[nss] Sync up with changes made upstream for freebl and softoken

Elio Maldonado emaldonado at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jan 8 17:20:20 UTC 2014

commit d2ef6540b5ded5498426adfd4bdcbb2557a4fc3a
Author: Elio Maldonado <emaldona at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 8 09:08:35 2014 -0800

    Sync up with changes made upstream for freebl and softoken
    - Reduce the patch to its bare minumum
    - Remove RSA_BlockOAEP cases which aren't used by the pem module after all
    - Copied the private RSA_BlockType data structure from freebl/pkcss11.c that needed here
    - Upstream removed softoken/rsawrapr.c and moved the code to freebl/pkcs11.c
    - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=836019
    - Bug 836019 - Move RSA-PKCS#1, RSA-PSS, and RSA-OAEP into freebl

 0001-sync-up-with-upstream-softokn-changes.patch |  871 +---------------------
 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 844 deletions(-)
diff --git a/0001-sync-up-with-upstream-softokn-changes.patch b/0001-sync-up-with-upstream-softokn-changes.patch
index 8733b49..3416ed3 100644
--- a/0001-sync-up-with-upstream-softokn-changes.patch
+++ b/0001-sync-up-with-upstream-softokn-changes.patch
@@ -1,42 +1,10 @@
 diff -up ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c.syncupwithupstream ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c
 --- ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c.syncupwithupstream	2013-12-26 14:21:08.000000000 -0800
-+++ ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c	2014-01-07 13:26:43.350502692 -0800
-@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
-+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
- /*
-- * PKCS#1 encoding and decoding functions.
-+ RSA PKCS#1 v2.1 (RFC 3447) encoding and decoding functions.
-  * This file is believed to contain no code licensed from other parties.
-  *
-  * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-@@ -42,21 +47,38 @@
- #include "ckpem.h"
- #include "blapi.h"
-+#include "secitem.h"
-+/*#include "blapii.h"*/
- #include "softoken.h"
- #include "sechash.h"
--#include "base.h"
-+#include "base.h"#include "lowkeyi.h"
- #include "secerr.h"
++++ ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c	2014-01-08 09:05:09.549718089 -0800
+@@ -60,6 +60,21 @@
- #define RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN		8
- #define RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET		0x00
+ #define FLAT_BUFSIZE 512        /* bytes to hold flattened SHA1Context. */
--#define OAEP_SALT_LEN		8
--#define OAEP_PAD_LEN		8
--#define OAEP_PAD_OCTET		0x00
 + * RSA block types
 + *
@@ -52,217 +20,18 @@ diff -up ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c.syncupwithupstream ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsa
 +    RSA_BlockTotal
 +} RSA_BlockType;
-+/* Needed for RSA-PSS functions */
-+static const unsigned char eightZeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- #define FLAT_BUFSIZE 512        /* bytes to hold flattened SHA1Context. */
-@@ -78,141 +100,62 @@ pem_PublicModulusLen(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey
-     return 0;
- }
--static SHA1Context *SHA1_CloneContext(SHA1Context * original)
--    SHA1Context *clone = NULL;
--    unsigned char *pBuf;
--    int sha1ContextSize = SHA1_FlattenSize(original);
--    SECStatus frv;
--    unsigned char buf[FLAT_BUFSIZE];
--    PORT_Assert(sizeof buf >= sha1ContextSize);
--    if (sizeof buf >= sha1ContextSize) {
--        pBuf = buf;
--    } else {
--        pBuf = nss_ZAlloc(NULL, sha1ContextSize);
--        if (!pBuf)
--            goto done;
--    }
--    frv = SHA1_Flatten(original, pBuf);
--    if (frv == SECSuccess) {
--        clone = SHA1_Resurrect(pBuf, NULL);
--        memset(pBuf, 0, sha1ContextSize);
--    }
--  done:
--    if (pBuf != buf)
--        nss_ZFreeIf(pBuf);
--    return clone;
-+/* Constant time comparison of a single byte.
-+ * Returns 1 iff a == b, otherwise returns 0.
-+ * Note: For ranges of bytes, use constantTimeCompare.
