cra pushed to kpcli (f21). "Update source to 2.8"

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Wed May 27 03:47:12 UTC 2015

From fb2dfc513f535b4995713b378170d7bbea379718 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Charles R. Anderson" <cra at>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 23:15:23 -0400
Subject: Update source to 2.8

diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4082871..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4760 +0,0 @@
-# kpcli - KeePass Command Line Interface
-# Author: Lester Hightower <hightowe at cpan dot org>
-# This program was inspired by "kedpm -c" and resulted despite illness
-# (or more likely because of it) over the USA Thanksgiving holiday in
-# late November of 2010. As a long-time user of the Ked Password Manager
-# I really missed a command line interface after getting an Android cell
-# phone and switching to KeePass, so that I could access my password
-# database on my phone. This program scratches that itch.
-# The required perl modules
-use strict;                                   # core
-use version;                                  # core
-use File::Spec;                               # core
-use FileHandle;                               # core
-use Getopt::Long;                             # core
-use File::Basename;                           # core
-use Digest::file;                             # core
-use Digest::MD5;                              # core
-use Digest::SHA qw(sha256);                   # core
-use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);                  # core
-use Term::ANSIColor;                          # core
-use Carp qw(longmess);                        # core
-use English qw(-no_match_vars);               # core
-use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); # core
-use Time::Local qw(timegm);                   # core
-use Clone qw(clone);                          # core
-use POSIX;                   # core, required for unsafe signal handling
-use Crypt::Rijndael;         # non-core, libcrypt-rijndael-perl on Ubuntu
-use Sort::Naturally;         # non-core, libsort-naturally-perl on Ubuntu
-use Term::ReadKey;           # non-core, libterm-readkey-perl on Ubuntu
-use Term::ShellUI;           # non-core, libterm-shellui-perl on Ubuntu
-use File::KeePass 0.03;      # non-core, libfile-keepass-perl on Ubuntu
-                             #  - >=v0.03 needed due critical bug fixes
-# Pull in optional perl modules with run-time loading
-my %OPTIONAL_PM=();
-# Data::Password is needed for the pwck command (check password quality).
-if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Data::Password',[qw(IsBadPassword)])) {
-  no warnings 'once';
-  $Data::Password::MINLEN = 8;
-  $Data::Password::MAXLEN = 0;
-# Capture::Tiny is needed to safely optionally-load Clipboard.
-# Clipboard is needed by the clipboard copy commands (xw, xu, xp, and xx).
-if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Capture::Tiny',[qw(capture)])) {
-  # Clipboard tests its dependencies at import() and writes warnings to STDERR.
-  # Tiny::Capture is used to catch those warnings and we silently hold them
-  # until and unless someone tries to use dependant functions.
-  my ($out, $err, @result) = capture(
-		sub { runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Clipboard',undef); } );
-  if (length($err)) {
-    # Cleanup the error message for for better viewing by the user
-    $err =~ s/^\s+//g; $err =~ s/\s+$//g; $err =~ s/^(.*)$/ > $1/mg;
-    $OPTIONAL_PM{'Clipboard'}->{error} = $err;
-  }
-} else {
-  # If we didn't get Capture::Tiny, also mark Clipboard as not loaded.
-  $OPTIONAL_PM{'Clipboard'}->{loaded} = 0;
-# Win32::Console::ANSI is needed to emulate ANSI colors on Windows
-if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/) {
-  if (! runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Win32::Console::ANSI',undef)) {
-    # If we don't have Win32::Console::ANSI then we want to override
-    # &main::color() and colored() from Term::ANSIColor with NOOPs.
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *color = sub { my $color = shift @_; return ''; };
-    *colored = sub { my $color = shift @_; my $text=shift @_; return $text; };
-  }
-$|=1; # flush immediately after writes or prints to STDOUT
-my $DEBUG=0;
-$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;    # Have Dumper escape special chars (like \0)
-my $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN = 20; # Default length of generated passwords.
-my $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN = 1;  # Minimum length of generated passwords.
-my $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX = 50; # Maximum length of generated passwords.
-my $DEFAULT_ENTRY_ICON = 0;  # In keepassx, icon 0 is a golden key
-my $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON = 49; # In keepassx, icon 49 is an opened file folder
-my $DEfAULT_BAKUP_ICON = 2;  # In keepassx, icon 2 is a warning sign
-my $FOUND_DIR = '_found';    # The find command's results go in /_found/
-my $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE = 2*1024**2; # Maximum size of entry file attachments
-# Application name and version
-my $APP_NAME = basename($0);  $APP_NAME =~ s/\.(pl|exe)$//;
-my $VERSION = "2.7";
-our $HISTORY_FILE = ""; # Gets set in the MyGetOpts() function
-my $opts=MyGetOpts();   # Will only return with options we think we can use
-my $doc_passwd_gen =
-	"For password generation, the \"g\" method produces a\n" .
-	"string of random characters, the \"w\" method creates a\n" .
-	"4-word string inspired by \"correct horse battery staple\"\n" .
-	"(, and the \"i\" method provides an\n" .
-	"interactive user interface to the \"g\" and \"w\" methods.\n" .
-	"\n" .
-	"By default, the \"g\" and \"i\" methods generate passwords that\n" .
-	"are $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN characters long. " .
-				"That can be controlled by providing an\n" .
-	"integer immediately after the \"g|i\" in the range of "
-	"For example, \"g17\" will generate a 17 character password.\n" .
-	"";
-# Setup our Term::ShellUI object
-my $term = new Term::ShellUI(
-    app => $APP_NAME,
-    term => get_readline_term(\%OPTIONAL_PM, $APP_NAME),
-    history_file => $HISTORY_FILE,
-    keep_quotes => 0,
-    commands => {
-         #"" => { args => sub { shift->complete_history(@_) } },
-         "history" => { desc => "Prints the command history",
-            doc => "\nSpecify a number to list the last N lines of history.\n" .
-            "Pass -c to clear the command history.\n" .
-            "Pass -d NUM to delete a single item.\n",
-            args => "[-c] [-d] [number]",
-            method => sub { shift->history_call(@_) },
-	    exclude_from_history => 1,
-         },
-         "ver" => {
-             desc => "Print the version of this program",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"Add the -v option to get an inventory of the versions\n" .
-		"of the various dependencies being used. Please provide\n" .
-		"that information in any bug reports filed.\n" .
-		"",
-             method => \&cli_version,
-             minargs => 0, maxargs => 1,
-	     exclude_from_history => 1,
-         },
-         "version" => { alias => "ver",
-		exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,},
-         "vers" => {
-             desc => "Same as \"ver -v\"",
-             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0,
-             method => sub { cli_version(shift, { args => ['-v'] }); },
-		exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,
-         },
-         "versions" => { alias => "vers",
-		exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,},
-         "help" => {
-             desc => "Print helpful information",
-             args => sub { shift->help_args(undef, @_); },
-             method => sub { my_help_call(@_); },
-	     exclude_from_history => 1,
-             #method => sub { shift->help_call(undef, @_); }
-         },
-         "h" => { alias => "help",
-		exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,},
-         "?" => { alias => "help",
-		exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,},
-         "cl" => {
-             desc => "Change directory and list entries (cd+ls)",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"Change the pwd to an absolute or relative path\n" .
-		"and list the entries there. This is a useful way\n" .
-		"to quickly navigate to a path and have the entries\n" .
-		"listed in preparation to run the show command.\n",
-             maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups,
-             method => sub { if(cli_cd(@_) == 0) { cli_ls() } },
-         },
-	 "cls" => {
-	     desc => 'Clear screen ("clear" command also works)',
-	     doc  => "\n" .
-		"Clear the screen, which is useful when guests arrive.\n",
-	     maxargs => 0,
-	     method => \&cli_cls,
-	     exclude_from_history => 1,
-	 },
-         "clear" => { alias => "cls", exclude_from_history => 1, },
-         "cd" => {
-             desc => "Change directory (path to a group)",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"Change the pwd to an absolute or relative path.\n" .
-		"Slashes in names are escaped with backslashes:\n" .
-		"(i.e. \"cd /personal/Comcast\\/Xfinity\").\n",
-             maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups,
-             method => \&cli_cd,
-         },
-         "chdir" => { alias => 'cd' },
-         "saveas" => {
-             desc => "Save to a specific filename " .
-				"(saveas <file.kdb> [<file.key>])",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2,
-             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,
-					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
-             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_saveas, @_); },
-         },
-         "export" => {
-             desc => "Export entries to a new KeePass DB " .
-				"(export <file.kdb> [<file.key>])",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"Use this command to export the full tree of groups\n" .
-		"and entries to another KeePass database file on disk,\n" .
-		"starting at your current path (pwd).\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		"This is also a \"safer\" way to change your database\n" .
-		"password. Export from /, verify that the new file is\n" .
-		"good, and then remove your original file.\n",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2,
-             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,
-					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
-             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_export, @_); },
-         },
-         "import" => {
-             desc => "Import another KeePass DB " .
-				"(import <file.kdb> <path> [<file.key>])",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"Use this command to import the entire KeePass DB\n" .
-		"specified by <file.kdb> into a new group at <path>.\n",
-             minargs => 2, maxargs => 3,
-             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,\&complete_groups,
-					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
-             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_import, @_); },
-         },
-         "open" => {
-             desc => "Open a KeePass database file " .
-				"(open <file.kdb> [<file.key>])",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2,
-             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,
-					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
-             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_open, @_); },
-         },
-         "mkdir" => {
-             desc => "Create a new group (mkdir <group_name>)",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups,
-             method => \&cli_mkdir,
-         },
-         "rmdir" => {
-             desc => "Delete a group (rmdir <group_name>)",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups,
-             method => \&cli_rmdir,
-         },
-         "dir" => { alias => "ls", },
-         "ls" => {
-             desc => "Lists items in the pwd or a specified path " .
-							"(\"dir\" also works)",
-             minargs => 0, maxargs => 99,
-             args => \&complete_groups,
-             method => \&cli_ls,
-         },
-         "new" => {
-             desc => "Create a new entry: new <optional path&|title>",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"The new command is used to create a new entry.\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		"Usage is straightforward.\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		$doc_passwd_gen .
-		"",
-             minargs => 0, maxargs => 1,
-             args => [\&complete_groups],
-             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_new, @_); },
-         },
-         "rm" => {
-             desc => "Remove an entry: rm <path to entry|entry number>",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => \&cli_rm,
-         },
-         "xu" => {
-             desc => "Copy username to clipboard: xu <entry path|number>",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => sub { cli_xN('xu', @_); }
-         },
-         "xw" => {
-             desc => "Copy URL (www) to clipboard: xw <entry path|number>",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => sub { cli_xN('xw', @_); }
-         },
-         "xp" => {
-             desc => "Copy password to clipboard: xp <entry path|number>",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => sub { cli_xN('xp', @_); }
-         },
-         "xx" => {
-             desc => "Clear the clipboard: xx",
-             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0,
-             method => sub { cli_xN('xx'); }
-         },
-         "pwck" => {
-             desc => "Check password quality: pwck <entry|group>",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"The pwck command test password quality for entries.\n" .
-		"You can check an individual entry or all entries inside\n" .
-		"of a group, recursively. To check every password in your\n" .
-		"database, use: pwck /\n" .
-		"",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => \&cli_pwck,
-         },
-         "stats" => {
-             desc => "Prints statistics about the open KeePass file",
-             method => \&cli_stats,
-         },
-         "show" => {
-             desc => "Show an entry: show [-f] [-a] <entry path|entry number>",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"The show command tries to intelligently determine\n" .
-		"what you want to see and to make it easy to display.\n" .
-		"Show can take a path to an entry as its argument or\n" .
-		"an entry number as shown by the ls command.\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		"When using entry numbers, they will refer to the last\n" .
-		"path when an ls was performed or pwd if ls has not\n" .
-		"yet been run.\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		"By default, passwords are \"hidden\" by being displayed as\n" .
-		"\"red on red\" where they can be copied to the clip board\n" .
-		"but not seen. Provide the -f option to show passwords.\n" .
-		"Use the -a option to see create and modified times, and\n" .
-		"the index of the icon set for the entry.\n" .
-		"",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 3,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => \&cli_show,
-         },
-         "edit" => {
-             desc => "Edit an entry: edit <path to entry|entry number>",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"The edit command is used to modify an entry.\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		"Usage is straightforward.\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		$doc_passwd_gen .
-		"",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_edit, @_); },
-         },
-         "attach" => {
-             desc => "Manage attachments: attach <path to entry|entry number>",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"The attach command provided an interactive user interface\n" .
-		"for managing file attachments on an entry.\n" .
-		"",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
-             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_attach, @_); },
-         },
-         "mv" => {
-             desc => "Move an item: mv <path to group|entry> <path to group>",
-             minargs => 2, maxargs => 2,
-             args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries, \&complete_groups],
-             method => \&cli_mv,
-         },
-         "rename" => {
-             desc => "Rename a group: rename <path to group>",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
-             args => \&complete_groups,
-             method => \&cli_rename,
-         },
-         "copy" => {
-             desc => "Copy an entry: copy <path to entry> <path to new entry>",
-             minargs => 2, maxargs => 2,
-             args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries,
-					\&complete_groups_and_entries],
-             method => \&cli_copy,
-         },
-         "cp" => { alias => "copy", },
-         "clone" => {
-             desc =>"Clone an entry: clone <path to entry> <path to new entry>",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"Clones an entry for you to edit. Similar to doing\n" .
-		"\"cp foo bar; edit bar\" if that were possible.\n" .
-		"\n",
-             minargs => 2, maxargs => 2,
-             args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries,
-					\&complete_groups_and_entries],
-             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_clone, @_); },
-         },
-         "save" => {
-             desc => "Save the database to disk",
-             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, args => "",
-             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_save, @_); },
-         },
-         "close" => {
-             desc => "Close the currently opened database",
-             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, args => "",
-             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_close, @_); },
-         },
-         "find" => {
-             desc => "Finds entries by Title",
-             doc => "\n" .
-		"Searches for entries with the given search term\n" .
-		"in their title and places matches into \"/$FOUND_DIR/\".\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		"Add -a to search data fields beyond just the title.\n" .
-		"\n" .
-		"Use -expired to find expired entries.\n",
-             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2, args => "<search string>",
-             method => \&cli_find,
-         },
-         "pwd" => {
-             desc => "Print the current working directory",
-             maxargs => 0, proc => \&cli_pwd,
-         },
-         "icons" => {
-             desc => "Change group or entry icons in the database",
-             maxargs => 0,
-             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_icons, @_); },
-         },
-         "quit" => {
-             desc => "Quit this program (EOF and exit also work)",
-             maxargs => 0,
-             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_quit, @_); },
-	     exclude_from_history => 1,
-         },
-         "exit" => { alias => "quit", exclude_from_history => 1,}
-       },
-    );
-# Seed our state global variable
-our $state={
-	'appname' => $APP_NAME,
-	'term' => $term,
-	'kdb_has_changed' => 0,
-	'last_ls_path' => '',
-	'put_master_passwd' => \&put_master_passwd,
-	'get_master_passwd' => \&get_master_passwd,
-	};
-# If given --kdb=, open that file
-if (length($opts->{kdb})) {
-  my $err = open_kdb($opts->{kdb}, $opts->{key}); # Sets $state->{'kdb'}
-  if (length($err)) {
-    print "Error opening file: $err\n";
-  }
-} else {
-  new_kdb($state);
-# Enter the interative kpcli shell session
-print "\n" .
-	"KeePass CLI ($APP_NAME) v$VERSION is ready for operation.\n" .
-	"Type 'help' for a description of available commands.\n" .
-	"Type 'help <command>' for details on individual commands.\n";
-if ($DEBUG) {print 'Using '.$term->{term}->ReadLine." for readline.\n"; }
-if ( (! $DEBUG) && (lc($OSNAME) !~ m/^mswin/) &&
-		($term->{term}->ReadLine ne 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu')) {
-  print color('yellow') . "\n" .
-	"* NOTE: You are using " . $term->{term}->ReadLine . ".\n" .
-	"  Term::ReadLine::Gnu will provide better functionality.\n" .
-	color('clear');
-# My patch made it into Term::ShellUI v0.9, but I still chose not to make
-# this program demand >=0.9 and instead look for the add_eof_exit_hook()
-# and use it if it exists and warn if not.
-if (Term::ShellUI->can('add_eof_exit_hook')) {
-  $term->add_eof_exit_hook(\&eof_exit_hook);
-} else {
-  warn "* Please upgrade Term::ShellUI to version 0.9 or newer.\n";
-print "\n";
-setup_signal_handling(); # Exactly what the name indicates...
-sub open_kdb {
-  my $file=shift @_;
-  my $key_file=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  # Make sure the file exists, is readable, and is a keepass file
-  if (! -f $file) {
-    return "File does not exist: $file";
-  }
-  if (! -r $file) {
-    return "File is not readable: $file";
-  }
-  if (magic_file_type($file) ne 'keepass') {
-    return "Does not appear to be a KeePass file: $file";
-  }
-  # Look for lock file and warn if it is found
-  my $lock_file = $file . '.lock'; # KeePassX style
-  if (-f $lock_file &&
-		! (defined($opts->{readonly}) && int($opts->{readonly})) ) {
-    print color('bold yellow') .
-	"WARNING:" .
-	color('clear') . color('red') .
-	       " A KeePassX-style lock file is in place for this file.\n" .
-		"         It may be opened elsewhere." .
-		" " . color('bold yellow') . "Be careful of saving!\n" .
-	color('clear');
-  } else {
-    $state->{placed_lock_file} = $lock_file;
-  }
-  # Ask the user for the master password and then open the kdb
-  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd();
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  $state->{kdb} = File::KeePass->new;
-  if (! eval { $state->{kdb}->load_db($file,
-			composite_master_pass($master_pass, $key_file)) }) {
-    die "Couldn't load the file $file: $@";
-  }
-  if ($state->{placed_lock_file}) {
-    touch_file($state->{placed_lock_file});
-  }
-  $state->{kdb_file} = $file;
-  $state->{key_file} = $key_file;
-  $state->{kdb_ver} = $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version}; # will be 1 or 2
-  $state->{put_master_passwd}($master_pass);
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0;
-  $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
-  # Build the %all_grp_paths_fwd and %all_grp_paths_rev structures
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  # Store the md5sum of the file so we can watch for unexpected changes
-  $state->{kdb_file_md5} = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5");
-  # Initialize our state into "/"
-  cli_cd($term, {'args' => ["/"]});
-  return ''; # If we return anything else it is an error message
-# Called by Term::ShellUI to get the user prompt
-sub term_set_prompt($$) {
-  my $term=shift @_;
-  my $raw_cmd=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  my $app=$state->{appname};
-  my $pwd=get_pwd();
-  return "$app:$pwd> ";
-# Walks through a tree of groups building a flat hash of NULL-separated
-# paths to group IDs. Called on the root to build a full path tree.
-sub build_all_group_paths {
-  my $hash = shift @_;
-  my $g = shift @_;
-  my $root_path = shift @_ || [];
-  foreach my $me (@{$g}) {
-    my @path_to_me = @{$root_path};
-    push @path_to_me, $me->{title};
-    my $path=join("\0", at path_to_me);
-    my $err_path = '/' . humanize_path($path);
-    if (defined($hash->{$path})) {
-      print color('bold yellow') .  "WARNING: " . color('clear') .
-	color('red') . "Multiple groups titled: $err_path!\n" .
-	color('red') . "This is unsupported and may cause data loss!\n" .
-	color('clear');
-    }
-    $hash->{$path}=$me->{id};
-    if (defined($me->{groups})) {
-      build_all_group_paths($hash,$me->{groups},\@path_to_me);
-    }
-  }
-  return (scalar(keys(%{$hash})));
-# Walks through a tree of groups building a flat hash of NULL-separated
-# paths to entry IDs. Called on the root to build a full path tree.
-sub build_all_entry_paths {
-  my $hash = shift @_;
-  my $g = shift @_;
-  my $root_path = shift @_ || [];
-  my $red=color('red');
-  foreach my $me (@{$g}) {
-    my @path_to_me = @{$root_path};
-    push @path_to_me, $me->{title};
-    if (defined($me->{entries})) {
-      ENTRY: foreach my $ent (@{$me->{entries}}) {
-        if ($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') {
-          next ENTRY; # skip Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries
-        }
-        my $path=join( "\0", (@path_to_me, $ent->{title}) );
-        my $err_path = '/' . humanize_path($path);
-        if ($ent->{title} eq '') {
-          print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING: " . color('clear') .
-		$red . "There is an entry with a blank title in $err_path!\n" .
-		color('clear');
-        }
-        if (defined($hash->{$path}) &&
-				$err_path !~ m/\/Backup\/|\/Meta-Info$/) {
-          print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING: " . color('clear') .
-		$red . "Multiple entries titled: $err_path!\n" .
-		$red . "This is unsupported and may cause data loss!\n" .
-		color('clear');
-        }
-        $hash->{$path}=$ent->{id};
-      }
-    }
-    if (defined($me->{groups})) {
-      build_all_entry_paths($hash,$me->{groups},\@path_to_me);
-    }
-  }
-  return (scalar(keys(%{$hash})));
-# Returns the current path the user is sitting in.
-sub get_pwd {
-  my $pwd='';
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}})) {
-    $pwd=$state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}};
-  }
-  $pwd =~ s%/%\\/%g;
-  $pwd =~ s/\0/\//g;
-  $pwd = '/' . $pwd;
-return $pwd;
-# Destroys our /_found group (where we place search results)
-sub destroy_found {
-  our $state;
-  # Look for an exising /_found and kill it if it exists
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  my $found_group=$k->find_group({level=>0,title=>$FOUND_DIR});
-  if (defined($found_group)) {
-    my @oldents = $k->find_entries({group=>$found_group->{id}});
-    foreach my $ent (@oldents) {
-      $k->delete_entry({id => $ent->{id}});
-    }
-    $k->delete_group({level=>0,title=>$FOUND_DIR});
-    # Because we destroyed /_found we must refresh our $state paths
-    refresh_state_all_paths();
-  }
-# Refreshes $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd} and $state->{all_grp_paths_rev}
-sub refresh_state_all_paths() {
-  our $state;
-  # Build all group paths
-  my %all_grp_paths_fwd;
-  build_all_group_paths(\%all_grp_paths_fwd,$state->{kdb}->groups);
-  my %all_grp_paths_rev = reverse %all_grp_paths_fwd;
-  $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}=\%all_grp_paths_fwd;
-  $state->{all_grp_paths_rev}=\%all_grp_paths_rev;
-  # Build all entry paths
-  my %all_ent_paths_fwd;
-  build_all_entry_paths(\%all_ent_paths_fwd,$state->{kdb}->groups);
-  my %all_ent_paths_rev = reverse %all_ent_paths_fwd;
-  $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}=\%all_ent_paths_fwd;
-  $state->{all_ent_paths_rev}=\%all_ent_paths_rev;
-# Gathers the list of groups and entries for the pwd we're sitting in
-sub get_current_groups_and_entries {
- return get_groups_and_entries(get_pwd());
-sub get_groups_and_entries {
-  my $path=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  # Collect the @groups and entries
-  my @groups=();
-  my @entries=();
-  my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($path);
-  if (length($norm_path) < 1) {
-    @groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0});
-    @entries = $k->find_entries({level => 0});
-  } else {
-    my $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path};
-    my ($this_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$id});
-    if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) { # subgroups
-      @groups = @{$this_grp->{groups}};
-    }
-    @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id => $id});
-  }
-  # Remove Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries
-  my @non_meta_info = ();
-  foreach my $ent (@entries) {
-    if (!($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM')) {
-      push @non_meta_info, $ent;
-    }
-  }
-  @entries = @non_meta_info;
-  # Sort the results
-  @groups = sort group_sort @groups;
-  @entries = sort { ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); } @entries;
-  return (\@groups,\@entries);
-# This function takes a group ID and returns all of the child
-# groups of that group, flattened.
-sub all_child_groups_flattened {
-  my $group_id=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  my @groups=();
-  my ($this_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$group_id});
-  if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) { # subgroups
-    @groups = @{$this_grp->{groups}};
-    foreach my $child_group (@groups) {
-      push @groups, all_child_groups_flattened($child_group->{id});
-    }
-  }
-  return @groups;
-# A function to properly sort groups by title
-sub group_sort($$) {
-  my $a=shift @_;
-  my $b=shift @_;
-  # _found at level 0 is a special case (from our find command).
-  if ($a->{title} eq $FOUND_DIR && $a->{level} == 0) {
-    return 1;
-  } elsif ($b->{title} eq $FOUND_DIR && $b->{level} == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  # Backup at level=0 is a special case (KeePassX's Backup group).
-  } elsif ($a->{title} eq 'Backup' && $a->{level} == 0) {
-    return 1;
-  } elsif ($b->{title} eq 'Backup' && $b->{level} == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  # "Recycle Bin" at level=0 is a special case (KeePass v2).
-  } elsif ($a->{title} eq 'Recycle Bin' && $a->{level} == 0) {
-    return 1;
-  } elsif ($b->{title} eq 'Recycle Bin' && $b->{level} == 0) {
-    return -1;
-  # Sort everything else naturally (Sort::Naturally::ncmp).
-  } else {
-    return ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); # Natural sort
-  }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# All of the cli_*() functions are below here
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# A simple wrapper function to block SIGTSTP (^Z) during certain commands
-sub run_no_TSTP {
-  my $func = shift @_;
-  my @retval = &$func(@_);
-  return @retval;
-# Checks passwords for their quality
-sub cli_pwck {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # If Data::Password is not avaiable we can't do this for the user
-  if  (! $state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Data::Password'}->{loaded}) {
-    print "Error: pwck requires the Data::Password module.\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  my @targets = ();
-  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
-  # Start by trying to find a single entity with the paramter given.
-  # If no single entity is found then try to find entities based on
-  # assuming that the path given is a group.
-  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
-  if (defined($ent)) {
-    push @targets, $ent;
-  } else {
-    my @groups = ();
-    my $target = normalize_path_string($target);
-    if ($target eq '' || $target eq '.' && get_pwd() eq '/') {
-      @groups = $state->{kdb}->find_groups({}); # Every group in the file!
-    } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target})) {
-      my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target};
-      my $this_grp = $state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $group_id } );
-      @groups = all_child_groups_flattened($group_id);
-      push @groups, $this_grp; # Push this group onto its children
-    }
-    # Loop over each target group adding each of its entries as targets
-    foreach my $group (@groups) {
-      if (defined($group->{entries})) {
-        push @targets, @{$group->{entries}};
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  # Test each password, collect the results and record empty passwords
-  my %results=();
-  my @empties = ();
-  print "  working...\r";
-  my @busy_chars = qw(\ | / -); my $i=0; my $in=10;
-  foreach my $ent (@targets) {
-    printf "%s\r", $busy_chars[int($i/$in)%($#busy_chars+1)] if (!($i++ % $in));
-    my $pass = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent);
-    if (length($pass) == 0) {
-      push @empties, $ent;
-      $results{$ent->{id}} = '';
-    } else {
-      $results{$ent->{id}} = IsBadPassword($pass);
-      if ($results{$ent->{id}} =~ m/dictionary word/i) {
-        # IsBadPassword() reports dictionary words that it finds. I don't
-        # like that from a security perspective so we change that here.
-        $results{$ent->{id}} = "contains a dictionary word";
-      }
-    }
-    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-    if (recent_sigint()) {
-       print "\r"; # Need to return to column 0 of the output line
-       return 0;
-    }
-  }
-  # If we only analyzed one password, return singular-style results
-  if (scalar(@targets) == 1) {
-    my $ent=$targets[0];
-    if (length($results{$ent->{id}})) {
-      print "Password concerns: " . $results{$ent->{id}} . "\n";
-    } elsif (scalar(@empties) > 0) {
-      print "Password field is empty.\n";
-    } else {
-      print "Password strength is good.\n";
-    }
-  } else {
-  # If we analyzed more than one password, return multiple-style results
-    my %problems=();
-    foreach my $ent_id (keys %results) {
-      if (length($results{$ent_id})) {
-        $problems{$state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent_id}} = $ent_id;
-      }
-    }
-    my $analyzed = scalar(@targets);
-    my $problem_count = scalar(keys %problems);
-    my $empty_count = scalar(@empties);
-    print "$analyzed passwords analyzed, $empty_count blank, " .
-					"$problem_count concerns found";
-    if ($problem_count > 0) { print ":"; } else { print "."; }
-    print "\n";
-    foreach my $path (sort keys %problems) {
-      print humanize_path($path) . ": $results{$problems{$path}}\n";
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-# Prints some statistics about the open KeePass file
-sub cli_stats {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # Group and entry counts
-  my %stats;
-  $stats{group_count} = scalar(keys(%{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}));
-  $stats{entry_count} = scalar(keys(%{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}}));
-  # Password lengths
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  my %password_lengths;
-  print "  working...\r";
-  my @busy_chars = qw(\ | / -); my $i=0; my $in=100;
-  foreach my $ent_id (values(%{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}})) {
-    printf "%s\r", $busy_chars[int($i/$in)%($#busy_chars+1)] if (!($i++ % $in));
-    my $ent = $k->find_entry({id => $ent_id});
-    my $pass_len = length($k->locked_entry_password($ent));
-    if ($pass_len < 1) {
-      $password_lengths{"0"}++;
-    } elsif ($pass_len > 0 && $pass_len < 8) {
-      $password_lengths{"1-7"}++;
-    } elsif ($pass_len > 7 && $pass_len < 12) {
-      $password_lengths{"8-11"}++;
-    } elsif ($pass_len > 11 && $pass_len < 17) {
-      $password_lengths{"12-16"}++;
-    } elsif ($pass_len > 16 && $pass_len < 20) {
-      $password_lengths{"17-19"}++;
-    } elsif ($pass_len > 19) {
-      $password_lengths{"20+"}++;
-    }
-    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-    if (recent_sigint()) {
-       print " "x20 . "\r"; # Need to return to column 0 of the output line
-       return 0;
-    }
-  }
-  my $t= " "x20 . "\r" .
-	"File: " . $state->{kdb_file} . "\n" .
-	"Key file: " .
-	(defined($state->{key_file}) ? $state->{key_file} : 'N/A') . "\n";
-  if (defined($k->{header}->{database_name})) {
-    $t.="Name: " . $k->{header}->{database_name} . "\n";
-  }
-  if (defined($k->{header}->{database_description})) {
-    my $desc = $k->{header}->{database_description};
-    $desc =~ s/[\r\n]/\n/g;
-    my @l = split(/\n/, $desc);
-    $t .= "Description:\n" . "| " . join("\n| ", @l) . "\n";
-  }
-  $t .= "KeePass file version: " . $k->{header}->{version} . "\n" .
-	"Encryption type:      " . $k->{header}->{enc_type} . "\n" .
-	"Encryption rounds:    " . $k->{header}->{rounds} . "\n";
-  if (defined($k->{header}->{cipher})) {
-    $t.="Cipher:               $stats{cipher}\n";
-  }
-  if (defined($k->{header}->{compression})) {
-    $t.="Compression:          $stats{compression}\n";
-  }
-  $t .= "Number of groups:     $stats{group_count}\n" .
-	"Number of entries:    $stats{entry_count}\n" .
-	"Entries with passwords of length:\n".stats_print(\%password_lengths) .
-	"\n" .
-	"";
-  print $t;
-sub cli_cls {
-  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ &&
-		(! $OPTIONAL_PM{'Win32::Console::ANSI'}->{loaded})) {
-    system("cls");
-  } else {
-    print "\033[2J\033[0;0H";
-    $|=1; # Needed for MS Windows (Win32::Console::ANSI works w/this flush)
-  }
-sub cli_pwd {
-  print get_pwd() . "\n";
-sub cli_cd {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  my $raw_pathstr = $params->{args}->[0];
-  # "cd ."
-  if ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^[.]$/) {
-    return; # nothing to do
-  }
-  # "cd -"
-  if ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^[-]$/) {
-    return cli_cd($self, {'args' => [$state->{oldpwd}]});
-  }
-  # Everything else is handled by helpers
-  return cli_cd_helper($state,normalize_path_string($raw_pathstr));
-# Takes a possibly wacky path with ".."s and such and normalizes it into a
-# NULL-separated path that can be used as a key into $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}
-sub normalize_path_string($) {
-  my $path_string = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  # Split the path into @path
-  #
-  my $delim="/";
-  my $escape="\\";
-  my @path = $path_string =~
-	/(?:\Q$delim\E|^)((?>(?:\Q$escape\E.|(?!\Q$delim\E).)*))/gs;
-	#/(?:\Q$delim\E|^)((?:\Q$escape\E.|(?!\Q$delim\E).)*+)/gs; # perl 5.10+
-  s/\Q$escape$delim\E/$delim/g for @path;
-  @path=grep(!/^$/, @path); # Drop meaningless (excess) deimiters (/foo//bar)
-  # This block handles absolute and relative paths
-  my $path_str='';
-  if ($path_string =~ m%^/%) { # Absolute path
-    $path_str=join("\0", at path);
-  } else { # Relative path
-    my $pwd=$state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}};
-    my @nwd=split("\0", $pwd);
-    push @nwd, @path;
-    $path_str=join("\0", @nwd);
-  }
-  # We should now have a NULL-separated, fully qualified path and
-  # we just need to work on cleaning up things like "." and ".."
-  # Squash single dots
-  while ($path_str=~s/\0[.]\0|^[.]\0|\0[.]$/\0/) {}
-  # Kill ".." and their parents
-  while ($path_str=~s/[^\0]+\0+[.][.]//) {}
-  $path_str=~s/\0\0+/\0/g; # squash any adjacent delimeters
-  $path_str=~s/^\0+//; # squash any leading delimeters
-  $path_str=~s/\0+$//; # squash any trailing delimeters
-  return $path_str;
-sub cli_cd_helper($$) {
-  my $state=shift @_;
-  my $path_str=shift @_;
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path_str})) {
-    $state->{oldpwd}=get_pwd();
-    my $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path_str};
-    $state->{path}->{id}=$id;
-    return 0;
-  } elsif ($path_str eq '') { # cd /
-    $state->{oldpwd}=get_pwd();
-    delete $state->{path};
-    return 0;
-  } else {
-    print "Invalid path\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-# Return 1 if entry's password never expires, else 0.
-# Helps support both v1 (*.kdb) and v2 (*.kdbx) files.
-sub does_expire_never {
-  my $kdb_ver = shift @_;
-  my $ent = shift @_;
-  my $expires = $ent->{expires};
-  if ($kdb_ver == 1 && $expires =~ m/^(\d{4})-/ && ($1 == 2999)) {
-    return 1;
-  } elsif ($kdb_ver == 2 && (! $ent->{expires_enabled})) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-# Helper function of cli_find() to find expired entries.
-sub find_expired_entries {
-  my $kdb_ver = shift @_;
-  my $k = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  my @expired = ();
-  my @all_entries_flattened = $k->find_entries({});
-  ENT: foreach my $ent (@all_entries_flattened) {
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return (); } # Bail on SIGINT
-    # If we don't have this entry recorded in all_ent_paths_rev then
-    # we can't report on it. The only case known of is when we have
-    # multiple entries at the same level (unsupported) and typically
-    # that's only seen in /Backup in v1 databases.
-    if (! defined($state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}})) {
-      next ENT;
-    }
-    # Now test the expired time...
-    if (does_expire_never($kdb_ver, $ent)) { next ENT; }
-    my $exp = $ent->{expires};
-    my $title = $ent->{title};
-    if ($exp !~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
-      print "Warning: Invalid expiration date found in \"$title\"\n";
-      next ENT;
-    }
-    my ($year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
-    my $timegm = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon-1,$year);
-    if ($timegm < time) {
-      push @expired, $ent;
-    }
-  }
-  return @expired;
-sub cli_find($) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  destroy_found();
-  # Users can provide a -a option to search more than just the title. We
-  # use GetOpts to parse this command line.
-  my $search_str='';
-  my %opts=();
-  {
-    local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}};
-    my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'a', 'expired');
-    if (defined($opts{'expired'})) {
-      if (scalar(@ARGV) || scalar(keys(%opts)) > 1) {
-        print "-expired cannot have search criteria other qualifiers.\n";
-        return;
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) {
-        print "Find only supports searching for one word.\n";
-        return;
-      }
-      $search_str = $ARGV[0];
-    }
-  }
-  my @e = ();
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  if (length($search_str)) {
-    print "Searching for \"$search_str\" ...\n";
-    # Make $search_str a case-insensitive regex
-    my @letters=split(//, $search_str);
-    foreach my $l (@letters) {
-      if (uc($l) ne lc($l)) {
-        $l='[' . uc($l) . lc($l) . ']';
-      }
-    }
-    $search_str=join('', @letters);
-    my @srch_flds = qw(title);
-    if ($opts{'a'}) {
-      @srch_flds = qw(title username comment url tags);
-    }
-    foreach my $fld (@srch_flds) {
-      # Search entries by title, skipping the /Backup (*.kdb) and/or
-      # "/Recycle Bin" groups if they exists
-      my $search_params = { "$fld =~" => $search_str };
-      foreach my $bu_dir ('/Backup','/Recycle Bin') {
-        my $backup_dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($bu_dir);
-        if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$backup_dir_normalized})) {
-          $search_params->{'group_id !'} =
-		$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$backup_dir_normalized};
-        }
-      }
-      push @e, $k->find_entries($search_params);
-    }
-  } elsif (defined($opts{'expired'})) {
-    @e = find_expired_entries($state->{kdb_ver}, $k);
-  }
-  # Remove Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries
-  my @non_meta_info = ();
-  foreach my $ent (@e) {
-    if (!($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM')) {
-      push @non_meta_info, $ent;
-    }
-  }
-  @e = @non_meta_info;
-  if ( scalar(@e) < 1) {
-    print "No matches.\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  # If we get this far we have results to add to a new /_found
-  my $found_group = $k->add_group({title => $FOUND_DIR}); # root level group
-  my $found_gid = $found_group->{'id'};
-  $k->unlock;
-  my @matches=();
-  my %duplicates=();
-  FINDS: foreach my $ent (@e) {
-    my %new_ent = %{clone($ent)}; # Clone the entity
-    $new_ent{id} = int(rand(1000000000000000)); # A random new id
-    $new_ent{group} = $found_gid; # Place this entry clone into /_found
-    # $new_ent{path} is _NOT_ a normal key for File::KeePass but this is
-    # safe because we are adding it to entries in the /_found group which
-    # will not be saved to a file.
-    my $nulled_path=$state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}};
-    $new_ent{path} = '/' . dirname(humanize_path($nulled_path)) . '/';
-    $new_ent{full_path} = '/' . humanize_path($nulled_path);
-    if (defined($duplicates{$new_ent{full_path}})) { next FINDS; }
-    $duplicates{$new_ent{full_path}} = 1;
-    $k->add_entry(\%new_ent);
-    push(@matches, \%new_ent);
-    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-    if (recent_sigint()) {
-      # If we delete the $FOUND_DIR group it should be safe to leave
-      $k->delete_group({title => $FOUND_DIR});
-      return undef;
-    }
-  }
-  $k->lock;
-  # Because we added a new /_found we must refresh our $state paths
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  # Tell the user what we found
-  print " - ".scalar(@matches)." matches found and placed into /$FOUND_DIR/\n";
-  # If we only found one, ask the user if they want to see it
-  if (scalar(@matches) == 1) {
-    print "Would you like to show this entry? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) eq 'y') {
-      my $search_params = { 'group_id =' => $found_gid };
-      my ($e, at empty) = $k->find_entries($search_params);
-      my $full_path="/$FOUND_DIR/" . $e->{title};
-      my $show_args = [ $full_path ];
-      # If we are doing an expired password search, find only one entry,
-      # and give the user the option to show it, we want to show the
-      # expired time, and so we add -a here.
