pwouters pushed to xca (epel7). "* Mon Feb 28 2011 Patrick Monnerat <pm at> 0.9.0-1 (..more)"

notifications at notifications at
Mon May 18 20:59:51 UTC 2015

From 7d0a06e19a19bbc47309073b02020e20c2b7e055 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Monnerat <pm at>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 16:09:45 +0100
Subject: * Mon Feb 28 2011 Patrick Monnerat <pm at> 0.9.0-1 - New
 upstream release. - Suppress "includes" patch (went upstream). - Suppress
 "openssl10" patch (new release is openssl 10 compatible). - Patches "locale"
 and "noec" port to new release. - French localization added.

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f5e8082..71e4422 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/README.update b/README.update
deleted file mode 100644
index cdf62b4..0000000
--- a/README.update
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-xca-0.6 uses a different database format. To convert the existing
-database, execute:
-1. Install 'db_dump' from the db4-utils package:
-   | yum install db4-utils
-2. Read /usr/share/xca/xca-2.html for further instructions
diff --git a/lastver b/lastver
index 6f4eebd..ac39a10 100644
--- a/lastver
+++ b/lastver
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 1f0025a..64ab1af 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-ca87fd1af19ea2d90ac5aca1c296dd21  xca-0.8.1.tar.gz
+ff6e23a0aac6a6d9d10b47d3f9856f1a  xca-0.9.0.tar.gz
+113ba37a89fe2de69338fcfe3b773a03  README.update
diff --git a/xca-0.6.4-includes.patch b/xca-0.6.4-includes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 34f86c3..0000000
--- a/xca-0.6.4-includes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Index: xca-0.7.0/lib/db.h
---- xca-0.7.0.orig/lib/db.h
-+++ xca-0.7.0/lib/db.h
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <qstring.h>
- #include <qfile.h>
-+#include <stdint.h>
- #define XCA_MAGIC 0xcadb1969
- #define NAMELEN 80
diff --git a/xca-0.6.4-openssl10.patch b/xca-0.6.4-openssl10.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ee2ee34..0000000
--- a/xca-0.6.4-openssl10.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-Index: xca-0.7.0/lib/pki_x509req.cpp
---- xca-0.7.0.orig/lib/pki_x509req.cpp
-+++ xca-0.7.0/lib/pki_x509req.cpp
-@@ -350,7 +350,11 @@ void pki_x509req::set_spki(NETSCAPE_SPKI
- void pki_x509req::load_spkac(const QString filename)
- {
-+#if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10000000L
- 	LHASH *parms=NULL;
- 	x509name subject;
- 	char *type,*buf;
diff --git a/xca-0.7.0-locale.patch b/xca-0.7.0-locale.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b701cc9..0000000
--- a/xca-0.7.0-locale.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-2007-03-17  Enrico Scholz  <enrico.scholz at>
-	* lib/main.c: use correct locale for the xca.qm file
-	* lib/main.c: [SECURITY] do not load qt.qm file from current
-	  directory
-Index: xca-0.7.0/lib/main.cpp
---- xca-0.7.0.orig/lib/main.cpp
-+++ xca-0.7.0/lib/main.cpp
-@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- #include <qtranslator.h>
- #include <qtextcodec.h>
- #include <qdir.h>
-+#include <Qt/qlocale.h>
- #include <qtranslator.h>
- #include "widgets/MainWindow.h"
- #include "lib/func.h"
-@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
- #else
- 	locale = QLocale::system().name();
- #endif
--	qtTr.load( QString( "qt_" ) + locale, "." );
-+	qtTr.load( QString( "qt_" ) + locale, XCA_DEFAULT_TRANSLATE);
- 	xcaTr.load( QString( "xca_" ) + locale, getPrefix() );
- 	a.installTranslator( &qtTr );
diff --git a/xca-0.8.0-noec.patch b/xca-0.8.0-noec.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e58fa2..0000000
--- a/xca-0.8.0-noec.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-Index: xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_evp.cpp
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/lib/pki_evp.cpp
-+++ xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_evp.cpp
-@@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ QString pki_evp::passHash = QString();
- QPixmap *pki_evp::icon[2]= { NULL, NULL };
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- EC_builtin_curve *pki_evp::curves = NULL;
- size_t pki_evp::num_curves = 0;
- unsigned char *pki_evp::curve_flags = NULL;
- void pki_evp::erasePasswd()
- {
-@@ -107,7 +109,9 @@ void pki_evp::generate(int bits, int typ
- {
- 	RSA *rsakey;
- 	DSA *dsakey;
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	EC_KEY *eckey;
- 	progress->setMinimum(0);
- 	progress->setMaximum(100);
-@@ -127,6 +131,7 @@ void pki_evp::generate(int bits, int typ
- 		if (dsakey)
- 			EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(key, dsakey);
- 		break;
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	case EVP_PKEY_EC:
- 		EC_GROUP *group = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid);
- 		if (!group)
-@@ -147,6 +152,7 @@ void pki_evp::generate(int bits, int typ
- 		EC_KEY_free(eckey);
- 		EC_GROUP_free(group);
- 		break;
- 	}
- 	openssl_error();
- 	encryptKey();
-@@ -190,8 +196,10 @@ static bool EVP_PKEY_isPrivKey(EVP_PKEY 
- 			return key->pkey.rsa->d ? true: false;
- 		case EVP_PKEY_DSA:
- 			return key->pkey.dsa->priv_key ? true: false;
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 		case EVP_PKEY_EC:
- 			return EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key-> ? true: false;
- 	}
- 	return false;
- }
-@@ -236,6 +244,7 @@ void pki_evp::fromPEM_BIO(BIO *bio, QStr
- 	openssl_error(name);
- }
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- static void search_ec_oid(EC_KEY *ec)
- {
- 	const EC_GROUP *ec_group = EC_KEY_get0_group(ec);
-@@ -260,6 +269,7 @@ static void search_ec_oid(EC_KEY *ec)
- 		}
- 	}
- }
- void pki_evp::fload(const QString fname)
- {
-@@ -301,8 +311,10 @@ void pki_evp::fload(const QString fname)
- 	}
- 	fclose(fp);
- 	if (pkey){
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 		if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_EC)
- 			search_ec_oid(pkey->;
- 		if (key)
- 			EVP_PKEY_free(key);
- 		key = pkey;
-@@ -680,7 +692,9 @@ const EVP_MD *pki_evp::getDefaultMD()
- 	switch (key->type) {
- 		case EVP_PKEY_RSA: md = EVP_sha1(); break;
- 		case EVP_PKEY_DSA: md = EVP_dss1(); break;
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 		case EVP_PKEY_EC:  md = EVP_ecdsa(); break;
- 		default: md = NULL; break;
- 	}
- 	return md;
-Index: xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_scard.cpp
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/lib/pki_scard.cpp
-+++ xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_scard.cpp
-@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ EVP_PKEY *pki_scard::load_pubkey(pkcs11 
- 		EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA(pkey, dsa);
- 		break;
- 	}
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	case CKK_EC: {
- 		EC_KEY *ec = EC_KEY_new();
-@@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ EVP_PKEY *pki_scard::load_pubkey(pkcs11 
- 		EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(pkey, ec);
- 		break;
- 	}
- 	default:
- 		throw errorEx(QString("Unsupported CKA_KEY_TYPE: %1\n").arg(keytype));
- 	}
-@@ -304,8 +306,10 @@ const EVP_MD *pki_scard::getDefaultMD()
- 		return EVP_sha1();
- 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_DSA_SHA1))
- 		return EVP_dss1();
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_ECDSA_SHA1))
- 		return EVP_ecdsa();
- 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS))
- 		return EVP_sha512();
- 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS))
-Index: xca-0.8.0/widgets/KeyDetail.cpp
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/widgets/KeyDetail.cpp
-+++ xca-0.8.0/widgets/KeyDetail.cpp
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ KeyDetail::KeyDetail(QWidget *parent)
- 	keyDesc->setReadOnly(true);
- }
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- static QString CurveComment(int nid)
- {
- 	for (size_t i=0; i<pki_evp::num_curves; i++) {
-@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ static QString CurveComment(int nid)
- 	}
- 	return QString();
- }
- void KeyDetail::setKey(pki_key *key)
- {
-@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ void KeyDetail::setKey(pki_key *key)
- 			keyPubEx->setText(key->subprime());
- 			keyModulus->setText(key->pubkey());
- 			break;
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 		case EVP_PKEY_EC:
- 			nid = key->ecParamNid();
- 			tlModulus->setText(tr("Public key"));
-@@ -84,6 +87,7 @@ void KeyDetail::setKey(pki_key *key)
- 			keyPubEx->setToolTip(CurveComment(nid));
- 			keyModulus->setText(key->ecPubKey());
- 			break;
- 		default:
- 			tlHeader->setText(tr("UNKNOWN Key"));
- 	}
-Index: xca-0.8.0/widgets/NewKey.cpp
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/widgets/NewKey.cpp
-+++ xca-0.8.0/widgets/NewKey.cpp
-@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ struct typelist {
- static const struct typelist typeList[] = {
- 	{ "RSA", EVP_PKEY_RSA },
- 	{ "DSA", EVP_PKEY_DSA },
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	{ "EC",  EVP_PKEY_EC  },
- };
- NewKey::NewKey(QWidget *parent, QString name)
-@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@ NewKey::NewKey(QWidget *parent, QString 
- 		keyType->addItem(QString(typeList[i].name));
- 	}
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	for (i = 0; i<pki_evp::num_curves; i++) {
- 		const char *desc = pki_evp::curves[i].comment;
- 		const char *sn = OBJ_nid2sn(pki_evp::curves[i].nid);
-@@ -65,6 +68,8 @@ NewKey::NewKey(QWidget *parent, QString 
- 	}
- 	curveBox->addItems(curve_x962);
- 	curveBox->addItems(curve_other);
- 	keyLength->setCurrentIndex(0);
- 	keyDesc->setFocus();
- }
-Index: xca-0.8.0/widgets/hashBox.cpp
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/widgets/hashBox.cpp
-+++ xca-0.8.0/widgets/hashBox.cpp
-@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ const EVP_MD *hashBox::currentHash()
- 	switch(key_type) {
- 	case EVP_PKEY_DSA:
- 		return EVP_dss1();
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	case EVP_PKEY_EC:
- 		return EVP_ecdsa();
- 	default:
- 		QString hash = currentText();
- 		for (unsigned i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(hashalgos); i++) {
-Index: xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_evp.h
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/lib/pki_evp.h
-+++ xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_evp.h
-@@ -40,9 +40,11 @@ class pki_evp: public pki_key
- 		static void setOldPasswd(const char *pass);
- 		static QString md5passwd(const char *pass);
- 		static QString sha512passwd(QString pass, QString salt);
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 		static EC_builtin_curve *curves;
- 		static size_t num_curves;
- 		static unsigned char *curve_flags;
- 		void generate(int bits, int type, QProgressBar *progress);
- 		void generate(int bits, int type, QProgressBar *progress,
-Index: xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_key.cpp
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/lib/pki_key.cpp
-+++ xca-0.8.0/lib/pki_key.cpp
-@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ QString pki_key::pubkey()
- 	return QString();
- }
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- int pki_key::ecParamNid()
- {
- 	if (key->type != EVP_PKEY_EC)
-@@ -160,6 +161,7 @@ QString pki_key::ecPubKey()
- 	}
- 	return pub;
- }
- bool pki_key::compare(pki_base *ref)
- {
-Index: xca-0.8.0/widgets/MainWindow.cpp
---- xca-0.8.0.orig/widgets/MainWindow.cpp
-+++ xca-0.8.0/widgets/MainWindow.cpp
-@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ static const int other_curve_nids[] = {
- static void init_curves()
- {
-+#ifndef DISABLE_EC
- 	pki_evp::num_curves = EC_get_builtin_curves(NULL, 0);
- 	pki_evp::curves = (EC_builtin_curve*)OPENSSL_malloc(
- 			(int)(sizeof(EC_builtin_curve) *pki_evp::num_curves));
-@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ static void init_curves()
- 			}
- 		}
- 	}
- }
- void MainWindow::load_engine()
diff --git a/xca-0.9.0-french.patch b/xca-0.9.0-french.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eaa0ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xca-0.9.0-french.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,3250 @@
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/lang/fr.po
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/lang/fr.po	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++	2011-02-25 17:08:33.620671679 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,3223 @@
++# Patrick Monnerat <pm at>, 2011.
++msgid ""
++msgstr ""
++"Project-Id-Version: xca 0.9.0\n"
++"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
++"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-24 07:29+0200\n"
++"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-25 16:20+0100\n"
++"Last-Translator: Patrick Monnerat <pm at>\n"
++"Language-Team: fr <LL at>\n"
++"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
++"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
++"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
++"X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.7.0\n"
++#: About#1
++msgid "Done"
++msgstr "OK"
++#: CaProperties#1
++msgid "CA Properties"
++msgstr "Propriétés du CA"
++#: CaProperties#2
++msgid "Use random Serial numbers"
++msgstr "Utiliser des numéros de série aléatoires"
++#: CaProperties#3
++msgid "Days until next CRL issuing"
++msgstr ""
++"Nombre de jours avant la génération de la prochaine liste de révocation"
++#: CaProperties#4
++msgid "Default template"
++msgstr "Modèle par défaut"
++#: CaProperties#5
++msgid "Next serial for signing"
++msgstr "Numéro de série suivant pour la signature"
++#: CertDetail#1
++msgid "Details of the Certificate"
++msgstr "Détails du Certificat"
++#: CertDetail#2
++msgid "S&tatus"
++msgstr "E&tat"
++#: CertDetail#3
++msgctxt "CertDetail#3"
++msgid "Serial"
++msgstr "Numéro de série"
++#: CertDetail#4
++msgid "The serial number of the certificate"
++msgstr "Le numéro de série du certificat"
++#: CertDetail#5
++msgid "The internal name of the certificate in the database"
++msgstr "Le nom interne du certificat dans la base de données"
++#: CertDetail#6
++msgctxt "CertDetail#6"
++msgid "Internal name"
++msgstr "Nom interne"
++#: CertDetail#7
++msgctxt "CertDetail#7"
++msgid "Signature algorithm"
++msgstr "Algorithme de signature"
++#: CertDetail#8
++msgctxt "CertDetail#8"
++msgid "Signature"
++msgstr "Signature"
++#: CertDetail#9
++msgctxt "CertDetail#9"
++msgid "Key"
++msgstr "Clé"
++#: CertDetail#10
++msgid "Fingerprints"
++msgstr "Empreinte"
++#: CertDetail#11
++msgid "SHA1"
++msgstr "SHA1"
++#: CertDetail#12
++msgid "MD5"
++msgstr "MD5"
++#: CertDetail#13
++msgid "A SHA-1 hashsum of the certificate"
++msgstr "La somme de hachage SHA-1 du certificat"
++#: CertDetail#14
++msgid "An md5 hashsum of the certificate"
++msgstr "La somme de hachage MD5 du certificat"
++#: CertDetail#15
++msgctxt "CertDetail#15"
++msgid "Validity"
++msgstr "Validité"
++#: CertDetail#16
++msgid "The time since the certificate is valid"
++msgstr "Le moment depuis lequel le certificat est valide"
++#: CertDetail#17
++msgid "The time until the certificate is valid"
++msgstr "Le moment auquel le certificat échoit"
++#: CertDetail#18
++msgid "&Subject"
++msgstr "&Sujet"
++#: CertDetail#19
++msgctxt "CertDetail#19"
++msgid "&Issuer"
++msgstr "&Emetteur"
++#: CertDetail#20
++msgid "Attributes"
++msgstr "Attributs"
++#: CertDetail#21
++msgctxt "CertDetail#21"
++msgid "&Extensions"
++msgstr "E&xtensions"
++#: CertDetail#22
++msgid "Show config"
++msgstr "Afficher la configuration"
++#: CertDetail#23
++msgid "Show extensions"
++msgstr "Afficher les extensions"
++#: CertDetail#24
++msgctxt "CertDetail#24"
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Non disponible"
++#: CertDetail#25
++msgid "Details of the certificate"
++msgstr "Détails du certificat"
++#: CertDetail#26
++msgid "Signer unknown"
++msgstr "Signataire inconnu"
++#: CertDetail#27
++msgid "Self signed"
++msgstr "Auto-signé"
++#: CertDetail#28
++msgctxt "CertDetail#28"
++msgid "Not trusted"
++msgstr "Pas sûr"
++#: CertDetail#29
++msgid "Trusted"
++msgstr "Sûr"
++#: CertDetail#30
++msgid "Revoked: "
++msgstr "Révoqués: "
++#: CertDetail#31
++msgid "Not valid"
++msgstr "Echu"
++#: CertDetail#32
++msgid "Valid"
++msgstr "Valide"
++#: CertDetail#33
++msgid "Details of the certificate signing request"
++msgstr "Détails de la requête de signature"
++#: CertExtend#1
++msgid "Certificate renewal"
++msgstr "Renouvellement du certificat"
++#: CertExtend#2
++msgid ""
++"This will create a new certificate as a copy of the old one with a new "
++"serial number and adjusted validity values."
