[polymake] Initial import.

Jerry James jjames at fedoraproject.org
Wed Mar 6 16:32:50 UTC 2013

commit ba7c267314be2a1e09a323cda46f89c1f5d7b018
Author: Jerry James <jamesjer at betterlinux.com>
Date:   Wed Mar 6 09:32:40 2013 -0700

    Initial import.

 .gitignore            |    1 +
 polymake-bliss.patch  |  649 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 polymake-fedora.patch |   91 +++++++
 polymake-perl.patch   |  343 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 polymake.1            |   81 ++++++
 polymake.spec         |  215 ++++++++++++++++
 sources               |    1 +
 7 files changed, 1381 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e69de29..1957bce 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/polymake-bliss.patch b/polymake-bliss.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db2dd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymake-bliss.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+--- ./apps/topaz/src/isomorphic_complexes.cc.orig	2011-04-13 01:51:10.000000000 -0600
++++ ./apps/topaz/src/isomorphic_complexes.cc	2013-01-10 11:05:09.551105078 -0700
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ find_facet_vertex_permutations(perl::Obj
+    return graph::find_row_col_permutation(M1,M2);
+ }
+-UserFunction4perl("CREDIT nauty\n\n"
++UserFunction4perl("CREDIT bliss\n\n"
+                   "# @category Comparing\n"
+                   "# Determine whether two given complexes are combinatorially isomorphic.\n"
+                   "# The problem is reduced to graph isomorphism of the vertex-facet incidence graphs.\n"
+--- ./apps/topaz/src/bistellar.cc.orig	2011-05-11 04:34:18.000000000 -0600
++++ ./apps/topaz/src/bistellar.cc	2013-01-10 11:05:09.551105078 -0700
+@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ UserFunction4perl("# @category Producing
+                   "# @return SimplicialComplex",
+                   &bistellar_simplification,"bistellar_simplification(SimplicialComplex { rounds => undef, abs => 0,  obj => undef,  relax => undef, heat => undef, constant => 0, allow_rev_move=> 0, min_n_facets => undef, verbose => undef, seed => undef, quiet => 0, distribution => undef })");
+-UserFunction4perl("CREDIT nauty\n\n"
++UserFunction4perl("CREDIT bliss\n\n"
+                   "# @category Comparing"
+                   "# Tries to determine wheter two complexes are pl-homeomorphic by using"
+                   "#  bistellar flips and a simulated annealing strategy."
+--- ./apps/graph/src/graph_compare.cc.orig	2010-12-12 16:36:28.000000000 -0700
++++ ./apps/graph/src/graph_compare.cc	2013-01-10 11:05:09.560103386 -0700
+@@ -15,150 +15,137 @@
+    $Project: polymake $$Id: graph_compare.cc 9991 2010-12-12 23:36:28Z gawrilow $
+ */
+-#define graph nauty_graph
+-#define set nauty_set
+-#define permutation nauty_permutation
+-#include <nauty.h>
+-namespace {
+-inline nauty_set* graph_row(nauty_graph *g, int v, int m) { return GRAPHROW(g,v,m); }
+-#undef GRAPHROW
+-#undef graph
+-#undef set
+-#undef permutation
++#include <cstring>
++#include <bliss/graph.hh>
+ #include "polymake/graph/graph_compare.h"
+ namespace polymake { namespace graph {
+-namespace {
+-NautyGraph *in_processing=0;
+-struct NautyGraph::impl {
+-   int n, m;
+-   nauty_graph *src_graph, *canon_graph;
+-   int *orbits, *canon_labels, *partitions;
+-   optionblk options;
++struct BlissGraph::impl {
++   bliss::AbstractGraph *src_graph;
++   unsigned int *canon_labels;
++   bool digraph;
+-   explicit impl(int n_arg)
+-      : n(n_arg), m((n + WORDSIZE - 1) / WORDSIZE),
+-        src_graph(0), canon_graph(0),
+-        orbits(0), canon_labels(0), partitions(0)
++   explicit impl(int n_arg, bool dir) : digraph(dir)
+    {
+-      src_graph=new nauty_graph[n*m];
+-      EMPTYSET(src_graph,n*m);
+-      canon_graph=new nauty_graph[n*m];
+-      orbits=new int[n];
+-      canon_labels=new int[n];
+-      partitions=new int[n];
+-      options=default_options;
++      if (dir)
++         src_graph = new bliss::Digraph(n_arg);
++      else
++         src_graph = new bliss::Graph(n_arg);
++      canon_labels=new unsigned int[n_arg];
+    }
+    ~impl()
+    {
+-      delete[] partitions;
+       delete[] canon_labels;
+-      delete[] orbits;
+-      delete[] canon_graph;
+-      delete[] src_graph;
++      delete src_graph;
+    }
+-   static void store_autom(int n_autom, nauty_permutation *perm, int*, int, int, int n)
++   static void store_autom(void *graph, unsigned int n, const unsigned int *aut)
+    {
+-      in_processing->n_autom=n_autom;
+-      in_processing->autom.push_back( Array<int>(n, perm) );
++      BlissGraph *g=reinterpret_cast<BlissGraph *>(graph);
++      g->n_autom++;
++      g->autom.push_back( Array<unsigned int>(n, aut) );
+    }
+ };
+-NautyGraph::impl* NautyGraph::alloc_impl(int n, bool dir)
++BlissGraph::impl* BlissGraph::alloc_impl(int n, bool dir)
+ {
+-   impl* i=new impl(n);
+-   i->options.digraph=dir;
+-   i->options.getcanon=true;
+-   return i;
++   return new impl(n, dir);
+ }
+-NautyGraph::~NautyGraph() { delete p_impl; }
++BlissGraph::~BlissGraph() { delete p_impl; }
+-void NautyGraph::add_edge(int from, int to)
++void BlissGraph::add_edge(unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
+ {
+-   nauty_set *gv=graph_row(p_impl->src_graph, from, p_impl->m);
+-   ADDELEMENT(gv, to);
++   if (p_impl->digraph) {
++      bliss::Digraph *g = reinterpret_cast<bliss::Digraph *>(p_impl->src_graph);
++      g->add_edge(from, to);
++   } else {
++      bliss::Graph *g = reinterpret_cast<bliss::Graph *>(p_impl->src_graph);
++      g->add_edge(from, to);
++   }
+ }
+-void NautyGraph::partition(int at)
++void BlissGraph::color(unsigned int at, unsigned int color)
+ {
+-   p_impl->options.defaultptn=false;
+-   std::fill(p_impl->partitions, p_impl->partitions+p_impl->n-1, 1);
+-   copy(entire(sequence(0,p_impl->n)), p_impl->canon_labels);
+-   p_impl->partitions[at-1]=0;
+-   p_impl->partitions[p_impl->n-1]=0;
++   if (p_impl->digraph) {
++      bliss::Digraph *g = reinterpret_cast<bliss::Digraph *>(p_impl->src_graph);
++      g->change_color(at, color);
++   } else {
++      bliss::Graph *g = reinterpret_cast<bliss::Graph *>(p_impl->src_graph);
++      g->change_color(at, color);
++   }
+ }
+-int* NautyGraph::partitions()
++void BlissGraph::color(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int color)
+ {
+-   p_impl->options.defaultptn=false;
+-   return p_impl->partitions;
++   if (p_impl->digraph) {
++      bliss::Digraph *g = reinterpret_cast<bliss::Digraph *>(p_impl->src_graph);
++      for (unsigned int i = from; i < to; i++)
++         g->change_color(i, color);
++   } else {
++      bliss::Graph *g = reinterpret_cast<bliss::Graph *>(p_impl->src_graph);
++      for (unsigned int i = from; i < to; i++)
++         g->change_color(i, color);
++   }
+ }
+-int* NautyGraph::labels()
++void BlissGraph::partition(unsigned int at)
+ {
+-   return p_impl->canon_labels;
++   color(0U, at, 0U);
++   color(at, p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices(), 1U);
+ }
+-void NautyGraph::finalize(bool gather_automorphisms)
++void BlissGraph::finalize(bool gather_automorphisms)
+ {
+-   statsblk stats;
+-   const int worksize=100*1024*1024;    // 100MB
+-   nauty_set *workspace=new nauty_set[worksize];
++   bliss::Stats stats;
