some fixes to allow user roles in targeted policy

Colin Walters walters at
Sat Aug 14 18:19:06 UTC 2004


I'm trying to create a restricted user domain with the targeted policy,


This turned up quite a number of issues.

First, I had to suck in user.te from the strict policy to get the
booleans.  I stripped it down to just the essentials; it may make sense
to add some of it back.

Secondly, unconfined_t isn't completely unconfined; in particular it
can't transition to arbitrary domains.  So sshd (which runs as
unconfined_t) can't enter the new user domain.  So I added a bit to
full_user_role which allows unconfined_t to transition to new user
domains (via a shell) in the targeted policy.

Third, there were a few missing ifdefs (likely applicable in strict
policy too).

Fourth, the user domain needs access to user_home_dir_t:dir.

The fifth issue is access to /dev/pts.  The comment above the patch
should explain things.  Is there a better solution here?

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