-      if (defined($opts{'expired'})) { push @{$show_args}, '-a'; }
-      cli_show($self, { args => $show_args });
-    }
-  }
-# Something is going wrong between KeePassX and File::KeePass related to
-# the unknown values read/written by File::KeePass from/to files written
-# by KeePassX. Commenting out line 378 of File/ is one fix,
-# this prevents me from needing to do that by just removing the unknown
-# values before saving. If there is a downside to this on the KeePassX
-# side I've not found it yet. I do have an email out to Paul, the author
-# of File::KeePass, requesting some assistance in grokking the problem.
-# NOTE: I thought that this should not be needed for File::Keepass >= 0.3,
-#       but on 2011-02-02 I discovered that creating new groups with
-#       File::Keepass and not scrubbing on save created corrupt files:
-#               "Group header offset is out of range" errors.
-#       Sourceforge bug# 3187054 demonstrated the problem as well.
-sub scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups {
-  our $state;
-  # No need to do this with newer versions of File::KeePass (fixed in 2.01)
-  if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) >= version->parse('2.03')) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  my @all_groups_flattened = $k->find_groups({});
-  my @unkown_field_groups=();
-  foreach my $g (@all_groups_flattened) {
-    if (defined($g->{unknown})) {
-      #warn "LHHD: " . &Dumper($g->{unknown}) . "\n";
-      delete $g->{unknown};
-      push @unkown_field_groups, $g->{title};
-    }
-  }
-  my $count = scalar(@unkown_field_groups);
-  if ($count > 0) {
-    warn "Deleted unknown fields from these $count groups: " .
-					join(", ", @unkown_field_groups) . "\n";
-  }
-sub deny_if_readonly {
-  our %opts;
-  if (defined($opts->{readonly}) && int($opts->{readonly})) {
-    print "Function not available with --readonly set.\n";
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-sub cli_save($) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  if (deny_if_readonly()) { return; }
-  our $state;
-  if (! length($state->{kdb_file})) {
-    print "Please use the saveas command for new files.\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  # If the user has asked for a *.kdbx file, check the File::KeePass version
-  if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) < version->parse('2.03')) {
-    if ($state->{kdb_file} =~ m/\.kdbx$/i) {
-      print "KeePass v2 (*.kdbx files) require File::KeePass >= v2.03\n";
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  if (warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  # Check for a lock file that we did not place there
-  my $lock_file = $state->{kdb_file} . '.lock'; # KeePassX style
-  if (-f $lock_file && $state->{placed_lock_file} ne $lock_file) {
-    print color('bold yellow') .  "WARNING:" . color('clear') .
-        color('red') .
-               " A KeePassX-style lock file is in place for this file.\n" .
-		"         It may be opened elsewhere. Save anyway? [y/N] " .
-        color('clear');
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  # If we got this far the user is OK with us locking the file even
-  # if we had a contention.
-  touch_file($lock_file);
-  $state->{placed_lock_file} = $lock_file;
-  # Scrub the data and write the file
-  destroy_found();
-  scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups(); # TODO - remove later
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  $k->unlock;
-  my $master_pass=
-	composite_master_pass($state->{get_master_passwd}(),$state->{key_file});
-  $k->save_db($state->{kdb_file},$master_pass);
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; # set our state to no change since last save
-  $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
-  print "Saved to $state->{kdb_file}\n";
-  $k->lock;
-  # Update the md5sum of the file after we just saved it
-  my $file = $state->{kdb_file};
-  $state->{kdb_file_md5} = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5");
-# This subroutine handles the clipboard commands (xw, xu, xp, and xx)
-sub cli_xN($$) {
-  my $xNcmd = shift @_;
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # If Clipboard is not avaiable we can't do this for the user
-  if  (! $state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{loaded}) {
-    print "Error: $xNcmd requires the Clipboard and Capture::Tiny modules:\n" .
-	" -\n" .
-	" -\n" .
-	"";
-    if (defined($state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{error})) {
-      print "\nThere was an error loading the Clipboard module, as follows:\n" .
-		$state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{error} . "\n";
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  # If we're clearing the clipboard, just do that and return immediately.
-  if ($xNcmd eq 'xx') {
-    Clipboard->copy('');
-    print "Clipboard cleared.\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  # Find the entry that the user wants to copy to the clipboard from.
-  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
-  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
-  if (! defined($ent)) {
-    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Switch over the xN commands and place the data into $to_copy
-  my $to_copy = '';
-  SWITCH: {
-    $xNcmd eq 'xu' && do { $to_copy = $ent->{username}; last SWITCH; };
-    $xNcmd eq 'xw' && do { $to_copy = $ent->{url}; last SWITCH; };
-    $xNcmd eq 'xp' && do {
-			$to_copy = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent);
-			last SWITCH; };
-    warn "Error: cli_xN() does not know how to handle the $xNcmd command.";
-    $to_copy = undef;
-  }
-  # Copy to the clipboard and tell the user what we did.
-  my $cp_map = {
-	'xu' => 'username',
-	'xw' => 'url',
-	'xp' => 'password',
-	};
-  if (defined($to_copy)) {
-    Clipboard->copy($to_copy);
-    print "Copied $cp_map->{$xNcmd} for \"$ent->{title}\" to the clipboard.\n";
-  }
-  return;
-sub cli_rm($) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
-  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
-  if (! defined($ent)) {
-    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Recycle the entry unless --no-recycle
-  if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
-    my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
-    if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
-  }
-  $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id => $ent->{id} });
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-sub validate_entry_number($$) {
-  my $item_number=shift @_;
-  my $path=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (normalize_path_string($path) eq '') {
-    print "Entries cannot exist in the root path (/).\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if ($item_number !~ m/^[0-9]+$/) {
-    print "Invalid item number (must be an integer).\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  my ($rGrps,$rEnts) = get_groups_and_entries($path);
-  my $entry_max=scalar(@{$rEnts}) - 1;
-  if ($entry_max < 0) {
-    print "Invalid item number. No valid entries in $path.\n";
-    return -1;
-  } elsif ($item_number > $entry_max) {
-    print "Invalid item number. Valid entries in \"$path\" are 0-$entry_max.\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-return 0;
-# This routine takes one parameter that will be either a path
-# to an entity or an entity number as shown my the ls command
-# and will use $state information such as last_ls_path to
-# return a reference to that entity in the $state-{kdb} database,
-# if possible (valid input).
-sub find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($) {
-  my $target=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  my $ent=undef; # hope to populate this in a second...
-  # This section looks for an entity by an "ls" number
-  if ($target =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) {
-    my $path=$state->{last_ls_path};
-    if (!length($path)) { $path=get_pwd(); }
-    if (! validate_entry_number($target,$path)) {
-      my ($rGrps,$rEnts) = get_groups_and_entries($path);
-      $ent=$rEnts->[$target];
-    }
-  }
-  # This section looks by a path name
-  if (defined $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($target)}) {
-    my $entry_id=$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($target)};
-    $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry( {id=>$entry_id} );
-  }
-  # If we found the entry, place the path to this entry in the entry record,
-  # if it's not already there _and_ if the path we have != $FOUND_DIR.
-  if (defined($ent) &&
-	(!defined($ent->{path})) && $ent->{path} !~ m/^\Q$FOUND_DIR\E$/) {
-    $ent->{full_path} = '/' .
-		humanize_path($state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}});
-    $ent->{path} = dirname($ent->{full_path});
-  }
-  return $ent;
-sub cli_rename($$) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $target_dir = $params->{args}->[0];
-  my $dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($target_dir);
-  my $grp=undef;
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized})) {
-    my $grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized};
-    $grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $grp_id } );
-  }
-  if (! defined($grp)) {
-    print "Unknown group: $target_dir\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  my $prompt = color('clear')."Enter the groups new Title: ";
-  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
-  my $new_title = $term->readline($prompt);
-  # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-  chomp($new_title);
-  if (length($new_title)) {
-    if ($new_title =~ m/\//) {
-      print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n";
-      return undef;
-    }
-    # If the titles are the same then there is nothing to do
-    if ($new_title eq $grp->{title}) { return 0; }
-    # Check the new title for same-name conflicts in its group
-    my $path = dirname('/'.humanize_path($dir_normalized));
-    my $testdir=normalize_path_string("$path/$new_title");
-    if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$testdir})) {
-      print "An entry titled \"$new_title\" is already in $path.\n";
-      return undef;
-    }
-    # If we passed all of our sanity checks then set the new title
-    $grp->{title} = $new_title;
-  } else {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  # Because we renamed a group we must refresh our $state paths
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-sub cli_mv($$) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  # The target has to be a group. We start validation there (the target).
-  my $target_dir = $params->{args}->[1];
-  my $dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($target_dir);
-  my $grp=undef;
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized})) {
-    my $grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized};
-    $grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $grp_id } );
-  }
-  if (! defined($grp)) {
-    print "Unknown group: $target_dir\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # The source (thing we are moving) can be an entity or group, and
-  # here we figure out which one and prepare to exectute the move below.
-  my $src_path = normalize_path_string($params->{args}->[0]);
-  my $ent=undef;
-  my $mv_type = undef;
-  if ($ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($src_path)) {
-    $mv_type = 'entry';
-  } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$src_path})) {
-    $mv_type = 'group';
-  } else {
-    print "Unknown entity: $src_path\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Execute the move of the entry or group.
-  if ($mv_type eq 'entry') {
-    # Verify no entry title conflict at the new location
-    my $new_entry_path=normalize_path_string($target_dir . "/" . $ent->{title});
-    if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry_path})) {
-      my $path = dirname(humanize_path($new_entry_path));
-      print "There is already and entry named \"$ent->{title}\" at $path/.\n";
-      return undef;
-    }
-    # Unlock the kdb, clone the entry, remove its ID and set its new group,
-    # add it to the kdb, delete the old entry, then lock the kdb...
-    $state->{kdb}->unlock;
-    my %ent_copy = %{clone($ent)}; # Clone the entity
-    delete $ent_copy{id};
-    $ent_copy{group} = $grp;
-    if ($state->{kdb}->add_entry(\%ent_copy)) {
-      $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id=>$ent->{id} });
-    }
-    $state->{kdb}->lock;
-  } elsif ($mv_type eq 'group') {
-    # Find the group that the user is asking us to move
-    my $src_grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group(
-			{id => $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$src_path}});
-    # Clone the group that is to be moved
-    my %new_group = %{$src_grp};
-    # Delete the id and level from the cloned group
-    delete $new_group{id};
-    delete $new_group{level};
-    # Add the group ID of the parent we want to put our clone under
-    $new_group{group} = $grp->{id}; # Set the new parent group
-    # Add the clone as a new group
-    $state->{kdb}->add_group(\%new_group);
-    # Delete the original group that we just cloned into a new spot
-    $state->{kdb}->delete_group({ id => $src_grp->{id} });
-  } else {
-    print "Unknown error with move command.\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Because we moved an entry we must refresh our $state paths
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-sub cli_copy {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  my $skip_save = shift @_ || 0;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $source_ent = $params->{args}->[0];
-  my $src_ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($source_ent);
-  if (! defined($src_ent)) {
-    print "Unknown entry: $source_ent\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  my $target_ent = $params->{args}->[1];
-  my $trg_ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target_ent);
-  if (defined($trg_ent)) {
-    print "Copy cannot overwrite an existing entry.\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Unlock the kdb, clone the entry, remove its ID and set its new group,
-  # add it to the kdb, delete the old entry, then lock the kdb...
-  $state->{kdb}->unlock;
-  my %ent_copy = %{clone($src_ent)}; # Clone the entity
-  $state->{kdb}->lock;
-  delete $ent_copy{id}; # Remove the entry ID for the new copy
-  my ($grp_path,$name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($target_ent);
-  $ent_copy{title} = humanize_path($name);
-  # group needs to be set to the ID of the group we may be moving the copy to
-  my $new_grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
-  if (! defined($new_grp_id)) {
-    print "Copy failed due to missing target group ID.\n";
-    return -1;
-  } else {
-    $ent_copy{group} = $new_grp_id;
-  }
-  $state->{kdb}->unlock;
-  if (! $state->{kdb}->add_entry(\%ent_copy)) {
-    print "Copy failed on add_entry().\n";
-    $state->{kdb}->lock;
-    return -1;
-  }
-  $state->{kdb}->lock;
-  # Because we added an entry we must refresh our $state paths
-  if (! $skip_save) {
-    refresh_state_all_paths();
-    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-  }
-  return 0;
-sub cli_clone($$) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  my $skip_save = shift @_ || 0;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $skip_save = 1;
-  my $retval_copy = cli_copy($self, $params, $skip_save);
-  if ($retval_copy) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  my $target_ent = $params->{args}->[1];
-  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target_ent);
-  if (! (defined($ent) && exists($ent->{id}))) {
-    print "Copy failed.\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-  my %changes = ();
-  my $retval_edit = _entry_edit_gui($ent, \%changes);
-  # Apply the user changes, update modify time and prompt to save
-  if ($retval_edit == 0) {
-    $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field
-    foreach my $key (keys %changes) { $ent->{$key} = $changes{$key}; }
-    $state->{kdb}->lock;
-    $ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now;
-    refresh_state_all_paths();
-    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-    return 0;
-  } else {
-    # If the edit failed (or if the user hit ^C while in edit_gui), then
-    # remove the target entity that cli_copy() made.
-    my $ent_id=$ent->{id};
-    $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id => $ent_id });
-    refresh_state_all_paths();
-    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; # Should be back to how we started
-    return $retval_edit;
-  }
-sub cli_show($$) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # Users can provide a -f option to show the password. We use GetOptions
-  # to parse this command line, and $target holds that target.
-  my $target='';
-  my %opts=();
-  {
-    local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}};
-    my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'f', 'a');
-    if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    $target = $ARGV[0];
-  }
-  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
-  if (! defined($ent)) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  print "\n";
-  if (defined($ent->{path})) {
-    print show_format("Path",$ent->{path}) . "\n";
-  }
-  # Unless -f is specified, we "hide" the password as red-on-red.
-  my $password = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent);
-  if (! defined($opts{f})) {
-    $password = colored(['red on_red'], $password);
-  }
-  # Print the entry for the user
-  print
-	show_format("Title",$ent->{title}) . "\n" .
-	show_format("Uname",$ent->{username}) . "\n" .
-	show_format("Pass",$password) . "\n" .
-	show_format("URL",$ent->{url}) . "\n" .
-	show_format("Notes",$ent->{comment}) . "\n" .
-	($DEBUG ? show_format("ID",$ent->{id}) . "\n" : '');
-  # Tags were added to KeePass in v2.11 (*.kdbx)
-  if (defined($ent->{tags}) && length($ent->{tags})) {
-    print show_format("Tags", humanize_entry_tags($ent->{tags})) . "\n";
-  }
-  # Check for strings and file attachments in this entry
-  foreach my $key (qw(strings binary)) {
-    my $attachment = show_helper_files_strings($ent,{f=>1},$key);
-    #my $attachment = show_helper_files_strings($ent, \%opts, $key);
-    if (length($attachment)) { print $attachment; }
-  }
-  # If -a was given, tack on those details
-  if (defined($opts{a})) {
-    print
-	show_format("Icon#",$ent->{icon}) . "\n" .
-	show_format("Creat",$ent->{created}) . "\n" .
-	show_format("Modif",$ent->{modified}) . "\n";
-    if (defined($ent->{expires})) {
-      my $expires = $ent->{expires};
-      if (does_expire_never($state->{kdb_ver}, $ent)) {
-        $expires = 'Never';
-      }
-      print show_format("Xpire",$expires) . "\n";
-    }
-  }
-  print "\n";
-  print &Dumper($ent) . "\n" if ($DEBUG > 2);
-# A helper function to display key/val pairs and file attachments.
-# Note that strings (key/val pairs) and multiple attachments per
-# entry only exist in KeePass 2.x (kdbx) files, while verions 1.x
-# files (kdb) support only a single file attachment per entry.
-sub show_helper_files_strings {
-  my $ent = shift @_;
-  my $opts = shift @_;
-  my $key = shift @_;
-  my $labels = {
-	'binary' =>  ['Atchm','File Attachments'],
-	'strings' => ['Strgs','String Values'],
-	};
-  my @atts=();
-  if (defined($ent->{$key})) {
-    foreach my $name (sort keys %{$ent->{$key}}) {
-      if ($key eq 'binary') {
-        push @atts, "$name (". int(length($ent->{$key}->{$name})) ." bytes)";
-      } elsif ($key eq 'strings') {
-        if (defined($opts->{f})) {
-          push @atts, "$name = " . $ent->{$key}->{$name};
-        } else {
-          push @atts, "$name = ".colored(['red on_red'],$ent->{$key}->{$name});
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  my $attachment = '';
-  my $label = $labels->{$key}[0];
-  if (scalar(@atts) == 0 && defined($opts->{v})) {
-    $attachment = "None";
-  } elsif (scalar(@atts) == 1) {
-    $attachment = $atts[0];
-  } elsif (scalar(@atts) > 1) {
-    $label = $labels->{$key}[1];
-    my @t=();
-    foreach my $num (1..scalar(@atts)) {
-      push(@t, sprintf("%2d) %s", $num, $atts[$num-1]));
-    }
-    $attachment = "\n " . join("\n ", @t) . "\n";
-  }
-  return ($attachment ne '' ? show_format($label,$attachment) . "\n" : '');
-sub cli_edit {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
-  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
-  if (! defined($ent)) {
-    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  my %changes = ();
-  my $retval = _entry_edit_gui($ent, \%changes, $state->{kdb_ver});
-  # If the user made changes, apply them, update modify time and prompt to save
-  if ($retval == 0 && scalar(keys(%changes)) > 0) {
-    # Recycle the entry unless --no-recycle
-    if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
-      my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
-      if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
-    }
-    # Update the entry's changed fields
-    $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field
-    foreach my $key (keys %changes) { $ent->{$key} = $changes{$key}; }
-    $state->{kdb}->lock;
-    $ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now;
-    refresh_state_all_paths();
-    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-  }
-return 0;
-# A routine to copy entries to the /Backup or "/Recycle Bin" folders.
-# Used by cli_edit, cli_rm, etc.
-sub recycle_entry {
-  my $state = shift @_;
-  my $ent = shift @_;
-  my $bugrp_id = get_recycle_group_path($state, 1);
-  if (defined($bugrp_id)) {
-    $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field
-    my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity and back it up
-    delete $tmp_ent->{id};
-    # Append the modified time to the title for the backup dir
-    $tmp_ent->{title} = $tmp_ent->{title} . " (". $tmp_ent->{modified} .")";
-    $tmp_ent->{group} = $bugrp_id;
-    $tmp_ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now;
-    my $add_result = $state->{kdb}->add_entry($tmp_ent);
-    $state->{kdb}->lock;
-    if (! $add_result) {
-      return "Failed to copy the entry to the backup folder.";
-    } else {
-      $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-    }
-    refresh_state_all_paths();
-  }
-  return undef;
-# Returns /Backup or "/Recycle Bin" based on KeePass v1 or v2 file.
-# Creates the group if it is missing and $create_if_missing in true.
-sub get_recycle_group_path {
-  my $state = shift @_;
-  my $create_if_missing = shift @_ || 0;
-  my $bugrp = "/Backup"; # Default to v1 (is this correct?)
-  if ($state->{kdb_ver} == 2) {
-    $bugrp = "/Recycle Bin";
-  }
-  my $grp_path = normalize_path_string($bugrp);
-  if ($create_if_missing) {
-    if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
-      my $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({
-        title => $grp_path,
-        icon => $DEfAULT_BAKUP_ICON,
-      }); # root level group
-      refresh_state_all_paths();
-      $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-    }
-  }
-  if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
-    return undef;
-  }
-  return $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
-# Helper function for cli_edit() and cli_clone()
-sub _entry_edit_gui($$$) {
-  my $ent=shift @_;
-  my $rChanges = shift @_;
-  my $kdb_ver = shift @_;
-  # Loop through the fields taking edits the user wants to make
-  my @fields = get_entry_fields($kdb_ver);
-  foreach my $input (@fields) {
-    my $current_val = $ent->{$input->{key}};
-    my $val = '';
-    if (defined($input->{user_prep_func})) {
-      $current_val = $input->{user_prep_func}($current_val);
-    }
-    if (defined($input->{user_edit_func})) {
-      $val = $input->{user_edit_func}($ent, $input, $current_val);
-    } elsif ($input->{multiline}) {
-      $val = new_edit_multiline_input($input, $current_val);
-    } else {
-      $val = new_edit_single_line_input($input, $current_val);
-    }
-    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return -1; }
-    # Call the validate_func if it's defined
-    if (defined($input->{validate_func}) && length($val)) {
-      # Note that $val can be modified by the validate_func
-      if ($input->{validate_func}(\$val) != 0) {
-        print "Invalid $input->{txt} input.\n";
-        return -1;
-      }
-    }
-    # Check a new title for same-name conflicts in its group
-    if ($input->{key} eq 'title' && length($val)) {
-      if ($val =~ m/\//) {
-        print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n";
-        return -1;
-      }
-      my $path = $ent->{path}; # The group's path of the entry we are editing
-      my $new_entry = normalize_path_string("$path/$val");
-      if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry})) {
-        print "An entry titled \"$val\" is already in $path.\n";
-        return -1;
-      }
-    }
-    # If the field was not empty, we'll change it to the new $val
-    if (length($val)) { $rChanges->{$input->{key}} = $val; }
-  }
-  return 0;
-# A code-consolidation function...
-sub get_prepped_readline_term() {
-  our $state;
-  # Note: A 2nd Term::ReadLine::Gnu->new() just returns the same
-  # object as the one that Term::ShellUI is already using. With
-  # Term::Readline::Perl, an attempt to call new a 2nd time results
-  # in having a Term::Readline::Stub returned and a warning printed to
-  # STDERR, which we also don't want, and so I coded this the way that
-  # I did to make clear what is being done, and this comment for why.
-  my $term = $state->{term}->{term}; # Term::ShellUI's readline
-  $state->{active_readline} = $term;
-  # Use Term::ReadLine::Gnu more advanced functionality...
-  if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
-    # Called roughly 10-times per second while Gnu readline waits for input
-    $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = sub {
-          if (recent_sigint()) {
-             $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = undef;
-             $term->set_prompt('');
-             $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}='';
-             $term->Attribs->{done} = 1;
-	     $state->{active_readline} = undef;
-          }
-        };
-  }
-  return $term;
-# A helper function to interactively edit an entry's strings
-sub edit_entry_strings {
-  my $ent = shift @_;
-  my $input = shift @_;
-  my $initial_value = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity
-  EDIT_INTERFACE: while (1) {
-    my @strings_keys = ();
-    if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}) && ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') {
-      @strings_keys = sort keys %{$tmp_ent->{strings}};
-    }
-    my $strings_count = scalar(@strings_keys);
-    my $t='';
-    my $prompt = "Strings";
-    if ($strings_count > 0) {
-      $t .= show_helper_files_strings($tmp_ent,{f=>1,v=>1},'strings');
-      $prompt = "Choose";
-    }
-    $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(e)dit/(d)elete/(c)ancel/(F)inish? ";
-    print "$t";
-    COMMAND: while (my $key=get_single_key()) {
-      if (lc($key) eq 'c' || ord($key) == 3) { # Cancel or ^C
-        print "\n";
-        return ''; # We are to return nothing on no change
-      } elsif ($key =~ m/^[fF\r\n]$/) { # Finished (save)
-        print "\n";
-        return $tmp_ent->{strings};
-      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'd') {
-        if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}) &&
-					ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') {
-          if ($strings_count < 2) {
-            %{$tmp_ent->{strings}} = ();
-          } else {
-            print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to delete? ";
-            my $choice = get_single_line();
-            if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
-              print "\nInvalid number.";
-            } else {
-              delete($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$strings_keys[$choice-1]});
-            }
-          }
-          print "\n";
-          next EDIT_INTERFACE;
-        }
-      } elsif (lc($key) =~ m/^[ae]$/) {
-        my $iv='';
-        my $fld_being_edited = undef;
-        if (lc($key) eq 'e') {
-          print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to edit? ";
-          my $choice = get_single_line();
-          if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
-            print "\nInvalid number.";
-            print "\n";
-            next EDIT_INTERFACE;
-          }
-          $fld_being_edited = $strings_keys[$choice-1];
-          my $val_being_edited = $tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld_being_edited};
-          $iv = "$fld_being_edited = $val_being_edited";
-        }
-        my $prompt = "Input a key=value pair: ";
-        print "\r". " "x60 ."\r";
-        my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
-        my $keyval = $term->readline($prompt, $iv);
-        #my $keyval = get_single_line();
-        if ($keyval =~ m/^\s*([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) {
-          my ($fld, $val) = ($1, $2);
-          if (!(defined($tmp_ent->{strings})) &&
-					ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') {
-            $tmp_ent->{strings} = {};
-          }
-          if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld}) &&
-			(lc($key) eq 'a' || $fld ne $fld_being_edited)) {
-            print "\nString field \"$fld\" already exists in the entry.";
-          } else {
-            $tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld}=$val;
-            if (defined($fld_being_edited) && $fld ne $fld_being_edited) {
-              delete($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld_being_edited});
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          print "\nInvalid entry.";
-        }
-        print "\n";
-        next EDIT_INTERFACE;
-      } else {
-        # Do nothing on invalid input
-        next COMMAND;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return $initial_value;
-# Single line input helper function for cli_new and cli_edit.
-sub new_edit_single_line_input($$) {
-  my $input = shift @_;
-  my $initial_value = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  my $iv = ''; if (! $input->{hide_entry}) { $iv = $initial_value; }
-  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
-  my $val = '';
-    if ($input->{genpasswd}) {
-      print " "x25 .'("g" or "w" to auto-generate, "i" for interactive)'. "\r";
-    }
-    my $prompt=$input->{txt} . ': ';
-    if ($input->{hide_entry}) {
-      $val = GetPassword($prompt, '');
-    } else {
-      $val = $term->readline($prompt, $iv);
-    }
-    chomp $val;
-    if ($input->{genpasswd} && $val =~ m/^([wgi])(\d*)$/) {
-      my $cmd = $1;
-      my $len = $2;
-      if ($cmd eq 'g' || $cmd eq 'i') {
-        if (!$len) {
-          $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
-        } elsif ($len !~ m/^\d+$/ ||
-          $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
-          print color('yellow')
-              . "Password length out of bounds, reset to $len chars.\n"
-              . color('clear');
-        }
-        if ($cmd eq 'g') {
-          $val = generatePasswordGobbledygook($len);
-        } elsif ($cmd eq 'i') {
-          $val = generatePasswordInteractive($len);
-          # Interactive canceled by user
-          if (! defined($val)) {
-            print "\n";
-            redo PASSWD_COLLECTION;
-          }
-        }
-      } elsif ($cmd eq 'w') {
-        $val = generatePassword();
-      } else {
-        die "BUG: it should be impossible to get to this code!\n";
-      }
-    } elsif (length($val) && $input->{double_entry_verify}) {
-      my $prompt = "Retype to verify: ";
-      my $checkval = '';
-      if ($input->{hide_entry}) {
-        $checkval = GetPassword($prompt, '');
-      } else {
-        $checkval = $term->readline($prompt);
-      }
-      # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-      chomp $checkval;
-      if ($checkval ne $val) {
-        print "Entries mismatched. Please try again.\n";
-        redo PASSWD_COLLECTION;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  # We are done with readline calls so let's cleanup.
-  if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
-    $term->Attribs->{startup_hook} = undef;
-    $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = undef;
-  }
-  # This funciton is supposed to return blank if nothing changed
-  if ($val eq $initial_value) { $val = ''; }
-  return $val;
-# Multi-line input helper function for cli_new and cli_edit.
-sub new_edit_multiline_input($$) {
-  my $input = shift @_;
-  my $initial_value = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  # Protect programmers from accidentally misusing this function
-  if ($input->{genpasswd}) { die "genpasswd unsupported by this function"; }
-  if ($input->{hide_entry}) {
-    print $input->{txt} . ": ";
-  } else {
-    my $mlval = $initial_value;
-    if ($mlval =~ m/\r|\n/) { $mlval = "\n$mlval\n"; }
-    print $input->{txt} . " (\"".$mlval."\"): ";
-  }
-  my $yellow=color('yellow');
-  my $clear=color('clear');
-  print "\n$yellow(end multi-line input with a single \".\" on a line)$clear\n";
-  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
-  my $val = ''; my $unfinished = 1;
-  while ($unfinished) {
-    # Term::ReadLine::Perl seems to have a bug that requires a prompt
-    # (it borks on ''), but after adding the pipe I liked it so left
-    # it place for all readlines.
-    my $line = $term->readline('| ');
-    if ($line =~ m/^\.[\r\n]*$/) { # a lone "." ends our input
-      $unfinished = 0;
-    } else {
-      $val .= $line;
-      $val .= "\n" if ($val !~ m/\n$/); # ReadLine() vs. $term->readline().
-      if ($val =~ m/^[\r\n]*$/) { $val = ''; $unfinished = 0; }
-    }
-    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-  }
-  chomp($val); # Remove extra line at the end
-  return $val;
-# Formats an entry for display for cli_show()
-sub show_format($$) {
-  my $title=shift @_;
-  my $value=shift @_;
-  my $val=$value;
-  if ($val =~ m/\n/) {
-    my @val_lines=split(/\n/, $val);
-    $val=join("\n" . " "x(5+2), @val_lines);
-  }
-  return sprintf("%5s: %s", $title,$val);
-# Formats a statistic display for cli_stats()
-sub stats_print($) {
-  my $stats_r = shift @_;
-  my $max_key_len = 0;
-  my $max_val_len = 0;
-  foreach my $k (keys(%{$stats_r})) {
-    if (length($k) > $max_key_len) { $max_key_len = length($k); }
-  }
-  foreach my $k (values(%{$stats_r})) {
-    if (length($k) > $max_val_len) { $max_val_len = length($k); }
-  }
-  my $sprintf_format = "  - %$max_key_len" . "s: %$max_val_len" . "d\n";
-  my $t='';
-  foreach my $stat_key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$stats_r}) {
-    $t .= sprintf($sprintf_format, $stat_key, $stats_r->{$stat_key});
-  }
-  return $t;
-# Helper functions to normalize and humanize entry tags
-sub normalize_entry_tags {
-  my $rTagline = shift @_;
-  my @tags = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/, $$rTagline);
-  $$rTagline = join(';', @tags);
-  return 0;
-sub humanize_entry_tags {
-  my $tagline = shift @_;
-  my @tags = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/, $tagline);
-  return join(', ', @tags);
-# Function to return a data structure to support adding/editing entries
-sub get_entry_fields {
-  my $kdb_ver = shift @_ || 1; # *.kdb or *.kdbx (v1 or v2)
-  my @fields = (
-	{ key=>'title', txt=>'Title' },
-	{ key=>'username', txt=>'Username' },
-	{ key=>'password', txt=>'Password',
-		hide_entry => 1, double_entry_verify => 1, genpasswd => 1 },
-	{ key=>'url', txt=>'URL' },
-  );
-  # We only want "tags" if we are dealing with a v2 file (*.kdbx)
-  if ($kdb_ver == 2) {
-    push @fields, (
-	{ key=>'tags', txt=>'Tags', 'multiline' => 0,
-		user_prep_func => \&humanize_entry_tags,
-		validate_func => \&normalize_entry_tags,
-	 },
-	{ key=>'strings', txt=>'Strgs',
-		user_edit_func => \&edit_entry_strings,
-	 },
-	);
-  }
-  push @fields, (
-	{ key=>'comment', txt=>'Notes/Comments', 'multiline' => 1 },
-	);
-  return @fields;
-# Code consolidation function.
-# Returns true if $state->{signals}->{INT} indicates a SIGINT more
-# recently than the $timeframe given, which defaults to 0.25 secs.
-sub recent_sigint() {
-  my $timeframe = shift @_;
-  if ($timeframe !~ m/^([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)$/) { $timeframe = 0.25; }
-  our $state;
-  if (defined($state->{signals}->{INT}) &&
-		tv_interval($state->{signals}->{INT}) < $timeframe) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-sub cli_icons($) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  print "Change icons on Groups or Entries (g/e/Cancel)? ";
-  my $groups_or_entries=lc(get_single_key());
-  print "\n";
-  if (recent_sigint() || $groups_or_entries !~ m/^[ge]$/) { return; }
-  print "Change icons Here, Below here, or Globally (h/b/g/Cancel)? ";
-  my $glob_or_rel=lc(get_single_key());
-  print "\n";
-  if (recent_sigint() || $glob_or_rel !~ m/^[hgb]$/) { return; }
-  print "What would you line the new icon to be (0-64/Cancel)? ";
-  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
-  my $val = $term->readline('');
-  # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-  chomp($val);
-  if ($val !~ m/^[0-9]+$/ || $val < 0 || $val > 64) {
-    print "Invalid icon number.\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  # This code fills @{$groups} or @{$entries} with the items that the
-  # user wants to change the icons on.
-  my ($groups,$entries) = ([],[]);
-  if ($glob_or_rel eq 'h') { # "Here" is easy -- we have a function for that.
-    ($groups,$entries) = get_current_groups_and_entries();
-    if ($groups_or_entries eq 'e') {
-      $groups = [];
-    } else {
-      $entries = [];
-    }
-  } else {
-    if ($glob_or_rel eq 'g') { # Globally is easy, it's all groups
-      my $k=$state->{kdb};
-      @{$groups} = $k->find_groups({});
-    } elsif ($glob_or_rel eq 'b') {
-      my $id=$state->{path}->{id};
-      @{$groups} = all_child_groups_flattened($id); # *only child groups*
-    } else {
-      warn "WHAT? Should never get to this piece of code!\n";
-    }
-    # If the user wanted to operate on entries, collect all the entries
-    # in the @{$groups} and then empty @{$groups}.
-    if ($groups_or_entries eq 'e') {
-      foreach my $group (@{$groups}) {
-        if (defined($group->{entries})) {
-          push @{$entries}, @{$group->{entries}};
-        }
-      }
-      $groups = [];
-    }
-  }
-  # Change the items, recording the number of changes.
-  my $items_changed=0;
-  foreach my $item (@{$groups}, @{$entries}) {
-    $item->{icon} = $val;
-    $items_changed++;
-  }
-  # Tell the user what we did.
-  print "The icon value was set to $val on $items_changed records.\n";
-  # If we changed anything, ask the user if they want to save
-  if ($items_changed > 0) {
-    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-  }
-  return 0;
-sub cli_new($) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $new_path=get_pwd();
-  my $new_title='';
-  # If the user gave us a path (that may include the new title) in args[0],
-  # then we have to first rationalize that path.
-  if (defined($params->{args}->[0])) {
-    $new_path = $params->{args}->[0];
-    # Insure that $new_path is absolute
-    if ($new_path !~ m/^\/+$/) {
-      $new_path = get_pwd() . '/' . $new_path;
-    }
-    my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($new_path);
-    my ($grp_path,$name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($new_path);
-    if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) {
-      $new_path = '/' . humanize_path($norm_path);
-      $new_title = '';
-    } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
-      $new_path = '/' . humanize_path($grp_path);
-      $new_title = $name;
-    } else {
-      if ($norm_path eq '') {
-        print "Entries cannot be made in the root path.\n";
-      } else {
-        print "Bad path for new entry\n";
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  # $id needs to be set to the ID of the group we want to add to
-  my $id = undef;
-  my $norm_path=normalize_path_string($new_path);
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) {
-    $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path};
-  }
-  # Make sure that we have a valid path for creating a new entry
-  if ($new_path =~ m/^\/+$/ || (! defined($id))) {
-    print "Entries cannot be made in this path ($new_path).\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  print "Adding new entry to \"$new_path\"\n";
-  # Grab the entries at this $id (pwd) so we can check for conflicts
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  my ($this_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$id});
-  my @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id => $id});
-  my $new_entry = {
-    'group' => $id,
-  };
-  my @fields = get_entry_fields($state->{kdb_ver});
-  NEW_DATA_COLLECTION: foreach my $input (@fields) {
-    my $val = '';
-    if (defined($input->{user_edit_func})) {
-      $val = $input->{user_edit_func}($new_entry, $input, {});
-      # An empty hash-ref is "empty/blank" for strings, but the
-      # user_edit_func returns the scalar '' in that case.
-      if ($input->{key} eq 'strings' && ref($val) ne 'HASH') { $val = {}; }
-    } elsif ($input->{multiline}) {
-      $val = new_edit_multiline_input($input, '');
-    } else {
-      if ($new_title ne '' && $input->{key} eq 'title') {
-        print $input->{txt} . ": $new_title\n";
-        $val = $new_title;
-      } else {
-        $val = new_edit_single_line_input($input, '');
-      }
-    }
-    # If the user hit ^C, abort the new entry
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-    # If the user gave us an empty title, abort the new entry
-    if ($input->{key} eq 'title' && length($val) == 0) { return undef; }
-    # Call the validate_func if it's defined
-    if (defined($input->{validate_func}) && length($val)) {
-      # Note that $val can be modified by the validate_func
-      if ($input->{validate_func}(\$val) != 0) {
-        print "Invalid $input->{txt} input.\n";
-        return -1;
-      }
-    }
-    # Check the new title for same-name conflicts in its group
-    if ($input->{key} eq 'title') {
-      if ($val =~ m/\//) {
-        print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n";
-        return undef;
-      }
-      my $new_entry = normalize_path_string($new_path . '/' . $val);
-      if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry})) {
-        print "An entry titled \"$val\" is already in $new_path.\n";
-        return undef;
-      }
-    }
-    $new_entry->{$input->{key}} = $val;
-  }
-  $new_entry->{icon} = $DEFAULT_ENTRY_ICON;
-  $k->unlock;
-  my $new_entry_ref = $k->add_entry($new_entry);
-  $k->lock;
-  if ($new_entry_ref->{id}) {
-    refresh_state_all_paths();
-    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-  } else {
-    print "Failed to add new entry.\n";
-  }
-  return 0;
-sub cli_import {
-  my $file=shift @_;
-  my $new_group_path=shift @_;
-  my $key_file=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly()) { return; }
-  # If the user gave us a bogus file there's nothing to do
-  if (! -f ($file)) {
-    print "File does not exist: $file\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (magic_file_type($file) ne 'keepass') {
-    print "Does not appear to be a KeePass file: $file\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # If the $new_group_path is a relative path, make it absolute
-  if ($new_group_path !~ m/^\//) {
-    $new_group_path = get_pwd() . "/$new_group_path";
-  }
-  # We won't import into an existing group
-  my $full_path=normalize_path_string($new_group_path);
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$full_path})) {
-    print "You must specify a _new_ group to import into.\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Make sure the new group's parent exists
-  my ($grp_path,$grp_name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($new_group_path);
-  if ($grp_path != '' && ! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
-    print "Path does not exist: /" . humanize_path($grp_path) . "\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Set the $parent_group value appropriately
-  my $parent_group = undef; # Root by default
-  if (length($grp_path)) {
-    $parent_group = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
-  }
-  # Ask the user for the master password and then open the kdb
-  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd();
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  my $iKDB = File::KeePass->new;
-  if (! eval { $iKDB->load_db($file,
-			composite_master_pass($master_pass, $key_file)) }) {
-    print "Couldn't load the file $file: $@\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Add the new group, to its parent or to root if $parent_group==undef
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  my $new_group=$k->add_group({
-	title => $grp_name,
-	group => $parent_group,
-	});
-  # Copy the $iKDB into our $k at $new_group
-  $iKDB->unlock();
-  $k->unlock();
-  my @root_groups = $iKDB->find_groups({level=>0});
-  foreach my $i_root_grp (@root_groups) {
-    copy_kdb_group_tree($k,$i_root_grp,$new_group);
-  }
-  $k->lock();
-  $iKDB->lock();
-  $iKDB=undef;
-  # Refresh all paths and mark state as changed
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-sub cli_export($$) {
-  my $file=shift @_;
-  my $key_file=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # Warn is we are being asked to overwrite a file
-  if (-e $file) {
-    print "WARNING: $file already exists.\n" .
