spot pushed to xpdf (epel7). "initial epel7 package"

notifications at notifications at
Mon Apr 13 15:15:59 UTC 2015

>From 0e002320df7771f383bc99d0c0c88e0f4cf727da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tom Callaway <spot at>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 11:15:39 -0400
Subject: initial epel7 package

diff --git a/02_permissions.dpatch b/02_permissions.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdd3978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/02_permissions.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf/ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:42:47.290665898 -0400
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ //
+ // Copyright 2004-2013 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+ //
++// Modified for Debian by Hamish Moffatt, 18 August 2005.
+ //========================================================================
+ #include <aconf.h>
+@@ -1677,9 +1679,11 @@ GString *PDFCore::extractText(int pg, do
+   int x0, y0, x1, y1, t;
+   GString *s;
+   if (!doc->okToCopy()) {
+     return NULL;
+   }
+   if ((page = findPage(pg))) {
+     cvtUserToDev(pg, xMin, yMin, &x0, &y0);
+     cvtUserToDev(pg, xMax, yMax, &x1, &y1);
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf/ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:40:57.814449375 -0400
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ //
+ // Copyright 1998-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+ //
++// Modified for Debian by Hamish Moffatt, 22 May 2002.
+ //========================================================================
+ #include <aconf.h>
+@@ -119,12 +121,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+   }
+   // check for copy permission
+   if (!doc->okToCopy()) {
+     error(errNotAllowed, -1,
+ 	  "Copying of images from this document is not allowed.");
+     exitCode = 3;
+     goto err1;
+   }
+   // get page range
+   if (firstPage < 1)
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf/ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:40:57.815449368 -0400
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ //
+ // Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+ //
++// Modified for Debian by Hamish Moffatt, 22 May 2002.
+ //========================================================================
+ #include <aconf.h>
+@@ -300,12 +302,14 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+     goto err1;
+   }
+   // check for print permission
+   if (!doc->okToPrint()) {
+     error(errNotAllowed, -1, "Printing this document is not allowed.");
+     exitCode = 3;
+     goto err1;
+   }
+   // construct PostScript file name
+   if (argc == 3) {
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf/ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:43:37.923303455 -0400
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ //
+ // Copyright 1997-2013 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+ //
++// Modified for Debian by Hamish Moffatt, 22 May 2002.
+ //========================================================================
+ #include <aconf.h>
+@@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+     goto err2;
+   }
+   // check for copy permission
+   if (!doc->okToCopy()) {
+     error(errNotAllowed, -1,
+@@ -195,6 +198,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+     exitCode = 3;
+     goto err2;
+   }
+   // construct text file name
+   if (argc == 3) {
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf/ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:40:57.777449640 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:40:57.819449339 -0400
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ //
+ // Copyright 2002-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+ //
++// Modified for Debian by Hamish Moffatt, 22 May 2002.
+ //========================================================================
+ #include <aconf.h>
+@@ -384,12 +386,16 @@ void XPDFCore::endSelection(int wx, int
+ #ifndef NO_TEXT_SELECT
+       if (selectULX != selectLRX &&
+ 	  selectULY != selectLRY) {
+ 	if (doc->okToCopy()) {
+ 	  copySelection();
+ 	} else {
+ 	  error(errNotAllowed, -1,
+ 		"Copying of text from this document is not allowed.");
+ 	}
++	copySelection();
+       }
+ #endif
+     }
+@@ -408,9 +414,11 @@ void XPDFCore::copySelection() {
+   int pg;
+   double ulx, uly, lrx, lry;
+   if (!doc->okToCopy()) {
+     return;
+   }
+   if (getSelection(&pg, &ulx, &uly, &lrx, &lry)) {
+     //~ for multithreading: need a mutex here
+     if (currentSelection) {
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf/ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:40:57.808449418 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-05-29 15:40:57.821449325 -0400
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ //
+ // Copyright 2002-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
+ //
++// Modified for Debian by Hamish Moffatt, 22 May 2002.
+ //========================================================================
+ #include <aconf.h>
+@@ -3503,10 +3505,12 @@ void XPDFViewer::printPrintCbk(Widget wi
+   PSOutputDev *psOut;
+   doc = viewer->core->getDoc();
+   if (!doc->okToPrint()) {
+     error(errNotAllowed, -1, "Printing this document is not allowed.");
+     return;
+   }
+   viewer->core->setBusyCursor(gTrue);
diff --git a/10_add_accelerators.dpatch b/10_add_accelerators.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cb0f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10_add_accelerators.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 10_add_accelerators.dpatch by  <hamish at>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Add keyboard accelerators for rotate (#385962)
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad xpdf-3.02~/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.02~/xpdf/	2007-04-25 01:40:50.000000000 +1000
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-04-25 01:42:13.000000000 +1000
+@@ -1958,16 +1958,22 @@
+   n = 0;
+   s = XmStringCreateLocalized("Rotate counterclockwise");
+   XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlabelString, s); ++n;
++  s2 = XmStringCreateLocalized("[");
++  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNacceleratorText, s2); ++n;
+   btn = XmCreatePushButton(popupMenu, "rotateCCW", args, n);
+   XmStringFree(s);
++  XmStringFree(s2);
+   XtManageChild(btn);
+   XtAddCallback(btn, XmNactivateCallback,
+ 		&rotateCCWCbk, (XtPointer)this);
+   n = 0;
+   s = XmStringCreateLocalized("Rotate clockwise");
+   XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlabelString, s); ++n;
++  s2 = XmStringCreateLocalized("]");
++  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNacceleratorText, s2); ++n;
+   btn = XmCreatePushButton(popupMenu, "rotateCW", args, n);
+   XmStringFree(s);
++  XmStringFree(s2);
+   XtManageChild(btn);
+   XtAddCallback(btn, XmNactivateCallback,
+ 		&rotateCWCbk, (XtPointer)this);
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d2c6be5..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for source rpm: xpdf
-# $Id$
-NAME := xpdf
-SPECFILE = $(firstword $(wildcard *.spec))
-define find-makefile-common
-for d in common ../common ../../common ; do if [ -f $$d/Makefile.common ] ; then if [ -f $$d/CVS/Root -a -w $$/Makefile.common ] ; then cd $$d ; cvs -Q update ; fi ; echo "$$d/Makefile.common" ; break ; fi ; done
-MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(find-makefile-common))
-# attept a checkout
-define checkout-makefile-common
-test -f CVS/Root && { cvs -Q -d $$(cat CVS/Root) checkout common && echo "common/Makefile.common" ; } || { echo "ERROR: I can't figure out how to checkout the 'common' module." ; exit -1 ; } >&2
-MAKEFILE_COMMON := $(shell $(checkout-makefile-common))
diff --git a/fix-437725.dpatch b/fix-437725.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc61807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fix-437725.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## fix-437725.dpatch from Arno Renevier <arenevier at>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Fix segmentation fault when pressing Ctrl-W in full screen mode
+ at DPATCH@
+--- a/xpdf/	2007-08-13 22:41:36.000000000 +0200
++++ b/xpdf/	2007-08-13 23:01:07.000000000 +0200
+@@ -400,18 +400,21 @@ void XPDFViewer::clear() {
+   title = app->getTitle() ? app->getTitle()->getCString()
+                           : (char *)xpdfAppName;
+   XtVaSetValues(win, XmNtitle, title, XmNiconName, title, NULL);
+-  s = XmStringCreateLocalized("");
+-  XtVaSetValues(pageNumText, XmNlabelString, s, NULL);
+-  XmStringFree(s);
+-  s = XmStringCreateLocalized(" of 0");
+-  XtVaSetValues(pageCountLabel, XmNlabelString, s, NULL);
+-  XmStringFree(s);
+-  // disable buttons
+-  XtVaSetValues(prevTenPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
+-  XtVaSetValues(prevPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
+-  XtVaSetValues(nextTenPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
+-  XtVaSetValues(nextPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
++  if (toolBar != None) {
++      s = XmStringCreateLocalized("");
++      XtVaSetValues(pageNumText, XmNlabelString, s, NULL);
++      XmStringFree(s);
++      s = XmStringCreateLocalized(" of 0");
++      XtVaSetValues(pageCountLabel, XmNlabelString, s, NULL);
++      XmStringFree(s);
++      // disable buttons
++      XtVaSetValues(prevTenPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
++      XtVaSetValues(prevPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
++      XtVaSetValues(nextTenPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
++      XtVaSetValues(nextPageBtn, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
++  }
+   // remove the old outline
diff --git a/fix-444648.dpatch b/fix-444648.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f69b843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fix-444648.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## fix-444648.dpatch by Bernhard R. Link <brlink at>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Do proper PS stream encoding on 64 bit architectures
+ at DPATCH@
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2008-12-10 12:16:16.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2008-12-10 12:16:21.000000000 -0500
+@@ -4514,7 +4514,7 @@ void ASCII85Encoder::reset() {
+ GBool ASCII85Encoder::fillBuf() {
+   Guint t;
+   char buf1[5];
+-  int c0, c1, c2, c3;
++  unsigned int c0, c1, c2, c3;
+   int n, i;
+   if (eof) {
diff --git a/fix-462544.dpatch b/fix-462544.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b257d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fix-462544.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## fix-462544.dpatch from Jiri Palecek <jpalecek at>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Fix segmentation fault in image handling
+ at DPATCH@
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-02-27 23:05:52.000000000 +0100
++++	2008-02-17 17:28:46.000000000 +0100
+@@ -2475,14 +2461,14 @@
+   tx = (int)floor(xMin);
+   if (tx < 0) {
+     tx = 0;
+-  } else if (tx > bitmap->getWidth()) {
+-    tx = bitmap->getWidth();
++  } else if (tx >= bitmap->getWidth()) {
++    tx = bitmap->getWidth()-1;
+   }
+   ty = (int)floor(yMin);
+   if (ty < 0) {
+     ty = 0;
+-  } else if (ty > bitmap->getHeight()) {
+-    ty = bitmap->getHeight();
++  } else if (ty >= bitmap->getHeight()) {
++    ty = bitmap->getHeight()-1;
+   }
+   w = (int)ceil(xMax) - tx + 1;
+   if (tx + w > bitmap->getWidth()) {
diff --git a/fix-479467.dpatch b/fix-479467.dpatch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf2cb3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fix-479467.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## fix-479467.dpatch from Stephan Beyer <s-beyer at>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Fix segmentation fault when pressing g in full screen mode
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -ruN xpdf-3.02.old/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02.fix/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.02.old/xpdf/	2007-02-27 23:05:52.000000000 +0100
++++ xpdf-3.02.fix/xpdf/	2008-05-04 21:29:34.000000000 +0200
+@@ -834,6 +834,9 @@
+ void XPDFViewer::cmdFocusToPageNum(GString *args[], int nArgs,
+ 				   XEvent *event) {
++  if (core->getFullScreen()) {
++    return;
++  }
+   XmTextFieldSetSelection(pageNumText, 0,
+ 			  strlen(XmTextFieldGetString(pageNumText)),
+ 			  XtLastTimestampProcessed(display));
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index e69de29..75f71be 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+3bc86c69c8ff444db52461270bef3f44  xpdf-3.04.tar.gz
+ae8cdd4759295e02988506e7a570d00c  xpdf-arabic-2011-aug-15.tar.gz
+abd221d2df88de2011daad8d184dd66b  xpdf-chinese-simplified-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+63431231acd6d8f75e23bb3205793ff3  xpdf-chinese-traditional-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+ea8ed8fd0ed26b8448e6558827249999  xpdf-cyrillic-2011-aug-15.tar.gz
+2e988edf0c57def63717ee14bd6d30dd  xpdf-greek-2011-aug-15.tar.gz
+e1cb33f22bb71fb01998e5c59f538472  xpdf-hebrew-2011-aug-15.tar.gz
+4033838d6bca641d5d2e76c7d1240c3e  xpdf-japanese-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+b9390fe8dc484d9d6ed78359fa520c33  xpdf-korean-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+c135fe93f933edaa0f042a8d3cc9f799  xpdf-latin2-2011-aug-15.tar.gz
+57fc888436f19cdf4a68ef17c17b86b7  xpdf-thai-2011-aug-15.tar.gz
+640615c24581b26c4083210bef3013bf  xpdf-turkish-2011-aug-15.tar.gz
diff --git a/xpdf-2.02-ext.patch b/xpdf-2.02-ext.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9126dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-2.02-ext.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+--- xpdf-2.02/goo/	2003-03-31 16:45:50.000000000 +0200
++++ xpdf-2.02/goo/	2003-03-31 17:09:19.000000000 +0200
+@@ -486,32 +486,14 @@
+   char *s;
+   int fd;
+-  if (ext) {
+-    if ((s = getenv("TMPDIR"))) {
+-      *name = new GString(s);
+-    } else {
+-      *name = new GString("/tmp");
+-    }
+-    (*name)->append("/XXXXXX")->append(ext);
+-    fd = mkstemps((*name)->getCString(), strlen(ext));
+-    if (!(s = tmpnam(NULL))) {
+-      return gFalse;
+-    }
++  if ((s = getenv("TMPDIR"))) {
+     *name = new GString(s);
+-    (*name)->append(ext);
+-    fd = open((*name)->getCString(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
+   } else {
+-    if ((s = getenv("TMPDIR"))) {
+-      *name = new GString(s);
+-    } else {
+-      *name = new GString("/tmp");
+-    }
+-    (*name)->append("/XXXXXX");
+-    fd = mkstemp((*name)->getCString());
++    *name = new GString("/tmp");
++  }
++  (*name)->append("/XXXXXX");
++  fd = mkstemp((*name)->getCString());
+ #else // HAVE_MKSTEMP
+     if (!(s = tmpnam(NULL))) {
+       return gFalse;
+@@ -519,7 +501,7 @@
+     *name = new GString(s);
+     fd = open((*name)->getCString(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
+ #endif // HAVE_MKSTEMP
+-  }
+   if (fd < 0 || !(*f = fdopen(fd, mode))) {
+     delete *name;
+     return gFalse;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.00-64bit.patch b/xpdf-3.00-64bit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9a4d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.00-64bit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/goo/ xpdf-3.02/goo/
+--- xpdf-3.02/goo/	2007-08-01 17:20:00.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.02/goo/	2007-08-01 17:22:04.000000000 -0500
+@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ static int gMemInUse = 0;
+ #endif /* DEBUG_MEM */
+-void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
++void *gmalloc(size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+-  int size1;
++  size_t size1;
+   char *mem;
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   void *data;
+@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #endif
+ }
+-void *grealloc(void *p, int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
++void *grealloc(void *p, size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   void *q;
+-  int oldSize;
++  size_t oldSize;
+   if (size <= 0) {
+     if (p) {
+@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ void *greallocn(void *p, int nObjs, int 
+ void gfree(void *p) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+-  int size;
++  size_t size;
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   unsigned long *trl, *clr;
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/goo/gmem.h.BAD xpdf-3.02/goo/gmem.h
+--- xpdf-3.02/goo/gmem.h.BAD	2007-08-01 17:23:11.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.02/goo/gmem.h	2007-08-01 17:23:45.000000000 -0500
+@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ extern "C" {
+  * Same as malloc, but prints error message and exits if malloc()
+  * returns NULL.
+  */
+-extern void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP;
++extern void *gmalloc(size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP;
+ /*
+  * Same as realloc, but prints error message and exits if realloc()
+  * returns NULL.  If <p> is NULL, calls malloc instead of realloc().
+  */
+-extern void *grealloc(void *p, int size) GMEM_EXCEP;
++extern void *grealloc(void *p, size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP;
+ /*
+  * These are similar to gmalloc and grealloc, but take an object count
diff --git a/xpdf-3.00-core.patch b/xpdf-3.00-core.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e6148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.00-core.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- xpdf-3.00/xpdf/	2004-10-07 12:44:23.000000000 -0700
++++ xpdf-3.00/xpdf/	2004-10-07 12:44:26.000000000 -0700
+@@ -1051,6 +1051,10 @@
+   GString *msg;
+   int i;
++  if (action == NULL)
++    // Nothing to do.
