[python-paver] Update to upstream 1.2.1 and fix a problem with the dry run wrappers and non-string args

Toshio くらとみ toshio at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jul 24 01:14:26 UTC 2013

commit 0efee23c6de2ca82eb0ad602a23b9182d6ed8af2
Author: Toshio Kuratomi <toshio at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Tue Jul 23 18:14:08 2013 -0700

    Update to upstream 1.2.1 and fix a problem with the dry run wrappers and non-string args

 .gitignore                             |    1 +
 paver-dry-wrapper-non-string-fix.patch |   13 +
 paver-unbundle.patch                   | 1075 +-------------------------------
 python-paver.spec                      |    9 +-
 sources                                |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 1049 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 54488da..9cb74c4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ Paver-1.0.3.tar.gz
diff --git a/paver-dry-wrapper-non-string-fix.patch b/paver-dry-wrapper-non-string-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89287a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paver-dry-wrapper-non-string-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/path.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/path.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/path.py
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def _make_wrapper(name, func):
+         global _silence_nested_calls
+         msg = None
+         if not _silence_nested_calls:
+-            msg = name + ' ' + ' '.join(args)
++            msg = name + ' ' + ' '.join(map(repr, args))
+         try:
+             _silence_nested_calls = True
+             return dry(msg, func, *args, **kwds)
diff --git a/paver-unbundle.patch b/paver-unbundle.patch
index acd926b..65085bf 100644
--- a/paver-unbundle.patch
+++ b/paver-unbundle.patch
@@ -1,77 +1,7 @@
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/doctools.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/doctools.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/doctools.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/doctools.py
-@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def _get_paths():
-     builddir.mkdir_p()
-     srcdir = docroot / opts.get("sourcedir", "")
-     if not srcdir.exists():
--        raise BuildFailure("Sphinx source file dir (%s) does not exist" 
-+        raise BuildFailure("Sphinx source file dir (%s) does not exist"
-                             % srcdir)
-     htmldir = builddir / "html"
-     htmldir.mkdir_p()
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def html():
-         raise BuildFailure('install sphinx to build html docs')
-     options.order('sphinx', add_rest=True)
-     paths = _get_paths()
--    sphinxopts = ['', '-b', 'html', '-d', paths.doctrees, 
-+    sphinxopts = ['', '-b', 'html', '-d', paths.doctrees,
-         paths.srcdir, paths.htmldir]
-     dry("sphinx-build %s" % (" ".join(sphinxopts),), sphinx.main, sphinxopts)
-@@ -76,41 +76,41 @@ class SectionedFile(object):
-     """Loads a file into memory and keeps track of all of the
-     sections found in the file. Sections are started with a
-     line that looks like this::
-       [[[section SECTIONNAME]]]
-     Anything else can appear on the line outside of the brackets
-     (so if you're in a source code file, you can put the section marker
-     in a comment). The entire lines containing the section markers are
-     not included when you request the text from the file.
-     An end of section marker looks like this::
-       [[[endsection]]]
-     Sections can be nested. If you do nest sections, you will use
-     dotted notation to refer to the inner sections. For example,
-     a "dessert" section within an "order" section would be referred
-     to as "order.dessert".
-     The SectionedFile provides dictionary-style access to the
-     sections. If you have a SectionedFile named 'sf',
-     sf[sectionname] will give you back a string of that section
-     of the file, including any inner sections. There won't
-     be any section markers in that string.
-     You can get the text of the whole file via the ``all`` property
-     (for example, ``sf.all``).
-     Section names must be unique across the file, but inner section
-     names are kept track of by the full dotted name. So you can
-     have a "dessert" section that is contained within two different
-     outer sections.
-     Ending a section without starting one or ending the file without
-     ending a section will yield BuildFailures.
-     """
-     def __init__(self, filename=None, from_string=None):
-         """Initialize this SectionedFile object from a file or string.
