[koji] add upstream patches for better docker support

Dennis Gilmore ausil at fedoraproject.org
Mon Aug 4 07:53:25 UTC 2014

commit d57324c53355dece2704a35dce5af2bfcd9503dd
Author: Dennis Gilmore <dennis at ausil.us>
Date:   Mon Aug 4 02:53:25 2014 -0500

    add upstream patches for better docker support

 0001-refactor-image-build-handlers-in-kojid.patch |  694 +++++++++++++++++++++
 0002-image-support-xz-compressed-raw-files.patch  |  119 ----
 0002-refactor-do_images.patch                     |  439 +++++++++++++
 0003-add-raw-xz-option.patch                      |  148 +++++
 koji.spec                                         |   14 +-
 5 files changed, 1292 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)
diff --git a/0001-refactor-image-build-handlers-in-kojid.patch b/0001-refactor-image-build-handlers-in-kojid.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d4f0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0001-refactor-image-build-handlers-in-kojid.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+From 440ec22696a5f65f43c042570abb8b39dec5d7ae Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jay Greguske <jgregusk at redhat.com>
+Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2014 15:54:42 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 1/3] refactor image-build handlers in kojid
+ builder/kojid | 477 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
+ 1 file changed, 345 insertions(+), 132 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/builder/kojid b/builder/kojid
+index aece387..2ea0105 100755
+--- a/builder/kojid
++++ b/builder/kojid
+@@ -2711,7 +2711,7 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+     def fetchKickstart(self):
+         """
+         Retrieve the kickstart file we were given (locally or remotely) and
+-        upload it.
++        upload it to the hub.
+         Note that if the KS file existed locally, then "ksfile" is a relative
+         path to it in the /mnt/koji/work directory. If not, then it is still
+@@ -2720,7 +2720,8 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         url with --ksurl.
+         @args: None, use self.opts for options
+-        @returns: absolute path to the retrieved kickstart file
++        @returns:
++            absolute path to the retrieved kickstart file
+         """
+         ksfile = self.opts.get('kickstart')
+         self.logger.debug("ksfile = %s" % ksfile)
+@@ -2751,14 +2752,8 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         @returns: None
+         """
+         # XXX: If the ks file came from a local path and has %include
+-        #      macros, *-creator will fail because the included
+-        #      kickstarts were not copied into the chroot. For now we
+-        #      require users to flatten their kickstart file if submitting
+-        #      the task with a local path.
+-        #
+-        #      Note that if an SCM URL was used instead, %include macros
+-        #      may not be a problem if the included kickstarts are present
+-        #      in the repository we checked out.
++        #      macros, Oz will fail because it can only handle flat files.
++        #      We require users to flatten their kickstart file.
+         if self.opts.get('ksversion'):
+             version = ksparser.makeVersion(
+                 ksparser.stringToVersion(self.opts['ksversion']))
+@@ -2775,16 +2770,15 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+             raise koji.BuildError("Failed to parse kickstart file "
+                                     "'%s' : %s" % (kspath, e))
+-    def prepareKickstart(self, repo_info, target_info, arch):
++    def prepareKickstart(self, repo_info, target_info):
+         """
+         Process the ks file to be used for controlled image generation. This
+         method also uploads the modified kickstart file to the task output
+-        area.
++        area on the hub..
+         @args:
+             target_info: a sesion.getBuildTarget() object
+             repo_info: session.getRepo() object
+-            arch: canonical architecture name
+         @returns:
+             absolute path to a processed kickstart file
+         """
+@@ -2794,12 +2788,13 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         # repo associated with the target passed in initially.
+         self.ks.handler.repo.repoList = [] # delete whatever the ks file told us
+         repo_class = kscontrol.dataMap[self.ks.version]['RepoData']
++        # TODO: sensibly use "url" and "repo" commands in kickstart
+         if self.opts.get('repo'):
+             # the user used --repo at least once
+             user_repos = self.opts.get('repo')
+             index = 0
+             for user_repo in user_repos:
+-                repo_url = user_repo.replace('$arch', arch)
++                repo_url = user_repo.replace('$arch', self.arch)
+                 self.ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repo_class(
+                     baseurl=repo_url, name='koji-override-%i' % index))
+                 index += 1
+@@ -2808,7 +2803,7 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+             path_info = koji.PathInfo(topdir=self.options.topurl)
+             repopath = path_info.repo(repo_info['id'],
+                                       target_info['build_tag_name'])
+-            baseurl = '%s/%s' % (repopath, arch)
++            baseurl = '%s/%s' % (repopath, self.arch)
+             self.logger.debug('BASEURL: %s' % baseurl)
+             self.ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repo_class(
+                 baseurl=baseurl, name='koji-override-0'))
+@@ -2831,7 +2826,14 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+     def makeConfig(self):
+         """
+         Generate a configuration dict for ImageFactory. This will override
+-        anything in the /etc config files.
++        anything in the /etc config files. We do this forcibly so that it is
++        impossible for Koji to use any image caches or leftover metadata from
++        other images created by the service.
++        @args: none
++        @returns:
++            a dictionary used for configuring ImageFactory to built an image
++            the way we want
+         """
+         return {
+             #Oz specific
+@@ -2852,9 +2854,14 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+               'storage_path': os.path.join(self.workdir, 'output_image')},
+         }
+-    def makeTemplate(self, imgname, arch, inst_tree):
++    def makeTemplate(self, inst_tree):
+         """
+-        Generate a simple template for ImageFactory
++        Generate a simple "TDL" for ImageFactory to build an image with.
++        @args:
++            inst_tree - a string, a URL to the install tree (a compose)
++        @returns:
++            An XML string that imagefactory can consume
+         """
+         # we have to split this up so the variable substitution works
+         distname, distver = self.parseDistro(self.opts.get('distro'))
+@@ -2867,7 +2874,7 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+             <install type='url'>
+                 <url>%s</url>
+             </install>
+-        """ % (imgname, distname, distver, arch, inst_tree)
++        """ % (self.imgname, distname, distver, self.arch, inst_tree)
+         template += """<icicle>
+                 <extra_command>rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME},%{VERSION},%{RELEASE},%{ARCH},%{EPOCH},%{SIZE},%{SIGMD5},%{BUILDTIME}\n'</extra_command>
+             </icicle>
+@@ -2878,13 +2885,54 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         <size>%sG</size>
+     </disk>
+ </template>
+-""" % (imgname, self.opts.get('disk_size'))
++""" % (self.imgname, self.opts.get('disk_size'))
++        return template
++    def makeDockerUtilTemplate(self, inst_tree, pkg_group):
++        """
++        Generate a "TDL" for ImageFactory to build a utility image to run
++        docker commands on a docker image.
