[os-prober] Update to 1.57 (#890409)

Hedayat Vatankhah hedayat at fedoraproject.org
Thu Jan 31 20:29:40 UTC 2013

commit ac292e1ea1196fd2ec397cc6b4e6d176a3eaf864
Author: Hedayat Vatankhah <hedayat.fwd at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 31 23:58:53 2013 +0330

    Update to 1.57 (#890409)
    - Use shell string processing rather than 'basename' (#875356)
    - Make it possible to disable logging debug messages by assigning a value to
      OS_PROBER_DISABLE_DEBUG environment variable (#893997).
    - Detect multi btrfs pools/volumes (#888341)

 os-prober-btrfsfix.patch                           |  448 ++++++++++++++++++++
 os-prober-disable-debug-test.patch                 |   14 +
 os-prober-grub2-fedorafix.patch                    |   13 -
 ...l.patch => os-prober-no-dummy-mach-kernel.patch |    0
 os-prober-remove-basename.patch                    |   24 +
 os-prober-usrmovefix.patch                         |   17 +-
 os-prober.spec                                     |   18 +-
 7 files changed, 510 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/os-prober-btrfsfix.patch b/os-prober-btrfsfix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c14b8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-prober-btrfsfix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig-1/common.sh	2013-01-10 08:33:45.200766262 -0500
++++ os-prober-1.56-orig-1/common.sh	2013-01-10 08:34:43.644058934 -0500
+@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ 
+ 	done
+ }
++# add forth parameter to pickup btrfs subvol info
+ parsefstab () {
+ 	while read -r line; do
+ 		case "$line" in
+@@ -137,12 +138,22 @@ 
+ 				set -f
+ 				set -- $line
+ 				set +f
+-				printf '%s %s %s\n' "$1" "$2" "$3"
++				printf '%s %s %s %s\n' "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4"
+ 			;;
+ 		esac
+ 	done
+ }
++#check_btrfs_mounted $bootsv $bootuuid)
++check_btrfs_mounted () {
++	bootsv="$1"
++	bootuuid="$2"
++	bootdev=$(blkid | grep "$bootuuid" | cut -d ':' -f  1)
++	bindfrom=$(grep " btrfs " /proc/self/mountinfo | 
++		   grep " $bootdev " | grep " /$bootsv " | cut -d ' ' -f 5)
++	printf "%s" "$bindfrom"
+ unescape_mount () {
+ 	printf %s "$1" | \
+ 		sed 's/\\011/	/g; s/\\012/\n/g; s/\\040/ /g; s/\\134/\\/g'
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig-1/linux-boot-prober	2012-03-27 10:39:42.000000000 -0400
++++ os-prober-1.56-orig-1/linux-boot-prober	2013-01-10 08:34:43.644058934 -0500
+@@ -5,16 +5,143 @@ 
+ newns "$@"
+ require_tmpdir
++if [ ! -d "$tmpmnt" ]; then
++	mkdir "$tmpmnt"
+ grep "^/dev/" /proc/mounts | parse_proc_mounts >"$OS_PROBER_TMP/mounted-map" || true
++if [ -z "$1" ]; then
++	ERR=y
++elif [ "$1" = btrfs -a -z "$2" ]; then
++	ERR=y
++elif [ "$1" = btrfs -a -z "$3" ]; then
++	ERR=y
++elif [ "$1" = btrfs ]; then
++	type=btrfs
++	echo "$2" | grep -q "^UUID=" || ERR=y
++	echo "$3" | grep -q "^subvol=" || ERR=y	
++	export "$2"
++	export "$3"
++	partition=$(blkid | grep "$UUID" | cut -d ':' -f 1 | tr '\n' ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
++	debug "btrfs: partition=$partition, UUID=$UUID, subvol=$subvol"
++	partition="$1"
++	type=other
+-if [ -z "$partition" ]; then
++if [ "x$ERR" != xn ]; then
+ 	echo "usage: linux-boot-prober partition" >&2
++	echo "       linux-boot-prober btrfs UUID=<> subvol=<>" >&2
+ 	exit 1
+ fi
++if [ "$type" = btrfs ]; then
++	# handle all of the btrfs stuff here
++	if [ ! -e "/proc/self/mountinfo" ]; then
++		warn "/proc/self/mountinfo does not exist, exiting"
++		umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		exit 1
++	fi
++	mpoint=$(grep "btrfs" /proc/self/mountinfo | grep " /$subvol " | grep " $partition " | cut -d ' ' -f 5)
++	if [ "$mpoint" = "/" ]; then
