[python-dns/el5: 12/14] Merge branch 'master' into el6

Jeffrey C. Ollie jcollie at fedoraproject.org
Thu Sep 5 16:11:59 UTC 2013

commit a6c3656dc3158f1d467f9a622842a9316bf4db04
Merge: 47d2dee 9147414
Author: Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff at ocjtech.us>
Date:   Thu Sep 5 10:17:58 2013 -0500

    Merge branch 'master' into el6

 .gitignore      |   20 ++--
 python-dns.spec |  250 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 sources         |    8 +-
 3 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --cc python-dns.spec
index 31184e7,e0e38a4..1700211
--- a/python-dns.spec
+++ b/python-dns.spec
@@@ -65,69 -93,137 +93,175 @@@ class, and return an answer set. The lo
  manipulation of DNS zones, messages, names, and records.
+ %if 0%{?with_python3}
+ %package     -n python3-dns
+ Summary:        DNS toolkit for Python 3
+ Group:          Development/Languages
+ # for DNSSEC support
+ Requires:       python3-crypto
+ %description -n python3-dns
+ dnspython3 is a DNS toolkit for Python 3. It supports almost all
+ record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic
+ updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0.
+ dnspython3 provides both high and low level access to DNS. The high
+ level classes perform queries for data of a given name, type, and
+ class, and return an answer set. The low level classes allow direct
+ manipulation of DNS zones, messages, names, and records.
+ %endif
- %setup0 -q -n dnspython-%{version}
+ %setup -q -T -c -n dnspython -a 0 %{?py3unpack:%{py3unpack}}
 +# get rid of Mac goop
 +find . -name ._\* -delete
  # strip executable permissions so that we don't pick up dependencies
  # from documentation
- find examples -type f | xargs chmod a-x
+ find %{py2dir}/examples -type f | xargs chmod a-x
+ %if 0%{?with_python3}
+ find %{py3dir}/examples -type f | xargs chmod a-x
+ %endif
+ %if 0%{?with_python26}
+ pushd %{py2dir}
+ rm -rf %{py26dir}
+ cp -a . %{py26dir}
+ find %{py26dir} -name '*.py' | xargs sed -i '1s|^#!.*python|#!%{__python26}|'
+ popd
+ %endif
+ %if 0%{?rhel} == 5
+ pushd %{py2dir}
+ %patch0 -p1
+ popd
+ %endif
 +%if 0%{?with_python26}
 +rm -rf %{py26dir}
 +cp -a . %{py26dir}
 +find %{py26dir} -name '*.py' | xargs sed -i '1s|^#!.*python|#!%{__python26}|'
 +%if 0%{?rhel} == 5
 +%patch0 -p1
 +%patch1 -p1 -b .tlsa
- CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %{__python} -c 'import setuptools; execfile("setup.py")' build
+ pushd %{py2dir}
+ %if 0%{?rhel} == 5
+ %{__python} -c 'import setuptools; execfile("setup.py")' build
+ %else
+ %{__python} setup.py build
+ %endif
+ popd
+ %if 0%{?with_python26}
+ pushd %{py26dir}
+ %{__python26} setup.py build
+ popd
+ %endif
+ %if 0%{?with_python3}
+ pushd %{py3dir}
+ %{__python3} setup.py build
+ popd
+ %endif
 +%if 0%{?with_python26}
 +pushd %{py26dir}
 +CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %{__python26} setup.py build
  rm -rf %{buildroot}
+ pushd %{py2dir}
+ %if 0%{?rhel} == 5
  %{__python} -c 'import setuptools; execfile("setup.py")' install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
+ %else
+ %{__python} setup.py install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
+ %endif
+ popd
+ %if 0%{?with_python26}
+ pushd %{py26dir}
+ %{__python26} setup.py install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
+ popd
+ %endif
+ %if 0%{?with_python3}
+ pushd %{py3dir}
+ %{__python3} setup.py install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
+ popd
+ %endif
 +%if 0%{?with_python26}
 +pushd %{py26dir}
 +CFLAGS="%{optflags}" %{__python26} setup.py install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
- pushd tests
+ pushd %{py2dir}/tests
+ # skip one test because it queries the network
+ # dnssec tests fail in RHEL5 Python 2.4 due to the
+ # lack of some hashes
+ for py in *.py
+ do
+ %if 0%{?rhel} == 5
+         if [ $py != resolver.py -a $py != dnssec.py -a $py != grange.py ]
+ %else
+         if [ $py != resolver.py ]
+ %endif
+         then
+                 PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python_sitelib} %{__python} $py
+         fi
+ done
+ popd
+ %if 0%{?with_python26}
+ pushd %{py26dir}/tests
  # skip one test because it queries the network
  for py in *.py
  	if [ $py != resolver.py ]
- 		PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python_sitelib} %{__python} $py
+ 		PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python26_sitelib} %{__python26} $py
+ popd
+ %endif
+ %if 0%{?with_python3}
+ pushd %{py3dir}/tests
+ # skip one test because it queries the network
+ for py in *.py
+ do
+ 	if [ $py != resolver.py ]
+ 	then
+ 		PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} %{__python3} $py
+ 	fi
+ done
+ popd
+ %endif
 +%if 0%{?with_python26}
 +pushd %{py26dir}/tests
 +# skip one test because it queries the network
 +for py in *.py
 +	if [ $py != resolver.py ]
 +	then
 +		PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python26_sitelib} %{__python26} $py
 +	fi
  rm -rf %{buildroot}

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