (aronparsons at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #107 - creating xendomains link for autoboot fails Changing an
+  exception to a printed warning, there's no need to completely bomb out on the
+  process for this (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] issue #28 - Cobbler drops errors on the floor during a replicate
+  Added additional logging to add_ functions to report an error if the add_item
+  call returns False (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] add requirement for python-simplejson to koan's package
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] action_sync: fix sync_dhcp remote calls (nacc at us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Add support for KVM paravirt (justin at thespies.org)
+- [BUGFIX] Makefile updates for debian/ubuntu systems (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] fix infinite netboot cycle with ppc64 systems (nacc at us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Don't allow Templar classes to be created without a valid config
+  There are a LOT of places in the templar.py code that use self.settings
+  without checking to make sure a valid config was passed in. This could cause
+  random stack dumps when templating, so it's better to force a config to be
+  passed in. Thankfully, there were only two pieces of code that actually did
+  this, one of which was the tftpd management module which was fixed elsewhere.
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] instance of Templar() was being created without a config passed in
+  This caused a stack dump when the manage_in_tftpd module tried to access the
+  config settings (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #17 - Make cobbler import be more squeaky when it doesn't
+  import anything (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] autoyast_sample: save and restore boot device order (nacc at us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #105 - buildiso fails Added a new option for buildiso:
+  --mkisofs-opts, which allows specifying extra options to mkisofs TODO: add
+  input box to web interface for this option (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] incorrect lower-casing of kickstart paths - regression from issue
+  #43 (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Automatically detect and support bind chroot (orion at cora.nwra.com)
+- [FEATURE] Add yumopts to kickstart repos (orion at cora.nwra.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix issue with cobbler system reboot (nacc at us.ibm.com)
+- [BUGFIX] fix stack trace in write_pxe_file if distro==None (smoser at brickies.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Changed findkeys function to be consisten with keep_ssh_host_keys snippet
+  (flaks at bnl.gov)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #15 - cobbler image command does not recognize
+  --image-type=memdisk (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Issue #13 - reposync with --tries > 1 always repeats, even on
+  success The success flag was being set when the reposync ran, but didn't
+  break out of the retry loop - easy fix (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #42 - kickstart not found error when path has leading
+  space (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #26 - Web Interface: Profile Edit
+  * Added jquery UI stuff 
+  * Added javascript to generic_edit template to make all selects in the 
+    class "edit" resizeable
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix for issue #53 - cobbler system add without --profile exits 0,
+  but does nothing (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Issue #73 - Broken symlinks on distro rename from web_gui
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- regular OS version maintenance (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] let koan not overwrite existing initrd+kernel (ug at suse.de)
+- [FEATURE] koan: 
+  * Port imagecreate to virt-install (crobinso at redhat.com)
+  * Port qcreate to virt-install (crobinso at redhat.com)
+  * Port xen creation to virt-install (crobinso at redhat.com)
+- [FEATURE] new snippet allows for certificate-based RHN registration
+  (jim.nachlin at gawker.com)
+- [FEATURE] Have autoyast by default behave more like RHEL, regarding networking etc.
+  (chorn at fluxcoil.net)
+- [BUGFIX] sles patches (chorn at fluxcoil.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Simple fix for issue where memtest entries were not getting created after
+  installing memtest86+ and doing a cobbler sync (rharriso at redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] REMOTE_ADDR was not being set in the arguments in calls to CobblerSvc
+  instance causing ip address not to show up in install.log.
+  (jweber at cofront.net)
+- [BUGFIX] add missing import of shutil (aparsons at redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] add a sample kickstart file for ESXi (aparsons at redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] the ESXi installer allows two nameservers to be defined (aparsons at redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] close file descriptors on backgrounded processes to avoid hanging %%pre
+  (aparsons at redhat.com)
+- [BUGFIX] rsync copies the repositories with --delete hence deleting everyhting local
+  that isn't on the source server. The createrepo then creates (following the
+  default settings) a cache directory ... which is deleted by the next rsync
+  run. Putting the cache directory in the rsync exclude list avoids this
+  deletion and speeds up running reposync dramatically. (niels at basjes.nl)
+- [BUGFIX] Properly blame SELinux for httpd_can_network_connect type errors on initial
+  setup. (michael.dehaan at gmail.com)
+- fix install=... kernel parameter when importing a SUSE distro (ug at suse.de)
+- [BUGFIX] Force Django to use the system's TIME_ZONE by default.
+  (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- [FEATURE] Separated check for permissions from file existence check.