++		warn "specifying active root not valid, exiting"
++		umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		exit 1
++	fi
++	if [ "$mpoint" = "$tmpmnt" ]; then
++		warn "btrfs subvol=$subvool, UUID=$UUID, already mounted on $tmpmnt **ERROR**"
++		umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		exit 1
++	fi
++	if [ -z "$mpoint" ]; then
++		# mount the btrfs root
++		if ! mount -o subvol=$subvol -t btrfs -U $UUID "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null; then
++			warn "error mounting btrfs subvol=$subvol UUID=$UUID"
++			umount "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null
++			umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++			rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++			exit 1
++		fi
++	else
++		# bind-mount
++		if ! mount -o bind "$mpoint" "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null; then
++			warn "error mounting btrfs bindfrom=$mpoint subvol=$subvol UUID=$UUID"
++			umount "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null
++			umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++			rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++			exit 1
++		fi
++	fi
++	debug "mounted btrfs $partition, subvol=$subvol on $tmpmnt"
++	if [ ! -e "$tmpmnt/etc/fstab" ]; then
++		warn "btrfs subvol=$subvol not root"
++		umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++		exit 1
++	fi
++	bootmnt=$(parsefstab < "$tmpmnt/etc/fstab" | grep " /boot ") || true
++	if [ -z "$bootmnt" ]; then
++		# /boot is part of the root
++		bootpart="$partition"
++		bootsv="$subvol"
++	elif echo "$bootmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | grep -q "btrfs"; then
++		# separate btrfs /boot subvolume
++		bootsv=$(echo "$bootmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | grep "^subvol=" | sed "s/subvol=//" )
++		bootuuid=$(echo "$bootmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep "^UUID=" | sed "s/UUID=//" )
++		debug "mounting btrfs $tmpmnt/boot UUID=$bootuuid subvol=$bootsv"
++		bindfrom=$(check_btrfs_mounted $bootsv $bootuuid)
++		if [ -n "$bindfrom" ]; then
++			# already mounted some place
++			if ! mount -o bind $bindfrom "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null; then
++				warn "error bind mounting btrfs boot subvol=$bootsv, from=$bindfrom"
++				umount "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null
++				umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++				rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++				exit 1
++			fi
++		elif ! mount -o subvol=$bootsv -t btrfs -U $bootuuid "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null; then
++			warn "error mounting btrfs boot partition subvol=$bootsv, UUID=$bootuuid"
++			umount "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null
++			umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++			rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null
++			exit 1
++		fi
++		bootpart=$(grep " btrfs " /proc/self/mountinfo | grep " /$bootsv " | cut -d ' ' -f 10)
++	else
++		# non-btrfs partition or logical volume
++		linux_mount_boot $partition $tmpmnt
++		bootpart="${mountboot%% *}"
++		bootsv=
++	fi
++	test="/usr/lib/linux-boot-probes/mounted/40grub2"
++	if [ -f $test ] && [ -x $test ]; then
++		debug "running $test $partition $bootpart $tmpmnt $type $subvol $bootsv"
++		if $test "$partition" "$bootpart" "$tmpmnt" "$type" "$subvol" "$bootsv"; then
++			debug "$test succeeded"
++		fi
++	fi
++	umount "$tmpmnt/boot" 2>/dev/null || true
++	if ! umount "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null; then
++		warn "problem umount $tmpmnt"
++	fi
++	rmdir "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null || true
++	exit 0
