Support for the NX client

Aurelien Bompard gauret at
Thu Apr 13 08:10:25 UTC 2006

Hi all,

To have the (proprietary) NX client from work on FC5
with SELinux on, I had to run "setsebool allow_execmod 1"
Then the NX client works, and I turn it back off afterwards. It works, but
there should be a better way

The lib causing the problem is /usr/NX/lib/, and I found today
in the wiki a possible cleaner way to do it. From:

I should be able to run "chcon -t testrel_shlib_t /usr/NX/lib/"
and make it work. Except this commands gives me :

chcon: failed to change context of /usr/NX/lib/ to
system_u:object_r:testrel_shlib_t: Invalid argument

Is this type not valid on FC5 ? Which leads me to: how can I list the
available types on the system ?


--  ~~~~  Jabber : abompard at
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