++   size_t n=p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices();
++   const unsigned int *perm;
+    if (gather_automorphisms) {
+-      p_impl->options.userautomproc=&impl::store_autom;
+-      in_processing=this;
++      n_autom=0;
++      perm=p_impl->src_graph->canonical_form(stats, &impl::store_autom, this);
++   } else {
++      perm=p_impl->src_graph->canonical_form(stats, NULL, NULL);
+    }
+-   nauty(p_impl->src_graph, p_impl->canon_labels, p_impl->partitions, 0, p_impl->orbits,
+-         &p_impl->options, &stats, workspace, worksize, p_impl->m, p_impl->n, p_impl->canon_graph);
+-   delete[] workspace;
++   std::memcpy(p_impl->canon_labels, perm, n * sizeof(unsigned int));
+ }
+-bool NautyGraph::operator== (const NautyGraph& g2) const
++bool BlissGraph::operator== (const BlissGraph& g2) const
+ {
+-   if (p_impl->n != g2.p_impl->n) return false;
+-   nauty_set *cg1=p_impl->canon_graph, *cg1_end=cg1+p_impl->n*p_impl->m, *cg2=g2.p_impl->canon_graph;
+-   return std::equal(cg1, cg1_end, cg2);
++   size_t n=p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices();
++   return n == g2.p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices() &&
++      !std::memcmp(p_impl->canon_labels, g2.p_impl->canon_labels,
++                   n * sizeof(unsigned int));
+ }
+-Array<int> NautyGraph::find_permutation(const NautyGraph& g2) const
++Array<unsigned int> BlissGraph::find_permutation(const BlissGraph& g2) const
+ {
+    if (*this != g2)
+       throw no_match("not isomorphic");
+-   Array<int> perm(p_impl->n);
+-   for (int *dst=perm.begin(), *lab1=p_impl->canon_labels, *lab1_end=lab1+p_impl->n, *lab2=g2.p_impl->canon_labels;
++   Array<unsigned int> perm(p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices());
++   for (unsigned int *dst=perm.begin(), *lab1=p_impl->canon_labels, *lab1_end=lab1+p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices(), *lab2=g2.p_impl->canon_labels;
+         lab1<lab1_end; ++lab1, ++lab2)
+       dst[*lab2]=*lab1;
+    return perm;
+ }
+-std::pair< Array<int>, Array<int> >
+-NautyGraph::find_permutations(const NautyGraph& g2, int n_cols) const
++std::pair< Array<unsigned int>, Array<unsigned int> >
++BlissGraph::find_permutations(const BlissGraph& g2, int n_cols) const
+ {
+    if (*this != g2)
+       throw no_match("not isomorphic");
+-   Array<int> row_perm(p_impl->n-n_cols), col_perm(n_cols);
++   Array<unsigned int> row_perm(p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices()-n_cols), col_perm(n_cols);
+-   int *lab1=p_impl->canon_labels, *lab1_end=lab1+n_cols, *lab2=g2.p_impl->canon_labels;
+-   for (int *dst=col_perm.begin(); lab1<lab1_end; ++lab1, ++lab2)
++   unsigned int *lab1=p_impl->canon_labels, *lab1_end=lab1+n_cols, *lab2=g2.p_impl->canon_labels;
++   for (unsigned int *dst=col_perm.begin(); lab1<lab1_end; ++lab1, ++lab2)
+       dst[*lab2]=*lab1;
+-   lab1_end=p_impl->canon_labels+p_impl->n;
+-   for (int *dst=row_perm.begin(); lab1<lab1_end; ++lab1, ++lab2)
++   lab1_end=p_impl->canon_labels+p_impl->src_graph->get_nof_vertices();
++   for (unsigned int *dst=row_perm.begin(); lab1<lab1_end; ++lab1, ++lab2)
+       dst[*lab2-n_cols]=*lab1-n_cols;
+    return std::make_pair(row_perm, col_perm);
+--- ./apps/graph/src/Makefile.inc.orig	2010-12-12 16:36:28.000000000 -0700
++++ ./apps/graph/src/Makefile.inc	2013-01-10 11:05:54.870160960 -0700
+@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
+ ifndef ExtensionTop
+-  ExternalLibs := nauty
+-  graph_compare$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -DBIGNAUTY -I${BuildDir}/external/nauty
++  graph_compare$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -DBLISS_USE_GMP
+-  LIBS += ${BuildDir}/external/nauty/libnauty$A
++  LIBS += -lbliss
+ endif
+ # Local Variables:
+--- ./apps/graph/rules/comparing.rules.orig	2011-04-20 16:30:42.000000000 -0600
++++ ./apps/graph/rules/comparing.rules	2013-01-10 11:05:09.552104890 -0700
+@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #  $Project: polymake $$Id: comparing.rules 10159 2011-04-20 22:30:42Z paffenho $
+-CREDIT nauty
++CREDIT bliss
+   Computation of automorphism groups of graphs.
+-  Copyright by Brendan McKay.
+-  http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/nauty/
++  Copyright by Tommi Junttila and Petteri Kaski.
++  http://www.tcs.hut.fi/Software/bliss/
+-label nauty
++label bliss
+ # @category Comparing
+ # true if //graph1// and //graph2// are isomorphic.
+--- ./apps/graph/include/graph_compare.h.orig	2011-03-01 08:46:48.000000000 -0700
++++ ./apps/graph/include/graph_compare.h	2013-01-10 11:05:09.552104890 -0700
+@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
+ namespace polymake { namespace graph {
+-class NautyGraph {
++class BlissGraph {
+    struct impl;
+    impl *p_impl;
+    int n_autom;
+-   std::list< Array<int> > autom;
++   std::list< Array<unsigned int> > autom;
+    static impl *alloc_impl(int n_nodes, bool is_directed);
+-   void add_edge(int from, int to);
+-   void partition(int at);
+-   int* partitions();
+-   int* labels();
++   void add_edge(unsigned int from, unsigned int to);
++   void color(unsigned int at, unsigned int color);
++   void color(unsigned int from, unsigned int to, unsigned int color);
++   void partition(unsigned int at);
+    void finalize(bool gather_automorphisms);
+    template <typename Matrix>
+@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ class NautyGraph {
+    }
+ public:
+-   NautyGraph() : p_impl(0) {}
++   BlissGraph() : p_impl(0) {}
+    template <typename Graph>
+-   explicit NautyGraph(const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, bool gather_automorphisms=false)
++   explicit BlissGraph(const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, bool gather_automorphisms=false)
+       : p_impl(alloc_impl(G.nodes(), G.is_directed))
+    {
+       fill(G);
+@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ public:
+    // non-symmetrical incidence matrix
+    template <typename Matrix>
+-   explicit NautyGraph(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix>& M,
++   explicit BlissGraph(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix>& M,
+                        typename pm::disable_if<bool, Matrix::is_symmetric>::type gather_automorphisms=false)
+       : p_impl(alloc_impl(M.rows()+M.cols(), false))
+    {
+-      int rnode=M.cols();
++      unsigned int rnode=M.cols();
+       partition(rnode);
+       for (typename Entire< Rows< Matrix > >::const_iterator r=entire(rows(M));  !r.at_end();  ++r, ++rnode)
+          for (typename Entire< typename Matrix::row_type >::const_iterator c=entire(*r);  !c.at_end();  ++c) {
+@@ -98,20 +98,20 @@ public:
+    // symmetrical incidence matrix
+    template <typename Matrix>
+-   explicit NautyGraph(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix>& M,
++   explicit BlissGraph(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix>& M,
+                        typename pm::enable_if<bool, Matrix::is_symmetric>::type gather_automorphisms=false)
+       : p_impl(alloc_impl(M.rows(), true))
+    {
+       // there can be ones on the diagonal, which correspond loops in the graph;
+-      // nauty requires the graph to be declared as directed in this case
++      // bliss requires the graph to be declared as directed in this case
+       fill(M);
+       finalize(gather_automorphisms);
+    }
+-   ~NautyGraph();