-+ */
-+static unsigned char constantTimeEQ8(unsigned char a, unsigned char b) {
-+    unsigned char c = ~((a - b) | (b - a));
-+    c >>= 7;
-+    return c;
- }
-- * Modify data by XORing it with a special hash of salt.
-+/* Constant time comparison of a range of bytes.
-+ * Returns 1 iff len bytes of a are identical to len bytes of b, otherwise
-+ * returns 0.
-  */
--static SECStatus
--oaep_xor_with_h1(unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen,
--                 unsigned char *salt, unsigned int saltlen)
--    SHA1Context *sha1cx;
--    unsigned char *dp, *dataend;
--    unsigned char end_octet;
--    sha1cx = SHA1_NewContext();
--    if (sha1cx == NULL) {
--        return SECFailure;
--    }
--    /*
--     * Get a hash of salt started; we will use it several times,
--     * adding in a different end octet (x00, x01, x02, ...).
--     */
--    SHA1_Begin(sha1cx);
--    SHA1_Update(sha1cx, salt, saltlen);
--    end_octet = 0;
--    dp = data;
--    dataend = data + datalen;
--    while (dp < dataend) {
--        SHA1Context *sha1cx_h1;
--        unsigned int sha1len, sha1off;
--        unsigned char sha1[SHA1_LENGTH];
--        /*
--         * Create hash of (salt || end_octet)
--         */
--        sha1cx_h1 = SHA1_CloneContext(sha1cx);
--        SHA1_Update(sha1cx_h1, &end_octet, 1);
--        SHA1_End(sha1cx_h1, sha1, &sha1len, sizeof(sha1));
--        SHA1_DestroyContext(sha1cx_h1, PR_TRUE);
--        PORT_Assert(sha1len == SHA1_LENGTH);
--        /*
--         * XOR that hash with the data.
--         * When we have fewer than SHA1_LENGTH octets of data
--         * left to xor, use just the low-order ones of the hash.
--         */
--        sha1off = 0;
--        if ((dataend - dp) < SHA1_LENGTH)
--            sha1off = SHA1_LENGTH - (dataend - dp);
--        while (sha1off < SHA1_LENGTH)
--            *dp++ ^= sha1[sha1off++];
--        /*
--         * Bump for next hash chunk.
--         */
--        end_octet++;
--    }
--    SHA1_DestroyContext(sha1cx, PR_TRUE);
--    return SECSuccess;
-+static unsigned char constantTimeCompare(const unsigned char *a,
-+                                         const unsigned char *b,
-+                                         unsigned int len) {
-+    unsigned char tmp = 0;
-+    unsigned int i;
-+    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++a, ++b)
-+        tmp |= *a ^ *b;
-+    return constantTimeEQ8(0x00, tmp);
- }
-- * Modify salt by XORing it with a special hash of data.
-+/* Constant time conditional.
-+ * Returns a if c is 1, or b if c is 0. The result is undefined if c is
-+ * not 0 or 1.
-  */
--static SECStatus
--oaep_xor_with_h2(unsigned char *salt, unsigned int saltlen,
--                 unsigned char *data, unsigned int datalen)
-+static unsigned int constantTimeCondition(unsigned int c,
-+                                          unsigned int a,
-+                                          unsigned int b)
+ unsigned
+ pem_PublicModulusLen(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey *pubk)
--    unsigned char sha1[SHA1_LENGTH];
--    unsigned char *psalt, *psha1, *saltend;
--    SECStatus rv;
--    /*
--     * Create a hash of data.
--     */
--    rv = SHA1_HashBuf(sha1, data, datalen);
--    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
--        return rv;
--    }
--    /*
--     * XOR the low-order octets of that hash with salt.
--     */
--    PORT_Assert(saltlen <= SHA1_LENGTH);
--    saltend = salt + saltlen;
--    psalt = salt;
--    psha1 = sha1 + SHA1_LENGTH - saltlen;
--    while (psalt < saltend) {
--        *psalt++ ^= *psha1++;
--    }
-+    return (~(c - 1) & a) | ((c - 1) & b);
--    return SECSuccess;
-+static unsigned int
-+rsa_modulusLen(SECItem * modulus)
-+    unsigned char byteZero = modulus->data[0];
-+    unsigned int modLen = modulus->len - !byteZero;
-+    return modLen;
- }
- /*
-  * Format one block of data for public/private key encryption using
-  * the rules defined in PKCS #1.