-		"Overwrite it? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  # Ask if the key file should be generated, if it doesn't exist
-  my $make_keyfile=0;
-  if (defined($key_file) && (! -f $key_file)) {
-    print "Your specified key file does not exist. Generate it? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    $make_keyfile=1;
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  }
-  # Get the master password for the exported file
-  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify();
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  if (! defined($master_pass)) { return undef; }
-  if (length($master_pass) == 0) {
-    print "For your safety, empty passwords are not allowed...\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  # Generate the key file if so instructed
-  if (defined($key_file) && $make_keyfile) {
-    my $fh=new FileHandle;
-    if (! open($fh,'>',$key_file)) {
-      print "ERROR: Could not open key file for writing: $key_file\n";
-      return -1;
-    }
-    my $KEYFILE_SIZE = 2048;
-    print $fh generateKeyfileContents($KEYFILE_SIZE);
-    close($fh);
-    my $size = (stat($key_file))[7];
-    if ($size != $KEYFILE_SIZE) {
-      print "ERROR: generated key file is the wrong size: $key_file\n";
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  # Build the new kdb in RAM
-  my $k=$state->{kdb};
-  my $new_kdb=new File::KeePass;
-  $k->unlock; # Required so that we can copy the passwords
-  if (get_pwd() ne '/') {
-    # Grab the root group's $id at our pwd
-    my $pwd_group_id=$state->{path}->{id};
-    my ($root_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$pwd_group_id});
-    copy_kdb_group_tree($new_kdb,$root_grp,undef);
-  } else {
-    # Put all of the root groups into the new file (entire file copy)
-    my @root_groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0});
-    foreach my $root_grp (@root_groups) {
-      copy_kdb_group_tree($new_kdb,$root_grp,undef);
-    }
-  }
-  $k->lock;
-  $new_kdb->unlock;
-  my $new_db_bin =
-		$new_kdb->gen_db(composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file));
-  $new_kdb->lock;
-  # Test parsing the kdb from RAM (we'll most likely die if this fails)
-  my $new_db=new File::KeePass;
-  $new_db->parse_db($new_db_bin,composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file));
-  # Now write the new kdb to disk
-  my $fh=new FileHandle;
-  if (open($fh,'>',$file)) {
-    print $fh $new_db_bin;
-    close $fh;
-    print "Exported to $file\n";
-  } else {
-    print "Could not open \"$file\" for writing.\n";
-  }
-  return 0;
-# A helper function for cli_export() and cli_import(). It takes a kdb object,
-# a group as a starting point to copy from, and optionally a parent_group to
-# copy to. It copies everything from the source group's root downward. In our
-# use cases, the _target_ $kdb object passed in here is typically a different
-# one than the _source_ $group is from.
-sub copy_kdb_group_tree {
-  my $kdb=shift @_;
-  my $group=shift @_;
-  my $parent_group=shift @_ || undef; # When undef, it writes to the root
-  # Add the new group, to it's parent or root if $parent_group==undef
-  my $new_group=$kdb->add_group({
-	title => $group->{title},
-	icon => $group->{icon},
-	id => $group->{id},
-	group => $parent_group,
-	});
-  # Add the new_group's entries
-  if (ref($group->{entries}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-    foreach my $entry (@{$group->{entries}}) {
-      $entry->{group} = $new_group;
-      $kdb->add_entry($entry);
-    }
-  }
-  # Add the new_group's child groups
-  if (ref($group->{groups}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-    foreach my $child_grp (@{$group->{groups}}) {
-      copy_kdb_group_tree($kdb,$child_grp,$new_group);
-    }
-  }
-sub cli_saveas($) {
-  my $file=shift @_;
-  my $key_file=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # If the user has asked for a *.kdbx file, check the File::KeePass version
-  if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) < version->parse('2.03')) {
-    if ($file =~ m/\.kdbx$/i) {
-      print "KeePass v2 (*.kdbx files) require File::KeePass >= v2.03\n";
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  # Warn is we are being asked to overwrite a file
-  if (-e $file) {
-    print "WARNING: $file already exists.\n" .
-                "Overwrite it? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  }
-  # Ask if the key file should be generated, if it doesn't exist
-  my $make_keyfile=0;
-  if (defined($key_file) && (! -f $key_file)) {
-    print "Your specified key file does not exist. Generate it? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    $make_keyfile=1;
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  }
-  # Get the master password for the file
-  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify();
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  if (! defined($master_pass)) { return undef; }
-  if (length($master_pass) == 0) {
-    print "For your safety, empty passwords are not allowed...\n";
-    return;
-  }
-  # Generate the key file if so instructed
-  if (defined($key_file) && $make_keyfile) {
-    my $fh=new FileHandle;
-    if (! open($fh,'>',$key_file)) {
-      print "ERROR: Could not open key file for writing: $key_file\n";
-      return -1;
-    }
-    my $KEYFILE_SIZE = 2048;
-    print $fh generateKeyfileContents($KEYFILE_SIZE);
-    close($fh);
-    my $size = (stat($key_file))[7];
-    if ($size != $KEYFILE_SIZE) {
-      print "ERROR: generated key file is the wrong size: $key_file\n";
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  destroy_found();
-  scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups(); # TODO - remove later
-  $state->{kdb}->unlock;
-  $state->{kdb}->save_db($file,composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file));
-  $state->{kdb}->lock;
-  $state->{kdb}= File::KeePass->new;
-  if (! eval { $state->{kdb}->load_db($file,
-			composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file)) }) {
-    die "Couldn't load the file $file: $@";
-  }
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0;
-  $state->{kdb_file} = $file;
-  $state->{key_file} = $key_file;
-  $state->{put_master_passwd}($master_pass);
-  $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
-  return 0;
-# This routine takes a raw (directly from user input) path string
-# and "normalizes" it (converts it to NULL-separated w/out escapes)
-# and splits it into its dirname and basename components.
-sub normalize_and_split_raw_path($) {
-  my $raw_pathstr=shift @_;
-  my $path=normalize_path_string($raw_pathstr);
-  my $basename='';
-  if ($path =~ m/\0/) {			# case of at least one path delimeter
-    $path =~ s/\0([^\0]+)$//;
-    $basename=$1;
-  } elsif ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^\//) {	# case of simple "/foo" (no subdir)
-    $basename=$path;
-    $path='';
-  } else {				# case of simple "foo" (no path delims)
-    $path = normalize_path_string(get_pwd());
-    $basename=$raw_pathstr;
-  }
-sub cli_rmdir($) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $raw_pathstr=$params->{'args'}->[0];
-  my ($path,$grp_name) = normalize_and_split_raw_path($raw_pathstr);
-  # Make sure the group exists.
-  my $grp_path="$path\0$grp_name";
-  $grp_path=~s/^\0+//;
-  if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
-    print "Path does not exist: /" . humanize_path($grp_path) . "\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
-  my $group = $state->{kdb}->find_group({ id => $group_id });
-  my @entries = ();
-  my $entry_cnt=0;
-  if (defined($group->{entries})) {
-    @entries = grep(m/^\Q$grp_path\E\0/,keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}});
-    $entry_cnt = scalar(@entries);
-  }
-  my $group_cnt=0;
-  if (defined($group->{entries})) {
-    $group_cnt=
-	scalar(grep(m/^\Q$grp_path\E\0/,keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}));
-  }
-  my $child_cnt=$entry_cnt + $group_cnt;
-  if ( $child_cnt > 0) {
-    print "WARNING: This group has $child_cnt child groups and/or entries.\n" .
-	"Really remove it!? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  # Recycle any entries that we're also removing
-  if ($entry_cnt > 0) {
-    if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
-      foreach my $ent_path (@entries) {
-        my $ent_id = $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$ent_path};
-        my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry({id => $ent_id});
-        my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
-        if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  # Delete the group, refresh our state paths, request save, etc.
-  my $deleted_group = $state->{kdb}->delete_group({ id => $group_id });
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-  return 0;
-sub cli_mkdir($) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $raw_pathstr = $params->{args}->[0];
-  my ($path,$newdir) = normalize_and_split_raw_path($raw_pathstr);
-  # Make sure the group doesn't already exist.
-  my $newdir_path="$path\0$newdir";
-  $newdir_path=~s/^\0+//;
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$newdir_path})) {
-    print "Path already exists: /" . humanize_path($newdir_path) . "\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Create the group
-  my $group='';
-  if ($path eq '') {
-    $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({
-        title => $newdir,
-	icon => $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON,
-    }); # root level group
-  } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path})) {
-    my $group_id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path};
-    $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({
-		title => $newdir,
-		group => $group_id,
-		icon => $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON,
-	});
-  } else {
-    print "Cannot make directory at path " . humanize_path($path) . "\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # Because we created a new group we need to refresh ours state paths
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
-  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-  return 0;
-sub humanize_path($) {
-  my $path=shift @_;
-  $path =~ s/\//\\\//g;
-  $path =~ s/\0/\//g;
-  return $path;
-sub cli_open($) {
-  my $path=shift @_;
-  my $key=shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # If cli_close() does not return 0 the user decided not to close the file
-  if (cli_close() != 0) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if ( -f $path ) {
-    my $err = open_kdb($path, $key);
-    if (length($err)) {
-      print "Error opening file: $err\n";
-    }
-  } else {
-    print "Cannot open: $path\n";
-  }
-# Get a single keypress from the user
-sub get_single_key {
-  my $drain_first = shift @_ || 1;
-  our $state;
-  my $key='';
-  $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode
-  ReadMode('raw'); # Turn off controls keys
-  while($drain_first && defined( $key = ReadKey(-1) ) ) {} # Drain STDIN first
-  while (not defined ($key = ReadKey(-1))) {
-    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
-    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-    # No key yet, but let's not eat 100% CPU while waiting, so sleep.
-    Time::HiRes::sleep(0.1);
-  }
-  ReadMode('restore');
-return $key;
-# Get a single line of input from the user
-sub get_single_line {
-  our $state;
-  $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode
-  my $input='';
-  while (1) {
-    my $c  = get_single_key(0);
-    if (ord($c) == 3) { # ^C
-      return '';
-    } elsif (ord($c) == 127 || ord($c) == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows)
-      if (length($input) > 0) {
-        $input = substr($input,0,length($input) - 1);
-        print chr(8)." ".chr(8); # Erase a character
-      }
-    } elsif ($c =~ m/[\n\r]/) {
-      return $input;
-    } else {
-      $input.=$c;
-      print $c;
-    }
-  }
-sub cli_close {
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) {
-    print "WARNING: The database has changed and was not saved.\n" .
-	"Really close it? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  $state->{'kdb'}->clear();
-  new_kdb($state);
-  return 0;
-# This sets $state to a brand new, KeePassX-style, empty, unsaved database
-sub new_kdb {
-  my $state=shift @_;
-  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0;
-  $state->{'kdb'} = File::KeePass->new;
-  #$state->{kdb_ver} = $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version}; # undef after ->new()
-  $state->{kdb_ver} = 1; # Only provide 1.x (*.kdb) features by default
-  # To be compatible with KeePassX
-  $state->{'kdb'}->add_group({ title => 'eMail' });
-  $state->{'kdb'}->add_group({ title => 'Internet' });
-  refresh_state_all_paths();
-  if (-f $state->{placed_lock_file}) { unlink($state->{placed_lock_file}); }
-  delete($state->{placed_lock_file});
-  delete($state->{kdb_file});
-  delete($state->{key_file});
-  delete($state->{master_pass});
-  cli_cd($term, {'args' => ["/"]});
-sub cli_ls($$) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  my @paths = ();
-  if (defined($params) && defined($params->{'args'}) &&
-				ref($params->{'args'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
-    @paths = @{$params->{'args'}};
-  }
-  if (scalar(@paths) == 0) { push @paths, ''; }
-  my $paths_count = scalar(@paths);
-  my $loops=0;
-  foreach my $path (@paths) {
-    # If multiple dirs are being listed, title each
-    if ($paths_count > 1) {
-      $path =~ s/\/+$//; print "$path/:\n";
-    }
-    # If we were given a path, use cli_cd() to go there temporarily...
-    my $old_path='';
-    if (length($path)) {
-      $old_path=get_pwd();
-      if (cli_cd($term, {'args' => [$path]})) {
-        return -1; # If cli_cd() returned non-zero it failed
-      }
-    }
-    # List the pwd
-    $state->{last_ls_path} = get_pwd();
-    my ($rGrps,$rEnts) = get_current_groups_and_entries();
-    if (scalar(@{$rGrps}) > 0) {
-      print "=== Groups ===\n";
-      print join("\n", @{get_human_group_list($rGrps)}) . "\n";
-    }
-    if (scalar(@{$rEnts}) > 0) {
-      print "=== Entries ===\n";
-      print join("\n", @{get_human_entry_list($rEnts)}) . "\n";
-    }
-    # If we temporarily cd'ed, cd back.
-    if (length($old_path)) {
-      cli_cd($term, {'args' => [$old_path]});
-    }
-    # If printing multiple dirs, we need to append a \n to all but the last
-    if ($paths_count > 1 && ++$loops < $paths_count) {
-      print "\n";
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-# Helper function for cli_ls()
-sub get_human_group_list($) {
-  my $rGroup=shift @_;
-  my @list=();
-  foreach my $grp (@{$rGroup}) {
-    #push (@list, sprintf("%15d %s/", $grp->{id}, $grp->{title}));
-    push (@list, "$grp->{title}/");
-    push (@list, &Dumper($grp)) if ($DEBUG > 2);
-  }
-  return \@list;
-# Helper function for cli_ls()
-sub get_human_entry_list($) {
-  my $rEntries=shift @_;
-  my @list=();
-  my $i=0;
-  my $d_len=int((scalar(@{$rEntries}) - 1) / 10) + 1;
-  foreach my $ent (@{$rEntries}) {
-    my $url=$ent->{url};
-    $url=~s/^https?:\/\///i;
-    $url=~s/\/+$//;
-    push (@list, sprintf("%".$d_len."d. %-40.40s %30.30s",
-						$i, $ent->{title}, $url));
-    $i++;
-  }
-  return \@list;
-# Routine to hook into Term::ShellUI's exit on Ctrl-D functionality
-sub eof_exit_hook {
-  our $state;
-  # We need a newline if cli_quit() will talk tothe user about saving
-  if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) { print "\n"; }
-  # cli_quit() will handle user interaction and return a value for
-  # the exit_hook of Term::ShellUI.
-  return cli_quit($state->{term},undef);
-# Entry attachment handling
-sub cli_attach {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
-  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
-  if (! defined($ent)) {
-    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
-    return -1;
-  }
-  my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity
-  $state->{attach_changed} = 0;
-  ATTACH_INTERFACE: while (1) {
-    my @strings_keys = ();
-    if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') {
-      @strings_keys = sort keys %{$tmp_ent->{binary}};
-    }
-    my $strings_count = scalar(@strings_keys);
-    my $t='';
-    my $prompt = "Choose";
-    if ($strings_count > 0) {
-      $t .= show_helper_files_strings($tmp_ent,{f=>1,v=>1},'binary');
-      $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(e)xport/(d)elete/(c)ancel/(F)inish? ";
-    } else {
-      $t .= "No files attached.\n";
-      $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(c)ancel/(F)inish? ";
-    }
-    print "$t";
-    COMMAND: while (my $key=get_single_key()) {
-      if (lc($key) eq 'c' || ord($key) == 3) { # Cancel or ^C
-        print "\n";
-        delete $state->{attach_changed}; # Delete our temporary state var
-        return;
-      } elsif ($key =~ m/^[fF\r\n]$/) { # Finished (save)
-        print "\n";
-        $ent->{binary} = $tmp_ent->{binary};
-        if ($state->{attach_changed}) {
-          delete $state->{attach_changed}; # Delete our temporary state var
-          # Recycle the entry if changes were made unless --no-recycle
-          if (!(defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
-            my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
-            if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
-          }
-          $state->{kdb_has_changed} = 1;
-          RequestSaveOnDBChange();
-        }
-        return;
-      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'd') {
-        if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') {
-          if ($strings_count < 2) {
-            %{$tmp_ent->{binary}} = ();
-            $state->{attach_changed}=1 if ($strings_count == 1);
-          } else {
-            print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to delete? ";
-            my $choice = get_single_line();
-            if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
-              print "\nInvalid number.";
-            } else {
-              delete($tmp_ent->{binary}->{$strings_keys[$choice-1]});
-              $state->{attach_changed}=1;
-            }
-          }
-          print "\n";
-          next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
-        }
-      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'e') { # export
-        my $to_export = undef;
-        if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') {
-          if ($strings_count < 1) {
-            print "\n" .color('yellow'). 'Nothing it attached to export...' .
-							color('clear')."\n";
-          } elsif ($strings_count == 1) {
-            $to_export = $strings_keys[0];
-          } else {
-            print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to export? ";
-            my $choice = get_single_line();
-            if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
-              print "\nInvalid number.";
-            } else {
-              $to_export = $strings_keys[$choice-1];
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (defined($to_export) && defined($tmp_ent->{binary}->{$to_export})) {
-          my $homedir=get_user_homedir();
-          my $filename = $to_export;
-          my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($homedir);
-          my $iv = File::Spec->catfile(@path, $filename); # homedir/filename
-          print "\n";
-          my $filename = prompt_filename_from_user($self,"Path to file: ",$iv);
-          if (! length($filename)) { next ATTACH_INTERFACE; }
-          if (lc($OSNAME) !~ m/^mswin/) { $filename=expand_tildes($filename); }
-          # If we're given a directory, assume the user wants to write into it
-          if (-e -d $filename) { $filename .= '/' . $to_export; }
-          if (-e -f $filename) {
-            print color('yellow'). "WARNING: file already exists: $filename\n" .
-                "Overwrite it? [y/N] " .color('clear');
-            my $key=get_single_key();
-            print "\n";
-            if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-              next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
-            }
-          }
-          my $fh = new FileHandle;
-          if (! open($fh,'>', $filename)) {
-            print "ERROR: cannot write to: $filename\n";
-            next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
-          }
-          print $fh $tmp_ent->{binary}->{$to_export};
-          close $fh;
-          print "Saved to: $filename\n";
-        }
-        next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
-      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'a') { # add
-        if ($strings_count > 0 && $state->{kdb_ver} == 1) {
-          print "\n" .color('yellow').
-		'KeePass v1 files support only one attachment per entry.' .
-							color('clear')."\n";
-          next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
-        }
-        print "\n";
-        my $filename = prompt_filename_from_user($self, "Path to file: ", "");
-        if (! length($filename)) { next ATTACH_INTERFACE; }
-        my $errmsg = do_attach_file($tmp_ent, $filename);
-        if (defined($errmsg)) {
-          print color('yellow'). "Error: $errmsg" .color('clear'). "\n";
-        }
-        next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
-      } else {
-        # Do nothing on invalid input
-        next COMMAND;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  #return $initial_value;
-# Helper function for cli_attach
-sub prompt_filename_from_user {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $prompt = shift @_;
-  my $initial_value = shift @_;
-  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
-  # Set a completion function for files
-  my $old_compfunc=undef;
-  if (my $attr = $term->Attribs) {
-    # filename_completion_function works for Gnu Readline
-    if (defined($attr->{filename_completion_function})) {
-      $old_compfunc = $attr->{completion_entry_function};
-      $attr->{completion_entry_function} =
-			$attr->{filename_completion_function};
-    }
-  }
-  # TODO - this need more testing with Perl readlines!!!
-  if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') {
-    #$readline::rl_completion_function = "rl_filename_list";
-    $old_compfunc = $readline::rl_completion_function;
-    $readline::rl_completion_function = \&my_nongnu_complete_files;
-  } elsif ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') {
-    $old_compfunc=$Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function;
-    $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function =
-					\&my_nongnu_complete_files;
-  }
-  my $filename = $term->readline($prompt, $initial_value);
-  $filename =~ s/^\s+//; $filename =~ s/\s+$//; # Trim the input
-  # Restore the old completion function
-  if (defined($old_compfunc)) {
-    if (my $attr = $term->Attribs) {
-     $attr->{completion_entry_function} = $old_compfunc;
-    }
-    if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') {
-      $readline::rl_completion_function = $old_compfunc;
-    }
-    if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') {
-      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function =
-							$old_compfunc;
-    }
-  }
-  return $filename;
-# Helper function for cli_attach
-sub do_attach_file {
-  my $entry = shift @_;
-  my $path_to_file = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (! -f $path_to_file) {
-    return "File not found at: $path_to_file";
-  }
-  my $size = -s $path_to_file;
-  if ($size > $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE) {
-    my $sizeK = sprintf("%0.02f", $size / 1024);
-    my $maxSizeK = sprintf("%0.02f", $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE / 1024);
-    return "File is too large ($sizeK versus $maxSizeK KB maximum).";
-  }
-  my $fname_short = basename($path_to_file);
-  if (defined($entry->{binary}->{$fname_short})) {
-    return "An attachement named \"$fname_short\" already exists.\n";
-  }
-  # If we get this far we're OK to attach it
-  open(my $fh,'<',$path_to_file) || return "Couldn't open file $path_to_file";
-  read($fh, my $buffer, $size);
-  close $fh;
-  if (length($buffer) != $size) {
-    return "Couldn't read entire key file contents of $path_to_file.\n";
-  }
-  $entry->{binary}->{$fname_short} = $buffer;
-  $state->{attach_changed}=1;
-  return undef;
-# Cross-platform attempt to find a user's homedir
-sub get_user_homedir {
-  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ &&
-			defined($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}) && defined($ENV{HOMEPATH})) {
-    #return $ENV{HOMEDRIVE} . $ENV{HOMEPATH}; # Windows
-    return File::Spec->catpath($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}, $ENV{HOMEPATH}, undef);
-  }
-  my $home = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid($<))[7] || undef; #Unix
-  return $home;
-# Expand tildes in filename
-sub expand_tildes {
-  my $filename = shift @_;
-  # Page 253 of Perl Cookbook By Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington
-  # "O'Reilly Media, Inc.", Aug 21, 2003
-  $filename =~ s{ ^ ~ ( [^/]* ) }
-		{ $1
-			? (getpwnam($1))[7]
-			: ($ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid($<))[7])
-		}ex;
-  return $filename;
-# Copied from Term::ShellUI and modified for enhanced Windows support
-sub my_nongnu_complete_files {
-    my ($str, $line, $start) = @_;
-    #$self->suppress_completion_append_character();
-    if (defined($readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
-      $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
-    }
-    if (defined($Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
-      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
-    }
-    my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($str || '.', 0 );
-    # This next line is for Windows tab completion on just "C:","D:", etc.
-    if (length($volume) && !length($directories)) { $directories='/'; }
-    my $dir = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$directories,undef);
-    # eradicate non-matches immediately (this is important if
-    # completing in a directory with 3000+ files)
-    $file = '' unless $str;
-    my $flen = length($file);
-    my @files = ();
-    if(opendir(DIR, length($dir) ? $dir : '.')) {
-        @files = grep { substr($_,0,$flen) eq $file } readdir DIR;
-        closedir DIR;
-        # eradicate dotfiles unless user's file begins with a dot
-        @files = grep { /^[^.]/ } @files unless $file =~ /^\./;
-        # reformat filenames to be exactly as user typed
-        @files = map { length($dir) ? ($dir eq '/' ? "/$_" : "$dir/$_") : $_ } @files;
-    } else {
-        print("Couldn't read dir: $!\n");
-    }
-    # Tack trailing slashs on dirs
-    foreach my $file_dir (@files) {
-      if (-d $file_dir && $file_dir !~m/\/$/) { $file_dir .= '/'; }
-    }
-    return @files;
-sub cli_quit($$) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) {
-    print "WARNING: The database has changed and was not saved.\n" .
-	"Really quit? [y/N] ";
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      print "\n";
-      return -1; # It is not OK to quit
-    }
-  }
-  if (-f $state->{placed_lock_file}) { unlink($state->{placed_lock_file}); }
-  delete($state->{placed_lock_file});
-  $self->exit_requested(1);
-  return 0; # It's OK to quit
-sub cli_version($$) {
-  my $self = shift @_;
-  my $params = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  # Users can provide a -f option to show the password. We use GetOptions
-  # to parse this command line, and $target holds that target.
-  my $target='';
-  my %opts=();
-  {
-    local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}};
-    my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'v');
-  }
-  if ($opts{'v'}) {
-    print "VERSIONS\n";
-    print " * kpcli: $VERSION\n";
-    my $pv = $PERL_VERSION;
-    if (! length($pv)) {
-      $pv = $]; # For perl versions prior to 5.6.0
-    }
-    print " * Perl: $pv\n";
-    my @modules = qw(File::KeePass Term::ShellUI Term::ReadKey Term::ReadLine);
-    my @missing_modules = ();
-    foreach my $module (sort keys %OPTIONAL_PM) {
-      if ($OPTIONAL_PM{$module}->{loaded}) {
-        push @modules, $module;
-      } else {
-        push @missing_modules, $module;
-      }
-    }
-    foreach my $module (@modules) {
-      no strict 'refs';
-      my $vstr=$module . "::VERSION";
-      print " * $module: " . ${$vstr} . "\n";
-    }
-    foreach my $module (@missing_modules) {
-      print " * $module: not installed (optional)\n";
-    }
-    print "\n";
-    print "ReadLine being used: " . $term->{term}->ReadLine . "\n";
-    # Operating System
-    my $OS=$OSNAME;
-    if (lc($OSNAME) eq 'linux') {
-      my $lsbr = load_lsb_release();
-      if (defined($lsbr) && defined($lsbr->{'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'})) {
-        $OS .= " (" . $lsbr->{'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'} . ")";
-      }
-    } elsif (lc($OSNAME) eq 'mswin') {
-      if (! $OPTIONAL_PM{'Win32'}->{loaded}) {
-        runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Win32',undef);
-      }
-      if ($OPTIONAL_PM{'Win32'}->{loaded}) {
-        $OS .= " (" . Win32::GetOSDisplayName() . ")";
-      }
-    }
-    print "Operating system: $OS\n";
-  } else {
-    print "$VERSION\n";
-  }
-sub load_lsb_release {
-  my $fh = new FileHandle;
-  if (-f '/etc/lsb-release' && open($fh,'<', '/etc/lsb-release')) {
-    my @lines = <$fh>;
-    close $fh;
-    my %d = ();
-    foreach my $l (@lines) {
-      chomp $l;
-      my ($k,$v) = split(/=/, $l, 2);
-      $d{$k} = $v;
-    }
-    return \%d;
-  }
-  return undef;
-# Function to nag the user about saving each time the DB is modified
-sub RequestSaveOnDBChange {
-  our $state;
-  # If the db hasn't changed don't bother the user
-  if (! $state->{kdb_has_changed}) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  # If this is a newly created file we don't bother the user with
-  # asking to save after every change.
-  if (! length($state->{kdb_file})) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  print "Database was modified. Do you want to save it now? [y/N]: ";
-  my $key=get_single_key();
-  print "\n";
-  if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-    return;
-  }
-  # Calling cli_save() should be silent and safe at this point.
-  return cli_save(undef);
-sub GetMasterPasswd {
-  my $prompt = "Please provide the master password: ";
-  return GetPassword($prompt,'*');
-sub GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify {
-  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd();
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  if (length($master_pass) == 0) { return ''; }
-  my $prompt = "Retype to verify: ";
-  my $checkval = GetPassword($prompt,'*');
-  chomp $checkval;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  if ($master_pass ne $checkval) {
-    print "Passwords did not match...\n";
-    return undef;
-  }
-  return $master_pass;
-sub GetPassword {
-  my $prompt = shift @_;
-  my $echo_char = shift @_ || '';
-  if (length($echo_char) > 1) {
-    warn "GetPassword() cannot accept an \$echo_char of more than one char.\n";
-    $echo_char='';
-  }
-  $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode
-  ReadMode('noecho');
-  ReadMode('raw');
-  my $master_pass = '';
-  print $prompt;
-  CHAR: while (1) {
-    my $c;
-    do {
-      Time::HiRes::sleep(0.05);
-    } until defined($c = ReadKey(-1));
-    last if $c =~ m/[\n\r]/;
-    if (ord($c) == 3) { # ^C
-      print "\n";
-      ReadMode('normal');
-      kill SIGINT, $$; # Due to raw mode, I must send the SIGINT to myself.
-      return '';
-    } elsif (ord($c) == 127 || ord($c) == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows)
-      if (length($master_pass)) {
-        print chr(8)." ".chr(8);
-        chop($master_pass);
-      }
-      next CHAR;
-    } elsif (ord($c) == 21) { # ^U
-      my $passlen=length($master_pass);
-      print chr(8)x$passlen." "x$passlen.chr(8)x$passlen;
-      $master_pass = '';
-      next CHAR;
-    }
-    if (length($echo_char)) { print $echo_char; }
-    #print "*".ord($c);
-    $master_pass .= $c;
-  }
-  ReadMode('normal');
-  chomp $master_pass;
-  my $min_display_length = 25;
-  if (length($master_pass) < $min_display_length) {
-    print "$echo_char"x($min_display_length - length($master_pass));
-  }
-  print "\n"; $|=1;
-  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
-  return $master_pass;
-sub MyGetOpts {
-  my %opts=();
-  my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, "kdb=s", "key=s", "histfile=s",
-				"help", "h", "readonly", "no-recycle");
-  # If the user asked for help or GetOptions complained, give help and exit
-  if ($opts{help} || $opts{h} || (! int($result))) {
-    print GetUsageMessage();
-    exit;
-  }
-  # Allow the user to override the history file
-  if (defined($opts{histfile}) && length($opts{histfile})) {
-    our $HISTORY_FILE = $opts{histfile};
-  } else {
-    if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/) {
-      our $HISTORY_FILE = $ENV{USERPROFILE} . "/.$APP_NAME-history";
-    } else {
-      our $HISTORY_FILE = "~/.$APP_NAME-history";
-    }
-  }
-  my @errs=();
-  if ((length($opts{kdb}) && (! -e $opts{kdb}))) {
-    push @errs, "for option --kdb=<file.kbd>, the file must exist.";
-  }
-  if ((length($opts{key}) && (! -e $opts{key}))) {
-    push @errs, "for option --key=<file.key>, the file must exist.";
-  }
-  if (scalar(@errs)) {
-    warn "There were errors:\n" .
-	"  " . join("\n  ", @errs) . "\n\n";
-    die &GetUsageMessage();
-  }
-  return \%opts;
-sub GetUsageMessage {
-  my @params = (
-    [ kdb => 'Optional KeePass database file to open (must exist).' ],
-    [ key => 'Optional KeePass key file (must exist).' ],
-    [ histfile => 'Specify your history file (or perhaps /dev/null).' ],
-    [ readonly => 'Run in read-only mode; no changes will be allowed.' ],
-    [ 'no-recycle' =>
-		'Don\'t store entry changes in /Backup or "/Recycle Bin".' ],
-    [ help => 'This message.' ],
-  );
-  my $t="Usage: $APP_NAME [--kdb=<file.kdb>] [--key=<file.key>]\n" .
-  "\n";
-  foreach my $param (@params) {
-    $t .= sprintf("  %-13s %s\n", '--'.$param->[0], $param->[1]);
-  }
-  $t .= "\n" .
-  "Run kpcli with no options and type 'help' at its command prompt to learn\n" .
-  "about kpcli's commands.\n" .
-  "";
-  return $t;
-# Because Term::ShellUI has a fixed width (%20s) for the command length
-# and we don't need nearly that much, we had to implement our own help
-# function instead of using the built-in help_call() method.
-sub my_help_call($) {
-  my $term = shift @_;
-  # @_ now holds: [Term::ShellUI->{commands}, <optional: specific command>]
-  # If the user is asking for detailed help on a specific command, do that
-  if (scalar(@_) > 1) {
-    $term->help_call(undef, @_);
-    return;
-  }
-  # If no specific command was requested, show the command summaries
-  my $help = $term->get_all_cmd_summaries($term->commands());
-  $help =~ s/^ {12}//gm; # Trim some leading spaces off of each line of output
-  print $help;
-  print "\n" .
-	"Type \"help <command>\" for more detailed help on a command.\n";
-  return 0;
-# Command Completion Routines ##########################################
-sub complete_groups {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $cmpl = shift;
-  our $state;
-  # Place the string (token) that the user is trying to complete into $path.
-  my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}];
-  # If the cursor isn't at the end of the sting, chop $path to that length.
-  if (length($path) > $cmpl->{tokoff}) {
-    $path = substr($path, 0, $cmpl->{tokoff});
-  }
-  my $srch_path=normalize_path_string($path);
-  my @possibles = ();
-  # If the path ends in a "/" (a directory) then we are looking for subirs,
-  # else we are just looking to tab-complete a partial dir-name at this level.
-  # Used only for /<tab> (the root dir is a special case)
-  if ($srch_path =~ m/^$|^[.]$/) {
-    @possibles = grep(/^[^\0]+$/,
-				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
-  # Used only for /..any/thing../<tab> (non-root directories)
-  } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$srch_path})) {
-    # If the user is sitting on a dir without the trailing /, return that
-    # now as the only option (/dir1/dir2<tab>). We do this because the
-    # code later does not handle this case well at all. We do, however,
-    # have to not do this for things like "ls <tab>" which is why we test
-    # for length($path).
-    if (length($path) && $path !~ m/\/$/) {
-      __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self);
-      return [ $cmpl->{str} . "/" ];
-    }
-    @possibles = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E\0[^\0]+$/,
-				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
-  # Used for /../any/thing../foo<tab>
-  } else {
-    @possibles = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E[^\0]*$/,
-				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
-  }
-  # Loop over the possibilites doing required magic...
-  my @results=();
-  foreach my $opt (@possibles) {
-    $opt=humanize_path($opt);
-    if ($path =~ m/^(\/+)/) {	# Absolute path (easy case!)
-      $opt=$1.$opt;
-    } else {			# Path relative to pwd
-      my $user_new_path=get_pwd() . "/" . $path;
-      my $new_dir=normalize_path_string($user_new_path);
-      # If the user's input does not resolve to a fully qualified
-      # path then we need to pop off the last bit to get to that.
-      if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$new_dir})) {
-        my @path=split(/\0/, $new_dir); pop @path;
-        $new_dir = join("\0", @path);
-      }
-      $new_dir = humanize_path($new_dir);
-      # Dirname requires "../." (Trailing dot) to give ".." in those cases!
-      my $dirname_path=$path;
-      if ($path =~ m/\/$/) { $dirname_path .= "."; }
-      my $path_to_put_back=dirname($dirname_path) . "/";
-      if ($new_dir eq '') {	# All the way at the root level
-        $opt = $path_to_put_back . $opt;
-      } else {			# Some non-root level (deeper)
-        $opt=~s/^$new_dir\//$path_to_put_back/;
-      }
-      # Lop the leading "./" off the head if it was not user supplied
-      if ($path !~ m/^[.]\// && $opt =~ m/^[.]\//) { $opt =~ s/^[.]\///; }
-      # If the user did supply a leading "./" and we missed it, add it
-      if ($path =~ m/^[.]\// && $opt !~ m/^[.]\//) { $opt = "./$opt"; }
-    }
-    push @results, "$opt/";
-  }
-  # Foreach possibility, we have to strip off the parts that are already
-  # completed and then prepend the part that is looking to be completed,
-  # from $cmpl->{str}.
-  my @completions = ();
-  foreach my $possibility (@results) {
-    $possibility = normalize_path_string($possibility);
-    $possibility =~ s/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?//;
-    if (length($possibility)) {
-      $possibility = $cmpl->{str} . humanize_path($possibility);
-      if ($possibility !~ m/\/$/) { $possibility .= '/'; }
-      push @completions, $possibility;
-    }
-  }
-  # If we are about to return only one completion result, we need to first
-  # test to see if any other subdirs are below it and, if so, suppress the
-  # completion append character so that the user can keep tab completing
-  # into lower level directories.
-  if (scalar(@completions) == 1) {
-    my @all_subdirs = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E[^\0]*(\0[^\0]+)?/,
-				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
-    if (scalar(@all_subdirs) > 0) {
-      __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self);
-    }
-  }
-  return \@completions;
-sub complete_entries {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $cmpl = shift;
-  our $state;
-  # Place the string (token) that the user is trying to complete into $path.
-  my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}];
-  # If the cursor isn't at the end of the sting, chop $path to that length.
-  if (length($path) > $cmpl->{tokoff}) {
-    $path = substr($path, 0, $cmpl->{tokoff});
-  }
-  my $srch_path=normalize_path_string($path);
-  my @entries = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?[^\0]*$/,
-				sort keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}});
-  # User can tab exactly at a directory level and with or without the
-  # trailing slash, and so we need to normalize that, always ensuring that
-  # the slash is inserted. We do that by setting the dir_level_sep here
-  # and always removing any trailing slash sent in below (\0 on srch_path).
-  # We do, however, have to not do this for things like "show <tab>" which
-  # is why we test for length($path).
-  my $dir_level_sep = '';
-  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$srch_path}) &&
-				length($path) && $path !~ m/\/$/) {
-    $dir_level_sep = '/';
-  }
-  # Foreach possibility, we have to strip off the parts that are already
-  # completed and then prepend the part that is looking to be completed
-  # by Term::ShellUI, from $cmpl->{str}.
-  my @completions = ();
-  foreach my $possibility (@entries) {
-    $possibility =~ s/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?//;
-    if (length($possibility)) {
-      $possibility = $cmpl->{str} .$dir_level_sep. humanize_path($possibility);
-      push @completions, $possibility;
-    }
-  }
-  return \@completions;
-sub complete_groups_and_entries {
-  my $self = shift;
-  my $cmpl = shift;
-  my $groups = complete_groups($self,$cmpl);
-  my $entries = complete_entries($self,$cmpl);
-  # Merge and sort the groups and entries
-  my @completions = sort (@{$groups}, @{$entries});
-  return \@completions;
-# In Term::ReadLine::Gnu, suppress_completion_append_character() works,
-# but in Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl5 it does not, and
-# so we get to the outcome via $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character.
