[derelict/f20] Update to latest revision

MERCIER Jonathan bioinfornatics at fedoraproject.org
Sun May 18 01:22:44 UTC 2014

commit b69e2735484342056127cc38c2752137c72a374c
Author: bioifornatics <bioifornatics at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Sun May 18 03:22:41 2014 +0200

    Update to latest revision

 .gitignore    |   17 ++
 derelict.spec |  599 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 sources       |   18 ++-
 3 files changed, 547 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9778fd2..f7fc27c 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -5,3 +5,20 @@
diff --git a/derelict.spec b/derelict.spec
index ec32042..c0ba931 100644
--- a/derelict.spec
+++ b/derelict.spec
@@ -1,14 +1,120 @@
-%global     snapdate            201410303
-%global     derelict_revision   9570453
-%global     alphatag            %{snapdate}git%{derelict_revision}
 %global     debug_package       %{nil}
+# The source for this package was pulled from upstream's git.
+# Use the following commands to generate the tarball:
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictAL.git
+# (cd DerelictAL && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/AL/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictAL-%%{AL_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     AL_snapdate   20140212
+%global     AL_revision   bd5bd3b
+%global     AL_alphatag   %{AL_snapdate}git%{AL_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictALURE.git
+# (cd DerelictALURE && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/ALURE/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictALURE-%%{ALURE_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     ALURE_snapdate   20140303
+%global     ALURE_revision   402884c
+%global     ALURE_alphatag   %{ALURE_snapdate}git%{ALURE_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictASSIMP3.git
+# (cd DerelictASSIMP3 && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/ASSIMP3/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictASSIMP3-%%{ASSIMP3_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     ASSIMP3_snapdate   20131222
+%global     ASSIMP3_revision   2300879
+%global     ASSIMP3_alphatag   %{ASSIMP3_snapdate}git%{ASSIMP3_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictFI.git
+# (cd DerelictFI && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/FI/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictFI-%%{FI_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     FI_snapdate   20140127
+%global     FI_revision   c5786f4
+%global     FI_alphatag   %{FI_snapdate}git%{FI_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictFT.git
+# (cd DerelictFT && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/FT/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictFT-%%{FT_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     FT_snapdate   20131222
+%global     FT_revision   8e46c9f
+%global     FT_alphatag   %{FT_snapdate}git%{FT_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictGL3.git
+# (cd DerelictGL3 && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/GL3/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictGL3-%%{GL3_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     GL3_snapdate   20140303
+%global     GL3_revision   0ad2f17
+%global     GL3_alphatag   %{GL3_snapdate}git%{GL3_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictGLFW3.git
+# (cd DerelictGLFW3 && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/GLFW3/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictGLFW3-%%{GLFW3_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     GLFW3_snapdate   20131222
+%global     GLFW3_revision   dc988f5
+%global     GLFW3_alphatag   %{GLFW3_snapdate}git%{GLFW3_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictIL.git
+# (cd DerelictIL && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/IL/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictIL-%%{IL_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     IL_snapdate   20131222
+%global     IL_revision   8c70f90
+%global     IL_alphatag   %{IL_snapdate}git%{IL_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictLua.git
+# (cd DerelictLua && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/Lua/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictLua-%%{Lua_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     Lua_snapdate   20140508
+%global     Lua_revision   a6d2f46
+%global     Lua_alphatag   %{Lua_snapdate}git%{Lua_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictODE.git
+# (cd DerelictODE && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/ODE/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictODE-%%{ODE_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     ODE_snapdate   20140212
+%global     ODE_revision   f0138fb
+%global     ODE_alphatag   %{ODE_snapdate}git%{ODE_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictOgg.git
+# (cd DerelictOgg && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/Ogg/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictOgg-%%{Ogg_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     Ogg_snapdate   20131222
+%global     Ogg_revision   d48d50d
+%global     Ogg_alphatag   %{Ogg_snapdate}git%{Ogg_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictPHYSFS.git
+# (cd DerelictPHYSFS && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/PHYSFS/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictPHYSFS-%%{PHYSFS_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     PHYSFS_snapdate   20131222
+%global     PHYSFS_revision   1405994
+%global     PHYSFS_alphatag   %{PHYSFS_snapdate}git%{PHYSFS_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictPQ.git
+# (cd DerelictPQ && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/PQ/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictPQ-%%{PQ_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     PQ_snapdate   20131222
+%global     PQ_revision   ebd72df
+%global     PQ_alphatag   %{PQ_snapdate}git%{PQ_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictSDL2.git