++   ~BlissGraph();
+-   bool operator== (const NautyGraph& g2) const;
+-   bool operator!= (const NautyGraph& g2) const { return !operator==(g2); }
++   bool operator== (const BlissGraph& g2) const;
++   bool operator!= (const BlissGraph& g2) const { return !operator==(g2); }
+ private:
+    static void incr_count(std::pair<int,int>& p)
+@@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ private:
+ public:
+    template <typename Graph1, typename Colors1, typename Graph2, typename Colors2>
+-   static bool prepare_colored(NautyGraph& NG1, const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const Colors1& colors1,
+-                               NautyGraph& NG2, const GenericGraph<Graph2>& G2, const Colors2& colors2);
++   static bool prepare_colored(BlissGraph& NG1, const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const Colors1& colors1,
++                               BlissGraph& NG2, const GenericGraph<Graph2>& G2, const Colors2& colors2);
+    template <typename Graph, typename Colors>
+-   static bool prepare_colored(NautyGraph& NG, const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, const Colors& colors);
++   static bool prepare_colored(BlissGraph& NG, const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, const Colors& colors);
+-   Array<int> find_permutation(const NautyGraph& g2) const;
+-   std::pair< Array<int>, Array<int> > find_permutations(const NautyGraph& g2, int n_cols) const;
++   Array<unsigned int> find_permutation(const BlissGraph& g2) const;
++   std::pair< Array<unsigned int>, Array<unsigned int> > find_permutations(const BlissGraph& g2, int n_cols) const;
+    int n_automorphisms() const { return n_autom; }
+-   const std::list< Array<int> >& automorphisms() const { return autom; }
++   const std::list< Array<unsigned int> >& automorphisms() const { return autom; }
+ };
+ template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2> inline
+@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ bool isomorphic(const GenericGraph<Graph
+    if (G1.is_directed != G2.is_directed || G1.nodes() != G2.nodes())
+       return false;
+    if (G1.nodes()<=1) return true;
+-   NautyGraph NG1(G1), NG2(G2);
++   BlissGraph NG1(G1), NG2(G2);
+    return NG1==NG2;
+ }
+@@ -158,49 +158,49 @@ bool isomorphic(const GenericGraph<Graph
+    if (G1.is_directed != G2.is_directed || G1.nodes() != G2.nodes())
+       return false;
+    if (G1.nodes()<=1) return true;
+-   NautyGraph NG1, NG2;
+-   return NautyGraph::prepare_colored(NG1, G1, colors1, NG2, G2, colors2) && NG1==NG2;
++   BlissGraph NG1, NG2;
++   return BlissGraph::prepare_colored(NG1, G1, colors1, NG2, G2, colors2) && NG1==NG2;
+ }
+ template <typename Graph1, typename Graph2> inline
+-Array<int> find_node_permutation(const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const GenericGraph<Graph2>& G2)
++Array<unsigned int> find_node_permutation(const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const GenericGraph<Graph2>& G2)
+ {
+    if (G1.is_directed != G2.is_directed)
+       throw no_match("graphs of different kind");
+    if (G1.nodes() != G2.nodes())
+       throw no_match("graphs of different size");
+-   NautyGraph NG1(G1), NG2(G2);
++   BlissGraph NG1(G1), NG2(G2);
+    return NG1.find_permutation(NG2);
+ }
+ template <typename Graph1, typename Colors1, typename Graph2, typename Colors2> inline
+-Array<int> find_node_permutation(const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const Colors1& colors1,
++Array<unsigned int> find_node_permutation(const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const Colors1& colors1,
+                                  const GenericGraph<Graph2>& G2, const Colors2& colors2)
+ {
+    if (G1.is_directed != G2.is_directed)
+       throw no_match("graphs of different kind");
+    if (G1.nodes() != G2.nodes())
+       throw no_match("graphs of different size");
+-   NautyGraph NG1, NG2;
+-   if (NautyGraph::prepare_colored(NG1, G1, colors1, NG2, G2, colors2))
++   BlissGraph NG1, NG2;
++   if (BlissGraph::prepare_colored(NG1, G1, colors1, NG2, G2, colors2))
+       return NG1.find_permutation(NG2);
+    else
+       throw no_match("different colors");
+ }
+ template <typename Graph> inline
+-Array< Array<int> > automorphisms(const GenericGraph<Graph>& G)
++Array< Array<unsigned int> > automorphisms(const GenericGraph<Graph>& G)
+ {
+-   NautyGraph NG(G, true);
+-   return Array< Array<int> >(NG.n_automorphisms(), NG.automorphisms().begin());
++   BlissGraph NG(G, true);
++   return Array< Array<unsigned int> >(NG.n_automorphisms(), NG.automorphisms().begin());
+ }
+ template <typename Graph, typename Colors> inline
+-Array< Array<int> > automorphisms(const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, const Colors& colors)
++Array< Array<unsigned int> > automorphisms(const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, const Colors& colors)
+ {
+-   NautyGraph NG;
+-   NautyGraph::prepare_colored(NG,G,colors);
+-   return Array< Array<int> >(NG.n_automorphisms(), NG.automorphisms().begin());
++   BlissGraph NG;
++   BlissGraph::prepare_colored(NG,G,colors);
++   return Array< Array<unsigned int> >(NG.n_automorphisms(), NG.automorphisms().begin());
+ }
+ template <typename Matrix1, typename Matrix2> inline
+@@ -210,49 +210,49 @@ isomorphic(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<
+    if (M1.rows() != M2.rows() || M1.cols() != M2.cols())
+       return false;
+    if (M1.rows()<=1) return true;
+-   NautyGraph NG1(M1), NG2(M2);
++   BlissGraph NG1(M1), NG2(M2);
+    return NG1==NG2;
+ }
+ template <typename Matrix1, typename Matrix2> inline
+-typename pm::enable_if< Array<int>, Matrix1::is_symmetric && Matrix2::is_symmetric>::type
++typename pm::enable_if< Array<unsigned int>, Matrix1::is_symmetric && Matrix2::is_symmetric>::type
+ find_row_permutation(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix1>& M1, const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix2>& M2)
+ {
+    if (M1.rows() != M2.rows())
+       throw no_match("matrices of different dimensions");
+-   NautyGraph NG1(M1), NG2(M2);
++   BlissGraph NG1(M1), NG2(M2);
+    return NG1.find_permutation(NG2);
+ }
+ template <typename Matrix1, typename Matrix2> inline
+-typename pm::enable_if< std::pair< Array<int>, Array<int> >, !Matrix1::is_symmetric && !Matrix2::is_symmetric>::type
++typename pm::enable_if< std::pair< Array<unsigned int>, Array<unsigned int> >, !Matrix1::is_symmetric && !Matrix2::is_symmetric>::type
+ find_row_col_permutation(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix1>& M1, const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix2>& M2)
+ {
+    if (M1.rows() != M2.rows() || M1.cols() != M2.cols())
+       throw no_match("matrices of different dimensions");
+-   NautyGraph NG1(M1), NG2(M2);
++   BlissGraph NG1(M1), NG2(M2);
+    return NG1.find_permutations(NG2, M1.cols());
+ }
+ template <typename Matrix> inline
+-typename pm::enable_if< Array< Array<int> >, Matrix::is_symmetric>::type
++typename pm::enable_if< Array< Array<unsigned int> >, Matrix::is_symmetric>::type
+ automorphisms(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix>& M)
+ {
+-   NautyGraph NG(M, true);
+-   return Array< Array<int> >(NG.n_automorphisms(), NG.automorphisms().begin());
++   BlissGraph NG(M, true);
++   return Array< Array<unsigned int> >(NG.n_automorphisms(), NG.automorphisms().begin());
