apevec pushed to openstack-puppet-modules (master). "git rm $(fedpkg unused-patches) (..more)"

notifications at fedoraproject.org notifications at fedoraproject.org
Tue May 19 11:29:29 UTC 2015

From 1203f72296c680a4b055d4c76b6a8259e42b086c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alan Pevec <alan.pevec at redhat.com>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 13:25:21 +0200
Subject: git rm $(fedpkg unused-patches)

Change-Id: Ic0039f30d06279d22f3e48c57a9ac48bad0a1b11

diff --git a/0001-Merge-pull-request-285-from-imcsk8-tripleo-update.patch b/0001-Merge-pull-request-285-from-imcsk8-tripleo-update.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 823da2f..0000000
--- a/0001-Merge-pull-request-285-from-imcsk8-tripleo-update.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-From 98811269517e11c62a9376a6882b5c47153b9de2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Emilien Macchi <emilien.macchi at enovance.com>
-Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 15:57:50 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Merge pull request #285 from imcsk8/tripleo-update
-Automatic update :: Update TripleO
-(cherry picked from commit 456cf20810942569a3f105b631169869aadaee36)
- Puppetfile                                |  3 +-
- tripleo/Gemfile                           |  2 +-
- tripleo/lib/facter/galera_bootstrapped.rb | 19 +++++++
- tripleo/manifests/loadbalancer.pp         | 87 +++++++++++++++++--------------
- 4 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 tripleo/lib/facter/galera_bootstrapped.rb
-diff --git a/Puppetfile b/Puppetfile
-index d3fce8f..5ec5806 100644
---- a/Puppetfile
-+++ b/Puppetfile
-@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ mod 'timezone',
-   :git => 'https://github.com/saz/puppet-timezone.git'
- mod 'tripleo',
--  :commit => 'e0921709d946d8db95f2a399a1b9da93d6b73d06',
-+  :commit => 'a388f84654701f5d6604e0833a6a8fe1b90fcfdd',
-   :git => 'https://github.com/stackforge/puppet-tripleo.git'
- mod 'trove',
-@@ -233,3 +233,4 @@ mod 'vswitch',
- mod 'xinetd',
-   :commit => '4f16fc824e04d724a486634bd9c26ef549f10ff5',
-   :git => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-xinetd.git'
-diff --git a/tripleo/Gemfile b/tripleo/Gemfile
-index 3800d2e..10b37ac 100644
---- a/tripleo/Gemfile
-+++ b/tripleo/Gemfile
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ source 'https://rubygems.org'
- group :development, :test do
-   gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', :require => false
--  gem 'rspec-puppet', '~> 2.0.0', :require => false
-+  gem 'rspec-puppet', '~> 2.1.0', :require => false
-   gem 'metadata-json-lint'
-   gem 'puppet-lint-param-docs'
-diff --git a/tripleo/lib/facter/galera_bootstrapped.rb b/tripleo/lib/facter/galera_bootstrapped.rb
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..ea9fe8c
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/tripleo/lib/facter/galera_bootstrapped.rb
-@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
-+# Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
-+# All Rights Reserved.
-+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-+# a copy of the License at
-+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-+# under the License.
-+Facter.add('galera_bootstrapped') do
-+  setcode do
-+    FileTest.exists?('/var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat')
-+  end
-diff --git a/tripleo/manifests/loadbalancer.pp b/tripleo/manifests/loadbalancer.pp
-index 6601cf9..6b5999a 100644
---- a/tripleo/manifests/loadbalancer.pp
-+++ b/tripleo/manifests/loadbalancer.pp
-@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
- #
- # === Parameters:
- #
-+# [*manage_vip*]
-+#  Whether to enable keepalived to manage the VIPs or not
-+#  Defaults to true
- # [*controller_host*]
- #  (Deprecated)Host or group of hosts to load-balance the services
- #  Can be a string or an array.
-@@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ class tripleo::loadbalancer (
-   $control_virtual_interface,
-   $public_virtual_interface,
-   $public_virtual_ip,
-+  $manage_vip                = true,
-   $controller_host           = undef,
-   $controller_hosts          = undef,
-   $controller_hosts_names    = undef,
-@@ -185,46 +190,48 @@ class tripleo::loadbalancer (
-     $controller_hosts_names_real = $controller_hosts_names
-   }
--  case $::osfamily {
--    'RedHat': {
--      $keepalived_name_is_process = false
--      $keepalived_vrrp_script     = 'systemctl status haproxy.service'
--    } # RedHat
--    'Debian': {
--      $keepalived_name_is_process = true
--      $keepalived_vrrp_script     = undef
--    }
--    default: {
--      warning('Please configure keepalived defaults in tripleo::loadbalancer.')
--      $keepalived_name_is_process = undef
--      $keepalived_vrrp_script     = undef
-+  if $manage_vip {
-+    case $::osfamily {
-+      'RedHat': {
-+        $keepalived_name_is_process = false
-+        $keepalived_vrrp_script     = 'systemctl status haproxy.service'
-+      } # RedHat
-+      'Debian': {
-+        $keepalived_name_is_process = true
-+        $keepalived_vrrp_script     = undef
-+      }
-+      default: {
-+        warning('Please configure keepalived defaults in tripleo::loadbalancer.')
-+        $keepalived_name_is_process = undef
-+        $keepalived_vrrp_script     = undef
-+      }
-+    }
-+    class { '::keepalived': }
-+    keepalived::vrrp_script { 'haproxy':
-+      name_is_process => $keepalived_name_is_process,
-+      script          => $keepalived_vrrp_script,
-+    }
-+    keepalived::instance { '51':
-+      interface    => $control_virtual_interface,
-+      virtual_ips  => [join([$controller_virtual_ip, ' dev ', $control_virtual_interface])],
-+      state        => 'MASTER',
-+      track_script => ['haproxy'],
-+      priority     => 101,
-+    }
-+    keepalived::instance { '52':
-+      interface    => $public_virtual_interface,
-+      virtual_ips  => [join([$public_virtual_ip, ' dev ', $public_virtual_interface])],
-+      state        => 'MASTER',
-+      track_script => ['haproxy'],
-+      priority     => 101,
-     }
-   }
--  class { '::keepalived': }
--  keepalived::vrrp_script { 'haproxy':
--    name_is_process => $keepalived_name_is_process,
--    script          => $keepalived_vrrp_script,
--  }
--  keepalived::instance { '51':
--    interface    => $control_virtual_interface,
--    virtual_ips  => [join([$controller_virtual_ip, ' dev ', $control_virtual_interface])],
--    state        => 'MASTER',
--    track_script => ['haproxy'],
--    priority     => 101,
--  }
--  keepalived::instance { '52':
--    interface    => $public_virtual_interface,
--    virtual_ips  => [join([$public_virtual_ip, ' dev ', $public_virtual_interface])],
--    state        => 'MASTER',
--    track_script => ['haproxy'],
--    priority     => 101,
--  }
-   sysctl::value { 'net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind': value => '1' }
-   class { '::haproxy':
-@@ -247,11 +254,11 @@ class tripleo::loadbalancer (
-   }
-   haproxy::listen { 'haproxy.stats':
--    ipaddress        => '*',
-+    ipaddress        => $controller_virtual_ip,
-     ports            => '1993',
-     mode             => 'http',
-     options          => {
--      'stats' => 'enable',
-+      'stats' => ['enable', 'uri /'],
-     },
-     collect_exported => false,
-   }
-@@ -572,7 +579,7 @@ class tripleo::loadbalancer (
-   if $rabbitmq {
-     haproxy::listen { 'rabbitmq':
--      ipaddress        => [$controller_virtual_ip, $public_virtual_ip],
-+      ipaddress        => [$controller_virtual_ip],
-       ports            => 5672,
-       options          => {
-         'timeout' => [ 'client 0', 'server 0' ],
diff --git a/0002-rabbitmq-Don-t-manage-RabbitMQ-repos.patch b/0002-rabbitmq-Don-t-manage-RabbitMQ-repos.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c207c26..0000000
--- a/0002-rabbitmq-Don-t-manage-RabbitMQ-repos.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-From 17bf7e482c1fddd92e2d10f146871343aadbac0f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20M=C3=A1gr?= <mmagr at redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 19:26:49 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] [rabbitmq] Don't manage RabbitMQ repos
-Fixes: rhbz#1112853
- rabbitmq/manifests/params.pp | 5 ++++-
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/rabbitmq/manifests/params.pp b/rabbitmq/manifests/params.pp
-index abe7c52..b82ed87 100644
---- a/rabbitmq/manifests/params.pp
-+++ b/rabbitmq/manifests/params.pp
-@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ class rabbitmq::params {
-   case $::osfamily {
-     'Archlinux': {
-+      $manage_repos     = true
-       $package_ensure   = 'installed'
-       $package_name     = 'rabbitmq'
-       $service_name     = 'rabbitmq'
-@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ class rabbitmq::params {
-       # This must remain at the end as we need $base_version and $version defined first
-     }
-     'Debian': {
-+      $manage_repos     = true
-       $package_ensure   = 'installed'
-       $package_name     = 'rabbitmq-server'
-       $service_name     = 'rabbitmq-server'
-@@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ class rabbitmq::params {
-       $version          = '3.1.5'
-     }
-     'RedHat': {
-+      $manage_repos     = false
-       $package_ensure   = 'installed'
-       $package_name     = 'rabbitmq-server'
-       $service_name     = 'rabbitmq-server'
-@@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ class rabbitmq::params {
-       $package_source   = "http://www.rabbitmq.com/releases/rabbitmq-server/v${base_version}/rabbitmq-server-${version}.noarch.rpm"
-     }
-     'SUSE': {
-+      $manage_repos     = true
-       $package_ensure   = 'installed'
-       $package_name     = 'rabbitmq-server'
-       $service_name     = 'rabbitmq-server'
-@@ -52,7 +56,6 @@ class rabbitmq::params {
-   $management_port            = '15672'
-   $package_apt_pin            = ''
-   $package_gpg_key            = 'http://www.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc'
--  $manage_repos               = true
-   $service_ensure             = 'running'
-   $service_manage             = true
-   #config
diff --git a/0003-openstack-Set-default-charset-to-utf8.patch b/0003-openstack-Set-default-charset-to-utf8.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d551b87..0000000
--- a/0003-openstack-Set-default-charset-to-utf8.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-From b918c515967d11adc37e110978cfed390e19bd07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20M=C3=A1gr?= <mmagr at redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 19:56:51 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] [openstack] Set default charset to utf8
- openstack/manifests/all.pp                   | 2 +-
- openstack/manifests/db/mysql.pp              | 4 ++--
- openstack/spec/classes/openstack_all_spec.rb | 2 +-
- 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/openstack/manifests/all.pp b/openstack/manifests/all.pp
-index 8ce58b1..acbe1cb 100644
---- a/openstack/manifests/all.pp
-+++ b/openstack/manifests/all.pp
-@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class openstack::all (
-   $mysql_account_security  = true,
-   $mysql_bind_address      = '',
-   $allowed_hosts           = '%',
--  $charset                 = 'latin1',
-+  $charset                 = 'utf8',
-   # Keystone
-   $keystone_host           = '',
-   $keystone_db_user        = 'keystone',
-diff --git a/openstack/manifests/db/mysql.pp b/openstack/manifests/db/mysql.pp
-index 7a65607..4f212f7 100644
---- a/openstack/manifests/db/mysql.pp
-+++ b/openstack/manifests/db/mysql.pp
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- # [ceilometer_db_user]. Name of ceilometer DB user. Optional. Defaults to 'ceilometer'.
- # [ceilometer_db_dbname]. Name of ceilometer DB. Optional. Defaults to 'ceilometer'.
- # [allowed_hosts] List of hosts that are allowed access. Optional. Defaults to false.
--# [charset] Name of mysql charset. Optional. Defaults to 'latin1'.