-  */
--static unsigned char *rsa_FormatOneBlock(unsigned modulusLen,
--                                         RSA_BlockType blockType,
--                                         SECItem * data)
-+static unsigned char *
-+rsa_FormatOneBlock(unsigned modulusLen,
-+                   RSA_BlockType blockType,
-+                   SECItem * data)
- {
-     unsigned char *block;
-     unsigned char *bp;
-     int padLen;
--    int i;
-+    int i, j;
-     SECStatus rv;
-     block = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulusLen);
-@@ -223,18 +166,17 @@ static unsigned char *rsa_FormatOneBlock
-     /*
-      * All RSA blocks start with two octets:
--     *  0x00 || BlockType
-+     *	0x00 || BlockType
-      */
-     *bp++ = RSA_BLOCK_FIRST_OCTET;
-     *bp++ = (unsigned char) blockType;
-     switch (blockType) {
--        /*
--         * Blocks intended for private-key operation.
--         */
+@@ -233,7 +248,6 @@ static unsigned char *rsa_FormatOneBlock
+         /*
+          * Blocks intended for private-key operation.
+          */
 -    case RSA_BlockPrivate0:    /* essentially unused */
--    case RSA_BlockPrivate:     /* preferred method */
-+      /*
-+       * Blocks intended for private-key operation.
-+       */
-+      case RSA_BlockPrivate:	 /* preferred method */
+     case RSA_BlockPrivate:     /* preferred method */
           * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-          *   1      1   padLen    1      data->len
-@@ -246,138 +188,69 @@ static unsigned char *rsa_FormatOneBlock
+@@ -246,10 +260,7 @@ static unsigned char *rsa_FormatOneBlock
              return NULL;
@@ -274,42 +43,11 @@ diff -up ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c.syncupwithupstream ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsa
          bp += padLen;
          *bp++ = RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET;
          nsslibc_memcpy(bp, data->data, data->len);
+@@ -288,97 +299,6 @@ static unsigned char *rsa_FormatOneBlock
 -        /*
--         * Blocks intended for public-key operation.
--         */
--    case RSA_BlockPublic:
--        /*
--         * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
--         *   1      1   padLen    1      data->len
--         * Pad is all non-zero random bytes.
--         */
--        padLen = modulusLen - data->len - 3;
--        PORT_Assert(padLen >= RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN);
--        if (padLen < RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN) {
--            nss_ZFreeIf(block);
--            return NULL;
--        }
--        for (i = 0; i < padLen; i++) {
--            /* Pad with non-zero random data. */
--            do {
--                rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp + i, 1);
--            } while (rv == SECSuccess
--                     && bp[i] == RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET);
--            if (rv != SECSuccess) {
--                nss_ZFreeIf(block);
--                return NULL;
--            }
--        }
--        bp += padLen;
--        *bp++ = RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET;
--        nsslibc_memcpy(bp, data->data, data->len);
--        break;
--        /*
 -         * Blocks intended for public-key operation, using
 -         * Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP).
 -         */
@@ -399,107 +137,22 @@ diff -up ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c.syncupwithupstream ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsa
 -        }
 -        break;
-+      /*
-+       * Blocks intended for public-key operation.
-+       */
-+      case RSA_BlockPublic:
-+	/*
-+	 * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-+	 *   1      1   padLen    1      data->len
-+	 * Pad is all non-zero random bytes.
-+	 *
-+	 * Build the block left to right.
-+	 * Fill the entire block from Pad to the end with random bytes.
-+	 * Use the bytes after Pad as a supply of extra random bytes from 
-+	 * which to find replacements for the zero bytes in Pad.
-+	 * If we need more than that, refill the bytes after Pad with 
-+	 * new random bytes as necessary.