++    return;
+   switch (kind = action->getKind()) {
+   // GoTo / GoToR action
diff --git a/xpdf-3.00-gcc4.patch b/xpdf-3.00-gcc4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..494b127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.00-gcc4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+--- xpdf-3.00/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h.orig	2005-06-13 10:11:17.000000000 +0200
++++ xpdf-3.00/xpdf/TextOutputDev.h	2005-06-13 10:27:18.000000000 +0200
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
+ class TextLine {
+ public:
+-  TextLine(TextBlock *blkA, int rotA, double baseA);
++  TextLine(class TextBlock *blkA, int rotA, double baseA);
+   ~TextLine();
+   void addWord(TextWord *word);
+@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
+ class TextBlock {
+ public:
+-  TextBlock(TextPage *pageA, int rotA);
++  TextBlock(class TextPage *pageA, int rotA);
+   ~TextBlock();
+   void addWord(TextWord *word);
+@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
+ private:
+   void clear();
+-  void assignColumns(TextLineFrag *frags, int nFrags, int rot);
++  void assignColumns(class TextLineFrag *frags, int nFrags, int rot);
+   int dumpFragment(Unicode *text, int len, UnicodeMap *uMap, GString *s);
+   GBool rawOrder;		// keep text in content stream order
diff --git a/xpdf-3.00-papersize.patch b/xpdf-3.00-papersize.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f36dc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.00-papersize.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- xpdf-3.00/xpdf/config.h.orig	2004-11-29 17:14:12.583102885 +0100
++++ xpdf-3.00/xpdf/config.h	2004-11-29 17:14:54.312235643 +0100
+@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
+ #define defPaperWidth  595    // ISO A4 (210x297 mm)
+ #define defPaperHeight 842
+ #else
+-#define defPaperWidth  612    // American letter (8.5x11")
+-#define defPaperHeight 792
++#define defPaperWidth  -1     // match
++#define defPaperHeight -1
+ #endif
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/xpdf-3.00-xfont.patch b/xpdf-3.00-xfont.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50dcec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.00-xfont.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- xpdf-3.00/xpdf/	2004-10-12 12:24:57.055068037 +0200
++++ xpdf-3.00/xpdf/	2004-10-12 12:24:47.707449614 +0200
+@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@
+   aboutBigFont =
+     createFontList("-*-times-bold-i-normal--20-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
+   aboutVersionFont =
+-    createFontList("-*-times-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
++    createFontList("-*-times-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
+   aboutFixedFont =
+     createFontList("-*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
diff --git a/xpdf-3.01-crash.patch b/xpdf-3.01-crash.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e60b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.01-crash.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+--- xpdf-3.00/splash/	2005-07-25 09:59:45.000000000 +0200
++++ xpdf-3.00/splash/	2005-07-25 10:00:58.000000000 +0200
+@@ -636,6 +641,11 @@
+   xPath = new SplashXPath(path, state->flatness, gTrue);
+   xPath->sort();
++  if (!&xPath->segs[0])
++  {
++    delete xPath;
++    return splashErrEmptyPath;
++  }
+   scanner = new SplashXPathScanner(xPath, eo);
+   // get the min and max x and y values
+--- xpdf-3.00/fofi/	2005-07-25 10:34:04.000000000 +0200
++++ xpdf-3.00/fofi/	2005-07-25 10:41:37.000000000 +0200
+@@ -187,9 +187,14 @@
+ 	    }
+ 	  }
+ 	} else {
+-	  if (strtok(buf, " \t") &&
+-	      (p = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")) && !strcmp(p, "def")) {
+-	    break;
++	  p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	  if (p)
++	  {
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "def")) break;
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "readonly")) break;
++	    // the spec does not says this but i'm mantaining old xpdf behaviour that accepts "foo def" as end of the encoding array
++	    p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	    if (p && !strcmp(p, "def")) break;
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+ 	line = line1;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.01-freetype-internals.patch b/xpdf-3.01-freetype-internals.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05bb92b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.01-freetype-internals.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+--- xpdf-3.01/splash/	2006-07-14 10:55:18.000000000 +0200
++++ xpdf-3.01/splash/	2006-07-14 10:55:25.000000000 +0200
+@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
+ #include <ft2build.h>
+ #include FT_OUTLINE_H
+-#include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H // needed for FT_New_Size decl
++#include FT_SIZES_H // needed for FT_New_Size decl
++#include FT_GLYPH_H
+ #include "gmem.h"
+ #include "SplashMath.h"
+ #include "SplashGlyphBitmap.h"
+@@ -25,11 +26,12 @@
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-static int glyphPathMoveTo(FT_Vector *pt, void *path);
+-static int glyphPathLineTo(FT_Vector *pt, void *path);
+-static int glyphPathConicTo(FT_Vector *ctrl, FT_Vector *pt, void *path);
+-static int glyphPathCubicTo(FT_Vector *ctrl1, FT_Vector *ctrl2,
+-			    FT_Vector *pt, void *path);
++static int glyphPathMoveTo( const FT_Vector *pt, void *path);
++static int glyphPathLineTo( const FT_Vector *pt, void *path);
++static int glyphPathConicTo( const FT_Vector *ctrl, const FT_Vector *pt,
++                             void* path );
++static int glyphPathCubicTo( const FT_Vector *ctrl1, const FT_Vector *ctrl2,
++			     const FT_Vector *pt, void *path);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // SplashFTFont
+@@ -210,7 +212,7 @@
+ };
+ SplashPath *SplashFTFont::getGlyphPath(int c) {
+-  static FT_Outline_Funcs outlineFuncs = {
++  static const FT_Outline_Funcs outlineFuncs = {
+     &glyphPathMoveTo,
+     &glyphPathLineTo,
+     &glyphPathConicTo,
+@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@
+   return path.path;
+ }
+-static int glyphPathMoveTo(FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
++static int glyphPathMoveTo( const FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
+   SplashFTFontPath *p = (SplashFTFontPath *)path;
+   if (p->needClose) {
+@@ -260,7 +262,7 @@
+   return 0;
+ }
+-static int glyphPathLineTo(FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
++static int glyphPathLineTo(const FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
+   SplashFTFontPath *p = (SplashFTFontPath *)path;
+   p->path->lineTo(pt->x / 64.0, -pt->y / 64.0);
+@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@
+   return 0;
+ }
+-static int glyphPathConicTo(FT_Vector *ctrl, FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
++static int glyphPathConicTo(const FT_Vector *ctrl, const FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
+   SplashFTFontPath *p = (SplashFTFontPath *)path;
+   SplashCoord x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xc, yc;
+@@ -306,8 +308,8 @@
+   return 0;
+ }
+-static int glyphPathCubicTo(FT_Vector *ctrl1, FT_Vector *ctrl2,
+-			    FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
++static int glyphPathCubicTo(const FT_Vector *ctrl1, const FT_Vector *ctrl2,
++			    const FT_Vector *pt, void *path) {
+   SplashFTFontPath *p = (SplashFTFontPath *)path;
+   p->path->curveTo(ctrl1->x / 64.0, -ctrl1->y / 64.0,
diff --git a/xpdf-3.01-nocmap.patch b/xpdf-3.01-nocmap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..336f82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.01-nocmap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc.NOCMAP	2006-09-25 15:26:58.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 15:27:04.000000000 -0500
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ cidToUnicode	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Adobe-CNS1.cidToUnicode
+ unicodeMap	Big5		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	Big5ascii	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5ascii.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/..../bkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Traditional support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc.NOCMAP	2006-09-25 15:27:33.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 15:27:48.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ #----- begin Korean support package (2005-jul-07)
+ cidToUnicode	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/Adobe-Korea1.cidToUnicode
+ unicodeMap	ISO-2022-KR	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/ISO-2022-KR.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Unidocs-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #----- end Korean support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc.NOCMAP	2006-09-25 15:26:43.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 15:26:49.000000000 -0500
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ cidToUnicode	Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/c
+ unicodeMap	ISO-2022-CN	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/ISO-2022-CN.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	EUC-CN		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/EUC-CN.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	GBK		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/GBK.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-GB1	/usr/..../gkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Simplified support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc.NOCMAP	2006-09-25 15:27:16.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 15:27:20.000000000 -0500
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ cidToUnicode	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpd
+ unicodeMap	ISO-2022-JP	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	EUC-JP		/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/EUC-JP.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	Shift-JIS	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Shift-JIS.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/..../kochi-mincho.ttf
+ #----- end Japanese support package
diff --git a/xpdf-3.01-redhat-new.patch b/xpdf-3.01-redhat-new.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a1e0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.01-redhat-new.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2004-07-27 17:28:07.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 12:58:50.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ #----- begin Chinese Traditional support package (2004-jul-27)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Adobe-CNS1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	Big5		/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	Big5ascii	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5ascii.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Adobe-CNS1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	Big5		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	Big5ascii	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5ascii.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/..../bkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Traditional support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2005-07-07 13:05:05.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 12:56:15.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ #----- begin Korean support package (2005-jul-07)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/Adobe-Korea1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	ISO-2022-KR	/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/ISO-2022-KR.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/Adobe-Korea1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	ISO-2022-KR	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/ISO-2022-KR.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Unidocs-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #----- end Korean support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2004-07-27 17:28:08.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 12:57:18.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ #----- begin Chinese Simplified support package (2004-jul-27)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-GB1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/Adobe-GB1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	ISO-2022-CN	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/ISO-2022-CN.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	EUC-CN		/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/EUC-CN.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	GBK		/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/GBK.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/Adobe-GB1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	ISO-2022-CN	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/ISO-2022-CN.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	EUC-CN		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/EUC-CN.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	GBK		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/GBK.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-GB1	/usr/..../gkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Simplified support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2004-07-27 17:28:07.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 12:58:10.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ #----- begin Japanese support package (2004-jul-27)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/Adobe-Japan1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	ISO-2022-JP	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	EUC-JP		/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/EUC-JP.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	Shift-JIS	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/Shift-JIS.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Adobe-Japan1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	ISO-2022-JP	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	EUC-JP		/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/EUC-JP.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	Shift-JIS	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Shift-JIS.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+ #displayCIDFontTT	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/..../kochi-mincho.ttf
+ #----- end Japanese support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/doc/xpdfrc.5.orig	2005-08-17 00:34:30.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/doc/xpdfrc.5	2006-09-25 12:54:53.000000000 -0500
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ All of the Xpdf tools read a single conf
+ .I .xpdfrc
+ file in your home directory, it will be read.  Otherwise, a
+ system-wide configuration file will be read from
+-.IR /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc ,
++.IR /etc/xpdfrc ,
+ if it exists.  (This is its default location; depending on build
+ options, it may be placed elsewhere.)  On Win32 systems, the
+ .I xpdfrc
+@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ urlCommand      "netscape -remote 'openU
+ .fi
+ .TP
+-.B /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++.B /etc/xpdfrc
+ This is the default location for the system-wide configuration file.
+ Depending on build options, it may be placed elsewhere.
+ .TP
+--- xpdf-3.01/doc/xpdf.1.orig	2005-08-17 00:34:30.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/doc/xpdf.1	2006-09-25 12:54:53.000000000 -0500
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ xpdf
+ Xpdf reads a configuration file at startup.  It first tries to find
+ the user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc.  If that doesn't exist, it
+-looks for a system-wide config file, typically /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++looks for a system-wide config file, typically /etc/xpdfrc
+ (but this location can be changed when xpdf is built).  See the
+ .BR xpdfrc (5)
+ man page for details.
+--- xpdf-3.01/doc/pdfimages.1.orig	2005-08-17 00:34:30.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/doc/pdfimages.1	2006-09-25 12:54:53.000000000 -0500
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ color inversion, etc. done by the PDF co
+ Pdfimages reads a configuration file at startup.  It first tries to
+ find the user's private config file, ~/.xpdfrc.  If that doesn't
+ exist, it looks for a system-wide config file, typically
+-/usr/local/etc/xpdfrc (but this location can be changed when pdfimages
++/etc/xpdfrc (but this location can be changed when pdfimages
+ is built).  See the
+ .BR xpdfrc (5)
+ man page for details.
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-traditional/README.orig	2006-09-25 13:33:34.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-traditional/README	2006-09-25 13:37:33.000000000 -0500
+@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ Contents:
+ Place all of these files in a directory, typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional
++    Unix - /usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\chinese-traditional
+ Add the contents of the "add-to-xpdfrc" file to your system-wide
+ xpdfrc config file, which is typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++    Unix - /etc/xpdfrc
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdfrc
+ Alternatively, on Unix systems you can add these lines to your
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-korean/README.orig	2006-09-25 13:34:27.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-korean/README	2006-09-25 13:38:26.000000000 -0500
+@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ Contents:
+ Place all of these files in a directory, typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/share/xpdf/korean
++    Unix - /usr/share/xpdf/korean
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\korean
+ Add the contents of the "add-to-xpdfrc" file to your system-wide
+ xpdfrc config file, which is typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++    Unix - /etc/xpdfrc
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\Xpdf\xpdfrc
+ Alternatively, on Unix systems you can add these lines to your
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-simplified/README.orig	2006-09-25 13:33:18.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-chinese-simplified/README	2006-09-25 13:37:45.000000000 -0500
+@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ Contents:
+ Place all of these files in a directory, typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified
++    Unix - /usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\chinese-simplified
+ Add the contents of the "add-to-xpdfrc" file to your system-wide
+ xpdfrc config file, which is typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++    Unix - /etc/xpdfrc
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdfrc
+ Alternatively, on Unix systems you can add these lines to your
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-japanese/README.orig	2006-09-25 13:33:47.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-japanese/README	2006-09-25 13:38:12.000000000 -0500
+@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ Contents:
+ Place all of these files in a directory, typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese
++    Unix - /usr/share/xpdf/japanese
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\japanese
+ Add the contents of the "add-to-xpdfrc" file to your system-wide
+ xpdfrc config file, which is typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++    Unix - /etc/xpdfrc
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdfrc
+ Alternatively, on Unix systems you can add these lines to your
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-thai/README.BAD	2006-09-25 15:42:22.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-thai/README	2006-09-25 15:42:33.000000000 -0500
+@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ Contents:
+ Place all of these files in a directory, typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/share/xpdf/thai
++    Unix - /usr/share/xpdf/thai
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\thai
+ Add the contents of the "add-to-xpdfrc" file to your system-wide
+ xpdfrc config file, which is typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++    Unix - /etc/xpdfrc
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdfrc
+ Alternatively, on Unix systems you can add these lines to your
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-thai/add-to-xpdfrc.BAD	2006-09-25 15:43:35.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-thai/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 15:43:44.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #----- begin Thai support package (2002-jan-16)
+-nameToUnicode			/usr/local/share/xpdf/thai/Thai.nameToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	TIS-620		/usr/local/share/xpdf/thai/TIS-620.unicodeMap
++nameToUnicode			/usr/share/xpdf/thai/Thai.nameToUnicode
++unicodeMap	TIS-620		/usr/share/xpdf/thai/TIS-620.unicodeMap
+ #----- end Thai support package
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-cyrillic/README.BAD	2006-09-25 15:42:48.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-cyrillic/README	2006-09-25 15:42:59.000000000 -0500
+@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ Contents:
+ Place all of these files in a directory, typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/share/xpdf/cyrillic
++    Unix - /usr/share/xpdf/cyrillic
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\cyrillic
+ Add the contents of the "add-to-xpdfrc" file to your system-wide
+ xpdfrc config file, which is typically:
+-    Unix - /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++    Unix - /etc/xpdfrc
+     Win32 - C:\Program Files\xpdf\xpdfrc
+ Alternatively, on Unix systems you can add these lines to your
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf-cyrillic/add-to-xpdfrc.BAD	2006-09-25 15:43:28.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf-cyrillic/add-to-xpdfrc	2006-09-25 15:43:11.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #----- begin Cyrillic support package (2003-jun-28)
+-nameToUnicode			/usr/local/share/xpdf/cyrillic/Bulgarian.nameToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	KOI8-R		/usr/local/share/xpdf/cyrillic/KOI8-R.unicodeMap
++nameToUnicode			/usr/share/xpdf/cyrillic/Bulgarian.nameToUnicode
++unicodeMap	KOI8-R		/usr/share/xpdf/cyrillic/KOI8-R.unicodeMap
+ #----- end Cyrillic support package
+--- xpdf-3.03/doc/sample-xpdfrc.orig	2011-08-15 17:08:53.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.03/doc/sample-xpdfrc	2011-08-22 13:41:14.405172432 -0400
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ # Set the default PostScript file or command.
+-#psFile			"|lpr -Pmyprinter"
++psFile			"|lpr"
+ # Set the default PostScript paper size -- this can be letter, legal,
+ # A4, or A3.  You can also specify a paper size as width and height
+@@ -89,4 +89,10 @@
+ # clicked.
+ #launchCommand  viewer-script
+-#urlCommand	"netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'"
++urlCommand "xdg-open '%s'"
++# CJK
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.japanese
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.korean
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.chinese-simplified
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.chinese-traditional
diff --git a/xpdf-3.01-resize.patch b/xpdf-3.01-resize.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1240c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.01-resize.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf/	2005-10-06 23:40:10.000000000 +0200
++++ xpdf-3.01/xpdf/	2005-10-06 23:40:10.000000000 +0200
+@@ -979,6 +979,9 @@
+   XPDFCore *core = (XPDFCore *)ptr;
+   XEvent event;
+   Widget top;
++  Window rootWin;
++  int x1, y1;
++  Guint w1, h1, bw1, depth1;
+   Arg args[2];
+   int n;
+   Dimension w, h;
+@@ -986,15 +989,20 @@
+   // find the top-most widget which has an associated window, and look
+   // for a pending ConfigureNotify in the event queue -- if there is
+-  // one, that means we're still resizing, and we want to skip the
+-  // current event
++  // one, and it specifies a different width or height, that means
++  // we're still resizing, and we want to skip the current event
+   for (top = core->parentWidget;
+        XtParent(top) && XtWindow(XtParent(top));
+        top = XtParent(top)) ;
+   if (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(core->display, XtWindow(top),
+ 			     ConfigureNotify, &event)) {
+     XPutBackEvent(core->display, &event);
+-    return;
++    XGetGeometry(core->display, event.xconfigure.window,
++		 &rootWin, &x1, &y1, &w1, &h1, &bw1, &depth1);
++    if ((Guint)event.xconfigure.width != w1 ||
++	(Guint)event.xconfigure.height != h1) {
++      return;
++    }
+   }
+   n = 0;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.01pl2.patch b/xpdf-3.01pl2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea3cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.01pl2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+diff -cr xpdf-3.01.orig/goo/gmem.c xpdf-3.01/goo/gmem.c
+*** xpdf-3.01.orig/goo/gmem.c	Tue Aug 16 22:34:30 2005
+--- xpdf-3.01/goo/gmem.c	Tue Jan 17 17:03:57 2006
+*** 11,16 ****
+--- 11,17 ----
+  #include <stdlib.h>
+  #include <stddef.h>
+  #include <string.h>
++ #include <limits.h>
+  #include "gmem.h"
+  #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+*** 63,69 ****
+    int lst;
+    unsigned long *trl, *p;
+!   if (size == 0)
+      return NULL;
+    size1 = gMemDataSize(size);
+    if (!(mem = (char *)malloc(size1 + gMemHdrSize + gMemTrlSize))) {
+--- 64,70 ----
+    int lst;
+    unsigned long *trl, *p;
+!   if (size <= 0)
+      return NULL;