-+# [charset] Name of mysql charset. Optional. Defaults to 'utf8'.
- # [enabled] If the db service should be started. Optional. Defaults to true.
- #
- # === Example
-@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class openstack::db::mysql (
-     $ceilometer_db_dbname   = 'ceilometer',
-     # General
-     $allowed_hosts          = false,
--    $charset                = 'latin1',
-+    $charset                = 'utf8',
-     $enabled                = true
- ) {
-diff --git a/openstack/spec/classes/openstack_all_spec.rb b/openstack/spec/classes/openstack_all_spec.rb
-index 3890546..0b206e3 100644
---- a/openstack/spec/classes/openstack_all_spec.rb
-+++ b/openstack/spec/classes/openstack_all_spec.rb
-@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ describe 'openstack::all' do
-     it 'should have openstack::db::mysql configured' do
-       should contain_class('openstack::db::mysql').with(
--        :charset                => 'latin1',
-+        :charset                => 'utf8',
-         :mysql_root_password    => 'sql_pass',
-         :mysql_bind_address     => '',
-         :mysql_account_security => true,
diff --git a/0004-keystone-Add-manage_service-feature.patch b/0004-keystone-Add-manage_service-feature.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd2215..0000000
--- a/0004-keystone-Add-manage_service-feature.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-From 08c5bcc85662885bb62be0a00fb17645f41e22ac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20M=C3=A1gr?= <mmagr at redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 20:32:27 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] [keystone] Add manage_service feature
-puppet-keystone lacks of disabling service managing. This patch adds
-$manage_service parameter to relevant class.
-Change-Id: I80a55857442c6cd32387481fbe68b54f52e827a1
-Closes-bug: #1359823
- keystone/manifests/init.pp                     | 19 ++++++++++++++-----
- keystone/manifests/service.pp                  |  4 ++--
- keystone/spec/classes/keystone_service_spec.rb |  4 ++--
- keystone/spec/classes/keystone_spec.rb         | 19 ++++++++++++++++++-
- 4 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/keystone/manifests/init.pp b/keystone/manifests/init.pp
-index 15836d5..6faa34b 100644
---- a/keystone/manifests/init.pp
-+++ b/keystone/manifests/init.pp
-@@ -63,7 +63,13 @@
- #     Toggle for token system caching. This has no effects unless 'memcache_servers' is set.
- #     Optional. Default to true.
- #
--#   [enabled] If the keystone services should be enabled. Optional. Default to true.
-+#   [manage_service]
-+#      (optional) If Puppet should manage service startup / shutdown.
-+#      Defaults to true.
-+#   [enabled]
-+#     (optional) If the keystone services should be enabled.
-+#     Defaults to true.
- #
- #   [*database_connection*]
- #     (optional) Url used to connect to database.
-@@ -310,6 +316,7 @@ class keystone(
-   $cache_backend_argument = undef,
-   $debug_cache_backend    = false,
-   $token_caching          = true,
-+  $manage_service         = true,
-   $enabled                = true,
-   $database_connection    = 'sqlite:////var/lib/keystone/keystone.db',
-   $database_idle_timeout  = '200',
-@@ -662,10 +669,12 @@ class keystone(
-     }
-   }
--  if $enabled {
--    $service_ensure = 'running'
--  } else {
--    $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-+  if $manage_service {
-+    if $enabled {
-+      $service_ensure = 'running'
-+    } else {
-+      $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-+    }
-   }
-   if $service_name == 'keystone' {
-diff --git a/keystone/manifests/service.pp b/keystone/manifests/service.pp
-index 63c148d..d0b5445 100644
---- a/keystone/manifests/service.pp
-+++ b/keystone/manifests/service.pp
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- #
- # [*ensure*]
- # (optional) The desired state of the keystone service
--# Defaults to 'running'
-+# Defaults to undef
- #
- # [*service_name*]
- # (optional) The name of the keystone service
-@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
- # Defaults to undef
- #
- class keystone::service(
--  $ensure         = 'running',
-+  $ensure         = undef,
-   $service_name   = $::keystone::params::service_name,
-   $enable         = true,
-   $hasstatus      = true,
-diff --git a/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_service_spec.rb b/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_service_spec.rb
-index 29d90b0..f7047bf 100644
---- a/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_service_spec.rb
-+++ b/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_service_spec.rb
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ describe 'keystone::service' do
-   describe "with default parameters" do
-     it { should contain_service('keystone').with(
--      :ensure     => 'running',
-+      :ensure     => nil,
-       :enable     => true,
-       :hasstatus  => true,
-       :hasrestart => true
-@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe 'keystone::service' do
-     end
-     it { should contain_service('keystone').with(
--      :ensure     => 'running',
-+      :ensure     => nil,
-       :enable     => true,
-       :hasstatus  => true,
-       :hasrestart => true
-diff --git a/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_spec.rb b/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_spec.rb
-index 7ccd0be..2b6d22e 100644
---- a/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_spec.rb
-+++ b/keystone/spec/classes/keystone_spec.rb
-@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ describe 'keystone' do
-       'ssl_ca_key'            => '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem',
-       'ssl_cert_subject'      => '/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=localhost',
-       'enabled'               => true,
-+      'manage_service'        => true,
-       'database_connection'   => 'sqlite:////var/lib/keystone/keystone.db',
-       'database_idle_timeout' => '200',
-       'enable_pki_setup'      => true,
-@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ describe 'keystone' do
-       'ssl_ca_key'            => '/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem',
-       'ssl_cert_subject'      => '/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=localhost',
-       'enabled'               => false,
-+      'manage_service'        => true,
-       'database_connection'   => 'mysql://a:b@c/d',
-       'database_idle_timeout' => '300',
-       'enable_pki_setup'      => true,
-@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ describe 'keystone' do
-       it_configures 'core keystone examples', param_hash
-       it { should contain_service('keystone').with(
--        'ensure'     => param_hash['enabled'] ? 'running' : 'stopped',
-+        'ensure'     => (param_hash['manage_service'] && param_hash['enabled']) ? 'running' : 'stopped',
-         'enable'     => param_hash['enabled'],
-         'hasstatus'  => true,
-         'hasrestart' => true
-@@ -217,6 +219,21 @@ describe 'keystone' do
-   end
-+  describe 'with disabled service managing' do
-+    let :params do
-+      { :admin_token    => 'service_token',
-+        :manage_service => false,
-+        :enabled        => false }
-+    end
-+    it { should contain_service('keystone').with(
-+      'ensure'     => nil,
-+      'enable'     => false,
-+      'hasstatus'  => true,
-+      'hasrestart' => true
-+    ) }
-+  end
-   describe 'with deprecated sql_connection parameter' do
-     let :params do
-       { :admin_token    => 'service_token',
diff --git a/0005-Configure-OVS-mechanism-agent-configs-in-its-config-.patch b/0005-Configure-OVS-mechanism-agent-configs-in-its-config-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ca3e5d1..0000000
--- a/0005-Configure-OVS-mechanism-agent-configs-in-its-config-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-From 7c4b494dd4966b914a50d6c9e1f5f88aaa9a4460 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Mathieu=20Gagne=CC=81?= <mgagne at iweb.com>
-Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 20:44:07 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] Configure OVS mechanism agent configs in its config file
-Configurations for the OVS agent should go in its config file:
-Therefore, we should not remove the agent config file and
-replace it with a symlink to plugin.ini or ml2_conf.ini.
-Those config files are meant to be used by the core plugin itself
-in neutron-server, not the agents themselves.
-- Remove symlink creation from ovs_neutron_plugin.ini to plugin.ini
-- Use neutron_plugin_ovs to configure OVS mechanism agent configs
-Change-Id: I53d9b923784587e8a2a934f004a3b054c716daaa
-Signed-off-by: Gael Chamoulaud <gchamoul at redhat.com>
- neutron/manifests/agents/ml2/ovs.pp                | 39 +++++--------
- .../spec/classes/neutron_agents_ml2_ovs_spec.rb    | 68 +++++++++-------------
- 2 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/neutron/manifests/agents/ml2/ovs.pp b/neutron/manifests/agents/ml2/ovs.pp
-index 709a87f..9a61dff 100644
---- a/neutron/manifests/agents/ml2/ovs.pp
-+++ b/neutron/manifests/agents/ml2/ovs.pp
-@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-     fail('L2 population must be enabled when DVR is enabled')
-   }
--  Neutron_plugin_ml2<||> ~> Service['neutron-ovs-agent-service']
-+  Package['neutron-ovs-agent'] -> Neutron_plugin_ovs<||>
-+  Neutron_plugin_ovs<||> ~> Service['neutron-ovs-agent-service']
-   if ($bridge_mappings != []) {
-     # bridge_mappings are used to describe external networks that are
-@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-     # Set config for bridges that we're going to create
-     # The OVS neutron plugin will talk in terms of the networks in the bridge_mappings
-     $br_map_str = join($bridge_mappings, ',')
--    neutron_plugin_ml2 {
-+    neutron_plugin_ovs {
-       'ovs/bridge_mappings': value => $br_map_str;
-     }
-     neutron::plugins::ovs::bridge{ $bridge_mappings:
-@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-     }
-   }
--  neutron_plugin_ml2 {
-+  neutron_plugin_ovs {
-     'agent/polling_interval':           value => $polling_interval;
-     'agent/l2_population':              value => $l2_population;
-     'agent/arp_responder':              value => $arp_responder;
-@@ -154,12 +155,10 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-     'ovs/integration_bridge':           value => $integration_bridge;
-   }
--  if ($firewall_driver) {
--    neutron_plugin_ml2 { 'securitygroup/firewall_driver':
--      value => $firewall_driver
--    }
-+  if $firewall_driver {
-+    neutron_plugin_ovs { 'securitygroup/firewall_driver': value => $firewall_driver }
-   } else {
--    neutron_plugin_ml2 { 'securitygroup/firewall_driver': ensure => absent }
-+    neutron_plugin_ovs { 'securitygroup/firewall_driver': ensure => absent }
-   }
-   vs_bridge { $integration_bridge:
-@@ -172,25 +171,25 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-       ensure => present,
-       before => Service['neutron-ovs-agent-service'],
-     }
--    neutron_plugin_ml2 {
-+    neutron_plugin_ovs {
-       'ovs/enable_tunneling': value => true;
-       'ovs/tunnel_bridge':    value => $tunnel_bridge;
-       'ovs/local_ip':         value => $local_ip;
-     }
-     if size($tunnel_types) > 0 {
--      neutron_plugin_ml2 {
-+      neutron_plugin_ovs {
-         'agent/tunnel_types': value => join($tunnel_types, ',');
-       }
-     }
-     if 'vxlan' in $tunnel_types {
-       validate_vxlan_udp_port($vxlan_udp_port)
--      neutron_plugin_ml2 {
-+      neutron_plugin_ovs {
-         'agent/vxlan_udp_port': value => $vxlan_udp_port;
-       }
-     }
-   } else {
--    neutron_plugin_ml2 {
-+    neutron_plugin_ovs {
-       'ovs/enable_tunneling': value  => false;
-       'ovs/tunnel_bridge':    ensure => absent;
-       'ovs/local_ip':         ensure => absent;
-@@ -199,7 +198,6 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-   if $::neutron::params::ovs_agent_package {
--    Package['neutron-ovs-agent'] -> Neutron_plugin_ml2<||>
-     package { 'neutron-ovs-agent':
-       ensure  => $package_ensure,
-       name    => $::neutron::params::ovs_agent_package,
-@@ -208,21 +206,11 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-     # Some platforms (RedHat) do not provide a separate
-     # neutron plugin ovs agent package. The configuration file for
-     # the ovs agent is provided by the neutron ovs plugin package.