-         If ``from_string`` is provided, that is the text that will
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/doctools.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/doctools.py
 @@ -121,26 +121,29 @@ class SectionedFile(object):
          self.contents = []
          self.sections = {}
@@ -106,196 +36,10 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/doctools.py
                  sectionname = ".".join(stack)
-@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@ class SectionedFile(object):
-                 except IndexError:
-                     raise BuildFailure("""End section marker with no starting marker
- (in file '%s', at line %s)""" % (self.filename, real_lineno))
--                debug("Section %s end at %s (%s)", section, real_lineno, 
-+                debug("Section %s end at %s (%s)", section, real_lineno,
-                       output_lineno)
-                 sections[sectionname].append(output_lineno)
-             else:
-@@ -169,9 +172,9 @@ class SectionedFile(object):
-         if stack:
-             section = ".".join(stack)
-             raise BuildFailure("""No end marker for section '%s'
--(in file '%s', starts at line %s)""" % (section, self.filename, 
-+(in file '%s', starts at line %s)""" % (section, self.filename,
-                                         sections[section][0]))
-     def __getitem__(self, key):
-         """Look up a section, and return the text of the section."""
-         try:
-@@ -180,14 +183,14 @@ class SectionedFile(object):
-             raise BuildFailure("No section '%s' in file '%s'" %
-                                (key, self.filename))
-         return "".join(self.contents[pos[1]:pos[2]])
-     def __len__(self):
-         """Number of sections available in the file."""
-         return len(self.sections)
-     def keys(self):
-         return self.sections.keys()
-     @property
-     def all(self):
-         """Property to get access to the whole file."""
-@@ -199,26 +202,26 @@ _default_include_marker = dict(
- class Includer(object):
-     """Looks up SectionedFiles relative to the basedir.
-     When called with a filename and an optional section, the Includer
-     will:
-     1. look up that file relative to the basedir in a cache
-     2. load it as a SectionedFile if it's not in the cache
-     3. return the whole file if section is None
-     4. return just the section desired if a section is requested
-     If a cog object is provided at initialization, the text will be
-     output (via cog's out) rather than returned as
-     a string.
-     You can pass in include_markers which is a dictionary that maps
-     file extensions to the single line comment character for that
-     file type. If there is an include marker available, then
-     output like:
-     # section 'sectionname' from 'file.py'
-     There are some default include markers. If you don't pass
-     in anything, no include markers will be displayed. If you
-     pass in an empty dictionary, the default ones will
-@@ -233,7 +236,7 @@ class Includer(object):
-         self.basedir = path(basedir)
-         self.cog = cog
-         self.files = {}
-     def __call__(self, fn, section=None):
-         f = self.files.get(fn)
-         if f is None:
-@@ -279,23 +282,23 @@ def _runcog(options, uncog=False):
-     c.options.bDeleteCode = options.get("delete_code", False)
-     includedir = options.get('includedir', None)
-     if includedir:
--        include = Includer(includedir, cog=c, 
-+        include = Includer(includedir, cog=c,
-                            include_markers=options.get("include_markers"))
-         # load cog's namespace with our convenience functions.
-         c.options.defines['include'] = include
-         c.options.defines['sh'] = _cogsh(c)
-     c.options.defines.update(options.get("defines", {}))
-     c.sBeginSpec = options.get('beginspec', '[[[cog')
-     c.sEndSpec = options.get('endspec', ']]]')
-     c.sEndOutput = options.get('endoutput', '[[[end]]]')
-     basedir = options.get('basedir', None)
-     if basedir is None:
-         basedir = path(options.get('docroot', "docs")) / options.get('sourcedir', "")
-     basedir = path(basedir)
-     pattern = options.get("pattern", "*.rst")
-     if pattern:
-         files = basedir.walkfiles(pattern)
-@@ -303,31 +306,31 @@ def _runcog(options, uncog=False):
-         files = basedir.walkfiles()
-     for f in files:
-         dry("cog %s" % f, c.processOneFile, f)
- @task
- def cog(options):
--    """Runs the cog code generator against the files matching your 
-+    """Runs the cog code generator against the files matching your
-     specification. By default, cog will run against any .rst files
-     in your Sphinx document root. Full documentation for Cog is
-     here:
-     http://nedbatchelder.com/code/cog/
-     In a nutshell, you put blocks in your file that look like
-     this:
-     [[[cog cog.outl("Hi there!")