+# (cd DerelictSDL2 && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/SDL2/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictSDL2-%%{SDL2_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     SDL2_snapdate   20140502
+%global     SDL2_revision   d549b0d
+%global     SDL2_alphatag   %{SDL2_snapdate}git%{SDL2_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictSFML2.git
+# (cd DerelictSFML2 && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/SFML2/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictSFML2-%%{SFML2_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     SFML2_snapdate   20140413
+%global     SFML2_revision   26a3eda
+%global     SFML2_alphatag   %{SFML2_snapdate}git%{SFML2_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictUtil.git
+# (cd DerelictUtil && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/Util/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictUtil-%%{Util_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     Util_snapdate   20140422
+%global     Util_revision   16940c7
+%global     Util_alphatag   %{Util_snapdate}git%{Util_revision}
+# git clone https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictVorbis.git
+# (cd DerelictVorbis && git rev-parse --short HEAD)
+# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{snapdate}/Vorbis/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelictVorbis-%%{Vorbis_alphatag}.tar.xz
+%global     Vorbis_snapdate   20131222
+%global     Vorbis_revision   64b26fc
+%global     Vorbis_alphatag   %{Vorbis_snapdate}git%{Vorbis_revision}
 %define add_subpackage(n:)                                                    \
 %package %{-n*}                                                               \
 Summary:        Libraries to use %{-n*}                                       \
 Summary(fr):    Bibliothèque pour utiliser %{-n*}                             \
 Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} =  %{version}-%{release}                      \
+%if %# >= 2                                                                   \
 Requires:       %*                                                            \
+%endif                                                                        \
 %description %{-n*}                                                           \
 Libraries for %{-n*} to use in D programming language.                        \
 %description -l fr %{-n*}                                                     \
@@ -17,20 +123,32 @@ Bibliothèque pour %{-n*} à utiliser en langage D.
 Summary:        Header files and libraries for %{-n*}                         \
 Summary(fr):    Fichier d'entête et bibliothèque pour %{-n*}                  \
 Requires:       %{name}%{?_isa} =  %{version}-%{release}                      \
+%if %# >= 2                                                                   \
 Requires:       %*                                                            \
+%endif                                                                        \
 %description %{-n*}-devel                                                     \
 Header files and libraries for %{-n*} to use in D programming language.       \
 %description -l fr %{-n*}-devel                                               \
 Fichier d'entête et bibliothèque pour %{-n*} à utiliser en langage D.         \
+%define build_plugins(n:)                                                     \
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/%1/source                              \
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib                                    \
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}   -relocation-model=pic -shared -L-ldl -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include  -Hd ../include/derelict/%2 -c $(find derelict -name '*.d') -od../object/ \
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags} -L-ldl -shared -soname libDerelict%1.so.3 -of../lib/libDerelict%1.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o') \
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g derelict%1.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")          \
+popd \
 %define install_files(n:)                                                     \
-install -p -d %{buildroot}%{_d_includedir}/%{name}/%1/                        \
-install -D import/%{name}/%1/*.d %{buildroot}%{_d_includedir}/%{name}/%1/     \
-install -D lib/libDerelict%2.so.3.0.0 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/                 \
+install -p -d %{buildroot}%{_d_includedir}/%{name}/%2/                        \
+install -m0644 -D %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/%1/include/derelict/%2/*.di %{buildroot}%{_d_includedir}/%{name}/%2/     \
+install -D %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/%1/lib/libDerelict%1.so.3.0.0 %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/                 \
+install -m0644 %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/%1/derelict%1.d.tags %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/geany/tags/ \
 pushd %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/                                                 \
-ln -s libDerelict%2.so.3.0.0 libDerelict%2.so.3                               \
-ln -s libDerelict%2.so.3 libDerelict%2.so                                     \
+ln -s libDerelict%1.so.3.0.0 libDerelict%1.so.3                               \
+ln -s libDerelict%1.so.3 libDerelict%1.so                                     \
 popd                                                                          \
@@ -43,25 +161,37 @@ popd                                                                          \
 %files %{-n*}-devel                                                           \
 %{_libdir}/libDerelict%1.so                                                   \
 %{_d_includedir}/%{name}/%2                                                   \
+%{_datadir}/geany/tags/derelict%1.d.tags                                      \
-# The source for this package was pulled from upstream's git.