--    Package['neutron-ovs-agent'] -> Neutron_plugin_ml2<||>
--    Package['neutron-ovs-agent'] -> Service['ovs-cleanup-service']
-     if ! defined(Package['neutron-ovs-agent']) {
-       package { 'neutron-ovs-agent':
-         ensure  => $package_ensure,
-         name    => $::neutron::params::ovs_server_package,
--      } ->
--      # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1087647
--      # Causes init script for agent to load the old ovs file
--      # instead of the ml2 config file.
--      file { '/etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini':
--        ensure => link,
--        target => '/etc/neutron/plugin.ini'
--      } ~> Service<| title == 'neutron-ovs-agent-service' |>
-+      }
-     }
-   }
-@@ -240,7 +228,8 @@ class neutron::agents::ml2::ovs (
-   }
-   if $::neutron::params::ovs_cleanup_service {
--    service {'ovs-cleanup-service':
-+    Package['neutron-ovs-agent'] -> Service['ovs-cleanup-service']
-+    service { 'ovs-cleanup-service':
-       ensure => $service_ensure,
-       name   => $::neutron::params::ovs_cleanup_service,
-       enable => $enabled,
-diff --git a/neutron/spec/classes/neutron_agents_ml2_ovs_spec.rb b/neutron/spec/classes/neutron_agents_ml2_ovs_spec.rb
-index d9c9dc5..a133ffa 100644
---- a/neutron/spec/classes/neutron_agents_ml2_ovs_spec.rb
-+++ b/neutron/spec/classes/neutron_agents_ml2_ovs_spec.rb
-@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-     it { should contain_class('neutron::params') }
-     it 'configures ovs_neutron_plugin.ini' do
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('agent/polling_interval').with_value(p[:polling_interval])
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('agent/l2_population').with_value(p[:l2_population])
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('agent/arp_responder').with_value(p[:arp_responder])
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/integration_bridge').with_value(p[:integration_bridge])
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('securitygroup/firewall_driver').\
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('agent/polling_interval').with_value(p[:polling_interval])
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('agent/l2_population').with_value(p[:l2_population])
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('agent/arp_responder').with_value(p[:arp_responder])
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/integration_bridge').with_value(p[:integration_bridge])
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('securitygroup/firewall_driver').\
-         with_value(p[:firewall_driver])
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/enable_tunneling').with_value(false)
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/tunnel_bridge').with_ensure('absent')
--      should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/local_ip').with_ensure('absent')
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/enable_tunneling').with_value(false)
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/tunnel_bridge').with_ensure('absent')
-+      should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/local_ip').with_ensure('absent')
-     end
-     it 'configures vs_bridge' do
-@@ -59,18 +59,20 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-           :name   => platform_params[:ovs_agent_package],
-           :ensure => p[:package_ensure]
-         )
--        should contain_package('neutron-ovs-agent').with_before(/Neutron_plugin_ml2\[.+\]/)
-+        should contain_package('neutron-ovs-agent').with_before(/Neutron_plugin_ovs\[.+\]/)
-       else
-       end
-     end
--    it 'configures neutron ovs agent service' do
--      should contain_service('neutron-ovs-agent-service').with(
--        :name    => platform_params[:ovs_agent_service],
--        :enable  => true,
--        :ensure  => 'running',
--        :require => 'Class[Neutron]'
--      )
-+    it 'configures neutron ovs cleanup service (if any)' do
-+      if platform_params.has_key?(:ovs_cleanup_service)
-+        should contain_service('ovs-cleanup-service').with(
-+          :name    => platform_params[:ovs_cleanup_service],
-+          :enable  => true,
-+          :ensure  => 'running'
-+        )
-+        should contain_package('neutron-ovs-agent').with_before(/Service\[ovs-cleanup-service\]/)
-+      end
-     end
-     context 'when supplying a firewall driver' do
-@@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-         params.merge!(:firewall_driver => false)
-       end
-       it 'should configure firewall driver' do
--        should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('securitygroup/firewall_driver').with_ensure('absent')
-+        should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('securitygroup/firewall_driver').with_ensure('absent')
-       end
-     end
-@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-         params.merge!(:arp_responder => true)
-       end
-       it 'should enable ARP responder' do
--        should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('agent/arp_responder').with_value(true)
-+        should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('agent/arp_responder').with_value(true)
-       end
-     end
-@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-                       :l2_population              => true )
-       end
-       it 'should enable DVR' do
--        should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('agent/enable_distributed_routing').with_value(true)
-+        should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('agent/enable_distributed_routing').with_value(true)
-       end
-     end
-@@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-       end
-       it 'configures bridge mappings' do
--        should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/bridge_mappings')
-+        should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/bridge_mappings')
-       end
-       it 'should configure bridge mappings' do
-@@ -139,9 +141,9 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-           params.merge!(:enable_tunneling => true, :local_ip => '' )
-         end
-         it 'should configure ovs for tunneling' do
--          should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/enable_tunneling').with_value(true)
--          should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/tunnel_bridge').with_value(default_params[:tunnel_bridge])
--          should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('ovs/local_ip').with_value('')
-+          should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/enable_tunneling').with_value(true)
-+          should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/tunnel_bridge').with_value(default_params[:tunnel_bridge])
-+          should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('ovs/local_ip').with_value('')
-           should contain_vs_bridge(default_params[:tunnel_bridge]).with(
-             :ensure  => 'present',
-             :before => 'Service[neutron-ovs-agent-service]'
-@@ -158,8 +160,8 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-         end
-         it 'should perform vxlan network configuration' do
--          should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('agent/tunnel_types').with_value(params[:tunnel_types])
--          should contain_neutron_plugin_ml2('agent/vxlan_udp_port').with_value(params[:vxlan_udp_port])
-+          should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('agent/tunnel_types').with_value(params[:tunnel_types])
-+          should contain_neutron_plugin_ovs('agent/vxlan_udp_port').with_value(params[:vxlan_udp_port])
-         end
-       end
-@@ -201,21 +203,5 @@ describe 'neutron::agents::ml2::ovs' do
-     end
-     it_configures 'neutron plugin ovs agent with ml2 plugin'
--    it 'configures neutron ovs cleanup service' do
--      should contain_service('ovs-cleanup-service').with(
--        :name    => platform_params[:ovs_cleanup_service],
--        :enable  => true,
--        :ensure  => 'running'
--      )
--      should contain_package('neutron-ovs-agent').with_before(/Service\[ovs-cleanup-service\]/)
--    end
--    it 'links from ovs config to plugin config' do
--      should contain_file('/etc/neutron/plugins/openvswitch/ovs_neutron_plugin.ini').with(
--        :ensure => 'link',
--        :target => '/etc/neutron/plugin.ini'
--      )
--    end
-   end
- end
diff --git a/0006-Add-manage_service-feature.patch b/0006-Add-manage_service-feature.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3882a53..0000000
--- a/0006-Add-manage_service-feature.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1013 +0,0 @@
-From 28a20642294523a0b42d9404185a1f90c4370d90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Martin=20M=C3=A1gr?= <mmagr at redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 15:50:38 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Add manage_service feature
-puppet-swift lacks of disabling service managing. This patch adds
-$manage_service and $enabled parameter to all relevant classes.
-Closes-bug: #1359823
-Change-Id: I3d632e3a26e9394d03d94089ae704904bf77aa51
- swift/manifests/proxy.pp                           | 136 ++++++++++++-------
- swift/manifests/storage/account.pp                 |  35 ++++-
- swift/manifests/storage/container.pp               |  42 ++++--
- swift/manifests/storage/generic.pp                 |  35 ++++-
- swift/manifests/storage/object.pp                  |  35 ++++-
- swift/spec/classes/swift_proxy_spec.rb             |  74 +++++++++++
- swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_account_spec.rb   | 118 ++++++++++++-----
- swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_container_spec.rb | 147 +++++++++++++--------
- swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_object_spec.rb    | 117 +++++++++++-----
- 9 files changed, 551 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/swift/manifests/proxy.pp b/swift/manifests/proxy.pp
-index ff7405c..d89fea9 100644
---- a/swift/manifests/proxy.pp
-+++ b/swift/manifests/proxy.pp
-@@ -6,37 +6,65 @@
- #
- # Installs and configures the swift proxy node.
- #
--# [*Parameters*]
--# [*proxy_local_net_ip*] The address that the proxy will bind to.
--#   Required.
--# [*port*] The port to which the proxy server will bind.
--#   Optional. Defaults to 8080.
--# [*pipeline*] The list of elements of the swift proxy pipeline.
--#   Currently supports healthcheck, cache, proxy-server, and
--#   one of the following auth_types: tempauth, swauth, keystone.
--#   Each of the specified elements also need to be declared externally
--#   as a puppet class with the exception of proxy-server.
--#   Optional. Defaults to ['healthcheck', 'cache', 'tempauth', 'proxy-server']
--# [*workers*] Number of threads to process requests.
--#  Optional. Defaults to the number of processors.
--# [*allow_account_management*]
--#   Rather or not requests through this proxy can create and
--#   delete accounts. Optional. Defaults to true.
--# [*account_autocreate*] Rather accounts should automatically be created.
--#  Has to be set to true for tempauth. Optional. Defaults to true.
--# [*read_affinity*]
--#  Configures the read affinity of proxy-server. Optional. Defaults to undef.
--# [*write_affinity*]
--#  Configures the write affinity of proxy-server. Optional. Defaults to undef.
--# [*write_affinity_node_count*]
--#  Configures write_affinity_node_count for proxy-server.
--#  Optional but requires write_affinity to be set. Defaults to undef.
--# [*package_ensure*] Ensure state of the swift proxy package.
--#   Optional. Defaults to present.
--# [*log_name*]
--#  Configures log_name for swift proxy-server.
--#  Optional. Defaults to proxy-server
-+# == Parameters
-+#  [*proxy_local_net_ip*]
-+#    The address that the proxy will bind to.
-+#  [*port*]
-+#    (optional) The port to which the proxy server will bind.
-+#    Defaults to 8080.
-+#  [*pipeline*]
-+#    (optional) The list of elements of the swift proxy pipeline.
-+#    Currently supports healthcheck, cache, proxy-server, and
-+#    one of the following auth_types: tempauth, swauth, keystone.
-+#    Each of the specified elements also need to be declared externally
-+#    as a puppet class with the exception of proxy-server.
-+#    Defaults to ['healthcheck', 'cache', 'tempauth', 'proxy-server']
-+#  [*workers*]
-+#    (optional) Number of threads to process requests.
-+#    Defaults to the number of processors.
-+#  [*allow_account_management*]
-+#    (optional) Rather or not requests through this proxy can create and
-+#    delete accounts.
-+#    Defaults to true.
-+#  [*account_autocreate*]
-+#    (optional) Rather accounts should automatically be created.
-+#    Has to be set to true for tempauth.
-+#    Defaults to true.
-+#  [*read_affinity*]
-+#    (optional) Configures the read affinity of proxy-server.
-+#    Defaults to undef.
-+#  [*write_affinity*]
-+#    (optional) Configures the write affinity of proxy-server.
-+#    Defaults to undef.
-+#  [*write_affinity_node_count*]
-+#    (optional) Configures write_affinity_node_count for proxy-server.
-+#    Optional but requires write_affinity to be set.
-+#    Defaults to undef.
-+#  [*enabled*]
-+#    (optional) Should the service be enabled.
-+#    Defaults to true
-+#  [*manage_service*]
-+#    (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet.
-+#    Defaults to true.
-+#  [*package_ensure*]
-+#    (optional) Ensure state of the swift proxy package.
-+#    Defaults to present.
-+#  [*log_name*]
-+#    Configures log_name for swift proxy-server.
