pghmcfc pushed to geoipupdate (epel7). "Improve geoipupdate6 (..more)"

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>From 2b5aaf80df028802ffcf935a92442e53ffe7541c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Howarth <paul at>
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2015 21:58:05 +0000
Subject: Improve geoipupdate6

New geoipupdate6 cron script written in Perl that doesn't download the data
if it hasn't changed.

diff --git a/geoipupdate.spec b/geoipupdate.spec
index c8fd442..f346da2 100644
--- a/geoipupdate.spec
+++ b/geoipupdate.spec
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 Name:		geoipupdate
 Version:	2.1.0
-Release:	3%{?dist}
+Release:	4%{?dist}
 Summary:	Update GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy binary databases from MaxMind
 Group:		Development/Tools
 License:	GPLv2
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ Source1:	geoipupdate.cron
 Source2:	geoipupdate6.cron
 BuildRequires:	libcurl-devel
 BuildRequires:	zlib-devel
+# Perl modules used by IPv6 cron script
+BuildRequires:	perl(File::Copy)
+BuildRequires:	perl(File::Spec)
+BuildRequires:	perl(LWP::Simple)
+BuildRequires:	perl(PerlIO::gzip)
+BuildRequires:	perl(strict)
 The GeoIP Update program performs automatic updates of GeoIP2 and GeoIP
@@ -32,7 +38,7 @@ Obsoletes:	GeoIP-update < 1.6.0
 Provides:	GeoIP-update = 1.6.0
 %description cron
-Cron job for weekly updates to GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy database from MaxMind.
+Cron job for weekly updates to GeoIP Legacy database from MaxMind.
 %package cron6
 Summary:	Cron job to do weekly updates of GeoIP IPv6 databases
@@ -47,8 +53,7 @@ Obsoletes:	GeoIP-update6 < 1.6.0
 Provides:	GeoIP-update6 = 1.6.0
 %description cron6
-Cron job for weekly updates to GeoIP2 and GeoIP IPv6 Legacy database from
+Cron job for weekly updates to GeoIP IPv6 Legacy database from MaxMind.
 %setup -q
@@ -70,6 +75,12 @@ sed -i \
 install -D -m 755 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.weekly/geoipupdate
 install -D -m 755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.weekly/geoipupdate6
+# Make the download directory for the IPv6 data cron job and soem ghost files
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/
+: > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/GeoIPv6.dat.gz
+: > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/GeoLiteCityv6.dat.gz
+: > %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/GeoIPASNumv6.dat.gz
 # LICENSE file is being omitted from release tarball. As soon as this issue:
 # is resolved we'll amend the spec file to include it in the packaging.
@@ -89,8 +100,17 @@ install -D -m 755 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cron.weekly/geoipupdate6
 %files cron6
 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cron.weekly/geoipupdate6
+%dir %{_datadir}/GeoIP/
+%dir %{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/
+%ghost %{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/GeoIPv6.dat.gz
+%ghost %{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/GeoLiteCityv6.dat.gz
+%ghost %{_datadir}/GeoIP/download/GeoIPASNumv6.dat.gz
+* Tue Feb 10 2015 Paul Howarth <paul at> - 2.1.0-4
+- New geoipupdate6 cron script written in Perl that doesn't download the data
+  if it hasn't changed
 * Fri Feb  6 2015 Paul Howarth <paul at> - 2.1.0-3
 - Add cron6 subpackage, equivalent to old GeoIP-update6 package
 - Revise obsoletes/provides
diff --git a/geoipupdate6.cron b/geoipupdate6.cron
index 4273968..112d8b8 100644
--- a/geoipupdate6.cron
+++ b/geoipupdate6.cron
@@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
-# Update IPv6 free databases
+# This script is based on from Maxmind's Geo::IP perl module
-# It would be much better if we could use geoipupdate for this as it only
-# downloads the data if it has changed and checks it after download
+use strict;
+our $VERSION = '0.01';
+use LWP::Simple qw/ mirror RC_NOT_MODIFIED RC_OK $ua /;
+use File::Copy qw/ mv /;
+use File::Spec;
+use PerlIO::gzip;
+# Make sure the directories exist
+-d ( my $download_dir = '/usr/share/GeoIP/download' ) or die $!;
+-d ( my $dest_dir     = '/usr/share/GeoIP' )          or die $!;
-cd /usr/share/GeoIP
+my %mirror = (    # local-filename       geolite-name
+    'GeoIPv6.dat.gz'       => '',
+    'GeoLiteCityv6.dat.gz' => '',
+    'GeoIPASNumv6.dat.gz'  => ''
-# IPv6 Country database
-wget --quiet $DB_LOC/GeoIPv6.dat.gz && mv -f GeoIPv6.dat GeoIPv6.dat.old && gunzip GeoIPv6.dat
-# IPv6 City database
-wget --quiet $DB_LOC/GeoLiteCityv6-beta/GeoLiteCityv6.dat.gz && mv -f GeoLiteCityv6.dat GeoLiteCityv6.dat.old && gunzip GeoLiteCityv6.dat
+chdir $download_dir or die $!;
+for my $f ( keys %mirror ) {
+    my $rc = mirror( $mirror{$f}, $f );
+    next if $rc == RC_NOT_MODIFIED;
+    if ( $rc == RC_OK ) {
+        ( my $outfile = $f ) =~ s/\.gz$//;
+        open my $in,  '<:gzip', $f       or die $!;
+        open my $out, '>',      $outfile or die $!;
+        print $out $_ or die $! while <$in>;
+        mv( $outfile, File::Spec->catfile( $dest_dir, $outfile ) ) or die $!;
+    }
+exit 0;
-# IPv6 AS Number database
-wget --quiet $ASDB_LOC/GeoIPASNumv6.dat.gz && mv -f GeoIPASNumv6.dat GeoIPASNumv6.dat.old && gunzip GeoIPASNumv6.dat
cgit v0.10.2

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