-sub __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self) {
-  my $self = shift;
-  if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
-    $self->suppress_completion_append_character();
-  } else {
-    # For Term::ReadLine::Perl
-    # From Term/ReadLine/
-    #  - package readline;
-    if (defined($readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
-      $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
-    }
-    # For Term::ReadLine::Perl5
-    # From Term/ReadLine/Perl5/
-    #  - package Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline;"
-    if (defined(
-	$Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
-      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
-    }
-  }
-# Rijndael encrypt/decrypt routines - borrowed from File::KeePass ######
-sub decrypt_rijndael_cbc {
-    my ($buffer, $key, $enc_iv) = @_;
-    my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
-    $cipher->set_iv($enc_iv);
-    $buffer = $cipher->decrypt($buffer);
-    my $extra = ord(substr $buffer, -1, 1);
-    substr($buffer, length($buffer) - $extra, $extra, '');
-    return $buffer;
-sub encrypt_rijndael_cbc {
-    my ($buffer, $key, $enc_iv) = @_;
-    my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
-    $cipher->set_iv($enc_iv);
-    my $extra = (16 - length($buffer) % 16) || 16; # pad so we can trim
-    $buffer .= chr($extra) for 1 .. $extra;
-    return $cipher->encrypt($buffer);
-sub composite_master_pass($$) {
-  my ($pass, $key_file) = @_;
-  # composite password in case of key file
-  if (defined $key_file and length($key_file) and -f $key_file) {
-    # KeePass v2.03 and higher has native key file support, and so we
-    # use that if we have it.
-    if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) >= version->parse('2.03')) {
-      return [$pass, $key_file];
-    }
-    # TODO - at some point, when File::KeePass v2.03 is very mainstream,
-    # the code to the end of this if block should be removed. It allowed
-    # support for key files for *.kdb files before File::KeePass supported
-    # that natively. File::KeePass now also supports that for *.kdbx.
-    open(my $fh,'<',$key_file) || die "Couldn't open key file $key_file: $!\n";
-    my $size = -s $key_file;
-    read($fh, my $buffer, $size);
-    close $fh;
-    if (length($buffer) != $size) {
-      die "Couldn't read entire key file contents of $key_file.\n";
-    }
-    $pass = substr(sha256($pass),0,32);
-    if ($size == 32) {
-      $pass .= $buffer;
-    } elsif ($size == 64) {
-      for (my $i = 0; $i < 64; $i += 2) {
-        $pass .= chr(hex(substr($buffer,$i,2)));
-      }
-    } else {
-      $pass .= substr(sha256($buffer),0,32);
-    }
-    # TODO - this marks the "end of the block" noted above.
-  }
-  return $pass;
-sub put_master_passwd($) {
-  my $master_pass = shift @_;
-  our $state;
-  $state->{'master_pass_key'}='';
-  $state->{'master_pass_key'} .= chr(int(255 * rand())) for 1..16;
-  $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'}='';
-  $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'} .= chr(int(255 * rand())) for 1..16;
-  $master_pass='CLEAR:' . $master_pass;
-  $state->{'master_pass'}=encrypt_rijndael_cbc($master_pass,
-		$state->{'master_pass_key'}, $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'});
-  return 0;
-sub get_master_passwd() {
-  our $state;
-  my $master_pass=decrypt_rijndael_cbc($state->{master_pass},
-		$state->{'master_pass_key'}, $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'});
-  if ($master_pass=~s/^CLEAR://) {
-    return $master_pass;
-  } else {
-    die "Failed to properly decrypt my copy of the master password.\n";
-  }
-# This routine checks to see if the file has changed on disk and warns if so
-sub warn_if_file_changed {
-  our $state;
-  my $file = $state->{kdb_file};
-  if (! length($file)) { return 0; } # If no file was opened, don't warn
-  my $file_md5 = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5");
-  if ($state->{kdb_file_md5} ne $file_md5) {
-    print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING:" . color('clear') .
-        color('red') .
-               " The file has changed on disk since kpcli opened it!\n" .
-        "         It may be opened elsewhere. Continue anyway? [y/N] " .
-        color('clear');
-    my $key=get_single_key();
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-sub generateKeyfileContents($) {
-  my $length = shift;
-  my $password = '';
-  my @normal_chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9);
-  # all printable non-alnum chars except space (0x20), backspace (0x5c),
-  # and backtick (0x60)
-  my @special_chars=map(chr, 0x21 .. 0x2f, 0x3a .. 0x40,
-					0x5b, 0x5d .. 0x5f, 0x7b .. 0x7e);
-  my $charset = join('', (@normal_chars, at special_chars));
-  while (length($password) < $length) {
-    $password .= substr($charset, (int(rand(length($charset)))), 1);
-  }
-  return $password;
-sub generatePassword {
-  my $be_silent = shift @_ || 0;
-  my $password = generatePasswordFromDict($be_silent);
-  if (! length($password)) {
-    if (! $be_silent) {
-      print color('yellow') .
-	"Generated random characters instead of a words-based password.\n" .
-	color('clear');
-    }
-    $password = generatePasswordGobbledygook(20);
-  }
-  return $password;
-sub generatePasswordGobbledygook {
-  my $length = shift;
-  my @normal_chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9);
-  my @special_chars=qw(_);
-  my $charset = join('', (@normal_chars, at special_chars));
-  # Generate the password
-  my $password = '';
-  while (length($password) < $length) {
-    $password .= substr($charset, (int(rand(length($charset)))), 1);
-  }
-  # Make sure that at least one special character appears
-  my $sccc=join('', @special_chars);
-  if ($password !~ m/[\Q$sccc\E]/) {
-    my $sc=$special_chars[int(rand(length($sccc)))];
-    substr($password,int(rand(length($password))), 1, $sc);
-  }
-  return $password
-sub genPassInteractiveHelper($$) {
-  my $mode = shift @_;
-  my $len = shift @_;
-  if ($mode eq 'g') {
-    return generatePasswordGobbledygook($len);
-  } elsif ($mode eq 'w') {
-    return generatePasswordFromDict(0);
-  } else {
-    return undef;
-  }
-sub generatePasswordInteractive($) {
-  my $default_passwd_len = shift @_;
-  print "\n";
-  print "<n>o/<ret> Do not accept current password, generate another one.\n";
-  print "<y>es      Accept current password.\n\n";
-  print "<t>oggle   Toggle between random characters and word-based mode.\n";
-  print "<c>ancel   Abort interactive password generation mode.\n";
-  print "And in random characters mode:\n";
-  print "  +/-      Increase/decrease password length. " .
-				"May be prefixed with a count.\n";
-  print "  [n]=     Set password length to [n] chars. If not given, " .
-				"resets to $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN chars.\n";
-  my $pw_is_ok = 0;
-  my $len = $default_passwd_len;
-  my $mode = 'g';
-  my $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len);
-  do {
-    my $prompt_format = "%s  +/-/= n/y/t/c ";
-    if ($mode eq 'w') {  $prompt_format = "%s  n/y/t/c "; }
-    my $prompt = sprintf($prompt_format, $pw);
-    print $prompt;
-    my $input = '';
-    my $input_complete = 0;
-    do {
-      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-      my $k  = get_single_key();
-      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-      my $kc = unpack("C", $k);
-      if ($kc == 0x03) {   # ^C
-        return undef;
-      } elsif ($kc == 127 || $kc == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows)
-        if (length($input) > 0) {
-          $input = substr($input,0,length($input) - 1);
-          print chr(8)." ".chr(8); # Erase a character
-          #print $k; # Print the backspace key to erase a character
-        }
-      } elsif ($kc == 0x0a) {
-        $input = '';
-        $input_complete = 1;
-      } else {
-        # Validate character input then process it
-        if ($input eq '' && $k =~ m/^[tcny]$/
-		|| ($mode eq 'g' && $k =~ m/^[\d\+\-=]$/ && $input =~ m/^\d*$/)
-								) {
-          $input .= $k;
-          if ($mode eq 'g' && $input =~ /^(\d+)?[+=-]$/) {$input_complete=1;}
-          if ($input =~ /^[tcny]$/ ) { $input_complete = 1; }
-          if ($input =~ /^\d/) { print $k; }
-        }
-      }
-    } while (!$input_complete);
-    print "\n";
-    if (lc($input) eq 't') {
-      if ($mode eq 'g') { $mode = 'w' } else { $mode = 'g'; }
-      $input = 'n';
-    }
-    if ($input eq 'y') {
-      length($pw) and $pw_is_ok = 1;
-    } elsif ($mode eq 'g' && $input =~ /^(\d+)?[+=-]$/) {
-      my $new_len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
-      if ($input =~ /^(\d+)?=$/) {
-        $new_len = $1 || $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
-      } elsif ($input =~ /^(\d+)?([+-])$/) {
-        my $v = $1 ? $1 : 1;
-        $v *= $2 eq '-' ? -1 : 1;
-        $new_len = $len + $v;
-      }
-      if ($new_len < $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN) {
-        $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN;
-      } elsif ($new_len > $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX) {
-        $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX;
-      } else {
-        $len = $new_len;
-        printf "[%s%s%s]\n",
-          '-' x ($len - $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN), '|',
-          '-' x ($DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX - $len);
-      }
-      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-      $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len);
-    } elsif ($input eq 'c') {
-      return undef; # Return undef on cancel
-    } elsif ($input eq 'n' || !$input) {
-      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
-      $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len);
-    }
-  } while (!$pw_is_ok);
-  return($pw);
-# Inspired by
-sub generatePasswordFromDict($) {
-  my $be_silent = shift @_ || 0;
-  my @words=();
-  my $fh = new FileHandle;
-  my @dict_files = qw(/usr/share/dict/words /usr/dict/words);
-  DICTS: foreach my $dictfile (@dict_files) {
-    if (-f $dictfile && -r $dictfile && open($fh,'<', $dictfile)) {
-      @words = <$fh>;
-      close($fh);
-      last DICTS;
-    }
-  }
-  if (scalar(@words) < 10000) {
-    if (! $be_silent) {
-      print color('yellow') .
-	"No adequate dictionary found to generate a words-based password.\n".
-	"These locations were checked:\n - ".join("\n - ", @dict_files)."\n" .
-	color('clear');
-    }
-    return undef;
-  }
-  my $length_tries = 12;
-  my $password='';
-  do {
-    my @passwords = ();
-    my $word_tries=20;
-    while (scalar(@passwords) < 4 && $word_tries-- > 0) {
-      my $word = $words[int(rand(scalar(@words)))];
-      chomp $word;
-      $word =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;
-      if (length($word) > 7) { next; } # Don't care for big words
-      push @passwords, $word;
-    }
-    if (scalar(@passwords) == 4) {
-      $password=join('.', @passwords);
-    }
-    #warn "LHHD: $password\n";
-    if (length($password) < 27) { $password=''; } # Need a decent overall size
-  } until (length($password) || $length_tries-- < 0);
-  return $password;
-# Setup signal handling #################################################
-sub setup_signal_handling {
-  our $state;
-  # We only worry with signal handling for Term::ReadLine::Gnu
-  if ($state->{'term'}->{term}->ReadLine ne 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  # We don't want Term::Readline::Gnu catching signals, except for WINCH.
-  # I really don't understand why, but I know via experimentation.
-  my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term};
-  $term->Attribs->{catch_signals}  = 0;
-  $term->Attribs->{catch_sigwinch} = 1; # Window resizes
-  $term->clear_signals();
-  # Install a signal handler to catch SIGINT (^C). Unsafe signal handling
-  # (through POSIX::SigAction) is required to deal with Term::ReadLine::Gnu.
-  # We don't even try for other readlines due to their limited functionality.
-  my $handler_SIGINT = sub {
-      our $state;
-      # We could be using one of a couple of ReadLine terminals; the one
-      # from Term::ShellUI ($state->{'term'}->{term}) or one from one of
-      # our cli_NNN commands ($state->{active_readline}). We will assume
-      # the Term::ShellUI one here, and override that below if needed.
-      my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term};
-      # Record in our state when a SIGINT was last received
-      $state->{signals}->{INT} = [gettimeofday];
-      # We need to pull the Carp longmess to see if we're sitting in a
-      # a cli_XXXX function instead of at a readline prompt.
-      my $mess = longmess();
-      #print Dumper( $mess );
-      # At some point, Term::ShellUI started wrapping my cli_XXX() routines
-      # in eval{}, which hid the cli_\w+() from the longmess, and so I had
-      # to add a second condition here.
-      if ($mess =~ m/(main::(cli_\w+)\(|Term::ShellUI::call_cmd\()/) {
-        #warn "It appears that SIGINT was called from $1\n";
-        #warn "LHHD: $mess\n";
-        # If the cli_NNN has an active_readline we need to work with it
-        if (defined($state->{active_readline})) {
-          #warn "LHHD: in INT with active_readline\n";
-          my $term = $state->{active_readline};
-          $term->free_line_state();
-          $term->cleanup_after_signal();
-          $term->reset_after_signal();
-          $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}=''; # Clear the buffer
-          $term->Attribs->{done}=1;  # Ask readline to return immediately
-        }
-      } else { # If not in a cli_XXX(), assume a Term::ShellUI prompt
-        my $yellow=color('yellow');
-        my $clear=color('clear');
-        #$term->echo_signal_char(SIGINT); # Puts ^C on the next line. :(
-        # Trial and error on these readline_state values...  :(
-        #warn "LHHD: " . sprintf($term->Attribs->{readline_state}) . "\n";
-        if ($term->Attribs->{readline_state} == 262374) {
-          print "^C$yellow   - use Ctrl-g to stop history search.$clear\n";
-        } else {
-          print "^C$yellow   - use the \"quit\" command to exit.$clear\n";
-        }
-        $term->free_line_state();
-        $term->cleanup_after_signal();
-        $term->reset_after_signal();
-        $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}=""; # Clear the input buffer
-        $term->forced_update_display();   # Force update the display
-      }
-      return 0;
-  };
-  sigaction(SIGINT, new POSIX::SigAction($handler_SIGINT));
-  #$SIG{INT} = $handler_SIGINT; # Works only if $ENV{PERL_SIGNAL}='unsafe'
-  #!topic/perl.perl5.porters/fNJdyyZh7Wc
-  # Handle signal CONT - continue signal (resuming after Ctrl-Z).
-  my $handler_SIGCONT = sub {
-	our $state;
-	my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term};
-	my $mess = longmess();
-               # At some point, Term::ShellUI started wrapping my cli_XXX()
-               # routines in eval{}, which hid the cli_\w+() from the longmess,
-               # and so I had to add a second condition here.
-       if ($mess =~ m/(main::(cli_\w+)\(|Term::ShellUI::call_cmd\()/ &&
-					defined($state->{active_readline})) {
-	  $term = $state->{active_readline};
-	}
-	$term->cleanup_after_signal();
-	$term->reset_after_signal();
-	$term->forced_update_display(); # Force update the display
-  };
-  sigaction(SIGCONT, new POSIX::SigAction($handler_SIGCONT));
-  #$SIG{CONT} = $handler_SIGCONT; # Works only if $ENV{PERL_SIGNAL}='unsafe'
-# Code consolidation function to runtime-load optional perl modules
-sub runtime_load_module($$$) {
-  my $rOPTIONAL_PM = shift @_;
-  my $module = shift @_;
-  my $rImportList = shift @_ || undef;
-  my $iltxt = '';
-  if (defined($rImportList) && ref($rImportList) ne 'ARRAY') {
-    die "The rImportList param to runtime_load_module() must be an ARRAY ref\n";
-  }
-  if (defined($rImportList) && ref($rImportList) eq 'ARRAY' &&
-						scalar(@$rImportList) > 0) {
-    $iltxt = "('" . join("','", @{$rImportList}) . "')";
-  }
-  if (eval "require $module;$module->import($iltxt);1;" eq 1) {
-    $rOPTIONAL_PM->{$module}->{loaded} = 1;
-    return 1;
-  } else {
-    $rOPTIONAL_PM->{$module}->{loaded} = 0;
-    return 0;
-  }
-# This routine runs down the list of our preferred Term::ReadLine::*
-# modules and returns a new object from the first one that we find.
-sub get_readline_term($$) {
-  my $rOPTIONAL_PM = shift @_;
-  my $app_name = shift @_;
-  my @rl_modules = ();
-  # The list of readlines that we support
-  push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu';
-  push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Perl';
-  push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5';
-  my $rl_term = undef;
-  my $hold_TERM=undef;
-  MODULE: foreach my $module (@rl_modules) {
-    # On MS Windows, Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl5 are
-    # pretty good terminals but they behave badly if the environment
-    # variable TERM=dumb, and so we override that here if needed.
-    if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && $module =~ m/^Term::ReadLine::Perl5?/ &&
-						$ENV{'TERM'} eq 'dumb') {
-      $hold_TERM=$ENV{'TERM'};
-      $ENV{'TERM'} = 'vt102';
-    }
-    if (runtime_load_module($rOPTIONAL_PM,$module,undef) eq 1) {
-      # These SGI{'__WARN__'} shenanigans are to suppress:
-      # WARNING: Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method
-      #          Term::ReadLine::Gnu::ornaments() is deprecated at
-      #          /usr/lib/perl5/Term/ReadLine/ line 250.
-      # Hopefully, newer versions of Term::ReadLine::Gnu will fix this.
-      $SIG{'__WARN__'} =
-		sub { warn $_[0] unless (caller eq "Term::ReadLine::Gnu"); };
-      $rl_term = eval "$module->new('$app_name');";
-      delete $SIG{'__WARN__'};
-      last MODULE;
-    } else {
-      #warn "Loading $module failed\n";
-      if (defined($hold_TERM)) { $ENV{'TERM'} = $hold_TERM; $hold_TERM=undef; }
-    }
-  }
-  #if (! defined($rl_term)) { return undef; }
-  if (! defined($rl_term)) {
-    die "No usable Term::ReadLine::* modules found.\n" .
-	"This list tried: " . join(', ', @rl_modules) . "\n";
-  }
-  # I don't like readline ornaments in kpcli
-  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && $rOPTIONAL_PM->{'Capture::Tiny'}->{loaded}) {
-    # On MS Windows, the RLTERM->ornaments() call causes a warning about
-    # not having a termcap file. It seems hamless and so we suppress that
-    # message if we have Capture::Tiny available.
-    my ($out, $err, @result) = capture( sub { $rl_term->ornaments(0); } );
-    if (length($err) && $err !~ m/^cannot find termcap/i) { warn $err; }
-  } else {
-    # WARNING: Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method
-    #          Term::ReadLine::Gnu::ornaments() is deprecated
-    #          at line <two lines below>.
-    # This "no warnings" is to stop that, but the same warning
-    # still comes from Term::ReadLine::Gnu at line 250 with perl
-    # v5.14.2 and Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.20-2. That is suppressed
-    # in a different way, just above in this same function.
-    no warnings 'once';
-    $rl_term->ornaments(0);
-  }
-  # I'm not sure that these are only needed on Windows, but I know they
-  # are not needed on Linux so I'm trying to keep the scope narrow.
-  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ &&
-			$rl_term->ReadLine =~ m/Term::ReadLine::Perl5?/) {
-    # For Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl we set
-    # $readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0 on MS Windows.
-    if (defined($readline::rl_scroll_nextline)) {
-      $readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0;
-    }
-    if (defined($Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_scroll_nextline)) {
-      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0;
-    }
-  }
-  # History
-  # The Term::ReadLine::Perl* modules shove values into the history
-  # file automtically. That causes two problems for kpcli:
-  # 1) Term::ShellUI calls $term->addhistory() itself for each CLI
-  #    command that it wants to store ih history (duplicates).
-  # 2) We use readline() in places like cli_new, cli_edit, etc. and
-  #    we do not want all those inputs in the history file (cruft).
-  if ($rl_term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') {
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *readline::add_line_to_history = sub { return undef; };
-  }
-  if ($rl_term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') {
-    no strict 'refs';
-    *Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::add_line_to_history = sub {return undef;}
-  }
-  if (defined($hold_TERM)) { $ENV{'TERM'} = $hold_TERM; }
-  return $rl_term;
-# Use simple magic recipes to identify relevant file types
-sub magic_file_type($) {
-  my $filename = shift @_;
-  my $fh=new FileHandle;
-  my $header='';
-  if (open($fh, '<', $filename)) {
-    my $n = read $fh, $header, 4;
-    close $fh;
-  }
-  # KeePass
-  # Recipe from
-  # 0       lelong            0x9AA2D903      Keepass password database
-  # >4       lelong            0xB54BFB65      1.x KDB
-  # >>48       lelong            >0              \b, %d groups
-  # >>52       lelong            >0              \b, %d entries
-  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    1              \b, SHA-256
-  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    2              \b, AES
-  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    4              \b, RC4
-  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    8              \b, Twofish
-  # >>120       lelong            >0          \b, %d key transformation rounds
-  # >4       lelong            0xB54BFB67      2.x KDBX
-  if ($header =~ m/^\x03\xd9\xa2\x9a/) {
-    return 'keepass';
-  }
-  # Password Safe v3
-  # Recipe from
-  if ($header =~ m/^PWS3/) {
-    return 'pws3';
-  }
-  return undef;
-# Unix-style, "touch" a file
-sub touch_file {
-  my $filename = shift @_;
-  if (! -f $filename) {
-    my $fh=new FileHandle;
-    open($fh, "> $filename");
-    close($fh);
-  }
-  my $sig_pipe_store=$SIG{'PIPE'};
-  $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
-  my $now=time;
-  my $retval=utime $now, $now, $filename;
-  $SIG{'PIPE'} = $sig_pipe_store;
-# POD ##################################################################
-=head1 NAME
-kpcli - A command line interface to KeePass database files.
-A command line interface (interactive shell) to work with KeePass
-database files (http://  This
-program was inspired by my use of "kedpm -c" combined with my need
-to migrate to KeePass. The curious can read about the Ked Password
-Manager at
-=head1 USAGE
-Please run the program and type "help" to learn how to use it.
-This program requires these non-core modules:
-C<Crypt::Rijndael> - libcrypt-rijndael-perl on Ubuntu 10.04
-C<Term::ReadKey>   - libterm-readkey-perl on Ubuntu 10.04
-C<Sort::Naturally> - libsort-naturally-perl on Ubuntu 10.04
-C<File::KeePass>   - libfile-keepass-perl on Ubuntu 12.04
-C<Term::ShellUI>   - libterm-shellui-perl on Ubuntu 12.10
-It is recommended that you install C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu> which will
-provide more fluid signal handling on Unix-like systems, making kpcli
-robust to suspend, resume, and interupt - SIGSTP, SIGCONT and SIGINT.
-That module is in the libterm-readline-gnu-perl package on Ubuntu.
-You can optionally install C<Clipboard> and C<Tiny::Capture> to use the
-clipboard features; and
-libcapture-tiny-perl on Ubuntu 10.04.
-You can optionally install C<Data::Password> to use the pwck feature
-(Password Quality Check); libdata-password-perl on Ubuntu 10.04.
-On MS Windows, you can optionally install C<Win32::Console::ANSI> to get
-ANSI colors in Windows cmd terminals. Strawberry Perl 5.16.2 was used
-for the kpcli port to Windows and, using cpanminus, one can install all
-of kpcli's dependencies, sans Term::ReadLine::Gnu which is optional for
-kpcli and not supported on MS Windows.
-The main author of kpcli primarily interoperability tests with KeePassX
-( and primarily uses KeePass v1 (*.kdb) files.
-Support for KeePass v2 (*.kdbx) files in kpcli is substantial, and many
-people use it daily, but it is not the author's primary use case. It is
-also the author's intent to maintain compatibility with v1 files, and so
-anyone sending patches, for consideration for inclusion in future kpcli
-versions, is asked to validate them with both v1 and v2 files.
-=head2 No history tracking for KeePass 2 (*.kdbx) files
-Recording entries' history in KeePass 2 files is not implemented. History
-that exists in a file is not destroyed, but results of entry changes made
-in kpcli are not recorded into their history. Prior-to-change copies are
-stored into the "Recycle Bin." Note that File::KeePass does not encrypt
-passwords of history entries in RAM, like it does for current entries.
-This is a small security risk that can, in theory, allow priviledged users
-to steal your passwords from RAM, from entry history.
-=head2 File::KeePass bug prior to version 2.03
-Prior to version 2.03, File::KeePass had a bug related to some "unknown"
-data that KeePassX stores in group records. For File::KeePass < v2.03,
-kpcli deletes those unknown data when saving. Research in the libkpass
-( source code revealed that what early
-versions of File::KeePass classifies as "unknown" are the times for
-created/modified/accessed/expires as well as "flags" (id=9), but only for
-groups; File::KeePass handled those fields just fine for entries.  I found
-no ill-effect from dropping those fields when saving and so that is what
-kpcli does to work around the File::KeePass bug, if kpcli is using
-File::KeePass < v2.03.
-=head1 BUGS
-=head2 Using Ctrl-D to Exit
-Versions of Term::ShellUI prior to v0.9. do not have the ability to trap
-Ctrl-D exits by the client program. I submitted a patch to remedy that and
-it made it into Term::ShellUI v0.9. Please upgrade if kpcli asks you to.
-=head2 Multiple Entries or Groups With the Same Name in the Same Group
-This program does not support multiple entries in the same group having
-the exact same name, nor does it support multiple groups at the same
-level having the same name, and it likely never will. KeepassX does
-support those.  This program detects and alert when an opened database
-file has those issues, but it does not refuse to save (overwrite) a file
-that is opened like that. Saves are actually safe (no data loss) as long
-as the user has not touched one of the duplicately-named items.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Lester Hightower <hightowe at cpan dot org>
-=head1 LICENSE
-This program may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 CREDITS
-Special thanks to Paul Seamons, author of C<File::KeePass>, and to
-Scott Bronson, author of C<Term::ShellUI>. Without those two modules
-this program would not have been practical for me to author.
- 2010-Nov-28 v0.1 - Initial release.
- 2010-Nov-28 v0.2 - Encrypt the master password in RAM.
- 2010-Nov-29 v0.3 - Fixed master password encryption for saveas.
- 2010-Nov-29 v0.4 - Fixed code to work w/out Term::ReadLine::Gnu.
-                    Documented File::KeePass v0.1 hierarchy bug.
- 2010-Nov-29 v0.5 - Made find command case insensitive.
-                    Bugfix in new command (path regex problem).
- 2010-Nov-29 v0.6 - Added lock file support; warn if a lock exists.
- 2010-Dec-01 v0.7 - Further documented the group fields that are
-                     dropped, in the CAVEATS section of the POD.
-                    Sort group and entry titles naturally.
- 2010-Dec-23 v0.8 - Worked with File::KeePass author to fix a couple
-                     of bugs and then required >=v0.03 of that module.
-                    Sorted "/_found" to last in the root group list.
-                    Fixed a "database changed" state bug in cli_save().
-                    Made the find command ignore entries in /Backup/.
-                    Find now offers show when only one entry is found.
-                    Provided a patch to Term::ShellUI author to add
-                     eof_exit_hook and added support for it to kpcli.
- 2011-Feb-19 v0.9 - Fixed bugs related to spaces in group names as
-                     reported in SourceForge bug number 3132258.
-                    The edit command now prompts to save on changes.
-                    Put scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups() calls
-                     back into place after realizing that v0.03 of
-                    File::KeePass did not resolve all of the problems.
- 2011-Apr-23 v1.0 - Changed a perl 5.10+ regex to a backward-compatable
-                     one to resolve SourceForge bug number 3192413.
-                    Modified the way that the /Backup group is ignored
-                     by the find command to stop kpcli from croaking on
-                     multiple entries with the same name in that group.
-                     - Note: There is a more general bug here that
-                             needs addressing (see BUGS section).
-                    An empty title on new entry aborts the new entry.
-                    Changed kdb files are now detected/warned about.
-                    Tested against Term::ShellUI v0.9, which has my EOF
-                     hook patch, and updated kpcli comments about it.
-                    Term::ShellUI's complete_history() method was
-                     removed between v0.86 and v0.9 and so I removed
-                     kpli's call to it (Ctrl-r works for history).
-                    Added the "icons" command.
- 2011-Sep-07 v1.1 - Empty DBs are now initialized to KeePassX style.
-                    Fixed a couple of bugs in the find command.
-                    Fixed a password noecho bug in the saveas command.
-                    Fixed a kdb_has_changed bug in the saveas command.
-                    Fixed a cli_open bug where it wasn't cli_close'ing.
-                    Fixed variable init bugs in put_master_passwd().
-                    Fixed a false warning in warn_if_file_changed().
- 2011-Sep-30 v1.2 - Added the "export" command.
-                    Added the "import" command.
-                    Command "rmdir" asks then deletes non-empty groups.
-                    Command "new" can auto-generate random passwords.
- 2012-Mar-03 v1.3 - Fixed bug in cl command as reported in SourceForge
-                     bug number 3496544.
- 2012-Apr-17 v1.4 - Added key file support based on a user contributed
-                     patch with SourceForge ID# 3518388.
-                    Added my_help_call() to allow for longer and more
-                     descriptive command summaries (for help command).
-                    Stopped allowing empty passwords for export.
- 2012-Oct-13 v1.5 - Fixed "help <foo>" commands, that I broke in v1.4.
-                    Command "edit" can auto-generate random passwords.
-                    Added the "cls" and "clear" commands from a patch
-                     with SourceForge ID# 3573930.
-                    Tested compatibility with File::KeePass v2.03 and
-                     made minor changes that are possible with >=2.01.
-                    With File::KeePass v2.03, kpcli should now support
-                     KeePass v2 files (*.kdbx).
- 2012-Nov-25 v1.6 - Hide passwords (red on red) in the show command
-                     unless the -f option is given.
-                    Added the --readonly command line option.
-                    Added support for multi-line notes/comments;
-                     input ends on a line holding a single ".".
- 2013-Apr-25 v1.7 - Patched to use native File::KeePass support for key
-                     files, if the File::KeePass version is new enough.
-                    Added the "version" and "ver" commands.
-                    Updated documentation as Ubuntu 12.10 now packages
-                     all of kpcli's dependencies.
-                    Added --histfile command line option.
-                    Record modified times on edited records, from a
-                     patch with SourceForge ID# 3611713.
-                    Added the -a option to the show command.
- 2013-Jun-09 v2.0 - Removed the unused Clone module after a report that
-                     Clone is no longer in core Perl as of v5.18.0.
-                    Added the stats and pwck commands.
-                    Added clipboard commands (xw/xu/xp/xx).
-                    Fixed some long-standing tab completion bugs.
-                    Warn if multiple groups or entries are titled the
-                     same within a group, except for /Backup entries.
- 2013-Jun-10 v2.1 - Fixed several more tab completion bugs, and they
-                     were serious enough to warrant a quick release.
- 2013-Jun-16 v2.2 - Trap and handle SIGINT (^C presses).
-                    Trap and handle SIGTSTP (^Z presses).
-                    Trap and handle SIGCONT (continues after ^Z).
-                    Stopped printing found dictionary words in pwck.
- 2013-Jul-01 v2.3 - More readline() and signal handling improvements.
-                    Title conflict checks in cli_new()/edit()/mv().
-                    Group title conflict checks in rename().
-                    cli_new() now accepts optional path&|title param.
-                    cli_ls() can now list multiple paths.
-                    cli_edit() now shows the "old" values for users
-                     to edit, if Term::ReadLine::Gnu is available.
-                    cli_edit() now aborts all changes on ^C.
-                    cli_saveas() now asks before overwriting a file.
- 2013-Nov-26 v2.4 - Fixed several "perl -cw" warnings reported on
-                     2013-07-09 as SourceForge bug #9.
-                    Bug fix for the cl command, but in sub cli_ls().
-                    First pass at Strawberry perl/MS Windows support.
-                     - Enhanced support for Term::ReadLine::Perl
-                     - Added support for Term::ReadLine::Perl5
-                    Added display of expire time for show -a.
-                    Added -a option to the find command.
-                    Used the new magic_file_type() in a few places.
-                    Added generatePasswordFromDict() and "w" generation.
-                    Added the -v option to the version command.
-                     - Added the versions command.
- 2014-Mar-15 v2.5 - Added length control (gNN) to password generation.
-                    Added the copy command (and cp alias).
-                    Added the clone command.
-                    Added optional modules not installed to version -v.
-                    Groups can now also be moved with the mv command.
-                    Modified cli_cls() to also work on MS Windows.
-                    Suppressed Term::ReadLine::Gnu hint on MS Windows.
-                    Suppressed missing termcap warning on MS Windows.
-                    Print a min number of *s to not leak passwd length.
-                    Removed unneeded use of Term::ReadLine.
-                    Quieted "inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method" warns
-                     caused by Term::Readline::Gnu on perl 5.14.x.
- 2014-Jun-06 v2.6 - Added interactive password generation ("i" method).
-                     - Thanks to Florian Tham for the idea and patch.
-                    Show entry's tags if present (KeePass >= v2.11).
-                     - Thanks to Florian Tham for the patch.
-                    Add/edit support for tags if a v2 file is opened.
-                    Added tags to the searched fields for "find -a".
-                    Show string fields (key/val pairs) in v2 files.
-                    Add/edit for string fields if a v2 file is opened.
-                    Show information about entries' file attachments.
-                     2014-03-20 SourceForge feature request #6.
-                    New "attach" command to manage file attachments.
-                    Added "Recycle Bin" functionality and --no-recycle.
-                    For --readonly, don't create a lock file and don't
-                     warn if one exists. 2014-03-27 SourceForge bug #11.
-                    Added key file generation to saveas and export.
-                     2014-04-19 SourceForge bug #13.
-                    Added -expired option to the find command.
-                    Added "dir" as an alias for "ls"
-                    Added some additional info to the stats command.
-                    Added more detailed OS info for Linux/Win in vers.
-                    Now hides Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries.
-                    Fixed bug with SIGTSTP handling (^Z presses).
-                    Fixed missing refresh_state_all_paths() in cli_rm.
- 2014-Jun-11 v2.7 - Bug fix release. Broke the open command in 2.6.
-=head1 TODO ITEMS
-  Consider adding a purge command for "Backup"/"Recycle Bin" folders.
-  Consider adding a tags command for use with v2 files.
-   - To navigate by entry tags
-  Consider supporting KeePass 2.x style entry history.
-   - There are potential security implications in File::KeePass.
-   - Related, consider adding a purge command for that history.
-  Consider adding KeePass 2.x style multi-user synchronization.
-  Consider
-  for password quality checking.
-  Consider adding searches for created, modified, and accessed times
-  older than a user supplied time.
-  Consider adding import support for Password Safe v3 files using
- May have already
-  done this if the unpackaged dependencies list was not so long.
- - Originally written and tested on Ubuntu Linux 10.04.1 LTS.
- - As of version 2.5, development is done on Linux Mint 16.
- - Known to work on many other Linux and *BSD distributions, and
-   kpcli is packaged with many distributions now-a-days.
-Microsoft Windows
- - As of v2.4, Microsoft Windows is also supported.
- - Tested and compiled on Strawberry Perl 5.16.2 on Windows 7.
-C<UNIX/System_administration>, C<Win32/Utilities>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c759879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,5018 @@
+# kpcli - KeePass Command Line Interface
+# Author: Lester Hightower <hightowe at cpan dot org>
+# This program was inspired by "kedpm -c" and resulted despite illness
+# (or more likely because of it) over the USA Thanksgiving holiday in
+# late November of 2010. As a long-time user of the Ked Password Manager
+# I really missed a command line interface after getting an Android cell
+# phone and switching to KeePass, so that I could access my password
+# database on my phone. This program scratches that itch.
+# The required perl modules
+use strict;                                   # core
+use version;                                  # core
+use File::Spec;                               # core
+use FileHandle;                               # core
+use Getopt::Long;                             # core
+use File::Basename;                           # core
+use Digest::file;                             # core
+use Digest::MD5;                              # core
+use Digest::SHA qw(sha256);                   # core
+use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);                  # core
+use Term::ANSIColor;                          # core
+use Carp qw(longmess);                        # core
+use English qw(-no_match_vars);               # core
+use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); # core
+use Time::Local qw(timegm);                   # core
+use Clone qw(clone);                          # core
+use POSIX;                   # core, required for unsafe signal handling
+use Crypt::Rijndael;         # non-core, libcrypt-rijndael-perl on Ubuntu
+use Sort::Naturally;         # non-core, libsort-naturally-perl on Ubuntu
+use Term::ReadKey;           # non-core, libterm-readkey-perl on Ubuntu
+use Term::ShellUI;           # non-core, libterm-shellui-perl on Ubuntu
+use File::KeePass 0.03;      # non-core, libfile-keepass-perl on Ubuntu
+                             #  - >=v0.03 needed due critical bug fixes
+# Pull in optional perl modules with run-time loading
+my %OPTIONAL_PM=();
+# Data::Password is needed for the pwck command (check password quality).
+if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Data::Password',[qw(IsBadPassword)])) {
+  no warnings 'once';
+  $Data::Password::MINLEN = 8;
+  $Data::Password::MAXLEN = 0;
+# Capture::Tiny is needed to safely optionally-load Clipboard.
+# Clipboard is needed by the clipboard copy commands (xw, xu, xp, and xx).
+if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Capture::Tiny',[qw(capture)])) {
+  # Clipboard tests its dependencies at import() and writes warnings to STDERR.
+  # Tiny::Capture is used to catch those warnings and we silently hold them
+  # until and unless someone tries to use dependant functions.
+  my ($out, $err, @result) = capture(
+		sub { runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Clipboard',undef); } );
+  if (length($err)) {
+    # Cleanup the error message for for better viewing by the user
+    $err =~ s/^\s+//g; $err =~ s/\s+$//g; $err =~ s/^(.*)$/ > $1/mg;
+    $OPTIONAL_PM{'Clipboard'}->{error} = $err;
+  }
+} else {
+  # If we didn't get Capture::Tiny, also mark Clipboard as not loaded.
+  $OPTIONAL_PM{'Clipboard'}->{loaded} = 0;
+# Win32::Console::ANSI is needed to emulate ANSI colors on Windows
+if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/) {
+  if (! runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Win32::Console::ANSI',undef)) {
+    # If we don't have Win32::Console::ANSI then we want to override
+    # &main::color() and colored() from Term::ANSIColor with NOOPs.
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *color = sub { my $color = shift @_; return ''; };
+    *colored = sub { my $color = shift @_; my $text=shift @_; return $text; };
+  }
+$|=1; # flush immediately after writes or prints to STDOUT
+my $DEBUG=0;
+$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;    # Have Dumper escape special chars (like \0)
+my $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN = 20; # Default length of generated passwords.
+my $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN = 1;  # Minimum length of generated passwords.
+my $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX = 50; # Maximum length of generated passwords.
+my $DEFAULT_ENTRY_ICON = 0;  # In keepassx, icon 0 is a golden key
+my $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON = 49; # In keepassx, icon 49 is an opened file folder
+my $DEfAULT_BAKUP_ICON = 2;  # In keepassx, icon 2 is a warning sign
+my $FOUND_DIR = '_found';    # The find command's results go in /_found/
+my $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE = 2*1024**2; # Maximum size of entry file attachments
+# Application name and version
+my $APP_NAME = basename($0);  $APP_NAME =~ s/\.(pl|exe)$//;
+my $VERSION = "2.8";
+our $HISTORY_FILE = ""; # Gets set in the MyGetOpts() function
+my $opts=MyGetOpts();   # Will only return with options we think we can use
+my $doc_passwd_gen =
+	"For password generation, the \"g\" method produces a\n" .