-+#    Optional. Defaults to proxy-server
- #
- # == Examples
- #
-@@ -50,23 +78,25 @@
- #
- class swift::proxy(
-   $proxy_local_net_ip,
--  $port = '8080',
--  $pipeline = ['healthcheck', 'cache', 'tempauth', 'proxy-server'],
--  $workers = $::processorcount,
--  $allow_account_management = true,
--  $account_autocreate = true,
--  $log_headers = 'False',
--  $log_udp_host = '',
--  $log_udp_port = '',
--  $log_address = '/dev/log',
--  $log_level = 'INFO',
--  $log_facility = 'LOG_LOCAL1',
--  $log_handoffs = true,
--  $log_name = 'proxy-server',
--  $read_affinity = undef,
--  $write_affinity = undef,
-+  $port                      = '8080',
-+  $pipeline                  = ['healthcheck', 'cache', 'tempauth', 'proxy-server'],
-+  $workers                   = $::processorcount,
-+  $allow_account_management  = true,
-+  $account_autocreate        = true,
-+  $log_headers               = 'False',
-+  $log_udp_host              = '',
-+  $log_udp_port              = '',
-+  $log_address               = '/dev/log',
-+  $log_level                 = 'INFO',
-+  $log_facility              = 'LOG_LOCAL1',
-+  $log_handoffs              = true,
-+  $log_name                  = 'proxy-server',
-+  $read_affinity             = undef,
-+  $write_affinity            = undef,
-   $write_affinity_node_count = undef,
--  $package_ensure = 'present'
-+  $manage_service            = true,
-+  $enabled                   = true,
-+  $package_ensure            = 'present'
- ) {
-   include swift::params
-@@ -130,10 +160,18 @@ class swift::proxy(
-     before  => Class[$required_classes],
-   }
-+  if $manage_service {
-+    if $enabled {
-+      $service_ensure = 'running'
-+    } else {
-+      $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-+    }
-+  }
-   service { 'swift-proxy':
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => $::swift::params::proxy_service_name,
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-     hasstatus => true,
-     subscribe => Concat['/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf'],
-diff --git a/swift/manifests/storage/account.pp b/swift/manifests/storage/account.pp
-index 1ce6865..a4398c3 100644
---- a/swift/manifests/storage/account.pp
-+++ b/swift/manifests/storage/account.pp
-@@ -1,24 +1,51 @@
-+# Class swift::storage::account
-+# == Parameters
-+#  [*enabled*]
-+#    (optional) Should the service be enabled.
-+#    Defaults to true
-+#  [*manage_service*]
-+#    (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet.
-+#    Defaults to true.
-+#  [*package_ensure*]
-+#    (optional) Value of package resource parameter 'ensure'.
-+#    Defaults to 'present'.
- class swift::storage::account(
-+  $manage_service = true,
-+  $enabled        = true,
-   $package_ensure = 'present'
- ) {
-   swift::storage::generic { 'account':
-+    manage_service => $manage_service,
-+    enabled        => $enabled,
-     package_ensure => $package_ensure,
-   }
-   include swift::params
-+  if $manage_service {
-+    if $enabled {
-+      $service_ensure = 'running'
-+    } else {
-+      $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-+    }
-+  }
-   service { 'swift-account-reaper':
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => $::swift::params::account_reaper_service_name,
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-     require   => Package['swift-account'],
-   }
-   service { 'swift-account-auditor':
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => $::swift::params::account_auditor_service_name,
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-     require   => Package['swift-account'],
-   }
-diff --git a/swift/manifests/storage/container.pp b/swift/manifests/storage/container.pp
-index a4002d8..741dcba 100644
---- a/swift/manifests/storage/container.pp
-+++ b/swift/manifests/storage/container.pp
-@@ -1,31 +1,55 @@
- #
- # === Parameters
-+#  [*enabled*]
-+#    (optional) Should the service be enabled.
-+#    Defaults to true
- #
--# [*allowed_sync_hosts*] A list of hosts allowed in the X-Container-Sync-To
--#   field for containers. Defaults to one entry list ''.
-+#  [*manage_service*]
-+#    (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet.
-+#    Defaults to true.
-+#  [*package_ensure*]
-+#    (optional) Value of package resource parameter 'ensure'.
-+#    Defaults to 'present'.
-+#  [*allowed_sync_hosts*]
-+#    (optional) A list of hosts allowed in the X-Container-Sync-To
-+#    field for containers. Defaults to one entry list ''.
- #
- class swift::storage::container(
--  $package_ensure = 'present',
-+  $manage_service     = true,
-+  $enabled            = true,
-+  $package_ensure     = 'present',
-   $allowed_sync_hosts = [''],
- ) {
-   swift::storage::generic { 'container':
-+    manage_service => $manage_service,
-+    enabled        => $enabled,
-     package_ensure => $package_ensure
-   }
-   include swift::params
-+  if $manage_service {
-+    if $enabled {
-+      $service_ensure = 'running'
-+    } else {
-+      $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-+    }
-+  }
-   service { 'swift-container-updater':
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => $::swift::params::container_updater_service_name,
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-     require   => Package['swift-container'],
-   }
-   service { 'swift-container-auditor':
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => $::swift::params::container_auditor_service_name,
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-     require   => Package['swift-container'],
-   }
-@@ -41,8 +65,8 @@ class swift::storage::container(
-       target => '/lib/init/upstart-job',
-     }
-     service { 'swift-container-sync':
--      ensure    => running,
--      enable    => true,
-+      ensure    => $service_ensure,
-+      enable    => $enabled,
-       provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-       require   => File['/etc/init/swift-container-sync.conf', '/etc/init.d/swift-container-sync']
-     }
-diff --git a/swift/manifests/storage/generic.pp b/swift/manifests/storage/generic.pp
-index 2f84f2e..341bc5a 100644
---- a/swift/manifests/storage/generic.pp
-+++ b/swift/manifests/storage/generic.pp
-@@ -2,9 +2,20 @@
- # needed to deploy each type of storage server.
- #
- # == Parameters
--#  [*package_ensure*] The desired ensure state of the swift storage packages.
--#    Optional. Defaults to present.
--#  [*service_provider*] The provider to use for the service
-+#  [*enabled*]
-+#    (optional) Should the service be enabled.
-+#    Defaults to true
-+#  [*manage_service*]
-+#    (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet.
-+#    Defaults to true.
-+#  [*package_ensure*]
-+#    (optional) The desired ensure state of the swift storage packages.
-+#    Defaults to present.
-+#  [*service_provider*]
-+#    (optional) The provider to use for the service
- #
- # == Dependencies
- #  Requires Class[swift::storage]
-@@ -18,6 +29,8 @@
- #
- # Copyright 2011 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted.
- define swift::storage::generic(
-+  $manage_service   = true,
-+  $enabled          = true,
-   $package_ensure   = 'present',
-   $service_provider = $::swift::params::service_provider
- ) {
-@@ -42,19 +55,27 @@ define swift::storage::generic(
-     group  => 'swift',
-   }
-+  if $manage_service {
-+    if $enabled {
-+      $service_ensure = 'running'
-+    } else {
-+      $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-+    }
-+  }
-   service { "swift-${name}":
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::swift::params::${name}_service_name') %>"),
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     hasstatus => true,
-     provider  => $service_provider,
-     subscribe => Package["swift-${name}"],
-   }
-   service { "swift-${name}-replicator":
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::swift::params::${name}_replicator_service_name') %>"),
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     hasstatus => true,
-     provider  => $service_provider,
-     subscribe => Package["swift-${name}"],
-diff --git a/swift/manifests/storage/object.pp b/swift/manifests/storage/object.pp
-index 1e49101..587c60a 100644
---- a/swift/manifests/storage/object.pp
-+++ b/swift/manifests/storage/object.pp
-@@ -1,24 +1,51 @@
-+# Class swift::storage::object
-+# == Parameters
-+#  [*enabled*]
-+#    (optional) Should the service be enabled.
-+#    Defaults to true
-+#  [*manage_service*]
-+#    (optional) Whether the service should be managed by Puppet.
-+#    Defaults to true.
-+#  [*package_ensure*]
-+#    (optional) Value of package resource parameter 'ensure'.
-+#    Defaults to 'present'.
- class swift::storage::object(
-+  $manage_service = true,
-+  $enabled        = true,
-   $package_ensure = 'present'
- ) {
-   swift::storage::generic { 'object':
-+    manage_service => $manage_service,
-+    enabled        => $enabled,
-     package_ensure => $package_ensure
-   }
-   include swift::params
-+  if $manage_service {
-+    if $enabled {
-+      $service_ensure = 'running'
-+    } else {
-+      $service_ensure = 'stopped'
-+    }
-+  }
-   service { 'swift-object-updater':
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => $::swift::params::object_updater_service_name,
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-     require   => Package['swift-object'],
-   }
-   service { 'swift-object-auditor':
--    ensure    => running,
-+    ensure    => $service_ensure,
-     name      => $::swift::params::object_auditor_service_name,
--    enable    => true,
-+    enable    => $enabled,
-     provider  => $::swift::params::service_provider,
-     require   => Package['swift-object'],
-   }
-diff --git a/swift/spec/classes/swift_proxy_spec.rb b/swift/spec/classes/swift_proxy_spec.rb
-index a0b6f64..4dfe8b0 100644
---- a/swift/spec/classes/swift_proxy_spec.rb
-+++ b/swift/spec/classes/swift_proxy_spec.rb
-@@ -151,6 +151,80 @@ describe 'swift::proxy' do
-         end
-       end
-     end
-+  end
-+  shared_examples_for 'swift-proxy' do
-+    let :params do
-+      { :proxy_local_net_ip => '' }
-+    end
-+    [{ :enabled => true, :manage_service => true },
-+     { :enabled => false, :manage_service => true }].each do |param_hash|
-+      context "when service should be #{param_hash[:enabled] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}" do
-+        before do
-+          params.merge!(param_hash)
-+        end
-+        it 'configures swift-proxy service' do
-+          should contain_service('swift-proxy').with(
-+            :ensure    => (param_hash[:manage_service] && param_hash[:enabled]) ? 'running' : 'stopped',
-+            :name      => platform_params[:service_name],
-+            :provider  => platform_params[:service_provider],
-+            :enable    => param_hash[:enabled],
-+            :hasstatus => true,
-+            :subscribe => 'Concat[/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf]'
-+          )
-+        end
-+      end
-+    end
-+    context 'with disabled service managing' do
-+      before do
-+        params.merge!({
-+          :manage_service => false,
-+          :enabled        => false })
-+      end
-+      it 'configures swift-proxy service' do
-+        should contain_service('swift-proxy').with(
-+          :ensure    => nil,
-+          :name      => platform_params[:service_name],
-+          :provider  => platform_params[:service_provider],
-+          :enable    => false,
-+          :hasstatus => true,
-+          :subscribe => 'Concat[/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf]'
-+        )
-+      end
-+    end
-+  end
-+  context 'on Debian platforms' do
-+    let :facts do
-+      { :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
-+        :osfamily        => 'Debian',
-+        :concat_basedir  => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_name     => 'swift-proxy',
-+        :service_provider => 'upstart' }
-+    end
-+    it_configures 'swift-proxy'
-+  end
-+  context 'on RedHat platforms' do
-+    let :facts do
-+      { :osfamily        => 'RedHat',
-+        :operatingsystem => 'RedHat',
-+        :concat_basedir  => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_name     => 'openstack-swift-proxy',
-+        :service_provider => nil }
-+    end
-+    it_configures 'swift-proxy'
-   end
- end
-diff --git a/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_account_spec.rb b/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_account_spec.rb
-index 0623cc4..115fd6c 100644
---- a/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_account_spec.rb
-+++ b/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_account_spec.rb