+    size1 = gMemDataSize(size);
+    if (!(mem = (char *)malloc(size1 + gMemHdrSize + gMemTrlSize))) {
+*** 86,92 ****
+  #else
+    void *p;
+!   if (size == 0)
+      return NULL;
+    if (!(p = malloc(size))) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
+--- 87,93 ----
+  #else
+    void *p;
+!   if (size <= 0)
+      return NULL;
+    if (!(p = malloc(size))) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
+*** 102,108 ****
+    void *q;
+    int oldSize;
+!   if (size == 0) {
+      if (p)
+        gfree(p);
+      return NULL;
+--- 103,109 ----
+    void *q;
+    int oldSize;
+!   if (size <= 0) {
+      if (p)
+        gfree(p);
+      return NULL;
+*** 120,126 ****
+  #else
+    void *q;
+!   if (size == 0) {
+      if (p)
+        free(p);
+      return NULL;
+--- 121,127 ----
+  #else
+    void *q;
+!   if (size <= 0) {
+      if (p)
+        free(p);
+      return NULL;
+*** 140,147 ****
+  void *gmallocn(int nObjs, int objSize) {
+    int n;
+    n = nObjs * objSize;
+!   if (objSize == 0 || n / objSize != nObjs) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Bogus memory allocation size\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+--- 141,151 ----
+  void *gmallocn(int nObjs, int objSize) {
+    int n;
++   if (nObjs == 0) {
++     return NULL;
++   }
+    n = nObjs * objSize;
+!   if (objSize <= 0 || nObjs < 0 || nObjs >= INT_MAX / objSize) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Bogus memory allocation size\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+*** 151,158 ****
+  void *greallocn(void *p, int nObjs, int objSize) {
+    int n;
+    n = nObjs * objSize;
+!   if (objSize == 0 || n / objSize != nObjs) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Bogus memory allocation size\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+--- 155,168 ----
+  void *greallocn(void *p, int nObjs, int objSize) {
+    int n;
++   if (nObjs == 0) {
++     if (p) {
++       gfree(p);
++     }
++     return NULL;
++   }
+    n = nObjs * objSize;
+!   if (objSize <= 0 || nObjs < 0 || nObjs >= INT_MAX / objSize) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Bogus memory allocation size\n");
+      exit(1);
+    }
+diff -cr xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/ xpdf-3.01/xpdf/
+*** xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/	Tue Aug 16 22:34:31 2005
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf/	Tue Jan 17 17:29:46 2006
+*** 13,18 ****
+--- 13,19 ----
+  #endif
+  #include <stdlib.h>
++ #include <limits.h>
+  #include "GList.h"
+  #include "Error.h"
+  #include "JArithmeticDecoder.h"
+*** 681,686 ****
+--- 682,691 ----
+    w = wA;
+    h = hA;
+    line = (wA + 7) >> 3;
++   if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
++     data = NULL;
++     return;
++   }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+    data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+    data[h * line] = 0;
+*** 692,697 ****
+--- 697,706 ----
+    w = bitmap->w;
+    h = bitmap->h;
+    line = bitmap->line;
++   if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
++     data = NULL;
++     return;
++   }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+    data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+    memcpy(data, bitmap->data, h * line);
+*** 720,726 ****
+  }
+  void JBIG2Bitmap::expand(int newH, Guint pixel) {
+!   if (newH <= h) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+--- 729,735 ----
+  }
+  void JBIG2Bitmap::expand(int newH, Guint pixel) {
+!   if (newH <= h || line <= 0 || newH >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+*** 2294,2299 ****
+--- 2303,2316 ----
+        !readUWord(&stepX) || !readUWord(&stepY)) {
+      goto eofError;
+    }
++   if (w == 0 || h == 0 || w >= INT_MAX / h) {
++     error(getPos(), "Bad bitmap size in JBIG2 halftone segment");
++     return;
++   }
++   if (gridH == 0 || gridW >= INT_MAX / gridH) {
++     error(getPos(), "Bad grid size in JBIG2 halftone segment");
++     return;
++   }
+    // get pattern dictionary
+    if (nRefSegs != 1) {
+diff -cr xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/ xpdf-3.01/xpdf/
+*** xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/	Tue Aug 16 22:34:31 2005
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf/	Tue Jan 17 17:14:06 2006
+*** 12,17 ****
+--- 12,18 ----
+  #pragma implementation
+  #endif
++ #include <limits.h>
+  #include "gmem.h"
+  #include "Error.h"
+  #include "JArithmeticDecoder.h"
+*** 818,823 ****
+--- 819,830 ----
+  	            / img.xTileSize;
+        img.nYTiles = (img.ySize - img.yTileOffset + img.yTileSize - 1)
+  	            / img.yTileSize;
++       // check for overflow before allocating memory
++       if (img.nXTiles <= 0 || img.nYTiles <= 0 ||
++ 	  img.nXTiles >= INT_MAX / img.nYTiles) {
++ 	error(getPos(), "Bad tile count in JPX SIZ marker segment");
++ 	return gFalse;
++       }
+        img.tiles = (JPXTile *)gmallocn(img.nXTiles * img.nYTiles,
+  				      sizeof(JPXTile));
+        for (i = 0; i < img.nXTiles * img.nYTiles; ++i) {
+diff -cr xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/ xpdf-3.01/xpdf/
+*** xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/	Tue Aug 16 22:34:31 2005
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf/	Tue Jan 17 17:31:52 2006
+*** 15,20 ****
+--- 15,21 ----
+  #include <stdio.h>
+  #include <stdlib.h>
+  #include <stddef.h>
++ #include <limits.h>
+  #ifndef WIN32
+  #include <unistd.h>
+  #endif
+*** 406,418 ****
+--- 407,432 ----
+    width = widthA;
+    nComps = nCompsA;
+    nBits = nBitsA;
++   predLine = NULL;
++   ok = gFalse;
+    nVals = width * nComps;
++   if (width <= 0 || nComps <= 0 || nBits <= 0 ||
++       nComps >= INT_MAX / nBits ||
++       width >= INT_MAX / nComps / nBits ||
++       nVals * nBits + 7 < 0) {
++     return;
++   }
+    pixBytes = (nComps * nBits + 7) >> 3;
+    rowBytes = ((nVals * nBits + 7) >> 3) + pixBytes;
++   if (rowBytes <= 0) {
++     return;
++   }
+    predLine = (Guchar *)gmalloc(rowBytes);
+    memset(predLine, 0, rowBytes);
+    predIdx = rowBytes;
++   ok = gTrue;
+  }
+  StreamPredictor::~StreamPredictor() {
+*** 1004,1009 ****
+--- 1018,1027 ----
+      FilterStream(strA) {
+    if (predictor != 1) {
+      pred = new StreamPredictor(this, predictor, columns, colors, bits);
++     if (!pred->isOk()) {
++       delete pred;
++       pred = NULL;
++     }
+    } else {
+      pred = NULL;
+    }
+*** 1259,1264 ****
+--- 1277,1285 ----
+    if (columns < 1) {
+      columns = 1;
+    }
++   if (columns + 4 <= 0) {
++     columns = INT_MAX - 4;
++   }
+    rows = rowsA;
+    endOfBlock = endOfBlockA;
+    black = blackA;
+*** 2899,2904 ****
+--- 2920,2930 ----
+    height = read16();
+    width = read16();
+    numComps = str->getChar();
++   if (numComps <= 0 || numComps > 4) {
++     error(getPos(), "Bad number of components in DCT stream");
++     numComps = 0;
++     return gFalse;
++   }
+    if (prec != 8) {
+      error(getPos(), "Bad DCT precision %d", prec);
+      return gFalse;
+*** 2925,2930 ****
+--- 2951,2961 ----
+    height = read16();
+    width = read16();
+    numComps = str->getChar();
++   if (numComps <= 0 || numComps > 4) {
++     error(getPos(), "Bad number of components in DCT stream");
++     numComps = 0;
++     return gFalse;
++   }
+    if (prec != 8) {
+      error(getPos(), "Bad DCT precision %d", prec);
+      return gFalse;
+*** 2947,2952 ****
+--- 2978,2988 ----
+    length = read16() - 2;
+    scanInfo.numComps = str->getChar();
++   if (scanInfo.numComps <= 0 || scanInfo.numComps > 4) {
++     error(getPos(), "Bad number of components in DCT stream");
++     scanInfo.numComps = 0;
++     return gFalse;
++   }
+    --length;
+    if (length != 2 * scanInfo.numComps + 3) {
+      error(getPos(), "Bad DCT scan info block");
+*** 3041,3046 ****
+--- 3077,3083 ----
+  	numACHuffTables = index+1;
+        tbl = &acHuffTables[index];
+      } else {
++       index &= 0x0f;
+        if (index >= numDCHuffTables)
+  	numDCHuffTables = index+1;
+        tbl = &dcHuffTables[index];
+*** 3827,3832 ****
+--- 3864,3873 ----
+      FilterStream(strA) {
+    if (predictor != 1) {
+      pred = new StreamPredictor(this, predictor, columns, colors, bits);
++     if (!pred->isOk()) {
++       delete pred;
++       pred = NULL;
++     }
+    } else {
+      pred = NULL;
+    }
+diff -cr xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/Stream.h xpdf-3.01/xpdf/Stream.h
+*** xpdf-3.01.orig/xpdf/Stream.h	Tue Aug 16 22:34:31 2005
+--- xpdf-3.01/xpdf/Stream.h	Tue Jan 17 17:19:54 2006
+*** 232,237 ****
+--- 232,239 ----
+    ~StreamPredictor();
++   GBool isOk() { return ok; }
+    int lookChar();
+    int getChar();
+*** 249,254 ****
+--- 251,257 ----
+    int rowBytes;			// bytes per line
+    Guchar *predLine;		// line buffer
+    int predIdx;			// current index in predLine
++   GBool ok;
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+*** 527,533 ****
+    short getWhiteCode();
+    short getBlackCode();
+    short lookBits(int n);
+!   void eatBits(int n) { inputBits -= n; }
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+--- 530,536 ----
+    short getWhiteCode();
+    short getBlackCode();
+    short lookBits(int n);
+!   void eatBits(int n) { if ((inputBits -= n) < 0) inputBits = 0; }
+  };
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+diff -cr xpdf-3.01.orig/splash/ xpdf-3.01/splash/
+*** xpdf-3.01.orig/splash/	Tue Aug 16 22:34:31 2005
+--- xpdf-3.01/splash/	Wed Feb  1 17:01:14 2006
+*** 186,192 ****
+  }
+  void SplashXPathScanner::computeIntersections(int y) {
+!   SplashCoord ySegMin, ySegMax, xx0, xx1;
+    SplashXPathSeg *seg;
+    int i, j;
+--- 186,192 ----
+  }
+  void SplashXPathScanner::computeIntersections(int y) {
+!   SplashCoord xSegMin, xSegMax, ySegMin, ySegMax, xx0, xx1;
+    SplashXPathSeg *seg;
+    int i, j;
+*** 236,254 ****
+      } else if (seg->flags & splashXPathVert) {
+        xx0 = xx1 = seg->x0;
+      } else {
+!       if (ySegMin <= y) {
+! 	// intersection with top edge
+! 	xx0 = seg->x0 + ((SplashCoord)y - seg->y0) * seg->dxdy;
+        } else {
+! 	// x coord of segment endpoint with min y coord
+! 	xx0 = (seg->flags & splashXPathFlip) ? seg->x1 : seg->x0;
+        }
+!       if (ySegMax >= y + 1) {
+! 	// intersection with bottom edge
+! 	xx1 = seg->x0 + ((SplashCoord)y + 1 - seg->y0) * seg->dxdy;
+!       } else {
+! 	// x coord of segment endpoint with max y coord
+! 	xx1 = (seg->flags & splashXPathFlip) ? seg->x0 : seg->x1;
+        }
+      }
+      if (xx0 < xx1) {
+--- 236,262 ----
+      } else if (seg->flags & splashXPathVert) {
+        xx0 = xx1 = seg->x0;
+      } else {
+!       if (seg->x0 < seg->x1) {
+! 	xSegMin = seg->x0;
+! 	xSegMax = seg->x1;
+        } else {
+! 	xSegMin = seg->x1;
+! 	xSegMax = seg->x0;
+        }
+!       // intersection with top edge
+!       xx0 = seg->x0 + ((SplashCoord)y - seg->y0) * seg->dxdy;
+!       // intersection with bottom edge
+!       xx1 = seg->x0 + ((SplashCoord)y + 1 - seg->y0) * seg->dxdy;
+!       // the segment may not actually extend to the top and/or bottom edges
+!       if (xx0 < xSegMin) {
+! 	xx0 = xSegMin;
+!       } else if (xx0 > xSegMax) {
+! 	xx0 = xSegMax;
+!       }
+!       if (xx1 < xSegMin) {
+! 	xx1 = xSegMin;
+!       } else if (xx1 > xSegMax) {
+! 	xx1 = xSegMax;
+        }
+      }
+      if (xx0 < xx1) {
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02-additionalzoom.patch b/xpdf-3.02-additionalzoom.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e27d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02-additionalzoom.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-28 14:44:09.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-28 14:44:47.000000000 -0400
+@@ -140,6 +140,8 @@ struct ZoomMenuInfo {
+ static ZoomMenuInfo zoomMenuInfo[nZoomMenuItems] = {
+   { "400%",      400 },
++  { "300%",      300 },
++  { "250%",      250 },
+   { "200%",      200 },
+   { "150%",      150 },
+   { "125%",      125 },
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/xpdf/XPDFViewer.h.BAD xpdf-3.02/xpdf/XPDFViewer.h
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/xpdf/XPDFViewer.h.BAD xpdf-3.02/xpdf/XPDFViewer.h
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/XPDFViewer.h.BAD	2007-08-28 16:46:48.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/XPDFViewer.h	2007-08-28 16:46:57.000000000 -0400
+@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class XPDFViewer;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // NB: this must match the defn of zoomMenuBtnInfo in
+-#define nZoomMenuItems 10
++#define nZoomMenuItems 12
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02-crash.patch b/xpdf-3.02-crash.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8832eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02-crash.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/fofi/ xpdf-3.02/fofi/
+--- xpdf-3.02/fofi/	2007-02-27 17:05:51.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.02/fofi/	2009-02-11 11:31:04.000000000 -0500
+@@ -235,9 +235,14 @@ void FoFiType1::parse() {
+ 	    }
+ 	  }
+ 	} else {
+-	  if (strtok(buf, " \t") &&
+-	      (p = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")) && !strcmp(p, "def")) {
+-	    break;
++	  p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	  if (p)
++	  {
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "def")) break;
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "readonly")) break;
++	    // the spec does not says this but i'm mantaining old xpdf behaviour that accepts "foo def" as end of the encoding array
++	    p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	    if (p && !strcmp(p, "def")) break;
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+       }
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/splash/ xpdf-3.02/splash/
+--- xpdf-3.02/splash/	2007-02-27 17:05:52.000000000 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.02/splash/	2009-02-11 11:34:45.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1501,6 +1501,11 @@ SplashError Splash::fillWithPattern(Spla
+     xPath->aaScale();
+   }
+   xPath->sort();
++  if (!&xPath->segs[0])
++  {
++    delete xPath;
++    return splashErrEmptyPath;
++  }
+   scanner = new SplashXPathScanner(xPath, eo);
+   // get the min and max x and y values
+@@ -1573,6 +1578,11 @@ SplashError Splash::xorFill(SplashPath *
+   }
+   xPath = new SplashXPath(path, state->matrix, state->flatness, gTrue);
+   xPath->sort();
++  if (!&xPath->segs[0])
++  {
++    delete xPath;
++    return splashErrEmptyPath;
++  }
+   scanner = new SplashXPathScanner(xPath, eo);
+   // get the min and max x and y values
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02-fontlist.patch b/xpdf-3.02-fontlist.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c367b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02-fontlist.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-02-27 15:05:52.000000000 -0700
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-02 20:39:26.000000000 -0600
+@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static String fallbackResources[] = {
+-  "*.zoomComboBox*fontList: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
+-  "*XmTextField.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
+-  "*.fontList: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
++  "*.zoomComboBox*fontList: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
++  "*XmTextField.fontList: -*-courier-medium-r-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
++  "*.fontList: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
+   "*XmTextField.translations: #override\\n"
+   "  Ctrl<Key>a:beginning-of-line()\\n"
+   "  Ctrl<Key>b:backward-character()\\n"
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-02 20:25:21.000000000 -0600
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-02 20:38:03.000000000 -0600
+@@ -2789,11 +2789,11 @@ void XPDFViewer::initAboutDialog() {
+   //----- fonts
+   aboutBigFont =
+-    createFontList("-*-times-bold-i-normal--20-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
++    createFontList("-*-times-bold-i-normal-*-20-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
+   aboutVersionFont =
+-    createFontList("-*-times-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
++    createFontList("-*-times-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
+   aboutFixedFont =
+-    createFontList("-*-courier-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
++    createFontList("-*-courier-medium-r-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1");
+   //----- heading
+   n = 0;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02-mousebuttons.patch b/xpdf-3.02-mousebuttons.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0b395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02-mousebuttons.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-28 14:30:13.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-28 14:30:38.000000000 -0400
+@@ -1574,10 +1574,10 @@ GBool GlobalParams::parseKey(GString *mo
+ 	     !p0[3]) {
+     *code = xpdfKeyCodeF1 + 10 * (p0[1] - '0') + (p0[2] - '0') - 1;
+   } else if (!strncmp(p0, "mousePress", 10) &&
+-	     p0[10] >= '1' && p0[10] <= '7' && !p0[11]) {
++	     p0[10] >= '1' && p0[10] <= '9' && !p0[11]) {
+     *code = xpdfKeyCodeMousePress1 + (p0[10] - '1');
+   } else if (!strncmp(p0, "mouseRelease", 12) &&
+-	     p0[12] >= '1' && p0[12] <= '7' && !p0[13]) {
++	     p0[12] >= '1' && p0[12] <= '9' && !p0[13]) {
+     *code = xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease1 + (p0[12] - '1');
+   } else if (*p0 >= 0x20 && *p0 <= 0x7e && !p0[1]) {
+     *code = (int)*p0;
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/xpdf/GlobalParams.h.BAD xpdf-3.02/xpdf/GlobalParams.h
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/GlobalParams.h.BAD	2007-08-28 14:30:44.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/GlobalParams.h	2007-08-28 14:31:12.000000000 -0400
+@@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ public:
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMousePress5    0x2005
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMousePress6    0x2006
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMousePress7    0x2007
++#define xpdfKeyCodeMousePress8    0x2008
++#define xpdfKeyCodeMousePress9    0x2009
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease1  0x2101
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease2  0x2102
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease3  0x2103
+@@ -171,6 +173,8 @@ public:
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease5  0x2105
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease6  0x2106
+ #define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease7  0x2107
++#define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease8  0x2108
++#define xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease9  0x2109
+ #define xpdfKeyModNone            0
+ #define xpdfKeyModShift           (1 << 0)
+ #define xpdfKeyModCtrl            (1 << 1)
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/doc/xpdfrc.5.BAD xpdf-3.02/doc/xpdfrc.5
+--- xpdf-3.02/doc/xpdfrc.5.BAD	2007-08-28 14:31:25.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.02/doc/xpdfrc.5	2007-08-28 14:31:35.000000000 -0400
+@@ -483,8 +483,8 @@ can be a regular ASCII character, or any
+     pgdn
+     left / right / up / down        (arrow keys)
+     f1 .. f35                       (function keys)
+-    mousePress1 .. mousePress7      (mouse buttons)
+-    mouseRelease1 .. mouseRelease7  (mouse buttons)
++    mousePress1 .. mousePress9      (mouse buttons)
++    mouseRelease1 .. mouseRelease9  (mouse buttons)
+ .fi
+ .I Context
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02-mousebuttons_view.patch b/xpdf-3.02-mousebuttons_view.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2ef78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02-mousebuttons_view.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2009-02-02 01:58:55.000000000 -0700
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2009-02-02 02:27:04.000000000 -0700
+@@ -592,13 +592,13 @@ void XPDFViewer::mouseCbk(void *data, XE
+   int i;
+   if (event->type == ButtonPress) {
+-    if (event->xbutton.button >= 1 && event->xbutton.button <= 7) {
++    if (event->xbutton.button >= 1 && event->xbutton.button <= 9) {
+       keyCode = xpdfKeyCodeMousePress1 + event->xbutton.button - 1;
+     } else {
+       return;
+     }
+   } else if (event->type == ButtonRelease) {
+-    if (event->xbutton.button >= 1 && event->xbutton.button <= 7) {
++    if (event->xbutton.button >= 1 && event->xbutton.button <= 9) {
+       keyCode = xpdfKeyCodeMouseRelease1 + event->xbutton.button - 1;
+     } else {
+       return;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02-x86_64-fix.patch b/xpdf-3.02-x86_64-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fec31b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02-x86_64-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.02/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-21 16:20:40.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	2007-08-21 16:20:44.000000000 -0400
+@@ -4451,7 +4451,7 @@ void ASCII85Encoder::reset() {
+ }
+ GBool ASCII85Encoder::fillBuf() {
+-  Gulong t;
++  Guint t;
+   char buf1[5];
+   int c0, c1, c2, c3;
+   int n, i;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02pl1.patch b/xpdf-3.02pl1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd42fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02pl1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	Thu Jul 26 14:44:43 2007
+*** 410,424 ****
+    ok = gFalse;
+    nVals = width * nComps;
+-   if (width <= 0 || nComps <= 0 || nBits <= 0 ||
+-       nComps >= INT_MAX / nBits ||
+-       width >= INT_MAX / nComps / nBits ||
+-       nVals * nBits + 7 < 0) {
+-     return;
+-   }
+    pixBytes = (nComps * nBits + 7) >> 3;
+    rowBytes = ((nVals * nBits + 7) >> 3) + pixBytes;
+!   if (rowBytes <= 0) {
+      return;
+    }
+    predLine = (Guchar *)gmalloc(rowBytes);
+--- 410,422 ----
+    ok = gFalse;
+    nVals = width * nComps;
+    pixBytes = (nComps * nBits + 7) >> 3;
+    rowBytes = ((nVals * nBits + 7) >> 3) + pixBytes;
+!   if (width <= 0 || nComps <= 0 || nBits <= 0 ||
+!       nComps > gfxColorMaxComps ||
+!       nBits > 16 ||
+!       width >= INT_MAX / nComps ||      // check for overflow in nVals 
+!       nVals >= (INT_MAX - 7) / nBits) { // check for overflow in rowBytes
+      return;
+    }
+    predLine = (Guchar *)gmalloc(rowBytes);
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02pl2.patch b/xpdf-3.02pl2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab9e3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02pl2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+diff -c -r xpdf-3.02pl1.orig/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/
+*** xpdf-3.02pl1.orig/xpdf/	Thu Oct 25 15:47:38 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	Thu Oct 25 15:48:19 2007
+*** 1243,1265 ****
+    columns = columnsA;
+    if (columns < 1) {
+      columns = 1;
+!   }
+!   if (columns + 4 <= 0) {
+!     columns = INT_MAX - 4;
+    }
+    rows = rowsA;
+    endOfBlock = endOfBlockA;
+    black = blackA;
+!   refLine = (short *)gmallocn(columns + 3, sizeof(short));
+!   codingLine = (short *)gmallocn(columns + 2, sizeof(short));
+    eof = gFalse;
+    row = 0;
+    nextLine2D = encoding < 0;
+    inputBits = 0;
+!   codingLine[0] = 0;
+!   codingLine[1] = refLine[2] = columns;
+!   a0 = 1;
+    buf = EOF;
+  }
+--- 1243,1268 ----
+    columns = columnsA;
+    if (columns < 1) {
+      columns = 1;
+!   } else if (columns > INT_MAX - 2) {
+!     columns = INT_MAX - 2;
+    }
+    rows = rowsA;
+    endOfBlock = endOfBlockA;
+    black = blackA;
+!   // 0 <= codingLine[0] < codingLine[1] < ... < codingLine[n] = columns
+!   // ---> max codingLine size = columns + 1
+!   // refLine has one extra guard entry at the end
+!   // ---> max refLine size = columns + 2
+!   codingLine = (int *)gmallocn(columns + 1, sizeof(int));
+!   refLine = (int *)gmallocn(columns + 2, sizeof(int));
+    eof = gFalse;
+    row = 0;
+    nextLine2D = encoding < 0;
+    inputBits = 0;
+!   codingLine[0] = columns;
+!   a0i = 0;
+!   outputBits = 0;
+    buf = EOF;
+  }
+*** 1278,1286 ****
+    row = 0;
+    nextLine2D = encoding < 0;
+    inputBits = 0;
+!   codingLine[0] = 0;
+!   codingLine[1] = columns;
+!   a0 = 1;
+    buf = EOF;
+    // skip any initial zero bits and end-of-line marker, and get the 2D
+--- 1281,1289 ----
+    row = 0;
+    nextLine2D = encoding < 0;
+    inputBits = 0;
+!   codingLine[0] = columns;
+!   a0i = 0;
+!   outputBits = 0;
+    buf = EOF;
+    // skip any initial zero bits and end-of-line marker, and get the 2D
+*** 1297,1507 ****
+    }
+  }
+  int CCITTFaxStream::lookChar() {
+    short code1, code2, code3;
+!   int a0New;
+!   GBool err, gotEOL;
+!   int ret;
+!   int bits, i;
+!   // if at eof just return EOF
+!   if (eof && codingLine[a0] >= columns) {
+!     return EOF;
+    }
+    // read the next row
+!   err = gFalse;
+!   if (codingLine[a0] >= columns) {
+      // 2-D encoding
+      if (nextLine2D) {
+-       // state:
+-       //   a0New = current position in coding line (0 <= a0New <= columns)
+-       //   codingLine[a0] = last change in coding line
+-       //                    (black-to-white if a0 is even,
+-       //                     white-to-black if a0 is odd)
+-       //   refLine[b1] = next change in reference line of opposite color
+-       //                 to a0
+-       // invariants:
+-       //   0 <= codingLine[a0] <= a0New
+-       //           <= refLine[b1] <= refLine[b1+1] <= columns
+-       //   0 <= a0 <= columns+1
+-       //   refLine[0] = 0
+-       //   refLine[n] = refLine[n+1] = columns
+-       //     -- for some 1 <= n <= columns+1
+-       // end condition:
+-       //   0 = codingLine[0] <= codingLine[1] < codingLine[2] < ...