++        @args:
++            inst_tree - a string, a URL to the install tree (a compose)
++        @returns:
++            An XML string that imagefactory can consume
++        """
++        distname, distver = self.parseDistro(self.opts.get('distro'))
++        template = """<template>
++    <name>koji-%s-utility</name>
++        <os>
++            <name>%s</name>
++            <version>%s</version>
++            <arch>%s</arch>
++            <install type='url'>
++                <url>%s</url>
++            </install>
++        """ % (self.id, distname, distver, self.arch, inst_tree)
++        template += """<icicle>
++                <extra_command>rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME},%{VERSION},%{RELEASE},%{ARCH},%{EPOCH},%{SIZE},%{SIGMD5},%{BUILDTIME}\n'</extra_command>
++            </icicle>
++        """
++        # TODO: this should be defined by a docker-build package group
++        template += """</os>
++    <description>koji-%s-utility</description>
++    <packages>
++        <package name='docker'/>
++        <package name='libguestfs-tools'/>
++    </packages>
++""" % self.id
+         return template
+     def parseDistro(self, distro):
+         """
+         Figure out the distribution name and version we are going to build an
+         image on.
++        args:
++            a string of the form: RHEL-X.Y, Fedora-NN, CentOS-X.Y, or SL-X.Y
++        returns:
++            a 2-element list, depends on the distro where the split happened
+         """
+         if distro.startswith('RHEL'):
+             major, minor = distro.split('.')
+@@ -2900,7 +2948,8 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         else:
+             raise BuildError('Unknown or supported distro given: %s' % distro)
+-    def fixImageXML(self, format, imgname, filename, xmltext):
++    def fixImageXML(self, format, filename, xmltext):
+         """
+         The XML generated by Oz/ImageFactory knows nothing about the name
+         or image format conversions Koji does. We fix those values in the
+@@ -2909,18 +2958,18 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         @args:
+             format = raw, qcow2, vmdk, etc... a string representation
+-            name = the (file) name of the image
++            filename = the name of the XML file we will save this too
+             xmltext = the libvirt XML to start with
+         @return:
+             an absolute path to the modified XML
+         """
+         newxml = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmltext)
+         ename = newxml.getElementsByTagName('name')[0]
+-        ename.firstChild.nodeValue = imgname
++        ename.firstChild.nodeValue = self.imgname
+         esources = newxml.getElementsByTagName('source')
+         for e in esources:
+             if e.hasAttribute('file'):
+-                e.setAttribute('file', '%s.%s' % (imgname, format))
++                e.setAttribute('file', '%s.%s' % (self.imgname, format))
+         edriver = newxml.getElementsByTagName('driver')[0]
+         edriver.setAttribute('type', format)
+         xml_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, filename)
+@@ -2933,6 +2982,9 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         """
+         Locate a screenshot taken by libvirt in the case of build failure,
+         if it exists. If it does, return the path, else return None.
++        @args: none
++        @returns: a path to a screenshot take by libvirt
+         """
+         shotdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'oz_screenshots')
+         screenshot = None
+@@ -2947,7 +2999,7 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+     Methods = ['createImage']
+-    _taskWeight = 1.5
++    _taskWeight = 2.0
+     def getRootDevice(self):
+         """
+@@ -2959,7 +3011,38 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+                 return part.disk
+         raise koji.ApplianceError, 'kickstart lacks a "/" mountpoint'
+-    def format_deps(self, formats):
++    def _makeDockerCmds(self, tags):
++        """
++        When building a docker image, we call docker commands on it from
++        within the "utility" image. ImageFactory accepts an XML string that
++        describes what commands to run, which is what this method returns.
++        @args: None
++            tags- a list of tags to apply to the docker image
++        @returns:
++            an XML string with docker commands
++        """
++        # TODO: set up the file name correctly
++        # TODO: set up the image id in docker correctly
++        cmds = """<template>
++    <commands>
++        <command name='mount'>mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt</command>
++        <command name='dockerstart'>/usr/bin/systemctl start docker</command>
++        <command name='taroutimport'>LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-tar-out -a /mnt/input_image.raw / - | docker import - </command>"""
++        idx = 0
++        for tag in tags:
++            cmds += """
++        <command name='docker-tag%s'>docker tag %s ...</command>""" % (idx, tag)
++            idx += 1
++        cmds += """
++        <command name='save'>docker save %s > /mnt/docker-output.img</command>
++    </commands>
++""" % self.imgname
++        self.logger.debug('docker command template: %s' % cmds)
++        return cmds
++    def _format_deps(self, formats):
+         """
+         Return a dictionary where the keys are the image formats we need to
+         build/convert, and the values are booleans that indicate whether the
+@@ -2988,136 +3071,266 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         self.logger.debug('Image delivery plan: %s' % f_dict)
+         return f_dict
+-    def do_images(self, arch, template, ozlog, imgname):
++    def do_images(self, template, inst_tree):
+         """
+         Call out to ImageFactory to build the image(s) we want. Returns a dict
+         of details for each image type we had to ask ImageFactory to build
+-        {format: dispatcher object}
+         """
+-        def do_target_image(base_id, image_type, ova_opts={}):
+-            self.logger.debug('ova_opts: %s' % ova_opts)
+-            try:
+-                target = bd.builder_for_target_image(image_type,
+-                    image_id=base_id, template=None, parameters=ova_opts)
+-                target.target_thread.join()
+-            except:
+-                tlog.removeHandler(fhandler)
+-                self.uploadFile(ozlog)
+-            self.logger.debug(
+-                'Target image results: %s' % target.target_image.status)
+-            if target.target_image.status == 'FAILED':
+-                if not self.session.checkUpload('', os.path.basename(ozlog)):
+-                    tlog.removeHandler(fhandler)
+-                    self.uploadFile(ozlog)
+-                raise koji.ApplianceError('Image status is %s: %s' % (
+-                    target.target_image.status,
+-                    target.target_image.status_detail))
+-            return target
+-        fhandler = logging.FileHandler(ozlog)
+-        bd = BuildDispatcher()
+-        tlog = logging.getLogger()
+-        tlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+-        tlog.addHandler(fhandler)
++        fcalls = {'raw':   self._buildBase,
++                  'vmdk':  self._buildConvert,
++                  'vdi':   self._buildConvert,
++                  'qcow':  self._buildConvert,
++                  'qcow2': self._buildConvert,
++                  'rhevm-ova':   self._buildOVA,
++                  'vsphere-ova': self._buildOVA,
++                  'docker':      self._buildIndirect
++        }
++        # add a handler to the logger so that we capture ImageFactory's logging
++        self.fhandler = logging.FileHandler(self.ozlog)
++        self.bd = BuildDispatcher()
++        self.tlog = logging.getLogger()
++        self.tlog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
++        self.tlog.addHandler(self.fhandler)
+         images = {}
++        random.seed() # necessary to ensure a unique mac address
++        # if we need a utility image for the indirection plugin we create it
++        # we do not join() this until later
++        # Future: 'livecd' will be in here
++        if 'docker' in self.formats:
++            self.session.host.setTaskWeight(self.id, 3.0)
++            self.util_img = self._buildDockerUtility(inst_tree)
+         params = {'install_script': str(self.ks.handler),
+                   'offline_icicle': True}
+-        random.seed() # necessary to ensure a unique mac address
+-        try:
+-            base = bd.builder_for_base_image(template, parameters=params)
+-            base.base_thread.join()
+-        except:
+-            # upload log even if we failed to help diagnose an issue
+-            tlog.removeHandler(fhandler)
+-            self.uploadFile(ozlog)
+-        self.logger.debug('Base image results: %s' % base.base_image.status)
+-        if base.base_image.status == 'FAILED':
++        # build the base (raw) image
++        self.base_img = self._buildBase(template, params)
++        images['raw'] = {'image': self.base_img.base_image.data,
++                         'icicle': self.base_img.base_image.icicle}
++        # Do the rest of the image types (everything but raw)
++        for format in self.formats:
++            if format == 'raw':
++                continue
++            self.logger.info('dispatching %s image builder' % format)
++            images[format] = fcalls[format](format)
++        imginfo = self._processXML(images)
++        self.tlog.removeHandler(self.fhandler)
++        self.uploadFile(self.ozlog)
++        return imginfo
++    def _processXML(self, images):
++        """
++        Produce XML that libvirt can import to create a domain based on image(s)
++        we produced. We save the location of the XML file in the dictionary
++        it corresponds to here.
