SELinux for RHEL3

Russell Coker russell at
Tue Apr 13 14:08:46 UTC 2004

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 07:01, Bill McCarty <bmccarty at> wrote:
> Actually, in the case of RHEL 3, I was hoping to deploy, more than to
> learn. I obviously understand that the RHEL 3 packages that were once
> available are unsupported beta (alpha?) software. But, that's good enough
> for some of my purposes <g>.

The problem with RHEL 3 is that some changes to significant parts of it are 
needed, coreutils, PAM, sysvinit, and a few others.  The advantage for using 
RHEL 3 in production is that it's not changing much, so as long as those few 
packages aren't updated you don't need to re-compile anything.  If those 
packages are updated then someone will have to recompile the SE Linux 

Also there are some programs such as userhelper which have had SE Linux 
support added for which you probably wouldn't want to do a RHEL 3 port.  This 
means that your RHEL 3 machine will lack some of the SE Linux functionality 
that Fedora has (you will need RHEL 4 for full functionality).

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