[php-aws-sdk/epel7: 8/8] Merge branch 'master' into epel7

Shawn Iwinski siwinski at fedoraproject.org
Sun Aug 17 16:08:32 UTC 2014

commit 902f9ac1775b780570ff360de5f88310b9c23367
Merge: 9f9f2d1 94bfebb
Author: Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Aug 17 12:07:50 2014 -0400

    Merge branch 'master' into epel7

 .gitignore       |    4 +
 php-aws-sdk.spec |  229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 sources          |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-)
diff --cc php-aws-sdk.spec
index 842f031,e720426..99f5448
--- a/php-aws-sdk.spec
+++ b/php-aws-sdk.spec
@@@ -1,70 -1,89 +1,91 @@@
- %{!?__pear: %{expand: %%global __pear %{_bindir}/pear}}
- %global pear_name %(echo %{name} | sed -e 's/^php-aws-//' -e 's/-/_/g')
- %global channelname pear.amazonwebservices.com
- Name:		php-aws-sdk
- Version:	2.4.12
- Release:	1%{?dist}
- Summary:	Amazon Web Services framework for PHP
- License:	ASL 2.0
- URL:		http://aws.amazon.com/sdkforphp/
- Source0:	http://pear.amazonwebservices.com/get/sdk-%{version}.tgz
- BuildArch:	noarch
- BuildRequires:	php-pear(PEAR)
- BuildRequires:	php-channel(%{channelname})
- Requires(post):		%{__pear}
- Requires(postun):	%{__pear}
- Requires:	php-common >= 5.2
- Requires:	php-pear(PEAR)
- Requires:	php-channel(%{channelname})
- Requires:	php-pdo
- Requires:	php-reflection
- Requires:	php-spl
- Requires:	php-simplexml
- Requires:	php-ctype
- Requires:	php-curl
- Requires:	php-date
- Requires:	php-dom
- Requires:	php-hash
- Requires:	php-json
- Requires:	php-libxml
- Requires:	php-mbstring
- Requires:	php-openssl
- Requires:	php-pcre
- Requires:	php-session
- Requires:	php-sqlite3
- Requires:	php-Monolog
- Requires:	php-symfony2-Yaml
- Requires:	php-guzzle-Guzzle >= 3.7.0
- Requires:	php-guzzle-Guzzle < 3.8
- Provides:	php-pear(%{pear_name}) = %{version}
- Provides:	php-pear(%{channelname}/%{pear_name}) = %{version}
+ #
+ # RPM spec file for php-aws-sdk
+ #
+ # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Joseph Marrero <jmarrero at fedoraproject.org>
+ #                         Gregor Tätzner <brummbq at fedoraproject.org>
+ #                         Shawn Iwinski <shawn.iwinski at gmail.com>
+ #
+ # License: MIT
+ # http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+ #
+ # Please preserve changelog entries
+ #
+ %global github_owner     aws
+ %global github_name      aws-sdk-php
+ %global github_version   2.6.15
+ %global github_commit    4eaf38f0297533d48f013be7e1ffa1cb2c912e2f
+ %global composer_vendor  aws
+ %global composer_project aws-sdk-php
+ %global pear_channel     pear.amazonwebservices.com
+ %global pear_name        sdk
+ # "php": ">=5.3.3"
+ %global php_min_ver      5.3.3
+ # "guzzle/guzzle": ">=3.7.0,<=3.9.9"
+ %global guzzle_min_ver   3.7.0
+ %global guzzle_max_ver   3.9.9
+ Name:      php-aws-sdk
+ Version:   %{github_version}
+ Release:   2%{?dist}
+ Summary:   Amazon Web Services framework for PHP
+ Group:     Development/Libraries
+ License:   ASL 2.0
+ URL:       http://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-php/
+ Source0:   https://github.com/%{github_owner}/%{github_name}/archive/%{github_commit}/%{name}-%{github_version}-%{github_commit}.tar.gz
+ BuildArch: noarch
+ # composer.json
+ Requires:  php(language)     >= %{php_min_ver}
+ Requires:  php-guzzle-Guzzle >= %{guzzle_min_ver}
+ Requires:  php-guzzle-Guzzle <  %{guzzle_max_ver}
+ # composer.json: optional
+ Requires:  php-composer(doctrine/cache)
+ Requires:  php-composer(monolog/monolog)
+ Requires:  php-openssl
+ Requires:  php-symfony-yaml
+ # phpcompatinfo (computed from version 2.6.15)
+ Requires:  php-curl
+ Requires:  php-date
+ Requires:  php-hash
+ Requires:  php-json
+ Requires:  php-openssl
+ Requires:  php-pcre
+ Requires:  php-reflection
+ Requires:  php-session
+ Requires:  php-simplexml
+ Requires:  php-spl
+ # Composer
+ Provides:  php-composer(%{composer_vendor}/%{composer_project}) = %{version}
+ # PEAR
+ Provides:  php-pear(%{pear_channel}/%{pear_name}) = %{version}
+ # This pkg was the only one in this channel so the channel is no longer needed
+ Obsoletes: php-channel-aws
- Amazon Web Services SDK for PHP enables developers to build solutions for 
- Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud 
+ Amazon Web Services SDK for PHP enables developers to build solutions for
+ Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
  (Amazon EC2), Amazon SimpleDB, and more.
- %setup -q -c
- [ -f package2.xml ] || mv package.xml package2.xml
- # fix doc roles
- sed -e '/_samples/s/role="php"/role="doc"/' \
-         -e '/sdk.class.php/s/md5sum="[0-9,a-z]\{32\}"//' \
-         -e '/_docs/s/role="php"/role="doc"/' \
-         -e '/_compatibility_test/s/role="php"/role="doc"/' \
-         -e '/_sql/s/role="php"/role="doc"/' \
-         -e '/LICENSE/s/role="php"/role="doc"/' \
-         -e '/README/s/role="php"/role="doc"/' \
-         package2.xml >%{pear_name}-%{version}/%{name}.xml
+ %setup -qn %{github_name}-%{github_commit}
+ # Fix rpmlint issues:
+ #     W: spurious-executable-perm /usr/share/doc/php-aws-sdk/composer.json
+ #     E: script-without-shebang /usr/share/php/Aws/DynamoDb/Model/BatchRequest/WriteRequestBatchTransfer.php
+ chmod a-x composer.json src/Aws/DynamoDb/Model/BatchRequest/WriteRequestBatchTransfer.php
 +#remove aws.phar
 +rm %{pear_name}-%{version}/aws.phar
  # Empty build section, most likely nothing required.

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