disabilng selinux warnings

Aleksandar Milivojevic alex at milivojevic.org
Tue May 31 02:48:52 UTC 2005

I have some NFS mounted file systems (from Solaris box).  Whenever 
moving files between them (mv shell command), users are getting 
"security context not preserved" warning.  I know what the warning is 
about, and why it is being generated.  Is it possible to disable it?

It's kind of confusing for the users (they think file isn't moved, so 
they are calling administrators about non-existing problem), and in my 
case really pointless.  The source and destination are both mounted form 
Solaris boxes, so there's really not anything that could have been 
preserved.  Not to mention how annoying it is to have hundreds or 
thousands of them printed when moving a lot of files in one batch (and 
basically, my users are rightfully asking for those warning to be disabled).

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