++        @args:
++            images - a dict where the keys are image formats, and the values
++                are dicts with details about the image (location, icicle, etc)
++        @returns:
++            a dictionary just like "images" but with a new key called "libvirt"
++            that points to the path of the XML file for that image
++        """
++        imginfo = {}
++        for fmt in images.keys():
++            imginfo[fmt] = images[fmt]
++            lxml = self.fixImageXML(fmt, 'libvirt-%s-%s.xml' % (fmt, self.arch),
++                self.base_img.base_image.parameters['libvirt_xml'])
++            imginfo[fmt]['libvirt'] = lxml
++        return imginfo
++    def _checkImageState(self, image):
++        """
++        Query ImageFactory for details of a dispatched image build. If it is
++        FAILED we raise an exception.
++        @args:
++            image - a build dispatcher object returned by a BuildDispatcher
++        @returns: nothing
++        """
++        if image.target_image:
++            status = image.target_image.status
++            details = image.target_image.status_detail
++        else:
++            status = image.base_image.status
++            details = image.base_image.status_detail
++        self.logger.debug('check image results: %s' % status)
++        if status == 'FAILED':
+             scrnshot = self.getScreenshot()
+             if scrnshot:
+                 ext = scrnshot[-3:]
+                 self.uploadFile(scrnshot, remoteName='screenshot.%s' % ext)
+-            base.os_plugin.abort() # forcibly tear down the VM
++            image.os_plugin.abort() # forcibly tear down the VM
+             # TODO abort when a task is CANCELLED
+-            if not self.session.checkUpload('', os.path.basename(ozlog)):
+-                tlog.removeHandler(fhandler)
+-                self.uploadFile(ozlog)
++            if not self.session.checkUpload('', os.path.basename(self.ozlog)):
++                self.tlog.removeHandler(self.fhandler)
++                self.uploadFile(self.ozlog)
+             raise koji.ApplianceError('Image status is %s: %s' %
+-                (base.base_image.status, base.base_image.status_detail))
+-        lxml = self.fixImageXML('raw', imgname,
+-            'libvirt-%s-%s.xml' % ('raw', arch),
+-            base.base_image.parameters['libvirt_xml'])
+-        images['raw'] = {'image': base.base_image.data, 'libvirt': lxml,
+-                         'icicle': base.base_image.icicle}
+-        # target-image type images
+-        if 'docker' in self.formats:
+-            targ = do_target_image(base.base_image.identifier, 'docker',
+-                ova_opts={'compress': 'gzip'})
+-            images['docker'] = {'image': targ.target_image.data}
++                (status, details))
++    def _buildDockerUtility(self, inst_tree):
++        """
++        Build a utility image used for the indirection plugin later. Docker
++        and eventually liveCDs will use this. The utility image provides an
++        environment where we will run post-build commands on the base image
++        we generated.
+-        ova_opts = {}
++        @args:
++            inst_tree - a string URL to an install tree (a compose)
++        @returns:
++            a dict with some details about the image
++        """
++        #dtemp = self.makeDockerUtilTemplate(inst_tree, 'docker-build')
++        dtemp = self.makeDockerUtilTemplate('http://download.lab.bos.redhat.com/rel-eng/RHEL-7.0-20140507.0/compose/Server/x86_64/os', 'docker-build')
++        # TODO: enable this and store it properly
++        # pkgs = [x['packagelist'] for x in brew.getTagGroups('rhel-7.0-build') if x['name'] == 'livecd-build'][0]
++        # print '\n'.join([p['package'] for p in pkgs])
++        dparams = {'generate_icicle': False}
++        utilname = 'koji-%s-util' % self.id
++        return self._buildBase(dtemp, dparams, wait=False)
++    def _buildBase(self, template, params, wait=True):
++        """
++        Build a base image using ImageFactory. This is a "raw" image.
++        @args:
++            template - an XML string for the TDL
++            params - a dict that controls some ImageFactory settings
++            wait - call join() on the building thread if True
++        @returns:
++            a dict with some metadata about the image (includes an icicle)
++        """
++        # TODO: test the failure case where IF itself throws an exception
++        #       ungracefully (missing a plugin for example)
++        #       may need to still upload ozlog and remove the log handler
++        self.logger.info('dispatching a baseimg builder')
++        self.logger.debug('templates: %s' % template)
++        self.logger.debug('params: %s' % params)
++        base = self.bd.builder_for_base_image(template, parameters=params)
++        if wait:
++            base.base_thread.join()
++            self._checkImageState(base)
++        return base
++    def _buildOVA(self, format):
++        """
++        Build an OVA target image. This is a format supported by RHEV and
++        vSphere
++        @args:
++            format - a string representing the image format, "rhevm-ova"
++        @returns
++            a dict with some metadata about the image
++        """
++        img_opts = {}
+         if self.opts.get('ova_option'):
+-            ova_opts = dict([o.split('=') for o in self.opts.get('ova_option')])
+-        for format in ('rhevm-ova', 'vsphere-ova'):
+-            # assumes self.formats is pre-populated with rhevm/vsphere if the
+-            # "ova" format for them was requested with --format only
+-            if format not in self.formats:
+-                continue
+-            targ = do_target_image(base.base_image.identifier,
+-                format.replace('-ova', ''))
+-            # Target images do not have their own modified libvirt xml files.