-     ]]]
-     [[[end]]]
-     Cog will replace the space between ]]] and [[[end]]] with
-     the generated output. In this case, Hi there!
-     Here are the options available for the cog task. These are
-     looked up in the 'cog' options section by default. The
-     'sphinx' option set is also searched.
-     basedir
-         directory to look in for files to cog. If not set,
-         'docroot' is looked up.
-@@ -336,7 +339,7 @@ def cog(options):
-     includedir
-         If you have external files to include in your
-         documentation, setting includedir to the root
--        of those files will put a paver.doctools.Includer 
-+        of those files will put a paver.doctools.Includer
-         in your Cog namespace as 'include'. This lets you
-         easily include files and sections of files. Here's
-         an example usage::
-@@ -365,9 +368,9 @@ def cog(options):
-         For example, 'py' maps to '# '. If there is a known
-         include marker for a given file, then a comment
-         will be displayed along the lines of:
-         # section 'SECTIONNAME' in file 'foo.py'
-         If this option is not set, these lines will not
-         be displayed at all. If this option is set to an
-         empty dictionary, the default include markers
-@@ -375,13 +378,13 @@ def cog(options):
-         extension -> include marker settings.
-     """
-     _runcog(options)
- @task
- def uncog(options):
-     """Remove the Cog generated code from files. Often, you will want to
-     do this before committing code under source control, because you
-     don't generally want generated code in your version control system.
-     This takes the same options as the cog task. Look there for
-     more information.
-     """
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/misctasks.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/misctasks.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/misctasks.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/misctasks.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/misctasks.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/misctasks.py
 @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
  """Miscellaneous tasks that don't fit into one of the other groupings."""
  import pkgutil
@@ -308,37 +52,10 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/misctasks.py
  from os.path import join, dirname, exists, abspath
  from paver.easy import dry, task
  from paver.tasks import VERSION, cmdopts
-@@ -13,7 +16,7 @@ if exists(_docsdir):
-         """Open your web browser and display Paver's documentation."""
-         import webbrowser
-         webbrowser.open("file://%s"  % join(abspath(_docsdir), 'index.html') )
- @task
- @cmdopts([('versioned_name', '', 'Determine if minilib uses version in its name')],
-             share_with=['generate_setup'])
-@@ -31,7 +34,7 @@ def minilib(options):
-         purpose is to avoid import error while using different versions of minilib
-         with easy_install
-         (default False)
-     extra_files
-         list of other paver modules to include (don't include the .py
-         extension). By default, the following modules are included:
-@@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ def minilib(options):
- @cmdopts([('versioned_name', '', 'Determine if setup refers to minilib with version in its name')],
-             share_with=['minilib'])
- def generate_setup(options):
--    """Generates a setup.py file that uses paver behind the scenes. This 
-+    """Generates a setup.py file that uses paver behind the scenes. This
-     setup.py file will look in the directory that the user is running it
-     in for a paver-minilib.zip and will add that to sys.path if available.
-     Otherwise, it will just assume that paver is available."""
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/setuputils.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/setuputils.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/setuputils.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/setuputils.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/setuputils.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/setuputils.py
 @@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ except ImportError:
  from distutils.errors import DistutilsModuleError
  _Distribution = dist.Distribution
@@ -351,89 +68,10 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/setuputils.py
  from paver.options import Bunch
-@@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ def find_package_data(
-     Note patterns use wildcards, or can be exact paths (including
-     leading ``./``), and all searching is case-insensitive.
-     This function is by Ian Bicking.
-     """
-@@ -160,7 +163,7 @@ class DistutilsTask(tasks.Task):
-         self.negative_opt = getattr(command_class, "negative_opt", {})
-         # Parse distutils config files.
-         distribution.parse_config_files()
-     def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
-         options = tasks.environment.options.get(self.shortname, {})
-         opt_dict = self.distribution.get_option_dict(self.command_name)
-@@ -173,11 +176,11 @@ class DistutilsTask(tasks.Task):
-             _extra_command_dispatch[cmd_class](self.distribution, self.command_name)
-         else:
-             self.distribution.run_command(self.command_name)
-     @property
-     def description(self):
-         return self.command_class.description
- def _get_shortname(taskname):
-     dotindex = taskname.rfind(".")