-@@ -1,52 +1,106 @@
- require 'spec_helper'
--describe 'swift::storage::account' do
--  let :facts do
--    {
--      :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
--      :osfamily        => 'Debian'
--    }
--  end
-+describe 'swift::storage::account' do
-   let :pre_condition do
-     "class { 'ssh::server::install': }
-      class { 'swift': swift_hash_suffix => 'foo' }
-      class { 'swift::storage': storage_local_net_ip => '' }"
-   end
--  let :default_params do
--    {:package_ensure => 'present'}
-+  let :params do
-+    { :package_ensure => 'present',
-+      :enabled        => true,
-+      :manage_service => true }
-   end
--  [{},
--   {:package_ensure => 'latest'}
--  ].each do |param_set|
--    describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do
--      let :param_hash do
--        default_params.merge(param_set)
-+  shared_examples_for 'swift-storage-account' do
-+    [{},
-+     {:package_ensure => 'latest'}
-+    ].each do |param_set|
-+      describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do
-+        before do
-+          params.merge!(param_set)
-+        end
-+        it { should contain_swift__storage__generic('account').with_package_ensure(params[:package_ensure]) }
-+      end
-+    end
-+    [{ :enabled => true, :manage_service => true },
-+     { :enabled => false, :manage_service => true }].each do |param_hash|
-+      context "when service should be #{param_hash[:enabled] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}" do
-+        before do
-+          params.merge!(param_hash)
-+        end
-+        it 'configures services' do
-+          platform_params[:service_names].each do |service_alias, service_name|
-+            should contain_service(service_alias).with(
-+              :name    => service_name,
-+              :ensure  => (param_hash[:manage_service] && param_hash[:enabled]) ? 'running' : 'stopped',
-+              :enable  => param_hash[:enabled]
-+            )
-+          end
-+        end
-       end
--      let :params do
--        param_set
-+    end
-+    context 'with disabled service managing' do
-+      before do
-+        params.merge!({
-+          :manage_service => false,
-+          :enabled        => false })
-+      end
-+      it 'configures services' do
-+        platform_params[:service_names].each do |service_alias, service_name|
-+          should contain_service(service_alias).with(
-+            :ensure    => nil,
-+            :name      => service_name,
-+            :enable    => false
-+          )
-+        end
-       end
--      it { should contain_swift__storage__generic('account').with_package_ensure(param_hash[:package_ensure]) }
-     end
-   end
--  describe 'on rhel' do
-+  context 'on Debian platforms' do
-     let :facts do
--      {
--        :operatingsystem => 'RedHat',
--        :osfamily        => 'RedHat'
-+      {:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
-+       :osfamily        => 'Debian' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_names => {
-+          'swift-account'            => 'swift-account',
-+          'swift-account-replicator' => 'swift-account-replicator',
-+          'swift-account-reaper'     => 'swift-account-reaper',
-+          'swift-account-auditor'    => 'swift-account-auditor'
-+        }
-       }
-     end
--    it 'should have some support services' do
--      ['swift-account-reaper', 'swift-account-auditor'].each do |service|
--        should contain_service(service).with(
--          :name     => "openstack-#{service}",
--          :ensure   => 'running',
--          :enable   => true,
--          :require  => 'Package[swift-account]'
--        )
--      end
-+    it_configures 'swift-storage-account'
-+  end
-+  context 'on RedHat platforms' do
-+    let :facts do
-+      { :osfamily        => 'RedHat',
-+        :operatingsystem => 'RedHat' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_names => {
-+          'swift-account'            => 'openstack-swift-account',
-+          'swift-account-replicator' => 'openstack-swift-account-replicator',
-+          'swift-account-reaper'     => 'openstack-swift-account-reaper',
-+          'swift-account-auditor'    => 'openstack-swift-account-auditor'
-+        }
-+      }
-     end
-+    it_configures 'swift-storage-account'
-   end
- end
-diff --git a/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_container_spec.rb b/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_container_spec.rb
-index 38c80b9..8551b97 100644
---- a/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_container_spec.rb
-+++ b/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_container_spec.rb
-@@ -1,43 +1,91 @@
- require 'spec_helper'
--describe 'swift::storage::container' do
--  let :facts do
--    {
--      :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
--      :osfamily        => 'Debian'
--    }
--  end
-+describe 'swift::storage::container' do
-   let :pre_condition do
-     "class { 'ssh::server::install': }
-      class { 'swift': swift_hash_suffix => 'foo' }
-      class { 'swift::storage': storage_local_net_ip => '' }"
-   end
--  let :default_params do
--    {:package_ensure => 'present'}
-+  let :params do
-+    { :package_ensure => 'present',
-+      :enabled        => true,
-+      :manage_service => true }
-   end
--  [{},
--   {:package_ensure => 'latest'}
--  ].each do |param_set|
--    describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do
--      let :param_hash do
--        default_params.merge(param_set)
-+  shared_examples_for 'swift-storage-container' do
-+    [{},
-+     {:package_ensure => 'latest'}
-+    ].each do |param_set|
-+      describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do
-+        before do
-+          params.merge!(param_set)
-+        end
-+        it { should contain_swift__storage__generic('container').with_package_ensure(params[:package_ensure]) }
-       end
--      let :params do
--        param_set
-+    end
-+    [{ :enabled => true, :manage_service => true },
-+     { :enabled => false, :manage_service => true }].each do |param_hash|
-+      context "when service should be #{param_hash[:enabled] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}" do
-+        before do
-+          params.merge!(param_hash)
-+        end
-+        it 'configures services' do
-+          platform_params[:service_names].each do |service_alias, service_name|
-+            should contain_service(service_alias).with(
-+              :name    => service_name,
-+              :ensure  => (param_hash[:manage_service] && param_hash[:enabled]) ? 'running' : 'stopped',
-+              :enable  => param_hash[:enabled]
-+            )
-+          end
-+        end
-       end
--      it { should contain_swift__storage__generic('container').with_package_ensure(param_hash[:package_ensure]) }
--      it 'should have some other services' do
--        ['swift-container-updater', 'swift-container-auditor'].each do |service|
--          should contain_service(service).with(
--            :ensure   => 'running',
--            :enable   => true,
--            :provider => 'upstart',
--            :require  => 'Package[swift-container]'
-+    end
-+    context 'with disabled service managing' do
-+      before do
-+        params.merge!({
-+          :manage_service => false,
-+          :enabled        => false })
-+      end
-+      it 'configures services' do
-+        platform_params[:service_names].each do |service_alias, service_name|
-+          should contain_service(service_alias).with(
-+            :ensure    => nil,
-+            :name      => service_name,
-+            :enable    => false
-           )
-         end
-+      end
-+    end
-+  end
-+  context 'on Debian platforms' do
-+    let :facts do
-+      {:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
-+       :osfamily        => 'Debian' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_names => {
-+          'swift-container'            => 'swift-container',
-+          'swift-container-replicator' => 'swift-container-replicator',
-+          'swift-container-updater'    => 'swift-container-updater',
-+          'swift-container-auditor'    => 'swift-container-auditor'
-+        }
-+      }
-+    end
-+    it_configures 'swift-storage-container'
-+    context 'Ubuntu specific resources' do
-+      it 'configures sync' do
-         should contain_service('swift-container-sync').with(
-           :ensure   => 'running',
-           :enable   => true,
-@@ -56,26 +104,30 @@ describe 'swift::storage::container' do
-     end
-   end
--  describe 'on rhel' do
-+  context 'on RedHat platforms' do
-     let :facts do
--      {
-+      { :osfamily        => 'RedHat',
-         :operatingsystem => 'RedHat',
--        :osfamily        => 'RedHat',
--        :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat'
-+        :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_names => {
-+          'swift-container'            => 'openstack-swift-container',
-+          'swift-container-replicator' => 'openstack-swift-container-replicator',
-+          'swift-container-updater'    => 'openstack-swift-container-updater',
-+          'swift-container-auditor'    => 'openstack-swift-container-auditor'
-+        }
-       }
-     end
--    it 'should have some support services' do
--      ['swift-container-updater', 'swift-container-auditor'].each do |service|
--        should contain_service(service).with(
--          :name     => "openstack-#{service}",
--          :ensure   => 'running',
--          :enable   => true,
--          :require  => 'Package[swift-container]'
--        )
-+    it_configures 'swift-storage-container'
-+    context 'RedHat specific resources' do
-+      before do
-+        params.merge!({ :allowed_sync_hosts => ['', '', ''] })
-       end
--    end
--    describe 'configuration file' do
-       let :pre_condition do
-         "class { 'ssh::server::install': }
-          class { 'swift': swift_hash_suffix => 'foo' }
-@@ -86,18 +138,9 @@ describe 'swift::storage::container' do
-         "/var/lib/puppet/concat/_etc_swift_container-server.conf/fragments/00_swift-container-6001"
-       end
--      it { should contain_file(fragment_file).with_content(/^allowed_sync_hosts =$/) }
--      describe 'with allowed_sync_hosts' do
--        let :params do
--          { :allowed_sync_hosts => ['', '', ''], }
--        end
--        it {
--          should contain_file(fragment_file).with_content(/^allowed_sync_hosts =,,$/)
--        }
--      end
-+      it {
-+        should contain_file(fragment_file).with_content(/^allowed_sync_hosts =,,$/)
-+      }
-     end
-   end
- end
-diff --git a/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_object_spec.rb b/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_object_spec.rb
-index 3309ea3..d98f948 100644
---- a/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_object_spec.rb
-+++ b/swift/spec/classes/swift_storage_object_spec.rb
-@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
- require 'spec_helper'
--describe 'swift::storage::object' do
--  let :facts do
--    {
--      :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
--      :osfamily        => 'Debian'
--    }
--  end
-+describe 'swift::storage::object' do
-   let :pre_condition do
-     "class { 'ssh::server::install': }
-@@ -14,39 +8,100 @@ describe 'swift::storage::object' do
-      class { 'swift::storage': storage_local_net_ip => '' }"
-   end
--  let :default_params do
--    {:package_ensure => 'present'}
-+  let :params do
-+    { :package_ensure => 'present',
-+      :enabled        => true,
-+      :manage_service => true }
-   end
--  [{},
--   {:package_ensure => 'latest'}
--  ].each do |param_set|
--    describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do
--      let :param_hash do
--        default_params.merge(param_set)
-+  shared_examples_for 'swift-storage-object' do
-+    [{},
-+     { :package_ensure => 'latest' }
-+    ].each do |param_set|
-+      describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do
-+        before do
-+          params.merge!(param_set)
-+        end
-+        it { should contain_swift__storage__generic('object').with_package_ensure(params[:package_ensure]) }
-       end
--      let :params do
--        param_set
-+    end
-+    [{ :enabled => true, :manage_service => true },
-+     { :enabled => false, :manage_service => true }].each do |param_hash|
-+      context "when service should be #{param_hash[:enabled] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'}" do
-+        before do
-+          params.merge!(param_hash)
-+        end
-+        it 'configures services' do