+-            # They may not even be bootable with libvirt.
+-            lxml = self.fixImageXML(format, imgname,
+-                'libvirt-%s-%s.xml' % (format, arch),
+-                base.base_image.parameters['libvirt_xml'])
+-            targ2 = do_target_image(targ.target_image.identifier, 'OVA',
+-                 ova_opts=ova_opts)
+-            images[format] = {'libvirt': lxml, 'image': targ2.target_image.data}
+-        tlog.removeHandler(fhandler)
+-        self.uploadFile(ozlog)
+-        # qemu-img conversions
+-        for format in ('qcow', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'vmdk'):
+-            if format not in self.formats:
+-                continue
+-            newimg = os.path.join(self.workdir, imgname + '.%s' % format)
+-            cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw', '-O',
+-                format, base.base_image.data, newimg]
+-            if format in ('qcow', 'qcow2'):
+-                cmd.insert(2, '-c') # enable compression for qcow images
+-            conlog = os.path.join(self.workdir,
+-                'qemu-img-%s-%s.log' % (format, arch))
+-            log_output(self.session, cmd[0], cmd, conlog,
+-                self.getUploadDir(), logerror=1)
+-            lxml = self.fixImageXML(format, imgname,
+-                'libvirt-%s-%s.xml' % (format, arch),
+-                base.base_image.parameters['libvirt_xml'])
+-            images[format] = {'image': newimg, 'libvirt': lxml}
+-        return images
++            img_opts = dict([o.split('=') for o in self.opts.get('ova_option')])
++        targ = self._do_target_image(self.base_img.base_image.identifier,
++            format.replace('-ova', ''))
++        targ2 = self._do_target_image(targ.target_image.identifier, 'OVA',
++            img_opts=img_opts)
++        return {'image': targ2.target_image.data}
++    def _do_target_image(self, base_id, image_type, img_opts={}):
++        """
++        A generic method for building what ImageFactory calls "target images".
++        These are images based on a raw disk that was built before using the
++        _buildBase method.
++        @args:
++            base_id - a string ID of the image to build off of
++            image_type - a string representing the target type. ImageFactory
++                uses this to figure out what plugin to run
++            img_opts - a dict of additional options that specific to the target
++                type we pass in via image_type
++        @returns:
++            A Builder() object from ImageFactory that contains information
++            about the image building include state and progress.
++        """
++        # TODO: test the failure case where IF itself throws an exception
++        #       ungracefully (missing a plugin for example)
++        #       may need to still upload ozlog and remove the log handler
++        self.logger.debug('img_opts: %s' % img_opts)
++        target = self.bd.builder_for_target_image(image_type,
++            image_id=base_id, template=None, parameters=img_opts)
++        target.target_thread.join()
++        self._checkImageState(target)
++        return target
++    def _buildConvert(self, format):
++        """
++        Build an image by converting the format using qemu-img. This is method
++        enables a variety of formats like qcow, qcow2, vmdk, and vdi.
++        @args:
++            format - a string representing the image format, "qcow2"
++        @returns
++            a dict with some metadata about the image
++        """
++        newimg = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.imgname + '.%s' % format)
++        cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw', '-O',
++            format, self.base_img.base_image.data, newimg]
++        if format in ('qcow', 'qcow2'):
++            cmd.insert(2, '-c') # enable compression for qcow images
++        conlog = os.path.join(self.workdir,
++            'qemu-img-%s-%s.log' % (format, self.arch))
++        log_output(self.session, cmd[0], cmd, conlog,
++            self.getUploadDir(), logerror=1)
++        return {'image': newimg}
++    def _buildIndirect(self, format):
++        """
++        "Indirect" images are target images that use the indirection plugin.
++        This plugin makes use of an additional guest, and launches that to run
++        commands on the base image we built earlier. The image that backs the
++        modifying guest is called the "utility" image, which we built before.
++        @args:
++            format - a string representing the image format, "qcow2"
++        @returns
++            a dict with some metadata about the image
++        """
++        # Future: livecd will be introduced here too
++        # we should have waited for and checked the base image already
++        # TODO: log the shit out of this new stuff
++        # TODO: test the failure case where IF itself throws an exception
++        #       ungracefully (missing a plugin for example)
++        #       may need to still upload ozlog and remove the log handler
++        self.util_img.base_thread.join()
++        self._checkImageState(self.util_img)
++        params = {
++            'compress': 'gzip',
++            'utility_image': self.util_img.base_image.identifier,
++            'utility_customizations': self._makeDockerCmds([self.imgname])
++        }
++        targ = self.bd.builder_for_target_image('indirection',
++            image_id=self.base.base_image.identifier,
++            template=None, parameters=params)
++        targ.target_thread.join()
++        self._checkImageState(targ)
++        return {'image': targ.target_image.data}
+     def handler(self, name, version, release, arch, target_info, build_tag, repo_info, inst_tree, opts=None):
+         if opts == None:
+             opts = {}
++        self.arch = arch
+         self.opts = opts
+-        self.formats = self.format_deps(opts.get('format'))
++        self.formats = self._format_deps(opts.get('format'))
+         # First, prepare the kickstart to use the repos we tell it
+         kspath = self.fetchKickstart()
+         self.readKickstart(kspath)
+-        kskoji = self.prepareKickstart(repo_info, target_info, arch)
++        kskoji = self.prepareKickstart(repo_info, target_info)
+         # auto-generate a TDL file and config dict for ImageFactory
+-        imgname = '%s-%s-%s.%s' % (name, version, release, arch)
+-        template = self.makeTemplate(imgname, arch, inst_tree)
++        self.imgname = '%s-%s-%s.%s' % (name, version, release, self.arch)
++        template = self.makeTemplate(inst_tree)
+         self.logger.debug('oz template: %s' % template)
+         config = self.makeConfig()
+         self.logger.debug('IF config object: %s' % config)
+         ApplicationConfiguration(configuration=config)
+-        tdl_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'tdl-%s.xml' % arch)
++        tdl_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'tdl-%s.xml' % self.arch)
+         tdl = open(tdl_path, 'w')
+         tdl.write(template)
+         tdl.close()
+@@ -3129,16 +3342,16 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         # the likelihood of image tasks clashing here is very small)
+         rm = ReservationManager()
+         rm._listen_port = rm.MIN_PORT + self.id % (rm.MAX_PORT - rm.MIN_PORT)
+-        ozlogname = 'oz-%s.log' % arch
+-        ozlog = os.path.join(self.workdir, ozlogname)
++        ozlogname = 'oz-%s.log' % self.arch
++        self.ozlog = os.path.join(self.workdir, ozlogname)
+         # invoke the image builds
+-        images = self.do_images(arch, template, ozlog, imgname)
++        images = self.do_images(template, inst_tree)
+         images['raw']['tdl'] = os.path.basename(tdl_path),
+         # structure the results to pass back to the hub:
+         imgdata = {
+-            'arch': arch,
++            'arch': self.arch,
+             'task_id': self.id,
+             'logs': [ozlogname],
+             'name': name,
+@@ -3175,7 +3388,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+                     rpm['epoch'] = int(bits[4])
+                 imgdata['rpmlist'].append(rpm)
+             # TODO: hack to make this work for now, need to refactor
+-            br = BuildRoot(self.session, self.options, build_tag, arch,
++            br = BuildRoot(self.session, self.options, build_tag, self.arch,
+                 self.id, repo_id=repo_info['id'])
+             br.markExternalRPMs(imgdata['rpmlist'])
+@@ -3183,11 +3396,11 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         for format in (f for f in self.formats.keys() if self.formats[f]):
+             newimg = images[format]['image']
+             if 'ova' in format:
+-                newname = imgname + '.' + format.replace('-', '.')