+ }
+ template <typename Matrix>
+-typename pm::disable_if< Array< std::pair< Array<int>, Array<int> > >, Matrix::is_symmetric>::type
++typename pm::disable_if< Array< std::pair< Array<unsigned int>, Array<unsigned int> > >, Matrix::is_symmetric>::type
+ automorphisms(const GenericIncidenceMatrix<Matrix>& M)
+ {
+-   NautyGraph NG(M, true);
+-   Array< std::pair< Array<int>, Array<int> > > result(NG.n_automorphisms());
+-   std::list< Array<int> >::const_iterator p=NG.automorphisms().begin();
++   BlissGraph NG(M, true);
++   Array< std::pair< Array<unsigned int>, Array<unsigned int> > > result(NG.n_automorphisms());
++   std::list< Array<unsigned int> >::const_iterator p=NG.automorphisms().begin();
+    const int n_rows=M.rows(), n_cols=M.cols();
+    sequence rows(n_cols, n_rows), cols(0, n_cols);
+-   for (Entire< Array< std::pair< Array<int>, Array<int> > > >::iterator r=entire(result); !r.at_end(); ++r, ++p) {
++   for (Entire< Array< std::pair< Array<unsigned int>, Array<unsigned int> > > >::iterator r=entire(result); !r.at_end(); ++r, ++p) {
+       r->first.append(n_rows, translate(select(*p,rows), -n_cols).begin());
+       r->second.append(n_cols, select(*p,cols).begin());
+    }
+@@ -260,45 +260,31 @@ automorphisms(const GenericIncidenceMatr
+ }
+ template <typename Graph1, typename Colors1, typename Graph2, typename Colors2>
+-bool NautyGraph::prepare_colored(NautyGraph& NG1, const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const Colors1& colors1,
+-                                 NautyGraph& NG2, const GenericGraph<Graph2>& G2, const Colors2& colors2)
++bool BlissGraph::prepare_colored(BlissGraph& NG1, const GenericGraph<Graph1>& G1, const Colors1& colors1,
++                                 BlissGraph& NG2, const GenericGraph<Graph2>& G2, const Colors2& colors2)
+ {
+    const int n=G1.nodes();
+    NG1.p_impl=alloc_impl(n, G1.is_directed);
+    NG2.p_impl=alloc_impl(n, G2.is_directed);
+    typedef Map<typename pm::identical<typename Colors1::value_type, typename Colors2::value_type>::type,
+-      std::pair<int, int> > color_map_type;
++      unsigned int > color_map_type;
+    color_map_type color_map;
++   unsigned int color_num = 0U;
+    for (typename Entire<Colors1>::const_iterator c=entire(colors1); !c.at_end(); ++c)
+-      incr_count(color_map[*c]);
++      if (!color_map.exists(*c))
++         color_map[*c]=color_num++;
+    for (typename Entire<Colors2>::const_iterator c=entire(colors2); !c.at_end(); ++c)
+-      if (--color_map[*c].second < 0)
+-         return false;
+-   int *p1=NG1.partitions(), *l1=NG1.labels(), *l2=NG2.labels();
+-   int start=0;
+-   for (typename color_map_type::iterator cm=color_map.begin(); !cm.at_end(); ++cm) {
+-      const int n_of_this_color=cm->second.first;
+-      cm->second.second=start;
+-      std::fill(p1, p1+n_of_this_color-1, 1);  p1+=n_of_this_color; p1[-1]=0;
+-      start+=n_of_this_color;
+-   }
+-   p1=NG1.partitions();
+-   std::copy(p1, p1+n, NG2.partitions());
++      if (!color_map.exists(*c))
++         color_map[*c]=color_num++;
+    for (typename pm::ensure_features<Colors1, pm::cons<pm::end_sensitive, pm::indexed> >::const_iterator
+-           c=ensure(colors1, (pm::cons<pm::end_sensitive, pm::indexed>*)0).begin(); !c.at_end(); ++c) 
+-      l1[first_index(color_map[*c])]=c.index();
++           c=ensure(colors1, (pm::cons<pm::end_sensitive, pm::indexed>*)0).begin(); !c.at_end(); ++c)
++      NG1.color(c.index(), color_map[*c]);
+    for (typename pm::ensure_features<Colors2, pm::cons<pm::end_sensitive, pm::indexed> >::const_iterator
+            c=ensure(colors2, (pm::cons<pm::end_sensitive, pm::indexed>*)0).begin(); !c.at_end(); ++c) 
+-      l2[second_index(color_map[*c])]=c.index();
++      NG2.color(c.index(), color_map[*c]);
+    NG1.fill(G1);  NG1.finalize(false);
+    NG2.fill(G2);  NG2.finalize(false);
+@@ -306,31 +292,22 @@ bool NautyGraph::prepare_colored(NautyGr
+ }
+ template <typename Graph, typename Colors>
+-bool NautyGraph::prepare_colored(NautyGraph& NG, const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, const Colors& colors)
++bool BlissGraph::prepare_colored(BlissGraph& NG, const GenericGraph<Graph>& G, const Colors& colors)
+ {
+    const int n=G.nodes();
+    NG.p_impl=alloc_impl(n, G.is_directed);
+-   typedef Map<typename Colors::value_type, int > color_map_type;
++   typedef Map<typename Colors::value_type, unsigned int > color_map_type;
+    color_map_type color_map;
++   unsigned int color_num = 0U;
+    for (typename Entire<Colors>::const_iterator c=entire(colors); !c.at_end(); ++c)
+-      ++color_map[*c];
+-   int *p=NG.partitions(), *l=NG.labels();
+-   int start=0;
+-   for (typename color_map_type::iterator cm=color_map.begin(); !cm.at_end(); ++cm) {
+-      const int n_of_this_color=cm->second;
+-      cm->second += start-n_of_this_color;
+-      start += n_of_this_color;
+-      std::fill(p, p+n_of_this_color-1, 1);  p+=n_of_this_color; p[-1]=0;
+-   }
++      if (!color_map.exists(*c))
++         color_map[*c]=color_num++;
+    for (typename pm::ensure_features<Colors, pm::cons<pm::end_sensitive, pm::indexed> >::const_iterator
+            c=ensure(colors, (pm::cons<pm::end_sensitive, pm::indexed>*)0).begin(); !c.at_end(); ++c)
+-      l[color_map[*c]++]=c.index();
++      NG.color(c.index(), color_map[*c]);
+    NG.fill(G);  NG.finalize(true);
+    return true;
+--- ./apps/polytope/src/isomorphic_polytopes.cc.orig	2011-04-13 01:51:10.000000000 -0600
++++ ./apps/polytope/src/isomorphic_polytopes.cc	2013-01-10 11:05:09.550105266 -0700
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ find_facet_vertex_permutations(perl::Obj
+    return graph::find_row_col_permutation(M1,M2);
+ }
+-UserFunction4perl("CREDIT nauty\n\n"
++UserFunction4perl("CREDIT bliss\n\n"
+                   "# @category Comparing"
+                   "# Check whether the face lattices of two polytopes are isomorphic."
+                   "# The problem is reduced to graph isomorphism of the vertex-facet incidence graphs."
+--- ./apps/polytope/src/lattice_isomorphic_polytopes.cc.orig	2011-09-12 15:56:14.000000000 -0600
++++ ./apps/polytope/src/lattice_isomorphic_polytopes.cc	2013-01-10 11:05:09.543106580 -0700
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Array< Array<int> > lattice_automorphism
+ }
+-UserFunction4perl("CREDIT nauty\n\n"
++UserFunction4perl("CREDIT bliss\n\n"
+                   "# @category Comparing"
+                   "# Tests whether two smooth lattice polytopes are lattice equivalent"
+                   "# by comparing lattice distances between vertices and facets. "
+--- ./apps/polytope/src/congruent_polytopes.cc.orig	2011-04-13 01:51:10.000000000 -0600
++++ ./apps/polytope/src/congruent_polytopes.cc	2013-01-10 11:05:09.543106580 -0700
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Scalar congruent(perl::Object p1, perl::
+    return graph::isomorphic(G1, dist1, G2, dist2) ? min1 : Scalar(0);
+ }
+-UserFunctionTemplate4perl("CREDIT nauty\n\n"
++UserFunctionTemplate4perl("CREDIT bliss\n\n"
+                           "# @category Comparing"
+                           "# Check whether two given polytopes //P1// and //P2// are congruent, i.e. whether"
+                           "# there is an affine isomorphism between them that is induced by a (possibly scaled) orthogonal matrix."
