[cinnamon] add nm-applet to required components

leigh123linux leigh123linux at fedoraproject.org
Thu Oct 17 16:15:06 UTC 2013

commit 055dbf6886ca084627ff496d4d22b1b64f055dbb
Author: leigh123linux <leigh123linux at googlemail.com>
Date:   Thu Oct 17 17:15:00 2013 +0100

    add nm-applet to required components

 autostart_nemo.patch   |    4 +-
 cinnamon.spec          |    5 +
 git_rollup_fixes.patch |  267 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 274 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/autostart_nemo.patch b/autostart_nemo.patch
index f98eda6..9949612 100644
--- a/autostart_nemo.patch
+++ b/autostart_nemo.patch
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
  [Cinnamon Session]
 --- a/files/usr/share/cinnamon-session/sessions/cinnamon2d.session
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
  [Cinnamon Session]
  Name=Cinnamon (Software Rendering)
diff --git a/cinnamon.spec b/cinnamon.spec
index 3298edf..b67902d 100644
--- a/cinnamon.spec
+++ b/cinnamon.spec
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Patch3:         cinnamon-settings-apps.patch
 Patch4:         keyboard_applet.patch
 Patch5:         input_keybindings.patch
 Patch6:         bluetooth.patch
+# upstream commits
+Patch7:         git_rollup_fixes.patch
 %global clutter_version 1.12.2
 %global cjs_version 1.9.1
@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ The emphasis is put on making users feel at home and providing
 %if 0%{?fedora} < 20
 %patch6 -p1
+%patch7 -p1
 NOCONFIGURE=1 ./autogen.sh
@@ -220,6 +223,8 @@ fi
 * Thu Oct 10 2013 Leigh Scott <leigh123linux at googlemail.com> - 2.0.2-2
 - add policy file for "users and groups" setting
+- add nm-applet to required components
+- add upstream commits
 * Wed Oct 09 2013 Leigh Scott <leigh123linux at googlemail.com> - 2.0.2-1
 - update to 2.0.2
diff --git a/git_rollup_fixes.patch b/git_rollup_fixes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6558325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/git_rollup_fixes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+diff --git a/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-json-makepot/cinnamon-json-makepot.py b/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-json-makepot/cinnamon-json-makepot.py
+index 18f9764..22bbaa0 100755
+--- a/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-json-makepot/cinnamon-json-makepot.py
++++ b/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-json-makepot/cinnamon-json-makepot.py
+@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
+ import sys
+ import os
+ import json
++import subprocess
++from gi.repository import GLib
++from optparse import OptionParser
+ try:
+     import polib
+ except:
+@@ -15,21 +18,54 @@ except:
+     """
+     quit()
++home = os.path.expanduser("~")
++locale_inst = '%s/.local/share/locale' % home
++def remove_empty_folders(path):
++    if not os.path.isdir(path):
++        return
++    # remove empty subfolders
++    files = os.listdir(path)
++    if len(files):
++        for f in files:
++            fullpath = os.path.join(path, f)
++            if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
++                remove_empty_folders(fullpath)
++    # if folder empty, delete it
++    files = os.listdir(path)
++    if len(files) == 0:
++        print "Removing empty folder:", path
++        os.rmdir(path)
+ class Main:
+     def __init__(self):
+-        if (len(sys.argv) < 2 or len(sys.argv) > 3) or \
+-           (len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-js") or \
+-           (len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] != "-js"):
+-            print """
++        usage = """
+             Usage:
+-            cinnamon-json-makepot [-js] <potfile name>
++            cinnamon-json-makepot -i | -r | [-js] <potfile name>
+-            -js - Runs xgettext on any javascript files in your directory before
++            -js, --js - Runs xgettext on any javascript files in your directory before
+                   scanning the settings-schema.json file.  This allows you to generate
+                   a .pot file for your entire applet at once.
++                ***
++                The following two options should only be run in your applet, desklet, or
++                extension's directory
++                ***
++            -i, --install - Compiles and installs any .po files contained in a po folder
++                  to the system locale store.  Use this option to test your translations
++                  locally before uploading to Spices.  It will use the applet, desklet,
++                  or extension UUID as the translation domain
++            -r, --remove - The opposite of install, removes translations from the store.
++                  Again, it uses the UUID to find the correct files to remove
+             <potfile name> - name of the .pot file to work with.  This can be pre-existing,
+             or the name of a new file to use.  If you leave off the .pot extension, it will
