[tlssled] initial import

Fabian Affolter fab at fedoraproject.org
Fri Mar 7 11:44:33 UTC 2014

commit e1c529c495fb81d5b9d745e7a13fbb54d3e4faca
Author: Fabian Affolter <mail at fabian-affolter.ch>
Date:   Fri Mar 7 12:44:10 2014 +0100

    initial import

 TLSSLed_v1.3.sh |  757 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tlssled.spec    |   47 ++++
 2 files changed, 804 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TLSSLed_v1.3.sh b/TLSSLed_v1.3.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5dbaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TLSSLed_v1.3.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Tool:    
+#	TLSSLed.sh
+# Description:
+#	Script to extract the most relevant security details from a 
+#	target SSL/TLS HTTPS implementation by using sslscan & openssl.
+# URL:     
+#	http://www.taddong.com/en/lab.html#TLSSLED
+# Author:  
+#	Raul Siles (raul _AT_ taddong _DOT_ com)
+#	Taddong SL (www.taddong.com)
+# Date:		2013-01-31
+# Version:	1.3
+# /**************************************************************************
+# *   Copyright 2011-2013 by Taddong SL (Raul Siles)                        *
+# *                                                                         *
+# *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+# *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+# *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
+# *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+# *                                                                         *
+# *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
+# *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
+# *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
+# *                                                                         *
+# *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
+# *   along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  *
+# *                                                                         *
+# **************************************************************************/
+# - TODO:
+#   - Add a new command line argument to define the specific URL to test in
+#   the target server. E.g. $ ./TLSSLed.sh HOSTNAME_or_IP-ADDRESS PORT [URL]"
+#   By default the URL should be "/".
+#   This check should use HTTP/1.1 (instead of 1.0) and a valid Host header.
+#   (Right now this only applies to the HTTP header tests at the end)
+# - New in version 1.3:
+#   - All file output goes to a single directory (same filenames as in 
+#     previous versions) instead of to the working local directory.
+#   - Change in the date format used for log files:
+#     From: 2011-12-30_105055 - To: 20111230-105055
+#   - Test if SSL/TLS renegotiation is enabled (NEW check) and if the target 
+#     service supports secure renegotiation (already in previous versions).
+#     If secure renegotiation is not supported, we must check renegotiation
+#     by usin legacy renegotiation (two new log files are used). 
+#   - New test to check for legacy renegotiation even when secure 
+#     renegotiation is supported, just in case the target service supports
+#     both.
+#   - Test if client certificate authentication is required by the target 
+#     service. If so, identify the number of CAs accepted and save the
+#     list of CAs to a file.
+#	- New test to check for HTTP headers using HTTP/1.0 (previous 
+#	  versions) as well as HTTP/1.1 and a valid Host header. New log 
+#	  files created for this.
+#   - New error handling code for the initial SSL/TLS verification.
+#   - Optimizations in the openssl delays (sleep timers). 
+#   - New DELAY variable to control sleep timers (by default 3 seconds - 
+#     it was 5 before).
+#   - New output indentation.
+#   - New output code set for findings: - (negative), + (positive), . (info),
+#     * (group of checks) or ! (error/warning).
+#   - RENEGLEGACY???FILE(s) included in the final listing and removal 
+#     process.
+#   - Several changes to the output messages for the different findings.
+#   - Duplication of "Prefered Server Cipher" output message removed.
+#   - New check to test for RC4 in the prefered chiper(s) regarding BEAST.
+#   - Use of openssl "-prexit" option for some weird target scenarios (CSA).
+#   - Added the date and time at the beggining of the output.
+# - New in version 1.2:
+#   - Mac OS X support: sed regex switch changed - by [ anonymous ].
+#   - Test if target service speaks SSL/TLS - by Abraham Aranguren (AA).
+#     For performance reasons, this test has been merged with the SSL/TLS 
+#     renegotiation test.
+#   - Optimizations by removing cat usage in grepping for findings - by AA.
+#   - New initial tests to check for the tool prerequisites: openssl & 
+#     sslscan.