++msgstr ""
++"Créer un nouveau certificat conforme à l'ancien, mais avec un nouveau numéro "
++"de série et les limites de validité ajustées."
++#: CertExtend#3
++msgctxt "CertExtend#3"
++msgid "Validity"
++msgstr "Validité"
++#: CertExtend#4
++msgctxt "CertExtend#4"
++msgid "Not before"
++msgstr "Pas avant"
++#: CertExtend#5
++msgctxt "CertExtend#5"
++msgid "Not after"
++msgstr "Pas après"
++#: CertExtend#6
++msgctxt "CertExtend#6"
++msgid "Time range"
++msgstr "Intervalle de temps"
++#: CertExtend#7
++msgctxt "CertExtend#7"
++msgid "No well-defined expiration"
++msgstr "Date d'expiration mal définie"
++#: CertExtend#8
++msgctxt "CertExtend#8"
++msgid "Apply"
++msgstr "Appliquer"
++#: CertExtend#9
++msgctxt "CertExtend#9"
++msgid "Days"
++msgstr "Jours"
++#: CertExtend#10
++msgctxt "CertExtend#10"
++msgid "Months"
++msgstr "Mois"
++#: CertExtend#11
++msgctxt "CertExtend#11"
++msgid "Years"
++msgstr "Années"
++#: CertExtend#12
++msgctxt "CertExtend#12"
++msgid "Midnight"
++msgstr "Minuit"
++#: CertExtend#13
++msgctxt "CertExtend#13"
++msgid ""
++"The certificate will be earlier valid than the signer. This is probably not "
++"what you want."
++msgstr ""
++"Le certificat serait valide avant son signataire. Ce n'est probablement pas "
++"ce qui est désiré."
++#: CertExtend#14
++msgid "Edit times"
++msgstr "Modifier les limites de validité"
++#: CertExtend#15
++msgctxt "CertExtend#15"
++msgid "Abort rollout"
++msgstr "Interrompre le déploiement"
++#: CertExtend#16
++msgctxt "CertExtend#16"
++msgid "Continue rollout"
++msgstr "Continuer le déploiement"
++#: CertExtend#17
++msgctxt "CertExtend#17"
++msgid "Adjust date and continue"
++msgstr "Ajuster la date et continuer"
++#: CertExtend#18
++msgctxt "CertExtend#18"
++msgid ""
++"The certificate will be longer valid than the signer. This is probably not "
++"what you want."
++msgstr ""
++"Le certificat serait valide plus longtemps que son signataire. Ce n'est "
++"probablement pas ce qui est désiré."
++#: CertView#1
++msgctxt "CertView#1"
++msgid "There was no key found for the Certificate: "
++msgstr "Aucune clé n'a été trouvée pour ce certificat: "
++#: CertView#2
++msgctxt "CertView#2"
++msgid "Import Certificate signing request"
++msgstr "Importer une requête de signature"
++#: ClickLabel#1
++msgid "Double click for details"
++msgstr "Double-cliquer pour afficher les détails"
++#: CrlDetail#1
++msgid "Details of the Revocation list"
++msgstr "Détails de la liste de révocation"
++#: CrlDetail#2
++msgid "&Status"
++msgstr "&Etat"
++#: CrlDetail#3
++msgid "Version"
++msgstr "Version"
++#: CrlDetail#4
++msgctxt "CrlDetail#4"
++msgid "Signature"
++msgstr "Signature"
++#: CrlDetail#5
++msgid "Signed by"
++msgstr "Signé par"
++#: CrlDetail#6
++msgctxt "CrlDetail#6"
++msgid "Name"
++msgstr "Nom"
++#: CrlDetail#7
++msgid "The internal name of the CRL in the database"
++msgstr "Le nom interne de la liste de révocation dans la base de données"
++#: CrlDetail#8
++msgid "issuing dates"
++msgstr "date d'émission"
++#: CrlDetail#9
++msgid "Next Update"
++msgstr "Prochaine mise-à-jour"
++#: CrlDetail#10
++msgid "Last Update"
++msgstr "Dernière mise-à-jour"
++#: CrlDetail#11
++msgctxt "CrlDetail#11"
++msgid "&Issuer"
++msgstr "&Emetteur"
++#: CrlDetail#12
++msgctxt "CrlDetail#12"
++msgid "&Extensions"
++msgstr "E&xtensions"
++#: CrlDetail#13
++msgid "&Revocation list"
++msgstr "Liste de &révocation"
++#: CrlDetail#14
++msgid "0"
++msgstr "0"
++#: CrlDetail#15
++msgctxt "CrlDetail#15"
++msgid "Serial"
++msgstr "Numéro de série"
++#: CrlDetail#16
++msgctxt "CrlDetail#16"
++msgid "Revocation"
++msgstr "Révocation"
++#: CrlDetail#17
++msgid "Reason"
++msgstr "Raison"
++#: CrlDetail#18
++msgid "Invalidation"
++msgstr "Invalidation"
++#: CrlDetail#19
++msgid "Failed"
++msgstr "Echoué"
++#: CrlDetail#20
++msgid "Unknown signer"
++msgstr "Signataire inconnu"
++#: CrlDetail#21
++msgid "Verification not possible"
++msgstr "Vérification impossible"
++#: CrlDetail#22
++msgid "Unknown certificate"
++msgstr "Certificat inconnu"
++#: ExportCert#1
++msgid "X509 Certificates ( *.cer *.crt *.p12 *.p7b);;All files ( * )"
++msgstr "Certificats X509 ( *.cer *.crt *.p12 *.p7b);;Tous les fichiers ( * )"
++#: ExportCert#2
++msgid ""
++"DER is a binary format of the Certificate\n"
++"PEM is a base64 encoded Certificate\n"
++"PKCS#7 is an official Certificate exchange format\n"
++"PKCS#12 is an encrypted official Key-Certificate exchange format\n"
++msgstr ""
++"DER est un format binaire de certificat\n"
++"PEM encode le certificat en base64\n"
++"PKCS#7 est un format officiel d'échange de certificat\n"
++"PKCS#12 est un format officiel encrypté d'échange de certificat et de clé\n"
++#: ExportCert#3
++msgid "Please enter the filename for the certificate."
++msgstr "SVP entrer le nom du fichier pour le certificat."
++#: ExportCert#4
++msgid "Certifikate export"
++msgstr "Exportation de certificat"
++#: ExportDer#1
++msgctxt "ExportDer#1"
++msgid "All files ( * )"
++msgstr "Tous les fichiers ( * )"
++#: ExportDer#2
++msgid ""
++"DER is a binary format\n"
++"PEM is a base64 encoded DER file\n"
++msgstr ""
++"DER est un format binaire\n"
++"PEM est un format encodé en base64\n"
++#: ExportDialog#1
++msgid "..."
++msgstr "..."
++#: ExportDialog#2
++msgid "Filename"
++msgstr "Nom du fichier"
++#: ExportDialog#3
++msgid "Please enter the filename"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le nom du fichier"
++#: ExportDialog#4
++msgid "Export Format"
++msgstr "Format d'exportation"
++#: ExportDialog#5
++msgid "The file: '%1' already exists!"
++msgstr "Le fichier '%1' existe déjà!"
++#: ExportDialog#6
++msgid "Overwrite"
++msgstr "Ecraser"
++#: ExportDialog#7
++msgid "Do not overwrite"
++msgstr "Ne pas écraser"
++#: ExportKey#1
++msgid "When exporting the private key it should be encrypted."
++msgstr "Il est conseillé d'encrypter la clé privée lors de son exportation."
++#: ExportKey#2
++msgid "When exporting the private part, it should be encrypted."
++msgstr "Il est conseillé d'encrypter la partie privée lors de son exportation."
++#: ExportKey#3
++msgid "E&xport the private part of the Key too"
++msgstr "E&xporter aussi la partie privée de la clé"
++#: ExportKey#4
++msgid "Export as PKCS#8"
++msgstr "Exporter en PKCS#8"
++#: ExportKey#5
++msgid "&Encrypt the Key with a password"
++msgstr "&Encrypter la clé avec un mot de passe"
++#: ExportKey#6
++msgid "Private keys ( *.pem *.der *.pk8 );;All files ( * )"
++msgstr "Clés privées ( *.pem *.der *.pk8 );;Tous les fichiers ( * )"
++#: ExportKey#7
++msgid ""
++"DER is a binary format of the key without encryption\n"
++"PEM is a base64 encoded key with optional encryption\n"
++"PKCS#8 is an encrypted official Key-exchange format"
++msgstr ""
++"DER est un format binaire de clé sans encryption\n"
++"PEM encode la clé en base64 avec une encryption facultative\n"
++"PKCS#8 est un format officiel d'échange de clé"
++#: ExportKey#8
++msgid "Please enter the filename for the key."
++msgstr "SVP saisir le nom du fichier pour la clé."
++#: ExportKey#9
++msgid "Public key export"
++msgstr "Exporter la clé publique"
++#: ExportKey#10
++msgid "Key export"
++msgstr "Exporter la clé"
++#: Help#1
++msgid "<<"
++msgstr "<<"
++#: Help#2
++msgid ">>"
++msgstr "<<"
++#: Help#3
++msgctxt "Help#3"
++msgid "&Done"
++msgstr "&OK"
++#: ImportMulti#1
++msgid "Import PKI Items"
++msgstr "Importer des objets PKI"
++#: ImportMulti#2
++msgid "Import &All"
++msgstr "Importer &tout"
++#: ImportMulti#3
++msgctxt "ImportMulti#3"
++msgid "&Import"
++msgstr "&Importer"
++#: ImportMulti#4
++msgctxt "ImportMulti#4"
++msgid "&Done"
++msgstr "&OK"
++#: ImportMulti#5
++msgid "&Remove"
++msgstr "&Enlever"
++#: ImportMulti#6
++msgid "Details"
++msgstr "Détails"
++#: ImportMulti#7
++msgid "Delete from token"
++msgstr "Enlever du jeton"
++#: ImportMulti#8
++msgid "Rename on token"
++msgstr "Renommer dans le jeton"
++#: ImportMulti#9
++msgid ""
++"Name: %1\n"
++"Model: %2\n"
++"Serial: %3"
++msgstr ""
++"Nom: %1\n"
++"Modèle: %2\n"
++"Numéro de série: %3"
++#: ImportMulti#10
++msgid "Manage security token"
++msgstr "Gérer les jetons de sécurité"
++#: ImportMulti#11
++msgid "The type of the Item '%1' is not recognized"
++msgstr "Le type de l'objet '%1' n'est pas reconnu"
++#: ImportMulti#12
++msgid "Details of the item '%1' cannot be shown"
++msgstr "Les détails de l'objet '%1' ne peuvent pas être affichés"
++#: ImportMulti#13
++msgid "The type of the item '%1' is not recognized"
++msgstr "Le type de l'objet '%1' n'est pas reconnu"
++#: ImportMulti#14
++msgid "The file '%1' did not contain PKI data"
++msgstr "Le fichier '%1' ne contient pas de données PKI"
++#: ImportMulti#15
++msgid "The %1 files: '%2' did not contain PKI data"
++msgstr "Les %1 fichiers: '%2' ne contiennent pas de données PKI"
++#: KeyDetail#1
++msgctxt "KeyDetail#1"
++msgid "Name"
++msgstr "Nom"
++#: KeyDetail#2
++msgid "The internal name of the key used by xca"
++msgstr "Le nom interne de la clé utilisé par xca"
++#: KeyDetail#3
++msgctxt "KeyDetail#3"
++msgid "Security token"
++msgstr "Jeton de sécurité"
++#: KeyDetail#4
++msgid "Manufacturer"
++msgstr "Fabricant"
++#: KeyDetail#5
++msgctxt "KeyDetail#5"
++msgid "Serial"
++msgstr "Numéro de série"
++#: KeyDetail#6
++msgctxt "KeyDetail#6"
++msgid "Key"
++msgstr "Clé"
++#: KeyDetail#7
++msgid "Public Exponent"
++msgstr "Exposant public"
++#: KeyDetail#8
++msgctxt "KeyDetail#8"
++msgid "Keysize"
++msgstr "Taille de la clé"
++#: KeyDetail#9
++msgid "Private Exponent"
++msgstr "Exposant privé"
++#: KeyDetail#10
++msgid "Modulus"
++msgstr "Modulo"
++#: KeyDetail#11
++msgid "Details of the %1 key"
++msgstr "Détails de la clé %1"
++#: KeyDetail#12
++msgctxt "KeyDetail#12"
++msgid "Not available"
++msgstr "Non disponible"
++#: KeyDetail#13
++msgid "Token"
++msgstr "Jeton"
++#: KeyDetail#14
++msgid "Security token ID:%1"
++msgstr "Identifiant de jeton de sécurité: %1"
++#: KeyDetail#15
++msgid "Available"
++msgstr "Disponible"
++#: KeyDetail#16
++msgid "Sub prime"
++msgstr "Sous-premier"
++#: KeyDetail#17
++msgid "Public key"
++msgstr "Clé publique"
++#: KeyDetail#18
++msgctxt "KeyDetail#18"
++msgid "Private key"
++msgstr "Clé privée"
++#: KeyDetail#19
++msgid "Curve name"
++msgstr "Nom de la courbe"
++#: KeyDetail#20
++msgid "Unknown key"
++msgstr "Clé inconnue"
++#: MainWindow#1
++msgid "Private Keys"
++msgstr "Clés privées"
++#: MainWindow#2
++msgid "&New Key"
++msgstr "&Nouvelle clé"
++#: MainWindow#3
++msgid "&Export"
++msgstr "&Exporter"
++#: MainWindow#4
++msgctxt "MainWindow#4"
++msgid "&Import"
++msgstr "&Importer"
++#: MainWindow#5
++msgid "Import PFX (PKCS#12)"
++msgstr "Importer en PFX (PKCS#12)"
++#: MainWindow#6
++msgid "&Show Details"
++msgstr "&Afficher les Détails"
++#: MainWindow#7
++msgid "&Delete"
++msgstr "&Détruire"
++#: MainWindow#8
++msgid "Certificate signing requests"
++msgstr "Requêtes de signature de certificat"
++#: MainWindow#9
++msgid "&New Request"
++msgstr "&Nouvelle requête"
++#: MainWindow#10
++msgid "Certificates"
++msgstr "Certificats"
++#: MainWindow#11
++msgid "&New Certificate"
++msgstr "&Nouveau Certificat"
++#: MainWindow#12
++msgid "Import &PKCS#12"
++msgstr "Importer en &PKCS#12"
++#: MainWindow#13
++msgid "Import P&KCS#7"
++msgstr "Importer en P&KCS#7"
++#: MainWindow#14
++msgctxt "MainWindow#14"
++msgid "Plain View"
++msgstr "Vue à plat"
++#: MainWindow#15
++msgid "Templates"
++msgstr "Modèles"
++#: MainWindow#16
++msgid "&New template"
++msgstr "&Nouveau modèle"
++#: MainWindow#17
++msgid "Ch&ange Template"
++msgstr "&Modifier le Modèle"
++#: MainWindow#18
++msgid "Revocation lists"
++msgstr "Listes de révocation"
++#: MainWindow#19
++msgid "Please enter the password to decrypt the private key: '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe pour décrypter la clé privée: '%1'"
++#: MainWindow#20
++msgid ""
++"Using or exporting private keys will not be possible without providing the "
++"correct password"
++msgstr ""
++"L'usage ou l'exportation de clés privées seront impossible sans fournir le "
++"mot de passe correct."