+-       //     < codingLine[n-1] < codingLine[n] = columns
+-       //     -- where 1 <= n <= columns+1
+        for (i = 0; codingLine[i] < columns; ++i) {
+  	refLine[i] = codingLine[i];
+        }
+!       refLine[i] = refLine[i + 1] = columns;
+!       b1 = 1;
+!       a0New = codingLine[a0 = 0] = 0;
+!       do {
+  	code1 = getTwoDimCode();
+  	switch (code1) {
+  	case twoDimPass:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	    a0New = refLine[b1 + 1];
+! 	    b1 += 2;
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case twoDimHoriz:
+! 	  if ((a0 & 1) == 0) {
+! 	    code1 = code2 = 0;
+  	    do {
+! 	      code1 += code3 = getWhiteCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	    do {
+! 	      code2 += code3 = getBlackCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	  } else {
+- 	    code1 = code2 = 0;
+  	    do {
+! 	      code1 += code3 = getBlackCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	    do {
+! 	      code2 += code3 = getWhiteCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	  }
+! 	  if (code1 > 0 || code2 > 0) {
+! 	    if (a0New + code1 <= columns) {
+! 	      codingLine[a0 + 1] = a0New + code1;
+! 	    } else {
+! 	      codingLine[a0 + 1] = columns;
+! 	    }
+! 	    ++a0;
+! 	    if (codingLine[a0] + code2 <= columns) {
+! 	      codingLine[a0 + 1] = codingLine[a0] + code2;
+! 	    } else {
+! 	      codingLine[a0 + 1] = columns;
+! 	    }
+! 	    ++a0;
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[a0];
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVert0:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1];
+! 	    ++b1;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+- 	  } else {
+- 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = columns;
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case twoDimVertR1:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] + 1 < columns) {
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] + 1;
+! 	    ++b1;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+- 	  } else {
+- 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = columns;
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL1:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] - 1 > a0New || (a0 == 0 && refLine[b1] == 1)) {
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] - 1;
+! 	    --b1;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR2:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] + 2 < columns) {
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] + 2;
+! 	    ++b1;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+- 	  } else {
+- 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = columns;
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case twoDimVertL2:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] - 2 > a0New || (a0 == 0 && refLine[b1] == 2)) {
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] - 2;
+! 	    --b1;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR3:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] + 3 < columns) {
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] + 3;
+! 	    ++b1;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+- 	  } else {
+- 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = columns;
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL3:
+! 	  if (refLine[b1] - 3 > a0New || (a0 == 0 && refLine[b1] == 3)) {
+! 	    a0New = codingLine[++a0] = refLine[b1] - 3;
+! 	    --b1;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1] <= a0New && refLine[b1] < columns) {
+! 	      b1 += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case EOF:
+  	  eof = gTrue;
+! 	  codingLine[a0 = 0] = columns;
+! 	  return EOF;
+  	default:
+  	  error(getPos(), "Bad 2D code %04x in CCITTFax stream", code1);
+  	  err = gTrue;
+  	  break;
+  	}
+!       } while (codingLine[a0] < columns);
+      // 1-D encoding
+      } else {
+!       codingLine[a0 = 0] = 0;
+!       while (1) {
+  	code1 = 0;
+! 	do {
+! 	  code1 += code3 = getWhiteCode();
+! 	} while (code3 >= 64);
+! 	codingLine[a0+1] = codingLine[a0] + code1;
+! 	++a0;
+! 	if (codingLine[a0] >= columns) {
+! 	  break;
+! 	}
+! 	code2 = 0;
+! 	do {
+! 	  code2 += code3 = getBlackCode();
+! 	} while (code3 >= 64);
+! 	codingLine[a0+1] = codingLine[a0] + code2;
+! 	++a0;
+! 	if (codingLine[a0] >= columns) {
+! 	  break;
+  	}
+        }
+      }
+-     if (codingLine[a0] != columns) {
+-       error(getPos(), "CCITTFax row is wrong length (%d)", codingLine[a0]);
+-       // force the row to be the correct length
+-       while (codingLine[a0] > columns) {
+- 	--a0;
+-       }
+-       codingLine[++a0] = columns;
+-       err = gTrue;
+-     }
+      // byte-align the row
+      if (byteAlign) {
+        inputBits &= ~7;
+--- 1300,1529 ----
+    }
+  }
++ inline void CCITTFaxStream::addPixels(int a1, int blackPixels) {
++   if (a1 > codingLine[a0i]) {
++     if (a1 > columns) {
++       error(getPos(), "CCITTFax row is wrong length (%d)", a1);
++       err = gTrue;
++       a1 = columns;
++     }
++     if ((a0i & 1) ^ blackPixels) {
++       ++a0i;
++     }
++     codingLine[a0i] = a1;
++   }
++ }
++ inline void CCITTFaxStream::addPixelsNeg(int a1, int blackPixels) {
++   if (a1 > codingLine[a0i]) {
++     if (a1 > columns) {
++       error(getPos(), "CCITTFax row is wrong length (%d)", a1);
++       err = gTrue;
++       a1 = columns;
++     }
++     if ((a0i & 1) ^ blackPixels) {
++       ++a0i;
++     }
++     codingLine[a0i] = a1;
++   } else if (a1 < codingLine[a0i]) {
++     if (a1 < 0) {
++       error(getPos(), "Invalid CCITTFax code");
++       err = gTrue;
++       a1 = 0;
++     }
++     while (a0i > 0 && a1 <= codingLine[a0i - 1]) {
++       --a0i;
++     }
++     codingLine[a0i] = a1;
++   }
++ }
+  int CCITTFaxStream::lookChar() {
+    short code1, code2, code3;
+!   int b1i, blackPixels, i, bits;
+!   GBool gotEOL;
+!   if (buf != EOF) {
+!     return buf;
+    }
+    // read the next row
+!   if (outputBits == 0) {
+!     // if at eof just return EOF
+!     if (eof) {
+!       return EOF;
+!     }
+!     err = gFalse;
+      // 2-D encoding
+      if (nextLine2D) {
+        for (i = 0; codingLine[i] < columns; ++i) {
+  	refLine[i] = codingLine[i];
+        }
+!       refLine[i++] = columns;
+!       refLine[i] = columns;
+!       codingLine[0] = 0;
+!       a0i = 0;
+!       b1i = 0;
+!       blackPixels = 0;
+!       // invariant:
+!       // refLine[b1i-1] <= codingLine[a0i] < refLine[b1i] < refLine[b1i+1]
+!       //                                                             <= columns
+!       // exception at left edge:
+!       //   codingLine[a0i = 0] = refLine[b1i = 0] = 0 is possible
+!       // exception at right edge:
+!       //   refLine[b1i] = refLine[b1i+1] = columns is possible
+!       while (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+  	code1 = getTwoDimCode();
+  	switch (code1) {
+  	case twoDimPass:
+! 	  addPixels(refLine[b1i + 1], blackPixels);
+! 	  if (refLine[b1i + 1] < columns) {
+! 	    b1i += 2;
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case twoDimHoriz:
+! 	  code1 = code2 = 0;
+! 	  if (blackPixels) {
+  	    do {
+! 	      code1 += code3 = getBlackCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	    do {
+! 	      code2 += code3 = getWhiteCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	  } else {
+  	    do {
+! 	      code1 += code3 = getWhiteCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	    do {
+! 	      code2 += code3 = getBlackCode();
+  	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	  }
+! 	  addPixels(codingLine[a0i] + code1, blackPixels);
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    addPixels(codingLine[a0i] + code2, blackPixels ^ 1);
+! 	  }
+! 	  while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	    b1i += 2;
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR3:
+! 	  addPixels(refLine[b1i] + 3, blackPixels);
+! 	  blackPixels ^= 1;
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    ++b1i;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	      b1i += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR2:
+! 	  addPixels(refLine[b1i] + 2, blackPixels);
+! 	  blackPixels ^= 1;
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    ++b1i;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	      b1i += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case twoDimVertR1:
+! 	  addPixels(refLine[b1i] + 1, blackPixels);
+! 	  blackPixels ^= 1;
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    ++b1i;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	      b1i += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVert0:
+! 	  addPixels(refLine[b1i], blackPixels);
+! 	  blackPixels ^= 1;
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    ++b1i;
+! 	    while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	      b1i += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL3:
+! 	  addPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 3, blackPixels);
+! 	  blackPixels ^= 1;
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    if (b1i > 0) {
+! 	      --b1i;
+! 	    } else {
+! 	      ++b1i;
+! 	    }
+! 	    while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	      b1i += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case twoDimVertL2:
+! 	  addPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 2, blackPixels);
+! 	  blackPixels ^= 1;
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    if (b1i > 0) {
+! 	      --b1i;
+! 	    } else {
+! 	      ++b1i;
+  	    }
+! 	    while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	      b1i += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL1:
+! 	  addPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 1, blackPixels);
+! 	  blackPixels ^= 1;
+! 	  if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	    if (b1i > 0) {
+! 	      --b1i;
+! 	    } else {
+! 	      ++b1i;
+! 	    }
+! 	    while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < columns) {
+! 	      b1i += 2;
+  	    }
+  	  }
+  	  break;
+  	case EOF:
++ 	  addPixels(columns, 0);
+  	  eof = gTrue;
+! 	  break;
+  	default:
+  	  error(getPos(), "Bad 2D code %04x in CCITTFax stream", code1);
++ 	  addPixels(columns, 0);
+  	  err = gTrue;
+  	  break;
+  	}
+!       }
+      // 1-D encoding
+      } else {
+!       codingLine[0] = 0;
+!       a0i = 0;
+!       blackPixels = 0;
+!       while (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+  	code1 = 0;
+! 	if (blackPixels) {
+! 	  do {
+! 	    code1 += code3 = getBlackCode();
+! 	  } while (code3 >= 64);
+! 	} else {
+! 	  do {
+! 	    code1 += code3 = getWhiteCode();
+! 	  } while (code3 >= 64);
+  	}
++ 	addPixels(codingLine[a0i] + code1, blackPixels);
++ 	blackPixels ^= 1;
+        }
+      }
+      // byte-align the row
+      if (byteAlign) {
+        inputBits &= ~7;
+*** 1560,1573 ****
+      // this if we know the stream contains end-of-line markers because
+      // the "just plow on" technique tends to work better otherwise
+      } else if (err && endOfLine) {
+!       do {
+  	if (code1 == EOF) {
+  	  eof = gTrue;
+  	  return EOF;
+  	}
+  	eatBits(1);
+! 	code1 = lookBits(13);
+!       } while ((code1 >> 1) != 0x001);
+        eatBits(12); 
+        if (encoding > 0) {
+  	eatBits(1);
+--- 1582,1598 ----
+      // this if we know the stream contains end-of-line markers because
+      // the "just plow on" technique tends to work better otherwise
+      } else if (err && endOfLine) {
+!       while (1) {
+! 	code1 = lookBits(13);
+  	if (code1 == EOF) {
+  	  eof = gTrue;
+  	  return EOF;
+  	}
++ 	if ((code1 >> 1) == 0x001) {
++ 	  break;
++ 	}
+  	eatBits(1);
+!       }
+        eatBits(12); 
+        if (encoding > 0) {
+  	eatBits(1);
+*** 1575,1585 ****
+        }
+      }
+!     a0 = 0;
+!     outputBits = codingLine[1] - codingLine[0];
+!     if (outputBits == 0) {
+!       a0 = 1;
+!       outputBits = codingLine[2] - codingLine[1];
+      }
+      ++row;
+--- 1600,1610 ----
+        }
+      }
+!     // set up for output
+!     if (codingLine[0] > 0) {
+!       outputBits = codingLine[a0i = 0];
+!     } else {
+!       outputBits = codingLine[a0i = 1];
+      }
+      ++row;
+*** 1587,1625 ****
+    // get a byte
+    if (outputBits >= 8) {
+!     ret = ((a0 & 1) == 0) ? 0xff : 0x00;
+!     if ((outputBits -= 8) == 0) {
+!       ++a0;
+!       if (codingLine[a0] < columns) {
+! 	outputBits = codingLine[a0 + 1] - codingLine[a0];
+!       }
+      }
+    } else {
+      bits = 8;
+!     ret = 0;
+      do {
+        if (outputBits > bits) {
+! 	i = bits;
+! 	bits = 0;
+! 	if ((a0 & 1) == 0) {
+! 	  ret |= 0xff >> (8 - i);
+  	}
+! 	outputBits -= i;
+        } else {
+! 	i = outputBits;
+! 	bits -= outputBits;
+! 	if ((a0 & 1) == 0) {
+! 	  ret |= (0xff >> (8 - i)) << bits;
+  	}
+  	outputBits = 0;
+! 	++a0;
+! 	if (codingLine[a0] < columns) {
+! 	  outputBits = codingLine[a0 + 1] - codingLine[a0];
+  	}
+        }
+!     } while (bits > 0 && codingLine[a0] < columns);
+    }
+-   buf = black ? (ret ^ 0xff) : ret;
+    return buf;
+  }
+--- 1612,1654 ----
+    // get a byte
+    if (outputBits >= 8) {
+!     buf = (a0i & 1) ? 0x00 : 0xff;
+!     outputBits -= 8;
+!     if (outputBits == 0 && codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+!       ++a0i;
+!       outputBits = codingLine[a0i] - codingLine[a0i - 1];
+      }
+    } else {
+      bits = 8;
+!     buf = 0;
+      do {
+        if (outputBits > bits) {
+! 	buf <<= bits;
+! 	if (!(a0i & 1)) {
+! 	  buf |= 0xff >> (8 - bits);
+  	}
+! 	outputBits -= bits;
+! 	bits = 0;
+        } else {
+! 	buf <<= outputBits;
+! 	if (!(a0i & 1)) {
+! 	  buf |= 0xff >> (8 - outputBits);
+  	}
++ 	bits -= outputBits;
+  	outputBits = 0;
+! 	if (codingLine[a0i] < columns) {
+! 	  ++a0i;
+! 	  outputBits = codingLine[a0i] - codingLine[a0i - 1];
+! 	} else if (bits > 0) {
+! 	  buf <<= bits;
+! 	  bits = 0;
+  	}
+        }
+!     } while (bits);
+!   }
+!   if (black) {
+!     buf ^= 0xff;
+    }
+    return buf;
+  }
+*** 1661,1666 ****
+--- 1690,1698 ----
+    code = 0; // make gcc happy
+    if (endOfBlock) {
+      code = lookBits(12);
++     if (code == EOF) {
++       return 1;
++     }
+      if ((code >> 5) == 0) {
+        p = &whiteTab1[code];
+      } else {
+*** 1673,1678 ****
+--- 1705,1713 ----
+    } else {
+      for (n = 1; n <= 9; ++n) {
+        code = lookBits(n);
++       if (code == EOF) {
++ 	return 1;
++       }
+        if (n < 9) {
+  	code <<= 9 - n;
+        }
+*** 1684,1689 ****
+--- 1719,1727 ----
+      }
+      for (n = 11; n <= 12; ++n) {
+        code = lookBits(n);
++       if (code == EOF) {
++ 	return 1;
++       }
+        if (n < 12) {
+  	code <<= 12 - n;
+        }
+*** 1709,1717 ****
+    code = 0; // make gcc happy
+    if (endOfBlock) {
+      code = lookBits(13);
+      if ((code >> 7) == 0) {
+        p = &blackTab1[code];
+!     } else if ((code >> 9) == 0) {
+        p = &blackTab2[(code >> 1) - 64];
+      } else {
+        p = &blackTab3[code >> 7];
+--- 1747,1758 ----
+    code = 0; // make gcc happy
+    if (endOfBlock) {
+      code = lookBits(13);
++     if (code == EOF) {
++       return 1;
++     }
+      if ((code >> 7) == 0) {
+        p = &blackTab1[code];
+!     } else if ((code >> 9) == 0 && (code >> 7) != 0) {
+        p = &blackTab2[(code >> 1) - 64];
+      } else {
+        p = &blackTab3[code >> 7];
+*** 1723,1728 ****
+--- 1764,1772 ----
+    } else {
+      for (n = 2; n <= 6; ++n) {
+        code = lookBits(n);
++       if (code == EOF) {
++ 	return 1;
++       }
+        if (n < 6) {
+  	code <<= 6 - n;
+        }
+*** 1734,1739 ****
+--- 1778,1786 ----
+      }
+      for (n = 7; n <= 12; ++n) {
+        code = lookBits(n);
++       if (code == EOF) {
++ 	return 1;
++       }
+        if (n < 12) {
+  	code <<= 12 - n;
+        }
+*** 1747,1752 ****
+--- 1794,1802 ----
+      }
+      for (n = 10; n <= 13; ++n) {
+        code = lookBits(n);
++       if (code == EOF) {
++ 	return 1;
++       }
+        if (n < 13) {
+  	code <<= 13 - n;
+        }
+*** 1961,1966 ****
+--- 2011,2022 ----
+      // allocate a buffer for the whole image
+      bufWidth = ((width + mcuWidth - 1) / mcuWidth) * mcuWidth;
+      bufHeight = ((height + mcuHeight - 1) / mcuHeight) * mcuHeight;
++     if (bufWidth <= 0 || bufHeight <= 0 ||
++ 	bufWidth > INT_MAX / bufWidth / (int)sizeof(int)) {
++       error(getPos(), "Invalid image size in DCT stream");
++       y = height;
++       return;
++     }
+      for (i = 0; i < numComps; ++i) {
+        frameBuf[i] = (int *)gmallocn(bufWidth * bufHeight, sizeof(int));
+        memset(frameBuf[i], 0, bufWidth * bufHeight * sizeof(int));
+*** 3036,3041 ****
+--- 3092,3102 ----
+    }
+    scanInfo.firstCoeff = str->getChar();
+    scanInfo.lastCoeff = str->getChar();
++   if (scanInfo.firstCoeff < 0 || scanInfo.lastCoeff > 63 ||
++       scanInfo.firstCoeff > scanInfo.lastCoeff) {
++     error(getPos(), "Bad DCT coefficient numbers in scan info block");
++     return gFalse;
++   }
+    c = str->getChar();
+    scanInfo.ah = (c >> 4) & 0x0f;
+ = c & 0x0f;
+diff -c -r xpdf-3.02pl1.orig/xpdf/Stream.h xpdf-3.02/xpdf/Stream.h
+*** xpdf-3.02pl1.orig/xpdf/Stream.h	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/Stream.h	Thu Oct 25 15:48:15 2007
+*** 528,540 ****
+    int row;			// current row
+    int inputBuf;			// input buffer
+    int inputBits;		// number of bits in input buffer
+!   short *refLine;		// reference line changing elements
+!   int b1;			// index into refLine
+!   short *codingLine;		// coding line changing elements
+!   int a0;			// index into codingLine
+    int outputBits;		// remaining ouput bits
+    int buf;			// character buffer
+    short getTwoDimCode();
+    short getWhiteCode();
+    short getBlackCode();
+--- 528,542 ----
+    int row;			// current row
+    int inputBuf;			// input buffer
+    int inputBits;		// number of bits in input buffer
+!   int *codingLine;		// coding line changing elements
+!   int *refLine;			// reference line changing elements
+!   int a0i;			// index into codingLine
+!   GBool err;			// error on current line
+    int outputBits;		// remaining ouput bits
+    int buf;			// character buffer
++   void addPixels(int a1, int black);
++   void addPixelsNeg(int a1, int black);
+    short getTwoDimCode();
+    short getWhiteCode();
+    short getBlackCode();
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02pl3.patch b/xpdf-3.02pl3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0034993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02pl3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+diff -r -c xpdf-3.02.orig/goo/ xpdf-3.02/goo/
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/goo/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:51 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/goo/	Thu Mar 19 15:47:25 2009
+*** 55,61 ****
+    void *data;
+    unsigned long *trl, *p;
+!   if (size <= 0) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    size1 = gMemDataSize(size);
+--- 55,69 ----
+    void *data;
+    unsigned long *trl, *p;
+!   if (size < 0) {
+!     throw GMemException();
+! #else
+!     fprintf(stderr, "Invalid memory allocation size\n");
+!     exit(1);
+! #endif
+!   }
+!   if (size == 0) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    size1 = gMemDataSize(size);
+*** 91,97 ****
+  #else
+    void *p;
+!   if (size <= 0) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!(p = malloc(size))) {
+--- 99,113 ----
+  #else
+    void *p;
+!   if (size < 0) {
+!     throw GMemException();
+! #else
+!     fprintf(stderr, "Invalid memory allocation size\n");
+!     exit(1);
+! #endif
+!   }
+!   if (size == 0) {
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!(p = malloc(size))) {
+*** 112,118 ****
+    void *q;
+    size_t oldSize;
+!   if (size <= 0) {
+      if (p) {
+        gfree(p);
+      }
+--- 128,142 ----
+    void *q;
+    size_t oldSize;
+!   if (size < 0) {
+!     throw GMemException();
+! #else
+!     fprintf(stderr, "Invalid memory allocation size\n");
+!     exit(1);
+! #endif
+!   }
+!   if (size == 0) {
+      if (p) {
+        gfree(p);
+      }
+*** 131,137 ****
+  #else
+    void *q;
+!   if (size <= 0) {
+      if (p) {
+        free(p);
+      }
+--- 155,169 ----
+  #else