+#   - Test for TLS v1.1 and v1.2 support (CVE-2011-3389 aka BEAST).
+#     The tests also include checking for SSLv3 and TLSv1 support.
+#   - Log files names changed from host:port to host_port and ":" removed 
+#     from the time portion of the date command, to be able to copy them 
+#     to Windows based file systems: 
+#     (In Windows ":" is not allowed in a filename, while "_" is).
+# - New in version 1.1:
+#   - Cert public key length, subject, issuer, and validiy period.
+#   - Test HTTP(S) secure headers: Strict-Transport-Security (STS), and 
+#     cookies with and without the secure flag.
+#   - NOTE: openssl output is now saved to files too.
+# - Current SSL/TLS tests: (version 1.0)
+#   SSLv2, NULL cipher, weak ciphers -key length-, strong ciphers -AES-, 
+#   MD5 signed cert, and SSL/TLS renegotiation.
+# Requires: 
+# - sslscan
+# https://sourceforge.net/projects/sslscan/
+# - openssl
+# http://www.openssl.org
+# Credits for ideas and feedback: 
+# - Version 1.0 based on ssl_test.sh by Aung Khant, http://yehg.net.
+# - Abraham Aranguren (AA) - http://securityconscious.blogspot.com  (in v1.2)
+# New output codeset (between square brackets) for the findings:
+# [-] Negative finding (insecure)
+# [+] Positive finding (secure)
+# [.] Informational finding 
+# [*] Group of checks
+# [!] Error or warning message
+# Variables
+# Version
+# Manage sleep time for openssl connections (in seconds)
+# DATE (pre v1.3):
+# DATE=$(date +%F_%R:%S | sed 's/://g')
+# DATE (post v1.3+):
+DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
+# Some SSL/TLS target services require some extra options to work:
+# E.g. -prexit: Print out info even when the SSL/TLS connection fails.
+#               http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/s_client.html
+#               For some scenarios where client certificates are required.
+# Default openssl protocol: By default this variable is empty so that the 
+# protocol is automatically selected by the openssl version available:
+# The default backward compatible protocol version in case of errors: TLS1
+# See NOTE (openssl protocol version glitches) below. 
+# openssl 1.x might require the "-tls1" or "-ssl3" openssl command line 
+# arguments on some target sites, as openssl 1.x uses TLS protocol version 
+# 1.2 by default in the Client Hello message, and if not supported by the 
+# target server, it never sends the Server Hello message back.
+# This script does not filter the input for certain commands, hence it 
+# might be vulnerable to local input command manipulation, such as in uname.
+# Functions ()
+reviewlogfiles () {
+	echo
+	echo "[.] Review the files within the output directory for more info."
+	echo "    [.] Output directory: $DIRECTORY ..." 
+	echo
+# Function to initially test if the target service speaks SSL/TLS
+test_if_service_speaks_SSLTLS () {
+	(echo R; sleep $DELAY) | \
+	openssl s_client $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION -connect $HOST:$PORT \
+	pid=$!
+	sleep $DELAY
+	#
+	# NOTE: openssl protocol version glitches
+	#
+	# This check does not work with openssl 1.0.1-dev on some target sites, 
+	# and it requires the "-tls1" or "-ssl3" openssl command line arguments; 
+	# here, and in all openssl instances within this script.
+	#
+	# The reason is openssl 1.0.1-dev uses TLS protocol version 1.2 in the 
+	# Client Hello message, and the server never sends the Server Hello 
+	# message. The otput simply shows:
+	# 
+	# If the -tls1_1 switch is used in these target services, they properly 
+	# reply back with a "wrong version number" message.
+	#
+	# v1.3: Added new code to accommodate this scenario:
+	# If (-lt 5) but CONNECTED, then use the -tls1 (backward protocol 
+	# version) switch in all openssl executions...
+	# ... or (select the right option based on the openssl version, but this
+	# might change): if openssl 1.0.1-dev or +, use -tls1...