-     if dotindex > -1:
-@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ def _get_shortname(taskname):
-     else:
-         command_name = taskname
-     return command_name
- class DistutilsTaskFinder(object):
-     def get_task(self, taskname):
-         dist = _get_distribution()
-@@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ class DistutilsTaskFinder(object):
-         except DistutilsModuleError:
-             return None
-         return DistutilsTask(dist, command_name, command_class)
-     def get_tasks(self):
-         dist = _get_distribution()
-         if has_setuptools:
-@@ -209,7 +212,7 @@ class DistutilsTaskFinder(object):
-                     # py2app command
-                     tasks.environment.info("Could not load entry point: %s", ep)
-         dist.get_command_list()
--        return set(DistutilsTask(dist, key, value) 
-+        return set(DistutilsTask(dist, key, value)
-             for key, value in dist.cmdclass.items())
- def _get_distribution():
-@@ -255,7 +258,7 @@ def _debug(message, *args):
- def _base_log(level, message, *args):
-     """Displays a message at the given log level"""
-     tasks.environment._log(level, message, args)
- # monkeypatch the distutils logging to go through Paver's logging
- log.log = _base_log
- log.debug = _debug
-@@ -267,8 +270,8 @@ log.fatal = _error
- if has_setuptools:
-     __ALL__.extend(["find_packages"])
-     from setuptools import find_packages
- else:
-     import distutils.core
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tasks.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/tasks.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/tasks.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/tasks.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/tasks.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/tasks.py
 @@ -11,8 +11,12 @@ import traceback
  from os.path import *
@@ -446,13 +84,13 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tasks.py
 +except ImportError:
 +    import paver.deps.six as six
 +    from paver.deps.six import print_
+ from paver.version import VERSION
  # using six.moves is complicated because we include it and it's thus not at
- # the top level
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_doctools.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_doctools.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/tests/test_doctools.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_doctools.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/tests/test_doctools.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_doctools.py
 @@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ from __future__ import with_statement
  import sys
@@ -465,55 +103,10 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_doctools.py
  from paver.easy import *
  from paver import doctools, tasks, options
-@@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ Second one.
-         assert str(e) == """section 'foo' redefined
- (in file 'None', first section at line 2, second at line 6)""", \
-         "error was: %s" % (str(e))
- def test_endmarker_without_start():
-     myfile = """
-@@ -107,7 +110,7 @@ def test_whole_file():
-     Hi there.
-     Yo.
- """, "All was: %s" % (f.all)
- def test_bad_section():
-     f = doctools.SectionedFile(from_string="")
-     try:
-@@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ def test_bad_section():
-         e = sys.exc_info()[1]
-         assert str(e) == "No section 'foo' in file 'None'", \
-                "Error: '%s'" % (str(e))
- def test_include_lookup():
-     basedir = path(__file__).dirname() / "data"
-     include = doctools.Includer(basedir, include_markers={})
-@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ print "Hi!"