-+	 */
-+	padLen = modulusLen - (data->len + 3);
-+	PORT_Assert (padLen >= RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN);
-+	if (padLen < RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN) {
-+	    nss_ZFreeIf (block);
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+	j = modulusLen - 2;
-+	rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp, j);
-+	if (rv == SECSuccess) {
-+	    for (i = 0; i < padLen; ) {
-+		unsigned char repl;
-+		/* Pad with non-zero random data. */
-+		if (bp[i] != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET) {
-+		    ++i;
-+		    continue;
-+		}
-+		if (j <= padLen) {
-+		    rv = RNG_GenerateGlobalRandomBytes(bp + padLen,
-+					  modulusLen - (2 + padLen));
-+		    if (rv != SECSuccess)
-+		    	break;
-+		    j = modulusLen - 2;
-+		}
-+		do {
-+		    repl = bp[--j];
-+		} while (repl == RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET && j > padLen);
-+		if (repl != RSA_BLOCK_AFTER_PAD_OCTET) {
-+		    bp[i++] = repl;
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	}
-+	if (rv != SECSuccess) {
-+	    /*sftk_fatalError = PR_TRUE;*/
-+	    nss_ZFreeIf (block);
-+	    return NULL;
-+	}
-+	bp += padLen;
-+	nsslibc_memcpy(bp, data->data, data->len);
-+	break;
-@@ -389,54 +262,21 @@ static unsigned char *rsa_FormatOneBlock
- }
+         nss_ZFreeIf(block);
+@@ -406,7 +326,6 @@ rsa_FormatBlock(SECItem * result, unsign
+      */
- static SECStatus
--rsa_FormatBlock(SECItem * result, unsigned modulusLen,
--                RSA_BlockType blockType, SECItem * data)
-+rsa_FormatBlock(SECItem * result,
-+                unsigned modulusLen,
-+                RSA_BlockType blockType,
-+                SECItem * data)
- {
--    /*
--     * XXX For now assume that the data length fits in a single
--     * XXX encryption block; the ASSERTs below force this.
--     * XXX To fix it, each case will have to loop over chunks whose
--     * XXX lengths satisfy the assertions, until all data is handled.
--     * XXX (Unless RSA has more to say about how to handle data
--     * XXX which does not fit in a single encryption block?)
--     * XXX And I do not know what the result is supposed to be,
--     * XXX so the interface to this function may need to change
--     * XXX to allow for returning multiple blocks, if they are
--     * XXX not wanted simply concatenated one after the other.
--     */
      switch (blockType) {
 -    case RSA_BlockPrivate0:
--    case RSA_BlockPrivate:
--    case RSA_BlockPublic:
-+      case RSA_BlockPrivate:
-+      case RSA_BlockPublic:
+     case RSA_BlockPrivate:
+     case RSA_BlockPublic:
-          * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-          *
-          * The "3" below is the first octet + the second octet + the 0x00
-          * octet that always comes just before the ActualData.
-          */
--        PORT_Assert(data->len <=
--                    (modulusLen - (3 + RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN)));
--        result->data = rsa_FormatOneBlock(modulusLen, blockType, data);
--        if (result->data == NULL) {
+@@ -420,26 +339,6 @@ rsa_FormatBlock(SECItem * result, unsign
+         result->data = rsa_FormatOneBlock(modulusLen, blockType, data);
+         if (result->data == NULL) {
 -            result->len = 0;
 -            return SECFailure;
 -        }
@@ -517,479 +170,9 @@ diff -up ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsawrapr.c.syncupwithupstream ./nss/lib/ckfw/pem/rsa
 -         */
 -        PORT_Assert(data->len <= (modulusLen - (2 + OAEP_SALT_LEN
 -                                                + OAEP_PAD_LEN)));
-+        PORT_Assert(data->len <= (modulusLen - (3 + RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN)));
-         result->data = rsa_FormatOneBlock(modulusLen, blockType, data);
-         if (result->data == NULL) {
-@@ -447,7 +287,7 @@ rsa_FormatBlock(SECItem * result, unsign
-         break;
--    case RSA_BlockRaw:
-+      case RSA_BlockRaw:
-         /*
-          * Pad || ActualData
-          * Pad is zeros. The application is responsible for recovering
-@@ -476,36 +316,34 @@ rsa_FormatBlock(SECItem * result, unsign
- SECStatus
- pem_RSA_Sign(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey * key,
-              unsigned char *output,
--             unsigned int *output_len,
-+             unsigned int *outputLen,
-              unsigned int maxOutputLen,
--             unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len)
-+             unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
-     SECItem formatted;
-     SECItem unformatted;
--    if (maxOutputLen < modulus_len)
-+    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-         return SECFailure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         return SECFailure;
--    unformatted.len = input_len;
-+    unformatted.len = inputLen;
-     unformatted.data = input;
-     formatted.data = NULL;
--    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockPrivate,