+	#
+	# There is a specific case where the target service can refuse the 
+	# connection but the port still speaks SSL/TLS. In that case the error 
+	# log contains the following messages, although the handshake log is > 
+	# than 5 lines:
+	# connect: Connection refused
+	# connect:errno=22
+	#
+	if grep -q "connect: Connection refused" <<<$ERR_SSL; then
+		# Target service speaks SSL/TLS but refuses the connection
+		echo
+		echo "[!] ERROR: The target service $HOST:$PORT might speak SSL/TLS"
+		echo "           but refuses the connection."
+		reviewlogfiles
+		exit
+	fi
+	if [ $SSL_HANDSHAKE_LINES -lt 5 ] ; then 
+		# SSL handshake failed - Non SSL/TLS service or error:
+		# - If the target service does not speak SSL/TLS, openssl does not 
+		#   terminate, so kill it.
+		# - However, if the target speaks SSL/TLS but the connection fails 
+		#   (e.g. "sslv3 alert bad certificate") then the connection 
+		#   finishes.
+		kill -s SIGINT ${pid} 2>/dev/null
+		# Check if it failed because of an error or lack of SSL/TLS support
+		if grep -q "ssl handshake failure" <<<$ERR_SSL; then
+		    echo
+		    echo "[!] ERROR: The target service $HOST:$PORT speaks SSL/TLS"
+			echo "           but returned an error: ssl handshake failure."
+			echo "           E.g. Client certificate mandatory?"
+		elif [ $BACKWARDPROTOCOL == "true" ]; then
+			echo
+			echo "[!] ERROR: The target service $HOST:$PORT does not seem"
+			echo "           to speak SSL/TLS even when using the SSL/TLS backward"
+			echo "           protocol version: $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION"
+		elif grep -q "CONNECTED" <<<$ERR_SSL; then
+			# The local openssl tool tried by default a protocol version not 
+			# supported by the target server. Switching back to a more
+			# conservative protocol version (OPENSSLBACKWARDPROTOCOLVERSION).
+			# Set we already tried a backward option
+			echo
+			echo "[.] WARNING: Trying connection again with SSL/TLS protocol version:"
+			echo "             $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION"
+			#echo
+		    	# Repeat initial test with a potentially different 
+			test_if_service_speaks_SSLTLS
+		else
+		    echo
+		    echo "[!] ERROR: The target service $HOST:$PORT does not seem"
+			echo "           to speak SSL/TLS or it is not reachable!!"
+		fi
+		reviewlogfiles
+		exit
+	else 
+		# Specific case where server returns "reason(1000)" cause it requires a
+		# client certificate, and SSLv3 was used by default. Force it to switch
+		# Error: 
+		# 3073591496:error:140773E8:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:\
+		# reason(1000):s23_clnt.c:724:
+	        # Another error: (!= openssl version)
+		# 13531:error:14094412:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate:s3_pkt.c:1093:SSL alert number 42
+		if grep -q "SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1000)\|sslv3 alert bad certificate" <<<$ERR_SSL; then
+		    echo
+		    echo "[!] ERROR: The target service $HOST:$PORT speaks SSL/TLS"
+		    echo "           but returned an error."
+		    echo "           Check the output and try manually other SSL/TLS versions."
+		    echo "           E.g. Client certificate mandatory?"
+		    reviewlogfiles
+		    exit
+		else	
+		    # SSL handshake succeded - Continue...
+		    # VERBOSE
+		    echo "    [.] The target service $HOST:$PORT seems to speak SSL/TLS..."
+		    echo
+		    echo "    [.] Using SSL/TLS protocol version: $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION"
+		    echo "        (empty means I'm using the default openssl protocol version(s))"
+		    echo
+		fi
+	fi
+# MAIN:
+# v1.2: 
+# Mac OS X (Darwin) support:
+# sed regexes in Linux use the -r switch, while in non-GNU systems (like
+# Mac OS X) they use the -E switch.
