[json4s] initial import

William Benton willb at fedoraproject.org
Mon Feb 24 13:46:40 UTC 2014

commit 9a435ca4b637d375a1557028f76ba5023038d2ac
Author: William Benton <willb at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 24 07:47:27 2014 -0600

    initial import

 .gitignore          |    1 +
 climbing-nemesis.py |  244 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 json4s.spec         |  183 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sources             |    1 +
 4 files changed, 429 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e69de29..fde128f 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/climbing-nemesis.py b/climbing-nemesis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bdd5ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/climbing-nemesis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2013, 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and William C. Benton
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+import argparse
+import StringIO
+import re
+import subprocess
+import logging
+from os.path import exists as pathexists
+from os.path import realpath
+from os.path import join as pathjoin
+from os import makedirs
+from os import symlink
+from os import remove as rmfile
+from shutil import copyfile
+class Artifact(object):
+    def __init__(self, a, g, v):
+        self.artifact = a
+        self.group = g
+        self.version = v
+    @classmethod
+    def fromCoords(k, coords):
+        g,a,v = coords.split(":")
+        return k(a, g, v)
+    @classmethod
+    def fromSubtree(k, t, ns):
+        a = t.find("./%sartifactId" % ns).text
+        g = t.find("./%sgroupId" % ns).text
+        v = t.find("./%sversion" % ns).text
+        return k(a, g, v)
+    def contains(self, substrings):
+        for s in substrings:
+            if s in self.artifact or s in self.group:
+                cn_debug("ignoring %r because it contains %s" % (self, s))
+                return True
+        if len(substrings) > 0:
+            cn_debug("not ignoring %r; looked for %r" % (self, substrings))
+        return False
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%s:%s:%s" % (self.group, self.artifact, self.version)
+class DummyPOM(object):
+    def __init__(self, groupID=None, artifactID=None, version=None):
+        self.groupID = groupID
+        self.artifactID = artifactID
+        self.version = version
+        self.deps = []
+def interestingDep(dt, namespace):
+    if len(dt.findall("./%soptional" % namespace)) != 0:
+        cn_debug("ignoring optional dep %r" % Artifact.fromSubtree(dt, namespace))
+        return False
+    if [e for e in dt.findall("./%sscope" % namespace) if e.text == "test"] != []:
+        cn_debug("ignoring test dep %r" % Artifact.fromSubtree(dt, namespace))
+        return False
+    return True
+class POM(object):
+    def __init__(self, filename, suppliedGroupID=None, suppliedArtifactID=None, ignored_deps=[], override=None, extra_deps=[]):
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.sGroupID = suppliedGroupID
+        self.sArtifactID = suppliedArtifactID
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("com.freevariable.climbing-nemesis")
+        self.deps = []
+        self.ignored_deps = ignored_deps
+        self.extra_deps = extra_deps
+        cn_debug("POM:  extra_deps is %r" % extra_deps)
+        self._parsePom()
+        self.claimedGroup, self.claimedArtifact  = override is not None and override or (self.groupID, self.artifactID)
+    def _parsePom(self):
+        tree = ET.parse(self.filename)
+        project = tree.getroot()
+        self.logger.info("parsing POM %s", self.filename)
+        self.logger.debug("project tag is '%s'", project.tag)
+        tagmatch = re.match("[{](.*)[}].*", project.tag)