-# Use the following commands to generate the tarball:
-# git clone git://github.com/aldacron/Derelict3.git derelict
-# cd derelict
-# git rev-parse --short HEAD            -> for derelict_revision
-# git checkout %%derelict_rev
-# git archive --prefix=derelict-%%{alphatag}/ HEAD --format=tar | xz > ../derelict-%%{alphatag}.tar.xz
 Name:           derelict
 Version:        3
-Release:        26.%{alphatag}%{?dist}
+Release:        26.%{Util_alphatag}%{?dist}
 Summary:        Collection of D bindings to C shared libraries
 Summary(fr):    Collection de bibliothèque en D interfaçant des bibliothèques dynamiques en C
 License:        Boost
 URL:            http://www.dsource.org/projects/
-Source0:        %{name}-%{alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source0:        %{name}-Util-%{Util_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source1:        %{name}-AL-%{AL_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source2:        %{name}-ALURE-%{ALURE_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source3:        %{name}-ASSIMP3-%{ASSIMP3_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source4:        %{name}-FI-%{FI_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source5:        %{name}-FT-%{FT_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source6:        %{name}-GL3-%{GL3_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source7:        %{name}-GLFW3-%{GLFW3_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source8:        %{name}-IL-%{IL_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source9:        %{name}-Lua-%{Lua_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source10:       %{name}-ODE-%{ODE_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source11:       %{name}-Ogg-%{Ogg_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source12:       %{name}-PHYSFS-%{PHYSFS_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source13:       %{name}-PQ-%{PQ_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source14:       %{name}-SDL2-%{SDL2_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source15:       %{name}-SFML2-%{SFML2_alphatag}.tar.xz
+Source16:       %{name}-Vorbis-%{Vorbis_alphatag}.tar.xz
 BuildRequires:  ldc, ldc-phobos-devel
 # No ldc for arm yet, https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/issues/116
 ExcludeArch:    %{arm}
@@ -121,42 +251,341 @@ Header files and libraries for derelict to use in D programming language.
 %description -l fr devel
 Fichier d'entête et bibliothèque pour derelict à utiliser en langage D.
-%add_subpackage -n gl mesa-libGL mesa-libGLU mesa-libGLw
-%add_subpackage -n glfw glfw
-%add_subpackage -n DevIL DevIL DevIL-ILUT
-%add_subpackage -n openAL openal-soft
-%add_subpackage -n alure alure
-%add_subpackage -n freetype freetype
-%add_subpackage -n SDL SDL SDL_image SDL_mixer SDL_net SDL_sound SDL_ttf SDL_gfx
-%add_subpackage -n ode ode
-%add_subpackage -n assimp assimp
-%add_subpackage -n freeglut freeglut
-%add_subpackage -n freeimage freeimage
-%add_subpackage -n sfml SFML
-%add_subpackage -n lua lua
-%add_subpackage -n ogg libogg
-%add_subpackage -n postgresql postgresql
-%add_subpackage -n tcod tcod
+%add_subpackage -n AL openal-soft
+%add_subpackage -n ALURE alure
+%add_subpackage -n ASSIMP3 assimp
+%add_subpackage -n FI freeimage
+%add_subpackage -n FT freetype
+%add_subpackage -n GL3 mesa-libGL mesa-libGLU mesa-libGLw
+%add_subpackage -n GLFW3 glfw
+%add_subpackage -n IL DevIL DevIL-ILUT
+%add_subpackage -n LUA lua
+%add_subpackage -n ODE ode
+%add_subpackage -n Ogg
+%add_subpackage -n PHYSFS physfs
+%add_subpackage -n PQ postgresql
+%add_subpackage -n SDL2 SDL SDL_image SDL_mixer SDL_net SDL_sound SDL_ttf SDL_gfx
+%add_subpackage -n SFML2 SFML
+%add_subpackage -n Vorbis
-%setup -q -n %{name}-%{alphatag}
+%setup -q -b 0 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}
+%setup -q -b 1 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/AL
+%setup -q -b 2 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/ALURE
+%setup -q -b 3 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/ASSIMP3
+%setup -q -b 4 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/FI
+%setup -q -b 5 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/FT
+%setup -q -b 6 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/GL3
+%setup -q -b 7 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/GLFW3
+%setup -q -b 8 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/IL
+%setup -q -b 9 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Lua
+%setup -q -b 10 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/ODE
+%setup -q -b 11 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Ogg
+%setup -q -b 12 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/PHYSFS
+%setup -q -b 13 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/PQ
+%setup -q -b 14 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/SDL2
+%setup -q -b 15 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/SFML2
+%setup -q -b 16 -n %{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Vorbis
+# bug reported https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictPQ/issues/1
+sed -i '/PGVerbosity function(PGconn conn,/ s/PGconn conn/PGconn* conn/' %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/PQ/source/derelict/pq/pq.d
 # temp geany config directory for allow geany to generate tags
 mkdir -p geany_config
-# modify build.d to build shared libs
-sed -i \
--e 's/-lib -O -release -enable-inlining -property -w -wi/-shared %{_d_optflags} -enable-inlining -property -wi/g' \
--e 's/    enum extension = "\.a";/    enum extension = ".so";/g' \
