fstab-sync - relabeling /etc/fstab?

Tom London selinux at comcast.net
Sat Aug 28 21:15:24 UTC 2004

With latest from Rawhide, running strict/permissive:

Each boot, something is relabeling /etc/fstab from etc_t to tmp_t.

I suspect fstab-sync, which seems to be run just after hald is started
(from hald? /etc/hal/device.d/50-fstab-sync.hal ?)

Of course, if you forget to restore it before rebooting in strict/enforcing
mode, the boot fails trying to read /etc/fstab, and puts you into
'disk doctor' mode.

This doesn't happen if you boot in strict/enforcing mode, since
the policy prevents this from running and doing damage.

I noticed a bugzilla against hal:

Anyone else seeing this?
Does this happen in targeted policy?


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