diff --git a/polymake-fedora.patch b/polymake-fedora.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bf9eaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymake-fedora.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+--- ./apps/group/src/Makefile.inc.orig	2011-04-11 10:17:49.000000000 -0600
++++ ./apps/group/src/Makefile.inc	2013-02-27 15:10:34.341168779 -0700
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-  ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I$(ProjectTop)/external/permlib/include
++  ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I/usr/include/permlib
+ # Local Variables:
+ # mode: Makefile
+--- ./apps/polytope/src/Makefile.inc.orig	2012-01-13 15:32:36.000000000 -0700
++++ ./apps/polytope/src/Makefile.inc	2013-02-27 15:10:34.340168780 -0700
+@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
+ ifndef ExtensionTop
+-  ExternalLibs := cdd lrs sympol
+-  lrs_interface$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I$(ProjectTop)/external/lrs
+-  cdd_interface$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I$(ProjectTop)/external/cdd/lib-src-gmp $(call addinclude, $(ProjectTop)/ext_lib/cdd/globals_gmp.h)
+-  cdd_float_interface$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I$(ProjectTop)/external/cdd/lib-src
+-  ExtraCXXFLAGS += -I$(ProjectTop)/external/permlib/include
+-  sympol_interface$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS += -I$(ProjectTop)/external/sympol
++  lrs_interface$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I/usr/include/lrslib
++  cdd_interface$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I/usr/include/cddlib $(call addinclude, $(ProjectTop)/ext_lib/cdd/globals_gmp.h)
++  cdd_float_interface$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS = -I/usr/include/cddlib
+-  LIBS += $(BuildDir)/external/lrs/liblrsgmp$A $(BuildDir)/external/cdd/libcddgmp$A $(BuildDir)/external/cdd/libcdd$A $(BuildDir)/external/sympol/libsympol$A 
++  LIBS += -llrsgmp -lcddgmp -lcdd -lsympol
+ endif
+-ifneq ($(filter 4.4% 4.5%,${GCCversion}),)
++ifneq ($(filter 4.4% 4.5% 4.6% 4.7% 4.8%,${GCCversion}),)
+   core_point_algo$O rel_int_point$O pointed_part$O : ExtraCXXFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing
+ endif
+--- ./perl/polymake-config.orig	2011-05-30 16:51:45.000000000 -0600
++++ ./perl/polymake-config	2013-02-27 15:14:32.177979991 -0700
+@@ -126,9 +126,6 @@ while (defined ($_=shift)) {
+    } elsif ($_ eq "--ldflags") {
+       my $ldflags=$conf{LDflags};
+-      if ($ldflags !~ /(?:^|\s)-L$conf{InstallLib}(?:\s|$)/) {
+-         $ldflags="-L$conf{InstallLib} $ldflags";
+-      }
+       my $add_rpath=1;
+       open CF, ">$tmpfile.cc" or die "can't create temporary file $tmpfile.cc: $!\n";
+       print CF "int main() { return 0; }\n";
+@@ -146,8 +143,6 @@ while (defined ($_=shift)) {
+       close CC;
+       if ($^O eq "darwin") {
+          $ldflags="$conf{ARCHFLAGS} $ldflags";
+-      } elsif ($add_rpath) {
+-         $ldflags.=" -Wl,-rpath,$conf{InstallLib}";
+       }
+       $ldflags=~s/^\s+//; $ldflags=~s/\s+$//; $ldflags=~s/\s{2,}/ /g;
+       if ($debug_asked=defined($debug)) {
+--- ./support/corelib.make.orig	2012-03-02 15:37:49.000000000 -0700
++++ ./support/corelib.make	2013-02-27 15:10:34.340168780 -0700
+@@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ ${CoreLib} : ${SharedObjects} ${Standalo
+ ifneq (${LDcallableFlags},none)
+   # no explicit dependence on XSObjects here because they are built in compile-xs using the Makefile generated by xsubpp
+   ${CallableLib} : ${SharedObjects} ${CallableSharedObjects} ${GlueObjects} ${CallableGlueObjects} ${XXSObjects} $(patsubst %,${SourceDir}/perl/%.xs,${XSModules})
+-	${CXX} ${LDcallableFlags} -o $@ ${SharedObjects} ${CallableSharedObjects} ${GlueObjects} ${CallableGlueObjects} ${XXSObjects} ${XSObjects} ${LDFLAGS} ${PERLccdlflags} -lmpfr -lgmp ${LIBXML2_LIBS} ${LIBS} -L${PERLarchlib}/CORE -lperl
++	${CXX} ${LDcallableFlags} -o ${PerlExtDir}/libpolymake.so. at VERSION@ ${SharedObjects} ${CallableSharedObjects} ${GlueObjects} ${CallableGlueObjects} ${XXSObjects} ${XSObjects} ${LDFLAGS} ${PERLccdlflags} -Wl,-h,libpolymake.so. at MAJVER@ -lmpfr -lgmp ${LIBXML2_LIBS} ${LIBS} -L${PERLarchlib}/CORE -lperl
++	ln -s libpolymake.so. at VERSION@ ${PerlExtDir}/libpolymake.so. at MAJVER@
++	ln -s libpolymake.so. at MAJVER@ $@
+ else
+   ${CallableLib} : ${GlueObjects} ${XXSObjects} $(patsubst %,${SourceDir}/perl/%.xs,${XSModules})
+ endif
+--- ./support/configure.pl.orig	2012-03-02 02:26:14.000000000 -0700
++++ ./support/configure.pl	2013-02-27 15:10:34.340168780 -0700
+@@ -488,10 +488,6 @@ if (defined $GMP) {
+    $CXXflags .= " -I$GMP/include";
+    my $libdir=get_libdir($GMP, "gmp");
+    $LDflags .= " -L$libdir";
+-   if ( !$WithFink && exists $options{gmp}) {  # this does not work for Mac OS 10.4
+-      # non-standard location
+-      $LDflags .= " -Wl,-rpath,$libdir";
+-   }
+ }
+ my $MPFR=$options{mpfr};
+@@ -500,10 +496,6 @@ if (defined($MPFR) && $MPFR ne $GMP) {
+    $CXXflags .= " -I$MPFR/include";
+    my $libdir=get_libdir($MPFR, "mpfr");
+    $LDflags .= " -L$libdir";
+-   if ( !$WithFink ) {  # this does not work for Mac OS 10.4
+-      # non-standard location
+-      $LDflags .= " -Wl,-rpath,$libdir";
+-   }
+ }
+ my $BOOST=$options{boost};
diff --git a/polymake-perl.patch b/polymake-perl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..954eb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymake-perl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/Struct.xs.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/Struct.xs	2013-01-10 09:48:02.893665535 -0700
+@@ -223,13 +223,6 @@ OP* pp_method_call(pTHX)
+    return Perl_pp_method_named(aTHX);
+ }
+-static inline
+-OP* method_named_op(OP *o)
+-   return ((o->op_flags & OPf_KIDS) &&
+-           (o=cUNOPo->op_first->op_sibling) && (o=o->op_sibling) && o->op_type == OP_METHOD_NAMED) ? o : 0;
+ static
+ OP* intercept_ck_aassign(pTHX_ OP* o)
+ {
+@@ -238,7 +231,10 @@ OP* intercept_ck_aassign(pTHX_ OP* o)
+    lhs=cUNOPo->op_first->op_sibling;
+    if (lhs->op_type == OP_NULL) lhs=cUNOPx(lhs)->op_first;
+    while (lhs) {
+-      if (lhs->op_type == OP_ENTERSUB) lhs->op_private |= OPpENTERSUB_AASSIGN_LHS;
++      if (lhs->op_type == OP_ENTERSUB) {
++         OP* meth_op=method_named_op(lhs);
++         if (meth_op) meth_op->op_private |= MethodIsCalledOnLeftSideOfArrayAssignment;
++      }
+       lhs=lhs->op_sibling;
+    }
+    return o;
+@@ -410,7 +406,7 @@ PPCODE:
+                o->op_ppaddr=&pp_method_call;
+                break;
+             default:
+-               o->op_ppaddr= PL_op->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_AASSIGN_LHS ? &pp_access : &pp_method_access;
++               o->op_ppaddr= (o->op_private & MethodIsCalledOnLeftSideOfArrayAssignment) ? &pp_access : &pp_method_access;
+                break;
+             }
+          } else {
+@@ -425,7 +421,7 @@ PPCODE:
+    }
+    switch (next_op->op_type) {
+    default:
+-      if (!(o ? o->op_ppaddr == &pp_access : PL_op->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_AASSIGN_LHS)) {
++      if (!(o && o->op_ppaddr == &pp_access)) {
+          PUSHs(find_method(aTHX_ index, 0));
+          break;
+       }
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/Object.xs.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/Object.xs	2013-01-10 09:41:58.985884887 -0700
+@@ -58,8 +58,12 @@ PPCODE:
+         PUSHs(AvARRAY(descr)[2]);
+       }
+       o->op_ppaddr=&Perl_pp_null;
++#if PerlVersion >= 5160