--e '104s|.*|        return format("ldc2 %s -soname=%s.%s -I../import -of%s/%s.%s %s", compilerOptions, libName, MajorVersion, outdir, libName, FullVersion, files);|' build/build.d
-# build the builder
-pushd build
-ldc2 %{_d_optflags} build.d -of derelict
-# build derelict
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/util                        \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictUtil.so.3                \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictUtil.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictUtil.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/AL/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/openal                      \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictAL.so.3                  \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictAL.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictAL.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/ALURE/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/AL/include       \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/alure                       \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictALURE.so.3               \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictALURE.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictALURE.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/ASSIMP3/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/assimp3                     \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictASSIMP3.so.3             \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictASSIMP3.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictASSIMP3.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/FI/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/freeimage                   \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictFI.so.3                  \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictFI.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictFI.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/FT/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/freetype                    \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictFT.so.3                  \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictFT.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictFT.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/GL3/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/opengl3                     \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictGL3.so.3                 \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictGL3.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictGL3.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
-# generate geany tags
-geany -c geany_config -g derelict.d.tags $(find import/%{name} -name "*.d")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/GLFW3/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/glfw3                       \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictGLFW3.so.3               \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictGLFW3.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictGLFW3.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/IL/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/devil                       \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictIL.so.3                  \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictIL.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictIL.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Lua/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/lua                         \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictLua.so.3                 \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictLua.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictLua.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/ODE/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/ode                         \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictODE.so.3                 \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictODE.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictODE.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Ogg/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/ogg                         \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictOgg.so.3                 \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictOgg.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictOgg.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/PHYSFS/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/physfs                      \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictPHYSFS.so.3              \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictPHYSFS.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictPHYSFS.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/PQ/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/pq                          \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictPQ.so.3                  \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictPQ.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictPQ.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/SDL2/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/sdl2                        \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictSDL2.so.3                \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictSDL2.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictSDL2.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/SFML2/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/sfml2                       \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictSFML2.so.3               \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictSFML2.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictSFML2.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
