Fedora and udev

Joshua Brindle jbrindle at tresys.com
Sun Aug 22 15:05:27 UTC 2004

I posted a patch here that pebenito did a while back for ramfs and lkcl 
also did one for tmpfs (which may be better for /dev since it's swappable)
both are mostly cut and paste jobs but they add the necessary support.

I'd like to reiterate though, that udev support for selinux is *broken*! 
if the correct policy isn't in place you will cause race conditions


Russell Coker wrote:

>It seems that udev is now virtually mandatory as of the latest rawhide update.
>udev uses ramfs for /tmp, ramfs (as of the latest Fedora kernel 2.6.8-1.525) 
>has no support for file labelling and breaks everything.
>Can we get ramfs labelling working in the next few days or do we have to 
>change things to not depend on udev?

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