+        namespace = tagmatch and "{%s}" % tagmatch.groups()[0] or ""
+        self.logger.debug("looking for '%s'", ("./%sgroupId" % namespace))
+        groupIDtag = project.find("./%sgroupId" % namespace) 
+        if groupIDtag is None:
+            groupIDtag = project.find("./%sparent/%sgroupId" % (namespace,namespace))
+        versiontag = project.find("./%sversion" % namespace)
+        if versiontag is None:
+            versiontag = project.find("./%sparent/%sversion" % (namespace,namespace))
+        self.logger.debug("group ID tag is '%s'", groupIDtag)
+        self.groupID = groupIDtag.text
+        self.artifactID = project.find("./%sartifactId" % namespace).text
+        self.version = versiontag.text
+        depTrees = project.findall(".//%sdependencies/%sdependency" % (namespace, namespace))
+        alldeps = [Artifact.fromSubtree(depTree, namespace) for depTree in depTrees if interestingDep(depTree, namespace)]
+        alldeps = [dep for dep in alldeps if not (dep.group == self.groupID and dep.artifact == self.artifactID)]
+        self.deps = [dep for dep in alldeps if not dep.contains(self.ignored_deps)] + [Artifact.fromCoords(xtra) for xtra in self.extra_deps]
+        jarmatch = re.match(".*JPP-(.*).pom", self.filename)
+        self.jarname = (jarmatch and jarmatch.groups()[0] or None)
+def cn_debug(*args):
+    logging.getLogger("com.freevariable.climbing-nemesis").debug(*args)
+def cn_info(*args):
+    logging.getLogger("com.freevariable.climbing-nemesis").info(*args)
+def resolveArtifact(group, artifact, pomfile=None, kind="jar", ignored_deps=[], override=None, extra_deps=[]):
+    # XXX: some error checking would be the responsible thing to do here
+    cn_debug("rA:  extra_deps is %r" % extra_deps)
+    if pomfile is None:
+        try:
+            if getFedoraRelease() > 19:
+                [pom] = subprocess.check_output(["xmvn-resolve", "%s:%s:pom:%s" % (group, artifact, kind)]).split()
+            else:
+                [pom] = subprocess.check_output(["xmvn-resolve", "%s:%s:%s" % (group, artifact, kind)]).split()
+            return POM(pom, ignored_deps=ignored_deps, override=override, extra_deps=extra_deps)
+        except:
+            return DummyPOM(group, artifact)
+    else:
+        return POM(pomfile, ignored_deps=ignored_deps, override=override, extra_deps=extra_deps)
+def resolveArtifacts(identifiers):
+    coords = ["%s:%s:jar" % (group, artifact) for (group, artifact) in identifiers]
+    poms =  subprocess.check_output(["xmvn-resolve"] + coords).split()
+    return [POM(pom) for pom in poms]
+def resolveJar(group, artifact):
+    [jar] = subprocess.check_output(["xmvn-resolve", "%s:%s:jar:jar" % (group, artifact)]).split()
+    return jar
+def makeIvyXmlTree(org, module, revision, status="release", meta={}, deps=[]):
+    ivy_module = ET.Element("ivy-module", {"version":"1.0", "xmlns:e":"http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra"})
+    info = ET.SubElement(ivy_module, "info", dict({"organisation":org, "module":module, "revision":revision, "status":status}.items() + meta.items()))
+    info.text = " " # ensure a close tag
+    confs = ET.SubElement(ivy_module, "configurations")
+    for conf in ["default", "provided", "test"]:
+        ET.SubElement(confs, "conf", {"name":conf})
+    pubs = ET.SubElement(ivy_module, "publications")
+    ET.SubElement(pubs, "artifact", {"name":module, "type":"jar"})
+    if len(deps) > 0:
+        deptree = ET.SubElement(ivy_module, "dependencies")
+        for dep in deps:
+            ET.SubElement(deptree, "dependency", {"org":dep.group, "name":dep.artifact, "rev":dep.version})
+    return ET.ElementTree(ivy_module)
+def writeIvyXml(org, module, revision, status="release", fileobj=None, meta={}, deps=[]):
+    # XXX: handle deps!