+pushd %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Vorbis/source
+        mkdir ../object  ../include ../lib
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -relocation-model=pic                               \
+            -shared                                             \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Util/include     \
+            -Hd ../include/derelict/vorbis                      \
+            -I%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/Ogg/include       \
+            -c $(find derelict -name '*.d')                     \
+            -od../object/
+        ldc2 %{_d_optflags}                                     \
+            -L-ldl                                              \
+            -shared -soname libDerelictVorbis.so.3              \
+            -of../lib/libDerelictVorbis.so.3.0.0 $(find ../object -name '*.o')
+        geany -c %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{Util_alphatag}/geany_config -g ../derelictVorbis.d.tags $(find ../include/%{name} -name "*.di")
 install -p -d   %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/geany/tags/
@@ -164,60 +593,58 @@ install -p -d   %{buildroot}%{_d_includedir}/%{name}
 install -p -d   %{buildroot}%{_libdir}
 # install derelict headers and derelict libs
-%install_files alure ALURE
-%install_files assimp ASSIMP
-%install_files devil IL
-%install_files freeglut FG
-%install_files freeimage FI
-%install_files freetype FT
-%install_files glfw3 GLFW3
-%install_files lua Lua
-%install_files ode ODE
-%install_files ogg OGG
-%install_files openal AL
-%install_files opengl3 GL3
-%install_files pq PQ
-%install_files sdl2 SDL2
-%install_files sfml2 SFML2
-%install_files tcod TCOD
-%install_files util Util
-# install geany tags
-install -m0644 derelict.d.tags %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/geany/tags/
+%install_files AL openal
+%install_files ALURE alure
+%install_files ASSIMP3 assimp3
+%install_files FI freeimage
+%install_files FT freetype
+%install_files GL3 opengl3
+%install_files GLFW3 glfw3
+%install_files IL devil
+%install_files Lua lua
+%install_files ODE ode
+%install_files Ogg ogg
+%install_files PHYSFS physfs
+%install_files PQ pq
+%install_files SDL2 sdl2
+%install_files SFML2 sfml2
+%install_files Util util
+%install_files Vorbis vorbis
 %post   -p  /sbin/ldconfig
 %postun -p  /sbin/ldconfig
-%doc README.markdown
+#%doc README.markdown
 %files devel
-%add_files -n assimp ASSIMP assimp
-%add_files -n alure ALURE alure
-%add_files -n DevIL IL devil
-%add_files -n freeglut FG freeglut
-%add_files -n freeimage FI freeimage
-%add_files -n openAL AL openal
-%add_files -n freetype FT freetype
-%add_files -n gl GL3 opengl3
-%add_files -n glfw GLFW3 glfw3
-%add_files -n lua Lua lua
-%add_files -n ode ODE ode
-%add_files -n ogg OGG ogg
-%add_files -n postgresql PQ pq
-%add_files -n SDL SDL2 sdl2
-%add_files -n sfml SFML2 sfml2
-%add_files -n tcod TCOD tcod
+%add_files -n AL AL openal
+%add_files -n ALURE ALURE alure
+%add_files -n ASSIMP3 ASSIMP3 assimp3
+%add_files -n FI FI freeimage
+%add_files -n FT FT freetype
+%add_files -n GL3 GL3 opengl3
+%add_files -n GLFW3 GLFW3 glfw3
+%add_files -n IL IL devil
+%add_files -n LUA Lua lua
+%add_files -n ODE ODE ode
+%add_files -n Ogg Ogg ogg
+%add_files -n PHYSFS PHYSFS physfs
+%add_files -n PQ PQ pq
+%add_files -n SDL2 SDL2 sdl2
+%add_files -n SFML2 SFML2 sfml2
+%add_files -n Vorbis Vorbis vorbis
-* Sun Mar 09 2014 jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at gmail.com> - 3-26.201410303git9570453
+* Sun Mar 09 2014 jonathan MERCIER <bioinfornatics at gmail.com> - 3-26.20140422git16940c7
 - Update to latest rev
 * Mon Feb 17 2014 Hans de Goede <hdegoede at redhat.com> - 3-25.20131023git4ae13ab
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index dc44ee9..37ae3f8 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1,17 @@
-ee4cefcea622f952c04cdcf938743b4f  derelict-201410303git9570453.tar.xz
+d648448a2f20d7045f1d49dab7392734  derelict-AL-20140212gitbd5bd3b.tar.xz
+b53eba20492e8a8c5acd1334ff5fe9a3  derelict-ALURE-20140303git402884c.tar.xz
+ba1008816245d6a9d9a2b897f8c7edeb  derelict-ASSIMP3-20131222git2300879.tar.xz
+c4c5c55158fabd0b030b923fd6ce3c64  derelict-FI-20140127gitc5786f4.tar.xz
+29dc337b130b901f97408c9a986b1631  derelict-FT-20131222git8e46c9f.tar.xz
+710a4112b108b2c397fc591fbd13f740  derelict-GL3-20140303git0ad2f17.tar.xz
+a07cfcb08e8f017d5f9571c14865a678  derelict-GLFW3-20131222gitdc988f5.tar.xz
+7c10b1fce43ff7ba1394896ab8ddda1d  derelict-IL-20131222git8c70f90.tar.xz
+a62b6acce3df71412118b5de2a28fddc  derelict-Lua-20140508gita6d2f46.tar.xz
+df161df29f9e9610e4e892a9ece7f6f4  derelict-ODE-20140212gitf0138fb.tar.xz
+de153f41a4de59307d26ab90d566cef3  derelict-Ogg-20131222gitd48d50d.tar.xz
+18930972906adaefbd543e449ff0f66b  derelict-PHYSFS-20131222git1405994.tar.xz
+94384c22a2add0ef8e02204d95d19951  derelict-PQ-20131222gitebd72df.tar.xz
+7476c78755311110f61d76308b489105  derelict-SDL2-20140502gitd549b0d.tar.xz
+2d7a27b7e2c3b2bc91b2c8f0014b907c  derelict-SFML2-20140413git26a3eda.tar.xz
+a02574d7d24f6786ef23693f142d4ebd  derelict-Util-20140422git16940c7.tar.xz
+f3b2ab9730f82264ab05c8d8d3d54fcc  derelict-Vorbis-20131222git64b26fc.tar.xz

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