-+    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockPrivate,
-                          &unformatted);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto done;
-     rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(&key->u.rsa, output,
-                                        formatted.data);
--    *output_len = modulus_len;
-+    *outputLen = modulusLen;
--    goto done;
--  done:
-     if (formatted.data != NULL)
-         nss_ZFreeIf(formatted.data);
-     return rv;
-@@ -515,17 +353,17 @@ pem_RSA_Sign(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey * key,
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSign(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
--              unsigned char *sign,
--              unsigned int sign_len,
-+              unsigned char *sig,
-+              unsigned int sigLen,
-               unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hash_len)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-     unsigned int i;
-     unsigned char *buffer;
--    modulus_len = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
--    if (sign_len != modulus_len)
-+    modulusLen = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-+    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
-     /*
-      * 0x00 || BT || Pad || 0x00 || ActualData
-@@ -533,17 +371,17 @@ RSA_CheckSign(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-      * The "3" below is the first octet + the second octet + the 0x00
-      * octet that always comes just before the ActualData.
-      */
--    if (hash_len > modulus_len - (3 + RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN))
-+    if (hash_len > modulusLen - (3 + RSA_BLOCK_MIN_PAD_LEN))
-         goto failure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulus_len + 1);
-+    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulusLen + 1);
-     if (!buffer)
-         goto failure;
--    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sign);
-+    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sig);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto loser;
-@@ -552,7 +390,7 @@ RSA_CheckSign(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-      */
-     if (buffer[0] != 0 || buffer[1] != 1)
-         goto loser;
--    for (i = 2; i < modulus_len - hash_len - 1; i++) {
-+    for (i = 2; i < modulusLen - hash_len - 1; i++) {
-         if (buffer[i] != 0xff)
-             goto loser;
-     }
-@@ -562,7 +400,7 @@ RSA_CheckSign(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-     /*
-      * make sure we get the same results
-      */
--    if (memcmp(buffer + modulus_len - hash_len, hash, hash_len) != 0)
-+    if (memcmp(buffer + modulusLen - hash_len, hash, hash_len) != 0)
-         goto loser;
-     nss_ZFreeIf(buffer);
-@@ -579,25 +417,25 @@ SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSignRecover(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-                      unsigned char *data,
-                      unsigned int *data_len,
--                     unsigned int max_output_len,
--                     unsigned char *sign, unsigned int sign_len)
-+                     unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-+                     unsigned char *sig, unsigned int sigLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-     unsigned int i;
-     unsigned char *buffer;
--    if (sign_len != modulus_len)
-+    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulus_len + 1);
-+    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulusLen + 1);
-     if (!buffer)
-         goto failure;
--    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sign);
-+    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sig);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto loser;
-     *data_len = 0;
-@@ -607,9 +445,9 @@ RSA_CheckSignRecover(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey
-      */
-     if (buffer[0] != 0 || buffer[1] != 1)
-         goto loser;
--    for (i = 2; i < modulus_len; i++) {
-+    for (i = 2; i < modulusLen; i++) {
-         if (buffer[i] == 0) {
--            *data_len = modulus_len - i - 1;
-+            *data_len = modulusLen - i - 1;
-             break;
-         }
-         if (buffer[i] != 0xff)
-@@ -617,13 +455,13 @@ RSA_CheckSignRecover(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey
-     }
-     if (*data_len == 0)
-         goto loser;
--    if (*data_len > max_output_len)
-+    if (*data_len > maxOutputLen)
-         goto loser;
-     /*
-      * make sure we get the same results
-      */
--    nsslibc_memcpy(data, buffer + modulus_len - *data_len, *data_len);
-+    nsslibc_memcpy(data, buffer + modulusLen - *data_len, *data_len);
-     nss_ZFreeIf(buffer);
-     return SECSuccess;
-@@ -638,26 +476,26 @@ RSA_CheckSignRecover(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey
- SECStatus
- RSA_EncryptBlock(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-                  unsigned char *output,