++                newname = self.imgname + '.' + format.replace('-', '.')
+             elif format == 'docker':
+-                newname = imgname + '.' + 'tar.gz'
++                newname = self.imgname + '.' + 'tar.gz'
+             else:
+-                newname = imgname + '.' + format
++                newname = self.imgname + '.' + format
+             if format != 'docker':
+                 lxml = images[format]['libvirt']
+                 imgdata['files'].append(os.path.basename(lxml))
diff --git a/0002-refactor-do_images.patch b/0002-refactor-do_images.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b6a73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0002-refactor-do_images.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+From ef2e41a672fecf6168dca5a177d61c8e77427279 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jay Greguske <jgregusk at redhat.com>
+Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 13:34:10 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 2/3] refactor do_images
+ builder/kojid | 248 +++++++++++++++++-----------------------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 73 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/builder/kojid b/builder/kojid
+index 2ea0105..d3446b9 100755
+--- a/builder/kojid
++++ b/builder/kojid
+@@ -2749,7 +2749,8 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         @args:
+             kspath: path to a kickstart file
+-        @returns: None
++        @returns:
++            a kickstart object returned by pykickstart
+         """
+         # XXX: If the ks file came from a local path and has %include
+         #      macros, Oz will fail because it can only handle flat files.
+@@ -2759,35 +2760,36 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+                 ksparser.stringToVersion(self.opts['ksversion']))
+         else:
+             version = ksparser.makeVersion()
+-        self.ks = ksparser.KickstartParser(version)
++        ks = ksparser.KickstartParser(version)
+         self.logger.debug('attempting to read kickstart: %s' % kspath)
+         try:
+-            self.ks.readKickstart(kspath)
++            ks.readKickstart(kspath)
+         except IOError, e:
+             raise koji.BuildError("Failed to read kickstart file "
+                                    "'%s' : %s" % (kspath, e))
+         except kserrors.KickstartError, e:
+             raise koji.BuildError("Failed to parse kickstart file "
+                                     "'%s' : %s" % (kspath, e))
++        return ks
+-    def prepareKickstart(self, repo_info, target_info):
++    def prepareKickstart(self, kspath):
+         """
+         Process the ks file to be used for controlled image generation. This
+         method also uploads the modified kickstart file to the task output
+-        area on the hub..
++        area on the hub.
+         @args:
+-            target_info: a sesion.getBuildTarget() object
+-            repo_info: session.getRepo() object
++            kspath: a path to a kickstart file
+         @returns:
+-            absolute path to a processed kickstart file
++            a kickstart object with koji-specific modifications
+         """
++        ks = self.readKickstart(kspath)
+         # Now we do some kickstart manipulation. If the user passed in a repo
+         # url with --repo, then we substitute that in for the repo(s) specified
+         # in the kickstart file. If --repo wasn't specified, then we use the
+         # repo associated with the target passed in initially.
+-        self.ks.handler.repo.repoList = [] # delete whatever the ks file told us
+-        repo_class = kscontrol.dataMap[self.ks.version]['RepoData']
++        ks.handler.repo.repoList = [] # delete whatever the ks file told us
++        repo_class = kscontrol.dataMap[ks.version]['RepoData']
+         # TODO: sensibly use "url" and "repo" commands in kickstart
+         if self.opts.get('repo'):
+             # the user used --repo at least once
+@@ -2795,33 +2797,41 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+             index = 0
+             for user_repo in user_repos:
+                 repo_url = user_repo.replace('$arch', self.arch)
+-                self.ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repo_class(
++                ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repo_class(
+                     baseurl=repo_url, name='koji-override-%i' % index))
+                 index += 1
+         else:
+             # --repo was not given, so we use the target's build repo
+             path_info = koji.PathInfo(topdir=self.options.topurl)
+-            repopath = path_info.repo(repo_info['id'],
+-                                      target_info['build_tag_name'])
++            repopath = path_info.repo(self.repo_info['id'],
++                self.target_info['build_tag_name'])
+             baseurl = '%s/%s' % (repopath, self.arch)
+             self.logger.debug('BASEURL: %s' % baseurl)
+-            self.ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repo_class(
++            ks.handler.repo.repoList.append(repo_class(
+                 baseurl=baseurl, name='koji-override-0'))
++        return ks
+-        # Write out the new ks file. Note that things may not be in the same
+-        # order and comments in the original ks file may be lost.
+-        kskoji = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'koji-image-%s-%i.ks' %
+-                              (target_info['build_tag_name'], self.id))
+-        self.logger.debug('modified ks file: %s' % kskoji)
+-        outfile = open(kskoji, 'w')
+-        outfile.write(str(self.ks.handler))
++    def writeKickstart(self, ksobj, ksname):
++        """
++        Write out the new ks file. Note that things may not be in the same
++        order and comments in the original ks file may be lost.
++        @args:
++            ksobj: a pykickstart object of what we want to write
++            ksname: file name for the kickstart
++        @returns:
++            an absolute path to the kickstart file we wrote
++        """
++        kspath = os.path.join(self.workdir, ksname)
++        outfile = open(kspath, 'w')
++        outfile.write(str(ksobj.handler))
+         outfile.close()
+         # put the new ksfile in the output directory
+-        if not os.path.exists(kskoji):
+-            raise koji.BuildError, "KS file missing: %s" % kskoji
+-        self.uploadFile(kskoji) # upload the modified ks file
+-        return kskoji
++        if not os.path.exists(kspath):
++            raise koji.BuildError, "KS file missing: %s" % kspath
++        self.uploadFile(kspath) # upload the modified ks file
++        return kspath
+     def makeConfig(self):
+         """
+@@ -2854,16 +2864,20 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+               'storage_path': os.path.join(self.workdir, 'output_image')},
+         }
+-    def makeTemplate(self, inst_tree):
++    def makeTemplate(self, name, inst_tree):
+         """
+         Generate a simple "TDL" for ImageFactory to build an image with.