+ if ! mapped="$(mapdevfs "$partition")"; then
+ 	log "Device '$partition' does not exist; skipping"
+ 	continue
+@@ -22,8 +149,8 @@ 
+ if ! grep -q "^$mapped " "$OS_PROBER_TMP/mounted-map"; then
+ 	for test in /usr/lib/linux-boot-probes/*; do
+-		debug "running $test"
+ 		if [ -x $test ] && [ -f $test ]; then
++			debug "running $test"
+ 			if $test "$partition"; then
+ 				debug "linux detected by $test"
+ 				break
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig-1/linux-boot-probes/mounted/common/40grub2	2012-09-17 13:32:52.000000000 -0400
++++ os-prober-1.56-orig-1/linux-boot-probes/mounted/common/40grub2	2013-01-10 08:34:43.644058934 -0500
+@@ -2,17 +2,27 @@ 
+ . /usr/share/os-prober/common.sh
+ set -e
++# add support for btrfs with no separate /boot
++# that is, rootsv = bootsv
+ partition="$1"
+ bootpart="$2"
+ mpoint="$3"
+ type="$4"
+ found_item=0
+ entry_result () {
++	if [ "x$type" = "xbtrfs" -a "$rootsv" = "$bootsv" ]; then
++		# trim off the leading subvol
++		kernelfile=$(echo "$kernel" | cut -d '/' -f 2- | cut -d '/' -f 2-)
++	else
++		kernelfile=$kernel
++	fi
+ 	if [ "$ignore_item" = 0 ] && \
+ 	   [ -n "$kernel" ] && \
+-	   [ -e "$mpoint/$kernel" ]; then
++	   [ -e "$mpoint/$kernelfile" ]; then
+ 		result "$rootpart:$bootpart:$title:$kernel:$initrd:$parameters"
+ 		found_item=1
+ 	fi
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig-1/os-prober	2013-01-10 08:33:45.193766227 -0500
++++ os-prober-1.56-orig-1/os-prober	2013-01-10 08:34:43.645058939 -0500
+@@ -64,9 +64,12 @@ 
+ 	# Also detect OSes on LVM volumes (assumes LVM is active)
+ 	if type lvs >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+-		echo "$(LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS=1 log_output lvs --noheadings --separator : -o vg_name,lv_name |
++		echo "$(LVM_SUPPRESS_FD_WARNINGS=1 log_output lvs --noheadings --separator : -o vg_name,lv_name 2>/dev/null |
+ 			sed "s|-|--|g;s|^[[:space:]]*\(.*\):\(.*\)$|/dev/mapper/\1-\2|")"
+ 	fi
++	# now lets make sure we got all of the btrfs partitions and disks
++	blkid | grep btrfs | cut -d ':' -f 1
+ }
+ parse_proc_swaps () {
+@@ -124,6 +127,8 @@ 
+ 	grep "^md" /proc/mdstat | cut -d: -f2- | parse_proc_mdstat >"$OS_PROBER_TMP/raided-map" || true
+ fi
++: >"$OS_PROBER_TMP/btrfs-vols"
+ for partition in $(partitions); do
+ 	if ! mapped="$(mapdevfs "$partition")"; then
+ 		log "Device '$partition' does not exist; skipping"
+@@ -142,7 +147,26 @@ 
+ 		continue
+ 	fi
+-	if ! grep -q "^$mapped " "$OS_PROBER_TMP/mounted-map" ; then
++	# do btrfs processing here; both mounted and unmounted will
++	# be handled by 50mounted-tests so we can do a subvol only once.
++	type=$(blkid -o value -s TYPE $mapped)
++	if [ "$type" = btrfs ]; then
++		uuid=$(blkid -o value -s UUID $mapped)
++		if grep -q "^$uuid" "$OS_PROBER_TMP/btrfs-vols" ; then
++			continue
++		fi
++		debug "btrfs volume uuid=$uuid partition=$partition"
++		echo "$uuid" >>"$OS_PROBER_TMP/btrfs-vols"
++		test="/usr/lib/os-probes/50mounted-tests"
++		if [ -f "$test" ] && [ -x "$test" ]; then
++			debug "running $test on btrfs $partition"
++			if "$test" btrfs "$uuid" "$partition"; then
++				debug "os detected by $test"
++		   		continue
++			fi
++		fi
++	elif ! grep -q "^$mapped " "$OS_PROBER_TMP/mounted-map" ; then
+ 		for test in /usr/lib/os-probes/*; do
+ 			if [ -f "$test" ] && [ -x "$test" ]; then
+ 				debug "running $test on $partition"
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig-1/os-probes/common/50mounted-tests	2012-09-17 11:08:12.000000000 -0400
++++ os-prober-1.56-orig-1/os-probes/common/50mounted-tests	2013-01-10 08:34:43.645058939 -0500
+@@ -1,20 +1,36 @@ 
+ #!/bin/sh
+ # Sub-tests that require a mounted partition.
