FC2test3 and final release

Stephen Smalley sds at epoch.ncsc.mil
Fri May 21 17:39:45 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 01:30, Pratik Mehta wrote:
>  is there a difference between the two releases:
> FC2 Test 3 and the Final fedora release, as far as SELinux goes.

Yes, there have certainly been changes to SELinux-related packages since
test3.  But if you have been updating from the devel tree, you should be
up-to-date.  Note that even if you have installed FC2/final, there are
newer packages in the devel tree relevant to SELinux, including
SELinux-related changes to the kernel as well as updates to policy and
the like.

Stephen Smalley <sds at epoch.ncsc.mil>
National Security Agency

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