++      /* remove the LVALUE flag */
++      PL_op->op_private &= ~OPpLVAL_INTRO;
+-   } else if (PL_op->op_private & OPpENTERSUB_AASSIGN_LHS) {
++   } else if ((o=method_named_op(PL_op), o && (o->op_private & MethodIsCalledOnLeftSideOfArrayAssignment))) {
+       if (hide_args) Perl_croak(aTHX_ "unexpected scalar context within list assignment");
+       EXTEND(SP,items+3);
+       /* AASSIGN expects two marks: the topmost delimits the lvalues, the next below it - the rvalues */
+@@ -69,6 +73,10 @@ PPCODE:
+       PUSHs(prop);
+       PUSHs(rhs);
+       PUSHs(AvARRAY(descr)[2]);
++#if PerlVersion >= 5160
++      /* remove the LVALUE flag */
++      PL_op->op_private &= ~OPpLVAL_INTRO;
+    } else {
+       EXTEND(SP,items+2+hide_args);
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/RefHash.xs.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/RefHash.xs	2013-01-10 09:46:13.844168283 -0700
+@@ -666,7 +666,11 @@ OP* check_pushhv(pTHX_ OP *o)
+          kid = kid->op_sibling;
+       if (kid->op_type == OP_RV2HV || kid->op_type == OP_PADHV) {
+          int arg_cnt=2;
++#if PerlVersion >= 5160
++         op_lvalue(kid, o->op_type);
+          Perl_mod(aTHX_ kid, o->op_type);
+          while ((kid=kid->op_sibling)) {
+             if (kid->op_type == OP_RV2HV || kid->op_type == OP_PADHV) {
+                Perl_list(aTHX_ kid);
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/Poly.xs.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/Poly.xs	2013-01-10 09:45:36.412035674 -0700
+@@ -91,6 +91,26 @@ OP* pp_first(pTHX)
+    RETURN;
+ }
++#if PerlVersion >= 5160
++OP* safe_magic_lvalue_return_op(pTHX)
++   if (cxstack[cxstack_ix].blk_gimme==G_SCALAR) {
++      dSP;
++      OP* next_op;
++      SV* retval=TOPs;
++      U32 retval_flags= SvTEMP(retval) && SvREFCNT(retval)==1 ? SvMAGICAL(retval) : 0;
++      if (retval_flags) {
++         SvMAGICAL_off(retval);
++         next_op=Perl_pp_leavesub(aTHX);
++         SvFLAGS(retval) |= retval_flags;
++         return next_op;
++      }
++   }
++   return Perl_pp_leavesub(aTHX);
+ MGVTBL pm_perl_array_flags_vtbl={ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ static inline
+@@ -255,7 +275,7 @@ PPCODE:
+       else
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_no);
+    } else if (CvFLAGS(sub) & CVf_LVALUE) {
+-      if (!CvXSUB(sub) && CvROOT(sub)->op_type==OP_LEAVESUBLV)
++      if (!CvISXSUB(sub) && CvROOT(sub)->op_type==OP_LEAVESUBLV)
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_no);      /* not faked */
+       else
+          PUSHs(&PL_sv_yes);
+@@ -271,12 +291,21 @@ CODE:
+ {
+    CV *sub;
+    if (!SvROK(subref) || (sub=(CV*)SvRV(subref), SvTYPE(sub) != SVt_PVCV))
+-      croak_xs_usage(cv, "\\&sub");
++      croak_xs_usage(cv, "\\&sub [, TRUE_if_faked ]");
+    CvFLAGS(sub) |= CVf_LVALUE | CVf_NODEBUG;
+-   if (!CvXSUB(sub) && (items==1 || !SvTRUE(ST(1)))) {
++   if (!CvISXSUB(sub)) {
+       OP *leave_op=CvROOT(sub);
+-      leave_op->op_type=OP_LEAVESUBLV;
+-      leave_op->op_ppaddr=PL_ppaddr[OP_LEAVESUBLV];
++      if (items==1 || !SvTRUE(ST(1))) {
++         /* not faked */
++         leave_op->op_type=OP_LEAVESUBLV;
++         leave_op->op_ppaddr=PL_ppaddr[OP_LEAVESUBLV];
++      }
++#if PerlVersion >= 5160
++      else {
++         /* nowadays perl is fond of copying return values if they show any magic */ 
++         leave_op->op_ppaddr=&safe_magic_lvalue_return_op;
++      }
+    }
+ }
+@@ -682,8 +711,7 @@ is_real_code(x)
+ {
+-   if (SvROK(x) && (x=SvRV(x), SvTYPE(x) == SVt_PVCV)
+-       && (CvROOT((CV*)x) || CvXSUB((CV*)x)))
++   if (SvROK(x) && (x=SvRV(x), SvTYPE(x) == SVt_PVCV) && IsWellDefinedSub((CV*)x))
+       return;   /* keep the CV reference on the stack */
+ }
+@@ -874,9 +902,7 @@ if (!SvROK(sub) ||
+    if (SvTYPE(glob) != SVt_PVGV)
+       gv_init(glob, pkg_stash, name, namelen, GV_ADDMULTI);
+-   if ((flags & 2) &&
+-       (was_here=GvCV(glob)) &&
+-        (CvROOT(was_here) || (CvXSUB(was_here)))) {
++   if ((flags & 2) && (was_here=GvCV(glob)) && IsWellDefinedSub(was_here)) {
+       if (GIMME_V != G_VOID)
+          PUSHs(sv_2mortal(newRV((SV*)was_here)));
+@@ -885,7 +911,7 @@ if (!SvROK(sub) ||
+       if (CvANON(sub)) {
+          CvANON_off(sub);
+          CvGV_set((CV*)sub, glob);
+-         if (!CvXSUB(sub)) {
++         if (!CvISXSUB(sub)) {
+             SV *file=CopFILESV((COP*)CvSTART(sub));
+             if (file && (!SvOK(file) || !SvPVX(file) || !strncmp(SvPVX(file), "(eval ", 6)))
+                sv_setpvf(file, "(%s::%.*s)", HvNAME(pkg_stash), (int)namelen, name);
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/createBootstrap.pl.orig	2011-10-30 16:36:53.000000000 -0600
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/createBootstrap.pl	2013-01-10 09:48:34.960079680 -0700
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+-#  Copyright (c) 1997-2011
++#  Copyright (c) 1997-2012
+ #  Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany)
+-#  http://www.polymake.de
++#  http://www.polymake.org
+ #
+ #  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+ #  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
+    open my $C, $file or die "can't read $file: $!\n";
+    my $ugly_cast= $] <= 5.008 && "(char*)";
+    while (<$C>) {
+-      if (/^XS\((boot_(\w+))\);/) {
++      if (/^XS(?:_EXTERNAL)?\((boot_(\w+))\);/) {
+          $proto .= "$&\n";
+          my $func=$1;
+          (my $pkg=$2) =~ s/_/:/g;
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/Ext.xs.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/Ext.xs	2013-01-10 09:40:42.551339010 -0700
+@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ SV** pm_perl_get_cx_curpad(pTHX_ PERL_CO
+          goto FOUND;
+       case CXt_EVAL:
+          if (!CxTRYBLOCK(cx)) {
++#if PerlVersion >= 5120
++            cv=cx->blk_eval.cv;
+             cv=PL_compcv;
+             d=0;
+             goto FOUND;
+          }
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/CPlusPlus.xxs.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/CPlusPlus.xxs	2013-01-10 09:39:42.369023533 -0700
+@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ SV* clone_assoc_container_magic_sv(pTHX_
+ int canned_container_access(pTHX_ SV *sv, MAGIC* mg, SV *nsv, const char *dummy, PM_svt_copy_klen_arg index)
+ {
+-   OPCODE opc=PL_op->op_type;
++   const OPCODE opc=PL_op ? PL_op->op_type : OP_AELEM;   // assume a plain array access when called directly from the callable library
+    const container_vtbl* const t=(const container_vtbl*)mg->mg_virtual;
+    char *obj=mg->mg_ptr, *it;
+    const container_access_vtbl *acct=t->acc+(mg->mg_flags & value_read_only);
+--- ./lib/core/src/perl/namespaces.xs.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/src/perl/namespaces.xs	2013-01-10 09:50:40.332136877 -0700
+@@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ GV* try_stored_lexical_gv(pTHX_ GV *var_
+             break;
+          case SVt_PVCV: {
+             CV *cv=GvCV(imp_gv);
+-            if (cv && (CvROOT(cv) || CvXSUB(cv))) return imp_gv;
++            if (cv && IsWellDefinedSub(cv)) return imp_gv;
+          }}
+       }
+    }
+@@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ GV* test_imported_gv(GV *gv, I32 type, i
+          if (ignore_methods && CvMETHOD(cv))
+             /* may not discover methods in object-less call */
+             return (GV*)-1UL;
+-         if (CvROOT(cv) || CvXSUB(cv) || GvASSUMECV(gv))
++         if (IsWellDefinedSub(cv) || GvASSUMECV(gv))
+             /* If only promised - let's try later, or die if the next op is ENTERSUB.