--                 unsigned int *output_len,
--                 unsigned int max_output_len,
--                 unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len)
-+                 unsigned int *outputLen,
-+                 unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-+                 unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-     SECItem formatted;
-     SECItem unformatted;
-     formatted.data = NULL;
--    if (max_output_len < modulus_len)
-+    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    unformatted.len = input_len;
-+    unformatted.len = inputLen;
-     unformatted.data = input;
-     formatted.data = NULL;
--    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockPublic,
-+    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockPublic,
-                          &unformatted);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto failure;
-@@ -667,7 +505,7 @@ RSA_EncryptBlock(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * ke
-         goto failure;
-     nss_ZFreeIf(formatted.data);
--    *output_len = modulus_len;
-+    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-     return SECSuccess;
-   failure:
-@@ -681,22 +519,22 @@ RSA_EncryptBlock(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * ke
- SECStatus
- pem_RSA_DecryptBlock(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey * key,
-                      unsigned char *output,
--                     unsigned int *output_len,
--                     unsigned int max_output_len,
--                     unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len)
-+                     unsigned int *outputLen,
-+                     unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-+                     unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
-     unsigned int i;
-     unsigned char *buffer;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    if (input_len != modulus_len)
-+    if (inputLen != modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
--    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulus_len + 1);
-+    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulusLen + 1);
-     if (!buffer)
-         goto failure;
-@@ -707,19 +545,19 @@ pem_RSA_DecryptBlock(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey
-     if (buffer[0] != 0 || buffer[1] != 2)
-         goto loser;
--    *output_len = 0;
--    for (i = 2; i < modulus_len; i++) {
-+    *outputLen = 0;
-+    for (i = 2; i < modulusLen; i++) {
-         if (buffer[i] == 0) {
--            *output_len = modulus_len - i - 1;
-+            *outputLen = modulusLen - i - 1;
-             break;
+-        result->data = rsa_FormatOneBlock(modulusLen, blockType, data);
+-        if (result->data == NULL) {
+             result->len = 0;
+             return SECFailure;
-     }
--    if (*output_len == 0)
-+    if (*outputLen == 0)
-         goto loser;
--    if (*output_len > max_output_len)
-+    if (*outputLen > maxOutputLen)
-         goto loser;
--    nsslibc_memcpy(output, buffer + modulus_len - *output_len, *output_len);
-+    nsslibc_memcpy(output, buffer + modulusLen - *outputLen, *outputLen);
-     nss_ZFreeIf(buffer);
-     return SECSuccess;
-@@ -739,32 +577,32 @@ pem_RSA_DecryptBlock(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey
- SECStatus
- pem_RSA_SignRaw(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey * key,
-                 unsigned char *output,
--                unsigned int *output_len,
-+                unsigned int *outputLen,
-                 unsigned int maxOutputLen,
--                unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len)
-+                unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
-     SECItem formatted;
-     SECItem unformatted;
--    if (maxOutputLen < modulus_len)
-+    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-         return SECFailure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         return SECFailure;
--    unformatted.len = input_len;
-+    unformatted.len = inputLen;
-     unformatted.data = input;
-     formatted.data = NULL;
--    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockRaw,
-+    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockRaw,
-                          &unformatted);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto done;
-     rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOpDoubleChecked(&key->u.rsa, output,
-                                        formatted.data);
--    *output_len = modulus_len;
-+    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-   done:
-     if (formatted.data != NULL)
-@@ -775,27 +613,27 @@ pem_RSA_SignRaw(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey * ke
- /* XXX Doesn't set error code */
- SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSignRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
--                 unsigned char *sign,