+  (aaron.peschel at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] If the xendomain symlink already exists, a clearer error will be produced.
+  (aaron.peschel at gmail.com)
+- [FEATURE] Adding support for ESXi5, and fixing a few minor things (like not having a
+  default kickstart for esxi4) Todos:   * The esxi*-ks.cfg files are empty, and
+  need proper kickstart templates   * Import bug testing and general kickstart
+  testing (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Adding basic support for gPXE (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Add arm as a valid architecture. (chuck.short at canonical.com)
+- [SECURITY] Changes PYTHON_EGG_CACHE to a safer path owned just by the webserver.
+  (chuck.short at canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] koan: do not include ks_meta args when obtaining tree When obtaining the tree
+  for Ubuntu machines, ensure that ks_meta args are not passed as part of the
+  tree if they exist. (chuck.short at canonical.com)
+- [FEATURE] koan: Use grub2 for --replace-self instead of grubby The koan option
+  '--replace-self' uses grubby, which relies on grub1, to replace a local
+  installation by installing the new kernel/initrd into grub menu entries.
+  Ubuntu/Debian no longer uses it grub1. This patch adds the ability to use
+  grub2 to add the kernel/initrd downloaded to a menuentry. On reboot, it will
+  boot from the install kernel reinstalling the system. Fixes (LP: #766229)
+  (chuck.short at canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix reposync missing env variable for debmirror  Fixes missing HOME env
+  variable for debmirror by hardcoding the environment variable  to
+  /var/lib/cobbler (chuck.short at canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Fix creation of repo mirror when importing iso. Fixes the creation of a
+  disabled repo mirror when importing ISO's such as the mini.iso that does not
+  contain any mirror/packages. Additionally, really enables 'apt' as possible
+  repository. (chuck.short at canonical.com)
+- [BUGFIX] adding default_template_type to settings.py, caused some issues with
+  templar when the setting was not specified in the /etc/cobbler/settings
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] fix for following issue: can't save networking options of a system
+  in cobbler web interface. (#8) (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [BUGFIX] Add a new setting to force CLI commands to use the localhost for xmlrpc
+  (chjohnst at gmail.com)
+- [BUGFIX] Don't blow up on broken links under /var/www/cobbler/links
+  (jeffschroeder at computer.org)
+- [SECURITY] Making https the default for the cobbler web GUI. Also modifying the cobbler-
+  web RPM build to require mod_ssl and mod_wsgi (missing wsgi was an oversight,
+  just correcting it now) (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Adding authn_pam. This also creates a new setting - authn_pam_service, which
+  allows the user to configure which PAM service they want to use for cobblerd.
+  The default is the 'login' service (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Change in cobbler.spec to modify permissions on webui sessions directory to
+  prevent non-privileged user acccess to the session keys (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Enabling CSRF protection for the web interface (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [SECURITY] Convert all yaml loads to safe_loads for security/safety reasons.
+  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cobbler/+bug/858883 (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Added the setting 'default_template_type' to the settings file, and created
+  logic to use that in Templar().render(). Also added an option to the same
+  function to pass the template type in as an argument. (jimi at sngx.net)
+- [FEATURE] Initial commit for adding support for other template languages, namely jinja2
+  in this case (jimi at sngx.net)
+* Tue Nov 15 2011 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> 2.2.2-1
+- Changelog update (shenson at redhat.com)
+- Fixed indentation on closing tr tag (gregswift at gmail.com)
+- Added leader column to the non-generic tables so that all tables have the
+  same layout. It leaves room for a checkbox and multiple selects i nthese
+  other tables as well. (gregswift at gmail.com)
+- Added action class to the event log link to bring it inline with other table
+  functions (gregswift at gmail.com)
+- buildiso bugfix: overriding dns nameservers via the dns kopt now works.
+  reported by Simon Woolsgrove <simon at woolsgrove.com> (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Fix for pxegen, where an image without a distro could cause a stack dump on
+  cobbler sync (jimi at sngx.net)
+- Added initial support for specifying the on-disk format of virtual disks,
+  currently supported for QEMU only when using koan (jimi at sngx.net)
+- Add fedora16, rawhide, opensuse 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 and 12.1 to codes.py This
+  should also fix ticket #611 (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Use VALID_OS_VERSIONS from codes.py in the redhat importer.
+  (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Cleanup: use utils.subprocess_call in services.py (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Cleanup: use utils.subprocess_call in remote.py. (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Cleanup: use utils.subprocess_call in scm_track.py. Also document that 'hg'
+  is a valid option in the settings file. (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Dont import the sub_process module when it's not needed.