+	"string of random characters, the \"w\" method creates a\n" .
+	"4-word string inspired by \"correct horse battery staple\"\n" .
+	"(, and the \"i\" method provides an\n" .
+	"interactive user interface to the \"g\" and \"w\" methods.\n" .
+	"\n" .
+	"By default, the \"g\" and \"i\" methods generate passwords that\n" .
+	"are $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN characters long. " .
+				"That can be controlled by providing an\n" .
+	"integer immediately after the \"g|i\" in the range of "
+	"For example, \"g17\" will generate a 17 character password.\n" .
+	"";
+# Setup our Term::ShellUI object
+my $term = new Term::ShellUI(
+    app => $APP_NAME,
+    term => get_readline_term(\%OPTIONAL_PM, $APP_NAME),
+    history_file => $HISTORY_FILE,
+    keep_quotes => 0,
+    commands => {
+         "ver" => {
+             desc => "Print the version of this program",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"Add the -v option to get an inventory of the versions\n" .
+		"of the various dependencies being used. Please provide\n" .
+		"that information in any bug reports filed.\n" .
+		"",
+             method => \&cli_version,
+             minargs => 0, maxargs => 1,
+	     exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+         },
+         "version" => { alias => "ver",
+             exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+         },
+         "vers" => {
+             desc => "Same as \"ver -v\"",
+             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0,
+             method => sub { cli_version(shift, { args => ['-v'] }); },
+             exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+         },
+         "versions" => { alias => "vers",
+             exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+         },
+         "help" => {
+             desc => "Print helpful information",
+             args => sub { shift->help_args(undef, @_); },
+             method => sub { my_help_call(@_); },
+	     exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+             #method => sub { shift->help_call(undef, @_); }
+         },
+         "h" => { alias => "help",
+             exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+		},
+         "?" => { alias => "help",
+             exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+		},
+	 "cls" => {
+	     desc => 'Clear screen ("clear" command also works)',
+	     doc  => "\n" .
+		"Clear the screen, which is useful when guests arrive.\n",
+	     maxargs => 0,
+	     method => \&cli_cls,
+	     exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+	 },
+         "clear" => { alias => "cls", exclude_from_history => 1,
+						timeout_exempt => 1, },
+         "quit" => {
+             desc => "Quit this program (EOF and exit also work)",
+             maxargs => 0,
+             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_quit, @_); },
+	     exclude_from_history => 1,
+             timeout_exempt => 1,
+         },
+         "exit" => { alias => "quit", exclude_from_history => 1,
+						timeout_exempt => 1, },
+         # Generally, commands above here are timeout_exempt
+         #"" => { args => sub { shift->complete_history(@_) } },
+         "history" => { desc => "Prints the command history",
+            doc => "\nSpecify a number to list the last N lines of history.\n" .
+            "Pass -c to clear the command history.\n" .
+            "Pass -d NUM to delete a single item.\n",
+            args => "[-c] [-d] [number]",
+            method => sub { shift->history_call(@_) },
+	    exclude_from_history => 1,
+         },
+         "cd" => {
+             desc => "Change directory (path to a group)",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"Change the pwd to an absolute or relative path.\n" .
+		"Slashes in names are escaped with backslashes:\n" .
+		"(i.e. \"cd /personal/Comcast\\/Xfinity\").\n",
+             maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups,
+             method => \&cli_cd,
+         },
+         "chdir" => { alias => 'cd' },
+         "cl" => {
+             desc => "Change directory and list entries (cd+ls)",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"Change the pwd to an absolute or relative path\n" .
+		"and list the entries there. This is a useful way\n" .
+		"to quickly navigate to a path and have the entries\n" .
+		"listed in preparation to run the show command.\n",
+             maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups,
+             method => sub { if(cli_cd(@_) == 0) { cli_ls() } },
+         },
+         "saveas" => {
+             desc => "Save to a specific filename " .
+				"(saveas <file.kdb> [<file.key>])",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2,
+             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,
+					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
+             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_saveas, @_); },
+         },
+         "export" => {
+             desc => "Export entries to a new KeePass DB " .
+				"(export <file.kdb> [<file.key>])",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"Use this command to export the full tree of groups\n" .
+		"and entries to another KeePass database file on disk,\n" .
+		"starting at your current path (pwd).\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		"This is also a \"safer\" way to change your database\n" .
+		"password. Export from /, verify that the new file is\n" .
+		"good, and then remove your original file.\n",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2,
+             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,
+					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
+             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_export, @_); },
+         },
+         "import" => {
+             desc => "Import another KeePass DB " .
+				"(import <file.kdb> <path> [<file.key>])",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"Use this command to import the entire KeePass DB\n" .
+		"specified by <file.kdb> into a new group at <path>.\n",
+             minargs => 2, maxargs => 3,
+             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,\&complete_groups,
+					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
+             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_import, @_); },
+         },
+         "open" => {
+             desc => "Open a KeePass database file " .
+				"(open <file.kdb> [<file.key>])",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2,
+             args => [\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files,
+					\&Term::ShellUI::complete_files],
+             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_open, @_); },
+         },
+         "mkdir" => {
+             desc => "Create a new group (mkdir <group_name>)",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups,
+             method => \&cli_mkdir,
+         },
+         "rmdir" => {
+             desc => "Delete a group (rmdir <group_name>)",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups,
+             method => \&cli_rmdir,
+         },
+         "dir" => { alias => "ls", },
+         "ls" => {
+             desc => "Lists items in the pwd or specified paths " .
+							"(\"dir\" also works)",
+             minargs => 0, maxargs => 99,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => \&cli_ls,
+         },
+         "new" => {
+             desc => "Create a new entry: new <optional path&|title>",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"The new command is used to create a new entry.\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		"Usage is straightforward.\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		$doc_passwd_gen .
+		"",
+             minargs => 0, maxargs => 1,
+             args => [\&complete_groups],
+             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_new, @_); },
+         },
+         "rm" => {
+             desc => "Remove an entry: rm <path to entry|entry number>",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => \&cli_rm,
+         },
+         "xu" => {
+             desc => "Copy username to clipboard: xu <entry path|number>",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => sub { cli_xN('xu', @_); }
+         },
+         "xw" => {
+             desc => "Copy URL (www) to clipboard: xw <entry path|number>",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => sub { cli_xN('xw', @_); }
+         },
+         "xp" => {
+             desc => "Copy password to clipboard: xp <entry path|number>",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => sub { cli_xN('xp', @_); }
+         },
+         "xx" => {
+             desc => "Clear the clipboard: xx",
+             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0,
+             method => sub { cli_xN('xx'); }
+         },
+         "pwck" => {
+             desc => "Check password quality: pwck <entry|group>",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"The pwck command test password quality for entries.\n" .
+		"You can check an individual entry or all entries inside\n" .
+		"of a group, recursively. To check every password in your\n" .
+		"database, use: pwck /\n" .
+		"",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => \&cli_pwck,
+         },
+         "stats" => {
+             desc => "Prints statistics about the open KeePass file",
+             method => \&cli_stats,
+         },
+         "show" => {
+             desc => "Show an entry: show [-f] [-a] <entry path|entry number>",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"The show command tries to intelligently determine\n" .
+		"what you want to see and to make it easy to display.\n" .
+		"Show can take a path to an entry as its argument or\n" .
+		"an entry number as shown by the ls command.\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		"When using entry numbers, they will refer to the last\n" .
+		"path when an ls was performed or pwd if ls has not\n" .
+		"yet been run.\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		"By default, passwords are \"hidden\" by being displayed as\n" .
+		"\"red on red\" where they can be copied to the clip board\n" .
+		"but not seen. Provide the -f option to show passwords.\n" .
+		"Use the -a option to see create and modified times, and\n" .
+		"the index of the icon set for the entry.\n" .
+		"",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 3,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => \&cli_show,
+         },
+         "edit" => {
+             desc => "Edit an entry: edit <path to entry|entry number>",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"The edit command is used to modify an entry.\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		"Usage is straightforward.\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		$doc_passwd_gen .
+		"",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_edit, @_); },
+         },
+         "attach" => {
+             desc => "Manage attachments: attach <path to entry|entry number>",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"The attach command provided an interactive user interface\n" .
+		"for managing file attachments on an entry.\n" .
+		"",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups_and_entries,
+             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_attach, @_); },
+         },
+         "mv" => {
+             desc => "Move an item: mv <path to a group|or entries> <path to group>",
+             minargs => 2, maxargs => 2,
+             args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries, \&complete_groups],
+             method => \&cli_mv,
+         },
+         "rename" => {
+             desc => "Rename a group: rename <path to group>",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 1,
+             args => \&complete_groups,
+             method => \&cli_rename,
+         },
+         "copy" => {
+             desc => "Copy an entry: copy <path to entry> <path to new entry>",
+             minargs => 2, maxargs => 2,
+             args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries,
+					\&complete_groups_and_entries],
+             method => \&cli_copy,
+         },
+         "cp" => { alias => "copy", },
+         "clone" => {
+             desc =>"Clone an entry: clone <path to entry> <path to new entry>",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"Clones an entry for you to edit. Similar to doing\n" .
+		"\"cp foo bar; edit bar\" if that were possible.\n" .
+		"\n",
+             minargs => 2, maxargs => 2,
+             args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries,
+					\&complete_groups_and_entries],
+             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_clone, @_); },
+         },
+         "save" => {
+             desc => "Save the database to disk",
+             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, args => "",
+             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_save, @_); },
+         },
+         "close" => {
+             desc => "Close the currently opened database",
+             minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, args => "",
+             method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_close, @_); },
+         },
+         "find" => {
+             desc => "Finds entries by Title",
+             doc => "\n" .
+		"Searches for entries with the given search term\n" .
+		"in their title and places matches into \"/$FOUND_DIR/\".\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		"Add -a to search data fields beyond just the title.\n" .
+		"\n" .
+		"Use -expired to find expired entries.\n",
+             minargs => 1, maxargs => 2, args => "<search string>",
+             method => \&cli_find,
+         },
+         "pwd" => {
+             desc => "Print the current working directory",
+             maxargs => 0, proc => \&cli_pwd,
+         },
+         "icons" => {
+             desc => "Change group or entry icons in the database",
+             maxargs => 0,
+             proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_icons, @_); },
+         },
+       },
+    );
+# Seed our state global variable
+our $state={
+	'appname' => $APP_NAME,
+	'term' => $term,
+	'kdb_has_changed' => 0,
+	'last_ls_ents' => [], # Array of entries last listed to the user.
+	'put_master_passwd' => \&put_master_passwd,
+	'get_master_passwd' => \&get_master_passwd,
+	'last_activity_time' => 0, # initilized by setup_timeout_handling()
+	};
+# If given --kdb=, open that file
+if (length($opts->{kdb})) {
+  my $err = open_kdb($opts->{kdb}, $opts->{key}); # Sets $state->{'kdb'}
+  if (length($err)) {
+    print "Error opening file: $err\n";
+  }
+} else {
+  new_kdb($state);
+# Enter the interative kpcli shell session
+print "\n" .
+	"KeePass CLI ($APP_NAME) v$VERSION is ready for operation.\n" .
+	"Type 'help' for a description of available commands.\n" .
+	"Type 'help <command>' for details on individual commands.\n";
+if ($DEBUG) {print 'Using '.$term->{term}->ReadLine." for readline.\n"; }
+if ( (! $DEBUG) && (lc($OSNAME) !~ m/^mswin/) &&
+		($term->{term}->ReadLine ne 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu')) {
+  print color('yellow') . "\n" .
+	"* NOTE: You are using " . $term->{term}->ReadLine . ".\n" .
+	"  Term::ReadLine::Gnu will provide better functionality.\n" .
+	color('clear');
+# My patch made it into Term::ShellUI v0.9, but I still chose not to make
+# this program demand >=0.9 and instead look for the add_eof_exit_hook()
+# and use it if it exists and warn if not.
+if (Term::ShellUI->can('add_eof_exit_hook')) {
+  $term->add_eof_exit_hook(\&eof_exit_hook);
+} else {
+  warn "* Please upgrade Term::ShellUI to version 0.9 or newer.\n";
+print "\n";
+setup_signal_handling();  # Exactly what the name indicates...
+# Setup the inactivity timeout feature (--timeout).
+if (defined($opts->{timeout}) && int($opts->{timeout}) > 0) {
+  if  (! $state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Sub::Install'}->{loaded}) {
+    print "Error: --timeout requires the Sub::Install module.\n";
+    exit;
+  }
+  setup_timeout_handling();
+sub open_kdb {
+  my $file=shift @_;
+  my $key_file=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  # Make sure the file exists, is readable, and is a keepass file
+  if (! -f $file) {
+    return "File does not exist: $file";
+  }
+  if (! -r $file) {
+    return "File is not readable: $file";
+  }
+  if (magic_file_type($file) ne 'keepass') {
+    return "Does not appear to be a KeePass file: $file";
+  }
+  # Look for lock file and warn if it is found
+  my $lock_file = $file . '.lock'; # KeePassX style
+  if (-f $lock_file &&
+		! (defined($opts->{readonly}) && int($opts->{readonly})) ) {
+    print color('bold yellow') .
+	"WARNING:" .
+	color('clear') . color('red') .
+	       " A KeePassX-style lock file is in place for this file.\n" .
+		"         It may be opened elsewhere." .
+		" " . color('bold yellow') . "Be careful of saving!\n" .
+	color('clear');
+  } else {
+    $state->{placed_lock_file} = $lock_file;
+  }
+  # Ask the user for the master password and then open the kdb
+  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd();
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  $state->{kdb} = File::KeePass->new;
+  if (! eval { $state->{kdb}->load_db($file,
+			composite_master_pass($master_pass, $key_file)) }) {
+    die "Couldn't load the file $file: $@";
+  }
+  if ($state->{placed_lock_file}) {
+    touch_file($state->{placed_lock_file});
+  }
+  # We hold a read file handle open for no reason other than
+  # to show up in lsof.
+  if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) {
+    close $state->{kdb_file_handle};
+  }
+  $state->{kdb_file_handle} = new FileHandle;
+  open($state->{kdb_file_handle}, '<', $file);
+  $state->{kdb_file} = $file;
+  $state->{key_file} = $key_file;
+  $state->{kdb_ver} = $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version}; # will be 1 or 2
+  $state->{put_master_passwd}($master_pass);
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0;
+  $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+  # Build the %all_grp_paths_fwd and %all_grp_paths_rev structures
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  # Store the md5sum of the file so we can watch for unexpected changes
+  $state->{kdb_file_md5} = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5");
+  # Initialize our state into "/"
+  cli_cd($term, {'args' => ["/"]});
+  return ''; # If we return anything else it is an error message
+# Called by Term::ShellUI to get the user prompt
+sub term_set_prompt($$) {
+  my $term=shift @_;
+  my $raw_cmd=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my $app=$state->{appname};
+  my $pwd=get_pwd();
+  return "$app:$pwd> ";
+# Walks through a tree of groups building a flat hash of NULL-separated
+# paths to group IDs. Called on the root to build a full path tree.
+sub build_all_group_paths {
+  my $hash = shift @_;
+  my $g = shift @_;
+  my $root_path = shift @_ || [];
+  foreach my $me (@{$g}) {
+    my @path_to_me = @{$root_path};
+    push @path_to_me, $me->{title};
+    my $path=join("\0", at path_to_me);
+    my $err_path = '/' . humanize_path($path);
+    if (defined($hash->{$path})) {
+      print color('bold yellow') .  "WARNING: " . color('clear') .
+	color('red') . "Multiple groups titled: $err_path!\n" .
+	color('red') . "This is unsupported and may cause data loss!\n" .
+	color('clear');
+    }
+    $hash->{$path}=$me->{id};
+    if (defined($me->{groups})) {
+      build_all_group_paths($hash,$me->{groups},\@path_to_me);
+    }
+  }
+  return (scalar(keys(%{$hash})));
+# Walks through a tree of groups building a flat hash of NULL-separated
+# paths to entry IDs. Called on the root to build a full path tree.
+sub build_all_entry_paths {
+  my $hash = shift @_;
+  my $g = shift @_;
+  my $root_path = shift @_ || [];
+  my $red=color('red');
+  foreach my $me (@{$g}) {
+    my @path_to_me = @{$root_path};
+    push @path_to_me, $me->{title};
+    if (defined($me->{entries})) {
+      ENTRY: foreach my $ent (@{$me->{entries}}) {
+        if ($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') {
+          next ENTRY; # skip Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries
+        }
+        my $path=join( "\0", (@path_to_me, $ent->{title}) );
+        my $err_path = '/' . humanize_path($path);
+        if ($ent->{title} eq '') {
+          print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING: " . color('clear') .
+		$red . "There is an entry with a blank title in $err_path!\n" .
+		color('clear');
+        }
+        if (defined($hash->{$path}) &&
+				$err_path !~ m/\/Backup\/|\/Meta-Info$/) {
+          print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING: " . color('clear') .
+		$red . "Multiple entries titled: $err_path!\n" .
+		$red . "This is unsupported and may cause data loss!\n" .
+		color('clear');
+        }
+        $hash->{$path}=$ent->{id};
+      }
+    }
+    if (defined($me->{groups})) {
+      build_all_entry_paths($hash,$me->{groups},\@path_to_me);
+    }
+  }
+  return (scalar(keys(%{$hash})));
+# Returns the current path the user is sitting in.
+sub get_pwd {
+  my $pwd='';
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}})) {
+    $pwd=$state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}};
+  }
+  $pwd =~ s%/%\\/%g;
+  $pwd =~ s/\0/\//g;
+  $pwd = '/' . $pwd;
+return $pwd;
+# Destroys our /_found group (where we place search results)
+sub destroy_found {
+  our $state;
+  # Look for an exising /_found and kill it if it exists
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  my $found_group=$k->find_group({level=>0,title=>$FOUND_DIR});
+  if (defined($found_group)) {
+    my @oldents = $k->find_entries({group=>$found_group->{id}});
+    foreach my $ent (@oldents) {
+      $k->delete_entry({id => $ent->{id}});
+    }
+    $k->delete_group({level=>0,title=>$FOUND_DIR});
+    # Because we destroyed /_found we must refresh our $state paths
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+  }
+# Refreshes $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd} and $state->{all_grp_paths_rev}
+sub refresh_state_all_paths() {
+  our $state;
+  # Build all group paths
+  my %all_grp_paths_fwd;
+  build_all_group_paths(\%all_grp_paths_fwd,$state->{kdb}->groups);
+  my %all_grp_paths_rev = reverse %all_grp_paths_fwd;
+  $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}=\%all_grp_paths_fwd;
+  $state->{all_grp_paths_rev}=\%all_grp_paths_rev;
+  # Build all entry paths
+  my %all_ent_paths_fwd;
+  build_all_entry_paths(\%all_ent_paths_fwd,$state->{kdb}->groups);
+  my %all_ent_paths_rev = reverse %all_ent_paths_fwd;
+  $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}=\%all_ent_paths_fwd;
+  $state->{all_ent_paths_rev}=\%all_ent_paths_rev;
+# Gathers the list of groups and entries for the pwd we're sitting in
+sub get_current_groups_and_entries {
+ return get_groups_and_entries(get_pwd());
+sub get_groups_and_entries {
+  my $path=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  # Collect the @groups and entries
+  my @groups=();
+  my @entries=();
+  my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($path);
+  if (length($norm_path) < 1) {
+    @groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0});
+    @entries = $k->find_entries({level => 0});
+  } else {
+    my $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path};
+    my ($this_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$id});
+    if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) { # subgroups
+      @groups = @{$this_grp->{groups}};
+    }
+    @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id => $id});
+  }
+  # Remove Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries
+  my @non_meta_info = ();
+  foreach my $ent (@entries) {
+    if (!($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM')) {
+      push @non_meta_info, $ent;
+    }
+  }
+  @entries = @non_meta_info;
+  # Sort the results
+  @groups = sort group_sort @groups;
+  @entries = sort { ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); } @entries;
+  return (\@groups,\@entries);
+# This function takes a group ID and returns all of the child
+# groups of that group, flattened.
+sub all_child_groups_flattened {
+  my $group_id=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  my @groups=();
+  my ($this_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$group_id});
+  if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) { # subgroups
+    @groups = @{$this_grp->{groups}};
+    foreach my $child_group (@groups) {
+      push @groups, all_child_groups_flattened($child_group->{id});
+    }
+  }
+  return @groups;
+# A function to properly sort groups by title
+sub group_sort($$) {
+  my $a=shift @_;
+  my $b=shift @_;
+  # _found at level 0 is a special case (from our find command).
+  if ($a->{title} eq $FOUND_DIR && $a->{level} == 0) {
+    return 1;
+  } elsif ($b->{title} eq $FOUND_DIR && $b->{level} == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  # Backup at level=0 is a special case (KeePassX's Backup group).
+  } elsif ($a->{title} eq 'Backup' && $a->{level} == 0) {
+    return 1;
+  } elsif ($b->{title} eq 'Backup' && $b->{level} == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  # "Recycle Bin" at level=0 is a special case (KeePass v2).
+  } elsif ($a->{title} eq 'Recycle Bin' && $a->{level} == 0) {
+    return 1;
+  } elsif ($b->{title} eq 'Recycle Bin' && $b->{level} == 0) {
+    return -1;
+  # Sort everything else naturally (Sort::Naturally::ncmp).
+  } else {
+    return ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); # Natural sort
+  }
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# All of the cli_*() functions are below here
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# A simple wrapper function to block SIGTSTP (^Z) during certain commands
+sub run_no_TSTP {
+  my $func = shift @_;
+  my @retval = &$func(@_);
+  return @retval;
+# Checks passwords for their quality
+sub cli_pwck {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # If Data::Password is not avaiable we can't do this for the user
+  if  (! $state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Data::Password'}->{loaded}) {
+    print "Error: pwck requires the Data::Password module.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  my @targets = ();
+  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
+  # Start by trying to find a single entity with the paramter given.
+  # If no single entity is found then try to find entities based on
+  # assuming that the path given is a group.
+  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
+  if (defined($ent)) {
+    push @targets, $ent;
+  } else {
+    my @groups = ();
+    my $target = normalize_path_string($target);
+    if ($target eq '' || $target eq '.' && get_pwd() eq '/') {
+      @groups = $state->{kdb}->find_groups({}); # Every group in the file!
+    } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target})) {
+      my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target};
+      my $this_grp = $state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $group_id } );
+      @groups = all_child_groups_flattened($group_id);
+      push @groups, $this_grp; # Push this group onto its children
+    }
+    # Loop over each target group adding each of its entries as targets
+    foreach my $group (@groups) {
+      if (defined($group->{entries})) {
+        push @targets, @{$group->{entries}};
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Test each password, collect the results and record empty passwords
+  my %results=();
+  my @empties = ();
+  print "  working...\r";
+  my @busy_chars = qw(\ | / -); my $i=0; my $in=10;
+  foreach my $ent (@targets) {
+    printf "%s\r", $busy_chars[int($i/$in)%($#busy_chars+1)] if (!($i++ % $in));
+    my $pass = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent);
+    if (length($pass) == 0) {
+      push @empties, $ent;
+      $results{$ent->{id}} = '';
+    } else {
+      $results{$ent->{id}} = IsBadPassword($pass);
+      if ($results{$ent->{id}} =~ m/dictionary word/i) {
+        # IsBadPassword() reports dictionary words that it finds. I don't
+        # like that from a security perspective so we change that here.
+        $results{$ent->{id}} = "contains a dictionary word";
+      }
+    }
+    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+    if (recent_sigint()) {
+       print "\r"; # Need to return to column 0 of the output line
+       return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  # If we only analyzed one password, return singular-style results
+  if (scalar(@targets) == 1) {
+    my $ent=$targets[0];
+    if (length($results{$ent->{id}})) {
+      print "Password concerns: " . $results{$ent->{id}} . "\n";
+    } elsif (scalar(@empties) > 0) {
+      print "Password field is empty.\n";
+    } else {
+      print "Password strength is good.\n";
+    }
+  } else {
+  # If we analyzed more than one password, return multiple-style results
+    my %problems=();
+    foreach my $ent_id (keys %results) {
+      if (length($results{$ent_id})) {
+        $problems{$state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent_id}} = $ent_id;
+      }
+    }
+    my $analyzed = scalar(@targets);
+    my $problem_count = scalar(keys %problems);
+    my $empty_count = scalar(@empties);
+    print "$analyzed passwords analyzed, $empty_count blank, " .
+					"$problem_count concerns found";
+    if ($problem_count > 0) { print ":"; } else { print "."; }
+    print "\n";
+    foreach my $path (sort keys %problems) {
+      print humanize_path($path) . ": $results{$problems{$path}}\n";
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+# Prints some statistics about the open KeePass file
+sub cli_stats {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # Group and entry counts
+  my %stats;
+  $stats{group_count} = scalar(keys(%{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}));
+  $stats{entry_count} = scalar(keys(%{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}}));
+  # Password lengths
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  my %password_lengths;
+  print "  working...\r";
+  my @busy_chars = qw(\ | / -); my $i=0; my $in=100;
+  foreach my $ent_id (values(%{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}})) {
+    printf "%s\r", $busy_chars[int($i/$in)%($#busy_chars+1)] if (!($i++ % $in));
+    my $ent = $k->find_entry({id => $ent_id});
+    my $pass_len = length($k->locked_entry_password($ent));
+    if ($pass_len < 1) {
+      $password_lengths{"0"}++;
+    } elsif ($pass_len > 0 && $pass_len < 8) {
+      $password_lengths{"1-7"}++;
+    } elsif ($pass_len > 7 && $pass_len < 12) {
+      $password_lengths{"8-11"}++;
+    } elsif ($pass_len > 11 && $pass_len < 17) {
+      $password_lengths{"12-16"}++;
+    } elsif ($pass_len > 16 && $pass_len < 20) {
+      $password_lengths{"17-19"}++;
+    } elsif ($pass_len > 19) {
+      $password_lengths{"20+"}++;
+    }
+    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+    if (recent_sigint()) {
+       print " "x20 . "\r"; # Need to return to column 0 of the output line
+       return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  my $t= " "x20 . "\r" .
+	"File: " . $state->{kdb_file} . "\n" .
+	"Key file: " .
+	(defined($state->{key_file}) ? $state->{key_file} : 'N/A') . "\n";
+  if (defined($k->{header}->{database_name})) {
+    $t.="Name: " . $k->{header}->{database_name} . "\n";
+  }
+  if (defined($k->{header}->{database_description})) {
+    my $desc = $k->{header}->{database_description};
+    $desc =~ s/[\r\n]/\n/g;
+    my @l = split(/\n/, $desc);
+    $t .= "Description:\n" . "| " . join("\n| ", @l) . "\n";
+  }
+  $t .= "KeePass file version: " . $k->{header}->{version} . "\n" .
+	"Encryption type:      " . $k->{header}->{enc_type} . "\n" .
+	"Encryption rounds:    " . $k->{header}->{rounds} . "\n";
+  if (defined($k->{header}->{cipher})) {
+    $t.="Cipher:               $stats{cipher}\n";
+  }
+  if (defined($k->{header}->{compression})) {
+    $t.="Compression:          $stats{compression}\n";
+  }
+  $t .= "Number of groups:     $stats{group_count}\n" .
+	"Number of entries:    $stats{entry_count}\n" .
+	"Entries with passwords of length:\n".stats_print(\%password_lengths) .
+	"\n" .
+	"";
+  print $t;
+sub cli_cls {
+  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ &&
+		(! $OPTIONAL_PM{'Win32::Console::ANSI'}->{loaded})) {
+    system("cls");
+  } else {
+    print "\033[2J\033[0;0H";
+    $|=1; # Needed for MS Windows (Win32::Console::ANSI works w/this flush)
+  }
+sub cli_pwd {
+  print get_pwd() . "\n";
+sub cli_cd {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  my $raw_pathstr = $params->{args}->[0];
+  # "cd ."
+  if ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^[.]$/) {
+    return; # nothing to do
+  }
+  # "cd -"
+  if ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^[-]$/) {
+    return cli_cd($self, {'args' => [$state->{oldpwd}]});
+  }
+  # Everything else is handled by helpers
+  return cli_cd_helper($state,normalize_path_string($raw_pathstr));
+# Takes a possibly wacky path with ".."s and such and normalizes it into a
+# NULL-separated path that can be used as a key into $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}
+sub normalize_path_string($) {
+  my $path_string = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if ($path_string =~ m/\0/) {
+    warn "normalize_path_string(\"$path_string\"): path contains a NULL. Likely a bug.\nPlease report it at!\n";
+  }
+  # Split the path into @path
+  #
+  my $delim="/";
+  my $escape="\\";
+  my @path = $path_string =~
+	/(?:\Q$delim\E|^)((?>(?:\Q$escape\E.|(?!\Q$delim\E).)*))/gs;
+	#/(?:\Q$delim\E|^)((?:\Q$escape\E.|(?!\Q$delim\E).)*+)/gs; # perl 5.10+
+  s/\Q$escape$delim\E/$delim/g for @path;
+  @path=grep(!/^$/, @path); # Drop meaningless (excess) deimiters (/foo//bar)
+  # This block handles absolute and relative paths
+  my $path_str='';
+  if ($path_string =~ m%^/%) { # Absolute path
+    $path_str=join("\0", at path);
+  } else { # Relative path
+    my $pwd=$state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}};
+    my @nwd=split("\0", $pwd);
+    push @nwd, @path;
+    $path_str=join("\0", @nwd);
+  }
+  # We should now have a NULL-separated, fully qualified path and
+  # we just need to work on cleaning up things like "." and ".."
+  # Squash single dots
+  while ($path_str=~s/\0[.]\0|^[.]\0|\0[.]$/\0/) {}
+  # Kill ".." and their parents
+  while ($path_str=~s/[^\0]+\0+[.][.]//) {}
+  $path_str=~s/\0\0+/\0/g; # squash any adjacent delimeters
+  $path_str=~s/^\0+//; # squash any leading delimeters
+  $path_str=~s/\0+$//; # squash any trailing delimeters
+  return $path_str;
+sub cli_cd_helper($$) {
+  my $state=shift @_;
+  my $path_str=shift @_;
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path_str})) {
+    $state->{oldpwd}=get_pwd();
+    my $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path_str};
+    $state->{path}->{id}=$id;
+    return 0;
+  } elsif ($path_str eq '') { # cd /
+    $state->{oldpwd}=get_pwd();
+    delete $state->{path};
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    print "Invalid path\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+# Return 1 if entry's password never expires, else 0.
+# Helps support both v1 (*.kdb) and v2 (*.kdbx) files.
+sub does_expire_never {
+  my $kdb_ver = shift @_;
+  my $ent = shift @_;
+  my $expires = $ent->{expires};
+  if ($kdb_ver == 1 && $expires =~ m/^(\d{4})-/ && ($1 == 2999)) {
+    return 1;
+  } elsif ($kdb_ver == 2 && (! $ent->{expires_enabled})) {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+# Helper function of cli_find() to find expired entries.
+sub find_expired_entries {
+  my $kdb_ver = shift @_;
+  my $k = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my @expired = ();
+  my @all_entries_flattened = $k->find_entries({});
+  ENT: foreach my $ent (@all_entries_flattened) {
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return (); } # Bail on SIGINT
+    # If we don't have this entry recorded in all_ent_paths_rev then
+    # we can't report on it. The only case known of is when we have
+    # multiple entries at the same level (unsupported) and typically
+    # that's only seen in /Backup in v1 databases.
+    if (! defined($state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}})) {
+      next ENT;
+    }
+    # Now test the expired time...
+    if (does_expire_never($kdb_ver, $ent)) { next ENT; }
+    my $exp = $ent->{expires};
+    my $title = $ent->{title};
+    if ($exp !~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
+      print "Warning: Invalid expiration date found in \"$title\"\n";
+      next ENT;
+    }
+    my ($year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
+    my $timegm = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon-1,$year);
+    if ($timegm < time) {
+      push @expired, $ent;
+    }
+  }
+  return @expired;
+sub cli_find($) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  destroy_found();
+  # Users can provide a -a option to search more than just the title. We
+  # use GetOpts to parse this command line.
+  my $search_str='';
+  my %opts=();
+  {
+    local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}};
+    my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'a', 'expired');
+    if (defined($opts{'expired'})) {
+      if (scalar(@ARGV) || scalar(keys(%opts)) > 1) {
+        print "-expired cannot have search criteria other qualifiers.\n";
+        return;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) {
+        print "Find only supports searching for one word.\n";
+        return;
+      }
+      $search_str = $ARGV[0];
+    }
+  }
+  my @e = ();
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  if (length($search_str)) {
+    print "Searching for \"$search_str\" ...\n";
+    # Make $search_str a case-insensitive regex
+    my @letters=split(//, $search_str);
+    foreach my $l (@letters) {
+      if (uc($l) ne lc($l)) {
+        $l='[' . uc($l) . lc($l) . ']';
+      }
+    }
+    $search_str=join('', @letters);
+    my @srch_flds = qw(title);
+    if ($opts{'a'}) {
+      @srch_flds = qw(title username comment url tags);
+    }
+    foreach my $fld (@srch_flds) {
+      # Search entries by title, skipping the /Backup (*.kdb) and/or
+      # "/Recycle Bin" groups if they exists
+      my $search_params = { "$fld =~" => $search_str };
+      foreach my $bu_dir ('/Backup','/Recycle Bin') {
+        my $backup_dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($bu_dir);
+        if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$backup_dir_normalized})) {
+          $search_params->{'group_id !'} =
+		$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$backup_dir_normalized};
+        }
+      }
+      push @e, $k->find_entries($search_params);
+    }
+  } elsif (defined($opts{'expired'})) {
+    @e = find_expired_entries($state->{kdb_ver}, $k);
+  }
+  # Remove Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries
+  my @non_meta_info = ();
+  foreach my $ent (@e) {
+    if (!($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM')) {
+      push @non_meta_info, $ent;
+    }
+  }
+  @e = @non_meta_info;
+  if ( scalar(@e) < 1) {
+    print "No matches.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  # If we get this far we have results to add to a new /_found
+  my $found_group = $k->add_group({title => $FOUND_DIR}); # root level group
+  my $found_gid = $found_group->{'id'};
+  $k->unlock;
+  my @matches=();
+  my %duplicates=();
+  FINDS: foreach my $ent (@e) {
+    my %new_ent = %{clone($ent)}; # Clone the entity
+    $new_ent{id} = int(rand(1000000000000000)); # A random new id
+    $new_ent{group} = $found_gid; # Place this entry clone into /_found
+    # $new_ent{path} is _NOT_ a normal key for File::KeePass but this is
+    # safe because we are adding it to entries in the /_found group which
+    # will not be saved to a file.
+    my $nulled_path=$state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}};
+    $new_ent{full_path} = '/' . humanize_path($nulled_path);
+    $new_ent{path} = dirname($new_ent{full_path}) . '/';
+    if (defined($duplicates{$new_ent{full_path}})) { next FINDS; }
+    $duplicates{$new_ent{full_path}} = 1;
+    $k->add_entry(\%new_ent);
+    push(@matches, \%new_ent);
+    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+    if (recent_sigint()) {
+      # If we delete the $FOUND_DIR group it should be safe to leave
+      $k->delete_group({title => $FOUND_DIR});
+      return undef;
+    }
+  }
+  $k->lock;
+  # Because we added a new /_found we must refresh our $state paths
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  # Tell the user what we found
+  print " - ".scalar(@matches)." matches found and placed into /$FOUND_DIR/\n";
+  # If we only found one, ask the user if they want to see it
+  if (scalar(@matches) == 1) {
+    print "Would you like to show this entry? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) eq 'y') {
+      my $search_params = { 'group_id =' => $found_gid };
+      my ($e, at empty) = $k->find_entries($search_params);
+      my $full_path="/$FOUND_DIR/" . $e->{title};
+      my $show_args = [ $full_path ];
+      # If we are doing an expired password search, find only one entry,
+      # and give the user the option to show it, we want to show the
+      # expired time, and so we add -a here.
+      if (defined($opts{'expired'})) { push @{$show_args}, '-a'; }
+      cli_show($self, { args => $show_args });
+    }
+  } elsif (scalar(@matches) > 1) {
+    print "Would you like to list them now? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) eq 'y') {
+      cli_ls($self,{"args" => ["/$FOUND_DIR/"]});
+    }
+  }
+# Something is going wrong between KeePassX and File::KeePass related to
+# the unknown values read/written by File::KeePass from/to files written
+# by KeePassX. Commenting out line 378 of File/ is one fix,
+# this prevents me from needing to do that by just removing the unknown
+# values before saving. If there is a downside to this on the KeePassX
+# side I've not found it yet. I do have an email out to Paul, the author
+# of File::KeePass, requesting some assistance in grokking the problem.
+# NOTE: I thought that this should not be needed for File::Keepass >= 0.3,
+#       but on 2011-02-02 I discovered that creating new groups with
+#       File::Keepass and not scrubbing on save created corrupt files:
+#               "Group header offset is out of range" errors.
+#       Sourceforge bug# 3187054 demonstrated the problem as well.
+sub scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups {
+  our $state;
+  # No need to do this with newer versions of File::KeePass (fixed in 2.01)
+  if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) >= version->parse('2.03')) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  my @all_groups_flattened = $k->find_groups({});
+  my @unkown_field_groups=();
+  foreach my $g (@all_groups_flattened) {
+    if (defined($g->{unknown})) {
+      #warn "LHHD: " . &Dumper($g->{unknown}) . "\n";
+      delete $g->{unknown};
+      push @unkown_field_groups, $g->{title};
+    }
+  }
+  my $count = scalar(@unkown_field_groups);
+  if ($count > 0) {
+    warn "Deleted unknown fields from these $count groups: " .
+					join(", ", @unkown_field_groups) . "\n";
+  }
+sub deny_if_readonly {
+  our %opts;
+  if (defined($opts->{readonly}) && int($opts->{readonly})) {
+    print "Function not available with --readonly set.\n";
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub cli_save($) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  if (deny_if_readonly()) { return; }
+  our $state;
+  if (! length($state->{kdb_file})) {
+    print "Please use the saveas command for new files.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  # If the user has asked for a *.kdbx file, check the File::KeePass version
+  if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) < version->parse('2.03')) {
+    if ($state->{kdb_file} =~ m/\.kdbx$/i) {
+      print "KeePass v2 (*.kdbx files) require File::KeePass >= v2.03\n";
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  if (warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  # Check for a lock file that we did not place there
+  my $lock_file = $state->{kdb_file} . '.lock'; # KeePassX style
+  if (-f $lock_file && $state->{placed_lock_file} ne $lock_file) {
+    print color('bold yellow') .  "WARNING:" . color('clear') .
+        color('red') .
+               " A KeePassX-style lock file is in place for this file.\n" .
+		"         It may be opened elsewhere. Save anyway? [y/N] " .
+        color('clear');
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  # If we got this far the user is OK with us locking the file even
+  # if we had a contention.