-     assert second == """# section 'second.inner' in file 't2.py'
- print sys.path
- """, "Second was '%s'" % (second)
- def test_cogging():
-     _no25()
-     env = tasks.Environment(doctools)
-@@ -157,7 +160,7 @@ def test_cogging():
-     with open(textfile) as f:
-         data = f.read()
-     assert "print sys.path" not in data
- def test_cogging_with_markers_removed():
-     _no25()
-     env = tasks.Environment(doctools)
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_easy.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_easy.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/tests/test_easy.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_easy.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/tests/test_easy.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_easy.py
 @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
  import sys
 -from paver.deps.six import b
@@ -524,10 +117,10 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_easy.py
  from mock import patch, Mock
  from paver import easy
  from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_setuputils.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_setuputils.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/tests/test_setuputils.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_setuputils.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/tests/test_setuputils.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_setuputils.py
 @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
  from distutils.core import Command
 -from paver.deps.six import print_
@@ -538,97 +131,10 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_setuputils.py
  from paver.setuputils import install_distutils_tasks, \
                              DistutilsTaskFinder, _get_distribution, \
-@@ -14,18 +17,18 @@ class _sdist(Command):
-     user_options = [("foo", "f", "Foo"), ("no-foo", None, "No Foo")]
-     boolean_options = ['foo']
-     negative_opt = {'no-foo' : 'foo'}
-     def initialize_options(self):
-         self.foo = False
-     def finalize_options(self):
-         pass
-     def run(self):
-         _sdist.called = True
-         _sdist.foo_set = self.foo
-         _sdist.fin = self.get_finalized_command("sdist")
-     @classmethod
-     def reset(cls):
-         cls.called = False
-@@ -42,13 +45,13 @@ def test_override_distutils_command():
-     @tasks.task
-     def sdist():
-         pass
-     env = _set_environment(sdist=sdist)
-     env.options = options.Bunch(setup=options.Bunch())
-     install_distutils_tasks()
-     d = _get_distribution()
-     d.cmdclass['sdist'] = _sdist
-     tasks._process_commands(['sdist', 'paver.tests.test_setuputils.sdist', '-f'])
-     assert sdist.called
-@@ -70,24 +73,24 @@ def test_distutils_task_finder():
- def test_task_with_distutils_dep():
-     _sdist.reset()
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs("paver.tests.test_setuputils.sdist")
-     def sdist():
-         assert _sdist.called
-     env = _set_environment(sdist=sdist)
-     env.options = options.Bunch(setup=options.Bunch())
-     install_distutils_tasks()
-     d = _get_distribution()
-     d.cmdclass['sdist'] = _sdist
-     task_obj = env.get_task('sdist')
-     assert task_obj == sdist
-     needs_obj = env.get_task(task_obj.needs[0])
-     assert isinstance(needs_obj, DistutilsTask)
-     assert needs_obj.command_class == _sdist
-     tasks._process_commands(['sdist', "-f"])
-     assert sdist.called
-     assert _sdist.called
-@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ def test_task_with_distutils_dep():
-     print_("Cmd is: %s" % cmd)
-     assert cmd.foo
-     assert _sdist.foo_set
- def test_distutils_tasks_should_not_get_extra_options():
-     _sdist.reset()
-     env = _set_environment()
-@@ -103,7 +106,7 @@ def test_distutils_tasks_should_not_get_
-     install_distutils_tasks()
-     d = _get_distribution()
-     d.cmdclass['sdist'] = _sdist
-     tasks._process_commands(['sdist'])
-     assert _sdist.called
-     assert not _sdist.foo_set
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_tasks.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_tasks.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/tests/test_tasks.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_tasks.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/tests/test_tasks.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/test_tasks.py
 @@ -2,7 +2,10 @@ from __future__ import with_statement
  import os
  from pprint import pprint
@@ -641,535 +147,10 @@ Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/test_tasks.py
  from paver import setuputils, misctasks, tasks, options
-@@ -15,18 +18,18 @@ def test_basic_dependencies():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         pass
-     t1.called = False
-     t1.t2_was_called = False
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     def t2():
-         assert t1.called
-         t1.t2_was_called = True
-     _set_environment(t1 = t1, t2=t2)
-     assert hasattr(tasks.environment.pavement, 't1')
-     t2()
-     assert t1.t2_was_called
-@@ -38,42 +41,42 @@ def global_t1():
- def test_longname_resolution_in_dependencies():
-     global_t1.called = False
-     global_t1.t2_was_called = False
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('paver.tests.test_tasks.global_t1')
-     def t2():
-         assert global_t1.called
-         global_t1.t2_was_called = True
-     _set_environment(t2=t2)
-     t2()
-     assert global_t1.t2_was_called
- def test_chained_dependencies():