+#if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ] ; then
+# Used for the old check below required to remove terminal output formatting
+echo ------------------------------------------------------
+echo " TLSSLed - ($VERSION) based on sslscan and openssl"
+echo "                 by Raul Siles (www.taddong.com)"
+echo ------------------------------------------------------
+if [ -z `which openssl` ] ;then echo; echo "[!] ERROR: openssl command not found!"; echo; exit; fi
+if [ -z `which sslscan` ] ;then echo; echo "[!] ERROR: sslscan command not found!"; echo; exit; fi
+OPENSSLVERSION=$(openssl version)
+#SSLSCANVERSION=$(sslscan --version | grep version | \
+#sed ${SED_ARG_REGEX} "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g")
+# v1.3:
+# Works with the old sslscan 1.8.2 and the new 1.8.3rc3 fork
+SSLSCANVERSION=$(sslscan --version | grep version | \
+sed "s/^.*sslscan/sslscan/")
+echo "    openssl version: $OPENSSLVERSION"
+echo ------------------------------------------------------
+echo "    Date: $DATE" 
+echo ------------------------------------------------------
+if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then 
+   echo "[!] Usage: $0 <hostname or IP_address> <port>"
+   echo
+   exit
+echo "[*] Analyzing SSL/TLS on $HOST:$PORT ..."
+# Run sslcan once, store the results to a log file and
+# analyze that file for all the different tests:
+# Same idea for openssl - save results to files and analyze
+# them to verify different tests:
+# Just in case...
+if [ -z "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
+    echo
+    echo "[!] ERROR: Output directory is not defined! Aborting execution!"
+    echo
+    exit 
+echo "    [.] Output directory: $DIRECTORY ..." 
+if [ -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
+    echo
+    echo "[!] ERROR: Output directory already exist! Aborting execution!"
+    echo
+    exit 
+mkdir -p $DIRECTORY
+# Check if the target service speaks SSL/TLS (& check renegotiation)
+echo "[*] Checking if the target service speaks SSL/TLS..." 
+# This initial check is required because sslscan works pretty slow & badly
+# on non-SSL/TLS services, such as HTTP (without S):
+echo "[*] Running sslscan on $HOST:$PORT ..."
+echo "    [-] Testing for SSLv2 ..."
+echo "    [-] Testing for the NULL cipher ..."
+echo "    [-] Testing for weak ciphers (based on key length - 40 or 56 bits) ..."
+grep " 40 bits" $DIRECTORY/$SSLSCANLOGFILE | grep Accepted
+grep " 56 bits" $DIRECTORY/$SSLSCANLOGFILE | grep Accepted
+echo "    [+] Testing for strong ciphers (based on AES) ..."
+grep "AES" $DIRECTORY/$SSLSCANLOGFILE | grep Accepted
+echo "    [-] Testing for MD5 signed certificate ..."
+#cat $DIRECTORY/$SSLSCANLOGFILE | grep -E 'MD5WithRSAEncryption|md5WithRSAEncryption'
+echo "    [.] Testing for the certificate public key length ..."
+echo "    [.] Testing for the certificate subject ..."
+echo "    [.] Testing for the certificate CA issuer ..."
+echo "    [.] Testing for the certificate validity period ..."
+NOW=$(date -u)
+echo "    Today: $NOW"
+echo "    [.] Checking preferred server ciphers ..."
+# v1.1:
+# cat $DIRECTORY/$SSLSCANLOGFILE | sed '/Prefered Server Cipher(s):/,/^$/!d' | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g"
+sed '/Prefered Server Cipher(s):/,/^$/!d' | \
+sed ${SED_ARG_REGEX} "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" | \
+grep -v "Prefered Server Cipher" | grep -v "^$")
+# Extra empty line above removed with the last grep
+# -----------------------------
+# Before testing for client initiated renegotiation, we need to check if
+# we must use the secure (RFC5746) or the insecure (legacy) mode.
+# Renegotiation details will go to stderr (2>).
+# If $OPENSSLVERSION is updated (0.9.8m+) it supports RFC5746 and will print
+# the details based on the analysis of the new RI extension:
+# - Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
+# - Secure Renegotiation IS supported
+# Command executed initially to check if target service supports SSL/TLS:
+# (echo R; sleep $DELAY) | openssl s_client $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION -connect $HOST:$PORT > \
+# v1.3: 
+# First of all, check if secure renegotiation is supported. Based on the 
+# results, check if client initiated renegotiation is enabled by using 
+# openssl defaults (secure) or the use the "-legacy_renegotiation" flag 
+# (insecure).