+  (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Fixes to import_tree() to actually copy files to a safe place when
+  --available-as is specified. Also some cleanup to the debian/ubuntu import
+  module for when --available-as is specified. (jimi at sngx.net)
+- Modification to import processes so that rsync:// works as a path. These
+  changes should also correct the incorrect linking issue where the link
+  created in webdir/links/ pointed at a directory in ks_mirror without the arch
+  specified, resulting in a broken link if --arch was specified on the command
+  line Also removed the .old import modules for debian/ubuntu, which were
+  replaced with the unified manage_import_debian_ubuntu.py (jimi at sngx.net)
+- cleanup: use codes.VALID_OS_VERSIONS in the freebsd importer
+  (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- cleanup: use codes.VALID_OS_VERSIONS in the debian/ubuntu importer
+  (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Bugfix: add the /var/www/cobbler/pub directory to setup.py. Calling buildiso
+  from cobbler-web now works as expected. (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- BUGFIX: patch koan (xencreate) to correct the same issue that was broken for
+  vmware regarding qemu_net_type (jimi at sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX: fixed issue with saving objects in the webgui failing when it was the
+  first of that object type saved. (jimi at sngx.net)
+- Minor fix to the remote version to use the nicer extended version available
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- Fix a bug in buildiso when duplicate kopt keys are used. Reported and tested
+  by Simon Woolsgrove <simon at woolsgrove.com> (jorgen.maas at gmail.com)
+- Fix for koan, where vmwcreate.py was not updated to accept the network type,
+  causing failures. (jimi at sngx.net)
+- Added a %post section for the cobbler-web package, which replaces the
+  SECRET_KEY field in the Django settings.py with a random string
+  (jimi at sngx.net)
+- BUGFIX: added sign_puppet_certs_automatically to settings.py. The fact that
+  this was missing was causing failures in the the pre/post puppet install
+  modules. (jimi at sngx.net)
+- set the auto-boot option for a virtual machine (ug at suse.de)
+- Correction for koan using the incorrect default port for connecting to
+  cobblerd (jimi at sngx.net)
+- config/settings: add "manage_tftpd: 1" (default setting)
+  (cristian.ciupitu at yahoo.com)
 * Wed Oct 05 2011 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> 2.2.1-1
 - Import changes for systemd from the fedora spec file (shenson at redhat.com)
@@ -1302,33 +1571,15 @@ http://server/cobbler_web to configure the install server.
 - Merge branch 'master' into wsgi (dgoodwin at rm-rf.ca)
 - wsgi: First cut of port to mod_wsgi. (dgoodwin at rm-rf.ca)
-* Fri Sep  9 2011 Tom Callaway <spot at fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.11-3
-- convert to systemd (f16+)
-* Tue Apr 26 2011 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.11-2
-- Actually include a change log entry
-* Tue Apr 26 2011 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.11-1
-- New Upstream Release
-* Fri Dec 24 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.10-1
-- New upstream release
-* Wed Dec  8 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.9-1
-- New upstream release
-* Fri Dec  3 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.8-1
-- New upstream release
-* Wed Oct 18 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.7-1
-- Bug fix relase, see Changelog for details
-* Tue Jul 13 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.5-1
-- Bug fix release, see Changelog for details
+* Thu Jun 17 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.1.0-1
+- Bump upstream release
 * Tue Apr 27 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> - 2.0.4-1
 - Bug fix release, see Changelog for details
+* Thu Apr 15 2010 Devan Goodwin <dgoodwin at rm-rf.ca>
+- Tagging for new build tools.
 * Mon Mar  1 2010 Scott Henson <shenson at redhat.com> -
 - Bump release because I forgot cobbler-web
@@ -1344,5 +1595,5 @@ http://server/cobbler_web to configure the install server.
 * Mon Nov 23 2009 John Eckersberg <jeckersb at redhat.com> - 2.0.2-1
 - Upstream changes (see CHANGELOG)
-* Tue Sep 15 2009 Michael DeHaan <mdehaan at redhat.com> - 2.0.0-1
+* Tue Sep 15 2009 Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail> - 2.0.0-1
 - First release with unified spec files
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index eb8fa40..015142f 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-f83389f7ce306079b7fe318c89e4762c  cobbler-2.2.2.tar.gz
+633e9fc2fcf13c16e9a1705e2ff4c1d7  cobbler-2.2.3.tar.gz

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