+                For inherited static methods return the gv from the basis class! */
+             return GvCVGEN(gv) ? CvGV(cv) : gv;
+@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ GV* lookup_name_in_list(pTHX_ HV *stash,
+    if (dotLOOKUP && (lookp=AvARRAY(dotLOOKUP))) {
+       for (endp=lookp+AvFILLp(dotLOOKUP); lookp<=endp; ++lookp)
+          if ((imp_gv=lookup_name_in_stash(aTHX_ (HV*)SvRV(*lookp), name, namelen, type, ignore_methods))) {
+-            if (type != SVt_PVCV || CvROOT(GvCV(imp_gv)) || CvXSUB(GvCV(imp_gv))) {
++            if (type != SVt_PVCV || IsWellDefinedSub(GvCV(imp_gv))) {
+                if (!var_gv) {
+                   var_gv=*(GV**)hv_fetch(stash, name, namelen, TRUE);
+                   if (SvTYPE(var_gv) != SVt_PVGV)
+@@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ OP* intercept_pp_gv(pTHX)
+          lookup(aTHX_ var_gv, SVt_PVHV, &next_op, next_op);
+       break;
+    case OP_RV2CV:
+-      if ((cv=GvCV(var_gv)) && (next_op->op_next->op_type != OP_REFGEN || CvROOT(cv) || CvXSUB(cv)))
++      if ((cv=GvCV(var_gv)) && (next_op->op_next->op_type != OP_REFGEN || IsWellDefinedSub(cv)))
+          break;
+       lookup(aTHX_ var_gv, SVt_PVCV, &next_op, 0);
+       break;
+@@ -1354,7 +1354,13 @@ OP* intercept_pp_aelemfast(pTHX)
+ {
+    OP *next_op=PL_op;
+    next_op->op_ppaddr=def_pp_AELEMFAST;
+-   if (!(next_op->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL)) {
++#if PerlVersion < 5150
++   if (!(next_op->op_flags & OPf_SPECIAL))
++   /* since perl 5.16 AELEMFAST_LEX is a separate op */
++   if (next_op->op_type != OP_AELEMFAST_LEX)
++   {
+       GV *var_gv=cGVOP_gv;
+       const char *name;
+       if (!GvIMPORTED_AV(var_gv)) {
+--- ./lib/core/include/perl/Ext.h.orig	2011-12-20 17:47:59.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/core/include/perl/Ext.h	2013-01-10 09:37:30.278808742 -0700
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+-/* Copyright (c) 1997-2011
++/* Copyright (c) 1997-2012
+    Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany)
+-   http://www.polymake.de
++   http://www.polymake.org
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+@@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ EXTERN_C AV* Perl_av_fake(pTHX_ I32 size
+ #if PerlVersion >= 5100
+ #  define ReturnsToOp(cx)       (cx)->blk_sub.retop
++/* CvROOT and CvXSUB are in the same union */
++#  define IsWellDefinedSub(x)   (CvROOT(x))
+ #  define PL_lex_brackets       (PL_parser->lex_brackets)
+ #  define PL_lex_state          (PL_parser->lex_state)
+ #  define PL_lex_inwhat         (PL_parser->lex_inwhat)
+@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ EXTERN_C AV* Perl_av_fake(pTHX_ I32 size
+ #  define PL_nextval            (PL_parser->nextval)
+ #else
+ #  define ReturnsToOp(cx)       PL_retstack[(cx)->blk_oldretsp-1]
++#  define IsWellDefinedSub(x)   (CvROOT(x) || CvXSUB(x))
+ #  ifndef SvRV_set
+ #    define SvRV_set(ref,what) SvRV(ref)=(what)
+ #  endif
+@@ -134,8 +137,8 @@ EXTERN_C AV* Perl_av_fake(pTHX_ I32 size
+ #define LEX_KNOWNEXT 0
+ #define LEX_NORMAL 10
+-/* check whether this private flag is free for each new perl release */
++/* check whether this private flag is not used in OP_METHOD_NAMED for each new perl release */
++#define MethodIsCalledOnLeftSideOfArrayAssignment 1
+@@ -191,6 +194,13 @@ void write_protect_off(pTHX_ SV *x)
+ {
+    if (x != &PL_sv_undef) SvREADONLY_off(x);
+ }
++/* for given OP_ENTERSUB, find the corresponding OP_METHOD_NAMED, or return NULL */
++static inline
++OP* method_named_op(OP *o)
++   return ((o->op_flags & OPf_KIDS) && (o=cLISTOPo->op_last) && o->op_type == OP_METHOD_NAMED) ? o : 0;
+ #endif
+ static inline
+--- ./lib/callable/src/perl/Main.cc.orig	2012-01-11 07:07:49.000000000 -0700
++++ ./lib/callable/src/perl/Main.cc	2013-01-10 09:38:15.750704364 -0700
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ void emergency_cleanup()
+ #  define addlibs ""
+ #endif
+-#  define scr_debug1 "$DebugLevel=1;"
++#  define scr_debug1 "$DebugLevel=1; $DB::single=1;"
+ #  define scr_debug2 "sub stop_here { print STDERR \"@_\\n\" if @_ } my $loaded=1;\n"
+ #else
+ #  define scr_debug1 ""
diff --git a/polymake.1 b/polymake.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50fc2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymake.1
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+.TH "polymake" "1" "@VERSION@" "Polymake" "User Commands"
+polymake \- convex polytopes and polyhedra
+.B polymake
+This program provides algorithms that manipulate convex polytopes and
+polyhedra.  When run without arguments, an interactive shell is started.
+Show a help message and exit.
+Print the version number and copyright notice, and exit.
+[\fB\-\-script\fP] [\fIapplication\fP::]\fIscript_file\fP
+Execute the script stored in \fIscript_file\fP.  If the \fIapplication\fP
+prefix is specified, that application is loaded and the script file is looked
+up in its script directory.
+\fB\-\-script\fP [\fIapplication\fP::]\fIscript_file\fP \fIarguments\fP ...
+Execute the script, passing the arguments in @ARGV.
+\fB\-\-iscript\fP [\fIapplication\fP::]\fIscript_file\fP \fIarguments\fP ...
+Execute the script, which may contain interactive commands.
+Interpret the string as a perl expression.
+Read and execute commands from standard input.
+\fBfile\fP PROPERTY | METHOD [ ... ]
+Legacy mode (resembling polymake <= 2.3): Read the object from the data file,
+print the properties, or run the user methods.
+\fB\-\-touch\fP \fIfile\fP [ \fIfile\fP ... ]
+Read the files and write them out; useful for converting from older polymake
+\fB\-A\fP \fIapplication_name\fP
+Start with this application, ignoring the \fI$default_application\fP and
+\fI at start_applications\fP settings.
+Produce some debug output; can be repeated to increase the debug level.
+Verbose output; can be repeated to increase the verbosity level.  This is an
+obsolete option.  Use custom variables $Verbose::* to gain more detailed
+Rerun the autoconfiguration sections in all rule files.
+\fB\-\-config\-path\fP "DIR;..."