-     called = [False, False, False, False]
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         assert called == [False, False, False, False]
-         called[0] = True
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     def t2():
-         assert called == [True, False, False, False]
-         called[1] = True
-     @tasks.task
-     def t3():
-         assert called == [True, True, False, False]
-         called[2] = True
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t2', 't3')
-     def t4():
-         assert called == [True, True, True, False]
-         called[3] = True
-     _set_environment(t1=t1,t2=t2,t3=t3,t4=t4)
-     t4()
-     assert called == [True, True, True, True], "Called was: %s" % (called)
-@@ -82,51 +85,51 @@ def test_backwards_compatible_needs():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t():
-         pass
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs(['t'])
-     def t2():
-         pass
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t')
-     def t3():
-         pass
-     env = _set_environment(t=t, t2=t2, t3=t3)
-     t3()
-     assert t.called
-     t.called = False
-     t2()
-     assert t.called
- def test_tasks_dont_repeat():
-     called = [0, 0, 0, 0]
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         assert called == [0, 0, 0, 0]
-         called[0] += 1
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     def t2():
-         assert called == [1, 0, 0, 0]
-         called[1] += 1
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     def t3():
-         assert called == [1, 1, 0, 0]
-         called[2] += 1
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t2', 't3')
-     def t4():
-         assert called == [1, 1, 1, 0]
-         called[3] += 1
-     _set_environment(t1=t1,t2=t2,t3=t3,t4=t4)
-     t4()
-     assert called == [1, 1, 1, 1]
-@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ def test_basic_command_line():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         pass
-     _set_environment(t1=t1)
-     try:
-         tr, args = tasks._parse_command_line(['foo'])
-@@ -143,31 +146,31 @@ def test_basic_command_line():
-         assert False, "Expected BuildFailure exception for unknown task"
-     except tasks.BuildFailure:
-         pass
-     task, args = tasks._parse_command_line(['t1'])
-     assert task == t1
-     task, args = tasks._parse_command_line(['t1', 't2'])
-     assert task == t1
-     assert args == ['t2']
- def test_list_tasks():
-     from paver import doctools
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         pass
-     _set_environment(t1=t1, doctools=doctools)
-     task_list = tasks.environment.get_tasks()
-     assert t1 in task_list
-     assert doctools.html in task_list
- def test_environment_insertion():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1(env):
-         pass
-     _set_environment(t1=t1)
-     t1()
-     assert t1.called
-@@ -176,20 +179,20 @@ def test_add_options_to_environment():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1(options):
-         assert options.foo == 1
-     @tasks.task
-     def t2(options, env):
-         assert options.foo == 1
-         assert env.options == options
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2)
-     environment.options.foo = 1
-     t1()
-     t2()
-     assert t1.called
-     assert t2.called
- def test_shortname_access():
-     environment = _set_environment(tasks=tasks)
-     task = environment.get_task("help")
-@@ -214,39 +217,39 @@ def test_task_command_line_options():
-     def t1(options):
-         assert options.foo == "1"
-         assert options.t1.foo == "1"
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1)
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1', '--foo', '1'])
-     assert t1.called
- def test_setting_of_options_with_equals():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1(options):
-         assert options.foo == '1'
-         assert not hasattr(options, 'bar')
-     @tasks.task
-     def t2(options):
-         assert options.foo == '1'
-         assert options.bar == '2'
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2)
-     tasks._process_commands(['foo=1', 't1', 'bar=2', 't2'])
-     assert t1.called
-     assert t2.called
- def test_options_inherited_via_needs():
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('foo=', 'f', "Foo!")])
-     def t1(options):
-         assert options.t1.foo == "1"
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('bar=', 'b', "Bar!")])
-     def t2(options):
-         assert options.t2.bar == '2'
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2)
-     tasks._process_commands("t2 --foo 1 -b 2".split())
-     assert t1.called
-@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ def test_options_inherited_via_needs_eve
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('foo=', 'f', "Foo!")])
-     def t1(options):
-         assert options.t1.foo == "1"
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('bar=', 'b', "Bar!")])
-@@ -269,25 +272,25 @@ def test_options_inherited_via_needs_eve
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('spam=', 's', "Spam!")])
-     def t3(options):
-         assert options.t3.spam == '3'
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2, t3=t3)
-     tasks._process_commands("t3 --foo 1 -b 2 -s 3".split())
-     assert t1.called
-     assert t2.called
-     assert t3.called
- def test_options_shouldnt_overlap():
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('foo=', 'f', "Foo!")])