-+          platform_params[:service_names].each do |service_alias, service_name|
-+            should contain_service(service_alias).with(
-+              :name    => service_name,
-+              :ensure  => (param_hash[:manage_service] && param_hash[:enabled]) ? 'running' : 'stopped',
-+              :enable  => param_hash[:enabled]
-+            )
-+          end
-+        end
-+      end
-+    end
-+    context 'with disabled service managing' do
-+      before do
-+        params.merge!({
-+          :manage_service => false,
-+          :enabled        => false })
-+      end
-+      it 'configures services' do
-+        platform_params[:service_names].each do |service_alias, service_name|
-+          should contain_service(service_alias).with(
-+            :ensure    => nil,
-+            :name      => service_name,
-+            :enable    => false
-+          )
-+        end
-       end
--      it { should contain_swift__storage__generic('object').with_package_ensure(param_hash[:package_ensure]) }
-     end
-   end
--  describe 'on rhel' do
-+  context 'on Debian platforms' do
-     let :facts do
--      {
--        :operatingsystem => 'RedHat',
--        :osfamily        => 'RedHat'
-+      {:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
-+       :osfamily        => 'Debian' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_names => {
-+          'swift-object'            => 'swift-object',
-+          'swift-object-replicator' => 'swift-object-replicator',
-+          'swift-object-updater'    => 'swift-object-updater',
-+          'swift-object-auditor'    => 'swift-object-auditor'
-+        }
-       }
-     end
--    it 'should have some support services' do
--      ['swift-object-updater', 'swift-object-auditor'].each do |service|
--        should contain_service(service).with(
--          :name     => "openstack-#{service}",
--          :ensure   => 'running',
--          :enable   => true,
--          :require  => 'Package[swift-object]'
--        )
--      end
-+    it_configures 'swift-storage-object'
-+  end
-+  context 'on RedHat platforms' do
-+    let :facts do
-+      { :osfamily        => 'RedHat',
-+        :operatingsystem => 'RedHat' }
-+    end
-+    let :platform_params do
-+      { :service_names => {
-+          'swift-object'            => 'openstack-swift-object',
-+          'swift-object-replicator' => 'openstack-swift-object-replicator',
-+          'swift-object-updater'    => 'openstack-swift-object-updater',
-+          'swift-object-auditor'    => 'openstack-swift-object-auditor'
-+        }
-+      }
-     end
-+    it_configures 'swift-storage-object'
-   end
- end
diff --git a/0007-Fix-against-mongodb-2.6.5-from-epel.patch b/0007-Fix-against-mongodb-2.6.5-from-epel.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 23d5359..0000000
--- a/0007-Fix-against-mongodb-2.6.5-from-epel.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From 6072fa1fa5974daf23c5f222c1145a07414f5b3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Ivan=20Ne=C4=8Das?= <inecas at redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:14:37 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix against mongodb 2.6.5 from epel
-The updated version of mongodb-server in epel7 2.6.5 (resp. it's
-systemd script) expects the pid file to be at
-We expect the same to happen in fedora 22
- mongodb/manifests/params.pp | 7 ++++++-
- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/mongodb/manifests/params.pp b/mongodb/manifests/params.pp
-index 7789e27..7c273b2 100644
---- a/mongodb/manifests/params.pp
-+++ b/mongodb/manifests/params.pp
-@@ -57,7 +57,12 @@ class mongodb::params inherits mongodb::globals {
-         $dbpath              = '/var/lib/mongodb'
-         $logpath             = '/var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log'
-         $bind_ip             = pick($::mongodb::globals::bind_ip, [''])
--        $pidfilepath         = '/var/run/mongodb/mongodb.pid'
-+        if ($::operatingsystem == 'fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '22') >= 0 or
-+            $::operatingsystem != 'fedora' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '7.0') >= 0) {
-+          $pidfilepath         = '/var/run/mongodb/mongod.pid'
-+        } else {
-+          $pidfilepath         = '/var/run/mongodb/mongodb.pid'
-+        }
-         $fork                = true
-         $journal             = true
-       }
diff --git a/0008-Fix-support-for-Fedora-Rawhide.patch b/0008-Fix-support-for-Fedora-Rawhide.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f60cfc8..0000000
--- a/0008-Fix-support-for-Fedora-Rawhide.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-From 91378e08eaf7b733956a0cdb57431c75ed1e84c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lukas Bezdicka <lbezdick at redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 13:02:02 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix support for Fedora Rawhide
- apache/manifests/version.pp        |  2 +-
- apache/spec/classes/apache_spec.rb | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 2 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/apache/manifests/version.pp b/apache/manifests/version.pp
-index dc5288d..fae008a 100644
---- a/apache/manifests/version.pp
-+++ b/apache/manifests/version.pp
-@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class apache::version {
-   case $::osfamily {
-     'RedHat': {
--      if ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' and $distrelease >= 18) or ($::operatingsystem != 'Fedora' and $distrelease >= 7) {
-+      if ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora' and versioncmp($distrelease, '18') >= 0) or ($::operatingsystem != 'Fedora' and $distrelease >= 7) {
-         $default = '2.4'
-       } else {
-         $default = '2.2'
-diff --git a/apache/spec/classes/apache_spec.rb b/apache/spec/classes/apache_spec.rb
-index fe61a97..a9d9438 100644
---- a/apache/spec/classes/apache_spec.rb
-+++ b/apache/spec/classes/apache_spec.rb
-@@ -488,6 +488,42 @@ describe 'apache', :type => :class do
-         it { is_expected.to contain_file("/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf").with_content %r{^EnableSendfile Off\n} }
-       end
-     end
-+    context "on Fedora" do
-+      let :facts do
-+        super().merge({
-+          :operatingsystem => 'Fedora'
-+        })
-+      end
-+      context "21" do
-+        let :facts do
-+          super().merge({
-+            :lsbdistrelease         => '21',
-+            :operatingsystemrelease => '21'
-+          })
-+        end
-+        it { is_expected.to contain_class('apache').with_apache_version('2.4') }
-+      end
-+      context "Rawhide" do
-+        let :facts do
-+          super().merge({
-+            :lsbdistrelease         => 'Rawhide',
-+            :operatingsystemrelease => 'Rawhide'
-+          })
-+        end
-+        it { is_expected.to contain_class('apache').with_apache_version('2.4') }
-+      end
-+      # kinda obsolete
-+      context "17" do
-+        let :facts do
-+          super().merge({
-+            :lsbdistrelease         => '17',
-+            :operatingsystemrelease => '17'
-+          })
-+        end
-+        it { is_expected.to contain_class('apache').with_apache_version('2.2') }
-+      end
-+    end
-   end
-   context "on a FreeBSD OS" do
-     let :facts do
diff --git a/0009-Adds-filtering-for-BONDING-LACP.patch b/0009-Adds-filtering-for-BONDING-LACP.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a4ee6ce..0000000
--- a/0009-Adds-filtering-for-BONDING-LACP.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-From 1e2179ae1b7ff6a61a0058943c4d3f0f87a14206 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gilles Dubreuil <gilles at redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 15:39:04 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH] Adds filtering for BONDING (LACP)
-- Separated ifcfg file capture from cleaning filter
-- Fixed REGEX when ifcfg file used as template
-Change-Id: I26d53c832e651668b40a70010bb994e5d2ec10da
- vswitch/lib/puppet/provider/vs_port/ovs_redhat.rb | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++--
- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/vswitch/lib/puppet/provider/vs_port/ovs_redhat.rb b/vswitch/lib/puppet/provider/vs_port/ovs_redhat.rb
-index 2bc4374..41f6445 100644
---- a/vswitch/lib/puppet/provider/vs_port/ovs_redhat.rb
-+++ b/vswitch/lib/puppet/provider/vs_port/ovs_redhat.rb
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:vs_port).provide(:ovs_redhat, :parent => :ovs) do
-       if link?
-         extras = dynamic_default if dynamic?
-         if File.exist?(BASE + @resource[:interface])
--          template = from_str(File.read(BASE + @resource[:interface]))
-+          template = cleared(from_str(File.read(BASE + @resource[:interface])))
-         end
-       end
-@@ -42,6 +42,13 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:vs_port).provide(:ovs_redhat, :parent => :ovs) do
-       if vlan?
-         port.set('VLAN' => 'yes')
-       end
-+      if bonding?
-+        port.set('BONDING_MASTER' => 'yes')
-+        config = from_str(File.read(BASE + @resource[:interface]))
-+        port.set('BONDING_OPTS' => config['BONDING_OPTS']) if config.has_key?('BONDING_OPTS')
-+      end
-       port.save(BASE + @resource[:interface])
-       bridge = IFCFG::Bridge.new(@resource[:bridge], template)
-@@ -77,6 +84,17 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:vs_port).provide(:ovs_redhat, :parent => :ovs) do
-   private
-+  def bonding?
-+    # To do: replace with iproute2 commands
-+    if File.exists?("/proc/net/bonding/#{@resource[:interface]}")
-+      return true
-+    else
-+      return false
-+    end
-+  rescue Errno::ENOENT
-+    return false
-+  end
-   def dynamic?
-     device = ''
-     device = ip('addr', 'show', @resource[:interface])
-@@ -114,14 +132,24 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:vs_port).provide(:ovs_redhat, :parent => :ovs) do
-   def from_str(data)
-     items = {}
-     data.each_line do |line|
--      if m = line.match(/^(.*)=(.*)$/)
-+      if m = line.match(/^([A-Za-z_]*)=(.*)$/)
-         items.merge!(m[1] => m[2])
-       end
-     end
--    items.delete('VLAN') if items.has_key?('VLAN')
-     items
-   end
-+  def cleared(data)
-+    data.each do |key, value|
-+      case key
-+      when /vlan/i
-+        data.delete(key)
-+      when /bonding/i
-+        data.delete(key)
-+      end
-+    end
-+  end
-   def vlan?
-     if File.read('/proc/net/vlan/config') =~ /#{@resource[:interface]}/
-       return true
diff --git a/0010-JSON-was-invalid.patch b/0010-JSON-was-invalid.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cab4023..0000000
--- a/0010-JSON-was-invalid.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-From d1e8116c8b6f49fd052685b0cb2cf53cd949aba1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Gilles Dubreuil <gilles at redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:40:58 +1100
-Subject: [PATCH] JSON was invalid
-Created an warning/error message when applying Puppet
-$ cat metadata.json | json_verify
-lexical error: inside a string, '\' occurs before a character which it
-may not.
-                                        {   "name": "puppet-galera",
-                     (right here) ------^
- galera/metadata.json | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/galera/metadata.json b/galera/metadata.json
-index 636b8a4..26a8cb5 100644
---- a/galera/metadata.json
-+++ b/galera/metadata.json
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- {
-   "name": "puppet-galera",
-   "version": "0.0.2",
--  "author": "Ryan O\'Hara",
-+  "author": "Ryan O'Hara",
-   "summary": "Install/Configure MariaDB with galera",
-   "license": "Apache 2.0",
-   "source": "git://github.com/redhat-openstack/puppet-galera.git",
-@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-         "6",
-         "7"
-       ]
--    },
-+    }
-   ],
-   "requirements": [
-     {
diff --git a/0011-Configure-auth-via-conf-file-not-paste-file.patch b/0011-Configure-auth-via-conf-file-not-paste-file.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 15273d4..0000000
--- a/0011-Configure-auth-via-conf-file-not-paste-file.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-From ffc268a5d45b92300ad9d9854d5558f72bdb4385 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Solly Ross <sross at redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:31:29 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Configure auth via conf file, not paste file
-The paste file now lives in /usr/share, and shouldn't be
-modified.  Configure the keystone auth token settings in
-trove.conf instead.
