besser82 pushed to dreamweb (el5). "initial import (#1206901)"

notifications at notifications at
Mon Mar 30 21:36:22 UTC 2015

>From e15468a90cba379e4547b23a5d650d5cfb8be7bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Bj=C3=B6rn=20Esser?= <bjoern.esser at>
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 23:16:21 +0200
Subject: initial import (#1206901)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e69de29..090749b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/dreamweb.spec b/dreamweb.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a829584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dreamweb.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+# Define destination dir.
+%global			destdir %{_datadir}/%{name}
+# Setup _pkgdocdir if not defined already.
+%{!?_pkgdocdir:%global	_pkgdocdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}}
+# Does license.txt go to %%license?
+%if 0%{?fedora} >= 21 || 0%{?rhel} >= 8
+%global			with_license 1
+%endif # 0%%{?fedora} >= 21 || 0%%{?rhel} >= 8
+# Define available languages.
+%global			avail_langs us uk fr de it es
+%global			lang_list %(echo "%{?avail_langs}" | %{__sed} -e 's! !,!g')
+# Define common part of source-url.
+%global			src_url{name}-
+# Define commonly used description.
+%global			common_desc					\
+Ryan, a bartender from a dystopian future can't sleep peacefully	\
+for months.  His nights are sequences of nightmares and strange		\
+dreams, days with frequent black-outs with strange visions, until	\
+one night a figure in monk attire appears to him, and tells him the	\
+story of the seven evil ones, uniting to destroy to Dreamweb, the	\
+only barrier between the world and darkness.  The monk makes a		\
+proposition:  Ryan becomes the "deliverer":  the one who would keep	\
+the Dreamweb safe by killing those who try to destroy it.		\
+									\
+Descending into paranoia and just wanting dreams to stop, Ryan		\
+accepts the mission, then wakes up in a puddle of cold sweat, next	\
+to his beloved girlfriend in her house, and late for work.  Again.	\
+									\
+DreamWeb is a top-down adventure game set in a gritty futuristic	\
+dystopian city.  Each location takes only a small portion of the	\
+screen without panning (except an optional small zoom window in the	\
+corner that follows the cursor), with the player interacting with	\
+objects and people by simply clicking them.  Ryan has a limited		\
+inventory space, and as a lot of objects can be picked up (many		\
+without any use), the player must rationalize what might be useful	\
+and what just serves as filler.						\
+									\
+Dialogue is straightforward, with no options, but still required	\
+to advance in the game (to find new locations, for instance).  In	\
+situations where many adventure games usually feature an indirect	\
+approach to solve a problem, Ryan often faces himself with		\
+situations where it's "killed or be killed", which result in deaths	\
+(sometimes of innocents).
+Name:			dreamweb
+Version:		1.1
+Release:		1%{?dist}
+Summary:		Click-and-point adventure with the look and feel of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+# The license-file included in the sources says:
+# Dreamweb PC DOS version. Version 1.1
+# (C) 1994 Neil Dodwell and David Dew trading as Creative Reality
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Changelog:
+# v1.1 Added manual and diary scans. With help from
+#      Simon Sawatzki (SimSaw at
+# v1.0 Initial freeware release
+#  1) You may distribute this game for free on any medium, provided this
+#     license and all associated copyright notices and disclaimers are left
+#     intact.
+#  2) You may charge a reasonable copying fee for this archive, and may
+#     distribute it in aggregate as part of a larger & possibly commercial
+#     software distribution (such as a Linux distribution or magazine
+#     coverdisk).  You must provide proper attribution and ensure this
+#     license and all associated copyright notices, and disclaimers are
+#     left intact.
+#  3) You may not charge a fee for the game itself.  This includes reselling
+#     the game as an individual item.
+#  4) All game content is (C) Neil Dodwell and David Dew trading as Creative
+#     Reality.  The ScummVM engine is (C) The ScummVM Team (
+#     PURPOSE.
+# According to some discussion with Tom "spot" Callaway about 10 years ago,
+# this should be free enough for distribution within Fedora. For further
+# reference have a look at:
+License:		Redistributable, no modification permitted
+Source0:		%{src_url}cd-us-%{version}.zip
+# Other localizations.
+Source10:		%{src_url}cd-uk-%{version}.zip
+Source11:		%{src_url}cd-fr-%{version}.zip
+Source12:		%{src_url}cd-de-%{version}.zip
+Source13:		%{src_url}cd-it-%{version}.zip
+Source14:		%{src_url}cd-es-%{version}.zip
+# Documentation / Manuals.