+    void *q;
+!   if (size < 0) {
+!     throw GMemException();
+! #else
+!     fprintf(stderr, "Invalid memory allocation size\n");
+!     exit(1);
+! #endif
+!   }
+!   if (size == 0) {
+      if (p) {
+        free(p);
+      }
+diff -r -c xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/ xpdf-3.02/xpdf/
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	Tue Mar 31 10:55:23 2009
+*** 422,433 ****
+    table[i] = table[len];
+    // assign prefixes
+!   i = 0;
+!   prefix = 0;
+!   table[i++].prefix = prefix++;
+!   for (; table[i].rangeLen != jbig2HuffmanEOT; ++i) {
+!     prefix <<= table[i].prefixLen - table[i-1].prefixLen;
+!     table[i].prefix = prefix++;
+    }
+  }
+--- 422,435 ----
+    table[i] = table[len];
+    // assign prefixes
+!   if (table[0].rangeLen != jbig2HuffmanEOT) {
+!     i = 0;
+!     prefix = 0;
+!     table[i++].prefix = prefix++;
+!     for (; table[i].rangeLen != jbig2HuffmanEOT; ++i) {
+!       prefix <<= table[i].prefixLen - table[i-1].prefixLen;
+!       table[i].prefix = prefix++;
+!     }
+    }
+  }
+*** 491,497 ****
+    }
+    if (p->bits < 0) {
+      error(str->getPos(), "Bad two dim code in JBIG2 MMR stream");
+!     return 0;
+    }
+    bufLen -= p->bits;
+    return p->n;
+--- 493,499 ----
+    }
+    if (p->bits < 0) {
+      error(str->getPos(), "Bad two dim code in JBIG2 MMR stream");
+!     return EOF;
+    }
+    bufLen -= p->bits;
+    return p->n;
+*** 507,513 ****
+      ++nBytesRead;
+    }
+    while (1) {
+!     if (bufLen >= 7 && ((buf >> (bufLen - 7)) & 0x7f) == 0) {
+        if (bufLen <= 12) {
+  	code = buf << (12 - bufLen);
+        } else {
+--- 509,515 ----
+      ++nBytesRead;
+    }
+    while (1) {
+!     if (bufLen >= 11 && ((buf >> (bufLen - 7)) & 0x7f) == 0) {
+        if (bufLen <= 12) {
+  	code = buf << (12 - bufLen);
+        } else {
+*** 550,563 ****
+      ++nBytesRead;
+    }
+    while (1) {
+!     if (bufLen >= 6 && ((buf >> (bufLen - 6)) & 0x3f) == 0) {
+        if (bufLen <= 13) {
+  	code = buf << (13 - bufLen);
+        } else {
+  	code = buf >> (bufLen - 13);
+        }
+        p = &blackTab1[code & 0x7f];
+!     } else if (bufLen >= 4 && ((buf >> (bufLen - 4)) & 0x0f) == 0) {
+        if (bufLen <= 12) {
+  	code = buf << (12 - bufLen);
+        } else {
+--- 552,566 ----
+      ++nBytesRead;
+    }
+    while (1) {
+!     if (bufLen >= 10 && ((buf >> (bufLen - 6)) & 0x3f) == 0) {
+        if (bufLen <= 13) {
+  	code = buf << (13 - bufLen);
+        } else {
+  	code = buf >> (bufLen - 13);
+        }
+        p = &blackTab1[code & 0x7f];
+!     } else if (bufLen >= 7 && ((buf >> (bufLen - 4)) & 0x0f) == 0 &&
+! 	       ((buf >> (bufLen - 6)) & 0x03) != 0) {
+        if (bufLen <= 12) {
+  	code = buf << (12 - bufLen);
+        } else {
+*** 683,690 ****
+    h = hA;
+    line = (wA + 7) >> 3;
+    if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
+!     data = NULL;
+!     return;
+    }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+    data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+--- 686,694 ----
+    h = hA;
+    line = (wA + 7) >> 3;
+    if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
+!     // force a call to gmalloc(-1), which will throw an exception
+!     h = -1;
+!     line = 2;
+    }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+    data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+*** 698,705 ****
+    h = bitmap->h;
+    line = bitmap->line;
+    if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
+!     data = NULL;
+!     return;
+    }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+    data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+--- 702,710 ----
+    h = bitmap->h;
+    line = bitmap->line;
+    if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || line <= 0 || h >= (INT_MAX - 1) / line) {
+!     // force a call to gmalloc(-1), which will throw an exception
+!     h = -1;
+!     line = 2;
+    }
+    // need to allocate one extra guard byte for use in combine()
+    data = (Guchar *)gmalloc(h * line + 1);
+*** 754,759 ****
+--- 759,766 ----
+  inline void JBIG2Bitmap::getPixelPtr(int x, int y, JBIG2BitmapPtr *ptr) {
+    if (y < 0 || y >= h || x >= w) {
+      ptr->p = NULL;
++     ptr->shift = 0; // make gcc happy
++     ptr->x = 0; // make gcc happy
+    } else if (x < 0) {
+      ptr->p = &data[y * line];
+      ptr->shift = 7;
+*** 798,803 ****
+--- 805,814 ----
+    Guint src0, src1, src, dest, s1, s2, m1, m2, m3;
+    GBool oneByte;
++   // check for the pathological case where y = -2^31
++   if (y < -0x7fffffff) {
++     return;
++   }
+    if (y < 0) {
+      y0 = -y;
+    } else {
+*** 1011,1018 ****
+--- 1022,1034 ----
+  JBIG2SymbolDict::JBIG2SymbolDict(Guint segNumA, Guint sizeA):
+    JBIG2Segment(segNumA)
+  {
++   Guint i;
+    size = sizeA;
+    bitmaps = (JBIG2Bitmap **)gmallocn(size, sizeof(JBIG2Bitmap *));
++   for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
++     bitmaps[i] = NULL;
++   }
+    genericRegionStats = NULL;
+    refinementRegionStats = NULL;
+  }
+*** 1021,1027 ****
+    Guint i;
+    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+!     delete bitmaps[i];
+    }
+    gfree(bitmaps);
+    if (genericRegionStats) {
+--- 1037,1045 ----
+    Guint i;
+    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+!     if (bitmaps[i]) {
+!       delete bitmaps[i];
+!     }
+    }
+    gfree(bitmaps);
+    if (genericRegionStats) {
+*** 1296,1301 ****
+--- 1314,1326 ----
+        goto eofError2;
+      }
++     // check for missing page information segment
++     if (!pageBitmap && ((segType >= 4 && segType <= 7) ||
++ 			(segType >= 20 && segType <= 43))) {
++       error(getPos(), "First JBIG2 segment associated with a page must be a page information segment");
++       goto syntaxError;
++     }
+      // read the segment data
+      switch (segType) {
+      case 0:
+*** 1411,1416 ****
+--- 1436,1443 ----
+    Guint i, j, k;
+    Guchar *p;
++   symWidths = NULL;
+    // symbol dictionary flags
+    if (!readUWord(&flags)) {
+      goto eofError;
+*** 1466,1485 ****
+    codeTables = new GList();
+    numInputSyms = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < nRefSegs; ++i) {
+!     seg = findSegment(refSegs[i]);
+!     if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegSymbolDict) {
+!       numInputSyms += ((JBIG2SymbolDict *)seg)->getSize();
+!     } else if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegCodeTable) {
+!       codeTables->append(seg);
+      }
+    }
+    // compute symbol code length
+!   symCodeLen = 0;
+!   i = 1;
+!   while (i < numInputSyms + numNewSyms) {
+      ++symCodeLen;
+!     i <<= 1;
+    }
+    // get the input symbol bitmaps
+--- 1493,1524 ----
+    codeTables = new GList();
+    numInputSyms = 0;
+    for (i = 0; i < nRefSegs; ++i) {
+!     if ((seg = findSegment(refSegs[i]))) {
+!       if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegSymbolDict) {
+! 	j = ((JBIG2SymbolDict *)seg)->getSize();
+! 	if (numInputSyms > UINT_MAX - j) {
+! 	  error(getPos(), "Too many input symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
+! 	  delete codeTables;
+! 	  goto eofError;
+! 	}
+! 	numInputSyms += j;
+!       } else if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegCodeTable) {
+! 	codeTables->append(seg);
+!       }
+      }
+    }
++   if (numInputSyms > UINT_MAX - numNewSyms) {
++     error(getPos(), "Too many input symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++     delete codeTables;
++     goto eofError;
++   }
+    // compute symbol code length
+!   symCodeLen = 1;
+!   i = (numInputSyms + numNewSyms) >> 1;
+!   while (i) {
+      ++symCodeLen;
+!     i >>= 1;
+    }
+    // get the input symbol bitmaps
+*** 1491,1501 ****
+    k = 0;
+    inputSymbolDict = NULL;
+    for (i = 0; i < nRefSegs; ++i) {
+!     seg = findSegment(refSegs[i]);
+!     if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegSymbolDict) {
+!       inputSymbolDict = (JBIG2SymbolDict *)seg;
+!       for (j = 0; j < inputSymbolDict->getSize(); ++j) {
+! 	bitmaps[k++] = inputSymbolDict->getBitmap(j);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+--- 1530,1541 ----
+    k = 0;
+    inputSymbolDict = NULL;
+    for (i = 0; i < nRefSegs; ++i) {
+!     if ((seg = findSegment(refSegs[i]))) {
+!       if (seg->getType() == jbig2SegSymbolDict) {
+! 	inputSymbolDict = (JBIG2SymbolDict *)seg;
+! 	for (j = 0; j < inputSymbolDict->getSize(); ++j) {
+! 	  bitmaps[k++] = inputSymbolDict->getBitmap(j);
+! 	}
+        }
+      }
+    }
+*** 1510,1515 ****
+--- 1550,1558 ----
+      } else if (huffDH == 1) {
+        huffDHTable = huffTableE;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffDHTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffDW == 0) {
+*** 1517,1533 ****
+--- 1560,1585 ----
+      } else if (huffDW == 1) {
+        huffDWTable = huffTableC;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffDWTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffBMSize == 0) {
+        huffBMSizeTable = huffTableA;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffBMSizeTable =
+  	  ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffAggInst == 0) {
+        huffAggInstTable = huffTableA;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffAggInstTable =
+  	  ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+*** 1560,1566 ****
+    }
+    // allocate symbol widths storage
+-   symWidths = NULL;
+    if (huff && !refAgg) {
+      symWidths = (Guint *)gmallocn(numNewSyms, sizeof(Guint));
+    }
+--- 1612,1617 ----
+*** 1602,1607 ****
+--- 1653,1662 ----
+  	goto syntaxError;
+        }
+        symWidth += dw;
++       if (i >= numNewSyms) {
++ 	error(getPos(), "Too many symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ 	goto syntaxError;
++       }
+        // using a collective bitmap, so don't read a bitmap here
+        if (huff && !refAgg) {
+*** 1638,1643 ****
+--- 1693,1702 ----
+  	    arithDecoder->decodeInt(&refDX, iardxStats);
+  	    arithDecoder->decodeInt(&refDY, iardyStats);
+  	  }
++ 	  if (symID >= numInputSyms + i) {
++ 	    error(getPos(), "Invalid symbol ID in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++ 	    goto syntaxError;
++ 	  }
+  	  refBitmap = bitmaps[symID];
+  	  bitmaps[numInputSyms + i] =
+  	      readGenericRefinementRegion(symWidth, symHeight,
+*** 1704,1709 ****
+--- 1763,1774 ----
+      } else {
+        arithDecoder->decodeInt(&run, iaexStats);
+      }
++     if (i + run > numInputSyms + numNewSyms ||
++ 	(ex && j + run > numExSyms)) {
++       error(getPos(), "Too many exported symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++       delete symbolDict;
++       goto syntaxError;
++     }
+      if (ex) {
+        for (cnt = 0; cnt < run; ++cnt) {
+  	symbolDict->setBitmap(j++, bitmaps[i++]->copy());
+*** 1713,1718 ****
+--- 1778,1788 ----
+      }
+      ex = !ex;
+    }
++   if (j != numExSyms) {
++     error(getPos(), "Too few symbols in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++     delete symbolDict;
++     goto syntaxError;
++   }
+    for (i = 0; i < numNewSyms; ++i) {
+      delete bitmaps[numInputSyms + i];
+*** 1735,1740 ****
+--- 1805,1814 ----
+    return gTrue;
++  codeTableError:
++   error(getPos(), "Missing code table in JBIG2 symbol dictionary");
++   delete codeTables;
+   syntaxError:
+    for (i = 0; i < numNewSyms; ++i) {
+      if (bitmaps[numInputSyms + i]) {
+*** 1837,1842 ****
+--- 1911,1918 ----
+        }
+      } else {
+        error(getPos(), "Invalid segment reference in JBIG2 text region");
++       delete codeTables;
++       return;
+      }
+    }
+    symCodeLen = 0;
+*** 1871,1876 ****
+--- 1947,1955 ----
+      } else if (huffFS == 1) {
+        huffFSTable = huffTableG;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffFSTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffDS == 0) {
+*** 1880,1885 ****
+--- 1959,1967 ----
+      } else if (huffDS == 2) {
+        huffDSTable = huffTableJ;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffDSTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffDT == 0) {
+*** 1889,1894 ****
+--- 1971,1979 ----
+      } else if (huffDT == 2) {
+        huffDTTable = huffTableM;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffDTTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffRDW == 0) {
+*** 1896,1901 ****
+--- 1981,1989 ----
+      } else if (huffRDW == 1) {
+        huffRDWTable = huffTableO;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffRDWTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffRDH == 0) {
+*** 1903,1908 ****
+--- 1991,1999 ----
+      } else if (huffRDH == 1) {
+        huffRDHTable = huffTableO;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffRDHTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffRDX == 0) {
+*** 1910,1915 ****
+--- 2001,2009 ----
+      } else if (huffRDX == 1) {
+        huffRDXTable = huffTableO;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffRDXTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffRDY == 0) {
+*** 1917,1927 ****
+--- 2011,2027 ----
+      } else if (huffRDY == 1) {
+        huffRDYTable = huffTableO;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffRDYTable = ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+      if (huffRSize == 0) {
+        huffRSizeTable = huffTableA;
+      } else {
++       if (i >= (Guint)codeTables->getLength()) {
++ 	goto codeTableError;
++       }
+        huffRSizeTable =
+  	  ((JBIG2CodeTable *)codeTables->get(i++))->getHuffTable();
+      }
+*** 2016,2023 ****
+--- 2116,2130 ----
+    return;
++  codeTableError:
++   error(getPos(), "Missing code table in JBIG2 text region");
++   gfree(codeTables);
++   delete syms;
++   return;
+   eofError:
+    error(getPos(), "Unexpected EOF in JBIG2 stream");
++   return;
+  }
+  JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readTextRegion(GBool huff, GBool refine,
+*** 2324,2331 ****
+      error(getPos(), "Bad symbol dictionary reference in JBIG2 halftone segment");
+      return;
+    }
+!   seg = findSegment(refSegs[0]);
+!   if (seg->getType() != jbig2SegPatternDict) {
+      error(getPos(), "Bad symbol dictionary reference in JBIG2 halftone segment");
+      return;
+    }
+--- 2431,2438 ----
+      error(getPos(), "Bad symbol dictionary reference in JBIG2 halftone segment");
+      return;
+    }
+!   if (!(seg = findSegment(refSegs[0])) ||
+!       seg->getType() != jbig2SegPatternDict) {
+      error(getPos(), "Bad symbol dictionary reference in JBIG2 halftone segment");
+      return;
+    }
+*** 2483,2489 ****
+    // read the bitmap
+    bitmap = readGenericBitmap(mmr, w, h, templ, tpgdOn, gFalse,
+! 			     NULL, atx, aty, mmr ? 0 : length - 18);
+    // combine the region bitmap into the page bitmap
+    if (imm) {
+--- 2590,2596 ----
+    // read the bitmap
+    bitmap = readGenericBitmap(mmr, w, h, templ, tpgdOn, gFalse,
+! 			     NULL, atx, aty, mmr ? length - 18 : 0);
+    // combine the region bitmap into the page bitmap
+    if (imm) {
+*** 2505,2510 ****
+--- 2612,2654 ----
+    error(getPos(), "Unexpected EOF in JBIG2 stream");
+  }
++ inline void JBIG2Stream::mmrAddPixels(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ 				      int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w) {
++   if (a1 > codingLine[*a0i]) {
++     if (a1 > w) {
++       error(getPos(), "JBIG2 MMR row is wrong length ({0:d})", a1);
++       a1 = w;
++     }
++     if ((*a0i & 1) ^ blackPixels) {
++       ++*a0i;
++     }
++     codingLine[*a0i] = a1;
++   }
++ }
++ inline void JBIG2Stream::mmrAddPixelsNeg(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ 					 int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w) {
++   if (a1 > codingLine[*a0i]) {
++     if (a1 > w) {
++       error(getPos(), "JBIG2 MMR row is wrong length ({0:d})", a1);
++       a1 = w;
++     }
++     if ((*a0i & 1) ^ blackPixels) {
++       ++*a0i;
++     }
++     codingLine[*a0i] = a1;
++   } else if (a1 < codingLine[*a0i]) {
++     if (a1 < 0) {
++       error(getPos(), "Invalid JBIG2 MMR code");
++       a1 = 0;
++     }
++     while (*a0i > 0 && a1 <= codingLine[*a0i - 1]) {
++       --*a0i;
++     }
++     codingLine[*a0i] = a1;
++   }
++ }
+  JBIG2Bitmap *JBIG2Stream::readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+  					    int templ, GBool tpgdOn,
+  					    GBool useSkip, JBIG2Bitmap *skip,
+*** 2517,2523 ****
+    JBIG2BitmapPtr atPtr0, atPtr1, atPtr2, atPtr3;
+    int *refLine, *codingLine;
+    int code1, code2, code3;
+!   int x, y, a0, pix, i, refI, codingI;
+    bitmap = new JBIG2Bitmap(0, w, h);
+    bitmap->clearToZero();
+--- 2661,2667 ----
+    JBIG2BitmapPtr atPtr0, atPtr1, atPtr2, atPtr3;
+    int *refLine, *codingLine;
+    int code1, code2, code3;
+!   int x, y, a0i, b1i, blackPixels, pix, i;
+    bitmap = new JBIG2Bitmap(0, w, h);
+    bitmap->clearToZero();
+*** 2527,2535 ****
+    if (mmr) {
+      mmrDecoder->reset();
+      refLine = (int *)gmallocn(w + 2, sizeof(int));
+!     codingLine = (int *)gmallocn(w + 2, sizeof(int));
+!     codingLine[0] = codingLine[1] = w;
+      for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
+--- 2671,2688 ----
+    if (mmr) {
+      mmrDecoder->reset();
++     if (w > INT_MAX - 2) {
++       error(getPos(), "Bad width in JBIG2 generic bitmap");
++       // force a call to gmalloc(-1), which will throw an exception
++       w = -3;
++     }
++     // 0 <= codingLine[0] < codingLine[1] < ... < codingLine[n] = w
++     // ---> max codingLine size = w + 1
++     // refLine has one extra guard entry at the end
++     // ---> max refLine size = w + 2
++     codingLine = (int *)gmallocn(w + 1, sizeof(int));
+      refLine = (int *)gmallocn(w + 2, sizeof(int));
+!     codingLine[0] = w;
+      for (y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
+*** 2537,2664 ****
+        for (i = 0; codingLine[i] < w; ++i) {
+  	refLine[i] = codingLine[i];
+        }
+!       refLine[i] = refLine[i + 1] = w;
+        // decode a line
+!       refI = 0;     // b1 = refLine[refI]
+!       codingI = 0;  // a1 = codingLine[codingI]
+!       a0 = 0;
+!       do {
+  	code1 = mmrDecoder->get2DCode();
+  	switch (code1) {
+  	case twoDimPass:
+! 	  if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    a0 = refLine[refI + 1];
+! 	    refI += 2;
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+  	case twoDimHoriz:
+! 	  if (codingI & 1) {
+! 	    code1 = 0;
+! 	    do {
+! 	      code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
+! 	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+! 	    code2 = 0;
+! 	    do {
+! 	      code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
+! 	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+! 	  } else {
+! 	    code1 = 0;
+! 	    do {
+! 	      code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
+! 	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+! 	    code2 = 0;
+! 	    do {
+! 	      code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
+! 	    } while (code3 >= 64);
+! 	  }
+! 	  if (code1 > 0 || code2 > 0) {
+! 	    a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = a0 + code1;
+! 	    a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = a0 + code2;
+! 	    while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	      refI += 2;
+! 	    }
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVert0:
+! 	  a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI];
+! 	  if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    ++refI;
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR1:
+! 	  a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] + 1;
+! 	  if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    ++refI;
+! 	    while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	      refI += 2;
+! 	    }
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR2:
+! 	  a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] + 2;
+! 	  if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    ++refI;
+! 	    while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	      refI += 2;
+! 	    }
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+  	case twoDimVertR3:
+! 	  a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] + 3;
+! 	  if (refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    ++refI;