-Change-Id: Ib2cc2211cc645ad71e9f57c1c52177074472afcb
- trove/manifests/api.pp               | 14 +++++++-------
- trove/spec/classes/trove_api_spec.rb | 12 ++++++------
- 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/trove/manifests/api.pp b/trove/manifests/api.pp
-index ce54bd1..47898b6 100644
---- a/trove/manifests/api.pp
-+++ b/trove/manifests/api.pp
-@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@ class trove::api(
-   }
-   # auth config
--  trove_api_paste_ini {
--    'filter:authtoken/auth_host':         value => $auth_host;
--    'filter:authtoken/auth_port':         value => $auth_port;
--    'filter:authtoken/auth_protocol':     value => $auth_protocol;
--    'filter:authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => $keystone_tenant;
--    'filter:authtoken/admin_user'       : value => $keystone_user;
--    'filter:authtoken/admin_password'   : value => $keystone_password;
-+  trove_config {
-+    'keystone_authtoken/auth_host':         value => $auth_host;
-+    'keystone_authtoken/auth_port':         value => $auth_port;
-+    'keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol':     value => $auth_protocol;
-+    'keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name': value => $keystone_tenant;
-+    'keystone_authtoken/admin_user':        value => $keystone_user;
-+    'keystone_authtoken/admin_password':    value => $keystone_password, secret => true;
-   }
-   # SSL Options
-diff --git a/trove/spec/classes/trove_api_spec.rb b/trove/spec/classes/trove_api_spec.rb
-index b3e151f..d4b454f 100644
---- a/trove/spec/classes/trove_api_spec.rb
-+++ b/trove/spec/classes/trove_api_spec.rb
-@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ describe 'trove::api' do
-         should contain_trove_config('DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_user').with_value('admin')
-         should contain_trove_config('DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_pass').with_value('verysecrete')
-         should contain_trove_config('DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name').with_value('admin')
--        should contain_trove_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_host').with_value('')
--        should contain_trove_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_port').with_value('35357')
--        should contain_trove_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/auth_protocol').with_value('https')
--        should contain_trove_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/admin_tenant_name').with_value('_services_')
--        should contain_trove_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/admin_user').with_value('trove')
--        should contain_trove_api_paste_ini('filter:authtoken/admin_password').with_value('passw0rd')
-+        should contain_trove_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_host').with_value('')
-+        should contain_trove_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_port').with_value('35357')
-+        should contain_trove_config('keystone_authtoken/auth_protocol').with_value('https')
-+        should contain_trove_config('keystone_authtoken/admin_tenant_name').with_value('_services_')
-+        should contain_trove_config('keystone_authtoken/admin_user').with_value('trove')
-+        should contain_trove_config('keystone_authtoken/admin_password').with_value('passw0rd')
-       end
-       context 'when using a single RabbitMQ server' do
diff --git a/0012-Set-control_exchange-in-the-main-config-file.patch b/0012-Set-control_exchange-in-the-main-config-file.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c79268e..0000000
--- a/0012-Set-control_exchange-in-the-main-config-file.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-From 6ce65e7c4c26f4729739d674140608de7ac59537 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Solly Ross <sross at redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:40:19 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Set control_exchange in the main config file
-`control_exchange = trove` should be set in the main config file.
-Change-Id: I559f440a2aed76968bcdce18384f8707febb1f21
- trove/manifests/api.pp  | 1 +
- trove/manifests/init.pp | 4 ++++
- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/trove/manifests/api.pp b/trove/manifests/api.pp
-index 47898b6..c152bf3 100644
---- a/trove/manifests/api.pp
-+++ b/trove/manifests/api.pp
-@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ class trove::api(
-     'DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_user':        value => $::trove::nova_proxy_admin_user;
-     'DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_pass':        value => $::trove::nova_proxy_admin_pass;
-     'DEFAULT/nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name': value => $::trove::nova_proxy_admin_tenant_name;
-+    'DEFAULT/control_exchange':             value => $::trove::control_exchange;
-   }
-   if $auth_url {
-diff --git a/trove/manifests/init.pp b/trove/manifests/init.pp
-index 52f5eff..ddedba4 100644
---- a/trove/manifests/init.pp
-+++ b/trove/manifests/init.pp
-@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@
- # [*control_exchange*]
- #   (optional) Control exchange.
- #   Defaults to 'trove'.
-+# [*use_neutron*]
-+#   (optional) Use Neutron
-+#   Defaults to true
- #
- class trove(
-   $nova_proxy_admin_pass,
-@@ -166,6 +169,7 @@ class trove(
-   $swift_url                    = false,
-   $mysql_module                 = undef,
-+  $use_neutron                  = true,
- ) {
-   include trove::params
diff --git a/0013-Support-Neutron.patch b/0013-Support-Neutron.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d42ae9c..0000000
--- a/0013-Support-Neutron.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-From 150e4a19160e709d26be6be4cb0eacf209e5dfa2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Solly Ross <sross at redhat.com>
-Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:42:00 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Support Neutron
-The network driver and network label regex need to be set properly
-for neutron to work.
-Change-Id: I9e24ea252f434209ebc2fce89727db9bae2d1c1e
- trove/manifests/taskmanager.pp | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/trove/manifests/taskmanager.pp b/trove/manifests/taskmanager.pp
-index 405df9a..ebbc15a 100644
---- a/trove/manifests/taskmanager.pp
-+++ b/trove/manifests/taskmanager.pp
-@@ -170,6 +170,32 @@ class trove::taskmanager(
-     }
-   }
-+  if $::trove::use_neutron {
-+    trove_config {
-+      'DEFAULT/network_label_regex':         value => '.*';
-+      'DEFAULT/network_driver':              value => 'trove.network.neutron.NeutronDriver';
-+    }
-+    trove_taskmanager_config {
-+      'DEFAULT/network_label_regex':         value => '.*';
-+      'DEFAULT/network_driver':              value => 'trove.network.neutron.NeutronDriver';
-+    }
-+  } else {
-+    trove_config {
-+      'DEFAULT/network_label_regex':         value => '^private$';
-+      'DEFAULT/network_driver':              value => 'trove.network.nova.NovaNetwork';
-+    }
-+    trove_taskmanager_config {
-+      'DEFAULT/network_label_regex':         value => '^private$';
-+      'DEFAULT/network_driver':              value => 'trove.network.nova.NovaNetwork';
-+    }
-+  }
-+  trove_config {
-+    'DEFAULT/taskmanager_queue':             value => 'taskmanager';
-+  }
-   # Logging
-   if $log_file {
-     trove_taskmanager_config {
diff --git a/0014-Makes-kombu_ssl_-parameters-optional-when-rabbit_use.patch b/0014-Makes-kombu_ssl_-parameters-optional-when-rabbit_use.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ead756..0000000
--- a/0014-Makes-kombu_ssl_-parameters-optional-when-rabbit_use.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-From 363d6932bca1a00ab2f37060a5bce4d0356eadd3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lukas Bezdicka <lbezdick at redhat.com>
-Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 13:36:00 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Makes kombu_ssl_* parameters optional when rabbit_use_ssl =>
- true
-The kombu_ssl_* parameters should not be required when rabbit_use_ssl => true
-Rather, rabbit_use_ssl must be set to true if the kombu_ssl_* parameters are
-Change-Id: I1b2cbb15a7778c3d072409c43b39d1f41b7b48b6
-Closes-Bug: 1356083
-(cherry picked from commit 15b0a7dc825b1182f9e0e35c109ed7a6aaa51fd7)
- glance/manifests/notify/rabbitmq.pp                | 41 ++++++++++++----------
- glance/spec/classes/glance_notify_rabbitmq_spec.rb | 15 +++++---
- 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/glance/manifests/notify/rabbitmq.pp b/glance/manifests/notify/rabbitmq.pp
-index cfe973b..1fc4012 100644
---- a/glance/manifests/notify/rabbitmq.pp
-+++ b/glance/manifests/notify/rabbitmq.pp
-@@ -60,18 +60,6 @@ class glance::notify::rabbitmq(
-     $amqp_durable_queues_real = $amqp_durable_queues
-   }
--  if $rabbit_use_ssl {
--    if !$kombu_ssl_ca_certs {
--      fail('The kombu_ssl_ca_certs parameter is required when rabbit_use_ssl is set to true')
--    }
--    if !$kombu_ssl_certfile {
--      fail('The kombu_ssl_certfile parameter is required when rabbit_use_ssl is set to true')
--    }
--    if !$kombu_ssl_keyfile {
--      fail('The kombu_ssl_keyfile parameter is required when rabbit_use_ssl is set to true')
--    }
--  }
-   if $rabbit_hosts {
-     glance_api_config {
-       'DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts':     value => join($rabbit_hosts, ',');
-@@ -98,19 +86,34 @@ class glance::notify::rabbitmq(
-   }
-   if $rabbit_use_ssl {
--    glance_api_config {
--      'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs': value => $kombu_ssl_ca_certs;
--      'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile': value => $kombu_ssl_certfile;
--      'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile':  value => $kombu_ssl_keyfile;
--      'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version':  value => $kombu_ssl_version;
-+    glance_api_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version': value => $kombu_ssl_version }
-+    if $kombu_ssl_ca_certs {
-+      glance_api_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs': value => $kombu_ssl_ca_certs }
-+    } else {
-+      glance_api_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs': ensure => absent}
-+    }
-+    if $kombu_ssl_certfile {
-+      glance_api_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile': value => $kombu_ssl_certfile }
-+    } else {
-+      glance_api_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile': ensure => absent}
-+    }
-+    if $kombu_ssl_keyfile {
-+      glance_api_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile': value => $kombu_ssl_keyfile }
-+    } else {
-+      glance_api_config { 'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile': ensure => absent}
-     }
-   } else {
-     glance_api_config {
-+      'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version':  ensure => absent;
-       'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs': ensure => absent;
-       'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile': ensure => absent;
-       'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile':  ensure => absent;
--      'DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version':  ensure => absent;
-+    }
-+    if ($kombu_ssl_keyfile or $kombu_ssl_certfile or $kombu_ssl_ca_certs) {
-+      notice('Configuration of certificates with $rabbit_use_ssl == false is a useless config')
-     }
-   }
- }
-diff --git a/glance/spec/classes/glance_notify_rabbitmq_spec.rb b/glance/spec/classes/glance_notify_rabbitmq_spec.rb
-index 224aa02..1b75082 100644
---- a/glance/spec/classes/glance_notify_rabbitmq_spec.rb
-+++ b/glance/spec/classes/glance_notify_rabbitmq_spec.rb
-@@ -28,18 +28,24 @@ describe 'glance::notify::rabbitmq' do
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_notification_topic').with_value('notifications') }
-   end
--  describe 'when passing params' do
-+  describe 'when passing params and use ssl' do
-     let :params do
-       {
-         :rabbit_password        => 'pass',
-         :rabbit_userid          => 'guest2',
-         :rabbit_host            => 'localhost2',
-         :rabbit_port            => '5673',
-+        :rabbit_use_ssl         => true,
-         :rabbit_durable_queues  => true,
-       }
-       it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_userid').with_value('guest2') }
-       it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_host').with_value('localhost2') }
-       it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_port').with_value('5673') }
-+      it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_use_ssl').with_value('true') }
-+      it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs').with_ensure('absent') }
-+      it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile').with_ensure('absent') }
-+      it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile').with_ensure('absent') }
-+      it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version').with_value('TLSv1') }
-       it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_durable_queues').with_value('true') }
-     end
-   end
-@@ -47,7 +53,7 @@ describe 'glance::notify::rabbitmq' do
-   describe 'with rabbit ssl cert parameters' do
-     let :params do
-       {
--        :rabbit_password    => 'pass',
-+        :rabbit_password        => 'pass',
-         :rabbit_use_ssl     => 'true',
-         :kombu_ssl_ca_certs => '/etc/ca.cert',
-         :kombu_ssl_certfile => '/etc/certfile',
-@@ -55,8 +61,7 @@ describe 'glance::notify::rabbitmq' do
-         :kombu_ssl_version  => 'TLSv1',
-       }
-     end
--    it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_use_ssl').with_value('true') }
-+    it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_use_ssl').with_value(true) }
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs').with_value('/etc/ca.cert') }
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile').with_value('/etc/certfile') }
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile').with_value('/etc/key') }
-@@ -89,6 +94,7 @@ describe 'glance::notify::rabbitmq' do
-         :rabbit_userid          => 'guest2',
-         :rabbit_host            => 'localhost2',
-         :rabbit_port            => '5673',
-+        :rabbit_use_ssl         => true,
-         :rabbit_durable_queues  => true,
-       }
-     end
-@@ -96,6 +102,7 @@ describe 'glance::notify::rabbitmq' do
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_host').with_value('localhost2') }
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_port').with_value('5673') }
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_hosts').with_value('localhost2:5673') }
-+    it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/rabbit_use_ssl').with_value('true') }
-     it { should contain_glance_api_config('DEFAULT/amqp_durable_queues').with_value('true') }
-   end
diff --git a/0015-Switch-to-TLSv1-as-SSLv3-is-considered-insecure-and-.patch b/0015-Switch-to-TLSv1-as-SSLv3-is-considered-insecure-and-.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c9647c1..0000000
--- a/0015-Switch-to-TLSv1-as-SSLv3-is-considered-insecure-and-.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-From a7873c3dbca5702e7c65acfe1b7d8f99f37b35c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Lukas Bezdicka <lbezdick at redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 20:07:25 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Switch to TLSv1 as SSLv3 is considered insecure and is
- disabled by default
-Rabbitmq won't talk to us anymore if we try to use SSLv3 as it disabled
-support for SSLv3. Openstack components use python's openssl
-implementation which does not support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 yet so we
-just switch to TLSv1. Support for newer TLS should come with python
-Closes-Bug: #1409667
-Change-Id: I3834decbc73a97a627023b132324a6c4aec2468a
-(cherry picked from commit 7b801ad37ac36e5eddd3d844e3f483edcfa38442)
- cinder/manifests/init.pp           | 4 ++--
- cinder/spec/classes/cinder_spec.rb | 8 ++++----
- 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cinder/manifests/init.pp b/cinder/manifests/init.pp
-index 1080b3b..d18eceb 100644
---- a/cinder/manifests/init.pp
-+++ b/cinder/manifests/init.pp
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- #   (optional) SSL version to use (valid only if SSL enabled).