+# It is important to differentiate between having client initiated 
+# renegotiation enabled, and having support for secure renegotiation.
+# There are four possible options or combinations.
+# If secure renegotiation is NOT supported, we need to use the legacy flag
+# to test for SSL/TLS legacy renegotiation. If it IS supported, the default 
+# command (initially executed) works fine.
+# Additionally, even if secure renegotiation IS supported, we can check if
+# the target service also accepts insecure renegotiations (legacy). 
+# Therefore, in any case we test for SSL/TLS renegotiation using the legacy 
+# mode.
+# The text can appear two times, hence we use "uniq":
+SECURE_RENEG=$(grep -E "Secure Renegotiation IS" $DIRECTORY/$RENEGLOGFILE | \
+echo "[*] Testing for SSL/TLS renegotiation MitM vuln. (CVE-2009-3555) ..."
+echo "    [+] Testing for secure renegotiation support (RFC 5746) ..."
+echo "    $SECURE_RENEG"
+# Check for SSL/TLS renegotiation using legacy mode in any case
+(echo R; sleep $DELAY) | \
+echo "[*] Testing for SSL/TLS renegotiation DoS vuln. (CVE-2011-1473) ..."
+if grep -q NOT <<<$SECURE_RENEG; then
+    # Secure renegotiation IS NOT supported: show legacy mode results
+    echo "    [.] Testing for client initiated (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation (insecure)..."
+    # Secure renegotiation IS supported: RFC5746
+    # The default option in openssl (assuming 0.9.8m+) is not to use any 
+    # special flag, that is, use secure renegotiation by default
+    echo "    [.] Testing for client initiated (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation (secure)..."
+# - If SSL/TLS renegotiation is enabled you will get:
+# ...
+# verify return:0
+# The DONE message is on the error output, not on the standard output, and
+# only when the "echo R & sleep" method is used (not in interactive mode).
+if grep -q DONE <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+    echo "    (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation IS enabled"
+# Client certificate might be required: 
+elif grep -q "sslv3 alert bad certificate" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+    echo "    UNKNOWN: Client certificate might be required (sslv3 alert bad certificate)"
+# Client certificate might be required: 
+# "sslv3 alert unexpected message" in openssl-1.0.1-dev
+elif grep -q "sslv3 alert unexpected message" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+    echo "    UNKNOWN: Client certificate might be required (sslv3 alert unexpected message)"
+# Different error behaviors when reneg. is not enabled:
+elif grep -q "no renegotiation" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+    echo "    (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation IS NOT enabled (no renegotiation)"
+elif grep -q "ssl handshake failure" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+    echo "    (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation IS NOT enabled (ssl handshake failure)"
+    echo "    UNKNOWN"
+# Additionally, if secure renegotiation is supported, check if it still
+# allows renegotiation using legacy mode (insecure):
+if [ "$SECURE_RENEG_STATE" == "Yes" ]; then
+    echo
+    echo "    [.] Testing for client initiated (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation (insecure)..."
+    # REPEAT:
+    if grep -q DONE <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+        echo "    (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation IS enabled"
+    # Client certificate might be required: 
+    elif grep -q "sslv3 alert bad certificate" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+        echo "    UNKNOWN: Client certificate might be required (sslv3 alert bad certificate)"
+    # Client certificate might be required: 
+    # "sslv3 alert unexpected message" in openssl-1.0.1-dev
+    elif grep -q "sslv3 alert unexpected message" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+        echo "    UNKNOWN: Client certificate might be required (sslv3 alert unexpected message)"
+    # Different error behaviors when reneg. is not enabled:
+    elif grep -q "no renegotiation" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+        echo "    (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation IS NOT enabled (no renegotiation)"
+    elif grep -q "ssl handshake failure" <<<$ERR_RENEG; then
+        echo "    (CI) SSL/TLS renegotiation IS NOT enabled (ssl handshake failure)"
+    else
+        echo "    UNKNOWN"
+    fi
+# Check if client certificate autentication is required by the target 
+# service.
