gpg avc

Valdis.Kletnieks at Valdis.Kletnieks at
Wed Apr 21 14:40:21 UTC 2004

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004 09:29:47 EDT, Colin Walters <walters at>  said:

> That does sound like a cool idea.  You can really get data even if
> there's no microphone connected?

I think the basic concept there is that even without a microphone, as you
sample, most cards won't return a steady stream of exact zeros - you'll get
back the tiniest bit of background hiss, and the low-order bits have entropy.

Of course, doing this without filtering is a Bad Idea - the amount of entropy
coming off the always-on cheap sound card in my laptop that has maybe 70db S/N
is probably a lot higher than somebody who has a high-end card that has 85db
S/N - and if their card supports auto-muting for unused inputs, you're basically

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