+! 	    while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	      refI += 2;
+! 	    }
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL1:
+! 	  a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] - 1;
+! 	  if (refI > 0) {
+! 	    --refI;
+! 	  } else {
+! 	    ++refI;
+! 	  }
+! 	  while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    refI += 2;
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL2:
+! 	  a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] - 2;
+! 	  if (refI > 0) {
+! 	    --refI;
+! 	  } else {
+! 	    ++refI;
+! 	  }
+! 	  while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    refI += 2;
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+  	case twoDimVertL3:
+! 	  a0 = codingLine[codingI++] = refLine[refI] - 3;
+! 	  if (refI > 0) {
+! 	    --refI;
+! 	  } else {
+! 	    ++refI;
+! 	  }
+! 	  while (refLine[refI] <= a0 && refLine[refI] < w) {
+! 	    refI += 2;
+! 	  }
+! 	  break;
+  	default:
+  	  error(getPos(), "Illegal code in JBIG2 MMR bitmap data");
+  	  break;
+  	}
+!       } while (a0 < w);
+!       codingLine[codingI++] = w;
+        // convert the run lengths to a bitmap line
+        i = 0;
+!       while (codingLine[i] < w) {
+  	for (x = codingLine[i]; x < codingLine[i+1]; ++x) {
+  	  bitmap->setPixel(x, y);
+  	}
+  	i += 2;
+        }
+      }
+--- 2690,2846 ----
+        for (i = 0; codingLine[i] < w; ++i) {
+  	refLine[i] = codingLine[i];
+        }
+!       refLine[i++] = w;
+!       refLine[i] = w;
+        // decode a line
+!       codingLine[0] = 0;
+!       a0i = 0;
+!       b1i = 0;
+!       blackPixels = 0;
+!       // invariant:
+!       // refLine[b1i-1] <= codingLine[a0i] < refLine[b1i] < refLine[b1i+1] <= w
+!       // exception at left edge:
+!       //   codingLine[a0i = 0] = refLine[b1i = 0] = 0 is possible
+!       // exception at right edge:
+!       //   refLine[b1i] = refLine[b1i+1] = w is possible
+!       while (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+  	code1 = mmrDecoder->get2DCode();
+  	switch (code1) {
+  	case twoDimPass:
+!           mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i + 1], blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           if (refLine[b1i + 1] < w) {
+!             b1i += 2;
+!           }
+!           break;
+  	case twoDimHoriz:
+!           code1 = code2 = 0;
+!           if (blackPixels) {
+!             do {
+!               code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
+!             } while (code3 >= 64);
+!             do {
+!               code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
+!             } while (code3 >= 64);
+!           } else {
+!             do {
+!               code1 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getWhiteCode();
+!             } while (code3 >= 64);
+!             do {
+!               code2 += code3 = mmrDecoder->getBlackCode();
+!             } while (code3 >= 64);
+!           }
+!           mmrAddPixels(codingLine[a0i] + code1, blackPixels,
+! 		       codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             mmrAddPixels(codingLine[a0i] + code2, blackPixels ^ 1,
+! 			 codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           }
+!           while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!             b1i += 2;
+!           }
+!           break;
+  	case twoDimVertR3:
+!           mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i] + 3, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           blackPixels ^= 1;
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             ++b1i;
+!             while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!               b1i += 2;
+!             }
+!           }
+!           break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR2:
+!           mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i] + 2, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           blackPixels ^= 1;
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             ++b1i;
+!             while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!               b1i += 2;
+!             }
+!           }
+!           break;
+! 	case twoDimVertR1:
+!           mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i] + 1, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           blackPixels ^= 1;
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             ++b1i;
+!             while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!               b1i += 2;
+!             }
+!           }
+!           break;
+! 	case twoDimVert0:
+!           mmrAddPixels(refLine[b1i], blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           blackPixels ^= 1;
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             ++b1i;
+!             while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!               b1i += 2;
+!             }
+!           }
+!           break;
+  	case twoDimVertL3:
+!           mmrAddPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 3, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           blackPixels ^= 1;
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             if (b1i > 0) {
+!               --b1i;
+!             } else {
+!               ++b1i;
+!             }
+!             while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!               b1i += 2;
+!             }
+!           }
+!           break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL2:
+!           mmrAddPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 2, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           blackPixels ^= 1;
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             if (b1i > 0) {
+!               --b1i;
+!             } else {
+!               ++b1i;
+!             }
+!             while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!               b1i += 2;
+!             }
+!           }
+!           break;
+! 	case twoDimVertL1:
+!           mmrAddPixelsNeg(refLine[b1i] - 1, blackPixels, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           blackPixels ^= 1;
+!           if (codingLine[a0i] < w) {
+!             if (b1i > 0) {
+!               --b1i;
+!             } else {
+!               ++b1i;
+!             }
+!             while (refLine[b1i] <= codingLine[a0i] && refLine[b1i] < w) {
+!               b1i += 2;
+!             }
+!           }
+!           break;
+! 	case EOF:
+!           mmrAddPixels(w, 0, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+!           break;
+  	default:
+  	  error(getPos(), "Illegal code in JBIG2 MMR bitmap data");
++           mmrAddPixels(w, 0, codingLine, &a0i, w);
+  	  break;
+  	}
+!       }
+        // convert the run lengths to a bitmap line
+        i = 0;
+!       while (1) {
+  	for (x = codingLine[i]; x < codingLine[i+1]; ++x) {
+  	  bitmap->setPixel(x, y);
+  	}
++ 	if (codingLine[i+1] >= w || codingLine[i+2] >= w) {
++ 	  break;
++ 	}
+  	i += 2;
+        }
+      }
+*** 2706,2712 ****
+  	  ltp = !ltp;
+  	}
+  	if (ltp) {
+! 	  bitmap->duplicateRow(y, y-1);
+  	  continue;
+  	}
+        }
+--- 2888,2896 ----
+  	  ltp = !ltp;
+  	}
+  	if (ltp) {
+! 	  if (y > 0) {
+! 	    bitmap->duplicateRow(y, y-1);
+! 	  }
+  	  continue;
+  	}
+        }
+*** 2909,2916 ****
+      return;
+    }
+    if (nRefSegs == 1) {
+!     seg = findSegment(refSegs[0]);
+!     if (seg->getType() != jbig2SegBitmap) {
+        error(getPos(), "Bad bitmap reference in JBIG2 generic refinement segment");
+        return;
+      }
+--- 3093,3100 ----
+      return;
+    }
+    if (nRefSegs == 1) {
+!     if (!(seg = findSegment(refSegs[0])) ||
+! 	seg->getType() != jbig2SegBitmap) {
+        error(getPos(), "Bad bitmap reference in JBIG2 generic refinement segment");
+        return;
+      }
+*** 3004,3009 ****
+--- 3188,3197 ----
+  	tpgrCX2 = refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+  	tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+  	tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
++       } else {
++ 	tpgrCXPtr0.p = tpgrCXPtr1.p = tpgrCXPtr2.p = NULL; // make gcc happy
++ 	tpgrCXPtr0.shift = tpgrCXPtr1.shift = tpgrCXPtr2.shift = 0;
++ 	tpgrCXPtr0.x = tpgrCXPtr1.x = tpgrCXPtr2.x = 0;
+        }
+        for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+*** 3075,3080 ****
+--- 3263,3272 ----
+  	tpgrCX2 = refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+  	tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
+  	tpgrCX2 = (tpgrCX2 << 1) | refBitmap->nextPixel(&tpgrCXPtr2);
++       } else {
++ 	tpgrCXPtr0.p = tpgrCXPtr1.p = tpgrCXPtr2.p = NULL; // make gcc happy
++ 	tpgrCXPtr0.shift = tpgrCXPtr1.shift = tpgrCXPtr2.shift = 0;
++ 	tpgrCXPtr0.x = tpgrCXPtr1.x = tpgrCXPtr2.x = 0;
+        }
+        for (x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
+diff -r -c xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.h xpdf-3.02/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.h
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.h	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/JBIG2Stream.h	Tue Mar 31 10:50:07 2009
+*** 78,83 ****
+--- 78,87 ----
+  			     Guint *refSegs, Guint nRefSegs);
+    void readGenericRegionSeg(Guint segNum, GBool imm,
+  			    GBool lossless, Guint length);
++   void mmrAddPixels(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ 		    int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w);
++   void mmrAddPixelsNeg(int a1, int blackPixels,
++ 		       int *codingLine, int *a0i, int w);
+    JBIG2Bitmap *readGenericBitmap(GBool mmr, int w, int h,
+  				 int templ, GBool tpgdOn,
+  				 GBool useSkip, JBIG2Bitmap *skip,
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02pl4.patch b/xpdf-3.02pl4.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..082d117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02pl4.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/	Fri Jul 24 14:30:46 2009
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	Mon Oct  5 11:07:49 2009
+*** 323,328 ****
+--- 323,332 ----
+    } else {
+      imgLineSize = nVals;
+    }
++   if (width > INT_MAX / nComps) {
++     // force a call to gmallocn(-1,...), which will throw an exception
++     imgLineSize = -1;
++   }
+    imgLine = (Guchar *)gmallocn(imgLineSize, sizeof(Guchar));
+    imgIdx = nVals;
+  }
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	Fri Oct  2 12:38:58 2009
+*** 4301,4307 ****
+  	     width, -height, height);
+    // allocate a line buffer
+!   lineBuf = (Guchar *)gmalloc(4 * width);
+    // set up to process the data stream
+    imgStr = new ImageStream(str, width, colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
+--- 4301,4307 ----
+  	     width, -height, height);
+    // allocate a line buffer
+!   lineBuf = (Guchar *)gmallocn(width, 4);
+    // set up to process the data stream
+    imgStr = new ImageStream(str, width, colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
+diff -r -c xpdf-3.02.orig/splash/ xpdf-3.02/splash/
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/splash/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/splash/	Fri Aug 14 14:05:08 2009
+*** 12,17 ****
+--- 12,18 ----
+  #include <stdlib.h>
+  #include <string.h>
++ #include <limits.h>
+  #include "gmem.h"
+  #include "SplashErrorCodes.h"
+  #include "SplashMath.h"
+*** 1912,1918 ****
+    xq = w % scaledWidth;
+    // allocate pixel buffer
+!   pixBuf = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc((yp + 1) * w);
+    // initialize the pixel pipe
+    pipeInit(&pipe, 0, 0, state->fillPattern, NULL, state->fillAlpha,
+--- 1913,1922 ----
+    xq = w % scaledWidth;
+    // allocate pixel buffer
+!   if (yp < 0 || yp > INT_MAX - 1) {
+!     return splashErrBadArg;
+!   }
+!   pixBuf = (SplashColorPtr)gmallocn(yp + 1, w);
+    // initialize the pixel pipe
+    pipeInit(&pipe, 0, 0, state->fillPattern, NULL, state->fillAlpha,
+*** 2208,2216 ****
+    xq = w % scaledWidth;
+    // allocate pixel buffers
+!   colorBuf = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc((yp + 1) * w * nComps);
+    if (srcAlpha) {
+!     alphaBuf = (Guchar *)gmalloc((yp + 1) * w);
+    } else {
+      alphaBuf = NULL;
+    }
+--- 2212,2223 ----
+    xq = w % scaledWidth;
+    // allocate pixel buffers
+!   if (yp < 0 || yp > INT_MAX - 1 || w > INT_MAX / nComps) {
+!     return splashErrBadArg;
+!   }
+!   colorBuf = (SplashColorPtr)gmallocn(yp + 1, w * nComps);
+    if (srcAlpha) {
+!     alphaBuf = (Guchar *)gmallocn(yp + 1, w);
+    } else {
+      alphaBuf = NULL;
+    }
+diff -r -c xpdf-3.02.orig/splash/SplashErrorCodes.h xpdf-3.02/splash/SplashErrorCodes.h
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/splash/SplashErrorCodes.h	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/splash/SplashErrorCodes.h	Fri Aug 14 14:03:46 2009
+*** 29,32 ****
+--- 29,34 ----
+  #define splashErrSingularMatrix  8	// matrix is singular
++ #define splashErrBadArg          9	// bad argument
+  #endif
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/splash/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/splash/	Wed Aug 19 14:55:39 2009
+*** 11,16 ****
+--- 11,17 ----
+  #endif
+  #include <stdio.h>
++ #include <limits.h>
+  #include "gmem.h"
+  #include "SplashErrorCodes.h"
+  #include "SplashBitmap.h"
+*** 27,56 ****
+    mode = modeA;
+    switch (mode) {
+    case splashModeMono1:
+!     rowSize = (width + 7) >> 3;
+      break;
+    case splashModeMono8:
+!     rowSize = width;
+      break;
+    case splashModeRGB8:
+    case splashModeBGR8:
+!     rowSize = width * 3;
+      break;
+    case splashModeCMYK8:
+!     rowSize = width * 4;
+      break;
+  #endif
+    }
+!   rowSize += rowPad - 1;
+!   rowSize -= rowSize % rowPad;
+!   data = (SplashColorPtr)gmalloc(rowSize * height);
+    if (!topDown) {
+      data += (height - 1) * rowSize;
+      rowSize = -rowSize;
+    }
+    if (alphaA) {
+!     alpha = (Guchar *)gmalloc(width * height);
+    } else {
+      alpha = NULL;
+    }
+--- 28,75 ----
+    mode = modeA;
+    switch (mode) {
+    case splashModeMono1:
+!     if (width > 0) {
+!       rowSize = (width + 7) >> 3;
+!     } else {
+!       rowSize = -1;
+!     }
+      break;
+    case splashModeMono8:
+!     if (width > 0) {
+!       rowSize = width;
+!     } else {
+!       rowSize = -1;
+!     }
+      break;
+    case splashModeRGB8:
+    case splashModeBGR8:
+!     if (width > 0 && width <= INT_MAX / 3) {
+!       rowSize = width * 3;
+!     } else {
+!       rowSize = -1;
+!     }
+      break;
+    case splashModeCMYK8:
+!     if (width > 0 && width <= INT_MAX / 4) {
+!       rowSize = width * 4;
+!     } else {
+!       rowSize = -1;
+!     }
+      break;
+  #endif
+    }
+!   if (rowSize > 0) {
+!     rowSize += rowPad - 1;
+!     rowSize -= rowSize % rowPad;
+!   }
+!   data = (SplashColorPtr)gmallocn(height, rowSize);
+    if (!topDown) {
+      data += (height - 1) * rowSize;
+      rowSize = -rowSize;
+    }
+    if (alphaA) {
+!     alpha = (Guchar *)gmallocn(width, height);
+    } else {
+      alpha = NULL;
+    }
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	Tue Oct 13 11:57:24 2009
+*** 52,57 ****
+--- 52,59 ----
+    // generation 0.
+    ObjectStream(XRef *xref, int objStrNumA);
++   GBool isOk() { return ok; }
+    ~ObjectStream();
+    // Return the object number of this object stream.
+*** 67,72 ****
+--- 69,75 ----
+    int nObjects;			// number of objects in the stream
+    Object *objs;			// the objects (length = nObjects)
+    int *objNums;			// the object numbers (length = nObjects)
++   GBool ok;
+  };
+  ObjectStream::ObjectStream(XRef *xref, int objStrNumA) {
+*** 80,85 ****
+--- 83,89 ----
+    nObjects = 0;
+    objs = NULL;
+    objNums = NULL;
++   ok = gFalse;
+    if (!xref->fetch(objStrNum, 0, &objStr)->isStream()) {
+      goto err1;
+*** 105,110 ****
+--- 109,121 ----
+      goto err1;
+    }
++   // this is an arbitrary limit to avoid integer overflow problems
++   // in the 'new Object[nObjects]' call (Acrobat apparently limits
++   // object streams to 100-200 objects)
++   if (nObjects > 1000000) {
++     error(-1, "Too many objects in an object stream");
++     goto err1;
++   }
+    objs = new Object[nObjects];
+    objNums = (int *)gmallocn(nObjects, sizeof(int));
+    offsets = (int *)gmallocn(nObjects, sizeof(int));
+*** 161,170 ****
+    }
+    gfree(offsets);
+   err1:
+-   return;
+  }
+  ObjectStream::~ObjectStream() {
+--- 172,181 ----
+    }
+    gfree(offsets);
++   ok = gTrue;
+   err1:
+  }
+  ObjectStream::~ObjectStream() {
+*** 837,842 ****
+--- 848,858 ----
+  	delete objStr;
+        }
+        objStr = new ObjectStream(this, e->offset);
++       if (!objStr->isOk()) {
++ 	delete objStr;
++ 	objStr = NULL;
++ 	goto err;
++       }
+      }
+      objStr->getObject(e->gen, num, obj);
+      break;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.02pl5.patch b/xpdf-3.02pl5.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..558eac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.02pl5.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/xpdf/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:52 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/xpdf/	Mon Oct 11 15:39:52 2010
+*** 461,466 ****
+--- 461,467 ----
+      baseMatrix[i] = state->getCTM()[i];
+    }
+    formDepth = 0;
++   parser = NULL;
+    abortCheckCbk = abortCheckCbkA;
+    abortCheckCbkData = abortCheckCbkDataA;
+*** 500,505 ****
+--- 501,507 ----
+      baseMatrix[i] = state->getCTM()[i];
+    }
+    formDepth = 0;
++   parser = NULL;
+    abortCheckCbk = abortCheckCbkA;
+    abortCheckCbkData = abortCheckCbkDataA;
+*** xpdf-3.02.orig/fofi/	Tue Feb 27 14:05:51 2007
+--- xpdf-3.02/fofi/	Mon Oct 11 15:44:13 2010
+*** 224,230 ****
+  		code = code * 8 + (*p2 - '0');
+  	      }
+  	    }
+! 	    if (code < 256) {
+  	      for (p = p2; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; ++p) ;
+  	      if (*p == '/') {
+  		++p;
+--- 224,230 ----
+  		code = code * 8 + (*p2 - '0');
+  	      }
+  	    }
+! 	    if (code >= 0 && code < 256) {
+  	      for (p = p2; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; ++p) ;
+  	      if (*p == '/') {
+  		++p;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.03-64bit.patch b/xpdf-3.03-64bit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942ffe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.03-64bit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.03/goo/ xpdf-3.03/goo/
+--- xpdf-3.03/goo/	2011-08-15 17:08:53.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.03/goo/	2011-08-22 13:48:31.891115878 -0400
+@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ static int gMemInUse = 0;
+ #endif /* DEBUG_MEM */
+-void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
++void *gmalloc(size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+-  int size1;
++  size_t size1;
+   char *mem;
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   void *data;
+@@ -122,11 +122,11 @@ void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #endif
+ }
+-void *grealloc(void *p, int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
++void *grealloc(void *p, size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   void *q;
+-  int oldSize;
++  size_t oldSize;
+   if (size < 0) {
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void *greallocn(void *p, int nObjs, int 
+ void gfree(void *p) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+-  int size;
++  size_t size;
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   unsigned long *trl, *clr;
+diff -up xpdf-3.03/goo/gmem.h.alloc xpdf-3.03/goo/gmem.h
+--- xpdf-3.03/goo/gmem.h.alloc	2011-08-15 17:08:53.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.03/goo/gmem.h	2011-08-22 13:47:27.274853540 -0400
+@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ extern "C" {
+  * Same as malloc, but prints error message and exits if malloc()
+  * returns NULL.
+  */
+-extern void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP;
++extern void *gmalloc(size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP;
+ /*
+  * Same as realloc, but prints error message and exits if realloc()
+  * returns NULL.  If <p> is NULL, calls malloc instead of realloc().