+    if fileobj is None:
+        fileobj = StringIO.StringIO()
+    tree = makeIvyXmlTree(org, module, revision, status, meta=meta, deps=deps)
+    tree.write(fileobj, xml_declaration=True)
+    return fileobj
+def ivyXmlAsString(org, module, revision, status, meta={}, deps=[]):
+    return writeIvyXml(org, module, revision, status, meta=meta, deps=deps).getvalue()
+def placeArtifact(artifact_file, repo_dirname, org, module, revision, status="release", meta={}, deps=[], supplied_ivy_file=None, scala=None, override=None, override_dir_only=False):
+    if scala is not None:
+        module = module + "_%s" % scala
+    jarmodule = module
+    if override is not None:
+        org, module = override
+        if not override_dir_only:
+            jarmodule = module
+    repo_dir = realpath(repo_dirname)
+    artifact_dir = pathjoin(*[repo_dir] + [org] + [module, revision])
+    ivyxml_path = pathjoin(artifact_dir, "ivy.xml")
+    artifact_repo_path = pathjoin(artifact_dir, "%s-%s.jar" % (jarmodule, revision))
+    if not pathexists(artifact_dir):
+        makedirs(artifact_dir)
+    ivyxml_file = open(ivyxml_path, "w")
+    if supplied_ivy_file is None:
+        writeIvyXml(org, module, revision, status, ivyxml_file, meta=meta, deps=deps)
+    else:
+        copyfile(supplied_ivy_file, ivyxml_path)
+    if pathexists(artifact_repo_path):
+        rmfile(artifact_repo_path)
+    symlink(artifact_file, artifact_repo_path)
+def getFedoraRelease():
+    cmd = "rpm -q --qf %{version} fedora-release"
+    return int(subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()))
+def main():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Place a locally-installed artifact in a custom local Ivy repository; get metadata from Maven")
+    parser.add_argument("group", metavar="GROUP", type=str, help="name of group")
+    parser.add_argument("artifact", metavar="ARTIFACT", type=str, help="name of artifact")
+    parser.add_argument("repodir", metavar="REPO", type=str, help="location for local repo")
+    parser.add_argument("--version", metavar="VERSION", type=str, help="version to advertise this artifact as, overriding Maven metadata")
+    parser.add_argument("--meta", metavar="K=V", type=str, help="extra metadata to store in ivy.xml", action='append')
+    parser.add_argument("--jarfile", metavar="JAR", type=str, help="local jar file (use instead of POM metadata")
+    parser.add_argument("--pomfile", metavar="POM", type=str, help="local pom file (use instead of xmvn-resolved one")
+    parser.add_argument("--log", metavar="LEVEL", type=str, help="logging level")
+    parser.add_argument("--ivyfile", metavar="IVY", type=str, help="supplied Ivy file (use instead of POM metadata)")
+    parser.add_argument("--scala", metavar="VERSION", type=str, help="encode given scala version in artifact name")
+    parser.add_argument("--ignore", metavar="STR", type=str, help="ignore dependencies whose artifact or group contains str", action='append')
+    parser.add_argument("--override", metavar="ORG:NAME", type=str, help="override organization and/or artifact name")
+    parser.add_argument("--override-dir-only", action='store_true', help="override organization and/or artifact name")
+    parser.add_argument("--extra-dep", metavar="ORG:NAME:VERSION", action='append', help="add the given dependencya")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.log is not None:
+        logging.basicConfig(level=getattr(logging, args.log.upper()))
+    override = args.override and args.override.split(":") or None
+    cn_debug("cl: args.extra_dep is %r" % args.extra_dep)
+    extra_deps = args.extra_dep is not None and args.extra_dep or []
+    pom = resolveArtifact(args.group, args.artifact, args.pomfile, "jar", ignored_deps=(args.ignore or []), override=((not args.override_dir_only) and override or None), extra_deps=extra_deps)
+    if args.jarfile is None:
+        jarfile = resolveJar(pom.groupID or args.group, pom.artifactID or args.artifact)
+    else:
+        jarfile = args.jarfile
+    version = (args.version or pom.version)
+    meta = dict([kv.split("=") for kv in (args.meta or [])])
+    cn_debug("meta is %r" % meta)
+    placeArtifact(jarfile, args.repodir, pom.groupID, pom.artifactID, version, meta=meta, deps=pom.deps, supplied_ivy_file=args.ivyfile, scala=args.scala, override=override, override_dir_only=args.override_dir_only)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