++#: MainWindow#21
++msgid "Database"
++msgstr "Base de donnée"
++#: MainWindow#22
++msgid "No deleted items found"
++msgstr "Aucun objet détruit n'a été trouvé"
++#: MainWindow#23
++msgid "&File"
++msgstr "&Fichier"
++#: MainWindow#24
++msgid "&New DataBase"
++msgstr "&Nouvelle base de données"
++#: MainWindow#25
++msgid "&Open DataBase"
++msgstr "&Ouvrir une base de données"
++#: MainWindow#26
++msgid "Generate DH parameter"
++msgstr "Générer le paramètre DH"
++#: MainWindow#27
++msgid "&Close DataBase"
++msgstr "&Fermer la base de données"
++#: MainWindow#28
++msgid "&Dump DataBase"
++msgstr "C&licher la base de données"
++#: MainWindow#29
++msgid "C&hange DataBase password"
++msgstr "C&hanger le mot de passe de la base de données"
++#: MainWindow#30
++msgid "&Import old db_dump"
++msgstr "&Importer un cliché de base de données en ancien format (db_dump)"
++#: MainWindow#31
++msgid "&Undelete items"
++msgstr "&Récupérer des objets détruits"
++#: MainWindow#32
++msgid "Options"
++msgstr "Options"
++#: MainWindow#33
++msgid "Exit"
++msgstr "Quitter"
++#: MainWindow#34
++msgid "I&mport"
++msgstr "I&mporter"
++#: MainWindow#35
++msgid "Keys"
++msgstr "Clés"
++#: MainWindow#36
++msgid "Requests"
++msgstr "Requêtes"
++#: MainWindow#37
++msgid "PKCS#12"
++msgstr "PKCS#12"
++#: MainWindow#38
++msgctxt "MainWindow#38"
++msgid "PKCS#7"
++msgstr "PKCS#7"
++#: MainWindow#39
++msgctxt "MainWindow#39"
++msgid "Template"
++msgstr "Modèle"
++#: MainWindow#40
++msgid "Revocation list"
++msgstr "Liste de révocation"
++#: MainWindow#41
++msgid "PEM file"
++msgstr "Fichier PEM"
++#: MainWindow#42
++msgid "paste PEM file"
++msgstr "Coller un fichier PEM"
++#: MainWindow#43
++msgid "&Token"
++msgstr "&Jeton"
++#: MainWindow#44
++msgid "&Manage Security token"
++msgstr "&Gérer le jeton de sécurité"
++#: MainWindow#45
++msgid "&Init Security token"
++msgstr "&Initialiser le jeton de sécurité"
++#: MainWindow#46
++msgid "&Change PIN"
++msgstr "&Changer le NIP"
++#: MainWindow#47
++msgid "Change &SO PIN"
++msgstr "Changer le P&UK"
++#: MainWindow#48
++msgid "Init PIN"
++msgstr "Initialiser le NIP"
++#: MainWindow#49
++msgid "&Help"
++msgstr "&Aide"
++#: MainWindow#50
++msgid "&Content"
++msgstr "&Contenu"
++#: MainWindow#51
++msgid "&About"
++msgstr "&A propos"
++#: MainWindow#52
++msgid "Donations"
++msgstr "Dons"
++#: MainWindow#53
++msgid "Database dump ( *.dump );;All files ( * )"
++msgstr "Cliché de base de données ( *.dump );;Tous les fichiers ( * )"
++#: MainWindow#54
++msgid "Import password"
++msgstr "Mot de passe d'importation"
++#: MainWindow#55
++msgid "Please enter the password of the old database"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe de l'ancienne base de données"
++#: MainWindow#56
++msgid "Password verification error. Ignore keys ?"
++msgstr "La vérification du mot de passe a écoué. Ignorer les clés ?"
++#: MainWindow#57
++msgid "Import anyway"
++msgstr "Importer quand-même"
++#: MainWindow#58
++msgctxt "MainWindow#58"
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr "Abandonner"
++#: MainWindow#59
++msgid "no such option: %1"
++msgstr "'%1' n'est pas une option"
++#: MainWindow#60
++msgid "Import PEM data"
++msgstr "Importer les données PEM"
++#: MainWindow#61
++msgid "Please enter the original SO PIN (PUK) of the token '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le PUK original du jeton '%1'"
++#: MainWindow#62
++msgid "Please enter the new SO PIN (PUK) of the token '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le nouveau PUK du jeton '%1'"
++#: MainWindow#63
++msgid "The new label of the token '%1'"
++msgstr "La nouvelle étiquette du jeton '%1'"
++#: MainWindow#64
++msgid "The token '%1' did not contain any keys or certificates"
++msgstr "Le jeton '%1' ne contient aucune clé ni aucun certificat"
++#: MainWindow#65
++msgid "New Password"
++msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe"
++#: MainWindow#66
++msgid ""
++"Please enter the new password to encrypt your private keys in the database-"
++msgstr ""
++"SVP saisir le nouveau mot de passe pour encrypter les clés privées dans le "
++"fichier de base de données"
++#: MainWindow#67
++msgid ""
++"Please enter a password, that will be used to encrypt your private keys in "
++"the database file: '%1'"
++msgstr ""
++"SVP saisir un mot de passe qui sera utilisé pour encrypter les clés privées "
++"dans le fichier de base de données: '%1'"
++#: MainWindow#68
++msgid "Password verify error, please try again"
++msgstr "La vérification du mot de passe a échoué. SVP essayez encore"
++#: MainWindow#69
++msgctxt "MainWindow#69"
++msgid "Password"
++msgstr "Mot de passe"
++#: MainWindow#70
++msgid "Please enter the password for unlocking the database: '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe pour débloquer la base de données: '%1'"
++#: MainWindow#71
++msgid ""
++"Hex password must only contain the characters '0' - '9' and 'a' - 'f' and it "
++"must consist of an even number of characters"
++msgstr ""
++"Un mot de passe hexadécimal peut seulement contenir les caractères '0' à '9' "
++"et 'a' à 'f' et il doit consister en un nombre pair de caractères"
++#: MainWindow#72
++msgid "Repeat %1"
++msgstr "Répéter %1"
++#: MainWindow#73
++msgid "%1 missmatch"
++msgstr "%1 ne correspond pas"
++#: MainWindow#74
++msgid "The following error occured:"
++msgstr "L'erreur suivante s'est produite:"
++#: MainWindow#75
++msgid "Copy to Clipboard"
++msgstr "Copier dans le presse-papier"
++#: MainWindow#76
++msgid "DH parameter bits"
++msgstr "Bits du paramètre DH"
++#: MainWindow#77
++msgctxt "MainWindow#77"
++msgid "Error opening file: '%1': %2"
++msgstr "Erreur à l'ouverture du fichier '%1': %2"
++#: NewCrl#1
++msgid "Create CRL"
++msgstr "Créer une liste de révocation"
++#: NewCrl#2
++msgid "Dates"
++msgstr "Dates"
++#: NewCrl#3
++msgid "last update"
++msgstr "dernière mise-à-jour"
++#: NewCrl#4
++msgid "next update"
++msgstr "prochaine mise-à-jour"
++#: NewCrl#5
++msgctxt "NewCrl#5"
++msgid "Days"
++msgstr "Jours"
++#: NewCrl#6
++msgctxt "NewCrl#6"
++msgid "Months"
++msgstr "Mois"
++#: NewCrl#7
++msgctxt "NewCrl#7"
++msgid "Years"
++msgstr "Années"
++#: NewCrl#8
++msgctxt "NewCrl#8"
++msgid "Midnight"
++msgstr "Minuit"
++#: NewCrl#9
++msgctxt "NewCrl#9"
++msgid "Apply"
++msgstr "Appliquer"
++#: NewCrl#10
++msgid "Hashing algorithm"
++msgstr "Algorithme de hachage"
++#: NewCrl#11
++msgctxt "NewCrl#11"
++msgid "Extensions"
++msgstr "Extensions"
++#: NewCrl#12
++msgid "Authority key identifier"
++msgstr "Identifiant de clé de l'autorité"
++#: NewCrl#13
++msgid "Subject alternative name"
++msgstr "Nom alternatif du sujet"
++#: NewCrl#14
++msgid "CRL Number"
++msgstr "Numéro de la liste de révocation"
++#: NewCrl#15
++msgid "Revokation reasons"
++msgstr "Raisons de la révocation"
++#: NewKey#1
++msgid "New key"
++msgstr "Nouvelle clé"
++#: NewKey#2
++msgid "Please give a name to the new key and select the desired keysize"
++msgstr ""
++"SVP donner un nom à la nouvelle clé et sélectionner la taille de clé désirée"
++#: NewKey#3
++msgid "Key properties"
++msgstr "Propriétés de la clé"
++#: NewKey#4
++msgctxt "NewKey#4"
++msgid "Name"
++msgstr "Nom"
++#: NewKey#5
++msgid "The internal name of the new key"
++msgstr "Le nom interne de la nouvelle clé"
++#: NewKey#6
++msgctxt "NewKey#6"
++msgid "New Key"
++msgstr "Nouvelle Clé"
++#: NewKey#7
++msgid "Curve"
++msgstr "Courbe"
++#: NewKey#8
++msgctxt "NewKey#8"
++msgid "Keysize"
++msgstr "Taille de la clé"
++#: NewKey#9
++msgid "Usually 1024 or 2048 bit keys are used"
++msgstr "1024 et 2048 bits sont les tailles de clé les plus usitées"
++#: NewKey#10
++msgid "Keytype"
++msgstr "Type de clé"
++#: NewKey#11
++msgctxt "NewKey#11"
++msgid "Create"
++msgstr "Créer"
++#: NewX509#1
++msgctxt "NewX509#1"
++msgid "Create"
++msgstr "Créer"
++#: NewX509#2
++msgid "Source"
++msgstr "Source"
++#: NewX509#3
++msgid "Signing request"
++msgstr "Requête de signature"
++#: NewX509#4
++msgid ""
++"A certificate signing request can be signed, even if the private key of the "
++"request is not available. This is the intention of a CSR:\n"
++"Getting signed by a CA certificate, whoes certificate of course must be in "
++"the database\n"
++"Of course you need the private key of the CSR if you want to create a self-"
++"signed cert from it."
++msgstr ""
++"Un requête de signature de certificat peut être signée même si la clé privée "
++"de la requête n'est pas disponible. C'est l'intention\n"
++"d'une requête de signature: être signée par un certificat d'autorité (CA) "
++"qui lui bien-sûr, doit être dans la base de donnée.\n"
++"Par contre, la clé privée d'une requête est nécessaire pour créer un "
++"certificat auto-signé à partir de celle-ci."
++#: NewX509#5
++msgid "Show request"
++msgstr "Afficher la requête"
++#: NewX509#6
++msgid "Sign this Certificate signing &request"
++msgstr "Signer cette &requête"
++#: NewX509#7
++msgid "Copy extensions from the request"
++msgstr "Copier les extensions de la requête"
++#: NewX509#8
++msgid "Modify subject of the request"
++msgstr "Modifier le sujet de la requête"
++#: NewX509#9
++msgid "Signing"
++msgstr "Signer"
++#: NewX509#10
++msgid "Create a &self signed certificate with the serial"
++msgstr "Créer un certificat auto-&signé avec le numéro de série"
++#: NewX509#11
++msgid "If you leave this blank the serial 00 will be used"
++msgstr "Si ce champ est laissé vide, le numéro de série 00 sera utilisé"
++#: NewX509#12
++msgid "1"
++msgstr "1"
++#: NewX509#13
++msgid "Use &this Certificate for signing"
++msgstr "Utiliser &ce certificat pour signer"
++#: NewX509#14
++msgid "All certificates in your database that can create valid signatures"
++msgstr ""
++"Tous les certificats dans la base de données qui peuvent produire des "
++"signatures valables"
++#: NewX509#15
++msgid ""
++"This list contains all certificates with the CA-flag set to true and whoes "
++"private key is present in the key-database.\n"
++"If this list is disabled, you only can create a self-signed certificate."
++msgstr ""
++"Cette liste contient tous les certificats qui ont le drapeau CA levé et dont "
++"la clé privée est présente dans la base de données.\n"
++"Si cette liste est désactivée, seule la création d'un certificat auto-signé "
++"est possible."