- #   Valid values are TLSv1, SSLv23 and SSLv3. SSLv2 may be
- #   available on some distributions.
--#   Defaults to 'SSLv3'
-+#   Defaults to 'TLSv1'
- #
- # [amqp_durable_queues]
- #   Use durable queues in amqp.
-@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class cinder (
-   $kombu_ssl_ca_certs          = undef,
-   $kombu_ssl_certfile          = undef,
-   $kombu_ssl_keyfile           = undef,
--  $kombu_ssl_version           = 'SSLv3',
-+  $kombu_ssl_version           = 'TLSv1',
-   $amqp_durable_queues         = false,
-   $qpid_hostname               = 'localhost',
-   $qpid_port                   = '5672',
-diff --git a/cinder/spec/classes/cinder_spec.rb b/cinder/spec/classes/cinder_spec.rb
-index 4dea2e4..e64ff67 100644
---- a/cinder/spec/classes/cinder_spec.rb
-+++ b/cinder/spec/classes/cinder_spec.rb
-@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ describe 'cinder' do
-         :kombu_ssl_ca_certs => '/path/to/ssl/ca/certs',
-         :kombu_ssl_certfile => '/path/to/ssl/cert/file',
-         :kombu_ssl_keyfile  => '/path/to/ssl/keyfile',
--        :kombu_ssl_version  => 'SSLv3'
-+        :kombu_ssl_version  => 'TLSv1'
-       })
-     end
-@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ describe 'cinder' do
-       should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs').with_value('/path/to/ssl/ca/certs')
-       should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile').with_value('/path/to/ssl/cert/file')
-       should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile').with_value('/path/to/ssl/keyfile')
--      should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version').with_value('SSLv3')
-+      should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version').with_value('TLSv1')
-     end
-   end
-@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ describe 'cinder' do
-       should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_ca_certs').with_ensure('absent')
-       should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_certfile').with_ensure('absent')
-       should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_keyfile').with_ensure('absent')
--      should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version').with_value('SSLv3')
-+      should contain_cinder_config('DEFAULT/kombu_ssl_version').with_value('TLSv1')
-     end
-   end
-@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ describe 'cinder' do
-         :kombu_ssl_ca_certs => 'undef',
-         :kombu_ssl_certfile => 'undef',
-         :kombu_ssl_keyfile  => 'undef',
--        :kombu_ssl_version  => 'SSLv3'
-+        :kombu_ssl_version  => 'TLSv1'
-       })
-     end
diff --git a/0016-Add-Ironic-support-into-nova-puppet-modules.patch b/0016-Add-Ironic-support-into-nova-puppet-modules.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 51b29a5..0000000
--- a/0016-Add-Ironic-support-into-nova-puppet-modules.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-From 52393f27c1ca84288450eafd3312c3d499cda2ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ryan Hallisey <rhallise at redhat.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 07:45:23 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Add Ironic support into nova puppet modules
-Ironic needs to make some additions to the nova config
-file in order to run.  The remaining configuraitons will
-be added to the nova plugin in packstack.
- nova/manifests/compute.pp              | 17 ++++++++++++
- nova/manifests/compute/ironic.pp       | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- nova/spec/classes/nova_compute_spec.rb | 17 ++++++++----
- 3 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 nova/manifests/compute/ironic.pp
-diff --git a/nova/manifests/compute.pp b/nova/manifests/compute.pp
-index 975fefc..0fcf648 100644
---- a/nova/manifests/compute.pp
-+++ b/nova/manifests/compute.pp
-@@ -73,6 +73,16 @@
- #   (optional) Force backing images to raw format.
- #   Defaults to true
- #
-+#  [*reserved_host_memory*]
-+#   Reserved host memory
-+#   The amount of memory in MB reserved for the host.
-+#   Defaults to '512'
-+#  [*compute_manager*]
-+#   Compute manager
-+#   The driver that will manage the running instances.
-+#   Defaults to nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager
- class nova::compute (
-   $enabled                       = false,
-   $manage_service                = true,
-@@ -91,10 +101,17 @@ class nova::compute (
-   $instance_usage_audit          = false,
-   $instance_usage_audit_period   = 'month',
-   $force_raw_images              = true,
-+  $reserved_host_memory          = '512',
-+  $compute_manager               = 'nova.compute.manager.ComputeManager',
- ) {
-   include nova::params
-+  nova_config {
-+    'DEFAULT/reserved_host_memory_mb':  value => $reserved_host_memory;
-+    'DEFAULT/compute_manager':          value => $compute_manager;
-+  }
-   if ($vnc_enabled) {
-     if ($vncproxy_host) {
-       $vncproxy_base_url = "${vncproxy_protocol}://${vncproxy_host}:${vncproxy_port}${vncproxy_path}"
-diff --git a/nova/manifests/compute/ironic.pp b/nova/manifests/compute/ironic.pp
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..2924a02
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/nova/manifests/compute/ironic.pp
-@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
-+# == Class: nova::compute::ironic
-+# Configures Nova compute service to use Ironic.
-+# === Parameters:
-+# [*admin_user*]
-+#   Admin username
-+#   The admin username for Ironic to connect to Nova.
-+#   Defaults to 'admin'
-+# [*admin_passwd*]
-+#   Admin password
-+#   The admin password for Ironic to connect to Nova.
-+#   Defaults to 'ironic'
-+# [*admin_url*]
-+#   Admin url
-+#   The address of the Keystone api endpoint.
-+#   Defaults to ''
-+# [*admin_tenant_name*]
-+#   Admin tenant name
-+#   The Ironic Keystone tenant name.
-+#   Defaults to 'services'
-+# [*api_endpoint*]
-+#   Api endpoint
-+#   The url for Ironic api endpoint.
-+#   Defaults to ''
-+class nova::compute::ironic (
-+  $admin_user           = 'admin',
-+  $admin_passwd         = 'ironic',
-+  $admin_url            = '',
-+  $admin_tenant_name    = 'services',
-+  $api_endpoint         = '',
-+) {
-+  nova_config {
-+    'ironic/admin_username':            value => $admin_user;
-+    'ironic/admin_password':            value => $admin_passwd;
-+    'ironic/admin_url':                 value => $admin_url;
-+    'ironic/admin_tenant_name':         value => $admin_tenant_name;
-+    'ironic/api_endpoint':              value => $api_endpoint;
-+    'DEFAULT/compute_driver':           value => 'nova.virt.ironic.IronicDriver';
-+  }
-diff --git a/nova/spec/classes/nova_compute_spec.rb b/nova/spec/classes/nova_compute_spec.rb
-index 253f655..0411af5 100644
---- a/nova/spec/classes/nova_compute_spec.rb
-+++ b/nova/spec/classes/nova_compute_spec.rb
-@@ -40,11 +40,13 @@ describe 'nova::compute' do
-     context 'with overridden parameters' do
-       let :params do
--        { :enabled            => true,
--          :ensure_package     => '2012.1-2',
--          :vncproxy_host      => '',
--          :network_device_mtu => 9999,
--          :force_raw_images   => false }
-+        { :enabled              => true,
-+          :ensure_package       => '2012.1-2',
-+          :vncproxy_host        => '',
-+          :network_device_mtu   => 9999,
-+          :force_raw_images     => false,
-+          :reserved_host_memory => '0',
-+          :compute_manager      => 'ironic.nova.compute.manager.ClusteredComputeManager'}
-       end
-       it 'installs nova-compute package and service' do
-@@ -61,6 +63,11 @@ describe 'nova::compute' do
-         })
-       end
-+      it 'configures ironic in nova.conf' do
-+        should contain_nova_config('DEFAULT/reserved_host_memory_mb').with_value('0')
-+        should contain_nova_config('DEFAULT/compute_manager').with_value('ironic.nova.compute.manager.ClusteredComputeManager')
-+      end
-       it 'configures network_device_mtu' do
-         should contain_nova_config('DEFAULT/network_device_mtu').with_value('9999')
-       end
diff --git a/0017-Fix-prefetch-refresh-for-providers.patch b/0017-Fix-prefetch-refresh-for-providers.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7577881..0000000
--- a/0017-Fix-prefetch-refresh-for-providers.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-From 83c106b8e91ceb603bb1f88852c7481ac5c7c356 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Javier Pena <jpena at redhat.com>
-Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 11:08:07 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix prefetch refresh for providers
-The instance method for most providers did only gather instances
-during the first execution. After that, usage of ||= prevented it
-from gathering them again, which broke cases like creating a tenant
-and then trying to fetch that tenant's id for other usage.
-Change-Id: I5a9767383438549e354429632f8c1a7e569aa8fb
- keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_endpoint/openstack.rb | 2 +-
- keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_role/openstack.rb     | 2 +-
- keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_service/openstack.rb  | 2 +-
- keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_tenant/openstack.rb   | 2 +-
- keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_user/openstack.rb     | 2 +-
- 5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_endpoint/openstack.rb b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_endpoint/openstack.rb
-index fadb25f..434742e 100644
---- a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_endpoint/openstack.rb
-+++ b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_endpoint/openstack.rb
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:keystone_endpoint).provide(
-   end
-   def instance(name)
--    @instances ||= instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-+    @instances = instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-   end
-   def flush
-diff --git a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_role/openstack.rb b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_role/openstack.rb
-index 50a2cbb..3f44fd3 100644
---- a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_role/openstack.rb
-+++ b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_role/openstack.rb
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:keystone_role).provide(
-   end
-   def instance(name)
--    @instances ||= instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-+    @instances = instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-   end
- end
-diff --git a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_service/openstack.rb b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_service/openstack.rb
-index e9bed96..b4be984 100644
---- a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_service/openstack.rb
-+++ b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_service/openstack.rb
-@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:keystone_service).provide(
-   end
-   def instance(name)
--    @instances ||= instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-+    @instances = instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-   end
-   def flush
-diff --git a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_tenant/openstack.rb b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_tenant/openstack.rb
-index b0a6361..0ee3b55 100644
---- a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_tenant/openstack.rb
-+++ b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_tenant/openstack.rb
-@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:keystone_tenant).provide(
-   end
-   def instance(name)
--    @instances ||= instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-+    @instances = instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-   end
-   def flush
-diff --git a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_user/openstack.rb b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_user/openstack.rb
-index f91b3b0..3a87f04 100644
---- a/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_user/openstack.rb
-+++ b/keystone/lib/puppet/provider/keystone_user/openstack.rb
-@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:keystone_user).provide(
-   end
-   def instance(name)
--    @instances ||= instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-+    @instances = instances.select { |instance| instance[:name] == name }.first || {}
-   end
-   def set_project(newproject)
cgit v0.10.2


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