+         @args:
+-            inst_tree - a string, a URL to the install tree (a compose)
++            name: a name for the image
++            inst_tree: a string, a URL to the install tree (a compose)
+         @returns:
+             An XML string that imagefactory can consume
+         """
+         # we have to split this up so the variable substitution works
++        # XXX: using a packages section (which we don't) will have IF boot the
++        #      image and attempt to ssh in. This breaks docker image creation.
++        # TODO: intelligently guess the distro based on the install tree URL
+         distname, distver = self.parseDistro(self.opts.get('distro'))
+         template = """<template>
+     <name>%s</name>
+@@ -2874,54 +2888,19 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+             <install type='url'>
+                 <url>%s</url>
+             </install>
+-        """ % (self.imgname, distname, distver, self.arch, inst_tree)
++        """ % (name, distname, distver, self.arch, inst_tree)
+         template += """<icicle>
+                 <extra_command>rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME},%{VERSION},%{RELEASE},%{ARCH},%{EPOCH},%{SIZE},%{SIGMD5},%{BUILDTIME}\n'</extra_command>
+             </icicle>
+         """
++        # TODO: intelligently guess the size based on the kickstart file
+         template += """</os>
+     <description>%s OS</description>
+     <disk>
+         <size>%sG</size>
+     </disk>
+ </template>
+-""" % (self.imgname, self.opts.get('disk_size'))
+-        return template
+-    def makeDockerUtilTemplate(self, inst_tree, pkg_group):
+-        """
+-        Generate a "TDL" for ImageFactory to build a utility image to run
+-        docker commands on a docker image.
+-        @args:
+-            inst_tree - a string, a URL to the install tree (a compose)
+-        @returns:
+-            An XML string that imagefactory can consume
+-        """
+-        distname, distver = self.parseDistro(self.opts.get('distro'))
+-        template = """<template>
+-    <name>koji-%s-utility</name>
+-        <os>
+-            <name>%s</name>
+-            <version>%s</version>
+-            <arch>%s</arch>
+-            <install type='url'>
+-                <url>%s</url>
+-            </install>
+-        """ % (self.id, distname, distver, self.arch, inst_tree)
+-        template += """<icicle>
+-                <extra_command>rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME},%{VERSION},%{RELEASE},%{ARCH},%{EPOCH},%{SIZE},%{SIGMD5},%{BUILDTIME}\n'</extra_command>
+-            </icicle>
+-        """
+-        # TODO: this should be defined by a docker-build package group
+-        template += """</os>
+-    <description>koji-%s-utility</description>
+-    <packages>
+-        <package name='docker'/>
+-        <package name='libguestfs-tools'/>
+-    </packages>
+-""" % self.id
++""" % (name, self.opts.get('disk_size'))
+         return template
+     def parseDistro(self, distro):
+@@ -3001,47 +2980,6 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+     Methods = ['createImage']
+     _taskWeight = 2.0
+-    def getRootDevice(self):
+-        """
+-        Return the device name for the / partition, as specified in the
+-        kickstart file. Appliances should have this defined.
+-        """
+-        for part in self.ks.handler.partition.partitions:
+-            if part.mountpoint == '/':
+-                return part.disk
+-        raise koji.ApplianceError, 'kickstart lacks a "/" mountpoint'
+-    def _makeDockerCmds(self, tags):
+-        """
+-        When building a docker image, we call docker commands on it from
+-        within the "utility" image. ImageFactory accepts an XML string that
+-        describes what commands to run, which is what this method returns.
+-        @args: None
+-            tags- a list of tags to apply to the docker image
+-        @returns:
+-            an XML string with docker commands
+-        """
+-        # TODO: set up the file name correctly
+-        # TODO: set up the image id in docker correctly
+-        cmds = """<template>
+-    <commands>
+-        <command name='mount'>mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt</command>
+-        <command name='dockerstart'>/usr/bin/systemctl start docker</command>
+-        <command name='taroutimport'>LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct virt-tar-out -a /mnt/input_image.raw / - | docker import - </command>"""
+-        idx = 0
+-        for tag in tags:
+-            cmds += """
+-        <command name='docker-tag%s'>docker tag %s ...</command>""" % (idx, tag)
+-            idx += 1
+-        cmds += """
+-        <command name='save'>docker save %s > /mnt/docker-output.img</command>
+-    </commands>
+-""" % self.imgname
+-        self.logger.debug('docker command template: %s' % cmds)
+-        return cmds
+     def _format_deps(self, formats):
+         """
+         Return a dictionary where the keys are the image formats we need to
+@@ -3049,8 +2987,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         output should be included in the task results.
+         Some image formats require others to be processed first, which is why
+-        we have to do this. rhevm-ova requires rhevm, but if the user did not
+-        request it, we should not pass it back up.
++        we have to do this. raw files in particular may not be kept.
+         """
+         supported = ('raw', 'vmdk', 'qcow', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'rhevm-ova', 'vsphere-ova', 'docker')
+         for f in formats:
+@@ -3071,7 +3008,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         self.logger.debug('Image delivery plan: %s' % f_dict)
+         return f_dict
+-    def do_images(self, template, inst_tree):
++    def do_images(self, ks, template, inst_tree):
+         """
+         Call out to ImageFactory to build the image(s) we want. Returns a dict
+         of details for each image type we had to ask ImageFactory to build
+@@ -3083,7 +3020,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+                   'qcow2': self._buildConvert,
+                   'rhevm-ova':   self._buildOVA,
+                   'vsphere-ova': self._buildOVA,
+-                  'docker':      self._buildIndirect
++                  'docker':      self._buildDocker
+         }
+         # add a handler to the logger so that we capture ImageFactory's logging
+         self.fhandler = logging.FileHandler(self.ozlog)
+@@ -3093,13 +3030,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         self.tlog.addHandler(self.fhandler)
+         images = {}
+         random.seed() # necessary to ensure a unique mac address
+-        # if we need a utility image for the indirection plugin we create it
+-        # we do not join() this until later
+-        # Future: 'livecd' will be in here
+-        if 'docker' in self.formats:
+-            self.session.host.setTaskWeight(self.id, 3.0)
+-            self.util_img = self._buildDockerUtility(inst_tree)
+-        params = {'install_script': str(self.ks.handler),
++        params = {'install_script': str(ks.handler),
+                   'offline_icicle': True}
+         # build the base (raw) image
+         self.base_img = self._buildBase(template, params)
+@@ -3166,26 +3097,6 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+             raise koji.ApplianceError('Image status is %s: %s' %
+                 (status, details))
+-    def _buildDockerUtility(self, inst_tree):
+-        """
+-        Build a utility image used for the indirection plugin later. Docker
+-        and eventually liveCDs will use this. The utility image provides an
+-        environment where we will run post-build commands on the base image
+-        we generated.