++#: NewX509#16
++msgctxt "NewX509#16"
++msgid "Signature algorithm"
++msgstr "Algorithme de signature"
++#: NewX509#17
++msgid "Template for the new certificate"
++msgstr "Modèle pour le nouveau certificat"
++#: NewX509#18
++msgid "All available templates"
++msgstr "Tous les modèles disponibles"
++#: NewX509#19
++msgid "This list contains all templates from the toplevel template Tab"
++msgstr "Cette liste contient tous les modèles de l'onglet 'Modèles'"
++#: NewX509#20
++msgid "Apply extensions"
++msgstr "Appliquer les extensions"
++#: NewX509#21
++msgid "Apply subject"
++msgstr "Appliquer le sujet"
++#: NewX509#22
++msgid "Apply all"
++msgstr "Appliquer tout"
++#: NewX509#23
++msgctxt "NewX509#23"
++msgid "Subject"
++msgstr "Sujet"
++#: NewX509#24
++msgid "Organisation"
++msgstr "Organisation"
++#: NewX509#25
++msgid ""
++"This name is only used internally and does not appear in the resulting "
++msgstr ""
++"Ce nom est seulement utilisé par xca et n'apparaît pas dans le certificat "
++#: NewX509#26
++msgid "Must be exactly 2 letter of size (DE, UK)"
++msgstr "Doit contenir exactement deux lettres [FR, UK]"
++#: NewX509#27
++msgid "Country code"
++msgstr "Code du pays"
++#: NewX509#28
++msgid "State or Province"
++msgstr "Etat ou Province"
++#: NewX509#29
++msgid "Locality"
++msgstr "Ville"
++#: NewX509#30
++msgid "Organisational unit"
++msgstr "Unité organisationnlle"
++#: NewX509#31
++msgid "E-Mail address"
++msgstr "Adresse de courriel"
++#: NewX509#32
++msgctxt "NewX509#32"
++msgid "Internal name"
++msgstr "Nom interne"
++#: NewX509#33
++msgid "Common name"
++msgstr "Nom commun"
++#: NewX509#34
++msgctxt "NewX509#34"
++msgid "Add"
++msgstr "Ajouter"
++#: NewX509#35
++msgctxt "NewX509#35"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Enlever"
++#: NewX509#36
++msgctxt "NewX509#36"
++msgid "Private key"
++msgstr "Clé privée"
++#: NewX509#37
++msgid "This list only contains unused keys"
++msgstr "Cette liste ne contient que les clés inutilisées"
++#: NewX509#38
++msgid "Used keys too"
++msgstr "Inclure les clés utilisées"
++#: NewX509#39
++msgid "&Generate a new key"
++msgstr "&Générer une nouvelle clé"
++#: NewX509#40
++msgctxt "NewX509#40"
++msgid "Extensions"
++msgstr "Extensions"
++#: NewX509#41
++msgid "Basic constraints"
++msgstr "Contraintes basiques"
++#: NewX509#42
++msgctxt "NewX509#42"
++msgid "Type"
++msgstr "Type"
++#: NewX509#43
++msgid "If this will become a CA certificate or not"
++msgstr "Si un certificat d'autorité (CA) est en train d'être créé ou non"
++#: NewX509#44
++msgid ""
++"Set this to TRUE if you want to create a CA certificate that signs other "
++"This is always set to FALSE for client or server certificates. In most cases "
++"self-signed certificates are CA certificates.\n"
++"Self-signed non-CA certificates are unusual although they are possible."
++msgstr ""
++"Sélectionner \"VRAI\" si vous voulez créer un certificat d'autorité (CA) qui "
++"peut signer d'autres certificats.\n"
++"\"FAUX\" doit toujours être séléectionné pour des certificats de clients ou "
++"de serveurs. Dans la plupart des cas,\n"
++"les certificats auto-signés sont des certificats d'autorité: bien que "
++"possibles, les certificats auto-signés non-CA sont rares."
++#: NewX509#45
++msgid "Not defined"
++msgstr "Non défini"
++#: NewX509#46
++msgid "Certification Authority"
++msgstr "Autorité de Certification"
++#: NewX509#47
++msgid "End Entity"
++msgstr "Entité Finale"
++#: NewX509#48
++msgid "Path length"
++msgstr "Distance aux feuilles"
++#: NewX509#49
++msgid "How much CAs may be below this."
++msgstr ""
++"Combien de niveau de sous-CA peuvent apparaître jusqu'à une entité finale."
++#: NewX509#50
++msgid ""
++"If this is left empty the pathlen is not included in the certificate. "
++"Otherwise it distinguishes the count of chained CA certificates below this "
++"A pathlen of 0 means, that this certificate may not issue other sub-CA "
++"certificates. Although it can do it, all chain-checking algorithms in e.g. "
++"your browser or openssl will (should) fail."
++msgstr ""
++"Si ce champ est laissé vide, la distance aux peuilles n'est pas incluse dans "
++"le certificat. Sinon il limite le nombre de sous-CA en dessous de celui-ci.\n"
++"Une distance aux feuilles de 0 signifie que ce certificat ne peut pas signer "
++"de sous-CA. Bien qu'il puisse effectivement le faire, tous les algorithme de "
++"vérification de\n"
++"chaînage des certificats (p.ex: dans votre navigateur ou openssl) les "
++#: NewX509#51
++msgid "The basic constraints should always be critical"
++msgstr "Les contraintes basiques doivent toujours être critiques"
++#: NewX509#52
++msgid "Key identifier"
++msgstr "Identifiant de clé"
++#: NewX509#53
++msgid "Creates a hash of the key following the PKIX guidelines"
++msgstr "Crée un hachage de la clé conformément aux directives PKIX"
++#: NewX509#54
++msgid "Copy the Subject Key Identifier from the issuer"
++msgstr "Copie l'identifiant de clé du sujet du signataire"
++#: NewX509#55
++msgid ""
++"If this box is checked an attempt is made to copy the subject key identifier "
++"from the signing certificate.\n"
++"It also copies the issuer and serial number from the issuer certificate. "
++"Normally this will only be done if the keyid option fails."
++msgstr ""
++"Quand cette case est cochée, l'identifiant de clé est copiée du certificat "
++"L'emetteur et le numéro de série du certificat signataire sont aussi copiés: "
++"normalement cette copie n'est effectuée que si la copie de l'identifiant de "
++"clé échoue."
++#: NewX509#56
++msgctxt "NewX509#56"
++msgid "Validity"
++msgstr "Validité"
++#: NewX509#57
++msgctxt "NewX509#57"
++msgid "Not before"
++msgstr "Pas avant"
++#: NewX509#58
++msgctxt "NewX509#58"
++msgid "Not after"
++msgstr "Pas après"
++#: NewX509#59
++msgctxt "NewX509#59"
++msgid "Time range"
++msgstr "Intervalle de temps"
++#: NewX509#60
++msgctxt "NewX509#60"
++msgid "Days"
++msgstr "Jours"
++#: NewX509#61
++msgctxt "NewX509#61"
++msgid "Months"
++msgstr "Mois"
++#: NewX509#62
++msgctxt "NewX509#62"
++msgid "Years"
++msgstr "Années"
++#: NewX509#63
++msgctxt "NewX509#63"
++msgid "Apply"
++msgstr "Appliquer"
++#: NewX509#64
++msgid "Set the time to 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 respectively"
++msgstr "Définir les heures à 00:00:00 et 23:59:59 respectivement"
++#: NewX509#65
++msgctxt "NewX509#65"
++msgid "Midnight"
++msgstr "Minuit"
++#: NewX509#66
++msgctxt "NewX509#66"
++msgid "No well-defined expiration"
++msgstr "Date d'expiration mal définie"
++#: NewX509#67
++msgid "Authority Info Access"
++msgstr "Accès à l'information de l'autorité"
++#: NewX509#68
++msgid "CRL distribution point"
++msgstr "Point de distribution de la liste de révocation"
++#: NewX509#69
++msgid "issuer alternative name"
++msgstr "Nom alternatif du signataire"
++#: NewX509#70
++msgid "URI:"
++msgstr "URI:"
++#: NewX509#71
++msgid ""
++"This is a multi-valued extension that supports all the literal options of "
++"subject alternative name. Of the few software packages that currentlyi "
++"nterpret this extension most only interpret the URI option.\n"
++"Currently each option will set a new DistributionPoint with the fullName "
++"field set to the given value.\n"
++"Other fields like cRLissuer and reasons cannot currently be set or "
++"displayed: at this time no examples were available that used these fields.\n"
++"If you see this extension with <UNSUPPORTED> when you attempt to print it "
++"out or it doesn't appear to display correctly then let steve know, including "
++"the certificate (mail steve at openssl dot org) .\n"
++"URI:, URI:"
++msgstr ""
++"Cette extension est un agrégat de toutes les options littérales du nom "
++"alternatif du sujet. Parmi les quelques logiciels qui utilisent cette "
++"extension aujourd'hui, la plupart ne traitent uniquement l'option URI.\n"
++"Chaque option introduit un nouveau point de distribution qualifié par son "
++"nom complet.\n"
++"Pour l'instant, les autres champs comme 'CRLissuer' et 'reasons' ne peuvent "
++"pas être saisis ou affichés. Aucun exemple utilisant ces champs n'est "
++"disponible aujourd'hui.\n"
++"Si cette extension apparaît comme <UNSUPPORTED> ou si le contenu ne semble "
++"pas affiché correctement, faites-le savoir a Steve (courriel: steve arobase "
++"openssl point org).\n"
++"URI:, URI:"
++#: NewX509#72
++msgid "can be altered by the file \"aia.txt\""
++msgstr "peut être altéré par le fichier \"aia.txt\""
++#: NewX509#73
++msgid "Edit"
++msgstr "Modifier"
++#: NewX509#74
++msgid "DNS: IP: URI: email: RID:"
++msgstr "DNS: IP: URI: email: RID:"
++#: NewX509#75
++msgid ""
++"The authority information access extension gives details about how to access "
++"certain information relating to the CA. Its syntax is accessOID;location "
++"where 'location' has the same syntax as subject alternative name (except "
++"that email:copy is not supported). accessOID can be any valid OID but only "
++"certain values are meaningful for example OCSP and caIssuers. OCSP gives the "
++"location of an OCSP responder: this is used by Netscape PSM and other "
++msgstr ""
++"L'extension d'accès à l'information de l'autorité indique comment accéder à "
++"certaines informations concernant le certificat d'autorité. La syntaxe est "
++"accèsOID;emplacement où 'emplacement` à la même syntaxe que le nom "
++"alternatif du sujet (à part 'email:copy\" qui n'est pas supporté). N'importe "
++"quel OID valide peut être spécifié pour  accèsOID, mais seules certaines "
++"valeurs ont un sens, par exemple OCSP et caIssuers. OCSP renseigne sur "
++"l'emplacement d'un répondeur OCSP; ceci est untilisé par les navigateurs Web "
++"et d'autres logiciels.\n"
++#: NewX509#76
++msgid ""
++"The subject alternative name extension allows various literal values to be "
++"used. These include \"email\" (an email address) , \"URI\" a uniform "
++"resource indicator, \"DNS\" (a DNS domain name) , RID (a registered ID: "
++"OBJECT IDENTIFIER) and IP (an IP address).\n"
++"email:my at other.address, IP: , URI:\n"
++"email:my at other.address, RID:, DNS: ns.server.tld"
++msgstr ""
++"Cette extension contient le nom alternatif du sujet et permet de regrouper "
++"plusieurs valeurs littérales. Celles-ci comprennent \"email\" (un adresse de "
++"courriel), \"URI\" (un indicateur uniforme de ressource), \"DNS\" (un nom de "
++"domaine), \"RID\" (un identifiant d'objet enregistré) et \"IP\" (une adresse "
++"email:mon at autre.adresse, IP: , URI:http://mon.url.ici/\n"
++"email:mon at autre.adresse, RID:, DNS:"
++#: NewX509#77
++msgid "subject alternative name"
++msgstr "nom alternatif du sujet"
++#: NewX509#78
++msgid ""
++"The issuer alternative name extension allows various literal values to be "
++"used. These include \"email\" (an email address) , \"URI\" a uniform "
++"resource indicator, \"DNS\" (a DNS domain name), RID (a registered ID: "
++"OBJECT IDENTIFIER) and IP (an IP address).\n"
++"email:my at other.address, IP: , URI:\n"
++"email:my at other.address, RID:, DNS: ns.server.tld"
++msgstr ""
++"Cette extension contient le nom alternatif du signataire et permet de "
++"regrouper plusieurs valeurs littérales. Celles-ci comprennent \"email\" (un "
++"adresse de courriel), \"URI\" (un indicateur uniforme de ressource), \"DNS"
++"\" (un nom de domaine), \"RID\" (un identifiant d'objet enregistré) et \"IP"
++"\" (une adresse IP).\n"
++"email:mon at autre.adresse, IP: , URI:http://mon.url.ici/\n"
++"email:mon at autre.adresse, RID:, DNS:"
++#: NewX509#79
++msgid "Key usage"
++msgstr "Utilisation de la clé"
++#: NewX509#80
++msgid "Extended key usage"
++msgstr "Utilisation étendue de la clé"
++#: NewX509#81
++msgid "Netscape"
++msgstr "Netscape"
++#: NewX509#82
++msgid "CA Revocation URL"
++msgstr "URL de révocation du certificat CA"
++#: NewX509#83
++msgid "Revocation URL"
++msgstr "URL de révocation"
++#: NewX509#84
++msgid "SSL server name"
++msgstr "Nom du serveur SSL"
++#: NewX509#85
++msgid "Certificate renewal URL"
++msgstr "URL de renouvellement de certificat"
++#: NewX509#86
++msgid "Comment"
++msgstr "Commentaire"
++#: NewX509#87
++msgid "CA policy URL"
++msgstr "URL des conditions générales du CA"
++#: NewX509#88
++msgid "Base URL"
++msgstr "URL de base"
++#: NewX509#89
++msgid "If you know a more pretty one tell me"
++msgstr "Si vous en connaissez un plus joli, faites-le moi savoir"
++#: NewX509#90
++msgid "Advanced"
++msgstr "Avancé"
++#: NewX509#91
++msgctxt "NewX509#91"
++msgid "Validate"
++msgstr "Valider"
++#: NewX509#92
++msgid "Create a &self signed certificate with a MD5-hashed QA serial"
++msgstr ""
++"Créer un certificat auto-&signé avec un numéro de série QA basé sur MD5"
++#: NewX509#93
++msgid "Create Certificate signing request"
++msgstr "Créer une requête de signature de certificat"
++#: NewX509#94
++msgid "minimum size: %1"
++msgstr "taille minimale: %1"
++#: NewX509#95
++msgid "maximum size: %1"
++msgstr "taille maximale: %1"
++#: NewX509#96
++msgid "only a-z A-Z 0-9 '()+,-./:=?"
++msgstr "seulement a-z A-Z 0-9 '()+,-./:=?"
++#: NewX509#97
++msgid "only 7-bit clean characters"
++msgstr "seulement des caractères 7-bit ASCII imprimables"
++#: NewX509#98
++msgid "XCA template"
++msgstr "modèle XCA"
++#: NewX509#99
++msgid "Create x509 Certificate"
++msgstr "Créer un certificat x509"
++#: NewX509#100
++msgid "From PKCS#10 request"
++msgstr "A partir d'une requête en PKCS#10"
++#: NewX509#101
++msgid "Other Tabs"
++msgstr "Autres Onglets"
++#: NewX509#102
++msgid "Advanced Tab"
++msgstr "Onglet Avancé"
++#: NewX509#103
++msgid "Errors"
++msgstr "Erreurs"
++#: NewX509#104
++msgctxt "NewX509#104"
++msgid "Abort rollout"
++msgstr "Interrompre le déploiement"
++#: NewX509#105
++msgid "The following length restrictions of RFC3280 are violated:"
++msgstr ""
++"Pour être en conformité avec la RFC3280, les règles de restriction de "
++"longueur suivantes ne sont pas respectées:"
++#: NewX509#106
++msgid "Edit subject"
++msgstr "Modifier le sujet"
++#: NewX509#107
++msgctxt "NewX509#107"
++msgid "Continue rollout"
++msgstr "Continuer le déploiement"
++#: NewX509#108
++msgid ""
++"The verification of the Certificate request failed.\n"
++"The rollout should be aborted."
++msgstr ""
++"La vérification de la requête de signature à échoué.\n"
++"Le déploiement devrait être interrompu."
++#: NewX509#109
++msgid "Continue anyway"
++msgstr "Continuer quand-même"
++#: NewX509#110
++msgid ""
++"The internal name and the common name are empty.\n"
++"Please set at least the internal name."