+             be automatically appended to the file name.
+@@ -49,16 +85,36 @@ class Main:
+             Will create "fr.po" for the French language.  A translator can use a utility
+             such as poedit to add translations to this file, or edit the file manually.
++            If you get duplicate message definition errors when running msginit, run:
++            msguniq myapplet.pot > fixed.pot
++            This will combine any duplicate definitions and allow you to then run msginit with
++            fixed.pot.
+             .po files can be added to a "po" folder in your applet's directory,
+             and will be compiled and installed into the system when the applet is installed
+             via Cinnamon Settings.
+-            """
++        """
++        parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
++        parser.add_option("-j", "--js", action="store_true", dest="js", default=False)
++        parser.add_option("-i", "--install", action="store_true", dest="install", default=False)
++        parser.add_option("-r", "--remove", action="store_true", dest="remove", default=False)
++        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
++        if options.install:
++            self.do_install()
++        if options.remove:
++            self.do_remove()
++        if not args:
++            parser.print_help()
+             quit()
+-        if len(sys.argv) == 2:
+-            self.potname = sys.argv[1]
+-        else:
+-            self.potname = sys.argv[2]
++        self.potname = args[0]
+         if not self.potname.endswith(".pot"):
+             self.potname = self.potname + ".pot"
+@@ -66,7 +122,7 @@ class Main:
+         self.domain = self.potname.replace(".pot", "")
+         self.potpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.potname)
+-        if sys.argv[1] == "-js":
++        if options.js:
+             try:
+                 import subprocess
+                 subprocess.call(["xgettext", "--version"])
+@@ -99,6 +155,51 @@ class Main:
+         print "Extraction complete"
+         quit()
++    def get_uuid(self):
++        try:
++            file = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "metadata.json"), 'r')
++            raw_meta = file.read()
++            file.close()
++            md = json.loads(raw_meta)
++            return md["uuid"]
++        except Exception, detail:
++            print "Failed to get UUID - missing, corrupt, or incomplete metadata.json file"
++            print detail
++            quit()
++    def do_install(self):
++        podir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "po")
++        done_one = False
++        for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(podir, topdown=False):
++            for file in files:
++                parts = os.path.splitext(file)
++                if parts[1] == '.po':
++                    this_locale_dir = os.path.join(locale_inst, parts[0], 'LC_MESSAGES')
++                    GLib.mkdir_with_parents(this_locale_dir, 0755)
++                    print "/usr/bin/msgfmt -c %s -o %s" % (os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(this_locale_dir, '%s.mo' % self.get_uuid()))
++                    #subprocess.call(["msgfmt", "-c", os.path.join(root, file), "-o", os.path.join(this_locale_dir, '%s.mo' % self.get_uuid())])
++                    done_one = True
++        if done_one:
++            print "Install complete for domain: %s" % self.get_uuid()
++        else:
++            print "Nothing installed"
++        quit()
++    def do_remove(self):
++        done_one = False
++        if (os.path.exists(locale_inst)):
++            i19_folders = os.listdir(locale_inst)
++            for i19_folder in i19_folders:
++                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(locale_inst, i19_folder, 'LC_MESSAGES', "%s.mo" % self.get_uuid())):
++                    done_one = True
++                    os.remove(os.path.join(locale_inst, i19_folder, 'LC_MESSAGES', "%s.mo" % self.get_uuid()))
++                remove_empty_folders(os.path.join(locale_inst, i19_folder))
++        if done_one:
++            print "Removal complete for domain: %s" % self.get_uuid()
++        else:
++            print "Nothing to remove"
++        quit()
+     def scan_dirs(self):
+         for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(os.getcwd(), topdown=False):
+             for file in files:
+diff --git a/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/cinnamon-settings.py b/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/cinnamon-settings.py
+index 04665a6..04794c3 100755
+--- a/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/cinnamon-settings.py
++++ b/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/cinnamon-settings.py
+@@ -313,7 +313,12 @@ class MainWindow:
+         widget.set_hexpand(True)
+         widget.set_vexpand(False)
+         css_provider = Gtk.CssProvider()