+# NOTE: If client certificate authentication is being requested, it would be
+# possible to test for it using a client digital certificate using openssl:
+# $ openssl s_client $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION -connect www.example.com:443 \
+#   -cert client.pem -key client.key
+echo "[*] Testing for client authentication using digital certificates ..."
+if grep -q "Acceptable client certificate CA names" <<<$LOG_RENEG; then
+    echo "    SSL/TLS client certificate authentication IS required"
+    # Check the list and number of accepted CAs
+    # Save CAs list to file
+    # The LOG_RENEG variable does not have the original break lines to parse
+    # the output properly, so read the file again
+	sed '/Acceptable client certificate CA names/,/^---$/!d' | \
+	grep -v "\-\-\-" | grep -v "Acceptable client certificate CA names" | \
+	grep -v "^$" > $DIRECTORY/$CASFILE
+    # Number of CAs
+    CAS=$(cat $DIRECTORY/$CASFILE | wc -l)
+    echo "    The target service accepts $CAS Certification Authorities (CAs)"
+elif grep -q "No client certificate CA names sent" <<<$LOG_RENEG; then
+    echo "    SSL/TLS client certificate authentication IS NOT required"
+    echo "    UNKNOWN"
+echo "[*] Testing for TLS v1.1 and v1.2 (CVE-2011-3389 vuln. aka BEAST) ..."
+# Test for SSLv3 and TLSv1 support first (from sslscan)
+echo "    [-] Testing for SSLv3 and TLSv1 support ..."
+# Test for RC4 in the list of prefered ciphers (from sslscan previously)
+echo "    [+] Testing for RC4 in the prefered cipher(s) list ..."
+echo "$PREFERED_CIPHERS" | grep "RC4"
+# Connection details go to stderr (2>) and, in this case, to a variable:
+# If $OPENSSLVERSION is updated (version >= 1.0.1-stable) it supports 
+# TLS v1.1 & v1.2, if not, the openssl help is displayed in the command 
+# output.
+OUTPUT_TLS1_1=$((echo Q; sleep $DELAY) | \
+openssl s_client -tls1_1 -connect $HOST:$PORT 2>&1)
+OUTPUT_TLS1_2=$((echo Q; sleep $DELAY) | \
+openssl s_client -tls1_2 -connect $HOST:$PORT 2>&1)
+#      if "DONE":                   TLS v1.x supported
+# else if "wrong version number":   TLS v1.x not supported
+# else if "unknown option":         OpenSSL does not support TLS v1.1 or v1.2
+echo "    [.] Testing for TLS v1.1 support ..."
+if grep -q DONE <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_1; then
+    echo "    TLS v1.1 IS supported"
+elif grep -q "wrong version number" <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_1; then
+    echo "    TLS v1.1 IS NOT supported"
+elif grep -q "ssl handshake failure" <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_1; then
+    echo "    TLS v1.1 IS NOT supported (ssl handshake failure)"
+elif grep -q "unknown option" <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_1; then
+    echo "    The local openssl version does NOT support TLS v1.1"
+    echo "    UNKNOWN"
+echo "    [.] Testing for TLS v1.2 support ..."
+if grep -q DONE <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_2; then
+    echo "    TLS v1.2 IS supported"
+elif grep -q "wrong version number" <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_2; then
+    echo "    TLS v1.2 IS NOT supported"
+elif grep -q "ssl handshake failure" <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_2; then
+    echo "    TLS v1.2 IS NOT supported (ssl handshake failure)"
+elif grep -q "unknown option" <<<$OUTPUT_TLS1_2; then
+    echo "    The local openssl version does NOT support TLS v1.2"
+    echo "    UNKNOWN"
+echo "[*] Testing for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) security headers using HTTP/1.0 ..."