+Import settings from global configuration files in the given directories.  If
+the last DIR in the list starts with ~/, use it instead of ~/.polymake to keep
+the private settings.  The default is "user", using only the private
+configuration located at $POLYMAKE_USER_DIR or ~/.polymake.
+Equivalent to \-\-config\-path=none.  Don't read any configuration files.
+Don't try to configure rules automatically.  Don't load rule files requiring
+Equivalent to \-\-config\-path=ignore.  Don't read any configuration files.
+Skip auto-configuration routines in the rule files.
+Dry run mode: show the production rules that would be applied to the object,
+but don't actually run any.  This is only applicable in compatibility mode.
+\fB\-T\fP \fIsec\fP
+Set a time limit for the execution of production rules.  This option currently
+has no effect.
diff --git a/polymake.spec b/polymake.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f3075a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymake.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# TESTING NOTE: "make test" does not work, because the test drivers are not
+# distributed with the released sources.  A Subversion repository containing
+# all of the sources, including the test drivers, was made available recently.
+# Once the next release of polymake occurs, we will extract the necessary test
+# drivers from subversion and produce a check script.
+# Release candidates are sometimes promoted to release without removing the tag
+%global rctag -rc3
+Name:           polymake
+Version:        2.12
+Release:        4%{?dist}
+Summary:        Algorithms on convex polytopes and polyhedra
+License:        GPLv2+
+URL:            http://polymake.org/
+Source0:        http://polymake.org/lib/exe/fetch.php/download/%{name}-%{version}%{rctag}.tar.bz2
+# Man page written by Jerry James from text found in the sources.  Therefore,
+# the copyright and license are the same as for the sources.
+Source1:        %{name}.1
+# This patch will not be sent upstream, since it is Fedora-specific.  Link
+# against existing system libraries instead of building them from source,
+# and do not use -rpath.
+Patch0:         %{name}-fedora.patch
+# This patch was sent upstream 1 Mar 2012.  Polymake uses nauty, which has a
+# non-free license.  This patch converts polymake to bliss, which is free.
+Patch1:         %{name}-bliss.patch
+# Patch from upstream: adapt the sources to perl >= 5.15.
+Patch2:         %{name}-perl.patch
+BuildRequires:  bliss-devel
+BuildRequires:  cddlib-devel
+BuildRequires:  libxml2-devel
+BuildRequires:  lrslib-devel
+BuildRequires:  mpfr-devel
+BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Term::ReadLine::Gnu)
+BuildRequires:  perl(XML::LibXSLT)
+BuildRequires:  perl(XML::SAX::Base)
+BuildRequires:  perl(XML::Writer)
+BuildRequires:  sympol-devel
+BuildRequires:  xhtml1-dtds
+Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%{perl_version})
+%global sover   %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f1-2)
+%global major   %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f1)
+%global polydir %{_libdir}/%{name}
+# Don't expose private shared objects or private perl interfaces
+%global __provides_exclude perl
+%global __provides_exclude_from ^%{polydir}/.*\\.so$
+# Don't Require the private perl interfaces that we don't Provide.
+%global __requires_exclude namespaces
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|BackgroundViewer
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Geomview
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Graphviz
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|InteractiveViewer
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Java
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|JReality
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Metapost
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Polymake
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Postscript
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Povray
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Sketch
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|SplitsTree
+%global __requires_exclude %{__requires_exclude}|Visual
+Polymake is a tool to study the combinatorics and the geometry of convex
+polytopes and polyhedra.  It is also capable of dealing with simplicial
+complexes, matroids, polyhedral fans, graphs, tropical objects, and so
+Polymake can use various computational packages if they are installed.
+Those available from Fedora are: 4ti2, azove, gfan, latte-integrale,
+normaliz, ocaml-tplib-tools, qhull, Singular, TOPCOM, and vinci.
+Polymake can interface with various visualization packages if they are
+installed.  Install one or more of the tools from the following list:
+evince, geomview, graphviz, gv, and okular.
+%package devel
+Summary:        Development files for %{name}
+Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description devel
+This package contains header files and libraries for developing
+plugins (applications) that use %{name}.
+%package doc
+Summary:        Documentation for %{name}
+Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description doc
+This package contains documentation for %{name}.
+%setup -q
+# Make sure we don't build against the bundled libraries.
+# Don't delete the jreality directory, though, or the installer crashes.
+rm -fr external/{cdd,lrs,nauty,permlib,sympol}
+# Don't force -O3
+sed -i "s/-O3//" support/configure.pl
+# Give the main library an soname (markers added by the -libs patch)
+sed -i "s/@VERSION@/%{sover}/;s/@MAJVER@/%{major}/" support/corelib.make
+# Adapt to a newer version of sympol
+sed -i "s|yal/||;s|symmetrygroupconstruction/||" \
+    apps/polytope/src/sympol_interface.cc
+export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -I%{_includedir}/eigen3"
+export CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -I%{_includedir}/eigen3"
+export LDFLAGS="$RPM_LD_FLAGS -Wl,--as-needed"
+export Arch=%{_arch}
+# NOT an autoconf-generated configure script; do not use %%configure.
+./configure --build=%{_arch} --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+  --libexecdir=%{polydir} --without-java
+make %{?_smp_mflags} all
+# Help the debuginfo generator find generated files
+cd build.%{_arch}
+cp -p perlx-*linux-*/CPlusPlus.xxs lib/CPlusPlus.xxs
+cp -p perlx-*linux-*/CPlusPlus.cc lib/CPlusPlus.xxs.c
+# Don't recompile the main library with DESTDIR compiled in
+sed -i "/conf\.make/d" support/corelib.make
+# The release-docs target copies docs to their installed locations
+export Arch=%{_arch}
+make install release-docs DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
+# The apps have undefined weak symbols.  However, fixing that kills the
+# documentation building step for reasons I can't seem to track down.  So
+# instead, we wait until after the docs have been generated, then relink.
+sed -e 's|^Libs :=.*|& -L$(wildcard ${BuildDir}/perlx-*-linux-*) -lpolymake|' \
+    -i support/app.make
+sed -e 's|-lgmp ${LIBS}|& -L${PerlExtDir} -lpolymake|' \
+    -e 's|^${CoreLib} :.*|& ${CallableLib}|' \
+    -i support/corelib.make
+rm -f build.%{_arch}/lib/*.so
+make %{?_smp_mflags} all
+chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{polydir}/lib/*.so
+cp -p build.%{_arch}/lib/*.so %{buildroot}%{polydir}/lib
+# Fix up the shared library links
+mv %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib%{name}.so \
+   %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib%{name}.so.%{version}
+ln -s lib%{name}.so.%{version} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib%{name}.so.%{major}
+ln -s lib%{name}.so.%{major} %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib%{name}.so
+# Install the man page
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1
+sed "s/@VERSION@/%{version}/" %{SOURCE1} > %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1
+touch -r %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1
+# We don't want the documentation in /usr/share/polymake
+mv %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/doc .
+# Remove stuff that shouldn't be installed
+rm -fr %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/apps/*/src \
+  %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/java_build \
+  %{buildroot}%{polydir}/perlx/*/*/auto/Polymake/Ext/{.packlist,Ext.bs} \
+  %{buildroot}%{polydir}/lib/jreality
+# Fix permissions
+chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/*
+chmod 0755 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/lib*
+find %{buildroot}%{polydir} -name \*.so | xargs chmod 0755
+%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%exclude %{_datadir}/%{name}/lib/
+%files devel
+%files doc
+%doc doc/*
+* Wed Feb 27 2013 Jerry James <loganjerry at gmail.com> - 2.12-4
+- Remove rpath and -L%%{_libdir} from polymake-config --ldflags output
+* Thu Jan 24 2013 Jerry James <loganjerry at gmail.com> - 2.12-3
+- Also need to filter perl(Graphviz)
+* Wed Jan 23 2013 Jerry James <loganjerry at gmail.com> - 2.12-2
+- Change -libs patch to also remove -rpath arguments
+- Filter Provides/Requires to hide private perl interfaces
+- Remove the broken check script and explain why
+* Thu Jan 10 2013 Jerry James <loganjerry at gmail.com> - 2.12-1
+- Initial RPM
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index e69de29..d6b3ca6 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+f07ecafc7a946001c38cdd20e6434b09  polymake-2.12-rc3.tar.bz2

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