+  */
+-extern void *grealloc(void *p, int size) GMEM_EXCEP;
++extern void *grealloc(void *p, size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP;
+ /*
+  * These are similar to gmalloc and grealloc, but take an object count
diff --git a/xpdf-3.03-compile-fix.patch b/xpdf-3.03-compile-fix.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b28c369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.03-compile-fix.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.03/xpdf/ xpdf-3.03/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.03/xpdf/	2011-08-22 14:19:42.845075813 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.03/xpdf/	2011-08-22 14:19:47.953013145 -0400
+@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ void XPDFViewer::initToolbar(Widget pare
+   menuPane = XmCreatePulldownMenu(toolBar, "zoomMenuPane", args, n);
+   for (i = 0; i < nZoomMenuItems; ++i) {
+     n = 0;
+-    s = XmStringCreateLocalized(zoomMenuInfo[i].label);
++    s = XmStringCreateLocalized((char *)zoomMenuInfo[i].label);
+     XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlabelString, s); ++n;
+     XtSetArg(args[n], XmNuserData, (XtPointer)i); ++n;
+     sprintf(buf, "zoom%d", i);
diff --git a/xpdf-3.03-crash.patch b/xpdf-3.03-crash.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c16bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.03-crash.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.03/fofi/ xpdf-3.03/fofi/
+--- xpdf-3.03/fofi/	2011-08-15 17:08:53.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.03/fofi/	2011-08-22 13:44:32.936859153 -0400
+@@ -268,9 +268,14 @@ void FoFiType1::parse() {
+ 	    }
+ 	  }
+ 	} else {
+-	  if (strtok(buf, " \t") &&
+-	      (p = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")) && !strcmp(p, "def")) {
+-	    break;
++	  p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	  if (p)
++	  {
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "def")) break;
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "readonly")) break;
++	    // the spec does not says this but i'm mantaining old xpdf behaviour that accepts "foo def" as end of the encoding array
++	    p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	    if (p && !strcmp(p, "def")) break;
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+       }
+diff -up xpdf-3.03/splash/ xpdf-3.03/splash/
+--- xpdf-3.03/splash/	2011-08-15 17:08:53.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.03/splash/	2011-08-22 13:46:54.295231194 -0400
+@@ -2053,6 +2053,11 @@ SplashError Splash::fillWithPattern(Spla
+     xPath->aaScale();
+   }
+   xPath->sort();
++  if (!&xPath->segs[0])
++  {
++    delete xPath;
++    return splashErrEmptyPath;
++  }
+   yMinI = state->clip->getYMinI();
+   yMaxI = state->clip->getYMaxI();
+   if (vectorAntialias && !inShading) {
+@@ -2194,6 +2199,11 @@ SplashError Splash::xorFill(SplashPath *
+   }
+   xPath = new SplashXPath(path, state->matrix, state->flatness, gTrue);
+   xPath->sort();
++  if (!&xPath->segs[0])
++  {
++    delete xPath;
++    return splashErrEmptyPath;
++  }
+   scanner = new SplashXPathScanner(xPath, eo, state->clip->getYMinI(),
+ 				   state->clip->getYMaxI());
diff --git a/xpdf-3.03-ext.patch b/xpdf-3.03-ext.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3115d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.03-ext.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.03/goo/ xpdf-3.03/goo/
+--- xpdf-3.03/goo/	2011-08-15 17:08:53.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.03/goo/	2011-08-22 13:43:54.540304026 -0400
+@@ -507,32 +507,14 @@ GBool openTempFile(GString **name, FILE 
+   char *s;
+   int fd;
+-  if (ext) {
+-    if ((s = getenv("TMPDIR"))) {
+-      *name = new GString(s);
+-    } else {
+-      *name = new GString("/tmp");
+-    }
+-    (*name)->append("/XXXXXX")->append(ext);
+-    fd = mkstemps((*name)->getCString(), strlen(ext));
+-    if (!(s = tmpnam(NULL))) {
+-      return gFalse;
+-    }
++  if ((s = getenv("TMPDIR"))) {
+     *name = new GString(s);
+-    (*name)->append(ext);
+-    fd = open((*name)->getCString(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
+   } else {
+-    if ((s = getenv("TMPDIR"))) {
+-      *name = new GString(s);
+-    } else {
+-      *name = new GString("/tmp");
+-    }
+-    (*name)->append("/XXXXXX");
+-    fd = mkstemp((*name)->getCString());
++    *name = new GString("/tmp");
++  }
++  (*name)->append("/XXXXXX");
++  fd = mkstemp((*name)->getCString());
+ #else // HAVE_MKSTEMP
+     if (!(s = tmpnam(NULL))) {
+       return gFalse;
+@@ -540,7 +522,7 @@ GBool openTempFile(GString **name, FILE 
+     *name = new GString(s);
+     fd = open((*name)->getCString(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
+ #endif // HAVE_MKSTEMP
+-  }
+   if (fd < 0 || !(*f = fdopen(fd, mode))) {
+     delete *name;
+     *name = NULL;
diff --git a/xpdf-3.04-64bit.patch b/xpdf-3.04-64bit.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49e3052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.04-64bit.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/goo/ xpdf-3.04/goo/
+--- xpdf-3.04/goo/	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/goo/	2014-05-29 15:00:18.670819951 -0400
+@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ static int gMaxMemInUse = 0;
+ #endif /* DEBUG_MEM */
+-void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
++void *gmalloc(size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+-  int size1;
++  size_t size1;
+   char *mem;
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   void *data;
+@@ -106,11 +106,11 @@ void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #endif
+ }
+-void *grealloc(void *p, int size) GMEM_EXCEP {
++void *grealloc(void *p, size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   void *q;
+-  int oldSize;
++  size_t oldSize;
+   if (size < 0) {
+     gMemError("Invalid memory allocation size");
+@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ void *greallocn(void *p, int nObjs, int
+ void gfree(void *p) {
+ #ifdef DEBUG_MEM
+-  int size;
++  size_t size;
+   GMemHdr *hdr;
+   unsigned long *trl, *clr;
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/goo/gmem.h.alloc xpdf-3.04/goo/gmem.h
+--- xpdf-3.04/goo/gmem.h.alloc	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/goo/gmem.h	2014-05-29 14:59:04.364344108 -0400
+@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ extern "C" {
+  * Same as malloc, but prints error message and exits if malloc()
+  * returns NULL.
+  */
+-extern void *gmalloc(int size) GMEM_EXCEP;
++extern void *gmalloc(size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP;
+ /*
+  * Same as realloc, but prints error message and exits if realloc()
+  * returns NULL.  If <p> is NULL, calls malloc instead of realloc().
+  */
+-extern void *grealloc(void *p, int size) GMEM_EXCEP;
++extern void *grealloc(void *p, size_t size) GMEM_EXCEP;
+ /*
+  * These are similar to gmalloc and grealloc, but take an object count
diff --git a/xpdf-3.04-crash.patch b/xpdf-3.04-crash.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a816d89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.04-crash.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/fofi/ xpdf-3.04/fofi/
+--- xpdf-3.04/fofi/	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/fofi/	2014-05-29 14:56:09.199571189 -0400
+@@ -268,9 +268,14 @@ void FoFiType1::parse() {
+ 	    }
+ 	  }
+ 	} else {
+-	  if (strtok(buf, " \t") &&
+-	      (p = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")) && !strcmp(p, "def")) {
+-	    break;
++	  p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	  if (p)
++	  {
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "def")) break;
++	    if (!strcmp(p, "readonly")) break;
++	    // the spec does not says this but i'm mantaining old xpdf behaviour that accepts "foo def" as end of the encoding array
++	    p = strtok(buf, " \t\n\r");
++	    if (p && !strcmp(p, "def")) break;
+ 	  }
+ 	}
+       }
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/splash/ xpdf-3.04/splash/
diff --git a/xpdf-3.04-localized.patch b/xpdf-3.04-localized.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..504d3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.04-localized.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf/ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-12-02 13:54:56.720680945 -0500
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf/	2014-12-02 13:55:10.257585002 -0500
+@@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ static int xErrorHandler(Display *displa
+ #endif
+ XPDFApp::XPDFApp(int *argc, char *argv[]) {
++  XtSetLanguageProc(NULL, (XtLanguageProc)NULL, NULL);
+   appShell = XtAppInitialize(&appContext, xpdfAppName, xOpts, nXOpts,
+ 			     argc, argv, fallbackResources, NULL, 0);
+   display = XtDisplay(appShell);
diff --git a/xpdf-3.04-nocmap.patch b/xpdf-3.04-nocmap.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c381ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.04-nocmap.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 15:01:29.238318492 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 15:02:30.453883329 -0400
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ cidToUnicode	Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/ch
+ unicodeMap	ISO-2022-CN	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/ISO-2022-CN.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	EUC-CN		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/EUC-CN.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	GBK		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/GBK.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-GB1	/usr/..../gkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Simplified support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 15:01:29.237318499 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 15:02:01.979085766 -0400
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ cidToUnicode	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Adobe-CNS1.cidToUnicode
+ unicodeMap	Big5		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	Big5ascii	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5ascii.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/..../bkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Traditional support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 15:01:29.238318492 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 15:02:43.814788329 -0400
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ cidToUnicode	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf
+ unicodeMap	ISO-2022-JP	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	EUC-JP		/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/EUC-JP.unicodeMap
+ unicodeMap	Shift-JIS	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Shift-JIS.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/..../kochi-mincho.ttf
+ #----- end Japanese support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 15:01:29.238318492 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 15:02:16.581981953 -0400
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ #----- begin Korean support package (2011-sep-02)
+ cidToUnicode	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/Adobe-Korea1.cidToUnicode
+ unicodeMap	ISO-2022-KR	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/ISO-2022-KR.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++#cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++#toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #fontFileCC	Unidocs-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #----- end Korean support package
diff --git a/xpdf-3.04-pdftopng.patch b/xpdf-3.04-pdftopng.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6229d0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.04-pdftopng.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/ xpdf-3.04/
+--- xpdf-3.04/	2014-05-29 15:56:14.405875939 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/	2014-05-29 15:58:11.755031543 -0400
+@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ xpdf: dummy
+ 	cd @UP_DIR at splash; $(MAKE)
+ 	cd @UP_DIR at xpdf; $(MAKE) xpdf$(EXE)
++pdftopng: dummy
++	cd goo; $(MAKE)
++	cd @UP_DIR at fofi; $(MAKE)
++	cd @UP_DIR at splash; $(MAKE)
++	cd @UP_DIR at xpdf; $(MAKE) pdftopng$(EXE)
+ pdftops: dummy
+ 	cd goo; $(MAKE)
+ 	cd @UP_DIR at fofi; $(MAKE)
+@@ -91,6 +97,7 @@ install: dummy
+ 	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) xpdf/pdfdetach$(EXE) $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/pdfdetach$(EXE)
+ @X@	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) xpdf/pdftoppm$(EXE) $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/pdftoppm$(EXE)
+ 	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) xpdf/pdfimages$(EXE) $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/pdfimages$(EXE)
++	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) xpdf/pdftopng$(EXE) $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/pdftopng$(EXE)
+ 	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1
+ @X@	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/xpdf.1 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1/xpdf.1
+ 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/pdftops.1 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1/pdftops.1
+@@ -100,6 +107,7 @@ install: dummy
+ 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/pdfdetach.1 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1/pdfdetach.1
+ @X@	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/pdftoppm.1 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1/pdftoppm.1
+ 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/pdfimages.1 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1/pdfimages.1
++	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/pdftopng.1 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man1/pdftopng.1
+ 	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man5
+ 	$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/doc/xpdfrc.5 $(DESTDIR)@mandir@/man5/xpdfrc.5
+ 	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)@sysconfdir@
diff --git a/xpdf-3.04-redhat-new.patch b/xpdf-3.04-redhat-new.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d19d9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf-3.04-redhat-new.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/doc/sample-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/doc/sample-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/doc/sample-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/doc/sample-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 14:50:23.704974484 -0400
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ # Set the default PostScript file or command.
+-#psFile			"|lpr -Pmyprinter"
++psFile			"|lpr"
+ # Set the default PostScript paper size -- this can be letter, legal,
+ # A4, or A3.  You can also specify a paper size as width and height
+@@ -88,4 +88,10 @@
+ # clicked.
+ #launchCommand  viewer-script
+-#urlCommand	"netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)'"
++urlCommand "xdg-open '%s'"
++# CJK
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.japanese
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.korean
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.chinese-simplified
++include /etc/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.chinese-traditional
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/doc/xpdfrc.5.orig xpdf-3.04/doc/xpdfrc.5
+--- xpdf-3.04/doc/xpdfrc.5.orig	2014-05-28 14:50:50.000000000 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/doc/xpdfrc.5	2014-05-29 14:50:23.701974504 -0400
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ All of the Xpdf tools read a single conf
+ .I .xpdfrc
+ file in your home directory, it will be read.  Otherwise, a
+ system-wide configuration file will be read from
+-.IR /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc ,
++.IR /etc/xpdfrc ,
+ if it exists.  (This is its default location; depending on build
+ options, it may be placed elsewhere.)  On Win32 systems, the
+ .I xpdfrc
+@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ urlCommand      "netscape \-remote 'open
+ .fi
+ .TP
+-.B /usr/local/etc/xpdfrc
++.B /etc/xpdfrc
+ This is the default location for the system-wide configuration file.
+ Depending on build options, it may be placed elsewhere.
+ .TP
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 14:50:23.700974511 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 14:53:15.316783717 -0400
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ #----- begin Chinese Simplified support package (2011-sep-02)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-GB1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/Adobe-GB1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	ISO-2022-CN	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/ISO-2022-CN.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	EUC-CN		/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/EUC-CN.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	GBK		/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/GBK.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/Adobe-GB1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	ISO-2022-CN	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/ISO-2022-CN.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	EUC-CN		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/EUC-CN.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	GBK		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/GBK.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-GB1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-GB1	/usr/..../gkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Simplified support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 14:50:23.699974518 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-chinese-traditional/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 14:53:15.321783682 -0400
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ #----- begin Chinese Traditional support package (2011-sep-02)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Adobe-CNS1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	Big5		/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	Big5ascii	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5ascii.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Adobe-CNS1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	Big5		/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	Big5ascii	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/Big5ascii.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-CNS1	/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/chinese-traditional/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-CNS1	/usr/..../bkai00mp.ttf
+ #----- end Chinese Traditional support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-cyrillic/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-cyrillic/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-cyrillic/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 14:50:23.704974484 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-cyrillic/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 14:53:15.325783654 -0400
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #----- begin Cyrillic support package (2011-aug-15)
+-nameToUnicode			/usr/local/share/xpdf/cyrillic/Bulgarian.nameToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	KOI8-R		/usr/local/share/xpdf/cyrillic/KOI8-R.unicodeMap
++nameToUnicode			/usr/share/xpdf/cyrillic/Bulgarian.nameToUnicode
++unicodeMap	KOI8-R		/usr/share/xpdf/cyrillic/KOI8-R.unicodeMap
+ #----- end Cyrillic support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 14:50:23.700974511 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-japanese/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 14:53:15.340783550 -0400
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ #----- begin Japanese support package (2011-sep-02)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/Adobe-Japan1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	ISO-2022-JP	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	EUC-JP		/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/EUC-JP.unicodeMap
+-unicodeMap	Shift-JIS	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/Shift-JIS.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Adobe-Japan1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	ISO-2022-JP	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/ISO-2022-JP.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	EUC-JP		/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/EUC-JP.unicodeMap
++unicodeMap	Shift-JIS	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/Shift-JIS.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-Japan1	/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/japanese/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-Japan1	/usr/..../kochi-mincho.ttf
+ #----- end Japanese support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 14:50:23.700974511 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-korean/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 14:53:15.345783515 -0400
+@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+ #----- begin Korean support package (2011-sep-02)
+-cidToUnicode	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/Adobe-Korea1.cidToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	ISO-2022-KR	/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/ISO-2022-KR.unicodeMap
+-cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+-toUnicodeDir			/usr/local/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++cidToUnicode	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/Adobe-Korea1.cidToUnicode
++unicodeMap	ISO-2022-KR	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/ISO-2022-KR.unicodeMap
++cMapDir		Adobe-Korea1	/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
++toUnicodeDir			/usr/share/xpdf/korean/CMap
+ #fontFileCC	Adobe-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #fontFileCC	Unidocs-Korea1	/usr/..../batang.ttf"
+ #----- end Korean support package
+diff -up xpdf-3.04/xpdf-thai/add-to-xpdfrc.orig xpdf-3.04/xpdf-thai/add-to-xpdfrc
+--- xpdf-3.04/xpdf-thai/add-to-xpdfrc.orig	2014-05-29 14:50:23.703974490 -0400
++++ xpdf-3.04/xpdf-thai/add-to-xpdfrc	2014-05-29 14:53:15.355783445 -0400
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+ #----- begin Thai support package (2011-aug-15)
+-nameToUnicode			/usr/local/share/xpdf/thai/Thai.nameToUnicode
+-unicodeMap	TIS-620		/usr/local/share/xpdf/thai/TIS-620.unicodeMap
++nameToUnicode			/usr/share/xpdf/thai/Thai.nameToUnicode
++unicodeMap	TIS-620		/usr/share/xpdf/thai/TIS-620.unicodeMap
+ #----- end Thai support package
diff --git a/xpdf.desktop b/xpdf.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cd4dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Xpdf PDF Viewer
+Name[sv]=Xpdf PDF-visare
+Name[de]=Xpdf PDF-Betrachter
+Comment=View Adobe PDF (acrobat) files
+Comment[sv]=Visar Adobe PDF-filer (acrobat-filer)
+Exec=xpdf %f
diff --git a/xpdf.png b/xpdf.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bab84a
Binary files /dev/null and b/xpdf.png differ
diff --git a/xpdf.spec b/xpdf.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b540c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xpdf.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+Summary: A PDF file viewer for the X Window System
+Name: xpdf
+Version: 3.04
+Release: 7%{?dist}
+License: GPLv2 or GPLv3
+Epoch: 1
+Group: Applications/Publishing
+# We have to pull the CMap files out due to non-free license.
+# Source3:
+Source3: xpdf-chinese-simplified-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+# Source4:
+Source4: xpdf-chinese-traditional-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+# Source5:
+Source5: xpdf-japanese-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+# Source6:
+Source6: xpdf-korean-2011-sep-02-NOCMAP.tar.gz
+# cyrillic and thai don't have CMap files to worry about.
+Source10: xpdf.desktop
+Source11: xpdf.png
+Patch0: xpdf-3.04-redhat-new.patch
+Patch3: xpdf-3.03-ext.patch
+Patch6: xpdf-3.00-core.patch
+Patch7: xpdf-3.00-xfont.patch
+Patch9: xpdf-3.00-papersize.patch
+Patch11: xpdf-3.04-crash.patch
+Patch12: xpdf-3.04-64bit.patch
+Patch15: xpdf-3.04-nocmap.patch
+Patch16: xpdf-3.02-fontlist.patch
+Patch19: xpdf-3.02-additionalzoom.patch
+Patch20: xpdf-3.04-pdftopng.patch
+Patch21: xpdf-3.04-localized.patch
+# Security patches
+# Debian patches
+Patch200: 02_permissions.dpatch
+Patch201: 10_add_accelerators.dpatch
+# Proper stream encoding on 64bit platforms
+Patch203: fix-444648.dpatch
+Requires: urw-fonts
+Requires: xdg-utils
+Requires: poppler-utils
+Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
+Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi
+%if 0%{?rhel}
+BuildRequires: openmotif-devel
+# Used to use lesstif-devel here. If you are trying to build on Fedora < 17, try that.
+BuildRequires: motif-devel
+BuildRequires: freetype-devel >= 2.1.7
+BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
+BuildRequires: libpaper-devel
+BuildRequires: libpng-devel
+BuildRequires: libXpm-devel
+Provides:  %{name}-chinese-simplified = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: %{name}-chinese-simplified
+Provides:  %{name}-chinese-traditional = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: %{name}-chinese-traditional
+Provides:  %{name}-korean = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: %{name}-korean
+Provides:  %{name}-japanese = %{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: %{name}-japanese
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+Xpdf is an X Window System based viewer for Portable Document Format
+(PDF) files. Xpdf is a small and efficient program which uses
+standard X fonts.
+%setup -q -a 3 -a 4 -a 5 -a 6 -a 7 -a 8 -a 12 -a 13 -a 14 -a 15 -a 16
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch3 -p1 -b .ext
+%patch6 -p1 -b .core
+%patch7 -p1 -b .fonts
+%patch9 -p1 -b .papersize
+%patch11 -p1 -b .crash
+%patch12 -p1 -b .alloc
+%patch15 -p1
+%patch16 -p1 -b .fontlist
+%patch19 -p1
+%patch20 -p1 -b .pdftopng
+%patch21 -p1 -b .localized
+# security patches
+# debian patches
+%patch200 -p1 -b .permissions
+%patch201 -p1 -b .accelerators
+%patch203 -p1 -b .64bit-stream
+find -name "*orig" | xargs rm -f
+# This may seem pointless, but in the unlikely event that _sysconfdir != /etc ...
+for file in doc/*.1 doc/*.5 xpdf-*/README; do
+  sed -i -e 's:/etc/xpdfrc:%{_sysconfdir}/xpdfrc:g' $file
+# Same action for _datadir.
