[python-django-haystack] Initial import (#1057617)

Stephen Gallagher sgallagh at fedoraproject.org
Thu Feb 27 19:20:42 UTC 2014

commit e4cc3f7613a7255efba0ee31b7726e3ecc84d610
Author: Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com>
Date:   Thu Feb 27 14:22:15 2014 -0500

    Initial import (#1057617)

 .gitignore                  |    1 +
 python-django-haystack.spec |  103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sources                     |    1 +
 3 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e69de29..4a8604e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/python-django-haystack.spec b/python-django-haystack.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eb83f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-django-haystack.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# sitelib for noarch packages, sitearch for others (remove the unneeded one)
+%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")}
+%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")}
+%global pypi_name django-haystack
+Name:           python-%{pypi_name}
+Version:        2.1.0
+Release:        4%{?dist}
+Summary:        Pluggable search for Django.
+License:        BSD
+URL:            http://haystacksearch.org/
+Source0:        https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/%{pypi_name}/%{pypi_name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+BuildArch:      noarch
+BuildRequires:  python2-devel
+BuildRequires:  python-sphinx
+BuildRequires:  python-setuptools
+BuildRequires:  python-django
+Requires:       python-django
+Haystack provides modular search for Django. It features a unified, familiar
+API that allows you to plug in different search backends (such as Solr,
+Elasticsearch, Whoosh, Xapian, etc.) without having to modify your code.
+Haystack is BSD licensed, plays nicely with third-party app without needing to
+modify the source and supports advanced features like faceting, More Like This,
+highlighting, spatial search and spelling suggestions.
+You can find more information at http://haystacksearch.org/.
+%package docs
+Summary: Documentation for Django Haystack pluggable search
+# Not requiring the main package, as users may wish to install
+# the documentation separately.
+%description docs
+Documentation for Django Haystack pluggable search
+Haystack provides modular search for Django. It features a unified, familiar
+API that allows you to plug in different search backends (such as Solr,
+Elasticsearch, Whoosh, Xapian, etc.) without having to modify your code.
+Haystack is BSD licensed, plays nicely with third-party app without needing to
+modify the source and supports advanced features like faceting, More Like This,
+highlighting, spatial search and spelling suggestions.
+You can find more information at http://haystacksearch.org/.
+%setup -q -n %{pypi_name}-%{version}
+%{__python} setup.py build
+# Re-generate documentation
+# Docs cannot be built in parallel
+# We cannot build 'linkcheck' because it requires network access
+pushd docs
+make clean html htmlhelp latex json pickle changes
+%{__python} setup.py install -O1 --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
+# Remove several useless files from the sources
+find . -name ".gitignore" -exec rm -f {} \;
+find . -name ".buildinfo" -exec rm -f {} \;
+find . -name ".DS_Store" -exec rm -f {} \;
+find . -name "last_build" -exec rm -f {} \;
+# For noarch packages: sitelib
+%files docs
+%doc docs/
+* Thu Feb 27 2014 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> 2.1.0-4
+- Build -docs subpackage
+- Remove hidden files and cruft from other OSes
+- Force rebuild of documentation
+* Fri Jan 24 2014 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> 2.1.0-3
+- Remove extra BuildRequires: python-django
+* Thu Jan 23 2014 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> - 2.1.0-2
+- Correct %%description
+* Thu Jan 23 2014 Stephen Gallagher <sgallagh at redhat.com> - 2.1.0-1
+- Initial release
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index e69de29..d1b385f 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+0bc74c0d71c30169ddb796c20655fe98  django-haystack-2.1.0.tar.gz

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