+-        @args:
+-            inst_tree - a string URL to an install tree (a compose)
+-        @returns:
+-            a dict with some details about the image
+-        """
+-        #dtemp = self.makeDockerUtilTemplate(inst_tree, 'docker-build')
+-        dtemp = self.makeDockerUtilTemplate('http://download.lab.bos.redhat.com/rel-eng/RHEL-7.0-20140507.0/compose/Server/x86_64/os', 'docker-build')
+-        # TODO: enable this and store it properly
+-        # pkgs = [x['packagelist'] for x in brew.getTagGroups('rhel-7.0-build') if x['name'] == 'livecd-build'][0]
+-        # print '\n'.join([p['package'] for p in pkgs])
+-        dparams = {'generate_icicle': False}
+-        utilname = 'koji-%s-util' % self.id
+-        return self._buildBase(dtemp, dparams, wait=False)
+     def _buildBase(self, template, params, wait=True):
+         """
+@@ -3217,7 +3128,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         @args:
+             format - a string representing the image format, "rhevm-ova"
+-        @returns
++        @returns:
+             a dict with some metadata about the image
+         """
+         img_opts = {}
+@@ -3229,6 +3140,21 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+             img_opts=img_opts)
+         return {'image': targ2.target_image.data}
++    def _buildDocker(self, format):
++        """
++        Build a base docker image. This image will be tagged with the NVR.A
++        automatically because we name it that way in the ImageFactory TDL.
++        @args:
++            format - the string "docker"
++        @returns:
++            a dict with some metadata about the image
++        """
++        img_opts = {'compress': 'gzip'}
++        targ = self._do_target_image(self.base_img.base_image.identifier,
++            'docker', img_opts=img_opts)
++        return {'image': targ.target_image.data}
+     def _do_target_image(self, base_id, image_type, img_opts={}):
+         """
+         A generic method for building what ImageFactory calls "target images".
+@@ -3277,54 +3203,26 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+             self.getUploadDir(), logerror=1)
+         return {'image': newimg}
+-    def _buildIndirect(self, format):
+-        """
+-        "Indirect" images are target images that use the indirection plugin.
+-        This plugin makes use of an additional guest, and launches that to run
+-        commands on the base image we built earlier. The image that backs the
+-        modifying guest is called the "utility" image, which we built before.
+-        @args:
+-            format - a string representing the image format, "qcow2"
+-        @returns
+-            a dict with some metadata about the image
+-        """
+-        # Future: livecd will be introduced here too
+-        # we should have waited for and checked the base image already
+-        # TODO: log the shit out of this new stuff
+-        # TODO: test the failure case where IF itself throws an exception
+-        #       ungracefully (missing a plugin for example)
+-        #       may need to still upload ozlog and remove the log handler
+-        self.util_img.base_thread.join()
+-        self._checkImageState(self.util_img)
+-        params = {
+-            'compress': 'gzip',
+-            'utility_image': self.util_img.base_image.identifier,
+-            'utility_customizations': self._makeDockerCmds([self.imgname])
+-        }
+-        targ = self.bd.builder_for_target_image('indirection',
+-            image_id=self.base.base_image.identifier,
+-            template=None, parameters=params)
+-        targ.target_thread.join()
+-        self._checkImageState(targ)
+-        return {'image': targ.target_image.data}
+     def handler(self, name, version, release, arch, target_info, build_tag, repo_info, inst_tree, opts=None):
+         if opts == None:
+             opts = {}
+         self.arch = arch
++        self.target_info = target_info
++        self.repo_info = repo_info
+         self.opts = opts
+         self.formats = self._format_deps(opts.get('format'))
+         # First, prepare the kickstart to use the repos we tell it
+         kspath = self.fetchKickstart()
+-        self.readKickstart(kspath)
+-        kskoji = self.prepareKickstart(repo_info, target_info)
++        ks = self.prepareKickstart(kspath)
++        kskoji = self.writeKickstart(ks,
++            os.path.join(self.workdir, 'koji-%s-%i-base.ks' %
++            (self.target_info['build_tag_name'], self.id)))
+         # auto-generate a TDL file and config dict for ImageFactory
+         self.imgname = '%s-%s-%s.%s' % (name, version, release, self.arch)
+-        template = self.makeTemplate(inst_tree)
++        template = self.makeTemplate(self.imgname, inst_tree)
+         self.logger.debug('oz template: %s' % template)
+         config = self.makeConfig()
+         self.logger.debug('IF config object: %s' % config)
+@@ -3346,7 +3244,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         self.ozlog = os.path.join(self.workdir, ozlogname)
+         # invoke the image builds
+-        images = self.do_images(template, inst_tree)
++        images = self.do_images(ks, template, inst_tree)
+         images['raw']['tdl'] = os.path.basename(tdl_path),
+         # structure the results to pass back to the hub:
+@@ -3389,7 +3287,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+                 imgdata['rpmlist'].append(rpm)
+             # TODO: hack to make this work for now, need to refactor
+             br = BuildRoot(self.session, self.options, build_tag, self.arch,
+-                self.id, repo_id=repo_info['id'])
++                self.id, repo_id=self.repo_info['id'])
+             br.markExternalRPMs(imgdata['rpmlist'])
+         # upload the results
diff --git a/0003-add-raw-xz-option.patch b/0003-add-raw-xz-option.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62443fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/0003-add-raw-xz-option.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+From c1b42e0c67b1050c00c922f882cc192dbc571edc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jay Greguske <jgregusk at redhat.com>
+Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 21:33:49 -0400
+Subject: [PATCH 3/3] add raw-xz option
+ builder/kojid | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
+ cli/koji      |  2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/builder/kojid b/builder/kojid
+index d3446b9..b23e9ce 100755
+--- a/builder/kojid
++++ b/builder/kojid
+@@ -2096,6 +2096,18 @@ class BuildBaseImageTask(BuildImageTask):
+                         spec_url, subtask, target_info, bld_info,
+                         repo_info['id'])
++            # make sure we only import the user-submitted kickstart file one
++            # time, otherwise we will have collisions. Remove it from exactly
++            # 1 results hash from the subtasks
++            if opts.has_key('kickstart'):
++                saw_ks = False
++                for arch in results.keys():
++                    ks = os.path.basename(opts.get('kickstart'))
++                    if ks in results[arch]['files']:
++                        if saw_ks:
++                            results[arch]['files'].remove(ks)
++                        saw_ks = True
+             self.logger.debug('Image Results for hub: %s' % results)
+             if opts.get('scratch'):
+                 self.session.host.moveImageBuildToScratch(self.id, results)
+@@ -2728,7 +2740,7 @@ class OzImageTask(BaseTaskHandler):
+         if self.opts.get('ksurl'):
+             scm = SCM(self.opts['ksurl'])
+             scm.assert_allowed(self.options.allowed_scms)
+-            logfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'checkout.log')
++            logfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'checkout-%s.log' % self.arch)
+             scmsrcdir = scm.checkout(self.workdir, self.session,
+                 self.getUploadDir(), logfile)
+             kspath = os.path.join(scmsrcdir, os.path.basename(ksfile))
+@@ -2989,7 +3001,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         Some image formats require others to be processed first, which is why
+         we have to do this. raw files in particular may not be kept.