--                 unsigned int sign_len,
-+                 unsigned char *sig,
-+                 unsigned int sigLen,
-                  unsigned char *hash, unsigned int hash_len)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-     unsigned char *buffer;
--    if (sign_len != modulus_len)
-+    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
--    if (hash_len > modulus_len)
-+    if (hash_len > modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulus_len + 1);
-+    buffer = (unsigned char *) nss_ZAlloc(NULL, modulusLen + 1);
-     if (!buffer)
-         goto failure;
--    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sign);
-+    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, buffer, sig);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto loser;
-@@ -803,7 +641,7 @@ RSA_CheckSignRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * ke
-      * make sure we get the same results
-      */
-     /* NOTE: should we verify the leading zeros? */
--    if (memcmp(buffer + (modulus_len - hash_len), hash, hash_len) !=
-+    if (memcmp(buffer + (modulusLen - hash_len), hash, hash_len) !=
-         0)
-         goto loser;
-@@ -821,25 +659,25 @@ SECStatus
- RSA_CheckSignRecoverRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-                         unsigned char *data,
-                         unsigned int *data_len,
--                        unsigned int max_output_len,
--                        unsigned char *sign, unsigned int sign_len)
-+                        unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-+                        unsigned char *sig, unsigned int sigLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
--    if (sign_len != modulus_len)
-+    if (sigLen != modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
--    if (max_output_len < modulus_len)
-+    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, data, sign);
-+    rv = RSA_PublicKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, data, sig);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto failure;
--    *data_len = modulus_len;
-+    *data_len = modulusLen;
-     return SECSuccess;
-   failure:
-@@ -851,26 +689,26 @@ RSA_CheckSignRecoverRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicK
- SECStatus
- RSA_EncryptRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-                unsigned char *output,
--               unsigned int *output_len,
--               unsigned int max_output_len,
--               unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len)
-+               unsigned int *outputLen,
-+               unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-+               unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PublicModulusLen(key);
-     SECItem formatted;
-     SECItem unformatted;
-     formatted.data = NULL;
--    if (max_output_len < modulus_len)
-+    if (maxOutputLen < modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    unformatted.len = input_len;
-+    unformatted.len = inputLen;
-     unformatted.data = input;
-     formatted.data = NULL;
--    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulus_len, RSA_BlockRaw,
-+    rv = rsa_FormatBlock(&formatted, modulusLen, RSA_BlockRaw,
-                          &unformatted);
-     if (rv != SECSuccess)
-         goto failure;
-@@ -880,7 +718,7 @@ RSA_EncryptRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
-         goto failure;
-     nss_ZFreeIf(formatted.data);
--    *output_len = modulus_len;
-+    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-     return SECSuccess;
-   failure:
-@@ -893,21 +731,21 @@ RSA_EncryptRaw(NSSLOWKEYPublicKey * key,
- SECStatus
- pem_RSA_DecryptRaw(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey * key,
-                    unsigned char *output,
--                   unsigned int *output_len,
--                   unsigned int max_output_len,
--                   unsigned char *input, unsigned int input_len)
-+                   unsigned int *outputLen,
-+                   unsigned int maxOutputLen,
-+                   unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
- {
-     SECStatus rv;
--    unsigned int modulus_len = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
-+    unsigned int modulusLen = pem_PrivateModulusLen(key);
--    if (modulus_len <= 0)
-+    if (modulusLen <= 0)
-         goto failure;
--    if (modulus_len > max_output_len)
-+    if (modulusLen > maxOutputLen)
-         goto failure;
-     PORT_Assert(key->keyType == pemLOWKEYRSAKey);
-     if (key->keyType != pemLOWKEYRSAKey)
-         goto failure;
--    if (input_len != modulus_len)
-+    if (inputLen != modulusLen)
-         goto failure;
-     rv = RSA_PrivateKeyOp(&key->u.rsa, output, input);
-@@ -915,7 +753,7 @@ pem_RSA_DecryptRaw(pemLOWKEYPrivateKey *
-         goto failure;
-     }
--    *output_len = modulus_len;
-+    *outputLen = modulusLen;
-     return SECSuccess;
-   failure:

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