+Source90:		%{src_url}
+Source91:		%{src_url}
+BuildArch:		noarch
+%{?el5:BuildRoot:	%(/bin/mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)}
+BuildRequires:		desktop-file-utils dos2unix fdupes vorbis-tools
+%package common
+Summary:		Common files used by %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+# The files inside this sub-pkg are pretty useless without the files
+# shipped with the other packages.
+Requires:		%{name}		== %{version}-%{release}
+Requires:		filesystem
+Requires:		scummvm
+%description common
+This package contains common files used by %{name}.
+%package doc
+Summary:		Documentation files for %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Documentation}
+%description doc
+This package contains documentation files used by %{name}. The
+documentation contains manuals and other stuff delivered with the
+retail package in high and low resolution quality.  Additionally
+it contains translated versions for all available language
+versions of the game from those documents.
+%package us
+Summary:		US-English language version of %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+Requires:		%{name}-common	== %{version}-%{release}
+# This package provides the localized content of the main-pkg.  This is
+# also needed to satisfy the Requires of the common sub-pkg.
+Provides:		%{name}		== %{version}-%{release}
+%description us
+This package contains the US-English language version of %{name}, a
+click-and-point adventure with the look and feel of Ridley Scott's
+Blade Runner.
+%package uk
+Summary:		UK-English language version of %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+Requires:		%{name}-common	== %{version}-%{release}
+# This package provides the localized content of the main-pkg.  This is
+# also needed to satisfy the Requires of the common sub-pkg.
+Provides:		%{name}		== %{version}-%{release}
+%description uk
+This package contains the UK-English language version of %{name}, a
+click-and-point adventure with the look and feel of Ridley Scott's
+Blade Runner.
+%package fr
+Summary:		French language version of %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+Requires:		%{name}-common	== %{version}-%{release}
+# This package provides the localized content of the main-pkg.  This is
+# also needed to satisfy the Requires of the common sub-pkg.
+Provides:		%{name}		== %{version}-%{release}
+%description fr
+This package contains the French language version of %{name}, a
+click-and-point adventure with the look and feel of Ridley Scott's
+Blade Runner.
+%package de
+Summary:		German language version of %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+Requires:		%{name}-common	== %{version}-%{release}
+# This package provides the localized content of the main-pkg.  This is
+# also needed to satisfy the Requires of the common sub-pkg.
+Provides:		%{name}		== %{version}-%{release}
+%description de
+This package contains the German language version of %{name}, a
+click-and-point adventure with the look and feel of Ridley Scott's
+Blade Runner.
+%package it
+Summary:		Italian language version of %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+Requires:		%{name}-common	== %{version}-%{release}
+# This package provides the localized content of the main-pkg.  This is
+# also needed to satisfy the Requires of the common sub-pkg.
+Provides:		%{name}		== %{version}-%{release}
+%description it
+This package contains the Italian language version of %{name}, a
+click-and-point adventure with the look and feel of Ridley Scott's
+Blade Runner.
+%package es
+Summary:		Spanish language version of %{name}
+%{?el5:Group:		Amusements/Games}
+Requires:		%{name}-common	== %{version}-%{release}
+# This package provides the localized content of the main-pkg.  This is
+# also needed to satisfy the Requires of the common sub-pkg.
+Provides:		%{name}		== %{version}-%{release}
+%description es
+This package contains the Spanish language version of %{name}, a
+click-and-point adventure with the look and feel of Ridley Scott's
+Blade Runner.
+# Create empty builddir and subdirs.
+%setup -cqT
+%{__mkdir} -p common %{?avail_langs} doc/{common,manuals_hq,manuals_lq}	\
+		doc/{%{?lang_list}}
+# Setup sources in subdirs.  Move documentation-files into seperate subdir.
+_file="%(echo %{SOURCE0} | %{__sed} -e 's!-us-.*$!!g')"
+for _dir in %{?avail_langs}
+	%{__unzip} -q -LL ${_file}-${_dir}-%{version}.zip -d ${_dir}
+	for _doc in $(%{_bindir}/find ${_dir} -type f -name '*.htm*')
+	do
+		%{__mv} -f $(%{_bindir}/dirname ${_doc}) doc/${_dir}
+	done
+# Setup additional documentation-files.
+%{__unzip} -q -LL %{SOURCE90} -d doc/manuals_hq
+%{__unzip} -q -LL %{SOURCE91} -d doc/manuals_lq
+# Change mode of all files to 0644, all dirs to 0755.