diff --git a/json4s.spec b/json4s.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31bdcc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/json4s.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+%global json4s_version 3.2.7
+%global scala_version 2.10
+%global remap_version_to_installed() sed -i -e 's/"%{1}" %% "%{2}" %% "[^"]*"/"%{1}" %% "%{2}" %% "'$(rpm -q --qf "%%%%{version}" $(rpm -q --whatprovides "mvn(%{1}:%{2})" ))'"/g' %{3}
+# we don't want scalaz support atm
+%global want_scalaz 0
+Name:		json4s
+Version:	%{json4s_version}
+Release:	1%{?dist}
+Summary:	Common AST for Scala JSON parsers
+License:	ASL 2.0
+URL:		https://github.com/json4s/json4s
+Source0:	https://github.com/json4s/json4s/archive/v%{json4s_version}_%{scala_version}.tar.gz
+Source1:	https://raw.github.com/willb/climbing-nemesis/master/climbing-nemesis.py
+BuildArch:	noarch
+BuildRequires:	sbt
+BuildRequires:	scala
+BuildRequires:	python
+BuildRequires:	maven-local
+BuildRequires:	javapackages-tools
+Requires:	javapackages-tools
+Requires:	scala
+Requires:	mvn(com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer)
+Requires:	mvn(org.scala-lang:scalap)
+Requires:	mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind)
+Requires:	mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core)
+Requires:	mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations)
+Requires:	mvn(joda-time:joda-time)
+Requires:	mvn(org.joda:joda-convert)
+BuildRequires:	mvn(com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer)
+BuildRequires:	mvn(org.scala-lang:scalap)
+BuildRequires:	mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind)
+BuildRequires:	mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core)
+BuildRequires:	mvn(com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations)
+BuildRequires:	mvn(joda-time:joda-time)
+BuildRequires:	mvn(org.joda:joda-convert)
+json4s is a common AST for Scala JSON parsers.
+%package javadoc
+Summary:	Javadoc for %{name}
+%description javadoc
+Javadoc for %{name}.
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}_%{scala_version}
+# eliminate lift codeOB
+rm -rf native-lift
+# work around buildinfo absence
+sed -i -e 's/BuildInfo.organization/"org.json4s"/' jackson/src/main/scala/org/json4s/jackson/Json4sScalaModule.scala
+sed -i -e 's/BuildInfo.name/"json4s"/' jackson/src/main/scala/org/json4s/jackson/Json4sScalaModule.scala
+sed -i -e 's/BuildInfo.version/"%{version}"/' jackson/src/main/scala/org/json4s/jackson/Json4sScalaModule.scala
+sed -i -e 's/2[.]10[.][012]/2.10.3/g' project/*
+sed -i -e 's/0[.]13[.]0/0.13.1/g' project/build.properties || echo sbt.version=0.13.1 > project/build.properties
+sed -i -e '/lift build/d'  project/Dependencies.scala
+sed -i -e '/def crossMapped/,+1d'  project/Dependencies.scala
+%remap_version_to_installed com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind project/Dependencies.scala
+# not used in Fedora
+sed -i -e '/net.liftweb/d' project/Dependencies.scala
+# only needed by liftweb
+sed -i -e '/commons-codec/d' project/Dependencies.scala
+# only needed by examples and benchmarks
+sed -i -e '/jackson-module-scala/d' project/Dependencies.scala
+sed -i -e 's/cross crossMapped.*//' project/Dependencies.scala
+sed -i -i '/com.typesafe/d' project/build.scala
+sed -i -e '/lazy val examples = Project/,/lazy val.*= Project/{/.*/d}' project/build.scala
+sed -i -e '/^[/][/].*/d' project/build.scala
+%if %{want_scalaz} == 0
+sed -i -e '/scalaz/d' project/Dependencies.scala
+sed -i -e 's/scalazExt,//' project/build.scala
+sed -i -e '/lazy val scalazExt/,/dependsOn/d' project/build.scala
+for target in json4sTests benchmark mongo ; do
+sed -i -e '/lazy val '$target'/,/dependsOn/d' project/build.scala
+sed -i -e 's/'$target',//' project/build.scala
+sed -i -e 's/[+][+] buildInfoSettings//' project/build.scala
+sed -i -e '/buildInfo/d' project/build.scala
+sed -i -e '/sbtbuildinfo/d' project/build.scala
+# munge publishSettings
+sed -i 's/^\(.*val publishSetting =.*\)$/PUBLISH_SETTING_HERE\n\1/' project/build.scala
+sed -i '/val publishSetting =/,/^[[:space:]]*[}][[:space:]]*$/d' project/build.scala
+sed -i 's|PUBLISH_SETTING_HERE|val publishSetting = publishTo <<= (version) { version: String =>\nval cwd = java.lang.System.getProperty("user.dir")\nSome(Resolver.file("published", file("published"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns) ivys s"$cwd/published/[organization]/[module]/[revision]/ivy.xml" artifacts s"$cwd/published/[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]")\n}|' project/build.scala
+rm -f project/plugins.sbt
+cp -r /usr/share/sbt/ivy-local .