+-        css_provider.load_from_data("GtkIconView {background-color: transparent;}")
++        css_provider.load_from_data("GtkIconView {                             \
++                                         background-color: transparent;        \
++                                     }                                         \
++                                     GtkIconView.view.cell:selected {          \
++                                         background-color: @selected_bg_color; \
++                                     }")
+         c = widget.get_style_context()
+         c.add_provider(css_provider, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION)
+         self.side_view[category["id"]] = widget
+diff --git a/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/cs_mouse.py b/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/cs_mouse.py
+index 2b1c8c2..8648e9a 100644
+--- a/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/cs_mouse.py
++++ b/files/usr/lib/cinnamon-settings/modules/cs_mouse.py
+@@ -120,6 +120,9 @@ class MouseTouchpadSidepage (SidePage):
+         box.add(scroll_method_combo)
+         self.add_widget(box, 1)
+         box = IndentedHBox()
++        box.add(GSettingsCheckButton(_("Enable natural scrolling"), "org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchpad", "natural-scroll", "org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchpad/touchpad-enabled"))
++        self.add_widget(box, 1)
++        box = IndentedHBox()
+         box.add(GSettingsCheckButton(_("Enable horizontal scrolling"), "org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchpad", "horiz-scroll-enabled", "org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchpad/touchpad-enabled"))
+         self.add_widget(box, 1)
+diff --git a/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/menu at cinnamon.org/applet.js b/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/menu at cinnamon.org/applet.js
+index d79db51..af07c6a 100644
+--- a/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/menu at cinnamon.org/applet.js
++++ b/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/menu at cinnamon.org/applet.js
+@@ -394,7 +394,10 @@ PlaceButton.prototype = {
+         this.actor._delegate = this;
+         this.label = new St.Label({ text: this.button_name, style_class: 'menu-application-button-label' });
+         this.icon = place.iconFactory(APPLICATION_ICON_SIZE);
+-        this.addActor(this.icon);
++        if (!this.icon)
++            this.icon = new St.Icon({icon_name: "folder", icon_size: APPLICATION_ICON_SIZE, icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR});
++        if (this.icon)
++            this.addActor(this.icon);
+         this.addActor(this.label);
+     },
+diff --git a/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/recent at cinnamon.org/applet.js b/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/recent at cinnamon.org/applet.js
+index 56cc620..a17ded8 100644
+--- a/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/recent at cinnamon.org/applet.js
++++ b/files/usr/share/cinnamon/applets/recent at cinnamon.org/applet.js
+@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ MyApplet.prototype = {
+         this._display();
+     },
+-    _launchFile: function(a, b, c) {        
+-        Gio.app_info_launch_default_for_uri(c, global.create_app_launch_context());
++    _launchFile: function(a, b, c, d) {        
++        Gio.app_info_launch_default_for_uri(d, global.create_app_launch_context());
+     },
+     _clearAll: function() {
+diff --git a/js/ui/applet.js b/js/ui/applet.js
+index 192c4da..0fe9e8a 100644
+--- a/js/ui/applet.js
++++ b/js/ui/applet.js
+@@ -511,15 +511,16 @@ IconApplet.prototype = {
+         if (icon_path){
+             let file = Gio.file_new_for_path(icon_path);
+-            let icon_uri = file.get_uri();
+-            let square_size = 22;
++            let gicon = new Gio.FileIcon({ file: file });
+             if (this._scaleMode) {
+-                square_size = Math.floor(this._panelHeight * COLOR_ICON_HEIGHT_FACTOR);
++                this._applet_icon = new St.Icon({gicon: gicon, icon_size: this._panelHeight * COLOR_ICON_HEIGHT_FACTOR,
++                                                icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR, reactive: true, track_hover: true, style_class: 'applet-icon' });
++            } else {
++                this._applet_icon = new St.Icon({gicon: gicon, icon_size: 22, icon_type: St.IconType.FULLCOLOR, reactive: true, track_hover: true, style_class: 'applet-icon' });
+             }
+-            this._applet_icon = St.TextureCache.get_default().load_uri_async(icon_uri, square_size, square_size);
+             this._applet_icon_box.child = this._applet_icon;
+         }
+-        this.__icon_type = -1;
++        this.__icon_type = St.IconType.FULLCOLOR;
+         this.__icon_name = icon_path;
+     },

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