+for file in xpdf-*/README xpdf-*/add-to-xpdfrc; do
+  sed -i -e 's:/usr/share/:%{_datadir}/:g' $file
+  sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/share/:%{_datadir}/:g' $file
+%configure \
+   --enable-multithreaded \
+   --enable-wordlist \
+   --with-x \
+   --enable-opi \
+   --with-appdef-dir=%{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults/ \
+   --without-Xp-library \
+   --with-freetype2-library=%{_libdir} \
+   --with-freetype2-includes=%{_includedir}/freetype2
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+make xpdf %{?_smp_mflags}
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/arabic \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/chinese-simplified \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/chinese-traditional \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/cyrillic \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/greek \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/hebrew \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/japanese \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/korean \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/latin2 \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/thai \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/turkish \
+         $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications/
+%if 0%{?rhel} > 5 || 0%{?fedora}
+desktop-file-install            \
+desktop-file-install --vendor "fedora"                  \
+        --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications   \
+        --add-category X-Fedora                         \
+        %{SOURCE10}
+install -m 0644 %{SOURCE11} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/xpdf.png
+cp -pr xpdf-arabic/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/arabic/
+cp -pr xpdf-chinese-simplified/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/chinese-simplified/
+cp -pr xpdf-chinese-traditional/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/chinese-traditional/
+cp -pr xpdf-cyrillic/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/cyrillic/
+cp -pr xpdf-greek/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/greek/
+cp -pr xpdf-hebrew/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/hebrew/
+cp -pr xpdf-japanese/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/japanese/
+cp -pr xpdf-korean/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/korean/
+cp -pr xpdf-latin2/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/latin2/
+cp -pr xpdf-thai/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/thai/
+cp -pr xpdf-turkish/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/xpdf/turkish/
+# poppler provides all utilities now
+%if 0%{?fedora}
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pdfdetach
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pdffonts
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pdfimages
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pdfinfo
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pdftops
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pdftotext
+%if 0%{?rhel} > 5 || 0%{?fedora} > 6
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/pdftoppm
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pdftoppm.1*
+%if 0%{?fedora}
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pdfdetach.1*
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pdffonts.1*
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pdfimages.1*
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pdfinfo.1*
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pdftops.1*
+rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/pdftotext.1*
+mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/
+for i in arabic chinese-simplified chinese-traditional cyrillic greek hebrew japanese korean latin2 thai turkish; do
+     mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/$i/README README.$i
+     mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/$i/add-to-xpdfrc $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.$i
+# xpdfrc cleanup
+sed -i -e 's:/usr/local/share/:%{_datadir}/:g' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xpdfrc
+# CJK are already in the file
+for i in arabic cyrillic greek hebrew latin2 thai turkish; do
+    echo "# $i" >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xpdfrc
+    echo "include %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.$i" >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xpdfrc
+touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+update-desktop-database &> /dev/null ||:
+touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
+update-desktop-database &> /dev/null ||:
+%if 0%{?rhel} > 5 || 0%{?fedora} > 6
+# Do Nothing.
+%if 0%{?rhel}
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdfrc
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf
+%lang(ar) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.arabic
+%lang(zh_CN) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.chinese-simplified
+%lang(zh_TW) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.chinese-traditional
+%lang(el) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.greek
+%lang(iw) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.hebrew
+%lang(ja) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.japanese
+%lang(ko) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.korean
+%lang(th) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.thai
+%lang(tr) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.turkish
+# cyrillic and latin2 are not langs, many languages are cyrillic/latin2
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.cyrillic
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/xpdf/add-to-xpdfrc.latin2
+%dir %{_datadir}/xpdf
+%lang(ar) %{_datadir}/xpdf/arabic
+%lang(zh_CN) %{_datadir}/xpdf/chinese-simplified
+%lang(zh_TW) %{_datadir}/xpdf/chinese-traditional
+%lang(el) %{_datadir}/xpdf/greek
+%lang(iw) %{_datadir}/xpdf/hebrew
+%lang(ja) %{_datadir}/xpdf/japanese
+%lang(ko) %{_datadir}/xpdf/korean
+%lang(th) %{_datadir}/xpdf/thai
+%lang(tr) %{_datadir}/xpdf/turkish
+* Mon Jan 12 2015 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.04-7
+- add BR: libXpm-devel, drop --with-gzip (no longer exists)
+* Tue Dec  2 2014 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.04-6
+- fix proper display of international strings in the title (bz 1169301)
+* Fri Sep 12 2014 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.04-5
+- fix .desktop file
+* Mon Aug 18 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.04-4
+- Rebuilt for
+* Sun Jun 08 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.04-3
+- Rebuilt for
+* Tue Jun  3 2014 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.04-2
+- fix "sharexpdf" typo in lang configs
+* Thu May 29 2014 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.04-1
+- update to 3.04
+- update all patches, langpacks
+- use motif instead of lesstif where possible
+- fix pdftopng to install (not in poppler right now)
+* Sun Sep 22 2013 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.03-8.1
+- rhel still needs pdfdetach in xpdf
+* Sun Sep 22 2013 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.03-8
+- fix CVE-2012-2142
+- fix issue with icon name in .desktop file (except on el5)
+* Sun Aug 04 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.03-7
+- Rebuilt for
+* Sun Feb 10 2013 Parag Nemade <paragn AT fedoraproject DOT org> - 1:3.03-6
+- Remove vendor tag from desktop file as per
+* Wed Nov 14 2012 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.03-5
+- fix desktop file to invoke xpdf with a file param (bz874644)
+* Sun Jul 22 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.03-4
+- Rebuilt for
+* Fri May 25 2012 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.03-3
+- drop pdfdetach, poppler-utils has it now
+* Sat Jan 14 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.03-2
+- Rebuilt for
+* Mon Aug 22 2011 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.03-1
+- update to 3.03
+* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.02-18
+- Rebuilt for
+* Fri Jan 21 2011 Tom Callaway <spot at> - 1:3.02-17
+- Added pdftoppm for el5 or older, since it is not included in poppler-utils on el5
+- Thanks to Ingvar Hagelund.
+* Fri Oct 22 2010 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> - 1:3.02-16
+- apply xpdf-3.02pl5 security patch to fix:
+  CVE-2010-3702, CVS-2010-3704
+* Fri Oct 16 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> - 1:3.02-15
+- apply xpdf-3.02pl4 security patch to fix:
+  CVE-2009-3603, CVE-2009-3604, CVE-2009-3605, CVE-2009-3606
+  CVE-2009-3608, CVE-2009-3609
+* Mon Jul 27 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.02-14
+- Rebuilt for
+* Thu Apr 16 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> - 1:3.02-13
+- apply xpdf-3.02pl3 security patch to fix:
+  CVE-2009-0799, CVE-2009-0800, CVE-2009-1179, CVE-2009-1180
+  CVE-2009-1181, CVE-2009-1182, CVE-2009-1183
+* Wed Mar  4 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> - 1:3.02-12
+- add Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi (bz 485404)
+* Thu Feb 26 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.02-11
+- Rebuilt for
+* Wed Feb 11 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> - 1:3.02-10
+- cleanup crash patch a bit (bz 483664)
+- improve support for more mouse buttons (bz 483669)
+* Wed Dec 10 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> - 1:3.02-9
+- apply debian patches
+* Sun Sep 21 2008 Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at> - 1:3.02-8
+- Fix Patch0:/%%patch mismatch.
+* Thu Jun 19 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.02-7
+- add missing Requires: xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi
+* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 1:3.02-6
+- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
+* Wed Jan  2 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.02-5
+- use xdg-utils instead of htmlview (bz 313311)
+* Fri Nov  9 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.02-4
+- resolve 372461, 372471, 372481
+* Tue Aug 28 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.02-3
+- fix PDF printing on x86_64 (bz 253601)
+- add mouse buttons 8 and 9 (bz 255401)
+- add extra zoom types (bz 251855)
+- rebuild for BuildID
+* Mon Aug  6 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.02-2
+- fix font list parsing to squelch noise (bz 250709)
+- cleanup add-to-xpdfrc files, update xpdfrc to include them by default
+* Wed Aug  1 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.02-1
+- bump to 3.02
+- patch in security fix
+- add arabic, greek, hebrew, latin2, turkish lang support
+* Mon Dec 18 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-28
+- Requires: poppler-utils
+* Thu Dec 14 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-27
+- drop the xpdf-utils subpackage, poppler-utils ate it all
+* Mon Sep 25 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-26
+- get rid of goo/vms_* since they have questionable licensing
+* Mon Sep 25 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-25
+- patch thai/cyrillic files for proper pathing
+* Mon Sep 25 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-24
+- get rid of non-free CMap files
+- actually use thai/cyrillic sources
+- patch out the references to using CMap files
+* Mon Sep 25 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-23
+- new patch missed README files, fixed
+* Mon Sep 25 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-22
+- use latest localized files
+- fix redhat patch to work with new localized files
+* Mon Sep 25 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-21
+- use sane cp flags
+- remove hardcoded X-Red-Hat-Base from .desktop
+- mark the extra config files with their lang
+- get rid of unnecessary Requires post,postun
+* Sun Sep 24 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-20
+- use the proper icon
+* Sat Sep 23 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-19
+- get rid of unnecessary BR fileutils, findutils
+- get rid of duplicate R poppler-utils on main package
+- use _sysconfdir/xpdf hierarchy, own add-to-xpdfrc as config files
+- README files for each lang should be doc files, rename with lang ext
+- ensure that files reflect macro settings
+- use _sysconfdir macro
+- remove files without -rf
+- no need for /etc/X11/applnk/Graphics
+- update xpdf-3.01-redhat.patch accordingly
+* Sat Sep 23 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-18
+- use t1lib
+- remove non-utf8 character from old changelog
+- put png icon in hicolor/48x48/apps
+- use appropriate desktop scriptlets
+- set vendor="fedora"
+- move R:poppler-utils to xpdf-utils
+- remove period from xpdf-utils summary
+- add provides for everything we obsolete
+- get rid of autoconf, Xprint patch, just pass --without-Xp-library
+- add libpaper as BR
+* Fri Sep 22 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa at> 1:3.01-17
+- move to Fedora Extras, use desktop-file-install
+* Wed Aug 09 2006 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.01-16
+- fix #200608, install icon in the wrong dir
+* Fri Jul 14 2006 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.01-15
+- fix build problem with new freetype
+* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating at> - 1:3.01-14.1
+- rebuild
+* Wed Jun 28 2006 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.01-14
+- fix #197090, BR: autoconf
+* Fri May  5 2006 Adam Jackson <ajackson at> 1:3.01-13
+- Remove spurious libXp dependency
+* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating at> - 1:3.01-12.1
+- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
+* Tue Feb 07 2006 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-12
+- apply patch to fix buffer overflow issue in the xpdf codebase
+  when handling splash images CVE-2006-0301 (#179423)
+* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating at> - 1:3.01-11.1
+- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
+* Mon Jan 23 2006 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-11
+- add correct app-defaults directory #178545
+* Wed Jan 18 2006 Ray Strode <rstrode at> 3.01-10
+- remove requires line in utils subpackage
+* Wed Jan 18 2006 Ray Strode <rstrode at> 3.01-9
+- remove pdf command-line utilities and require poppler ones
+  instead (bug 177446).
+* Wed Jan 18 2006 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-8
+- add new subpackage xpdf-utils
+* Tue Jan 10 2006 Karsten Hopp <karsten at> 3.01-7
+- add patches to fix CVE-2005-3191 and CAN-2005-3193
+* Mon Dec 12 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-6 
+- rebuilt against new openmotif-2.3
+* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating at>
+- rebuilt
+* Wed Nov 09 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-5
+- add correct Simplified/Traditional Chinese fonts #170989
+* Tue Nov 08 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-4
+- get rid of XFree86-devel
+* Thu Oct 13 2005 Matthias Clasen <mclasen at> 3.01-3
+- don't use freetype internals
+* Fri Oct 07 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-2 
+- apply upstream patch to fix resize/redraw bug #166569
+* Thu Aug 18 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.01-1
+- update to 3.01
+* Thu Aug 11 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-24
+- change Kochi fonts to Sazanami fonts #165678
+* Tue Aug 09 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-23
+- apply patch to fix xpdf DoS, CAN-2005-2097 #163918
+* Mon Jul 25 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-22
+- fix allocation size 64bit architectures
+* Mon Jul 25 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-21
+- fix xpdf crash #163807 
+* Mon Jun 13 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-20
+- urlCommand launches htmlview #160176
+- fix gcc4 build problem
+* Mon May 23 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-19
+- apply patch to fix texts in non-embedded cjk font disappear, (#158509)
+* Sat Mar 05 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-18
+- rebuilt
+* Thu Feb 10 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-17
+- More fixing of CAN-2004-0888 patch (bug #135393)
+* Wed Jan 26 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-16
+- Add patch to fix handling CID font encodings in freetype version >= 2.1.8 (bug #135066)
+* Thu Jan 20 2005 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-15
+- Applied patch to fix CAN-2005-0064 (bug #145050)
+* Wed Dec 22 2004 Tim Waugh <twaugh at> 1:3.00-14
+- Applied patch to fix CAN-2004-1125 (bug #143500).
+* Mon Nov 29 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-13
+- set match as default psPaperSize #141131
+* Tue Oct 26 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-12
+- bump release
+* Tue Oct 26 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-11
+- don't link against t1lib, use freetype2 for rendering
+* Thu Oct 21 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-10
+- apply patch to fix CAN-2004-0888
+* Thu Oct 21 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-9
+- fix xpdf crash #136633
+* Tue Oct 12 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-8
+- fix default fonts setting
+* Mon Oct 11 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-7
+- fix locale issue #133911
+* Thu Oct 07 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-6
+- Fix xpdf crash when selecting outline without page reference,
+  thanks Ulrich Drepper, bz #134993
+* Thu Jun 24 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 1:3.00-5
+- update t1lib upstream
+- add cjk font patch, thanks to Yukihiro Nakai, bug #123540
+- fix a bug in font rasterizer, bug #125559
+- improve menue entry, bug #125850
+* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith at>
+- rebuilt
+* Fri Feb 20 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-3
+- better fix for building with freetype 2.1.7
+* Tue Feb 17 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-2 
+- t1lib-5.0.1
+* Tue Jan 27 2004 Than Ngo <than at> 3.00-1
+- 3.00 release
+- add patch file to built with new freetype-2.1.7
+* Mon Oct 13 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 1:2.03-1
+- 2.03
+- remove xpdf-2.02pl1.patch, which is included in 2.03
+- fix warning issue (bug #106313)
+- fix huge memory leak, (bug #89552)
+* Tue Jul 29 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 1:2.02-9
+- rebuild
+* Tue Jul 29 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 1:2.02-8
+- add missing icon (bug #100780) 
+- fix a bug xpdf resource
+* Tue Jun 17 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.02-7
+- fixes a security hole
+* Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee <sopwith at>
+- rebuilt
+* Mon May  5 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.02-4.1
+- merge sub packages to main package (bug #87750)
+* Fri May  2 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.02-3.1
+- don't install backup files
+* Mon Mar 31 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.02-2
+- build with freetype in RHL, #79680
+- unsafe temporary files, #79682
+- add Xfree86-devel in buildprereq
+- build with -O0 on ppc, gcc bug
+* Tue Mar 25 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.02-1
+- 2.02
+- adjust some patch files for 2.02
+* Tue Feb 18 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.01-8
+- own /usr/share/xpdf,  #73983
+- remove debug unused infos, #84197
+* Tue Feb  4 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.01-7
+- fix #82634
+* Mon Feb  3 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.01-6
+- fix #82633
+* Mon Jan 27 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.01-5
+- added locale patch from ynakai at, bug #82638
+* Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers <timp at>
+- rebuilt
+* Mon Jan 20 2003 Than Ngo <than at> 2.01-3
+- Security fixes.
+* Sun Dec  8 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 2.01-2
+- urlCommand launches htmlview (bug #76694)
+* Fri Dec  6 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 2.01-1
+- update to 2.01
+* Wed Nov  6 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 2.00-1
+- update to 2.00
+- adapt a patch file for 2.00
+- build against openmotif
+* Fri Sep 20 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 1.01-9
+- Build against new freetype
+* Mon Aug 26 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 1.01-8
+- add descriptive name (bug #71673)
+* Sat Aug 10 2002 Elliot Lee <sopwith at>
+- rebuilt with gcc-3.2 (we hope)
+* Wed Jul 24 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 1.01-6
+- desktop file issue (bug #69554)
+* Tue Jul 23 2002 Tim Powers <timp at> 1.01-5
+- build using gcc-3.2-0.1
+* Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <timp at> 1.01-4
+- automated rebuild
+* Sun Jun 2 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 1.01-3
+- fix a bug in open file dialog (bug #39844)
+- 1.01 handles Type 3 fonts (bug #48843)
+* Sun May 26 2002 Tim Powers <timp at>
+- automated rebuild
+* Thu May 23 2002 Harald Hoyer <harald at> 1.01-1
+- xpdf-1.01, freetype-2.0.9
+* Sun Mar 17 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 1.00-3
+- rebuild
+* Thu Feb 21 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 1.00-2
+- fix Bad 'urlCommand' (bug #59730)
+* Tue Feb 05 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 1.00-1
+- update to 1.00 (bug #59239, #48904)
+- remove some patch files, which are included in 1.00
+- sub packages for chinese-simplified, chinese-traditional, japanese and korean
+* Fri Jan 25 2002 Than Ngo <than at> 0.93-4
+- rebuild in rawhide
+* Mon Nov 12 2001 Than Ngo <than at> 0.93-2
+- enable Chinese GB font support
+- enable Chinese CNS font support
+- enable use of FreeType 2
+* Mon Oct 29 2001 Than Ngo <than at> 0.93-1
+- update to 0.93
+* Wed Sep 12 2001 Tim Powers <timp at>
+- rebuild with new gcc and binutils
+* Sun Jun 24 2001 Elliot Lee <sopwith at>
+- Bump release + rebuild.
+* Fri Apr 27 2001 Bill Nottingham <notting at>
+- rebuild for C++ exception handling on ia64
+* Wed Mar 28 2001 Than Ngo <than at>
+- add german translation into desktop file
+- move desktop file to /etc/X11/applnk/Graphics (Bug #32720)
+* Tue Jan 02 2001 Than Ngo <than at>
+- added a default URL handler script with a corresponding definition
+  in Xpdf, thanks to Michal Jaegermann <michal at> (Bug #23112)
+* Mon Dec 04 2000 Than Ngo <than at>
+- updated to 0.92 (Bug #16646)
+- remove some patches, which included in xpdf-0.92
+* Mon Oct 16 2000 Than Ngo <than at>
+- rebuild for 7.1
+* Wed Oct 11 2000 Than Ngo <than at>
+- fix update problem (Bug #17924)
+* Thu Aug 17 2000 Than Ngo <than at>
+- update to 0.91 (Bug #9961 and many major bugs) 
+* Sun Aug 06 2000 Than Ngo <than at>
+- added swedish translation (Bug 15312)
+* Thu Jul 13 2000 Prospector <bugzilla at>
+- automatic rebuild
+* Sun Jul  2 2000 Jakub Jelinek <jakub at>
+- Rebuild with new C++
+* Fri Jun 16 2000 Than Ngo <than at>
+- enable Japanese font support
+* Fri Jun 16 2000 Preston Brown <pbrown at>
+- FHS paths
+- better .desktop entry file
+* Tue Jun 06 2000 Than Ngo <than at>
+- fix xpdf crashes on some data streams (Bug# 10154) (thanks Derek)
+- add %%defattr
+- use rpm macros
+* Tue May 23 2000 Ngo Than <than at>
+- fix problem with loading fonts
+* Sun May 21 2000 Ngo Than <than at>
+- put man pages in /usr/share/man/*
+- update t1lib-1.0.1
+* Mon May 08 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrod <teg at>
+- fixed URL
+* Fri Feb 11 2000 Preston Brown <pbrown at>
+- build for inclusion in 6.2.
+* Wed Feb 09 2000 Jakub Jelinek <jakub at>
+- include decryption patches
+* Mon Feb 07 2000 Presto Brown <pbrown at>
+- rebuild to gzip man pages
+* Mon Aug 30 1999 Preston Brown <pbrown at>
+- upgrade to xpdf 0.90, include t1lib Type1 rasterizer
+- fix zapfdingbats font mapping issue
+* Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <gafton at> 
+- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 4)
+* Wed Mar 17 1999 Preston Brown <pbrown at>
+- converted wmconfig to desktop entry
+* Wed Feb 24 1999 Preston Brown <pbrown at>
+- Injected new description and group.
+* Mon Nov 30 1998 Preston Brown <pbrown at>
+- updated to 0.80
+* Fri Nov 06 1998 Preston Brown <pbrown at>
+- patched to compile with new, stricter egcs
+* Tue May 05 1998 Cristian Gafton <gafton at>
+- updated to 0.7a
+* Thu Nov 20 1997 Otto Hammersmith <otto at>
+- added changelog
+- added wmconfig
cgit v0.10.2

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