+%{_bindir}/find . -type f -print0 |					\
+	%{_bindir}/xargs -0 /bin/chmod -c 0644
+%{_bindir}/find . -type d -print0 |					\
+	%{_bindir}/xargs -0 /bin/chmod -c 0755
+# Remove files we intentionally don't ship.
+%{_bindir}/find . -type f -name '*.exe' -print -delete
+# The license-file is an identical copy inside all source-archives.
+%{__mv} -f us/license.txt COPYING
+%{_bindir}/find . -type f -name 'license*' -print -delete
+%{__mv} -f COPYING license.txt
+# Create desktop-files.
+for _lang in %{?avail_langs}
+	cat > %{name}-${_lang}.desktop << EOF
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=DreamWeb (${_lang})
+Comment=Adventure Game
+Exec=%{_bindir}/scummvm -q ${_lang} -f -p /usr/share/%{name}/${_lang} %{name}
+# Move duplicate files to common-dir.
+# The file 'track01.flac' is a flac-compressed version of 'dreamweb.wav',
+# so we can safely remove and soft-link it to save ~25 MBytes of diskspace.
+# ScummVM is able to play the uncompressed PCM-wave as well.
+for _dir in %{?avail_langs}
+	%{__rm} -f ${_dir}/track1.flac ${_dir}/track01.flac
+	/bin/ln -fs ${_common_dir}/dreamweb.wav ${_dir}/track01.wav
+# Soft-link duplicate files into _common_dir.
+for _file in $(%{_bindir}/fdupes -r1 . | %{__sed} -e '/doc\//d')
+	_filename="$(/bin/basename ${_file})"
+	%{__mv} -f ${_file} common/${_filename}
+	/bin/ln -fs ${_common_dir}/${_filename} ${_file}
+pushd doc
+# Move duplicate files to common-dir.
+# Fix end-of-line-encoding.
+%{_bindir}/find . -type f -name '*.txt' -print0 |			\
+	%{_bindir}/xargs -0 %{_bindir}/dos2unix -k
+# Soft-link duplicate files into _common_dir.
+for _file in $(%{_bindir}/fdupes -r1 .)
+	_filename="$(/bin/basename ${_file})"
+	%{__mv} -f ${_file} common/${_filename}
+	/bin/ln -fs ${_common_dir}/${_filename} ${_file}
+# Soft-link duplicate files inside documentation.
+%fdupes -s .
+pushd common
+# Encode the PCM-wave with hq-theora.  That will save another
+# ~ 42 MBytes of disk-space.
+%{_bindir}/oggenc -q8 dreamweb.wav
+/bin/touch -r dreamweb.wav dreamweb.ogg
+%{__mv} -f dreamweb.ogg dreamweb.wav
+# Soft-link duplicate files inside common.
+%fdupes -s .
+%{?el5:%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}}
+# Install the game-files.
+%{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications			\
+		%{buildroot}%{?destdir} %{buildroot}%{?_pkgdocdir}
+%{__cp} -a common %{?avail_langs} %{buildroot}%{?destdir}
+# Install the documentation-files.
+%{__cp} -a license.txt doc/* %{buildroot}%{?_pkgdocdir}
+%if 0%{?with_license} != 0
+%{__rm} -f %{buildroot}%{?_pkgdocdir}/license.txt
+%endif # 0%%{?with_license} != 0
+# Install the desktop-files.  Vendor-tag is mandatory on el5.
+for _lang in %{?avail_langs}
+	%{_bindir}/desktop-file-install %{?el5:--vendor="ScummVM"}	\
+		--dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications		\
+		%{name}-${_lang}.desktop
+%{?el5:%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}}
+%files common
+%dir %{?destdir}
+%doc %dir %{?_pkgdocdir}
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/common
+%if 0%{?with_license}
+%license license.txt
+%else # 0%%{?with_license}
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/license.txt
+%endif # 0%%{?with_license}
+%files doc
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}
+%if 0%{?with_license}
+%license license.txt
+%endif # 0%%{?with_license}
+%files us
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/us
+%files uk
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/uk
+%files fr
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/fr
+%files de
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/de
+%files it
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/it
+%files es
+%doc %{?_pkgdocdir}/es
+* Sun Feb 22 2015 Björn Esser <bjoern.esser at> - 1.1-1
+- initial rpm release (#1206901)
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index e69de29..f35da1c 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
cgit v0.10.2

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