+mkdir boot
+cp %{SOURCE1} .
+chmod 755 climbing-nemesis.py
+./climbing-nemesis.py com.thoughtworks.paranamer paranamer ivy-local --version 2.6
+./climbing-nemesis.py org.scala-lang scalap ivy-local --version 2.10.3
+./climbing-nemesis.py com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind ivy-local --ignore maven-scm-provider-gitexe
+./climbing-nemesis.py com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-core ivy-local --ignore maven-scm-provider-gitexe
+./climbing-nemesis.py com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-annotations ivy-local --ignore maven-scm-provider-gitexe
+./climbing-nemesis.py joda-time joda-time ivy-local --version 2.3
+./climbing-nemesis.py org.joda joda-convert ivy-local --version 1.6
+export SBT_BOOT_DIR=boot
+export SBT_IVY_DIR=ivy-local
+sbt package "set publishTo in Global := Some(Resolver.file(\"published\", file(\"published\"))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns) ivys \"$(pwd)/published/[organization]/[module]/[revision]/ivy.xml\" artifacts \"$(pwd)/published/[organization]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]\")" publish makePom
+# XXX: this is a hack; we seem to get correct metadata but bogus JARs
+# from "sbt publish" for some reason
+for f in $(find published -name \*.jar ) ; do
+  find . -ipath \*target\* -and -name $(basename $f) -exec cp '{}' $f \;
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_javadir}/%{name}
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_mavenpomdir}
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
+for apidir in $(find . -name api -type d) ; do
+  pushd $apidir
+  cp -rp . %{buildroot}/%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
+  popd
+for jar in $(find published -name \*.jar | grep -v %{name}_%{scala_version}-%{version}.jar) ; do
+  install -m 644 $jar %{buildroot}/%{_javadir}/%{name}/$(echo $jar | cut -f5 -d/ | cut -f1 -d_).jar
+declare -a shortnames
+for pom in $(find published -name \*.pom | grep -v %{name}_%{scala_version}-%{version}.pom ) ; do 
+  shortname=$(echo $pom | cut -f5 -d/ | cut -f1 -d_)
+  echo installing POM $pom to %{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-${shortname}.pom
+  install -pm 644 $pom %{buildroot}/%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-${shortname}.pom
+  echo %{_mavenpomdir}/JPP.%{name}-${shortname}.pom >> .rpm_pomfiles
+  shortnames=( "${shortnames[@]}" $shortname )
+for sub in ${shortnames[@]} ; do
+  echo running add_maven_depmap JPP.%{name}-${sub}.pom %{name}/${sub}.jar
+  %add_maven_depmap JPP.%{name}-${sub}.pom %{name}/${sub}.jar
+%files -f .mfiles
+%dir %{_javadir}/%{name}
+%files javadoc
+* Wed Feb 19 2014 William Benton <willb at redhat.com> - 3.2.7-1
+- initial package
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index e69de29..7459299 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+aa40abfc8dde47ae7e69305a87639733  v3.2.7_2.10.tar.gz

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