++msgstr ""
++"Le nom interne et le nom commun sont vides.\n"
++"SVP saisir au moins le nom interne."
++#: NewX509#111
++msgid "Edit name"
++msgstr "Modifier le nom"
++#: NewX509#112
++msgid "There is no Key selected for signing."
++msgstr "Aucune clé n'est sélectionnée pour la signature."
++#: NewX509#113
++msgid "Select key"
++msgstr "Sélectionner la clé"
++#: NewX509#114
++msgid ""
++"The following distinguished name entries are empty:\n"
++"though you have declared them as mandatory in the options menu."
++msgstr ""
++"Les indications de nom distinctif suivantes sont vides:\n"
++"bien que vous les avez déclarées comme obligatoires dans le menu des options."
++#: NewX509#115
++msgctxt "NewX509#115"
++msgid "The key you selected for signing is not a private one."
++msgstr "La clé sélectionnée pour la signature n'est pas une clé privée."
++#: NewX509#116
++msgid "Select other signer"
++msgstr "Sélectionner un autre signataire"
++#: NewX509#117
++msgid "Select other key"
++msgstr "Sélectionner une autre clé"
++#: NewX509#118
++msgctxt "NewX509#118"
++msgid ""
++"The certificate will be earlier valid than the signer. This is probably not "
++"what you want."
++msgstr ""
++"Le certificat serait valide avant son signataire. Ce n'est probablement pas "
++"ce qui est désiré."
++#: NewX509#119
++msgid "Edit dates"
++msgstr "Modifier les limites de validité"
++#: NewX509#120
++msgctxt "NewX509#120"
++msgid "Adjust date and continue"
++msgstr "Ajuster la date et continuer"
++#: NewX509#121
++msgctxt "NewX509#121"
++msgid ""
++"The certificate will be longer valid than the signer. This is probably not "
++"what you want."
++msgstr ""
++"Le certificat serait valide plus longtemps que son signataire. Ce n'est "
++"probablement pas ce qui est désiré."
++#: NewX509#122
++msgid ""
++"The certificate will be out of date before it becomes valid. You most "
++"probably mixed up both dates."
++msgstr ""
++"Le certificat serait échu avant de devenir actif. Vous avez probablement "
++"interverti les deux dates."
++#: NewX509#123
++msgid ""
++"The certificate contains duplicated extensions. Check the validation on the "
++"advanced tab."
++msgstr ""
++"Le certificat contient des extensions dupliquées. Valider et vérifier sur "
++"l'onglet \"Avancé\"."
++#: NewX509#124
++msgid "Edit extensions"
++msgstr "Modifier les extensions"
++#: NewX509#125
++msgid "Configfile error on line %1\n"
++msgstr "Erreur dans le fichier de configuration à la ligne %1\n"
++#: Options#1
++msgid "XCA Options"
++msgstr "Options de XCA"
++#: Options#2
++msgid "Mandatory subject entries"
++msgstr "Inscriptions du sujet obligatoires"
++#: Options#3
++msgctxt "Options#3"
++msgid "Add"
++msgstr "Ajouter"
++#: Options#4
++msgctxt "Options#4"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Détruire"
++#: Options#5
++msgid "Default hash algorithm"
++msgstr "Algorithme de hachage par défaut"
++#: Options#6
++msgid "String types"
++msgstr "Types de chaînes"
++#: Options#7
++msgid "PKCS#11 provider"
++msgstr "Fournisseur PKCS#11"
++#: Options#8
++msgid "Remove"
++msgstr "Enlever"
++#: Options#9
++msgid "Printable string or UTF8 (default)"
++msgstr "Chaîne imprimable ou UTF8 (défaut)"
++#: Options#10
++msgid "PKIX recommendation in RFC2459"
++msgstr "La recommandation PKIX est dans la RFC2459"
++#: Options#11
++msgid "No BMP strings, only printable and T61"
++msgstr "Pas de chaîne BMP, seulement imprimable et T61"
++#: Options#12
++msgid "UTF8 strings only (RFC2459)"
++msgstr "Chaînes UTF8 uniquement (RFC2459)"
++#: Options#13
++msgid "All strings"
++msgstr "Toutes les chaînes"
++#: Options#14
++msgid "Load failed"
++msgstr "Le chargement a échoué"
++#: PassRead#1
++msgctxt "PassRead#1"
++msgid "Password"
++msgstr "Mot de passe"
++#: PassRead#2
++msgctxt "PassRead#2"
++msgid ""
++"The password is parsed as 2-digit hex code. It must have an equal number of "
++"digits (0-9 and a-f)"
++msgstr ""
++"Le mot de passe contient des codes hexadécimaux à deux chiffres. Il doit "
++"donc consiter en un nombre pair de chiffres (0-9 et a-f)"
++#: PassRead#3
++msgctxt "PassRead#3"
++msgid "Take as HEX string"
++msgstr "Comprendre comme chaîne hexadécimale"
++#: PassWrite#1
++msgctxt "PassWrite#1"
++msgid "Password"
++msgstr "Mot de passe"
++#: PassWrite#2
++msgctxt "PassWrite#2"
++msgid ""
++"The password is parsed as 2-digit hex code. It must have an equal number of "
++"digits (0-9 and a-f)"
++msgstr ""
++"Le mot de passe contient des codes hexadécimaux à deux chiffres. Il doit "
++"donc consiter en un nombre pair de chiffres (0-9 et a-f)"
++#: PassWrite#3
++msgctxt "PassWrite#3"
++msgid "Take as HEX string"
++msgstr "Comprendre comme chaîne hexadécimale"
++#: QObject#1
++msgid "Undefined"
++msgstr "Indéfini"
++#: QObject#2
++msgid "DB: Rename: '%1' already in use"
++msgstr "DB: Renommer: '%1' déjà en utilisation"
++#: QObject#3
++msgid "DB: Entry to rename not found: %1"
++msgstr "DB: l'inscription à renommer n'a pas été trouvée: '%1'"
++#: QObject#4
++msgid "DB: Write error %1 - %2"
++msgstr "DB: Erreur d'écriture %1 - %2"
++#: QObject#5
++msgid "Out of data"
++msgstr "A court de données"
++#: QObject#6
++msgid "Error finding endmarker of string"
++msgstr "Erreur: une marque de fin de chaîne n'a pas été trouvée"
++#: QObject#7
++msgid "Out of Memory at %1:%2"
++msgstr "A court de mémoire à %1:%2"
++#: QObject#8
++msgctxt "QObject#8"
++msgid "All files ( * )"
++msgstr "Tous les fichiers ( * )"
++#: QObject#9
++msgid "PKI Keys ( *.pem *.der *.key );;PKCS#8 Keys ( *.p8 *.pk8 );;"
++msgstr "Clés PKI ( *.pem *.der *.key );;Clés PKCS#8 ( *.p8 *.pk8 );;"
++#: QObject#10
++msgid "Import RSA key"
++msgstr "Importer une clé RSA"
++#: QObject#11
++msgid "PKCS#10 CSR ( *.pem *.der *.csr );;Netscape Request ( *.spkac *.spc );;"
++msgstr ""
++"Requête PKCS#10 ( *.pem *.der *.csr );;Requête Netscape ( *.spkac *.spc );;"
++#: QObject#12
++msgid "Import Request"
++msgstr "Importer une requête"
++#: QObject#13
++msgid "Certificates ( *.pem *.der *.crt *.cer );;"
++msgstr "Certificats ( *.pem *.der *.crt *.cer );;"
++#: QObject#14
++msgid "Import X.509 Certificate"
++msgstr "Importer un certificat X.509"
++#: QObject#15
++msgid "PKCS#7 data ( *.p7s *.p7m *.p7b );;"
++msgstr "Données PKCS#7 ( *.p7s *.p7m *.p7b );;"
++#: QObject#16
++msgid "Import PKCS#7 Certificates"
++msgstr "Importer un certificat PKCS#7"
++#: QObject#17
++msgid "PKCS#12 Certificates ( *.p12 *.pfx );;"
++msgstr "Certificats PKCS#12 ( *.p12 *.pfx );;"
++#: QObject#18
++msgid "Import PKCS#12 Private Certificate"
++msgstr "Importer un certificat privé PKCS#12"
++#: QObject#19
++msgid "XCA templates ( *.xca );;"
++msgstr "Modèles XCA ( *.xca );;"
++#: QObject#20
++msgid "Import XCA Templates"
++msgstr "Importer des modèles XCA"
++#: QObject#21
++msgid "Revocation lists ( *.pem *.der *.crl );;"
++msgstr "Listes de révocation ( *.pem *.der *.crl );;"
++#: QObject#22
++msgid "Import Certificate Revocation List"
++msgstr "Importer une liste de révocation de certificats"
++#: QObject#23
++msgid "XCA Databases ( *.xdb );;"
++msgstr "Bases de données XCA ( *.xdb );;"
++#: QObject#24
++msgid "Open XCA Database"
++msgstr "Ouvrir une Base de Données XCA"
++#: QObject#25
++msgid "PKCS#11 library ( *.dll );;"
++msgstr "Bibliothèque PKCS#11 ( *.dll );;"
++#: QObject#26
++msgid "PKCS#11 library ( *.dylib *.so );;"
++msgstr "Bibliothèque PKCS#11 ( *.dylib *.so );;"
++#: QObject#27
++msgid "PKCS#11 library ( *.so );;"
++msgstr "Bibliothèque PKCS#11 ( *.so );;"
++#: QObject#28
++msgid "Open PKCS#11 shared library"
++msgstr "Ouvrir une bibliothèque partagée PKCS#11"
++#: QObject#29
++msgid "PEM files ( *.pem );;"
++msgstr "Fichiers PEM ( *.pem );;"
++#: QObject#30
++msgid "Load PEM encoded file"
++msgstr "Charger un fichier encodé en PEM"
++#: QObject#31
++msgid "Please enter the SO PIN (PUK) of the token %1"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le PUK du jeton '%1'"
++#: QObject#32
++msgid "Please enter the PIN of the token %1"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le NIP du jeton '%1'"
++#: QObject#33
++msgid "No Security token found"
++msgstr "Aucun jeton de sécurité trouvé"
++#: QObject#34
++msgid "Select"
++msgstr "Sélectionner"
++#: QObject#35
++msgid "Please enter the new SO PIN (PUK) for the token: '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le nouveau PUK pour le jeton: '%1'"
++#: QObject#36
++msgid "Please enter the new PIN for the token: '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le nouveau NIP pour le jeton: '%1'"
++#: QObject#37
++msgid "Required PIN size: %1 - %2"
++msgstr "Taille du NIP requise: %1 - %2"
++#: QObject#38
++msgid "Failed to open PKCS11 library: %1"
++msgstr "L'ouverture de la bibliothèque PKCS#11 '%1' a échoué"
++#: QObject#39
++msgid "PKCS#11 function '%1' failed: %2"
++msgstr "La fonction PKCS#11 '%1' a échoué: %2"
++#: QObject#40
++msgid ""
++"PKCS#11 function '%1' failed: %2\n"
++"In library %3\n"
++msgstr ""
++"La fonction PKCS#11 '%1' a échoué: %2\n"
++"Dans la bibliothèque %3\n"
++#: QObject#41
++msgid "Please enter the password to decrypt the private key."
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe pour décrypter la clé privée"
++#: QObject#42
++msgid "Invalid"
++msgstr "Invalide"
++#: QObject#43
++msgid "%1 is shorter than %2 bytes: '%3'"
++msgstr "%1 est plus court que %2 octets: '%3'"
++#: QObject#44
++msgid "%1 is longer than %2 bytes: '%3'"
++msgstr "%1 est plus long que %2 octets: '%3'"
++#: Revoke#1
++msgid "Revokation details"
++msgstr "Détails de la révocation"
++#: Revoke#2
++msgid "Invalid since"
++msgstr "Non-valide depuis"
++#: Revoke#3
++msgid "Revokation reason"
++msgstr "Raison de la révocation"
++#: SelectToken#1
++msgid "Select Token"
++msgstr "Sélectionner un jeton"
++#: SelectToken#2
++msgctxt "SelectToken#2"
++msgid "Security token"
++msgstr "Jeton de sécurité"
++#: SelectToken#3
++msgid "Please select the security token"
++msgstr "SVP sélectionner le jeton de sécurité"
++#: TrustState#1
++msgid "Set trustment of the Certificate"
++msgstr "Ajuster le niveau de confiance du certificat"
++#: TrustState#2
++msgid "Trustment"
++msgstr "Niveau de confiance"
++#: TrustState#3
++msgid "&Never trust this certificate"
++msgstr "&Ne jamais se fier à ce certificat"
++#: TrustState#4
++msgid "Only &trust this certificate, if we trust the signer"
++msgstr "Ne &se fier à ce certificat qui si son signataire est de confiance"
++#: TrustState#5
++msgid "&Always trust this certificate"
++msgstr "&Toujours se fier à ce certificat"
++#: Validity#1
++msgid "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"
++msgstr "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm"
++#: db_base#1
++msgctxt "db_base#1"
++msgid "Internal name"
++msgstr "Nom interne"
++#: db_base#2
++msgid "Reset"
++msgstr "Réinitialisation"
++#: db_base#3
++msgid "Subject entries"
++msgstr "Inscriptions du sujet"
++#: db_base#4
++msgid "Columns"
++msgstr "Colonnes"
++#: db_crl#1
++msgid "Signer"
++msgstr "Signataire"
++#: db_crl#2
++msgid "Internal name of the signer"
++msgstr "Nom interne du signataire"
++#: db_crl#3
++msgid "No. revoked"
++msgstr "Numéro révoqué"
++#: db_crl#4
++msgid "Number of revoked certificates"
++msgstr "Nombre de certificats révoqués"
++#: db_crl#5
++msgid "Last update"
++msgstr "Dernière mise-à-jour"
++#: db_crl#6
++msgid "Next update"
++msgstr "Prochaine mise-à-jour"
++#: db_crl#7
++msgid "CRL number"
++msgstr "Numéro de la liste de révocation"
++#: db_crl#8
++msgid ""
++"The revokation list already exists in the database as:\n"
++"and so it was not imported"
++msgstr ""
++"Cette liste de révocation figure déjà dans la base de données sous le nom:\n"
++"En conséquence, elle n'a pas été importée"
++#: db_crl#9
++msgid "CRL ( *.pem *.der *.crl )"
++msgstr "Listes de révocation ( *.pem *.der *.crl )"
++#: db_crl#10
++msgid "Revokation list export"
++msgstr "Exportation d'une liste de révocation"
++#: db_crl#11
++msgctxt "db_crl#11"
++msgid "Import"
++msgstr "Importer"
++#: db_crl#12
++msgctxt "db_crl#12"
++msgid "Rename"
++msgstr "Renommer"
++#: db_crl#13
++msgctxt "db_crl#13"
++msgid "Export"
++msgstr "Exporter"
++#: db_crl#14
++msgctxt "db_crl#14"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Détruire"
++#: db_key#1
++msgctxt "db_key#1"
++msgid "Type"
++msgstr "Type"
++#: db_key#2
++msgid "Size"
++msgstr "Taille"
++#: db_key#3
++msgid "Use"
++msgstr "Usage"
++#: db_key#4
++msgctxt "db_key#4"
++msgid "Password"
++msgstr "Mot de passe"
++#: db_key#5
++msgid ""
++"The key is already in the database as:\n"
++"and is not going to be imported"
++msgstr ""
++"Cette clé figure déjà dans la base de données sous le nom:\n"
++"En conséquence, elle ne va pas être importée"
++#: db_key#6
++msgid ""
++"The database already contains the public part of the imported key as\n"
++"and will be completed by the new, private part of the key"
++msgstr ""
++"La base de donnée connait déjà la partie publique de la clé importée sous le "
++"En conséquence, cette dernière sera complétée par la partie privée de la clé "
++#: db_key#7
++msgid "Key size too small !"