+ set -e
+ . /usr/share/os-prober/common.sh
+-types="$(fs_type "$partition")" || types=NOT-DETECTED
++if [ "x$1" = xbtrfs ]; then
++	types=btrfs
++	if [ -z "$2" -o -z "$3" ]; then
++		debug "missing btrfs parameters, exiting"
++		exit 1
++	fi
++	UUID="$2"
++	BTRFSDEV="$3"
++	partition="$1"
++	types="$(fs_type "$partition")" || types=NOT-DETECTED
+ if [ "$types" = NOT-DETECTED ]; then
+ 	debug "$1 type not recognised; skipping"
+-	exit 0
++	exit 1
++elif [ "x$types" = "x" ]; then
++	exit 1
++elif [ "$types" = LVM2_member ]; then
++	debug "skipping LVM2 Volume Group on $partition"
++	exit 1
+ elif [ "$types" = swap ]; then
+ 	debug "$1 is a swap partition; skipping"
+-	exit 0
++	exit 1
+ elif [ "$types" = crypto_LUKS ]; then
+ 	debug "$1 is a LUKS partition; skipping"
+-	exit 0
++	exit 1
+ elif [ "$types" = ntfs ]; then
+ 	if type ntfs-3g >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ 		types='ntfs-3g ntfs'
+@@ -23,7 +39,7 @@ 
+ 	if type cryptsetup >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+ 	   cryptsetup luksDump "$partition" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ 		debug "$1 is a LUKS partition; skipping"
+-		exit 0
++		exit 1
+ 	fi
+ 	for type in $(grep -v nodev /proc/filesystems); do
+ 		# hfsplus filesystems are mountable as hfs. Try hfs last so
+@@ -46,6 +62,76 @@ 
+ fi
+ mounted=
++# all btrfs processing here.  Handle both unmounted and
++# mounted subvolumes.
++if [ "$types" = btrfs ]; then
++	partition="$BTRFSDEV"
++	debug "begin btrfs processing for $UUID"
++	# note that the btrfs volume must not be mounted ro
++	if mount -t btrfs -U "$UUID" "$tmpmnt"  2>/dev/null; then
++		debug "btrfs volume $UUID mounted"
++	else
++		warn "cannot mount btrfs volume $UUID, exiting"
++		rmdir "$tmpmnt" || true
++		exit 1
++	fi
++	# besides regular subvols, get ro and snapshot so thet can be excluded
++        subvols=$(btrfs subvolume list "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
++        rosubvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -r "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
++        sssubvols=$(btrfs subvolume list -s "$tmpmnt" | cut -d ' ' -f 9)
++        if ! umount "$tmpmnt"; then
++            warn "failed to umount btrfs volume on $tmpmnt"
++            rmdir "$tmpmnt" || true
++            exit 1
++        fi
++	if [ -z "$subvols" ]; then
++		debug "no subvols found on btrfs volume $UUID"
++		exit 1
++	fi
++	found=
++        for subvol in $subvols; do
++		debug "begin btrfs processing for $UUID subvol=$subvol"
++		if echo "$rosubvols" | grep -q -x "$subvol"; then
++			continue
++		fi
++		if echo "$sssubvols" | grep -q -x "$subvol"; then
++			continue
++		fi
++		mounted=
++		mpoint="$(grep btrfs /proc/self/mountinfo | grep "$partition " | grep "/$subvol " | cut -d ' ' -f 5)"
++		if [ -n "$mpoint" ]; then
++			if [ "x$mpoint" = "x/" ]; then
++				continue # this is the root for the running system
++			fi
++			mounted=1
++		else
++			# again, do not mount btrfs ro
++			mount -t btrfs -o subvol="$subvol" -U "$UUID" "$tmpmnt"
++			mpoint="$tmpmnt"
++		fi
++		test="/usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/90linux-distro"
++		if [ -f "$test" ] && [ -x "$test" ]; then
++			debug "running subtest $test"
++			if "$test" "$partition" "$mpoint" btrfs "UUID=$UUID" "subvol=$subvol"; then
++				debug "os found by subtest $test on subvol $subvol"
++				found=1
++			fi
++		fi
++		if [ -z "$mounted" ]; then
++			if ! umount "$tmpmnt"; then
++			    warn "failed to umount $tmpmnt"
++			fi
++		fi
++	done
++	rmdir "$tmpmnt" || true
++	if [ "$found" ]; then
++		exit 0
++	else
++		exit 1
++	fi
+ if type grub-mount >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+    type grub-probe >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
+    grub-mount "$partition" "$tmpmnt" 2>/dev/null; then
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig-1/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro	2013-01-10 08:33:45.197766247 -0500
++++ os-prober-1.56-orig-1/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro	2013-01-10 08:34:43.645058939 -0500
+@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ 
+ partition="$1"
+ dir="$2"
+ type="$3"
+ # This test is inaccurate, but given separate / and /boot partitions and the
+ # fact that only some architectures have ld-linux.so, I can't see anything