+  touch_file($lock_file);
+  $state->{placed_lock_file} = $lock_file;
+  # Scrub the data and write the file
+  destroy_found();
+  scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups(); # TODO - remove later
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  $k->unlock;
+  my $master_pass=
+	composite_master_pass($state->{get_master_passwd}(),$state->{key_file});
+  $k->save_db($state->{kdb_file},$master_pass);
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; # set our state to no change since last save
+  $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+  print "Saved to $state->{kdb_file}\n";
+  $k->lock;
+  my $file = $state->{kdb_file};
+  # We hold a read file handle open for no reason other than
+  # to show up in lsof.
+  if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) {
+    close $state->{kdb_file_handle};
+  }
+  $state->{kdb_file_handle} = new FileHandle;
+  open($state->{kdb_file_handle}, '<', $file);
+  # Update the md5sum of the file after we just saved it
+  $state->{kdb_file_md5} = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5");
+# This subroutine handles the clipboard commands (xw, xu, xp, and xx)
+sub cli_xN($$) {
+  my $xNcmd = shift @_;
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # If Clipboard is not avaiable we can't do this for the user
+  if  (! $state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{loaded}) {
+    print "Error: $xNcmd requires the Clipboard and Capture::Tiny modules:\n" .
+	" -\n" .
+	" -\n" .
+	"";
+    if (defined($state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{error})) {
+      print "\nThere was an error loading the Clipboard module, as follows:\n" .
+		$state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{error} . "\n";
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  # If we're clearing the clipboard, just do that and return immediately.
+  if ($xNcmd eq 'xx') {
+    Clipboard->copy('');
+    print "Clipboard cleared.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  # Find the entry that the user wants to copy to the clipboard from.
+  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
+  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
+  if (! defined($ent)) {
+    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Switch over the xN commands and place the data into $to_copy
+  my $to_copy = '';
+  SWITCH: {
+    $xNcmd eq 'xu' && do { $to_copy = $ent->{username}; last SWITCH; };
+    $xNcmd eq 'xw' && do { $to_copy = $ent->{url}; last SWITCH; };
+    $xNcmd eq 'xp' && do {
+			$to_copy = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent);
+			last SWITCH; };
+    warn "Error: cli_xN() does not know how to handle the $xNcmd command.";
+    $to_copy = undef;
+  }
+  # Copy to the clipboard and tell the user what we did.
+  my $cp_map = {
+	'xu' => 'username',
+	'xw' => 'url',
+	'xp' => 'password',
+	};
+  if (defined($to_copy)) {
+    Clipboard->copy($to_copy);
+    print "Copied $cp_map->{$xNcmd} for \"$ent->{title}\" to the clipboard.\n";
+  }
+  return;
+sub cli_rm($) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
+  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
+  if (! defined($ent)) {
+    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Recycle the entry unless --no-recycle
+  if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
+    my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
+    if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
+  }
+  $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id => $ent->{id} });
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+sub validate_entry_number($$) {
+  my $item_number=shift @_;
+  my $path=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (normalize_path_string($path) eq '') {
+    print "Entries cannot exist in the root path (/).\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if ($item_number !~ m/^[0-9]+$/) {
+    print "Invalid item number (must be an integer).\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  my ($rGrps,$rEnts) = get_groups_and_entries($path);
+  my $entry_max=scalar(@{$rEnts}) - 1;
+  if ($entry_max < 0) {
+    print "Invalid item number. No valid entries in $path.\n";
+    return -1;
+  } elsif ($item_number > $entry_max) {
+    print "Invalid item number. Valid entries in \"$path\" are 0-$entry_max.\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+return 0;
+# This routine takes one parameter that will be either a path
+# to an entity or an entity number as shown by the ls command
+# and will use $state information such as last_ls_ents to
+# return a reference to that entity in the $state-{kdb} database,
+# if possible (valid input).
+sub find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($) {
+  my $target=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my $ent=undef; # hope to populate this in a second...
+  # This section looks for an entity by an "ls" number
+  if ($target =~ m/^[0-9]+$/ && scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}) > 0
+			&& $target < scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}) ) {
+    return @{$state->{last_ls_ents}}[$target];
+  }
+  # This section looks by a path name
+  if (defined $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($target)}) {
+    my $entry_id=$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($target)};
+    $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry( {id=>$entry_id} );
+  }
+  # If we found the entry, place the path to this entry in the entry record,
+  # even if it's already there (it may have just changed via cli_mv), if the
+  # path we have for this entity is not the $FOUND_DIR.
+  if (defined($ent)) {
+    my $full_path = '/' .
+		humanize_path($state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}});
+    my $path = dirname($full_path) . '/';
+    if ("/$FOUND_DIR/" ne $path) {
+      $ent->{full_path} = $full_path;
+      $ent->{path} = $path;
+    }
+  }
+  return $ent;
+sub cli_rename($$) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $target_dir = $params->{args}->[0];
+  my $dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($target_dir);
+  my $grp=undef;
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized})) {
+    my $grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized};
+    $grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $grp_id } );
+  }
+  if (! defined($grp)) {
+    print "Unknown group: $target_dir\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  my $prompt = color('clear')."Enter the groups new Title: ";
+  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
+  my $new_title = $term->readline($prompt);
+  # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+  chomp($new_title);
+  if (length($new_title)) {
+    if ($new_title =~ m/\//) {
+      print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n";
+      return undef;
+    }
+    # If the titles are the same then there is nothing to do
+    if ($new_title eq $grp->{title}) { return 0; }
+    # Check the new title for same-name conflicts in its group
+    my $path = dirname('/'.humanize_path($dir_normalized));
+    my $testdir=normalize_path_string("$path/$new_title");
+    if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$testdir})) {
+      print "An entry titled \"$new_title\" is already in $path.\n";
+      return undef;
+    }
+    # If we passed all of our sanity checks then set the new title
+    $grp->{title} = $new_title;
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  # Because we renamed a group we must refresh our $state paths
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+sub cli_mv {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  my $src_path = shift @_;
+  my $target_dir = shift @_;
+  my $skip_save = shift @_ || 0;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  # The target has to be a group. We start validation there (the target).
+  my $dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($target_dir);
+  my $grp=undef;
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized})) {
+    my $grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized};
+    $grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $grp_id } );
+  }
+  if (! defined($grp)) {
+    print "Unknown group: $target_dir\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # The source (thing we are moving) can be an entity, group, or a
+  # shell_expansion. Here we figure out which one and prepare to
+  # exectute the move(s) below.
+  my $ent=undef;
+  my $mv_type = undef;
+  if ($ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($src_path)) {
+    $mv_type = 'entry';
+  } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($src_path)})) {
+    $mv_type = 'group';
+  } else {
+    # For shell_expansion moves, we call cli_mv for each shell_expansion item,
+    # with skip_save set to true.
+    my @ent_matches = shell_expansion($src_path);
+    if (scalar(@ent_matches) > 0) {
+      $mv_type = 'shell_expansion';
+      foreach my $mv_src (@ent_matches) {
+        my $skip_save = 1;
+        cli_mv($self,$params,'/'.humanize_path($mv_src),$target_dir,$skip_save);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (! defined($mv_type)) {
+    print "Unknown entity: " . humanize_path($src_path) . "\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Execute the move of the entry or group.
+  if ($mv_type eq 'entry') {
+    # Verify no entry title conflict at the new location
+    my $new_entry_path=normalize_path_string($target_dir . "/" . $ent->{title});
+    if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry_path}) ||
+		defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry_path})) {
+      my $path = dirname(humanize_path($new_entry_path));
+      print "ERROR: already an item named \"$ent->{title}\" at $path/.\n";
+      return undef;
+    }
+    # Unlock the kdb, clone the entry, remove its ID and set its new group,
+    # add it to the kdb, delete the old entry, then lock the kdb...
+    $state->{kdb}->unlock;
+    my %ent_copy = %{clone($ent)}; # Clone the entity
+    delete $ent_copy{id};
+    $ent_copy{group} = $grp;
+    if ($state->{kdb}->add_entry(\%ent_copy)) {
+      $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id=>$ent->{id} });
+    }
+    $state->{kdb}->lock;
+    print "Moved \"$ent->{title}\" to ".dirname(humanize_path($new_entry_path))."/\n";
+  } elsif ($mv_type eq 'group') {
+    # Find the group that the user is asking us to move
+    my $src_grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group(
+			{id => $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($src_path)}});
+    my $new_group_path=normalize_path_string($target_dir . "/" . $src_grp->{title});
+    if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$new_group_path}) ||
+		defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_group_path})) {
+      my $path = dirname(humanize_path($new_group_path));
+      print "ERROR: already an item named \"$src_grp->{title}\" at $path/.\n";
+      return undef;
+    }
+    # Clone the group that is to be moved
+    my %new_group = %{$src_grp};
+    # Delete the id and level from the cloned group
+    delete $new_group{id};
+    delete $new_group{level};
+    # Add the group ID of the parent we want to put our clone under
+    $new_group{group} = $grp->{id}; # Set the new parent group
+    # Add the clone as a new group
+    $state->{kdb}->add_group(\%new_group);
+    # Delete the original group that we just cloned into a new spot
+    $state->{kdb}->delete_group({ id => $src_grp->{id} });
+    print "Moved \"$src_grp->{title}/\" to ".dirname(humanize_path($new_group_path))."/\n";
+  } elsif ($mv_type ne 'shell_expansion') {
+    print "Unknown error with move command.\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Because we moved an entry we must refresh our $state paths
+  if (! $skip_save) {
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+  }
+sub cli_copy {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  my $src = shift @_;
+  my $dst = shift @_;
+  my $skip_save = shift @_ || 0;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $source_ent = $src;
+  my $src_ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($source_ent);
+  if (! defined($src_ent)) {
+    print "Unknown entry: $source_ent\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  my $target_ent = $dst;
+  my $trg_ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target_ent);
+  if (defined($trg_ent)) {
+    print "Copy cannot overwrite an existing entry.\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Unlock the kdb, clone the entry, remove its ID and set its new group,
+  # add it to the kdb, delete the old entry, then lock the kdb...
+  $state->{kdb}->unlock;
+  my %ent_copy = %{clone($src_ent)}; # Clone the entity
+  $state->{kdb}->lock;
+  delete $ent_copy{id}; # Remove the entry ID for the new copy
+  my ($grp_path,$name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($target_ent);
+  $ent_copy{title} = humanize_path($name);
+  # group needs to be set to the ID of the group we may be moving the copy to
+  my $new_grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
+  if (! defined($new_grp_id)) {
+    print "Copy failed due to missing target group ID.\n";
+    return -1;
+  } else {
+    $ent_copy{group} = $new_grp_id;
+  }
+  $state->{kdb}->unlock;
+  if (! $state->{kdb}->add_entry(\%ent_copy)) {
+    print "Copy failed on add_entry().\n";
+    $state->{kdb}->lock;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  $state->{kdb}->lock;
+  # Because we added an entry we must refresh our $state paths
+  if (! $skip_save) {
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub cli_clone($$) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  my $src = shift @_;
+  my $dst = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $skip_save = 1;
+  my $retval_copy = cli_copy($self, $params, $src, $dst, $skip_save);
+  if ($retval_copy) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  my $target_ent = $params->{args}->[1];
+  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target_ent);
+  if (! (defined($ent) && exists($ent->{id}))) {
+    print "Copy failed.\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+  my %changes = ();
+  my $retval_edit = _entry_edit_gui($ent, \%changes);
+  # Apply the user changes, update modify time and prompt to save
+  if ($retval_edit == 0) {
+    $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field
+    foreach my $key (keys %changes) { $ent->{$key} = $changes{$key}; }
+    $state->{kdb}->lock;
+    $ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now;
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    # If the edit failed (or if the user hit ^C while in edit_gui), then
+    # remove the target entity that cli_copy() made.
+    my $ent_id=$ent->{id};
+    $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id => $ent_id });
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; # Should be back to how we started
+    return $retval_edit;
+  }
+sub cli_show($$) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # Users can provide a -f option to show the password. We use GetOptions
+  # to parse this command line, and $target holds that target.
+  my $target='';
+  my %opts=();
+  {
+    local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}};
+    my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'f', 'a');
+    if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    $target = $ARGV[0];
+  }
+  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
+  if (! defined($ent)) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  print "\n";
+  if (defined($ent->{path})) {
+    print show_format("Path",$ent->{path}) . "\n";
+  }
+  # Unless -f is specified, we "hide" the password as red-on-red.
+  my $password = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent);
+  if (! defined($opts{f})) {
+    $password = colored(['red on_red'], $password);
+  }
+  # Print the entry for the user
+  print
+	show_format("Title",$ent->{title}) . "\n" .
+	show_format("Uname",$ent->{username}) . "\n" .
+	show_format("Pass",$password) . "\n" .
+	show_format("URL",$ent->{url}) . "\n" .
+	show_format("Notes",$ent->{comment}) . "\n" .
+	($DEBUG ? show_format("ID",$ent->{id}) . "\n" : '');
+  # Tags were added to KeePass in v2.11 (*.kdbx)
+  if (defined($ent->{tags}) && length($ent->{tags})) {
+    print show_format("Tags", humanize_entry_tags($ent->{tags})) . "\n";
+  }
+  # Check for strings and file attachments in this entry
+  foreach my $key (qw(strings binary)) {
+    my $attachment = show_helper_files_strings($ent,{f=>1},$key);
+    #my $attachment = show_helper_files_strings($ent, \%opts, $key);
+    if (length($attachment)) { print $attachment; }
+  }
+  # If -a was given, tack on those details
+  if (defined($opts{a})) {
+    print
+	show_format("Icon#",$ent->{icon}) . "\n" .
+	show_format("Creat",$ent->{created}) . "\n" .
+	show_format("Modif",$ent->{modified}) . "\n";
+    if (defined($ent->{expires})) {
+      my $expires = $ent->{expires};
+      if (does_expire_never($state->{kdb_ver}, $ent)) {
+        $expires = 'Never';
+      }
+      print show_format("Xpire",$expires) . "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  print "\n";
+  print &Dumper($ent) . "\n" if ($DEBUG > 2);
+# A helper function to display key/val pairs and file attachments.
+# Note that strings (key/val pairs) and multiple attachments per
+# entry only exist in KeePass 2.x (kdbx) files, while verions 1.x
+# files (kdb) support only a single file attachment per entry.
+sub show_helper_files_strings {
+  my $ent = shift @_;
+  my $opts = shift @_;
+  my $key = shift @_;
+  my $labels = {
+	'binary' =>  ['Atchm','File Attachments'],
+	'strings' => ['Strgs','String Values'],
+	};
+  my @atts=();
+  if (defined($ent->{$key})) {
+    foreach my $name (sort keys %{$ent->{$key}}) {
+      if ($key eq 'binary') {
+        push @atts, "$name (". int(length($ent->{$key}->{$name})) ." bytes)";
+      } elsif ($key eq 'strings') {
+        if (defined($opts->{f})) {
+          push @atts, "$name = " . $ent->{$key}->{$name};
+        } else {
+          push @atts, "$name = ".colored(['red on_red'],$ent->{$key}->{$name});
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  my $attachment = '';
+  my $label = $labels->{$key}[0];
+  if (scalar(@atts) == 0 && defined($opts->{v})) {
+    $attachment = "None";
+  } elsif (scalar(@atts) == 1) {
+    $attachment = $atts[0];
+  } elsif (scalar(@atts) > 1) {
+    $label = $labels->{$key}[1];
+    my @t=();
+    foreach my $num (1..scalar(@atts)) {
+      push(@t, sprintf("%2d) %s", $num, $atts[$num-1]));
+    }
+    $attachment = "\n " . join("\n ", @t) . "\n";
+  }
+  return ($attachment ne '' ? show_format($label,$attachment) . "\n" : '');
+sub cli_edit {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
+  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
+  if (! defined($ent)) {
+    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Protect users from editing in the $FOUND_DIR.
+  my $ent_path = $state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}};
+  if ($ent_path =~ m/^\Q$FOUND_DIR\E/) {
+    print color('yellow')
+	. "That entity is in the temporary /$FOUND_DIR dir.\n"
+	. color('clear');
+    my $real_path = $ent->{full_path};
+    my $real_ent = find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($real_path);
+    if (defined($real_ent)) {
+      print "Would you rather edit $real_path? [y/N]";
+      my $key=get_single_key();
+      print "\n";
+      if (lc($key) eq 'y') {
+        $ent = $real_ent;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  my %changes = ();
+  my $retval = _entry_edit_gui($ent, \%changes, $state->{kdb_ver});
+  # If the user made changes, apply them, update modify time and prompt to save
+  if ($retval == 0 && scalar(keys(%changes)) > 0) {
+    # Recycle the entry unless --no-recycle
+    if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
+      my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
+      if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
+    }
+    # Update the entry's changed fields
+    $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field
+    foreach my $key (keys %changes) { $ent->{$key} = $changes{$key}; }
+    $state->{kdb}->lock;
+    $ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now;
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+  }
+return 0;
+# A routine to copy entries to the /Backup or "/Recycle Bin" folders.
+# Used by cli_edit, cli_rm, etc.
+sub recycle_entry {
+  my $state = shift @_;
+  my $ent = shift @_;
+  my $bugrp_id = get_recycle_group_path($state, 1);
+  if (defined($bugrp_id)) {
+    $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field
+    my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity and back it up
+    delete $tmp_ent->{id};
+    # Append the modified time to the title for the backup dir
+    $tmp_ent->{title} = $tmp_ent->{title} . " (". $tmp_ent->{modified} .")";
+    $tmp_ent->{group} = $bugrp_id;
+    $tmp_ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now;
+    my $add_result = $state->{kdb}->add_entry($tmp_ent);
+    $state->{kdb}->lock;
+    if (! $add_result) {
+      return "Failed to copy the entry to the backup folder.";
+    } else {
+      $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    }
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+  }
+  return undef;
+# Returns /Backup or "/Recycle Bin" based on KeePass v1 or v2 file.
+# Creates the group if it is missing and $create_if_missing in true.
+sub get_recycle_group_path {
+  my $state = shift @_;
+  my $create_if_missing = shift @_ || 0;
+  my $bugrp = "/Backup"; # Default to v1 (is this correct?)
+  if ($state->{kdb_ver} == 2) {
+    $bugrp = "/Recycle Bin";
+  }
+  my $grp_path = normalize_path_string($bugrp);
+  if ($create_if_missing) {
+    if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
+      my $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({
+        title => $grp_path,
+        icon => $DEfAULT_BAKUP_ICON,
+      }); # root level group
+      refresh_state_all_paths();
+      $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    }
+  }
+  if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
+    return undef;
+  }
+  return $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
+# Helper function for cli_edit() and cli_clone()
+sub _entry_edit_gui($$$) {
+  my $ent=shift @_;
+  my $rChanges = shift @_;
+  my $kdb_ver = shift @_;
+  # Loop through the fields taking edits the user wants to make
+  my @fields = get_entry_fields($kdb_ver);
+  foreach my $input (@fields) {
+    my $current_val = $ent->{$input->{key}};
+    my $val = '';
+    if (defined($input->{user_prep_func})) {
+      $current_val = $input->{user_prep_func}($current_val);
+    }
+    if (defined($input->{user_edit_func})) {
+      $val = $input->{user_edit_func}($ent, $input, $current_val);
+    } elsif ($input->{multiline}) {
+      $val = new_edit_multiline_input($input, $current_val);
+    } else {
+      $val = new_edit_single_line_input($input, $current_val);
+    }
+    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return -1; }
+    # Call the validate_func if it's defined
+    if (defined($input->{validate_func}) && length($val)) {
+      # Note that $val can be modified by the validate_func
+      if ($input->{validate_func}(\$val) != 0) {
+        print "Invalid $input->{txt} input.\n";
+        return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    # Check a new title for same-name conflicts in its group
+    if ($input->{key} eq 'title' && length($val)) {
+      if ($val =~ m/\//) {
+        print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n";
+        return -1;
+      }
+      my $path = $ent->{path}; # The group's path of the entry we are editing
+      my $new_entry = normalize_path_string("$path/$val");
+      if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry})) {
+        print "An entry titled \"$val\" is already in $path.\n";
+        return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    # If the field was not empty, we'll change it to the new $val
+    if (length($val)) { $rChanges->{$input->{key}} = $val; }
+  }
+  return 0;
+# A code-consolidation function...
+sub get_prepped_readline_term() {
+  our $state;
+  # Note: A 2nd Term::ReadLine::Gnu->new() just returns the same
+  # object as the one that Term::ShellUI is already using. With
+  # Term::Readline::Perl, an attempt to call new a 2nd time results
+  # in having a Term::Readline::Stub returned and a warning printed to
+  # STDERR, which we also don't want, and so I coded this the way that
+  # I did to make clear what is being done, and this comment for why.
+  my $term = $state->{term}->{term}; # Term::ShellUI's readline
+  $state->{active_readline} = $term;
+  # Use Term::ReadLine::Gnu more advanced functionality...
+  if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
+    # Called roughly 10-times per second while Gnu readline waits for input
+    $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = sub {
+          if (recent_sigint()) {
+             $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = undef;
+             $term->set_prompt('');
+             $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}='';
+             $term->Attribs->{done} = 1;
+	     $state->{active_readline} = undef;
+          }
+        };
+  }
+  return $term;
+# A helper function to interactively edit an entry's strings
+sub edit_entry_strings {
+  my $ent = shift @_;
+  my $input = shift @_;
+  my $initial_value = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity
+  EDIT_INTERFACE: while (1) {
+    my @strings_keys = ();
+    if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}) && ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') {
+      @strings_keys = sort keys %{$tmp_ent->{strings}};
+    }
+    my $strings_count = scalar(@strings_keys);
+    my $t='';
+    my $prompt = "Strings";
+    if ($strings_count > 0) {
+      $t .= show_helper_files_strings($tmp_ent,{f=>1,v=>1},'strings');
+      $prompt = "Choose";
+    }
+    $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(e)dit/(d)elete/(c)ancel/(F)inish? ";
+    print "$t";
+    COMMAND: while (my $key=get_single_key()) {
+      if (lc($key) eq 'c' || ord($key) == 3) { # Cancel or ^C
+        print "\n";
+        return ''; # We are to return nothing on no change
+      } elsif ($key =~ m/^[fF\r\n]$/) { # Finished (save)
+        print "\n";
+        return $tmp_ent->{strings};
+      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'd') {
+        if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}) &&
+					ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') {
+          if ($strings_count < 2) {
+            %{$tmp_ent->{strings}} = ();
+          } else {
+            print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to delete? ";
+            my $choice = get_single_line();
+            if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
+              print "\nInvalid number.";
+            } else {
+              delete($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$strings_keys[$choice-1]});
+            }
+          }
+          print "\n";
+          next EDIT_INTERFACE;
+        }
+      } elsif (lc($key) =~ m/^[ae]$/) {
+        my $iv='';
+        my $fld_being_edited = undef;
+        if (lc($key) eq 'e') {
+          print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to edit? ";
+          my $choice = get_single_line();
+          if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
+            print "\nInvalid number.";
+            print "\n";
+            next EDIT_INTERFACE;
+          }
+          $fld_being_edited = $strings_keys[$choice-1];
+          my $val_being_edited = $tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld_being_edited};
+          $iv = "$fld_being_edited = $val_being_edited";
+        }
+        my $prompt = "Input a key=value pair: ";
+        print "\r". " "x60 ."\r";
+        my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
+        my $keyval = $term->readline($prompt, $iv);
+        #my $keyval = get_single_line();
+        if ($keyval =~ m/^\s*([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) {
+          my ($fld, $val) = ($1, $2);
+          if (!(defined($tmp_ent->{strings})) &&
+					ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') {
+            $tmp_ent->{strings} = {};
+          }
+          if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld}) &&
+			(lc($key) eq 'a' || $fld ne $fld_being_edited)) {
+            print "\nString field \"$fld\" already exists in the entry.";
+          } else {
+            $tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld}=$val;
+            if (defined($fld_being_edited) && $fld ne $fld_being_edited) {
+              delete($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld_being_edited});
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          print "\nInvalid entry.";
+        }
+        print "\n";
+        next EDIT_INTERFACE;
+      } else {
+        # Do nothing on invalid input
+        next COMMAND;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return $initial_value;
+# Single line input helper function for cli_new and cli_edit.
+sub new_edit_single_line_input($$) {
+  my $input = shift @_;
+  my $initial_value = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my $iv = ''; if (! $input->{hide_entry}) { $iv = $initial_value; }
+  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
+  my $val = '';
+    if ($input->{genpasswd}) {
+      print " "x25 .'("g" or "w" to auto-generate, "i" for interactive)'. "\r";
+    }
+    my $prompt=$input->{txt} . ': ';
+    if ($input->{hide_entry}) {
+      $val = GetPassword($prompt, '');
+    } else {
+      $val = $term->readline($prompt, $iv);
+    }
+    chomp $val;
+    if ($input->{genpasswd} && $val =~ m/^([wgi])(\d*)$/) {
+      my $cmd = $1;
+      my $len = $2;
+      if ($cmd eq 'g' || $cmd eq 'i') {
+        if (!$len) {
+          $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
+        } elsif ($len !~ m/^\d+$/ ||
+          $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
+          print color('yellow')
+              . "Password length out of bounds, reset to $len chars.\n"
+              . color('clear');
+        }
+        if ($cmd eq 'g') {
+          $val = generatePasswordGobbledygook($len);
+        } elsif ($cmd eq 'i') {
+          $val = generatePasswordInteractive($len);
+          # Interactive canceled by user
+          if (! defined($val)) {
+            print "\n";
+            redo PASSWD_COLLECTION;
+          }
+        }
+      } elsif ($cmd eq 'w') {
+        $val = generatePassword();
+      } else {
+        die "BUG: it should be impossible to get to this code!\n";
+      }
+    } elsif (length($val) && $input->{double_entry_verify}) {
+      my $prompt = "Retype to verify: ";
+      my $checkval = '';
+      if ($input->{hide_entry}) {
+        $checkval = GetPassword($prompt, '');
+      } else {
+        $checkval = $term->readline($prompt);
+      }
+      # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+      chomp $checkval;
+      if ($checkval ne $val) {
+        print "Entries mismatched. Please try again.\n";
+        redo PASSWD_COLLECTION;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # We are done with readline calls so let's cleanup.
+  if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
+    $term->Attribs->{startup_hook} = undef;
+    $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = undef;
+  }
+  # This funciton is supposed to return blank if nothing changed
+  if ($val eq $initial_value) { $val = ''; }
+  return $val;
+# Multi-line input helper function for cli_new and cli_edit.
+sub new_edit_multiline_input($$) {
+  my $input = shift @_;
+  my $initial_value = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  # Protect programmers from accidentally misusing this function
+  if ($input->{genpasswd}) { die "genpasswd unsupported by this function"; }
+  if ($input->{hide_entry}) {
+    print $input->{txt} . ": ";
+  } else {
+    my $mlval = $initial_value;
+    if ($mlval =~ m/\r|\n/) { $mlval = "\n$mlval\n"; }
+    print $input->{txt} . " (\"".$mlval."\"): ";
+  }
+  my $yellow=color('yellow');
+  my $clear=color('clear');
+  print "\n$yellow(end multi-line input with a single \".\" on a line)$clear\n";
+  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
+  my $val = ''; my $unfinished = 1;
+  while ($unfinished) {
+    # Term::ReadLine::Perl seems to have a bug that requires a prompt
+    # (it borks on ''), but after adding the pipe I liked it so left
+    # it place for all readlines.
+    my $line = $term->readline('| ');
+    if ($line =~ m/^\.[\r\n]*$/) { # a lone "." ends our input
+      $unfinished = 0;
+    } else {
+      $val .= $line;
+      $val .= "\n" if ($val !~ m/\n$/); # ReadLine() vs. $term->readline().
+      if ($val =~ m/^[\r\n]*$/) { $val = ''; $unfinished = 0; }
+    }
+    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+  }
+  chomp($val); # Remove extra line at the end
+  return $val;
+# Formats an entry for display for cli_show()
+sub show_format($$) {
+  my $title=shift @_;
+  my $value=shift @_;
+  my $val=$value;
+  if ($val =~ m/\n/) {
+    my @val_lines=split(/\n/, $val);
+    $val=join("\n" . " "x(5+2), @val_lines);
+  }
+  return sprintf("%5s: %s", $title,$val);
+# Formats a statistic display for cli_stats()
+sub stats_print($) {
+  my $stats_r = shift @_;
+  my $max_key_len = 0;
+  my $max_val_len = 0;
+  foreach my $k (keys(%{$stats_r})) {
+    if (length($k) > $max_key_len) { $max_key_len = length($k); }
+  }
+  foreach my $k (values(%{$stats_r})) {
+    if (length($k) > $max_val_len) { $max_val_len = length($k); }
+  }
+  my $sprintf_format = "  - %$max_key_len" . "s: %$max_val_len" . "d\n";
+  my $t='';
+  foreach my $stat_key (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$stats_r}) {
+    $t .= sprintf($sprintf_format, $stat_key, $stats_r->{$stat_key});
+  }
+  return $t;
+# Helper functions to normalize and humanize entry tags
+sub normalize_entry_tags {
+  my $rTagline = shift @_;
+  my @tags = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/, $$rTagline);
+  $$rTagline = join(';', @tags);
+  return 0;
+sub humanize_entry_tags {
+  my $tagline = shift @_;
+  my @tags = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/, $tagline);
+  return join(', ', @tags);
+# Function to return a data structure to support adding/editing entries
+sub get_entry_fields {
+  my $kdb_ver = shift @_ || 1; # *.kdb or *.kdbx (v1 or v2)
+  my @fields = (
+	{ key=>'title', txt=>'Title' },
+	{ key=>'username', txt=>'Username' },
+	{ key=>'password', txt=>'Password',
+		hide_entry => 1, double_entry_verify => 1, genpasswd => 1 },
+	{ key=>'url', txt=>'URL' },
+  );
+  # We only want "tags" if we are dealing with a v2 file (*.kdbx)
+  if ($kdb_ver == 2) {
+    push @fields, (
+	{ key=>'tags', txt=>'Tags', 'multiline' => 0,
+		user_prep_func => \&humanize_entry_tags,
+		validate_func => \&normalize_entry_tags,
+	 },
+	{ key=>'strings', txt=>'Strgs',
+		user_edit_func => \&edit_entry_strings,
+	 },
+	);
+  }
+  push @fields, (
+	{ key=>'comment', txt=>'Notes/Comments', 'multiline' => 1 },
+	);
+  return @fields;
+# Code consolidation function.
+# Returns true if $state->{signals}->{INT} indicates a SIGINT more
+# recently than the $timeframe given, which defaults to 0.25 secs.
+sub recent_sigint() {
+  my $timeframe = shift @_;
+  if ($timeframe !~ m/^([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)$/) { $timeframe = 0.25; }
+  our $state;
+  if (defined($state->{signals}->{INT}) &&
+		tv_interval($state->{signals}->{INT}) < $timeframe) {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub cli_icons($) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  print "Change icons on Groups or Entries (g/e/Cancel)? ";
+  my $groups_or_entries=lc(get_single_key());
+  print "\n";
+  if (recent_sigint() || $groups_or_entries !~ m/^[ge]$/) { return; }
+  print "Change icons Here, Below here, or Globally (h/b/g/Cancel)? ";
+  my $glob_or_rel=lc(get_single_key());
+  print "\n";
+  if (recent_sigint() || $glob_or_rel !~ m/^[hgb]$/) { return; }
+  print "What would you line the new icon to be (0-64/Cancel)? ";
+  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
+  my $val = $term->readline('');
+  # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+  chomp($val);
+  if ($val !~ m/^[0-9]+$/ || $val < 0 || $val > 64) {
+    print "Invalid icon number.\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  # This code fills @{$groups} or @{$entries} with the items that the
+  # user wants to change the icons on.
+  my ($groups,$entries) = ([],[]);
+  if ($glob_or_rel eq 'h') { # "Here" is easy -- we have a function for that.
+    ($groups,$entries) = get_current_groups_and_entries();
+    if ($groups_or_entries eq 'e') {
+      $groups = [];
+    } else {
+      $entries = [];
+    }
+  } else {
+    if ($glob_or_rel eq 'g') { # Globally is easy, it's all groups
+      my $k=$state->{kdb};
+      @{$groups} = $k->find_groups({});
+    } elsif ($glob_or_rel eq 'b') {
+      my $id=$state->{path}->{id};
+      @{$groups} = all_child_groups_flattened($id); # *only child groups*
+    } else {
+      warn "WHAT? Should never get to this piece of code!\n";
+    }
+    # If the user wanted to operate on entries, collect all the entries
+    # in the @{$groups} and then empty @{$groups}.
+    if ($groups_or_entries eq 'e') {
+      foreach my $group (@{$groups}) {
+        if (defined($group->{entries})) {
+          push @{$entries}, @{$group->{entries}};
+        }
+      }
+      $groups = [];
+    }
+  }
+  # Change the items, recording the number of changes.
+  my $items_changed=0;
+  foreach my $item (@{$groups}, @{$entries}) {
+    $item->{icon} = $val;
+    $items_changed++;
+  }
+  # Tell the user what we did.
+  print "The icon value was set to $val on $items_changed records.\n";
+  # If we changed anything, ask the user if they want to save
+  if ($items_changed > 0) {
+    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub cli_new($) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $new_path=get_pwd();
+  my $new_title='';
+  # If the user gave us a path (that may include the new title) in args[0],
+  # then we have to first rationalize that path.
+  if (defined($params->{args}->[0])) {
+    $new_path = $params->{args}->[0];
+    # Insure that $new_path is absolute
+    if ($new_path !~ m/^\/+$/) {
+      $new_path = get_pwd() . '/' . $new_path;
+    }
+    my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($new_path);
+    my ($grp_path,$name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($new_path);
+    if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) {
+      $new_path = '/' . humanize_path($norm_path);
+      $new_title = '';
+    } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
+      $new_path = '/' . humanize_path($grp_path);
+      $new_title = $name;
+    } else {
+      if ($norm_path eq '') {
+        print "Entries cannot be made in the root path.\n";
+      } else {
+        print "Bad path for new entry\n";
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  # $id needs to be set to the ID of the group we want to add to
+  my $id = undef;
+  my $norm_path=normalize_path_string($new_path);
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) {
+    $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path};
+  }
+  # Make sure that we have a valid path for creating a new entry
+  if ($new_path =~ m/^\/+$/ || (! defined($id))) {
+    print "Entries cannot be made in this path ($new_path).\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  print "Adding new entry to \"$new_path\"\n";
+  # Grab the entries at this $id (pwd) so we can check for conflicts
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  my ($this_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$id});
+  my @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id => $id});
+  my $new_entry = {
+    'group' => $id,
+  };
+  my @fields = get_entry_fields($state->{kdb_ver});
+  NEW_DATA_COLLECTION: foreach my $input (@fields) {
+    my $val = '';
+    if (defined($input->{user_edit_func})) {
+      $val = $input->{user_edit_func}($new_entry, $input, {});
+      # An empty hash-ref is "empty/blank" for strings, but the
+      # user_edit_func returns the scalar '' in that case.
+      if ($input->{key} eq 'strings' && ref($val) ne 'HASH') { $val = {}; }
+    } elsif ($input->{multiline}) {
+      $val = new_edit_multiline_input($input, '');
+    } else {
+      if ($new_title ne '' && $input->{key} eq 'title') {
+        print $input->{txt} . ": $new_title\n";
+        $val = $new_title;
+      } else {
+        $val = new_edit_single_line_input($input, '');
+      }
+    }
+    # If the user hit ^C, abort the new entry
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+    # If the user gave us an empty title, abort the new entry
+    if ($input->{key} eq 'title' && length($val) == 0) { return undef; }
+    # Call the validate_func if it's defined
+    if (defined($input->{validate_func}) && length($val)) {
+      # Note that $val can be modified by the validate_func
+      if ($input->{validate_func}(\$val) != 0) {
+        print "Invalid $input->{txt} input.\n";
+        return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    # Check the new title for same-name conflicts in its group
+    if ($input->{key} eq 'title') {
+      if ($val =~ m/\//) {
+        print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n";
+        return undef;
+      }
+      my $new_entry = normalize_path_string($new_path . '/' . $val);
+      if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry})) {
+        print "An entry titled \"$val\" is already in $new_path.\n";
+        return undef;
+      }
+    }
+    $new_entry->{$input->{key}} = $val;
+  }
+  $new_entry->{icon} = $DEFAULT_ENTRY_ICON;
+  $k->unlock;
+  my $new_entry_ref = $k->add_entry($new_entry);
+  $k->lock;
+  if ($new_entry_ref->{id}) {
+    refresh_state_all_paths();
+    $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+    RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+  } else {
+    print "Failed to add new entry.\n";
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub cli_import {
+  my $file=shift @_;
+  my $new_group_path=shift @_;
+  my $key_file=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly()) { return; }
+  # If the user gave us a bogus file there's nothing to do
+  if (! -f ($file)) {
+    print "File does not exist: $file\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if (magic_file_type($file) ne 'keepass') {
+    print "Does not appear to be a KeePass file: $file\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # If the $new_group_path is a relative path, make it absolute
+  if ($new_group_path !~ m/^\//) {
+    $new_group_path = get_pwd() . "/$new_group_path";
+  }
+  # We won't import into an existing group
+  my $full_path=normalize_path_string($new_group_path);
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$full_path})) {
+    print "You must specify a _new_ group to import into.\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Make sure the new group's parent exists
+  my ($grp_path,$grp_name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($new_group_path);
+  if ($grp_path != '' && ! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
+    print "Path does not exist: /" . humanize_path($grp_path) . "\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Set the $parent_group value appropriately
+  my $parent_group = undef; # Root by default
+  if (length($grp_path)) {
+    $parent_group = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
+  }
+  # Ask the user for the master password and then open the kdb
+  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd();
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  my $iKDB = File::KeePass->new;
+  if (! eval { $iKDB->load_db($file,
+			composite_master_pass($master_pass, $key_file)) }) {
+    print "Couldn't load the file $file: $@\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Add the new group, to its parent or to root if $parent_group==undef
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  my $new_group=$k->add_group({
+	title => $grp_name,
+	group => $parent_group,
+	});
+  # Copy the $iKDB into our $k at $new_group
+  $iKDB->unlock();
+  $k->unlock();
+  my @root_groups = $iKDB->find_groups({level=>0});
+  foreach my $i_root_grp (@root_groups) {
+    copy_kdb_group_tree($k,$i_root_grp,$new_group);
+  }
+  $k->lock();
+  $iKDB->lock();
+  $iKDB=undef;
+  # Refresh all paths and mark state as changed
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+sub cli_export($$) {
+  my $file=shift @_;
+  my $key_file=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # Warn is we are being asked to overwrite a file
+  if (-e $file) {
+    print "WARNING: $file already exists.\n" .