++msgstr "Taille de clé trop petite !"
++#: db_key#8
++msgid "You are sure to create a key of the size: %1 ?"
++msgstr "Etes-vous sûr de couloir créer une clé de taille %1 ?"
++#: db_key#9
++msgid ""
++"Shall the original key '%1' be replaced by the key on the token?\n"
++"This will delete the key '%1' and make it unexportable"
++msgstr ""
++"La clé originale '%1' doit-elle être remplacée par la clé en provenance du "
++"jeton ?\n"
++"Cela détruirait la clé '%1' et la rendrait non-exportable."
++#: db_key#10
++msgctxt "db_key#10"
++msgid "New Key"
++msgstr "Nouvelle clé"
++#: db_key#11
++msgctxt "db_key#11"
++msgid "Import"
++msgstr "Importer"
++#: db_key#12
++msgctxt "db_key#12"
++msgid "Rename"
++msgstr "Renommer"
++#: db_key#13
++msgctxt "db_key#13"
++msgid "Show Details"
++msgstr "Afficher les Détails"
++#: db_key#14
++msgctxt "db_key#14"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Détruire"
++#: db_key#15
++msgctxt "db_key#15"
++msgid "Export"
++msgstr "Exporter"
++#: db_key#16
++msgid "Change password"
++msgstr "Changer le mot de passe"
++#: db_key#17
++msgid "Reset password"
++msgstr "Effacer le mot de passe"
++#: db_key#18
++msgid "Change PIN"
++msgstr "Changer le NIP"
++#: db_key#19
++msgid "Init PIN with SO PIN (PUK)"
++msgstr "Initialiser le NIP avec le PUK"
++#: db_key#20
++msgid "Change SO PIN (PUK)"
++msgstr "Changer le PUK"
++#: db_key#21
++msgid "Store on Security token"
++msgstr "Enregistrer dans le jeton de sécurité"
++#: db_key#22
++msgid "Tried to change password of a token"
++msgstr "Tentative de changement de mot de passe d'un jeton de sécurité"
++#: db_key#23
++msgid "Tried to change PIN of a key"
++msgstr "Tentative de changement de NIP d'une clé"
++#: db_key#24
++msgid "Tried to init PIN of a key"
++msgstr "Tentative d'initialisation du NIP d'une clé"
++#: db_key#25
++msgid "Tried to change SO PIN of a key"
++msgstr "Tentative de changement de PUK d'une clé"
++#: db_temp#1
++msgctxt "db_temp#1"
++msgid "Type"
++msgstr "Type"
++#: db_temp#2
++msgid "Bad template: %1"
++msgstr "Mauvais modèle: %1"
++#: db_temp#3
++msgid "Nothing"
++msgstr "Rien"
++#: db_temp#4
++msgid "Preset Template values"
++msgstr "Initaliser les valeurs du modèle"
++#: db_temp#5
++msgid "copy"
++msgstr "copier"
++#: db_temp#6
++msgid "Save template as"
++msgstr "Enregistrer le modèle sous"
++#: db_temp#7
++msgid "XCA templates ( *.xca);; All files ( * )"
++msgstr "Modèles XCA ( *.xca);; Tous les fichiers ( * )"
++#: db_temp#8
++msgid "New Template"
++msgstr "Nouveau modèle"
++#: db_temp#9
++msgctxt "db_temp#9"
++msgid "Import"
++msgstr "Importer"
++#: db_temp#10
++msgctxt "db_temp#10"
++msgid "Rename"
++msgstr "Renommer"
++#: db_temp#11
++msgctxt "db_temp#11"
++msgid "Export"
++msgstr "Exporter"
++#: db_temp#12
++msgid "Change"
++msgstr "Changer"
++#: db_temp#13
++msgctxt "db_temp#13"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Détruire"
++#: db_temp#14
++msgid "Duplicate"
++msgstr "Dupliquer"
++#: db_temp#15
++msgid "Create certificate"
++msgstr "Créer un certificat"
++#: db_temp#16
++msgid "Create request"
++msgstr "Créer une requête"
++#: db_x509#1
++msgid "CA"
++msgstr "CA"
++#: db_x509#2
++msgid "reflects the basic Constraints extension"
++msgstr "reflète l'extension des contraintes basiques"
++#: db_x509#3
++msgctxt "db_x509#3"
++msgid "Serial"
++msgstr "Numéro de série"
++#: db_x509#4
++msgid "md5 fingerprint"
++msgstr "Empreinte MD5"
++#: db_x509#5
++msgid "sha1 fingerprint"
++msgstr "Empreinte sha1"
++#: db_x509#6
++msgid "Start date"
++msgstr "Date de début"
++#: db_x509#7
++msgid "not Before"
++msgstr "pas Avant"
++#: db_x509#8
++msgid "Expiry date"
++msgstr "Date d'expiration"
++#: db_x509#9
++msgid "not After"
++msgstr "pas Après"
++#: db_x509#10
++msgid "Trust state"
++msgstr "État de confiance"
++#: db_x509#11
++msgctxt "db_x509#11"
++msgid "Revocation"
++msgstr "Révocation"
++#: db_x509#12
++msgctxt "db_x509#12"
++msgid "Plain View"
++msgstr "Vue à plat"
++#: db_x509#13
++msgid "Tree View"
++msgstr "Vue arborescente"
++#: db_x509#14
++msgid ""
++"The certificate already exists in the database as:\n"
++"and so it was not imported"
++msgstr ""
++"Ce certificat figure déjà dans la base de données sous le nom:\n"
++"En conséquence, il n'a pas été importé"
++#: db_x509#15
++msgid "Please enter the new hexadecimal secret number for the QA process."
++msgstr "SVP saisir le nouveau nombre secret hexadécimal pour le processus QA."
++#: db_x509#16
++msgid "The two secret numbers don't match."
++msgstr "Les deux nombres secrets ne sont pas les mêmes."
++#: db_x509#17
++msgid "The QA process has been terminated by the user."
++msgstr "Le processus QA a été arrêté par l'utilisateur."
++#: db_x509#18
++msgctxt "db_x509#18"
++msgid "The key you selected for signing is not a private one."
++msgstr "La clé sélectionnée pour la signature n'est pas une clé privée."
++#: db_x509#19
++msgid "Store the certificate to the key on the token '%1 (#%2)' ?"
++msgstr "Enregistrer le certificate avec la clé sur le jeton '%1 (#%2)' ?"
++#: db_x509#20
++msgid "New Certificate"
++msgstr "Nouveau Certificat"
++#: db_x509#21
++msgctxt "db_x509#21"
++msgid "Import"
++msgstr "Importer"
++#: db_x509#22
++msgid "Import PKCS#12"
++msgstr "Importer en PKCS#12"
++#: db_x509#23
++msgid "Import from PKCS#7"
++msgstr "Importer en PKCS#7"
++#: db_x509#24
++msgctxt "db_x509#24"
++msgid "Rename"
++msgstr "Renommer"
++#: db_x509#25
++msgctxt "db_x509#25"
++msgid "Show Details"
++msgstr "Afficher les Détails"
++#: db_x509#26
++msgctxt "db_x509#26"
++msgid "Extract public Key"
++msgstr "Extraire la clé publique"
++#: db_x509#27
++msgctxt "db_x509#27"
++msgid "Export"
++msgstr "Exporter"
++#: db_x509#28
++msgctxt "db_x509#28"
++msgid "File"
++msgstr "Fichier"
++#: db_x509#29
++msgid "Request"
++msgstr "Requête"
++#: db_x509#30
++msgctxt "db_x509#30"
++msgid "Security token"
++msgstr "Jeton de sécurité"
++#: db_x509#31
++msgid "Other token"
++msgstr "Autre jeton"
++#: db_x509#32
++msgctxt "db_x509#32"
++msgid "Template"
++msgstr "Modèle"
++#: db_x509#33
++msgctxt "db_x509#33"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Détruire"
++#: db_x509#34
++msgid "Delete from Security token"
++msgstr "Détruire sur le jeton de sécurité"
++#: db_x509#35
++msgid "Trust"
++msgstr "Niveau de confiance"
++#: db_x509#36
++msgid "Properties"
++msgstr "Propriétés"
++#: db_x509#37
++msgid "Generate CRL"
++msgstr "Générer la liste de révocation"
++#: db_x509#38
++msgctxt "db_x509#38"
++msgid "PKCS#7"
++msgstr "PKCS#7"
++#: db_x509#39
++msgctxt "db_x509#39"
++msgid "Sign"
++msgstr "Signer"
++#: db_x509#40
++msgid "Encrypt"
++msgstr "Encrypter"
++#: db_x509#41
++msgid "Renewal"
++msgstr "Renouvellement"
++#: db_x509#42
++msgid "Unrevoke"
++msgstr "Dé-révoquer"
++#: db_x509#43
++msgid "Revoke"
++msgstr "Révoquer"
++#: db_x509#44
++msgid "There was no key found for the Certificate: '%1'"
++msgstr "Aucune clé n'a été trouvée pour le Certificat. '%1'"
++#: db_x509#45
++msgid "Not possible for a token key: '%1'"
++msgstr "Impossible pour une clé d'un jeton de sécurité: '%1'"
++#: db_x509#46
++msgid "Not possible for the token-key Certificate '%1'"
++msgstr "Impossible pour le certificat d'une clé d'un jeton de sécurité: '%1'"
++#: db_x509#47
++msgid " days"
++msgstr " jours"
++#: db_x509name#1
++msgctxt "db_x509name#1"
++msgid "Subject"
++msgstr "Sujet"
++#: db_x509name#2
++msgid "Complete distinguished name"
++msgstr "Nom distinctif complet"
++#: db_x509name#3
++msgid "Subject hash"
++msgstr "Hachage du sujet"
++#: db_x509name#4
++msgid "Hash to lookup certs in directories"
++msgstr "Hachage de recherche dans un dossier"
++#: db_x509req#1
++msgctxt "db_x509req#1"
++msgid "Signed"
++msgstr "Signé"
++#: db_x509req#2
++msgid "whether the request is already signed or not"
++msgstr "si la requête a déjà été signée ou non"
++#: db_x509req#3
++msgid "Unstructured name"
++msgstr "Nom non-structuré"
++#: db_x509req#4
++msgid "Challange password"
++msgstr "Mot de passe opposable"
++#: db_x509req#5
++msgid ""
++"The certificate signing request already exists in the database as\n"
++"and thus was not stored"
++msgstr ""
++"Cette requête de signature figure déjà dans la base de données sous le nom\n"
++"En conséquence, elle n'a pas été chargée"
++#: db_x509req#6
++msgid "Certificate request ( *.pem *.der *.crl )"
++msgstr "Requête de signature de certificat ( *.pem *.der *.crl )"
++#: db_x509req#7
++msgid "Certificate request export"
++msgstr "Exporter la requête de signature"
++#: db_x509req#8
++msgid "New Request"
++msgstr "Nouvelle requête"
++#: db_x509req#9
++msgctxt "db_x509req#9"
++msgid "Import"
++msgstr "Importer"
++#: db_x509req#10
++msgctxt "db_x509req#10"
++msgid "Extract public Key"
++msgstr "Extraire la clé publique"
++#: db_x509req#11
++msgctxt "db_x509req#11"
++msgid "Rename"
++msgstr "Renommer"
++#: db_x509req#12
++msgctxt "db_x509req#12"
++msgid "Show Details"
++msgstr "Afficher les Détails"
++#: db_x509req#13
++msgctxt "db_x509req#13"
++msgid "Sign"
++msgstr "Signer"
++#: db_x509req#14
++msgctxt "db_x509req#14"
++msgid "Export"
++msgstr "Exporter"
++#: db_x509req#15
++msgctxt "db_x509req#15"
++msgid "File"
++msgstr "Fichier"
++#: db_x509req#16
++msgctxt "db_x509req#16"
++msgid "Template"
++msgstr "Modèle"
++#: db_x509req#17
++msgctxt "db_x509req#17"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Détruire"
++#: db_x509super#1
++msgid "Key name"
++msgstr "Nom de la clé"
++#: db_x509super#2
++msgid "Internal name of the key"
++msgstr "Nom interne de la clé"
++#: db_x509super#3
++msgid "The following extensions were not ported into the template"
++msgstr "Les extensions suivantes n'ont pas été enregistrées dans le modèle"
++#: kvView#1
++msgctxt "kvView#1"
++msgid "Type"
++msgstr "Type"
++#: kvView#2
++msgid "Content"
++msgstr "Contenu"
++#: pass_info#1
++msgctxt "pass_info#1"
++msgid "Password"
++msgstr "Mot de passe"
++#: pass_info#2
++msgctxt "pass_info#2"
++msgid "PIN"
++msgstr "NIP"
++#: pki_base#1
++msgctxt "pki_base#1"
++msgid "Error opening file: '%1': %2"
++msgstr "Erreur à l'ouverture du fichier '%1': %2"
++#: pki_base#2
++msgid "Error: "
++msgstr "Erreur: "
++#: pki_base#3
++msgid "Internal error: Unexpected message: %1 %2"
++msgstr "Erreur interne: message inattendu: %1 %2"
++#: pki_crl#1
++msgid "Successfully imported the revokation list '%1'"
++msgstr "La liste de révocation '%1' a été importée avec succès"
++#: pki_crl#2
++msgid "Delete the revokation list '%1'?"
++msgstr "Détruire la liste de révocation '%1' ?"
++#: pki_crl#3
++msgid "Successfully created the revokation list '%1'"
++msgstr "La liste de révocation '%1' a été créée avec succès"
++#: pki_crl#4
++msgid "Delete the %1 revokation lists: %2?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 listes de révocation: %2 ?"
++#: pki_crl#5
++msgid ""
++"Unable to load the revokation list in file %1. Tried PEM and DER formatted "
++msgstr ""
++"Impossible de charger le liste de révocation du fichier %1. Les formats PEM "
++"et DER ont été essayés."
++#: pki_crl#6
++msgid "No issuer given"
++msgstr "Aucun signataire spécifié"
++#: pki_crl#7
++msgctxt "pki_crl#7"
++msgid "Wrong Size %1"
++msgstr "Taille fausse %1"
++#: pki_crl#8
++msgid "unknown"
++msgstr "inconnu"
++#: pki_evp#1
++msgid "Failed to decrypt the key (bad password) "
++msgstr "Le décryptage de la clé a échoué (mauvais mot de passe)."
++#: pki_evp#2
++msgid ""
++"Unable to load the private key in file %1. Tried PEM and DER private, public "
++"and PKCS#8 key types."
++msgstr ""
++"Impossible de charger la clé privée du fichier %1. Les formats PEM et DER "
++"ainsi que les types de clés privé, public et PKCS#8 ont été essayés."