+(echo -e "HEAD / HTTP/1.0\n\n"; sleep $DELAY) | \
+openssl s_client $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION -connect $HOST:$PORT \
+echo "    [+] Testing for HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header ..."
+grep -i 'Strict-Transport-Security' $DIRECTORY/$HEAD1LOGFILE
+echo "    [+] Testing for cookies with the secure flag ..."
+grep -i 'Set-Cookie' $DIRECTORY/$HEAD1LOGFILE | grep -i 'secure'
+echo "    [-] Testing for cookies without the secure flag ..."
+grep -i 'Set-Cookie' $DIRECTORY/$HEAD1LOGFILE | grep -v -i 'secure'
+echo "[*] Testing for HTTPS (SSL/TLS) security headers using HTTP/1.1 & Host ..."
+(echo -e "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\nHost: $HOST\n\n"; sleep $DELAY) | \
+openssl s_client $OPENSSLPROTOCOLVERSION -connect $HOST:$PORT \
+echo "    [+] Testing for HTTP Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header ..."
+grep -i 'Strict-Transport-Security' $DIRECTORY/$HEADLOGFILE
+echo "    [+] Testing for cookies with the secure flag ..."
+grep -i 'Set-Cookie' $DIRECTORY/$HEADLOGFILE | grep -i 'secure'
+echo "    [-] Testing for cookies without the secure flag ..."
+grep -i 'Set-Cookie' $DIRECTORY/$HEADLOGFILE | grep -v -i 'secure'
+echo "[*] New files created:"
+echo "    [.] Output directory: $DIRECTORY ..." 
+# Moved to bottom:
+# Delete all empty error files:
+# $ find . -size 0 -name '*.err' -delete 
+# This could potentially delete other .err zero-size files not created by 
+# TLSSLed.
+if [ ! -s "$DIRECTORY/$SSLSCANERRFILE" ]; then
+	# SSLscan error file is empty
+if [ ! -s "$DIRECTORY/$RENEGERRFILE" ]; then
+	# Renegotiation error file is empty
+	# Legacy renegotiation error file is empty
+if [ ! -s "$DIRECTORY/$HEAD1ERRFILE" ]; then
+	# Openssl HEAD 1.0 error file is empty
+if [ ! -s "$DIRECTORY/$HEADERRFILE" ]; then
+	# Openssl HEAD 1.1 error file is empty
+echo [*] done
diff --git a/tlssled.spec b/tlssled.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dadaff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tlssled.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+Name:       tlssled
+Version:    1.3
+Release:    3%{?dist}
+Summary:    An evaluation tool for SSL/TLS (HTTPS) web server implementations
+License:    GPLv3+
+URL:        http://www.taddong.com/en/lab.html
+Source:     http://www.taddong.com/tools/TLSSLed_v%{version}.sh
+BuildArch:  noarch
+Requires:   sslscan
+Requires:   openssl
+TLSSLed is a Linux shell script whose purpose is to evaluate the security of
+a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) web server implementation. It is based on sslscan, a
+thorough SSL/TLS scanner that is based on the openssl library, and on the
+"openssl s_client" command line tool. The current tests include checking if
+the target supports the SSLv2 protocol, the NULL cipher, weak ciphers based
+on their key length (40 or 56 bits), the availability of strong ciphers
+(like AES), if the digital certificate is MD5 signed, and the current SSL/TLS
+renegotiation capabilities.
+# nothing to prep
+# nothing to build
+install -p -m 0755 -D %{SOURCE0} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/tlssled
+sed -i 's|#!/usr/bin/env bash|#!/usr/bin/bash|g' %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/tlssled
+* Tue Mar 04 2014 Fabian Affolter <mail at fabian-affolter.ch> - 1.3-3
+- Update shebang
+- Again spaces
+* Thu Feb 27 2014 Fabian Affolter <mail at fabian-affolter.ch> - 1.3-2
+- Preserve time stamp
+- Only spaces
+* Wed Feb 26 2014 Fabian Affolter <mail at fabian-affolter.ch> - 1.3-1
+- Initial spec for Fedora

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