+		"Overwrite it? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  # Ask if the key file should be generated, if it doesn't exist
+  my $make_keyfile=0;
+  if (defined($key_file) && (! -f $key_file)) {
+    print "Your specified key file does not exist. Generate it? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    $make_keyfile=1;
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  }
+  # Get the master password for the exported file
+  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify();
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  if (! defined($master_pass)) { return undef; }
+  if (length($master_pass) == 0) {
+    print "For your safety, empty passwords are not allowed...\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  # Generate the key file if so instructed
+  if (defined($key_file) && $make_keyfile) {
+    my $fh=new FileHandle;
+    if (! open($fh,'>',$key_file)) {
+      print "ERROR: Could not open key file for writing: $key_file\n";
+      return -1;
+    }
+    my $KEYFILE_SIZE = 2048;
+    print $fh generateKeyfileContents($KEYFILE_SIZE);
+    close($fh);
+    my $size = (stat($key_file))[7];
+    if ($size != $KEYFILE_SIZE) {
+      print "ERROR: generated key file is the wrong size: $key_file\n";
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  # Build the new kdb in RAM
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  my $new_kdb=new File::KeePass;
+  $k->unlock; # Required so that we can copy the passwords
+  if (get_pwd() ne '/') {
+    # Grab the root group's $id at our pwd
+    my $pwd_group_id=$state->{path}->{id};
+    my ($root_grp, at trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$pwd_group_id});
+    copy_kdb_group_tree($new_kdb,$root_grp,undef);
+  } else {
+    # Put all of the root groups into the new file (entire file copy)
+    my @root_groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0});
+    foreach my $root_grp (@root_groups) {
+      copy_kdb_group_tree($new_kdb,$root_grp,undef);
+    }
+  }
+  $k->lock;
+  $new_kdb->unlock;
+  my $new_db_bin =
+		$new_kdb->gen_db(composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file));
+  $new_kdb->lock;
+  # Test parsing the kdb from RAM (we'll most likely die if this fails)
+  my $new_db=new File::KeePass;
+  $new_db->parse_db($new_db_bin,composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file));
+  # Now write the new kdb to disk
+  my $fh=new FileHandle;
+  if (open($fh,'>',$file)) {
+    print $fh $new_db_bin;
+    close $fh;
+    print "Exported to $file\n";
+  } else {
+    print "Could not open \"$file\" for writing.\n";
+  }
+  return 0;
+# A helper function for cli_export() and cli_import(). It takes a kdb object,
+# a group as a starting point to copy from, and optionally a parent_group to
+# copy to. It copies everything from the source group's root downward. In our
+# use cases, the _target_ $kdb object passed in here is typically a different
+# one than the _source_ $group is from.
+sub copy_kdb_group_tree {
+  my $kdb=shift @_;
+  my $group=shift @_;
+  my $parent_group=shift @_ || undef; # When undef, it writes to the root
+  # Add the new group, to it's parent or root if $parent_group==undef
+  my $new_group=$kdb->add_group({
+	title => $group->{title},
+	icon => $group->{icon},
+	id => $group->{id},
+	group => $parent_group,
+	});
+  # Add the new_group's entries
+  if (ref($group->{entries}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+    foreach my $entry (@{$group->{entries}}) {
+      $entry->{group} = $new_group;
+      $kdb->add_entry($entry);
+    }
+  }
+  # Add the new_group's child groups
+  if (ref($group->{groups}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+    foreach my $child_grp (@{$group->{groups}}) {
+      copy_kdb_group_tree($kdb,$child_grp,$new_group);
+    }
+  }
+sub cli_saveas($) {
+  my $file=shift @_;
+  my $key_file=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # If the user has asked for a *.kdbx file, check the File::KeePass version
+  if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) < version->parse('2.03')) {
+    if ($file =~ m/\.kdbx$/i) {
+      print "KeePass v2 (*.kdbx files) require File::KeePass >= v2.03\n";
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  # Warn is we are being asked to overwrite a file
+  if (-e $file) {
+    print "WARNING: $file already exists.\n" .
+                "Overwrite it? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  }
+  # Ask if the key file should be generated, if it doesn't exist
+  my $make_keyfile=0;
+  if (defined($key_file) && (! -f $key_file)) {
+    print "Your specified key file does not exist. Generate it? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    $make_keyfile=1;
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  }
+  # Get the master password for the file
+  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify();
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  if (! defined($master_pass)) { return undef; }
+  if (length($master_pass) == 0) {
+    print "For your safety, empty passwords are not allowed...\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  # Generate the key file if so instructed
+  if (defined($key_file) && $make_keyfile) {
+    my $fh=new FileHandle;
+    if (! open($fh,'>',$key_file)) {
+      print "ERROR: Could not open key file for writing: $key_file\n";
+      return -1;
+    }
+    my $KEYFILE_SIZE = 2048;
+    print $fh generateKeyfileContents($KEYFILE_SIZE);
+    close($fh);
+    my $size = (stat($key_file))[7];
+    if ($size != $KEYFILE_SIZE) {
+      print "ERROR: generated key file is the wrong size: $key_file\n";
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  destroy_found();
+  scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups(); # TODO - remove later
+  $state->{kdb}->unlock;
+  $state->{kdb}->save_db($file,composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file));
+  $state->{kdb}->lock;
+  $state->{kdb}= File::KeePass->new;
+  if (! eval { $state->{kdb}->load_db($file,
+			composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file)) }) {
+    die "Couldn't load the file $file: $@";
+  }
+  # We hold a read file handle open for no reason other than
+  # to show up in lsof.
+  if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) {
+    close $state->{kdb_file_handle};
+  }
+  $state->{kdb_file_handle} = new FileHandle;
+  open($state->{kdb_file_handle}, '<', $file);
+  $state->{kdb_file} = $file;
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0;
+  $state->{kdb_file} = $file;
+  $state->{key_file} = $key_file;
+  $state->{put_master_passwd}($master_pass);
+  $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";
+  return 0;
+# This routine takes a raw (directly from user input) path string
+# and "normalizes" it (converts it to NULL-separated w/out escapes)
+# and splits it into its dirname and basename components.
+sub normalize_and_split_raw_path($) {
+  my $raw_pathstr=shift @_;
+  my $path=normalize_path_string($raw_pathstr);
+  my $basename='';
+  if ($path =~ m/\0/) {			# case of at least one path delimeter
+    $path =~ s/\0([^\0]+)$//;
+    $basename=$1;
+  } elsif ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^\//) {	# case of simple "/foo" (no subdir)
+    $basename=$path;
+    $path='';
+  } else {				# case of simple "foo" (no path delims)
+    $path = normalize_path_string(get_pwd());
+    $basename=$raw_pathstr;
+  }
+sub cli_rmdir($) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $raw_pathstr=$params->{'args'}->[0];
+  my ($path,$grp_name) = normalize_and_split_raw_path($raw_pathstr);
+  # Make sure the group exists.
+  my $grp_path="$path\0$grp_name";
+  $grp_path=~s/^\0+//;
+  if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) {
+    print "Path does not exist: /" . humanize_path($grp_path) . "\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path};
+  my $group = $state->{kdb}->find_group({ id => $group_id });
+  my @entries = ();
+  my $entry_cnt=0;
+  if (defined($group->{entries})) {
+    @entries = grep(m/^\Q$grp_path\E\0/,keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}});
+    $entry_cnt = scalar(@entries);
+  }
+  my $group_cnt=0;
+  if (defined($group->{entries})) {
+    $group_cnt=
+	scalar(grep(m/^\Q$grp_path\E\0/,keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}));
+  }
+  my $child_cnt=$entry_cnt + $group_cnt;
+  if ( $child_cnt > 0) {
+    print "WARNING: This group has $child_cnt child groups and/or entries.\n" .
+	"Really remove it!? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  # Recycle any entries that we're also removing
+  if ($entry_cnt > 0) {
+    if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
+      foreach my $ent_path (@entries) {
+        my $ent_id = $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$ent_path};
+        my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry({id => $ent_id});
+        my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
+        if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Delete the group, refresh our state paths, request save, etc.
+  my $deleted_group = $state->{kdb}->delete_group({ id => $group_id });
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+  return 0;
+sub cli_mkdir($) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $raw_pathstr = $params->{args}->[0];
+  my ($path,$newdir) = normalize_and_split_raw_path($raw_pathstr);
+  # Make sure the group doesn't already exist.
+  my $newdir_path="$path\0$newdir";
+  $newdir_path=~s/^\0+//;
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$newdir_path})) {
+    print "Path already exists: /" . humanize_path($newdir_path) . "\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Create the group
+  my $group='';
+  if ($path eq '') {
+    $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({
+        title => $newdir,
+	icon => $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON,
+    }); # root level group
+  } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path})) {
+    my $group_id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path};
+    $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({
+		title => $newdir,
+		group => $group_id,
+		icon => $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON,
+	});
+  } else {
+    print "Cannot make directory at path " . humanize_path($path) . "\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # Because we created a new group we need to refresh ours state paths
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1;
+  RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+  return 0;
+sub humanize_path($) {
+  my $path=shift @_;
+  $path =~ s/\//\\\//g;
+  $path =~ s/\0/\//g;
+  return $path;
+sub cli_open($) {
+  my $path=shift @_;
+  my $key=shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # If cli_close() does not return 0 the user decided not to close the file
+  if (cli_close() != 0) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if ( -f $path ) {
+    my $err = open_kdb($path, $key);
+    if (length($err)) {
+      print "Error opening file: $err\n";
+    }
+  } else {
+    print "Cannot open: $path\n";
+  }
+# Get a single keypress from the user
+sub get_single_key {
+  my $drain_first = shift @_ || 1;
+  our $state;
+  my $key='';
+  $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode
+  ReadMode('raw'); # Turn off controls keys
+  while($drain_first && defined( $key = ReadKey(-1) ) ) {} # Drain STDIN first
+  while (not defined ($key = ReadKey(-1))) {
+    # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop
+    if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+    # No key yet, but let's not eat 100% CPU while waiting, so sleep.
+    Time::HiRes::sleep(0.1);
+  }
+  ReadMode('restore');
+return $key;
+# Get a single line of input from the user
+sub get_single_line {
+  our $state;
+  $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode
+  my $input='';
+  while (1) {
+    my $c  = get_single_key(0);
+    if (ord($c) == 3) { # ^C
+      return '';
+    } elsif (ord($c) == 127 || ord($c) == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows)
+      if (length($input) > 0) {
+        $input = substr($input,0,length($input) - 1);
+        print chr(8)." ".chr(8); # Erase a character
+      }
+    } elsif ($c =~ m/[\n\r]/) {
+      return $input;
+    } else {
+      $input.=$c;
+      print $c;
+    }
+  }
+sub cli_close {
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) {
+    print "WARNING: The database has changed and was not saved.\n" .
+	"Really close it? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  $state->{'kdb'}->clear();
+  new_kdb($state);
+  if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) {
+    close $state->{kdb_file_handle};
+  }
+  return 0;
+# This sets $state to a brand new, KeePassX-style, empty, unsaved database
+sub new_kdb {
+  my $state=shift @_;
+  $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0;
+  $state->{'kdb'} = File::KeePass->new;
+  #$state->{kdb_ver} = $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version}; # undef after ->new()
+  $state->{kdb_ver} = 1; # Only provide 1.x (*.kdb) features by default
+  # To be compatible with KeePassX
+  $state->{'kdb'}->add_group({ title => 'eMail' });
+  $state->{'kdb'}->add_group({ title => 'Internet' });
+  refresh_state_all_paths();
+  if (-f $state->{placed_lock_file}) { unlink($state->{placed_lock_file}); }
+  delete($state->{placed_lock_file});
+  delete($state->{kdb_file});
+  delete($state->{key_file});
+  delete($state->{master_pass});
+  cli_cd($term, {'args' => ["/"]});
+sub cli_ls {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  $state->{last_ls_ents} = []; # We reload this state in this function
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  my @paths = ();
+  if (defined($params) && defined($params->{'args'}) &&
+				ref($params->{'args'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+    @paths = @{$params->{'args'}};
+  }
+  if (scalar(@paths) == 0) { push @paths, get_pwd(); }
+  my $paths_count = scalar(@paths);
+  my @ent_matches = (); # Collects entries we've been directly asked to list
+  my @grp_paths = ();	# Collects groups we've been asked to list
+  my $k=$state->{kdb};
+  foreach my $path (@paths) {
+    my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($path);
+    if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path}) || length($norm_path) < 1) {
+      push @grp_paths, $path;
+    } elsif (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) {
+      my $tmp_ent = $k->find_entry({id=>$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path}});
+      push @ent_matches, $tmp_ent;
+    } else {
+      my @tmp_ents = shell_expansion($path);
+      foreach my $tmp_ent (@tmp_ents) {
+        if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$tmp_ent})) {
+          my $entry_id = $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$tmp_ent};
+          my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry( {id=>$entry_id} );
+          push @ent_matches, $ent;
+        } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$tmp_ent})) {
+          push @grp_paths, '/'.humanize_path($tmp_ent);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  my $have_output=0; # Helps manage "\n" placements below.
+  # First present the entries that we were directly asked to list
+  if (scalar(@ent_matches) > 0) {
+    @ent_matches = sort { ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); } @ent_matches;
+    if ($have_output) { print "\n"; }
+    print "=== Entries ===\n";
+    print join("\n", @{get_human_entry_list(\@ent_matches, scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}))}) ."\n";
+    push @{$state->{last_ls_ents}}, @ent_matches;
+    $have_output++;
+  }
+  # Now present the groups that we were asked to list
+  foreach my $path (sort { ncmp($a,$b) } @grp_paths) {
+    my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($path);
+    if ($have_output) { print "\n"; }
+    if (scalar(@ent_matches) > 0 || scalar(@grp_paths) > 1) {
+      print "$path:\n";
+      $have_output++;
+    }
+    my @groups = (); my @entries = ();
+    if (length($norm_path) < 1) {
+      @groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0});
+      @entries = $k->find_entries({level => 0});
+    } else {
+      my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path};
+      @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id=>$group_id});
+      @entries = sort { ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); } @entries;
+      my $this_grp = $k->find_group({id=>$group_id});
+      if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) {
+        @groups = sort group_sort @{$this_grp->{groups}};
+      }
+    }
+    # Eliminate "system" entries inside this group that we don't want to show
+    my @good_entries = ();
+    MATCHES: foreach my $ent (@entries) {
+      #my $ent = $k->find_entry({id=>$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$match}});
+      if (defined($ent) && $ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') {
+        next MATCHES;
+      }
+      push @good_entries, $ent;
+    }
+    @entries = @good_entries;
+    # Display the groups and entries that we have
+    if (scalar(@groups) > 0) {
+      print "=== Groups ===\n";
+      print join("\n", @{get_human_group_list(\@groups)}) . "\n";
+      $have_output++;
+    }
+    if (scalar(@entries) > 0) {
+      print "=== Entries ===\n";
+      print join("\n", @{get_human_entry_list(\@entries, scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}))}) . "\n";
+      $have_output++;
+      push @{$state->{last_ls_ents}}, @entries;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+# Helper function for cli_ls()
+sub get_human_group_list($) {
+  my $rGroup=shift @_;
+  my @list=();
+  foreach my $grp (@{$rGroup}) {
+    #push (@list, sprintf("%15d %s/", $grp->{id}, $grp->{title}));
+    push (@list, "$grp->{title}/");
+    push (@list, &Dumper($grp)) if ($DEBUG > 2);
+  }
+  return \@list;
+# Helper function for cli_ls()
+sub get_human_entry_list {
+  my $rEntries=shift @_;
+  my $start_num = shift @_ || 0;
+  my @list=();
+  my $i=0;
+  my $d_len = length(scalar(@{$rEntries}) - 1 + $start_num);
+  foreach my $ent (@{$rEntries}) {
+    my $url=$ent->{url};
+    $url=~s/^https?:\/\///i;
+    $url=~s/\/+$//;
+    push (@list, sprintf("%".$d_len."d. %-40.40s %30.30s",
+				$i + $start_num, $ent->{title}, $url));
+    $i++;
+  }
+  return \@list;
+# Routine to hook into Term::ShellUI's exit on Ctrl-D functionality
+sub eof_exit_hook {
+  our $state;
+  # We need a newline if cli_quit() will talk tothe user about saving
+  if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) { print "\n"; }
+  # cli_quit() will handle user interaction and return a value for
+  # the exit_hook of Term::ShellUI.
+  return cli_quit($state->{term},undef);
+# Entry attachment handling
+sub cli_attach {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  my $target = $params->{args}->[0];
+  my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target);
+  if (! defined($ent)) {
+    print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n";
+    return -1;
+  }
+  my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity
+  $state->{attach_changed} = 0;
+  ATTACH_INTERFACE: while (1) {
+    my @strings_keys = ();
+    if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') {
+      @strings_keys = sort keys %{$tmp_ent->{binary}};
+    }
+    my $strings_count = scalar(@strings_keys);
+    my $t='';
+    my $prompt = "Choose";
+    if ($strings_count > 0) {
+      $t .= show_helper_files_strings($tmp_ent,{f=>1,v=>1},'binary');
+      $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(e)xport/(d)elete/(c)ancel/(F)inish? ";
+    } else {
+      $t .= "No files attached.\n";
+      $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(c)ancel/(F)inish? ";
+    }
+    print "$t";
+    COMMAND: while (my $key=get_single_key()) {
+      if (lc($key) eq 'c' || ord($key) == 3) { # Cancel or ^C
+        print "\n";
+        delete $state->{attach_changed}; # Delete our temporary state var
+        return;
+      } elsif ($key =~ m/^[fF\r\n]$/) { # Finished (save)
+        print "\n";
+        $ent->{binary} = $tmp_ent->{binary};
+        if ($state->{attach_changed}) {
+          delete $state->{attach_changed}; # Delete our temporary state var
+          # Recycle the entry if changes were made unless --no-recycle
+          if (!(defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) {
+            my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent);
+            if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; }
+          }
+          $state->{kdb_has_changed} = 1;
+          RequestSaveOnDBChange();
+        }
+        return;
+      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'd') {
+        if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') {
+          if ($strings_count < 2) {
+            %{$tmp_ent->{binary}} = ();
+            $state->{attach_changed}=1 if ($strings_count == 1);
+          } else {
+            print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to delete? ";
+            my $choice = get_single_line();
+            if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
+              print "\nInvalid number.";
+            } else {
+              delete($tmp_ent->{binary}->{$strings_keys[$choice-1]});
+              $state->{attach_changed}=1;
+            }
+          }
+          print "\n";
+          next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
+        }
+      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'e') { # export
+        my $to_export = undef;
+        if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') {
+          if ($strings_count < 1) {
+            print "\n" .color('yellow'). 'Nothing it attached to export...' .
+							color('clear')."\n";
+          } elsif ($strings_count == 1) {
+            $to_export = $strings_keys[0];
+          } else {
+            print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to export? ";
+            my $choice = get_single_line();
+            if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) {
+              print "\nInvalid number.";
+            } else {
+              $to_export = $strings_keys[$choice-1];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if (defined($to_export) && defined($tmp_ent->{binary}->{$to_export})) {
+          my $homedir=get_user_homedir();
+          my $filename = $to_export;
+          my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($homedir);
+          my $iv = File::Spec->catfile(@path, $filename); # homedir/filename
+          print "\n";
+          my $filename = prompt_filename_from_user($self,"Path to file: ",$iv);
+          if (! length($filename)) { next ATTACH_INTERFACE; }
+          if (lc($OSNAME) !~ m/^mswin/) { $filename=expand_tildes($filename); }
+          # If we're given a directory, assume the user wants to write into it
+          if (-e -d $filename) { $filename .= '/' . $to_export; }
+          if (-e -f $filename) {
+            print color('yellow'). "WARNING: file already exists: $filename\n" .
+                "Overwrite it? [y/N] " .color('clear');
+            my $key=get_single_key();
+            print "\n";
+            if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+              next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
+            }
+          }
+          my $fh = new FileHandle;
+          if (! open($fh,'>', $filename)) {
+            print "ERROR: cannot write to: $filename\n";
+            next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
+          }
+          print $fh $tmp_ent->{binary}->{$to_export};
+          close $fh;
+          print "Saved to: $filename\n";
+        }
+        next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
+      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'a') { # add
+        if ($strings_count > 0 && $state->{kdb_ver} == 1) {
+          print "\n" .color('yellow').
+		'KeePass v1 files support only one attachment per entry.' .
+							color('clear')."\n";
+          next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
+        }
+        print "\n";
+        my $filename = prompt_filename_from_user($self, "Path to file: ", "");
+        if (! length($filename)) { next ATTACH_INTERFACE; }
+        my $errmsg = do_attach_file($tmp_ent, $filename);
+        if (defined($errmsg)) {
+          print color('yellow'). "Error: $errmsg" .color('clear'). "\n";
+        }
+        next ATTACH_INTERFACE;
+      } else {
+        # Do nothing on invalid input
+        next COMMAND;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  #return $initial_value;
+# Helper function for cli_attach
+sub prompt_filename_from_user {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $prompt = shift @_;
+  my $initial_value = shift @_;
+  my $term = get_prepped_readline_term();
+  # Set a completion function for files
+  my $old_compfunc=undef;
+  if (my $attr = $term->Attribs) {
+    # filename_completion_function works for Gnu Readline
+    if (defined($attr->{filename_completion_function})) {
+      $old_compfunc = $attr->{completion_entry_function};
+      $attr->{completion_entry_function} =
+			$attr->{filename_completion_function};
+    }
+  }
+  # TODO - this need more testing with Perl readlines!!!
+  if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') {
+    #$readline::rl_completion_function = "rl_filename_list";
+    $old_compfunc = $readline::rl_completion_function;
+    $readline::rl_completion_function = \&my_nongnu_complete_files;
+  } elsif ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') {
+    $old_compfunc=$Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function;
+    $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function =
+					\&my_nongnu_complete_files;
+  }
+  my $filename = $term->readline($prompt, $initial_value);
+  $filename =~ s/^\s+//; $filename =~ s/\s+$//; # Trim the input
+  # Restore the old completion function
+  if (defined($old_compfunc)) {
+    if (my $attr = $term->Attribs) {
+     $attr->{completion_entry_function} = $old_compfunc;
+    }
+    if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') {
+      $readline::rl_completion_function = $old_compfunc;
+    }
+    if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') {
+      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function =
+							$old_compfunc;
+    }
+  }
+  return $filename;
+# Helper function for cli_attach
+sub do_attach_file {
+  my $entry = shift @_;
+  my $path_to_file = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (! -f $path_to_file) {
+    return "File not found at: $path_to_file";
+  }
+  my $size = -s $path_to_file;
+  if ($size > $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE) {
+    my $sizeK = sprintf("%0.02f", $size / 1024);
+    my $maxSizeK = sprintf("%0.02f", $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE / 1024);
+    return "File is too large ($sizeK versus $maxSizeK KB maximum).";
+  }
+  my $fname_short = basename($path_to_file);
+  if (defined($entry->{binary}->{$fname_short})) {
+    return "An attachement named \"$fname_short\" already exists.\n";
+  }
+  # If we get this far we're OK to attach it
+  open(my $fh,'<',$path_to_file) || return "Couldn't open file $path_to_file";
+  read($fh, my $buffer, $size);
+  close $fh;
+  if (length($buffer) != $size) {
+    return "Couldn't read entire key file contents of $path_to_file.\n";
+  }
+  $entry->{binary}->{$fname_short} = $buffer;
+  $state->{attach_changed}=1;
+  return undef;
+# Cross-platform attempt to find a user's homedir
+sub get_user_homedir {
+  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ &&
+			defined($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}) && defined($ENV{HOMEPATH})) {
+    #return $ENV{HOMEDRIVE} . $ENV{HOMEPATH}; # Windows
+    return File::Spec->catpath($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}, $ENV{HOMEPATH}, undef);
+  }
+  my $home = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid($<))[7] || undef; #Unix
+  return $home;
+# Expand tildes in filename
+sub expand_tildes {
+  my $filename = shift @_;
+  # Page 253 of Perl Cookbook By Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington
+  # "O'Reilly Media, Inc.", Aug 21, 2003
+  $filename =~ s{ ^ ~ ( [^/]* ) }
+		{ $1
+			? (getpwnam($1))[7]
+			: ($ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid($<))[7])
+		}ex;
+  return $filename;
+# Copied from Term::ShellUI and modified for enhanced Windows support
+sub my_nongnu_complete_files {
+    my ($str, $line, $start) = @_;
+    #$self->suppress_completion_append_character();
+    if (defined($readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
+      $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
+    }
+    if (defined($Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
+      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
+    }
+    my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($str || '.', 0 );
+    # This next line is for Windows tab completion on just "C:","D:", etc.
+    if (length($volume) && !length($directories)) { $directories='/'; }
+    my $dir = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$directories,undef);
+    # eradicate non-matches immediately (this is important if
+    # completing in a directory with 3000+ files)
+    $file = '' unless $str;
+    my $flen = length($file);
+    my @files = ();
+    if(opendir(DIR, length($dir) ? $dir : '.')) {
+        @files = grep { substr($_,0,$flen) eq $file } readdir DIR;
+        closedir DIR;
+        # eradicate dotfiles unless user's file begins with a dot
+        @files = grep { /^[^.]/ } @files unless $file =~ /^\./;
+        # reformat filenames to be exactly as user typed
+        @files = map { length($dir) ? ($dir eq '/' ? "/$_" : "$dir/$_") : $_ } @files;
+    } else {
+        print("Couldn't read dir: $!\n");
+    }
+    # Tack trailing slashs on dirs
+    foreach my $file_dir (@files) {
+      if (-d $file_dir && $file_dir !~m/\/$/) { $file_dir .= '/'; }
+    }
+    return @files;
+sub cli_quit($$) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) {
+    print "WARNING: The database has changed and was not saved.\n" .
+	"Really quit? [y/N] ";
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      print "\n";
+      return -1; # It is not OK to quit
+    }
+  }
+  if (-f $state->{placed_lock_file}) { unlink($state->{placed_lock_file}); }
+  delete($state->{placed_lock_file});
+  $self->exit_requested(1);
+  return 0; # It's OK to quit
+sub cli_version($$) {
+  my $self = shift @_;
+  my $params = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  # Users can provide a -f option to show the password. We use GetOptions
+  # to parse this command line, and $target holds that target.
+  my $target='';
+  my %opts=();
+  {
+    local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}};
+    my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'v');
+  }
+  if ($opts{'v'}) {
+    print "VERSIONS\n";
+    print " * kpcli: $VERSION\n";
+    my $pv = $PERL_VERSION;
+    if (! length($pv)) {
+      $pv = $]; # For perl versions prior to 5.6.0
+    }
+    print " * Perl: $pv\n";
+    my @modules = qw(File::KeePass Term::ShellUI Term::ReadKey Term::ReadLine);
+    my @missing_modules = ();
+    foreach my $module (sort keys %OPTIONAL_PM) {
+      if ($OPTIONAL_PM{$module}->{loaded}) {
+        push @modules, $module;
+      } else {
+        push @missing_modules, $module;
+      }
+    }
+    foreach my $module (@modules) {
+      no strict 'refs';
+      my $vstr=$module . "::VERSION";
+      print " * $module: " . ${$vstr} . "\n";
+    }
+    foreach my $module (@missing_modules) {
+      print " * $module: not installed (optional)\n";
+    }
+    print "\n";
+    print "ReadLine being used: " . $term->{term}->ReadLine . "\n";
+    # Operating System
+    my $OS=$OSNAME;
+    if (lc($OSNAME) eq 'linux') {
+      my $lsbr = load_lsb_release();
+      if (defined($lsbr) && defined($lsbr->{'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'})) {
+        $OS .= " (" . $lsbr->{'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'} . ")";
+      }
+    } elsif (lc($OSNAME) eq 'mswin') {
+      if (! $OPTIONAL_PM{'Win32'}->{loaded}) {
+        runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Win32',undef);
+      }
+      if ($OPTIONAL_PM{'Win32'}->{loaded}) {
+        $OS .= " (" . Win32::GetOSDisplayName() . ")";
+      }
+    }
+    print "Operating system: $OS\n";
+  } else {
+    print "$VERSION\n";
+  }
+sub load_lsb_release {
+  my $fh = new FileHandle;
+  if (-f '/etc/lsb-release' && open($fh,'<', '/etc/lsb-release')) {
+    my @lines = <$fh>;
+    close $fh;
+    my %d = ();
+    foreach my $l (@lines) {
+      chomp $l;
+      my ($k,$v) = split(/=/, $l, 2);
+      $d{$k} = $v;
+    }
+    return \%d;
+  }
+  return undef;
+# Function to nag the user about saving each time the DB is modified
+sub RequestSaveOnDBChange {
+  our $state;
+  # If the db hasn't changed don't bother the user
+  if (! $state->{kdb_has_changed}) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  # If this is a newly created file we don't bother the user with
+  # asking to save after every change.
+  if (! length($state->{kdb_file})) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  print "Database was modified. Do you want to save it now? [y/N]: ";
+  my $key=get_single_key();
+  print "\n";
+  if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+    return;
+  }
+  # Calling cli_save() should be silent and safe at this point.
+  return cli_save(undef);
+sub GetMasterPasswd {
+  my $prompt = "Please provide the master password: ";
+  return GetPassword($prompt,'*');
+sub GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify {
+  my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd();
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  if (length($master_pass) == 0) { return ''; }
+  my $prompt = "Retype to verify: ";
+  my $checkval = GetPassword($prompt,'*');
+  chomp $checkval;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  if ($master_pass ne $checkval) {
+    print "Passwords did not match...\n";
+    return undef;
+  }
+  return $master_pass;
+sub GetPassword {
+  my $prompt = shift @_;
+  my $echo_char = shift @_ || '';
+  if (length($echo_char) > 1) {
+    warn "GetPassword() cannot accept an \$echo_char of more than one char.\n";
+    $echo_char='';
+  }
+  $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode
+  ReadMode('noecho');
+  ReadMode('raw');
+  my $master_pass = '';
+  print $prompt;
+  CHAR: while (1) {
+    my $c;
+    do {
+      Time::HiRes::sleep(0.05);
+    } until defined($c = ReadKey(-1));
+    last if $c =~ m/[\n\r]/;
+    if (ord($c) == 3) { # ^C
+      print "\n";
+      ReadMode('normal');
+      kill SIGINT, $$; # Due to raw mode, I must send the SIGINT to myself.
+      return '';
+    } elsif (ord($c) == 127 || ord($c) == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows)
+      if (length($master_pass)) {
+        print chr(8)." ".chr(8);
+        chop($master_pass);
+      }
+      next CHAR;
+    } elsif (ord($c) == 21) { # ^U
+      my $passlen=length($master_pass);
+      print chr(8)x$passlen." "x$passlen.chr(8)x$passlen;
+      $master_pass = '';
+      next CHAR;
+    }
+    if (length($echo_char)) { print $echo_char; }
+    #print "*".ord($c);
+    $master_pass .= $c;
+  }
+  ReadMode('normal');
+  chomp $master_pass;
+  my $min_display_length = 25;
+  if (length($master_pass) < $min_display_length) {
+    print "$echo_char"x($min_display_length - length($master_pass));
+  }
+  print "\n"; $|=1;
+  if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT
+  return $master_pass;
+sub MyGetOpts {
+  my %opts=();
+  my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, "kdb=s", "key=s", "histfile=s",
+		"help", "h", "readonly", "no-recycle", "timeout=i");
+  # If the user asked for help or GetOptions complained, give help and exit
+  if ($opts{help} || $opts{h} || (! int($result))) {
+    print GetUsageMessage();
+    exit;
+  }
+  # Allow the user to override the history file
+  if (defined($opts{histfile}) && length($opts{histfile})) {
+    our $HISTORY_FILE = $opts{histfile};
+  } else {
+    if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/) {
+      our $HISTORY_FILE = $ENV{USERPROFILE} . "/.$APP_NAME-history";
+    } else {
+      our $HISTORY_FILE = "~/.$APP_NAME-history";
+    }
+  }
+  my @errs=();
+  if ((length($opts{kdb}) && (! -e $opts{kdb}))) {
+    push @errs, "for option --kdb=<file.kbd>, the file must exist.";
+  }
+  if ((length($opts{key}) && (! -e $opts{key}))) {
+    push @errs, "for option --key=<file.key>, the file must exist.";
+  }
+  if (scalar(@errs)) {
+    warn "There were errors:\n" .
+	"  " . join("\n  ", @errs) . "\n\n";
+    die &GetUsageMessage();
+  }
+  return \%opts;
+sub GetUsageMessage {
+  my @params = (
+    [ kdb => 'Optional KeePass database file to open (must exist).' ],
+    [ key => 'Optional KeePass key file (must exist).' ],
+    [ histfile => 'Specify your history file (or perhaps /dev/null).' ],
+    [ readonly => 'Run in read-only mode; no changes will be allowed.' ],
+    [ "timeout=i" => 'Lock interface after i seconds of inactivity.' ],
+    [ 'no-recycle' =>
+		'Don\'t store entry changes in /Backup or "/Recycle Bin".' ],
+    [ help => 'This message.' ],
+  );
+  my $t="Usage: $APP_NAME [--kdb=<file.kdb>] [--key=<file.key>]\n" .
+  "\n";
+  foreach my $param (@params) {
+    $t .= sprintf("  %-13s %s\n", '--'.$param->[0], $param->[1]);
+  }
+  $t .= "\n" .
+  "Run kpcli with no options and type 'help' at its command prompt to learn\n" .
+  "about kpcli's commands.\n" .
+  "";
+  return $t;
+# Because Term::ShellUI has a fixed width (%20s) for the command length
+# and we don't need nearly that much, we had to implement our own help
+# function instead of using the built-in help_call() method.
+sub my_help_call($) {
+  my $term = shift @_;
+  # @_ now holds: [Term::ShellUI->{commands}, <optional: specific command>]
+  # If the user is asking for detailed help on a specific command, do that
+  if (scalar(@_) > 1) {
+    $term->help_call(undef, @_);
+    return;
+  }
+  # If no specific command was requested, show the command summaries
+  my $help = $term->get_all_cmd_summaries($term->commands());
+  $help =~ s/^ {12}//gm; # Trim some leading spaces off of each line of output
+  print $help;
+  print "\n" .
+	"Type \"help <command>\" for more detailed help on a command.\n";
+  return 0;
+# Command Completion Routines ##########################################
+sub complete_groups {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $cmpl = shift;
+  our $state;
+  # Place the string (token) that the user is trying to complete into $path.
+  my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}];
+  # If the cursor isn't at the end of the sting, chop $path to that length.
+  if (length($path) > $cmpl->{tokoff}) {
+    $path = substr($path, 0, $cmpl->{tokoff});
+  }
+  my $srch_path=normalize_path_string($path);
+  my @possibles = ();
+  # If the path ends in a "/" (a directory) then we are looking for subirs,
+  # else we are just looking to tab-complete a partial dir-name at this level.
+  # Used only for /<tab> (the root dir is a special case)
+  if ($srch_path =~ m/^$|^[.]$/) {
+    @possibles = grep(/^[^\0]+$/,
+				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
+  # Used only for /..any/thing../<tab> (non-root directories)
+  } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$srch_path})) {
+    # If the user is sitting on a dir without the trailing /, return that
+    # now as the only option (/dir1/dir2<tab>). We do this because the
+    # code later does not handle this case well at all. We do, however,
+    # have to not do this for things like "ls <tab>" which is why we test
+    # for length($path).
+    if (length($path) && $path !~ m/\/$/) {
+      __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self);
+      return [ $cmpl->{str} . "/" ];
+    }
+    @possibles = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E\0[^\0]+$/,
+				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
+  # Used for /../any/thing../foo<tab>
+  } else {
+    @possibles = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E[^\0]*$/,
+				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
+  }
+  # Loop over the possibilites doing required magic...
+  my @results=();
+  foreach my $opt (@possibles) {
+    $opt=humanize_path($opt);
+    if ($path =~ m/^(\/+)/) {	# Absolute path (easy case!)
+      $opt=$1.$opt;
+    } else {			# Path relative to pwd
+      my $user_new_path=get_pwd() . "/" . $path;
+      my $new_dir=normalize_path_string($user_new_path);
+      # If the user's input does not resolve to a fully qualified
+      # path then we need to pop off the last bit to get to that.
+      if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$new_dir})) {
+        my @path=split(/\0/, $new_dir); pop @path;
+        $new_dir = join("\0", @path);
+      }
+      $new_dir = humanize_path($new_dir);
+      # Dirname requires "../." (Trailing dot) to give ".." in those cases!
+      my $dirname_path=$path;
+      if ($path =~ m/\/$/) { $dirname_path .= "."; }
+      my $path_to_put_back=dirname($dirname_path) . "/";
+      if ($new_dir eq '') {	# All the way at the root level
+        $opt = $path_to_put_back . $opt;
+      } else {			# Some non-root level (deeper)
+        $opt=~s/^$new_dir\//$path_to_put_back/;
+      }
+      # Lop the leading "./" off the head if it was not user supplied
+      if ($path !~ m/^[.]\// && $opt =~ m/^[.]\//) { $opt =~ s/^[.]\///; }
+      # If the user did supply a leading "./" and we missed it, add it
+      if ($path =~ m/^[.]\// && $opt !~ m/^[.]\//) { $opt = "./$opt"; }
+    }
+    push @results, "$opt/";
+  }
+  # Foreach possibility, we have to strip off the parts that are already
+  # completed and then prepend the part that is looking to be completed,
+  # from $cmpl->{str}.
+  my @completions = ();
+  foreach my $possibility (@results) {
+    $possibility = normalize_path_string($possibility);
+    $possibility =~ s/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?//;
+    if (length($possibility)) {
+      $possibility = $cmpl->{str} . humanize_path($possibility);
+      if ($possibility !~ m/\/$/) { $possibility .= '/'; }
+      push @completions, $possibility;
+    }
+  }
+  # If we are about to return only one completion result, we need to first
+  # test to see if any other subdirs are below it and, if so, suppress the
+  # completion append character so that the user can keep tab completing
+  # into lower level directories.
+  if (scalar(@completions) == 1) {
+    my @all_subdirs = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E[^\0]*(\0[^\0]+)?/,
+				sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}});
+    if (scalar(@all_subdirs) > 0) {
+      __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self);
+    }
+  }
+  return \@completions;
+sub complete_entries {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $cmpl = shift;
+  our $state;
+  # Place the string (token) that the user is trying to complete into $path.
+  my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}];
+  # If the cursor isn't at the end of the sting, chop $path to that length.
+  if (length($path) > $cmpl->{tokoff}) {
+    $path = substr($path, 0, $cmpl->{tokoff});
+  }
+  my $srch_path=normalize_path_string($path);
+  my @entries = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?[^\0]*$/,
+				sort keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}});
+  # User can tab exactly at a directory level and with or without the
+  # trailing slash, and so we need to normalize that, always ensuring that
+  # the slash is inserted. We do that by setting the dir_level_sep here
+  # and always removing any trailing slash sent in below (\0 on srch_path).
+  # We do, however, have to not do this for things like "show <tab>" which
+  # is why we test for length($path).
+  my $dir_level_sep = '';
+  if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$srch_path}) &&
+				length($path) && $path !~ m/\/$/) {
+    $dir_level_sep = '/';
+  }
+  # Foreach possibility, we have to strip off the parts that are already
+  # completed and then prepend the part that is looking to be completed
+  # by Term::ShellUI, from $cmpl->{str}.