++#: pki_evp#3
++msgid "Password input aborted"
++msgstr "Saisie du mot de passe abandonnée"
++#: pki_evp#4
++msgid "Please enter the database password for decrypting the key '%1'"
++msgstr ""
++"SVP saisir le mot de basse de la base de données pour décrypter la clé '%1'"
++#: pki_evp#5
++msgid "Please enter the password to protect the private key: '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de pass pour protéger la clé privée: '%1'"
++#: pki_evp#6
++msgid "Please enter the database password for encrypting the key"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe de la base de données pour encrypter la clé"
++#: pki_evp#7
++msgid "Please enter the password protecting the PKCS#8 key '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe protégeant la clé en PKCS#8 '%1'"
++#: pki_evp#8
++msgid "Please enter the export password for the private key '%1'"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe d'exportation pour la clé privée '%1'"
++#: pki_key#1
++msgid "Successfully imported the %1 public key '%2'"
++msgstr "Les %1 clés publiques '%2' ont été importées avec succès"
++#: pki_key#2
++msgid "Delete the %1 public key '%2'?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 clés publiques '%2' ?"
++#: pki_key#3
++msgid "Successfully imported the %1 private key '%2'"
++msgstr "Les %1 clés privées '%2' ont été importées avec succès"
++#: pki_key#4
++msgid "Delete the %1 private key '%2'?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 clés privées '%2' ?"
++#: pki_key#5
++msgid "Successfully created the %1 private key '%2'"
++msgstr "Les %1 clés privées '%2' ont été créées avec succès"
++#: pki_key#6
++msgctxt "pki_key#6"
++msgid "Delete the %1 keys: %2?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 clés: '%2' ?"
++#: pki_key#7
++msgid "public key"
++msgstr "clé publique"
++#: pki_key#8
++msgid "Common"
++msgstr "Commun"
++#: pki_key#9
++msgid "Private"
++msgstr "Privé"
++#: pki_key#10
++msgid "Bogus"
++msgstr "Erroné"
++#: pki_key#11
++msgctxt "pki_key#11"
++msgid "PIN"
++msgstr "NIP"
++#: pki_key#12
++msgid "No password"
++msgstr "Pas de mot de passe"
++#: pki_multi#1
++msgid "Seek failed"
++msgstr "Un \"seek\" a échoué"
++#: pki_pkcs12#1
++msgid "Please enter the password to decrypt the PKCS#12 file."
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe pour décrypter le fichier en PKCS#12."
++#: pki_pkcs12#2
++msgid "Unable to load the PKCS#12 (pfx) file %1."
++msgstr "Impossible de charger le fichier en PKCS#12 (pfx) %1."
++#: pki_pkcs12#3
++msgid "The supplied password was wrong (%1)"
++msgstr "Le mot de passe renseigné était faux (%1)"
++#: pki_pkcs12#4
++msgid "Please enter the password to encrypt the PKCS#12 file"
++msgstr "SVP saisir le mot de passe pour encrypter le fichier en PKCS#12"
++#: pki_pkcs12#5
++msgid "No key or no Cert and no pkcs12"
++msgstr "Pas de clé ou pas de certificat et pas en PKCS#12"
++#: pki_pkcs7#1
++msgid "Unable to load the PKCS#7 file %1. Tried PEM and DER format."
++msgstr ""
++"Impossible de charger le fichier en PKCS#7 %1. Les formats PEM et DER ont "
++"été essayés."
++#: pki_scard#1
++msgid "Successfully imported the token key '%1'"
++msgstr "La clé du jeton '%1' a été importée avec succès"
++#: pki_scard#2
++msgid "Delete the token key '%1'?"
++msgstr "Détruire la clé du jeton '%1' ?"
++#: pki_scard#3
++msgid "Successfully created the token key '%1'"
++msgstr "La clé du jeton '%1' a été créée avec succès"
++#: pki_scard#4
++msgctxt "pki_scard#4"
++msgid "Delete the %1 keys: %2?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 clés: '%2' ?"
++#: pki_scard#5
++msgid "Delete the private key '%1' from the token '%2 (#%3)' ?"
++msgstr "Détruire la clé privée '%1' sur le jeton '%2 (#%3)' ?"
++#: pki_scard#6
++msgid "only RSA keys can be stored on tokens"
++msgstr "Seules des clés RSA peuvent être enregistrées sur les jetons"
++#: pki_scard#7
++msgid "This Key is already on the token"
++msgstr "Cette clé est déjà sur le jeton"
++#: pki_scard#8
++msgid "PIN input aborted"
++msgstr "Saisie du NIP abandonnée"
++#: pki_scard#9
++msgid "Unable to find copied key on the token"
++msgstr "Impossible de trouver la clé copiée sur le jeton"
++#: pki_scard#10
++msgid "Please insert card: %1 %2 [%3] with Serial: %4"
++msgstr "SVP insérer la carte %1 %2 [%3] avec le numéro de série: %4"
++#: pki_scard#11
++msgid "Public Key missmatch. Please re-import card"
++msgstr "La clé publique ne correspond pas. Veuillez re-importer la carte"
++#: pki_scard#12
++msgid "Unable to find generated key on card"
++msgstr "Impossible de trouver la clé générée sur la carte"
++#: pki_scard#13
++msgctxt "pki_scard#13"
++msgid "Wrong Size %1"
++msgstr "Taille fausse %1"
++#: pki_scard#14
++msgid "Token %1"
++msgstr "Jeton %1"
++#: pki_scard#15
++msgid "Failed to find the key on the token"
++msgstr "Impossible de trouver la clé sur le jeton"
++#: pki_scard#16
++msgid "Invalid Pin for the token"
++msgstr "NIP invalide pour le jeton"
++#: pki_temp#1
++msgid "Successfully imported the XCA template '%1'"
++msgstr "Le modèle XCA '%1' a été importé avec succès"
++#: pki_temp#2
++msgid "Delete the XCA template '%1'?"
++msgstr "Détruire le modèle XCA '%1' ?"
++#: pki_temp#3
++msgid "Successfully created the XCA template '%1'"
++msgstr "Le modèle XCA '%1' a été créé avec succès"
++#: pki_temp#4
++msgid "Delete the %1 XCA templates: %2?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 modèles XCA: %2 ?"
++#: pki_temp#5
++msgctxt "pki_temp#5"
++msgid "Wrong Size %1"
++msgstr "Taille fausse %1"
++#: pki_temp#6
++msgid "Template file content error (too small): %1"
++msgstr "erreur de contenu du fichier de modèle (trop petit): %1"
++#: pki_temp#7
++msgid "Template file content error (bad size): %1 "
++msgstr "erreur de contenu du fichier de modèle (mauvaise taille): %1"
++#: pki_temp#8
++msgid "Template file content error (bad length) :%1"
++msgstr "erreur de contenu du fichier de modèle (mauvaise longueur): %1"
++#: pki_x509#1
++msgid "Successfully imported the certificate '%1'"
++msgstr "Le certificat '%1' a été importée avec succès"
++#: pki_x509#2
++msgid "Delete the certificate '%1'?"
++msgstr "Détruire le certificat '%1' ?"
++#: pki_x509#3
++msgid "Successfully created the certificate '%1'"
++msgstr "Le certificat '%1' a été créé avec succès"
++#: pki_x509#4
++msgid "Delete the %1 certificates: %2?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 certificats: '%2' ?"
++#: pki_x509#5
++msgid ""
++"Unable to load the certificate in file %1. Tried PEM and DER certificate."
++msgstr ""
++"Impossible de charge le certificat du fichier %1. Les formats PEM et DER ont "
++"été essayés."
++#: pki_x509#6
++msgid "This certificate is already on the security token"
++msgstr "Ce certificat est déjà dans le jeton de sécurité"
++#: pki_x509#7
++msgid "Delete the certificate '%1' from the token '%2 (#%3)'?"
++msgstr "Détruire le certificat '%1' sur le jeton '%2 (#%3)' ?"
++#: pki_x509#8
++msgid "There is no key for signing !"
++msgstr "Il n'y a pas de clé pour signer !"
++#: pki_x509#9
++msgctxt "pki_x509#9"
++msgid "Wrong Size %1"
++msgstr "Taille fausse %1"
++#: pki_x509#10
++msgctxt "pki_x509#10"
++msgid "Not trusted"
++msgstr "Pas sûr"
++#: pki_x509#11
++msgid "Trust inherited"
++msgstr "Confiance héritée"
++#: pki_x509#12
++msgid "Always Trusted"
++msgstr "Sûr"
++#: pki_x509#13
++msgid "CRL expires: %1"
++msgstr "La liste de révocation expire le %1"
++#: pki_x509#14
++msgid "No"
++msgstr "Non"
++#: pki_x509#15
++msgid "Yes"
++msgstr "Oui"
++#: pki_x509req#1
++msgid "Signing key not valid (public key)"
++msgstr "La clé de signature n'est pas valide (c'est une clé publique)"
++#: pki_x509req#2
++msgid "Successfully imported the %1 certificate request '%2'"
++msgstr "Les %1 requêtes de signature '%2' ont été importées avec succès"
++#: pki_x509req#3
++msgid "Delete the %1 certificate request '%2'?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 requêtes de signature '%2' ?"
++#: pki_x509req#4
++msgid "Successfully created the %1 certificate request '%2'"
++msgstr "Les %1 requêtes de signature '%2' ont été créées avec succès"
++#: pki_x509req#5
++msgid "Delete the %1 certificate requests: %2?"
++msgstr "Détruire les %1 requêtes de signature '%2' ?"
++#: pki_x509req#6
++msgid ""
++"Unable to load the certificate request in file %1. Tried PEM, DER and SPKAC "
++msgstr ""
++"Impossible de charger la requête de signature du fichier %1. Les formats "
++"PEM, DER et SPKAC ont été essayés."
++#: pki_x509req#7
++msgctxt "pki_x509req#7"
++msgid "Signed"
++msgstr "Signé"
++#: pki_x509req#8
++msgid "Unhandled"
++msgstr "Non-géré"
++#: pki_x509req#9
++msgctxt "pki_x509req#9"
++msgid "Wrong Size %1"
++msgstr "Taille fausse %1"
++#: v3ext#1
++msgctxt "v3ext#1"
++msgid "Add"
++msgstr "Ajouter"
++#: v3ext#2
++msgctxt "v3ext#2"
++msgid "Delete"
++msgstr "Détruire"
++#: v3ext#3
++msgctxt "v3ext#3"
++msgid "Apply"
++msgstr "Appliquer"
++#: v3ext#4
++msgctxt "v3ext#4"
++msgid "Validate"
++msgstr "Valider"
++#: v3ext#5
++msgctxt "v3ext#5"
++msgid "Cancel"
++msgstr "Abandonner"
++#: v3ext#6
++msgid "An email address or 'copy'"
++msgstr "Une adresse de courriel ou 'copy'"
++#: v3ext#7
++msgid "An email address"
++msgstr "Une adresse de courriel"
++#: v3ext#8
++msgid "a registered ID: OBJECT IDENTIFIER"
++msgstr "un IDentifiant enregistré: IDENTIFICATEUR.OBJET"
++#: v3ext#9
++msgid "a uniform resource indicator"
++msgstr "un indicateur uniforme de ressource"
++#: v3ext#10
++msgid "a DNS domain name"
++msgstr "u nom de domaine DNS"
++#: v3ext#11
++msgid "an IP address"
++msgstr "une adresse IP"
++#: v3ext#12
++msgid "Syntax: <OID>;TYPE:text like ''"
++msgstr "Syntaxe: <OID>;TYPE:texte comme ''"
++#: v3ext#13
++msgid "No editing. Only 'copy' allowed here"
++msgstr "Pas de modification possible. Seul 'copy' est permis ici"
++#: v3ext#14
++msgid ""
++"Validation failed:\n"
++msgstr ""
++"La validation a échoué:\n"
++#: v3ext#15
++msgid ""
++"Validation successfull:\n"
++msgstr ""
++"La validation a été effectuée avec succès:\n"
++#: void#1
++msgctxt "void#1"
++msgid "There was no key found for the Certificate: "
++msgstr "Aucune clé n'a été trouvée pour le Certificat: "
++#: void#2
++msgctxt "void#2"
++msgid "Import Certificate signing request"
++msgstr "Importer une requête de signature"
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/lang/Makefile
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/lang/Makefile	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-25 16:42:38.063627556 +0100
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ endif
+ QM_XCA=$(patsubst %, xca_%.qm, $(LANGUAGES))
+ QM_QT=$(patsubst %, qt_%.qm, $(LANGUAGES))
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/misc/xca.desktop
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/misc/xca.desktop	2011-02-24 16:58:29.000000000 +0100
++++	2011-02-25 17:10:17.513801650 +0100
+@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+ Comment=A graphical user interface for handling and issuing X.509 compliant Certificates
+ Comment[de]=Eine graphische Oberfläche zur Erstellung von X.509 konformen Zertifikaten
+ Comment[fi]=Graafinen X.509-varmenteiden hallintatyökalu
++Comment[fr]=Création et gestion de certificats conformes à la norme X.509
+ Exec=xca
+ Icon=xca-32x32.xpm
+ Terminal=false
diff --git a/xca-0.9.0-locale.patch b/xca-0.9.0-locale.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3685b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xca-0.9.0-locale.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/main.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/main.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 13:22:24.083587071 +0100
+@@ -40,10 +40,15 @@
+ 	locale = QLocale::system().name();
+ 	dirs    << getPrefix()
++#ifndef WIN32
+ 		<< "/usr/local/share/qt4/translations/"
+ 		<< "/usr/share/qt4/translations/"
+ 		<< "/usr/share/qt/translations/"
+-		<< ".";
++	    ;
+ 	foreach(QString dir, dirs) {
+ 		if (qtTr.load(QString("qt_%1").arg(locale), dir)) {
diff --git a/xca-0.9.0-noec.patch b/xca-0.9.0-noec.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bda0cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xca-0.9.0-noec.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/configure
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/configure	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:30:48.060564861 +0100
+@@ -140,14 +140,12 @@
+ cat >conftest.c <<EOF
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <openssl/opensslv.h>
+-//#include <opensc/opensc.h>
++#include <openssl/opensslconf.h>
+ #include <Qt/qglobal.h>
+ int main(){
+   printf("\nThe Versions of the used libraries are:\n\t%s 0x%lxL\n\tQT: %s\n",
+-//	 "\tOpenSC: %s\n",
+-//	, sc_get_version()
+ 	);
+   if (QT_VERSION < 0x040300) {
+@@ -158,6 +156,12 @@
+ 	printf("You need OpenSSL >= 0.9.8 or higher\n");
+ 	return 1;
+   }
++#ifdef OPENSSL_NO_EC
++  printf("\n###  This OpenSSL installation has no EC cryptography support\n");
++  puts("\n");
+   return 0;
+ }
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_evp.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_evp.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:25:18.768851651 +0100
+@@ -27,9 +27,11 @@
+ QPixmap *pki_evp::icon[2]= { NULL, NULL };
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ EC_builtin_curve *pki_evp::curves = NULL;
+ size_t pki_evp::num_curves = 0;
+ unsigned char *pki_evp::curve_flags = NULL;
+ void pki_evp::erasePasswd()
+ {
+@@ -101,7 +103,9 @@
+ {
+ 	RSA *rsakey;
+ 	DSA *dsakey;
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	EC_KEY *eckey;
+ 	progress->setMinimum(0);
+ 	progress->setMaximum(100);
+@@ -122,6 +126,7 @@
+ 		if (dsakey)
+ 			EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(key, dsakey);
+ 		break;
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	case EVP_PKEY_EC:
+ 		EC_GROUP *group = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid);
+ 		if (!group)
+@@ -142,6 +147,7 @@
+ 		EC_KEY_free(eckey);
+ 		EC_GROUP_free(group);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+ 	pki_openssl_error();
+ 	encryptKey();
+@@ -180,8 +186,10 @@
+ 			return key->pkey.rsa->d ? true: false;
+ 		case EVP_PKEY_DSA:
+ 			return key->pkey.dsa->priv_key ? true: false;
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 		case EVP_PKEY_EC:
+ 			return EC_KEY_get0_private_key(key-> ? true: false;
+ 	}
+ 	return false;
+ }
+@@ -226,6 +234,7 @@
+ 	openssl_error(name);
+ }
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ static void search_ec_oid(EC_KEY *ec)
+ {
+ 	const EC_GROUP *ec_group = EC_KEY_get0_group(ec);
+@@ -250,6 +259,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ void pki_evp::fload(const QString fname)
+ {
+@@ -311,8 +321,10 @@
+ 		throw errorEx(tr("Unable to load the private key in file %1. Tried PEM and DER private, public and PKCS#8 key types.").arg(fname));
+ 	}
+ 	if (pkey){
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 		if (pkey->type == EVP_PKEY_EC)
+ 			search_ec_oid(pkey->;
