SELINUX=disabled in latest rawhide?

Tom London selinux at
Sun Apr 23 18:25:16 UTC 2006

Running latest rawhide, targeted/enforcing (selinux-policy-targeted-2.2.34-3):

After installing lastest rawhide packages today, on reboot, I noticed:
Apr 23 10:44:36 localhost kernel: SELinux:  Disabled at runtime.
Apr 23 10:44:36 localhost kernel: SELinux:  Unregistering netfilter hooks

Checking /etc/selinux/config, SELINUX was set to disabled.

I reset SELINUX to enforcing, rebooted in permissive to single, but
the reboot automagically detected a relabel was needed. It succeeded
and enforcing reboot works just fine.

Tom London

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