+  my @completions = ();
+  foreach my $possibility (@entries) {
+    $possibility =~ s/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?//;
+    if (length($possibility)) {
+      $possibility = $cmpl->{str} .$dir_level_sep. humanize_path($possibility);
+      push @completions, $possibility;
+    }
+  }
+  return \@completions;
+sub complete_groups_and_entries {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $cmpl = shift;
+  my $groups = complete_groups($self,$cmpl);
+  my $entries = complete_entries($self,$cmpl);
+  # Merge and sort the groups and entries
+  my @completions = sort (@{$groups}, @{$entries});
+  return \@completions;
+# In Term::ReadLine::Gnu, suppress_completion_append_character() works,
+# but in Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl5 it does not, and
+# so we get to the outcome via $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character.
+sub __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self) {
+  my $self = shift;
+  if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
+    $self->suppress_completion_append_character();
+  } else {
+    # For Term::ReadLine::Perl
+    # From Term/ReadLine/
+    #  - package readline;
+    if (defined($readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
+      $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
+    }
+    # For Term::ReadLine::Perl5
+    # From Term/ReadLine/Perl5/
+    #  - package Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline;"
+    if (defined(
+	$Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) {
+      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character='';
+    }
+  }
+# Rijndael encrypt/decrypt routines - borrowed from File::KeePass ######
+sub decrypt_rijndael_cbc {
+    my ($buffer, $key, $enc_iv) = @_;
+    my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
+    $cipher->set_iv($enc_iv);
+    $buffer = $cipher->decrypt($buffer);
+    my $extra = ord(substr $buffer, -1, 1);
+    substr($buffer, length($buffer) - $extra, $extra, '');
+    return $buffer;
+sub encrypt_rijndael_cbc {
+    my ($buffer, $key, $enc_iv) = @_;
+    my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC());
+    $cipher->set_iv($enc_iv);
+    my $extra = (16 - length($buffer) % 16) || 16; # pad so we can trim
+    $buffer .= chr($extra) for 1 .. $extra;
+    return $cipher->encrypt($buffer);
+sub composite_master_pass($$) {
+  my ($pass, $key_file) = @_;
+  # composite password in case of key file
+  if (defined $key_file and length($key_file) and -f $key_file) {
+    # KeePass v2.03 and higher has native key file support, and so we
+    # use that if we have it.
+    if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) >= version->parse('2.03')) {
+      return [$pass, $key_file];
+    }
+    # TODO - at some point, when File::KeePass v2.03 is very mainstream,
+    # the code to the end of this if block should be removed. It allowed
+    # support for key files for *.kdb files before File::KeePass supported
+    # that natively. File::KeePass now also supports that for *.kdbx.
+    open(my $fh,'<',$key_file) || die "Couldn't open key file $key_file: $!\n";
+    my $size = -s $key_file;
+    read($fh, my $buffer, $size);
+    close $fh;
+    if (length($buffer) != $size) {
+      die "Couldn't read entire key file contents of $key_file.\n";
+    }
+    $pass = substr(sha256($pass),0,32);
+    if ($size == 32) {
+      $pass .= $buffer;
+    } elsif ($size == 64) {
+      for (my $i = 0; $i < 64; $i += 2) {
+        $pass .= chr(hex(substr($buffer,$i,2)));
+      }
+    } else {
+      $pass .= substr(sha256($buffer),0,32);
+    }
+    # TODO - this marks the "end of the block" noted above.
+  }
+  return $pass;
+sub put_master_passwd($) {
+  my $master_pass = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  $state->{'master_pass_key'}='';
+  $state->{'master_pass_key'} .= chr(int(255 * rand())) for 1..16;
+  $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'}='';
+  $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'} .= chr(int(255 * rand())) for 1..16;
+  $master_pass='CLEAR:' . $master_pass;
+  $state->{'master_pass'}=encrypt_rijndael_cbc($master_pass,
+		$state->{'master_pass_key'}, $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'});
+  return 0;
+sub get_master_passwd() {
+  our $state;
+  my $master_pass=decrypt_rijndael_cbc($state->{master_pass},
+		$state->{'master_pass_key'}, $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'});
+  if ($master_pass=~s/^CLEAR://) {
+    return $master_pass;
+  } else {
+    die "Failed to properly decrypt my copy of the master password.\n";
+  }
+# This routine checks to see if the file has changed on disk and warns if so
+sub warn_if_file_changed {
+  our $state;
+  my $file = $state->{kdb_file};
+  if (! length($file)) { return 0; } # If no file was opened, don't warn
+  my $file_md5 = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5");
+  if ($state->{kdb_file_md5} ne $file_md5) {
+    print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING:" . color('clear') .
+        color('red') .
+               " The file has changed on disk since kpcli opened it!\n" .
+        "         It may be opened elsewhere. Continue anyway? [y/N] " .
+        color('clear');
+    my $key=get_single_key();
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($key) ne 'y') {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub generateKeyfileContents($) {
+  my $length = shift;
+  my $password = '';
+  my @normal_chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9);
+  # all printable non-alnum chars except space (0x20), backspace (0x5c),
+  # and backtick (0x60)
+  my @special_chars=map(chr, 0x21 .. 0x2f, 0x3a .. 0x40,
+					0x5b, 0x5d .. 0x5f, 0x7b .. 0x7e);
+  my $charset = join('', (@normal_chars, at special_chars));
+  while (length($password) < $length) {
+    $password .= substr($charset, (int(rand(length($charset)))), 1);
+  }
+  return $password;
+sub generatePassword {
+  my $be_silent = shift @_ || 0;
+  my $password = generatePasswordFromDict($be_silent);
+  if (! length($password)) {
+    if (! $be_silent) {
+      print color('yellow') .
+	"Generated random characters instead of a words-based password.\n" .
+	color('clear');
+    }
+    $password = generatePasswordGobbledygook(20);
+  }
+  return $password;
+sub generatePasswordGobbledygook {
+  my $length = shift;
+  my @normal_chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9);
+  my @special_chars=qw(_);
+  my $charset = join('', (@normal_chars, at special_chars));
+  # Generate the password
+  my $password = '';
+  while (length($password) < $length) {
+    $password .= substr($charset, (int(rand(length($charset)))), 1);
+  }
+  # Make sure that at least one special character appears
+  my $sccc=join('', @special_chars);
+  if ($password !~ m/[\Q$sccc\E]/) {
+    my $sc=$special_chars[int(rand(length($sccc)))];
+    substr($password,int(rand(length($password))), 1, $sc);
+  }
+  return $password
+sub genPassInteractiveHelper($$) {
+  my $mode = shift @_;
+  my $len = shift @_;
+  if ($mode eq 'g') {
+    return generatePasswordGobbledygook($len);
+  } elsif ($mode eq 'w') {
+    return generatePasswordFromDict(0);
+  } else {
+    return undef;
+  }
+sub generatePasswordInteractive($) {
+  my $default_passwd_len = shift @_;
+  print "\n";
+  print "<n>o/<ret> Do not accept current password, generate another one.\n";
+  print "<y>es      Accept current password.\n\n";
+  print "<t>oggle   Toggle between random characters and word-based mode.\n";
+  print "<c>ancel   Abort interactive password generation mode.\n";
+  print "And in random characters mode:\n";
+  print "  +/-      Increase/decrease password length. " .
+				"May be prefixed with a count.\n";
+  print "  [n]=     Set password length to [n] chars. If not given, " .
+				"resets to $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN chars.\n";
+  my $pw_is_ok = 0;
+  my $len = $default_passwd_len;
+  my $mode = 'g';
+  my $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len);
+  do {
+    my $prompt_format = "%s  +/-/= n/y/t/c ";
+    if ($mode eq 'w') {  $prompt_format = "%s  n/y/t/c "; }
+    my $prompt = sprintf($prompt_format, $pw);
+    print $prompt;
+    my $input = '';
+    my $input_complete = 0;
+    do {
+      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+      my $k  = get_single_key();
+      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+      my $kc = unpack("C", $k);
+      if ($kc == 0x03) {   # ^C
+        return undef;
+      } elsif ($kc == 127 || $kc == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows)
+        if (length($input) > 0) {
+          $input = substr($input,0,length($input) - 1);
+          print chr(8)." ".chr(8); # Erase a character
+          #print $k; # Print the backspace key to erase a character
+        }
+      } elsif ($kc == 0x0a) {
+        $input = '';
+        $input_complete = 1;
+      } else {
+        # Validate character input then process it
+        if ($input eq '' && $k =~ m/^[tcny]$/
+		|| ($mode eq 'g' && $k =~ m/^[\d\+\-=]$/ && $input =~ m/^\d*$/)
+								) {
+          $input .= $k;
+          if ($mode eq 'g' && $input =~ /^(\d+)?[+=-]$/) {$input_complete=1;}
+          if ($input =~ /^[tcny]$/ ) { $input_complete = 1; }
+          if ($input =~ /^\d/) { print $k; }
+        }
+      }
+    } while (!$input_complete);
+    print "\n";
+    if (lc($input) eq 't') {
+      if ($mode eq 'g') { $mode = 'w' } else { $mode = 'g'; }
+      $input = 'n';
+    }
+    if ($input eq 'y') {
+      length($pw) and $pw_is_ok = 1;
+    } elsif ($mode eq 'g' && $input =~ /^(\d+)?[+=-]$/) {
+      my $new_len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
+      if ($input =~ /^(\d+)?=$/) {
+        $new_len = $1 || $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN;
+      } elsif ($input =~ /^(\d+)?([+-])$/) {
+        my $v = $1 ? $1 : 1;
+        $v *= $2 eq '-' ? -1 : 1;
+        $new_len = $len + $v;
+      }
+      if ($new_len < $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN) {
+        $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN;
+      } elsif ($new_len > $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX) {
+        $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX;
+      } else {
+        $len = $new_len;
+        printf "[%s%s%s]\n",
+          '-' x ($len - $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN), '|',
+          '-' x ($DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX - $len);
+      }
+      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+      $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len);
+    } elsif ($input eq 'c') {
+      return undef; # Return undef on cancel
+    } elsif ($input eq 'n' || !$input) {
+      if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; }
+      $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len);
+    }
+  } while (!$pw_is_ok);
+  return($pw);
+# Inspired by
+sub generatePasswordFromDict($) {
+  my $be_silent = shift @_ || 0;
+  my @words=();
+  my $fh = new FileHandle;
+  my @dict_files = qw(/usr/share/dict/words /usr/dict/words);
+  DICTS: foreach my $dictfile (@dict_files) {
+    if (-f $dictfile && -r $dictfile && open($fh,'<', $dictfile)) {
+      @words = <$fh>;
+      close($fh);
+      last DICTS;
+    }
+  }
+  if (scalar(@words) < 10000) {
+    if (! $be_silent) {
+      print color('yellow') .
+	"No adequate dictionary found to generate a words-based password.\n".
+	"These locations were checked:\n - ".join("\n - ", @dict_files)."\n" .
+	color('clear');
+    }
+    return undef;
+  }
+  my $length_tries = 12;
+  my $password='';
+  do {
+    my @passwords = ();
+    my $word_tries=20;
+    while (scalar(@passwords) < 4 && $word_tries-- > 0) {
+      my $word = $words[int(rand(scalar(@words)))];
+      chomp $word;
+      $word =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g;
+      if (length($word) > 7) { next; } # Don't care for big words
+      push @passwords, $word;
+    }
+    if (scalar(@passwords) == 4) {
+      $password=join('.', @passwords);
+    }
+    #warn "LHHD: $password\n";
+    if (length($password) < 27) { $password=''; } # Need a decent overall size
+  } until (length($password) || $length_tries-- < 0);
+  return $password;
+# Adapted from
+sub glob2pat {
+    my $globstr = shift;
+    my %patmap = (
+        '*' => '[^\0]*',
+        '?' => '[^\0]',
+        '[' => '[',
+        ']' => ']',
+    );
+    $globstr =~ s{(.)} { $patmap{$1} || "\Q$1" }ge;
+    return '^' . $globstr . '$';
+sub shell_expansion($) {
+  my $shell_path = shift @_;
+  our $state;
+  my $regex = glob2pat(normalize_path_string($shell_path));
+  $regex = qr/$regex/;
+  my @grps_and_ents = ();
+  push @grps_and_ents, keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}};
+  push @grps_and_ents, keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}};
+  @grps_and_ents = sort { ncmp($a,$b); } @grps_and_ents;
+  my @matches = grep(/${regex}/, @grps_and_ents);
+  # Eliminate "system" things that we don't want to include
+  my @good_matches = ();
+  MATCHES: foreach my $match (@matches) {
+    if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$match})) {
+      my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry({id=>$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$match}});
+      if (defined($ent) && $ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') {
+        next MATCHES;
+      }
+    }
+    push @good_matches, $match;
+  }
+  return @good_matches;
+# Setup signal handling #################################################
+sub setup_signal_handling {
+  our $state;
+  # We only worry with signal handling for Term::ReadLine::Gnu
+  if ($state->{'term'}->{term}->ReadLine ne 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  # We don't want Term::Readline::Gnu catching signals, except for WINCH.
+  # I really don't understand why, but I know via experimentation.
+  my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term};
+  $term->Attribs->{catch_signals}  = 0;
+  $term->Attribs->{catch_sigwinch} = 1; # Window resizes
+  $term->clear_signals();
+  # Install a signal handler to catch SIGINT (^C). Unsafe signal handling
+  # (through POSIX::SigAction) is required to deal with Term::ReadLine::Gnu.
+  # We don't even try for other readlines due to their limited functionality.
+  my $handler_SIGINT = sub {
+      our $state;
+      # We could be using one of a couple of ReadLine terminals; the one
+      # from Term::ShellUI ($state->{'term'}->{term}) or one from one of
+      # our cli_NNN commands ($state->{active_readline}). We will assume
+      # the Term::ShellUI one here, and override that below if needed.
+      my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term};
+      # Record in our state when a SIGINT was last received
+      $state->{signals}->{INT} = [gettimeofday];
+      # We need to pull the Carp longmess to see if we're sitting in a
+      # a cli_XXXX function instead of at a readline prompt.
+      my $mess = longmess();
+      #print Dumper( $mess );
+      # At some point, Term::ShellUI started wrapping my cli_XXX() routines
+      # in eval{}, which hid the cli_\w+() from the longmess, and so I had
+      # to add a second condition here.
+      if ($mess =~ m/(main::(cli_\w+)\(|Term::ShellUI::call_cmd\()/) {
+        #warn "It appears that SIGINT was called from $1\n";
+        #warn "LHHD: $mess\n";
+        # If the cli_NNN has an active_readline we need to work with it
+        if (defined($state->{active_readline})) {
+          #warn "LHHD: in INT with active_readline\n";
+          my $term = $state->{active_readline};
+          $term->free_line_state();
+          $term->cleanup_after_signal();
+          $term->reset_after_signal();
+          $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}=''; # Clear the buffer
+          $term->Attribs->{done}=1;  # Ask readline to return immediately
+        }
+      } else { # If not in a cli_XXX(), assume a Term::ShellUI prompt
+        my $yellow=color('yellow');
+        my $clear=color('clear');
+        #$term->echo_signal_char(SIGINT); # Puts ^C on the next line. :(
+        # Trial and error on these readline_state values...  :(
+        #warn "LHHD: " . sprintf($term->Attribs->{readline_state}) . "\n";
+        if ($term->Attribs->{readline_state} == 262374) {
+          print "^C$yellow   - use Ctrl-g to stop history search.$clear\n";
+        } else {
+          print "^C$yellow   - use the \"quit\" command to exit.$clear\n";
+        }
+        $term->free_line_state();
+        $term->cleanup_after_signal();
+        $term->reset_after_signal();
+        $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}=""; # Clear the input buffer
+        $term->forced_update_display();   # Force update the display
+      }
+      return 0;
+  };
+  sigaction(SIGINT, new POSIX::SigAction($handler_SIGINT));
+  #$SIG{INT} = $handler_SIGINT; # Works only if $ENV{PERL_SIGNAL}='unsafe'
+  #!topic/perl.perl5.porters/fNJdyyZh7Wc
+  # Handle signal CONT - continue signal (resuming after Ctrl-Z).
+  my $handler_SIGCONT = sub {
+	our $state;
+	my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term};
+	my $mess = longmess();
+               # At some point, Term::ShellUI started wrapping my cli_XXX()
+               # routines in eval{}, which hid the cli_\w+() from the longmess,
+               # and so I had to add a second condition here.
+       if ($mess =~ m/(main::(cli_\w+)\(|Term::ShellUI::call_cmd\()/ &&
+					defined($state->{active_readline})) {
+	  $term = $state->{active_readline};
+	}
+	$term->cleanup_after_signal();
+	$term->reset_after_signal();
+	$term->forced_update_display(); # Force update the display
+  };
+  sigaction(SIGCONT, new POSIX::SigAction($handler_SIGCONT));
+  #$SIG{CONT} = $handler_SIGCONT; # Works only if $ENV{PERL_SIGNAL}='unsafe'
+# Setup timeout handling (--timeout=N) ##################################
+sub setup_timeout_handling {
+  our $state;
+  $state->{last_activity_time}=time;
+  our $def_call_command = \&Term::ShellUI::call_command;
+  if ($state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Sub::Install'}->{loaded}) {
+    Sub::Install::reinstall_sub({
+      into => "Term::ShellUI",
+      as   => 'call_command',
+      code =>
+        sub {
+          our $state;
+          my $self = $_[0];
+          my $parms = $_[1];
+          my $cmd = $self->get_cname($parms->{cname});
+          my $idletime = abs($state->{last_activity_time} - time);
+          my $timeout_exempt=0;
+          my $all_commands = $self->commands();
+          if (defined($all_commands->{$cmd}) &&
+		defined($all_commands->{$cmd}->{timeout_exempt}) &&
+		$all_commands->{$cmd}->{timeout_exempt}) {
+            $timeout_exempt=1;
+          }
+          if (defined($state->{kdb_file}) && length($state->{kdb_file}) &&
+		($timeout_exempt == 0) && ($idletime > $opts->{timeout})) {
+            print "You were idle for more than $opts->{timeout} seconds...\n";
+            # GetMasterPasswd()=from user; get_master_passwd()=for kdb file
+            if (GetMasterPasswd() ne get_master_passwd()) {
+              print "Wrong password.\n";
+              return -1;
+            }
+            $idletime = 0; # Reset idle time on successful password.
+          }
+          # Update the state->{last_activity_time} only if not already past
+          # the timeout; the command could have been one one of the the
+          # timeout_exempt ones, as defined in main Term::SehllUI data.
+          if ($idletime <= $opts->{timeout}) {
+            $state->{last_activity_time}=time;
+          }
+          # Call Term::ShellUI::call_command()
+          our $def_call_command;
+          return &$def_call_command(@_);
+        },
+    });
+  }
+# Code consolidation function to runtime-load optional perl modules
+sub runtime_load_module($$$) {
+  my $rOPTIONAL_PM = shift @_;
+  my $module = shift @_;
+  my $rImportList = shift @_ || undef;
+  my $iltxt = '';
+  if (defined($rImportList) && ref($rImportList) ne 'ARRAY') {
+    die "The rImportList param to runtime_load_module() must be an ARRAY ref\n";
+  }
+  if (defined($rImportList) && ref($rImportList) eq 'ARRAY' &&
+						scalar(@$rImportList) > 0) {
+    $iltxt = "('" . join("','", @{$rImportList}) . "')";
+  }
+  if (eval "require $module;$module->import($iltxt);1;" eq 1) {
+    $rOPTIONAL_PM->{$module}->{loaded} = 1;
+    return 1;
+  } else {
+    $rOPTIONAL_PM->{$module}->{loaded} = 0;
+    return 0;
+  }
+# This routine runs down the list of our preferred Term::ReadLine::*
+# modules and returns a new object from the first one that we find.
+sub get_readline_term($$) {
+  my $rOPTIONAL_PM = shift @_;
+  my $app_name = shift @_;
+  my @rl_modules = ();
+  # The list of readlines that we support
+  push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu';
+  push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Perl';
+  push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5';
+  my $rl_term = undef;
+  my $hold_TERM=undef;
+  MODULE: foreach my $module (@rl_modules) {
+    # On MS Windows, Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl5 are
+    # pretty good terminals but they behave badly if the environment
+    # variable TERM=dumb, and so we override that here if needed.
+    if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && $module =~ m/^Term::ReadLine::Perl5?/ &&
+						$ENV{'TERM'} eq 'dumb') {
+      $hold_TERM=$ENV{'TERM'};
+      $ENV{'TERM'} = 'vt102';
+    }
+    if (runtime_load_module($rOPTIONAL_PM,$module,undef) eq 1) {
+      # These SGI{'__WARN__'} shenanigans are to suppress:
+      # WARNING: Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method
+      #          Term::ReadLine::Gnu::ornaments() is deprecated at
+      #          /usr/lib/perl5/Term/ReadLine/ line 250.
+      # Hopefully, newer versions of Term::ReadLine::Gnu will fix this.
+      $SIG{'__WARN__'} =
+		sub { warn $_[0] unless (caller eq "Term::ReadLine::Gnu"); };
+      $rl_term = eval "$module->new('$app_name');";
+      delete $SIG{'__WARN__'};
+      last MODULE;
+    } else {
+      #warn "Loading $module failed\n";
+      if (defined($hold_TERM)) { $ENV{'TERM'} = $hold_TERM; $hold_TERM=undef; }
+    }
+  }
+  #if (! defined($rl_term)) { return undef; }
+  if (! defined($rl_term)) {
+    die "No usable Term::ReadLine::* modules found.\n" .
+	"This list tried: " . join(', ', @rl_modules) . "\n";
+  }
+  # I don't like readline ornaments in kpcli
+  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && $rOPTIONAL_PM->{'Capture::Tiny'}->{loaded}) {
+    # On MS Windows, the RLTERM->ornaments() call causes a warning about
+    # not having a termcap file. It seems hamless and so we suppress that
+    # message if we have Capture::Tiny available.
+    my ($out, $err, @result) = capture( sub { $rl_term->ornaments(0); } );
+    if (length($err) && $err !~ m/^cannot find termcap/i) { warn $err; }
+  } else {
+    # WARNING: Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method
+    #          Term::ReadLine::Gnu::ornaments() is deprecated
+    #          at line <two lines below>.
+    # This "no warnings" is to stop that, but the same warning
+    # still comes from Term::ReadLine::Gnu at line 250 with perl
+    # v5.14.2 and Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.20-2. That is suppressed
+    # in a different way, just above in this same function.
+    no warnings 'once';
+    $rl_term->ornaments(0);
+  }
+  # I'm not sure that these are only needed on Windows, but I know they
+  # are not needed on Linux so I'm trying to keep the scope narrow.
+  if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ &&
+			$rl_term->ReadLine =~ m/Term::ReadLine::Perl5?/) {
+    # For Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl we set
+    # $readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0 on MS Windows.
+    if (defined($readline::rl_scroll_nextline)) {
+      $readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0;
+    }
+    if (defined($Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_scroll_nextline)) {
+      $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0;
+    }
+  }
+  # History
+  # The Term::ReadLine::Perl* modules shove values into the history
+  # file automtically. That causes two problems for kpcli:
+  # 1) Term::ShellUI calls $term->addhistory() itself for each CLI
+  #    command that it wants to store ih history (duplicates).
+  # 2) We use readline() in places like cli_new, cli_edit, etc. and
+  #    we do not want all those inputs in the history file (cruft).
+  if ($rl_term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') {
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *readline::add_line_to_history = sub { return undef; };
+  }
+  if ($rl_term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') {
+    no strict 'refs';
+    *Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::add_line_to_history = sub {return undef;}
+  }
+  if (defined($hold_TERM)) { $ENV{'TERM'} = $hold_TERM; }
+  return $rl_term;
+# Use simple magic recipes to identify relevant file types
+sub magic_file_type($) {
+  my $filename = shift @_;
+  my $fh=new FileHandle;
+  my $header='';
+  if (open($fh, '<', $filename)) {
+    my $n = read $fh, $header, 4;
+    close $fh;
+  }
+  # KeePass
+  # Recipe from
+  # 0       lelong            0x9AA2D903      Keepass password database
+  # >4       lelong            0xB54BFB65      1.x KDB
+  # >>48       lelong            >0              \b, %d groups
+  # >>52       lelong            >0              \b, %d entries
+  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    1              \b, SHA-256
+  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    2              \b, AES
+  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    4              \b, RC4
+  # >>8       lelong&0x0f    8              \b, Twofish
+  # >>120       lelong            >0          \b, %d key transformation rounds
+  # >4       lelong            0xB54BFB67      2.x KDBX
+  if ($header =~ m/^\x03\xd9\xa2\x9a/) {
+    return 'keepass';
+  }
+  # Password Safe v3
+  # Recipe from
+  if ($header =~ m/^PWS3/) {
+    return 'pws3';
+  }
+  return undef;
+# Unix-style, "touch" a file
+sub touch_file {
+  my $filename = shift @_;
+  if (! -f $filename) {
+    my $fh=new FileHandle;
+    open($fh, "> $filename");
+    close($fh);
+  }
+  my $sig_pipe_store=$SIG{'PIPE'};
+  $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
+  my $now=time;
+  my $retval=utime $now, $now, $filename;
+  $SIG{'PIPE'} = $sig_pipe_store;
+# POD ##################################################################
+=head1 NAME
+kpcli - A command line interface to KeePass database files.
+A command line interface (interactive shell) to work with KeePass
+database files (http://  This
+program was inspired by my use of "kedpm -c" combined with my need
+to migrate to KeePass. The curious can read about the Ked Password
+Manager at
+=head1 USAGE
+Please run the program and type "help" to learn how to use it.
+This program requires these non-core modules:
+C<Crypt::Rijndael> - libcrypt-rijndael-perl on Ubuntu 10.04
+C<Term::ReadKey>   - libterm-readkey-perl on Ubuntu 10.04
+C<Sort::Naturally> - libsort-naturally-perl on Ubuntu 10.04
+C<File::KeePass>   - libfile-keepass-perl on Ubuntu 12.04
+C<Term::ShellUI>   - libterm-shellui-perl on Ubuntu 12.10
+It is recommended that you install C<Term::ReadLine::Gnu> which will
+provide more fluid signal handling on Unix-like systems, making kpcli
+robust to suspend, resume, and interupt - SIGSTP, SIGCONT and SIGINT.
+That module is in the libterm-readline-gnu-perl package on Ubuntu.
+You can optionally install C<Clipboard> and C<Tiny::Capture> to use the
+clipboard features; and
+libcapture-tiny-perl on Ubuntu 10.04.
+You can optionally install C<Data::Password> to use the pwck feature
+(Password Quality Check); libdata-password-perl on Ubuntu 10.04.
+On MS Windows, you can optionally install C<Win32::Console::ANSI> to get
+ANSI colors in Windows cmd terminals. Strawberry Perl 5.16.2 was used
+for the kpcli port to Windows and, using cpanminus, one can install all
+of kpcli's dependencies, sans Term::ReadLine::Gnu which is optional for
+kpcli and not supported on MS Windows.
+The main author of kpcli primarily interoperability tests with KeePassX
+( and primarily uses KeePass v1 (*.kdb) files.
+Support for KeePass v2 (*.kdbx) files in kpcli is substantial, and many
+people use it daily, but it is not the author's primary use case. It is
+also the author's intent to maintain compatibility with v1 files, and so
+anyone sending patches, for consideration for inclusion in future kpcli
+versions, is asked to validate them with both v1 and v2 files.
+=head2 No history tracking for KeePass 2 (*.kdbx) files
+Recording entries' history in KeePass 2 files is not implemented. History
+that exists in a file is not destroyed, but results of entry changes made
+in kpcli are not recorded into their history. Prior-to-change copies are
+stored into the "Recycle Bin." Note that File::KeePass does not encrypt
+passwords of history entries in RAM, like it does for current entries.
+This is a small security risk that can, in theory, allow priviledged users
+to steal your passwords from RAM, from entry history.
+=head2 File::KeePass bug prior to version 2.03
+Prior to version 2.03, File::KeePass had a bug related to some "unknown"
+data that KeePassX stores in group records. For File::KeePass < v2.03,
+kpcli deletes those unknown data when saving. Research in the libkpass
+( source code revealed that what early
+versions of File::KeePass classifies as "unknown" are the times for
+created/modified/accessed/expires as well as "flags" (id=9), but only for
+groups; File::KeePass handled those fields just fine for entries.  I found
+no ill-effect from dropping those fields when saving and so that is what
+kpcli does to work around the File::KeePass bug, if kpcli is using
+File::KeePass < v2.03.
+=head1 BUGS
+=head2 Using Ctrl-D to Exit
+Versions of Term::ShellUI prior to v0.9. do not have the ability to trap
+Ctrl-D exits by the client program. I submitted a patch to remedy that and
+it made it into Term::ShellUI v0.9. Please upgrade if kpcli asks you to.
+=head2 Multiple Entries or Groups With the Same Name in the Same Group
+This program does not support multiple entries in the same group having
+the exact same name, nor does it support multiple groups at the same
+level having the same name, and it likely never will. KeepassX does
+support those.  This program detects and alert when an opened database
+file has those issues, but it does not refuse to save (overwrite) a file
+that is opened like that. Saves are actually safe (no data loss) as long
+as the user has not touched one of the duplicately-named items.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Lester Hightower <hightowe at cpan dot org>
+=head1 LICENSE
+This program may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 CREDITS
+Special thanks to Paul Seamons, author of C<File::KeePass>, and to
+Scott Bronson, author of C<Term::ShellUI>. Without those two modules
+this program would not have been practical for me to author.
+ 2010-Nov-28 v0.1 - Initial release.
+ 2010-Nov-28 v0.2 - Encrypt the master password in RAM.
+ 2010-Nov-29 v0.3 - Fixed master password encryption for saveas.
+ 2010-Nov-29 v0.4 - Fixed code to work w/out Term::ReadLine::Gnu.
+                    Documented File::KeePass v0.1 hierarchy bug.
+ 2010-Nov-29 v0.5 - Made find command case insensitive.
+                    Bugfix in new command (path regex problem).
+ 2010-Nov-29 v0.6 - Added lock file support; warn if a lock exists.
+ 2010-Dec-01 v0.7 - Further documented the group fields that are
+                     dropped, in the CAVEATS section of the POD.
+                    Sort group and entry titles naturally.
+ 2010-Dec-23 v0.8 - Worked with File::KeePass author to fix a couple
+                     of bugs and then required >=v0.03 of that module.
+                    Sorted "/_found" to last in the root group list.
+                    Fixed a "database changed" state bug in cli_save().
+                    Made the find command ignore entries in /Backup/.
+                    Find now offers show when only one entry is found.
+                    Provided a patch to Term::ShellUI author to add
+                     eof_exit_hook and added support for it to kpcli.
+ 2011-Feb-19 v0.9 - Fixed bugs related to spaces in group names as
+                     reported in SourceForge bug number 3132258.
+                    The edit command now prompts to save on changes.
+                    Put scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups() calls
+                     back into place after realizing that v0.03 of
+                    File::KeePass did not resolve all of the problems.
+ 2011-Apr-23 v1.0 - Changed a perl 5.10+ regex to a backward-compatable
+                     one to resolve SourceForge bug number 3192413.
+                    Modified the way that the /Backup group is ignored
+                     by the find command to stop kpcli from croaking on
+                     multiple entries with the same name in that group.
+                     - Note: There is a more general bug here that
+                             needs addressing (see BUGS section).
+                    An empty title on new entry aborts the new entry.
+                    Changed kdb files are now detected/warned about.
+                    Tested against Term::ShellUI v0.9, which has my EOF
+                     hook patch, and updated kpcli comments about it.
+                    Term::ShellUI's complete_history() method was
+                     removed between v0.86 and v0.9 and so I removed
+                     kpli's call to it (Ctrl-r works for history).
+                    Added the "icons" command.
+ 2011-Sep-07 v1.1 - Empty DBs are now initialized to KeePassX style.
+                    Fixed a couple of bugs in the find command.
+                    Fixed a password noecho bug in the saveas command.
+                    Fixed a kdb_has_changed bug in the saveas command.
+                    Fixed a cli_open bug where it wasn't cli_close'ing.
+                    Fixed variable init bugs in put_master_passwd().
+                    Fixed a false warning in warn_if_file_changed().
+ 2011-Sep-30 v1.2 - Added the "export" command.
+                    Added the "import" command.
+                    Command "rmdir" asks then deletes non-empty groups.
+                    Command "new" can auto-generate random passwords.
+ 2012-Mar-03 v1.3 - Fixed bug in cl command as reported in SourceForge
+                     bug number 3496544.
+ 2012-Apr-17 v1.4 - Added key file support based on a user contributed
+                     patch with SourceForge ID# 3518388.
+                    Added my_help_call() to allow for longer and more
+                     descriptive command summaries (for help command).
+                    Stopped allowing empty passwords for export.
+ 2012-Oct-13 v1.5 - Fixed "help <foo>" commands, that I broke in v1.4.
+                    Command "edit" can auto-generate random passwords.
+                    Added the "cls" and "clear" commands from a patch
+                     with SourceForge ID# 3573930.
+                    Tested compatibility with File::KeePass v2.03 and
+                     made minor changes that are possible with >=2.01.
+                    With File::KeePass v2.03, kpcli should now support
+                     KeePass v2 files (*.kdbx).
+ 2012-Nov-25 v1.6 - Hide passwords (red on red) in the show command
+                     unless the -f option is given.
+                    Added the --readonly command line option.
+                    Added support for multi-line notes/comments;
+                     input ends on a line holding a single ".".
+ 2013-Apr-25 v1.7 - Patched to use native File::KeePass support for key
+                     files, if the File::KeePass version is new enough.
+                    Added the "version" and "ver" commands.
+                    Updated documentation as Ubuntu 12.10 now packages
+                     all of kpcli's dependencies.
+                    Added --histfile command line option.
+                    Record modified times on edited records, from a
+                     patch with SourceForge ID# 3611713.
+                    Added the -a option to the show command.
+ 2013-Jun-09 v2.0 - Removed the unused Clone module after a report that
+                     Clone is no longer in core Perl as of v5.18.0.
+                    Added the stats and pwck commands.
+                    Added clipboard commands (xw/xu/xp/xx).
+                    Fixed some long-standing tab completion bugs.
+                    Warn if multiple groups or entries are titled the
+                     same within a group, except for /Backup entries.
+ 2013-Jun-10 v2.1 - Fixed several more tab completion bugs, and they
+                     were serious enough to warrant a quick release.
+ 2013-Jun-16 v2.2 - Trap and handle SIGINT (^C presses).
+                    Trap and handle SIGTSTP (^Z presses).
+                    Trap and handle SIGCONT (continues after ^Z).
+                    Stopped printing found dictionary words in pwck.
+ 2013-Jul-01 v2.3 - More readline() and signal handling improvements.
+                    Title conflict checks in cli_new()/edit()/mv().
+                    Group title conflict checks in rename().
+                    cli_new() now accepts optional path&|title param.
+                    cli_ls() can now list multiple paths.
+                    cli_edit() now shows the "old" values for users
+                     to edit, if Term::ReadLine::Gnu is available.
+                    cli_edit() now aborts all changes on ^C.
+                    cli_saveas() now asks before overwriting a file.
+ 2013-Nov-26 v2.4 - Fixed several "perl -cw" warnings reported on
+                     2013-07-09 as SourceForge bug #9.
+                    Bug fix for the cl command, but in sub cli_ls().
+                    First pass at Strawberry perl/MS Windows support.
+                     - Enhanced support for Term::ReadLine::Perl
+                     - Added support for Term::ReadLine::Perl5
+                    Added display of expire time for show -a.
+                    Added -a option to the find command.
+                    Used the new magic_file_type() in a few places.
+                    Added generatePasswordFromDict() and "w" generation.
+                    Added the -v option to the version command.
+                     - Added the versions command.
+ 2014-Mar-15 v2.5 - Added length control (gNN) to password generation.
+                    Added the copy command (and cp alias).
+                    Added the clone command.
+                    Added optional modules not installed to version -v.
+                    Groups can now also be moved with the mv command.
+                    Modified cli_cls() to also work on MS Windows.
+                    Suppressed Term::ReadLine::Gnu hint on MS Windows.
+                    Suppressed missing termcap warning on MS Windows.
+                    Print a min number of *s to not leak passwd length.
+                    Removed unneeded use of Term::ReadLine.
+                    Quieted "inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method" warns
+                     caused by Term::Readline::Gnu on perl 5.14.x.
+ 2014-Jun-06 v2.6 - Added interactive password generation ("i" method).
+                     - Thanks to Florian Tham for the idea and patch.
+                    Show entry's tags if present (KeePass >= v2.11).
+                     - Thanks to Florian Tham for the patch.
+                    Add/edit support for tags if a v2 file is opened.
+                    Added tags to the searched fields for "find -a".
+                    Show string fields (key/val pairs) in v2 files.
+                    Add/edit for string fields if a v2 file is opened.
+                    Show information about entries' file attachments.
+                     2014-03-20 SourceForge feature request #6.
+                    New "attach" command to manage file attachments.
+                    Added "Recycle Bin" functionality and --no-recycle.
+                    For --readonly, don't create a lock file and don't
+                     warn if one exists. 2014-03-27 SourceForge bug #11.
+                    Added key file generation to saveas and export.
+                     2014-04-19 SourceForge bug #13.
+                    Added -expired option to the find command.
+                    Added "dir" as an alias for "ls"
+                    Added some additional info to the stats command.
+                    Added more detailed OS info for Linux/Win in vers.
+                    Now hides Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries.
+                    Fixed bug with SIGTSTP handling (^Z presses).
+                    Fixed missing refresh_state_all_paths() in cli_rm.
+ 2014-Jun-11 v2.7 - Bug fix release. Broke the open command in 2.6.
+ 2015-Feb-08 v2.8 - Fixed cli_copy bug; refresh paths and ask to save.
+                    Fixed a cli_mv bug; double path-normalization.
+                    Fixed a path display bug, if done after a cli_mv.
+                    Protect users from editing in the $FOUND_DIR.
+                    Keep file opened, read-only, to show up in lsof.
+                    Added inactivity locking (--timeout parameter).
+                    Added shell expansion support to cli_ls, with the
+                     ability to manage _all_ listed entries by number.
+                    Added shell expansion support to cli_mv.
+                    Added [y/N] option to list entries after a find.
+=head1 TODO ITEMS
+  Consider broadening shell_expansion support beyond just mv and ls.
+  Consider adding a purge command for "Backup"/"Recycle Bin" folders.
+  Consider adding a tags command for use with v2 files.
+   - To navigate by entry tags
+  Consider supporting KeePass 2.x style entry history.
+   - There are potential security implications in File::KeePass.
+   - Related, consider adding a purge command for that history.
+  Consider adding KeePass 2.x style multi-user synchronization.
+  Consider
+  for password quality checking.
+  Consider adding searches for created, modified, and accessed times
+  older than a user supplied time.
+  Consider adding import support for Password Safe v3 files using
+ May have already
+  done this if the unpackaged dependencies list was not so long.
+ - Originally written and tested on Ubuntu Linux 10.04.1 LTS.
+ - As of version 2.5, development is done on Linux Mint 16.
+ - Known to work on many other Linux and *BSD distributions, and
+   kpcli is packaged with many distributions now-a-days.
+Microsoft Windows
+ - As of v2.4, Microsoft Windows is also supported.
+ - Tested and compiled on Strawberry Perl 5.16.2 on Windows 7.
+C<UNIX/System_administration>, C<Win32/Utilities>
cgit v0.10.2

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