[php-pecl-http] initial import from review

Remi Collet remi at fedoraproject.org
Fri Mar 2 18:07:50 UTC 2012

commit 9c4f069a3ae9478a858d9f570886c2817e83c836
Author: remi <fedora at famillecollet.com>
Date:   Fri Mar 2 19:03:26 2012 +0100

    initial import from review

 pecl_http.ini      |   27 ++++++++
 php-pecl-http.spec |  178 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 205 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/pecl_http.ini b/pecl_http.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b98a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pecl_http.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+; Enable HTTP extension module
+; http://www.php.net/manual/en/http.configuration.php
+; The hashing algorithm used to generate the ETag. MD5, SHA1, and CRC32 are always 
+; available. If the hash extension is enabled, any hashing algorithms this extension
+; provides are available, too.
+;http.etag.mode = "md5"
+; The maximum amount of persistent handles to keep alive. 
+;http.persistent_handle.limit = -1
+; Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share connect information.
+; This is not yet implemented in libcurl. 
+;http.request_datashare.connect = 0
+; Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share cookie information. 
+;http.request_datashare.cookie = 0
+; Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share name lookup information. 
+;http.request_datashare.dns = 1
+; Whether the global HttpRequestDataShare should by default share SSL session information.
+; This is not yet implemented in libcurl. 
+;http.request_datashare.ssl = 0
diff --git a/php-pecl-http.spec b/php-pecl-http.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e75f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/php-pecl-http.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+%{!?__pecl:     %{expand: %%global __pecl     %{_bindir}/pecl}}
+# The project is pecl_http but the extension is only http
+%global proj_name pecl_http
+%global pecl_name http
+%global prever    dev5
+%global devver    dev
+Name:           php-pecl-http
+Version:        2.0.0
+Release:        0.4.%{prever}%{?dist}
+Summary:        Extended HTTP support
+License:        BSD
+Group:          Development/Languages
+URL:            http://pecl.php.net/package/pecl_http
+# upstream tarball is broken, regenerated using
+# star -x -f pecl_http-2.0.0dev5.tgz
+# tar czf pecl_http-2.0.0dev5.tgz package.xml pecl_http-2.0.0dev5
+Source0:        http://pecl.php.net/get/%{proj_name}-%{version}%{?prever}.tgz
+# From http://www.php.net/manual/en/http.configuration.php
+Source1:        %{proj_name}.ini
+BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+BuildRequires:  php-devel >= 5.4.0
+BuildRequires:  php-pear
+BuildRequires:  pcre-devel
+BuildRequires:  zlib-devel >=
+BuildRequires:  libevent-devel >= 1.4
+BuildRequires:  curl-devel >= 7.18.2
+# No yet available on fedora: BuildRequires:  libserf-devel
+Requires(post): %{__pecl}
+Requires(postun): %{__pecl}
+Provides:       php-pecl(%{proj_name}) = %{version}%{devver}
+Provides:       php-pecl(%{pecl_name}) = %{version}%{devver}
+Requires:       php(zend-abi) = %{php_zend_api}
+Requires:       php(api) = %{php_core_api}
+# RPM 4.8
+%{?filter_provides_in: %filter_provides_in %{php_extdir}/.*\.so$}
+%{?filter_provides_in: %filter_provides_in %{php_ztsextdir}/.*\.so$}
+# RPM 4.9
+%global __provides_exclude_from %{?__provides_exclude_from:%__provides_exclude_from|}%{php_extdir}/.*\\.so$
+%global __provides_exclude_from %__provides_exclude_from|%{php_ztsextdir}/.*\\.so$
+The HTTP extension aims to provide a convenient and powerful set of
+functionality for major applications.
+The HTTP extension eases handling of HTTP URLs, dates, redirects, headers
+and messages in a HTTP context (both incoming and outgoing). It also provides
+means for client negotiation of preferred language and charset, as well as
+a convenient way to exchange arbitrary data with caching and resuming
+Also provided is a powerful request and parallel interface.
+Version 2 is completely incompatible to previous version.
+Documentation : http://php.net/http
+%package devel
+Summary:       Extended HTTP support developer files (header)
+Group:         Development/Libraries
+Requires:      php-pecl-http%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:      php-devel%{?_isa} >= 5.4.0
+%description devel
+These are the files needed to compile programs using HTTP extension.
+%setup -c -q 
+extver=$(sed -n '/#define PHP_HTTP_EXT_VERSION/{s/.* "//;s/".*$//;p}' %{proj_name}-%{version}%{?prever}/php_http.h)
+if test "x${extver}" != "x%{version}%{?devver}"; then
+   : Error: Upstream HTTP version is now ${extver}, expecting %{version}%{?devver}.
+   : Update the pdover macro and rebuild.
+   exit 1
+cp %{SOURCE1} %{pecl_name}.ini
+cp -pr %{proj_name}-%{version}%{?prever} %{proj_name}-zts
+cd %{proj_name}-%{version}%{?prever}
+%configure  --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/php-config
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+cd ../%{proj_name}-zts
+%configure  --with-php-config=%{_bindir}/zts-php-config
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+rm -rf %{buildroot}
+make -C %{proj_name}-%{version}%{?prever} \
+     install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}
+make -C %{proj_name}-zts \
+     install INSTALL_ROOT=%{buildroot}
+# Install XML package description
+install -Dpm 644 package.xml %{buildroot}%{pecl_xmldir}/%{name}.xml
+# install config file
+install -Dpm644 %{pecl_name}.ini %{buildroot}%{php_inidir}/%{pecl_name}.ini
+install -Dpm644 %{pecl_name}.ini %{buildroot}%{php_ztsinidir}/%{pecl_name}.ini
+# Minimal load test for NTS extension
+%{__php} --no-php-ini \
+    --define extension_dir=%{proj_name}-%{version}%{?prever}/modules \
+    --define extension=%{pecl_name}.so \
+    --modules | grep %{pecl_name}
+# Minimal load test for ZTS extension
+%{__ztsphp} --no-php-ini \
+    --define extension_dir=%{proj_name}-zts/modules \
+    --define extension=%{pecl_name}.so \
+    --modules | grep %{pecl_name}
+%{pecl_install} %{pecl_xmldir}/%{name}.xml >/dev/null || :
+if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
+    %{pecl_uninstall} %{proj_name} >/dev/null || :
+rm -rf %{buildroot}
+%doc %{proj_name}-%{version}%{?prever}/{CREDITS,LICENSE,ThanksTo.txt}
+%config(noreplace) %{php_inidir}/%{pecl_name}.ini
+%config(noreplace) %{php_ztsinidir}/%{pecl_name}.ini
+%files devel
+* Sat Feb 18 2012 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.0-0.4.dev5
+- update to 2.0.0dev5
+- fix filters
+* Wed Jan 25 2012 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.0-0.3.dev4
+- zts binary in /usr/bin with zts prefix
+* Mon Jan 23 2012 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.0-0.2.dev4
+- update to 2.0.0dev4
+- fix missing file https://bugs.php.net/60839
+* Sun Jan 22 2012 Remi Collet <remi at fedoraproject.org> - 2.0.0-0.1.dev3
+- initial package

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