+@@ -131,7 +133,11 @@ 
+ 	fi
+         label="$(count_next_label "$short")"
+-	result "$partition:$long:$label:linux"
++	if [ "x$type" = "xbtrfs" -a "x$uuid" != "x" -a "x$subvol" != "x" ]; then
++		result "$partition:$long:$label:linux:$type:$uuid:$subvol"
++	else
++		result "$partition:$long:$label:linux"
++	fi
+ 	exit 0
+ else
+ 	exit 1
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig-1/README.btrfs	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
++++ os-prober-1.56-orig-1/README.btrfs	2013-01-10 08:34:43.645058939 -0500
+@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ 
++BTRFS is a new filesystem which combines the filesystem with logical volume
++management (subvolumes).  For further information, see:
++      https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page
++      https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/FAQ
++In order to support BTRFS, a number of changes were necessary to os-prober,
++os-probes/common/50mounted-tests, os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro,
++linux-boot-prober, and linux-boot-probes/common/50mounted-tests.
++The biggest impact will be to grub2 where there is additional information
++output by os-prober and where, if a BTRFS subvolume is being used for root,
++the parameters for linux-boot-prober have changed.
++Sun 30 Dec 2012 11:49:52 AM EST Gene Czarcinski <gene at czarc.net>
diff --git a/os-prober-disable-debug-test.patch b/os-prober-disable-debug-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a823385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-prober-disable-debug-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+diff -ur os-prober-1.56-orig/common.sh os-prober-1.56/common.sh
+--- os-prober-1.56-orig/common.sh	2012-12-26 13:53:55.962187097 -0500
++++ os-prober-1.56/common.sh	2013-01-10 08:25:14.843206268 -0500
+@@ -76,7 +76,9 @@
+ }
+ debug() {
+-  log "debug: $@"
++  if [ -z "$OS_PROBER_DISABLE_DEBUG" ]; then
++    log "debug: $@" 
++  fi
+ }
+ result () {
diff --git a/os-porber-no-dummy-mach-kernel.patch b/os-prober-no-dummy-mach-kernel.patch
similarity index 100%
rename from os-porber-no-dummy-mach-kernel.patch
rename to os-prober-no-dummy-mach-kernel.patch
diff --git a/os-prober-remove-basename.patch b/os-prober-remove-basename.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51996c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-prober-remove-basename.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+diff -up os-prober-1.57/common.sh.remove-basename os-prober-1.57/common.sh
+--- os-prober-1.57/common.sh.remove-basename	2013-01-23 01:06:50.023992389 +0330
++++ os-prober-1.57/common.sh	2013-01-23 02:01:09.435244141 +0330
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ progname=
+ cache_progname() {
+   case $progname in
+     '')
+-      progname="$(basename "$0")"
++      progname="${0##*/}"
+       ;;
+   esac
+ }
+diff -up os-prober-1.57/linux-boot-probes/mounted/powerpc/40yaboot.remove-basename os-prober-1.57/linux-boot-probes/mounted/powerpc/40yaboot
+--- os-prober-1.57/linux-boot-probes/mounted/powerpc/40yaboot.remove-basename	2013-01-23 02:04:03.855063593 +0330
++++ os-prober-1.57/linux-boot-probes/mounted/powerpc/40yaboot	2013-01-23 02:02:34.876175982 +0330
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ recordstanza () {
+ 		fi
+ 		if [ -z "$title" ]; then
+-			title="$(basename "$kernel")"
++			title="${kernel##*/}"
+ 		fi
+ 		if [ "$read_only" ]; then
+ 			parameters="ro $parameters"
diff --git a/os-prober-usrmovefix.patch b/os-prober-usrmovefix.patch
index 361a9e3..e03d536 100644
--- a/os-prober-usrmovefix.patch
+++ b/os-prober-usrmovefix.patch
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
-diff -up os-prober-1.53/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro.usermovefix os-prober-1.53/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro
---- os-prober-1.53/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro.usermovefix	2012-06-02 20:07:39.878619263 +0430
-+++ os-prober-1.53/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro	2012-06-02 20:14:40.341362757 +0430
-@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ type="$3"
- # better. Make sure this test has a high number so that more accurate tests
- # can come first.