+ 		if (key)
+ 			EVP_PKEY_free(key);
+ 		key = pkey;
+@@ -659,7 +671,9 @@
+ 	switch (key->type) {
+ 		case EVP_PKEY_RSA: md = EVP_sha1(); break;
+ 		case EVP_PKEY_DSA: md = EVP_dss1(); break;
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 		case EVP_PKEY_EC:  md = EVP_ecdsa(); break;
+ 		default: md = NULL; break;
+ 	}
+ 	return md;
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_evp.h
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_evp.h	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:25:18.769851580 +0100
+@@ -37,9 +37,11 @@
+ 		static void setOldPasswd(const char *pass);
+ 		static QString md5passwd(const char *pass);
+ 		static QString sha512passwd(QString pass, QString salt);
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 		static EC_builtin_curve *curves;
+ 		static size_t num_curves;
+ 		static unsigned char *curve_flags;
+ 		void generate(int bits, int type, QProgressBar *progress);
+ 		void generate(int bits, int type, QProgressBar *progress,
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_key.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_key.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:25:18.769851580 +0100
+@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
+ 	return QString();
+ }
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ int pki_key::ecParamNid()
+ {
+ 	if (key->type != EVP_PKEY_EC)
+@@ -232,6 +233,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	return pub;
+ }
+ bool pki_key::compare(pki_base *ref)
+ {
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_scard.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/lib/pki_scard.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:36:50.761408182 +0100
+@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
+ 		EVP_PKEY_assign_DSA(pkey, dsa);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	case CKK_EC: {
+ 		EC_KEY *ec = EC_KEY_new();
+@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@
+ 		EVP_PKEY_assign_EC_KEY(pkey, ec);
+ 		break;
+ 	}
+ 	default:
+ 		throw errorEx(QString("Unsupported CKA_KEY_TYPE: %1\n").arg(keytype));
+ 	}
+@@ -368,7 +370,9 @@
+ 		switch (mech_list[i]) {
+ 		case CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS:    nids << NID_md5; break;
+ 		case CKM_DSA_SHA1:
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 		case CKM_ECDSA_SHA1:
+ 		case CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS:   nids << NID_sha1; break;
+ 		case CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS: nids << NID_sha256; break;
+ 		case CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS: nids << NID_sha384; break;
+@@ -389,8 +393,10 @@
+ 		return EVP_sha1();
+ 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_DSA_SHA1))
+ 		return EVP_dss1();
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_ECDSA_SHA1))
+ 		return EVP_ecdsa();
+ 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS))
+ 		return EVP_sha512();
+ 	if (mech_list.contains(CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS))
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/hashBox.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/hashBox.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:25:18.769851580 +0100
+@@ -40,8 +40,10 @@
+ 	switch(key_type) {
+ 	case EVP_PKEY_DSA:
+ 		return EVP_dss1();
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	case EVP_PKEY_EC:
+ 		return EVP_ecdsa();
+ 	default:
+ 		QString hash = currentText();
+ 		for (unsigned i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(hashalgos); i++) {
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/KeyDetail.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/KeyDetail.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:25:18.770851497 +0100
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ 	keyDesc->setReadOnly(true);
+ }
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ static QString CurveComment(int nid)
+ {
+ 	for (size_t i=0; i<pki_evp::num_curves; i++) {
+@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	return QString();
+ }
+ void KeyDetail::setKey(pki_key *key)
+ {
+@@ -74,6 +76,7 @@
+ 			keyPubEx->setText(key->subprime());
+ 			keyModulus->setText(key->pubkey());
+ 			break;
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 		case EVP_PKEY_EC:
+ 			nid = key->ecParamNid();
+ 			tlModulus->setText(tr("Public key"));
+@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@
+ 			keyPubEx->setToolTip(CurveComment(nid));
+ 			keyModulus->setText(key->ecPubKey());
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			tlHeader->setText(tr("Unknown key"));
+ 	}
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/MainWindow.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/MainWindow.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:39:47.453229550 +0100
+@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
+ 	NID_secp521r1
+ };
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ static void init_curves()
+ {
+ 	pki_evp::num_curves = EC_get_builtin_curves(NULL, 0);
+@@ -130,6 +131,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ void MainWindow::enableTokenMenu(bool enable)
+ {
+@@ -185,7 +187,9 @@
+ 	init_images();
+ 	homedir = getHomeDir();
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	init_curves();
+ #ifdef MDEBUG
+ 	CRYPTO_malloc_debug_init();
+diff -Naur xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/NewKey.cpp
+--- xca-0.9.0.orig/widgets/NewKey.cpp	2010-08-29 10:28:32.000000000 +0200
++++	2011-02-28 12:25:18.770851497 +0100
+@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
+ static const struct typelist typeList[] = {
+ 	{ "RSA", EVP_PKEY_RSA },
+ 	{ "DSA", EVP_PKEY_DSA },
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	{ "EC",  EVP_PKEY_EC  },
+ };
+ class keyListItem
+@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@
+ 		keytypes << gk;
+ 	}
++#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC
+ 	for (i = 0; i<pki_evp::num_curves; i++) {
+ 		const char *desc = pki_evp::curves[i].comment;
+ 		const char *sn = OBJ_nid2sn(pki_evp::curves[i].nid);
+@@ -115,6 +118,8 @@
+ 	}
+ 	curveBox->addItems(curve_x962);
+ 	curveBox->addItems(curve_other);
+ 	keyLength->setCurrentIndex(0);
+ 	keyDesc->setFocus();
+ 	if (pkcs11::loaded()) try {
diff --git a/xca.spec b/xca.spec
index cd9279f..db1a85b 100644
--- a/xca.spec
+++ b/xca.spec
@@ -1,140 +1,159 @@
 %{!?release_func:%global release_func() %1%{?dist}}
-%{!?apply:%global  apply(p:n:b:) %patch%%{-n:%%{-n*}} %%{-p:-p %%{-p*}} %%{-b:-b %%{-b*}} \
 Summary:	Graphical X.509 certificate management tool
 Name:		xca
-Version:	0.8.1
-Release:	%release_func 1401
+Version:	0.9.0
+Release:	%release_func 1
 License:	BSD
 Group:		Applications/Productivity
 Source1:	README.update
-Source4:	xca.xml
-Patch0:		xca-0.7.0-locale.patch
-Patch2:         xca-0.6.4-includes.patch
-Patch3:		xca-0.6.4-openssl10.patch
-Patch4:		xca-0.8.0-noec.patch
-BuildRoot:	%_tmppath/%name-%version-%release-buildroot
+Patch1:		xca-0.9.0-locale.patch
+Patch2:		xca-0.9.0-noec.patch
+Patch3:		xca-0.9.0-french.patch
+BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
 BuildRequires:	qt4-devel openssl-devel
-BuildRequires:	db4-devel
 BuildRequires:	xdg-utils
 BuildRequires:	ImageMagick
 BuildRequires:	linuxdoc-tools
 BuildRequires:	libtool-ltdl-devel
+BuildRequires:	translate-toolkit
 Requires:		hicolor-icon-theme
 Requires(posttrans):	shared-mime-info
 Requires(postun):	shared-mime-info
-The Program uses a Berkeley db for storage and supports RSA keys.
-Certificate signing requests (PKCS#10) and Certificates (X509v3), the
-signing of requests, and the creation of selfsigned certificates is
-supported. Both can use templates for simplicity.  The PKI structures
-can be imported and exported in several formats like PKCS#7, PKCS#12,
+  X Certificate and Key management is a graphic interface for managing
+asymmetric keys like RSA or DSA, certificates and revocation lists. It is
+intended as a small CA for creation and signing certificates. It uses the
+OpenSSL library for the cryptographic operations.
+  Certificate signing requests (PKCS#10), certificates (X509v3), the signing
+of requests, the creation of self-signed certificates, certificate revocation
+lists and SmartCards are supported. For an easy company-wide use, customizable
+templates can be used for certificate and request generation. The PKI structures
+can be imported and exported in several formats like PKCS#7, PKCS#12, PEM,
+DER, PKCS#8. All cryptographic data are stored in a byte order agnostic file
+format, portable across operating systems.
 %setup -q
-%apply -n0 -p1
-%apply -n2 -p1
-%apply -n3 -p1
-%apply -n4 -p1
+%patch1 -p 1 -b .locale
+%patch2 -p 1 -b .noec
+%patch3 -p 1 -b .french
 mkdir -p _tmp_root/usr
-ln -s /usr/%_lib	_tmp_root/usr/lib
-ln -s /%_lib		_tmp_root/lib
-ln -s %_includedir/Qt	_tmp_root/include
+ln -s "/usr/%{_lib}" _tmp_root/usr/lib
+ln -s "/%{_lib}" _tmp_root/lib
+ln -s "%{_includedir}/Qt" _tmp_root/include
-install -p -m644 %SOURCE1 '.'
+install -p -m 644 "%{SOURCE1}" ./
-sed -i -e 's!xca\.xpm!fedora-xca!g;s!^Exec=.*!\0 %f!' misc/xca.desktop
+sed -i -e 's!^Exec=.*!\0 %F!' misc/xca.desktop
-#test -n "$QTDIR" || . %_sysconfdir/profile.d/
-export QTDIR=%_libdir/qt4
-CC='%__cxx' LD='%__ld' CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -DDISABLE_EC -DXCA_DEFAULT_TRANSLATE=\\\"%_datadir/qt4/translations\\\"" \
-STRIP=: prefix=%_prefix LIBS="-Wl,-as-needed `pkg-config --libs QtGui`" \
-./configure `pwd`/_tmp_root{,/usr}
+#test -n "${QTDIR}" || . "%{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/"
+export QTDIR="%{_libdir}/qt4"
+CC='%{__cxx}' LD='%{__ld}' CFLAGS="${RPM_OPT_FLAGS}			\
+	-DXCA_DEFAULT_QT_TRANSLATE=\"\\\"%{_datadir}/qt4/translations\\\"\"" \
+	STRIP=: prefix="%{_prefix}"					\
+	LIBS="-Wl,-as-needed `pkg-config --libs QtGui`"			\
+	./configure "`pwd`/"_tmp_root{,/usr}
 make %{?_smp_mflags}
 convert img/xca.ico xca.png
+touch -r img/xca.ico xca.png
 convert img/xdb.ico xdb.png
+touch -r img/xdb.ico xdb.png
+iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf8 AUTHORS > AUTHORS.utf8
+touch -r AUTHORS AUTHORS.utf8
-rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
+rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"
-make destdir="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" mandir=share/man install
-make destdir="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" mandir=share/man install -C misc TOPDIR=..
+make destdir="${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" mandir=share/man install
+make destdir="${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" mandir=share/man install -C misc TOPDIR=..
 # HACK: check whether workarounds below are still necessary
-test ! -e $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/xca/crl.png
+if test ! -e "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/xca/crl.png"
+then	install -d -m 755						\
+    "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/"{applications,mime/packages,icons/hicolor}
+	install -p -m 644 img/*.png "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/xca"
-install -d -m755           $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/{applications,mime/packages,icons/hicolor}
-install -p -m644 img/*.png $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/xca
-install -p -m644 %SOURCE4  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/mime/packages/
+install -p -m 644 misc/xca.xml "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/mime/packages/"
-export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir
+export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}"
-xdg-icon-resource install --noupdate --context mimetypes --size 32 xdb.png application-x-xca-database
-xdg-icon-resource install --noupdate                     --size 32 xca.png fedora-xca
+xdg-icon-resource install --noupdate --context mimetypes		\
+	--size 32 xdb.png application-x-xca-database
+xdg-icon-resource install --noupdate --size 32 xca.png fedora-xca
-desktop-file-install --vendor fedora --mode 0644		\
-  --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/applications			\
-  --delete-original						\
-  --add-mime-type application/x-xca-database			\
-  --remove-category QT						\
-  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_datadir/applications/xca.desktop
+desktop-file-install --vendor fedora --mode 0644			\
+	--dir "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/applications"		\
+	--delete-original						\
+	--add-mime-type application/x-xca-database			\
+	--remove-category QT						\
+	"${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/applications/xca.desktop"
-rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
+rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}"
-touch --no-create %_datadir/icons/hicolor || :
+touch --no-create "%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor" || :
-touch --no-create %_datadir/icons/hicolor || :
+touch --no-create "%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor" || :
-gtk-update-icon-cache %_datadir/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
-update-mime-database  %_datadir/mime          &>/dev/null || :
-update-desktop-database                       &>/dev/null || :
+gtk-update-icon-cache "%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor" &> /dev/null || :
+update-mime-database "%{_datadir}/mime" &> /dev/null || :
+update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
-update-desktop-database                       &>/dev/null || :
-update-mime-database  %_datadir/mime          &>/dev/null || :
-gtk-update-icon-cache %_datadir/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
+update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
+update-mime-database "%{_datadir}/mime" &> /dev/null || :
+gtk-update-icon-cache "%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor" &> /dev/null || :
+%defattr(-, root, root, -)
-%attr(0644,root,root) %_mandir/*/*
 %dir %{_datadir}/xca
-%lang(de) %_datadir/xca/xca_de.qm
-%lang(es) %_datadir/xca/xca_es.qm
+%lang(de) %{_datadir}/xca/xca_de.qm
+%lang(es) %{_datadir}/xca/xca_es.qm
+%lang(fr) %{_datadir}/xca/xca_fr.qm
+%lang(ru) %{_datadir}/xca/xca_ru.qm
+%attr(0644, root, root) %{_mandir}/*/*
+* Mon Feb 28 2011 Patrick Monnerat <pm at> 0.9.0-1
+- New upstream release.
+- Suppress "includes" patch (went upstream).
+- Suppress "openssl10" patch (new release is openssl 10 compatible).
+- Patches "locale" and "noec" port to new release.
+- French localization added.
 * Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 0.8.1-1401
 - Rebuilt for
diff --git a/xca.xml b/xca.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 393ba73..0000000
--- a/xca.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<mime-info xmlns="">
-  <mime-type type="application/x-xca-database">
-    <comment>XCA Database</comment>
-    <glob pattern="*.xdb" />
-  </mime-type>
cgit v0.10.2

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