-     def t1(options):
-         assert False
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('force=', 'f', "Force!")])
-     def t2(options):
-         assert False
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2)
-     try:
-         tasks._process_commands("t2 -f 1".split())
-@@ -300,13 +303,13 @@ def test_options_shouldnt_overlap_when_b
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('foo=', 'f', "Foo!")])
-     def t1(options):
-         assert False
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('force=', 'f', "Force!")], share_with=['nonexisting_task'])
-     def t2(options):
-         assert False
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2)
-     try:
-         tasks._process_commands("t2 -f 1".split())
-@@ -319,13 +322,13 @@ def test_options_may_overlap_if_explicit
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('foo=', 'f', "Foo!")])
-     def t1(options):
-         assert options.t1.foo == "1"
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('foo=', 'f', "Foo!")], share_with=['t1'])
-     def t2(options):
-         assert options.t2.foo == "1"
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2)
-     tasks._process_commands("t2 -f 1".split())
-@@ -338,13 +341,13 @@ def test_exactly_same_parameters_must_be
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('foo=', 'f', "Foo!")])
-     def t1(options):
-         assert False
-     @tasks.task
-     @tasks.needs('t1')
-     @tasks.cmdopts([('force=', 'f', "Force!")], share_with=['t1'])
-     def t2(options):
-         assert False
-     environment = _set_environment(t1=t1, t2=t2)
-     try:
-         tasks._process_commands("t2 -f 1".split())
-@@ -486,17 +489,17 @@ def test_optional_args_in_tasks():
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1', 't2'])
-     assert t1.called
-     assert t2.called
- def test_debug_logging():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1(debug):
-         debug("Hi %s", "there")
-     env = _set_environment(t1=t1, patch_print=True)
-     tasks._process_commands(['-v', 't1'])
-     assert env.patch_captured[-1] == "Hi there"
-     env.patch_captured = []
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1'])
-     assert env.patch_captured[-1] != "Hi there"
-@@ -504,35 +507,35 @@ def test_base_logging():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1(info):
-         info("Hi %s", "you")
-     env = _set_environment(t1=t1, patch_print=True)
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1'])
-     assert env.patch_captured[-1] == 'Hi you'
-     env.patch_captured = []
-     tasks._process_commands(['-q', 't1'])
-     assert not env.patch_captured
- def test_error_show_up_no_matter_what():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1(error):
-         error("Hi %s", "error")
-     env = _set_environment(t1=t1, patch_print=True)
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1'])
-     assert env.patch_captured[-1] == "Hi error"
-     env.patch_captured = []
-     tasks._process_commands(['-q', 't1'])
-     assert env.patch_captured[-1] == "Hi error"
- def test_all_messages_for_a_task_are_captured():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1(debug, error):
-         debug("This is debug msg")
-         error("This is error msg")
-         raise tasks.BuildFailure("Yo, problem, yo")
-     env = _set_environment(t1=t1, patch_print=True)
-     try:
-         tasks._process_commands(['t1'])
-@@ -552,7 +555,7 @@ def test_messages_with_formatting_and_no
-     tasks._process_commands(['-q', 't1'])
-     assert env.patch_captured[-1] == "This is a %s message"
- def test_alternate_pavement_option():
-     env = _set_environment()
-     tasks._parse_global_options([])
-@@ -574,7 +577,7 @@ def test_captured_output_shows_up_on_exc
-     def t1(debug, error):
-         debug("Dividing by zero!")