+diff -up os-prober-1.57/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro.usrmovefix os-prober-1.57/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro
+--- os-prober-1.57/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro.usrmovefix	2013-01-23 00:39:20.333616357 +0330
++++ os-prober-1.57/os-probes/mounted/common/90linux-distro	2013-01-23 00:39:51.834222545 +0330
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ type="$3"
+ # symlinks we need to also check in $dir/usr/lib* for distributions that
+ # moved /lib* to /usr and only left symlinks behind.
  # TODO: look for ld-linux.so on arches that have it
--if ls "$dir"/lib*/ld*.so* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
-+if ls "$dir"/lib*/ld*.so* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && [ -d "$dir/boot" ] \
-+	|| ls "$dir"/usr/lib*/ld*.so* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
+-if (ls "$dir"/lib*/ld*.so* || ls "$dir"/usr/lib*/ld*.so*) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
++if (ls "$dir"/lib*/ld*.so*  && [ -d "$dir/boot" ] || ls "$dir"/usr/lib*/ld*.so*) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
  	if [ -e "$dir/etc/debian_version" ]; then
  		long="$(printf "Debian GNU/Linux (%s)\n" "$(cat "$dir/etc/debian_version")")"
diff --git a/os-prober.spec b/os-prober.spec
index 8f52445..2f498d6 100644
--- a/os-prober.spec
+++ b/os-prober.spec
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Name:           os-prober
-Version:        1.56
+Version:        1.57
 Release:        1%{?dist}
 Summary:        Probes disks on the system for installed operating systems
@@ -11,11 +11,15 @@ Source0:        http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/o/os-prober/%{name}_%{
 # move newns binary outside of os-prober subdirectory, so that debuginfo
 # can be automatically generated for it
 Patch0:         os-prober-newnsdirfix.patch
-Patch1:         os-porber-no-dummy-mach-kernel.patch
+Patch1:         os-prober-no-dummy-mach-kernel.patch
 # Sent upstream
 Patch2:         os-prober-mdraidfix.patch
 Patch3:         os-prober-yaboot-parsefix.patch
 Patch4:         os-prober-usrmovefix.patch
+Patch5:         os-prober-remove-basename.patch
+Patch6:         os-prober-disable-debug-test.patch
+# To be sent upstream
+Patch7:         os-prober-btrfsfix.patch
 Requires:       udev coreutils util-linux
 Requires:       grep /bin/sed /sbin/modprobe
@@ -32,6 +36,9 @@ distributions can be added easily.
 %patch2 -p1 -b .mdraidfix
 %patch3 -p1 -b .yaboot-parsefix
 %patch4 -p1
+%patch5 -p1 -b .remove-basename
+%patch6 -p1 -b .disable-debug-test
+%patch7 -p1 -b .btrfsfix
 find -type f -exec sed -i -e 's|usr/lib|usr/libexec|g' {} \;
 sed -i -e 's|grub-probe|grub2-probe|g' os-probes/common/50mounted-tests \
@@ -82,6 +89,13 @@ fi
+* Tue Jan 22 2013 Hedayat Vatankhah <hedayat.fwd+rpmchlog at gmail.com> - 1.57-1
+- Update to 1.57 (#890409)
+- Use shell string processing rather than 'basename' (#875356)
+- Make it possible to disable logging debug messages by assigning a value to
+  OS_PROBER_DISABLE_DEBUG environment variable (#893997).
+- Detect multi btrfs pools/volumes (#888341)
 * Thu Oct 11 2012 Hedayat Vatankhah <hedayat.fwd+rpmchlog at gmail.com> - 1.56-1
 - Update to 1.56 with a bug fix and applied one of my patches

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