+         """
+-        supported = ('raw', 'vmdk', 'qcow', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'rhevm-ova', 'vsphere-ova', 'docker')
++        supported = ('raw', 'raw-xz', 'vmdk', 'qcow', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'rhevm-ova', 'vsphere-ova', 'docker')
+         for f in formats:
+             if f not in supported:
+                 raise koji.ApplianceError('Invalid format: %s' % f)
+@@ -3014,6 +3026,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         of details for each image type we had to ask ImageFactory to build
+         """
+         fcalls = {'raw':   self._buildBase,
++                  'raw-xz': self._buildXZ,
+                   'vmdk':  self._buildConvert,
+                   'vdi':   self._buildConvert,
+                   'qcow':  self._buildConvert,
+@@ -3079,10 +3092,10 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         """
+         if image.target_image:
+             status = image.target_image.status
+-            details = image.target_image.status_detail
++            details = image.target_image.status_detail['error']
+         else:
+             status = image.base_image.status
+-            details = image.base_image.status_detail
++            details = image.base_image.status_detail['error']
+         self.logger.debug('check image results: %s' % status)
+         if status == 'FAILED':
+             scrnshot = self.getScreenshot()
+@@ -3094,10 +3107,11 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+             if not self.session.checkUpload('', os.path.basename(self.ozlog)):
+                 self.tlog.removeHandler(self.fhandler)
+                 self.uploadFile(self.ozlog)
++            if 'No disk activity' in details:
++                details = 'Automated install failed or prompted for input. See the screenshot in the task results for more information.'
+             raise koji.ApplianceError('Image status is %s: %s' %
+                 (status, details))
+     def _buildBase(self, template, params, wait=True):
+         """
+         Build a base image using ImageFactory. This is a "raw" image.
+@@ -3121,6 +3135,29 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+             self._checkImageState(base)
+         return base
++    def _buildXZ(self, format):
++        """
++        Use xz to compress a raw disk image. This is very straightforward.
++        @args:
++            format - a string representing the image format, "raw-xz"
++        @returns:
++            a dict with some metadata about the image
++        """
++        newimg = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.imgname + '.raw.xz')
++        rawimg = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.imgname + '.raw')
++        cmd = ['/bin/cp', self.base_img.base_image.data, rawimg]
++        conlog = os.path.join(self.workdir,
++            'xz-cp-%s-%s.log' % (format, self.arch))
++        log_output(self.session, cmd[0], cmd, conlog, self.getUploadDir(),
++            logerror=1)
++        cmd = ['/usr/bin/xz', '-z', rawimg]
++        conlog = os.path.join(self.workdir,
++            'xz-%s-%s.log' % (format, self.arch))
++        log_output(self.session, cmd[0], cmd, conlog, self.getUploadDir(),
++            logerror=1)
++        return {'image': newimg}
+     def _buildOVA(self, format):
+         """
+         Build an OVA target image. This is a format supported by RHEV and
+@@ -3191,7 +3228,6 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         @returns
+             a dict with some metadata about the image
+         """
+         newimg = os.path.join(self.workdir, self.imgname + '.%s' % format)
+         cmd = ['/usr/bin/qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'raw', '-O',
+             format, self.base_img.base_image.data, newimg]
+@@ -3293,7 +3329,7 @@ class BaseImageTask(OzImageTask):
+         # upload the results
+         for format in (f for f in self.formats.keys() if self.formats[f]):
+             newimg = images[format]['image']
+-            if 'ova' in format:
++            if 'ova' in format or format == 'raw-xz':
+                 newname = self.imgname + '.' + format.replace('-', '.')
+             elif format == 'docker':
+                 newname = self.imgname + '.' + 'tar.gz'
+diff --git a/cli/koji b/cli/koji
+index 8722f01..9451963 100755
+--- a/cli/koji
++++ b/cli/koji
+@@ -5130,7 +5130,7 @@ def handle_spin_appliance(options, session, args):
+ def handle_image_build(options, session, args):
+     """Create a disk image given an install tree"""
+     formats = ('vmdk', 'qcow', 'qcow2', 'vdi', 'rhevm-ova', 'vsphere-ova',
+-               'docker')
++               'docker', 'raw-xz')
+     usage = _("usage: %prog image-build [options] <name> <version> " +
+               "<target> <install-tree-url> <arch> [<arch>...]")
+     usage += _("\n       %prog image-build --config FILE")
diff --git a/koji.spec b/koji.spec
index 4ab5fee..f3ebd45 100644
--- a/koji.spec
+++ b/koji.spec
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Name: koji
 Version: 1.9.0
-Release: 4%{?dist}
+Release: 5%{?dist}
 License: LGPLv2 and GPLv2+
 # koji.ssl libs (from plague) are GPLv2+
 Summary: Build system tools
@@ -10,8 +10,11 @@ Group: Applications/System
 URL: http://fedorahosted.org/koji
 Patch0: fedora-config.patch
 Patch1: 0001-move-workdir-from-tmp-koji-to-var-tmp-koji.patch
-Patch2: 0002-image-support-xz-compressed-raw-files.patch
-Patch3: compress-docker.patch
+Patch2: compress-docker.patch
+Patch3: 0001-refactor-image-build-handlers-in-kojid.patch
+Patch4: 0002-refactor-do_images.patch
+Patch5: 0003-add-raw-xz-option.patch
 Source: https://fedorahosted.org/released/koji/koji-%{version}.tar.bz2
 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
@@ -131,6 +134,8 @@ koji-web is a web UI to the Koji system.
 %patch1 -p1
 %patch2 -p1
 %patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
+%patch5 -p1
@@ -234,6 +239,9 @@ if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
+* Mon Aug 04 2014 Dennis Gilmore <dennis at ausil.us> - 1.9.0-5
+- add upstream patches for better docker support
 * Tue Jul 29 2014 Dennis Gilmore <dennis at ausil.us> - 1.9.0-4
 - add upstream patch to compress docker images

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