-         1/0
-     env = _set_environment(t1=t1, patch_print=True, patch_exit=1)
-     try:
-         tasks._process_commands(['t1'])
-@@ -582,7 +585,7 @@ def test_captured_output_shows_up_on_exc
-     except FakeExitException:
-         assert "Dividing by zero!" in "\n".join(env.patch_captured)
-         assert env.exit_code == 1
- def test_calling_subpavement():
-     @tasks.task
-     def private_t1(options):
-@@ -590,7 +593,7 @@ def test_calling_subpavement():
-         tasks.call_pavement(subpavement, "t1")
-         # our options should not be mangled
-         assert options.foo == 2
-     env = _set_environment(private_t1=private_t1)
-     tasks._process_commands(['private_t1'])
-     # the value should be set by the other pavement, which runs
-@@ -602,14 +605,14 @@ class MyTaskFinder(object):
-         if name == "foo":
-             return self.foo
-         return None
-     def get_tasks(self):
-         return set([self.foo])
-     @tasks.task
-     def foo(self):
-         self.foo_called = True
- def test_task_finders():
-     env = _set_environment()
-     mtf = MyTaskFinder()
-@@ -618,11 +621,11 @@ def test_task_finders():
-     assert t == mtf.foo
-     all_tasks = env.get_tasks()
-     assert mtf.foo in all_tasks
- def test_calling_a_function_rather_than_task():
-     def foo():
-         pass
-     env = _set_environment(foo=foo)
-     try:
-         tasks._process_commands(['foo'])
-@@ -650,28 +653,28 @@ def test_description_retrieval_trial():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         """ Task it is """
-     assert t1.description == "Task it is"
- def test_description_empty_without_docstring():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         pass
-     assert t1.description == ""
- def test_description_retrieval_first_sentence():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         """ Task it is. Not with another sentence. """
-     assert t1.description == "Task it is"
- def test_description_retrieval_first_sentence_even_with_version_numbers():
-     @tasks.task
-     def t1():
-         """ Task it is, installs Django 1.0. Not with another sentence. """
-     assert t1.description == "Task it is, installs Django 1.0"
- def test_auto_task_is_not_run_with_noauto():
-@@ -686,7 +689,7 @@ def test_auto_task_is_not_run_with_noaut
-     _set_environment(auto=auto, t1=t1)
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1'], auto_pending=True)
-     assert t1.called
-     assert not auto.called, "t1 is decorated with no_auto, it should not be called"
-@@ -712,7 +715,7 @@ def test_task_can_be_called_repeatedly()
-         info(options.args[0])
-     env = _set_environment(t1=t1, patch_print=True)
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1', 'spam'])
-     tasks._process_commands(['t1', 'eggs'])
-Index: Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/utils.py
+Index: Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/utils.py
---- Paver-1.2.0.orig/paver/tests/utils.py
-+++ Paver-1.2.0/paver/tests/utils.py
+--- Paver-1.2.1.orig/paver/tests/utils.py
++++ Paver-1.2.1/paver/tests/utils.py
 @@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
  import types
 -import paver.deps.six as six
diff --git a/python-paver.spec b/python-paver.spec
index cf10edd..9c97b70 100644
--- a/python-paver.spec
+++ b/python-paver.spec
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 %global srcname Paver
 Name: python-paver
-Version: 1.2.0
+Version: 1.2.1
 Release: 1%{?dist}
 Summary: Python-based build/distribution/deployment scripting tool
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ URL: http://www.blueskyonmars.com/projects/paver/
 Source0: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/%{srcname}/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz
 # Unbundle python-six
 Patch0: paver-unbundle.patch
+# Fix for nonstring args to a dry run (for instance, octal value for chmod)
+# https://github.com/paver/paver/commit/c7489dfa8be5967e8a88876425502a2df98106a6#diff-0
+Patch1: paver-dry-wrapper-non-string-fix.patch
 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
 BuildArch: noarch
@@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ now much easier.
 %setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version}
 %patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
 rm paver/deps/six*
@@ -93,6 +97,9 @@ rm -rf %{buildroot}
+* Tue Jul 23 2013 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio at fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.1-1
+- Update to upstream 1.2.1 and fix a problem with the dry run wrappers and non-string args
 * Mon Feb 25 2013 Toshio Kuratomi <toshio at fedoraproject.org> - 1.2.0-1
 - Update to upstream 1.2.0 release
 - samefile patch merged upstream
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index c2ad7e0..ae8a7b4 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-96d5c962347a47590626aad2bf7a34a0  Paver-1.2.0.tar.gz
+78d0cea13e41a31fcb347cf37ea4577f  Paver-1.2.1.tar.gz

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