Information page about last security advisories

Monlong Pierre pierre.monlong at
Thu Jul 5 18:19:36 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I'm new with fedora, and i'm looking for a security information
page/site about latest security advisories,
Like debian secu. Page : where I can find :

-lastest advisories, with pb classification, description, CVE ref, and
of course links to individual patches ...
-security repositories, where I can find patches only related to
security concerns. 

I searched these type informations on fedora homepage and wiki but I
don't find it.

Indeed, if I install critical app on a fedora server , each
patches/updates must be qualified before applying, I can't patches these
server without assessing impact of
Each patches.

As some servers are not connected to Internet, I need too to be able to
download patches on media (CDROM, USB key,...)... 
(I think it's possible with yum to make a local repository)

Note that RedHat solution is not suitable, as even if the rhn is useful
to extract only security updates, it's not possible to easily update
server offline, nor to update 
Package list of a server without connecting it to Internet.

Thank for your help.

Pierre Monlong - Antiope/IF/IE
Tel : +594  (0)5 94 33 47 53 / Fax : +594 (0)5 94 33 42 59
pierre.monlong at

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