extras package that require changes in selinux-policy (initng)

dragoran dragoran at feuerpokemon.de
Thu Feb 2 18:26:13 UTC 2006

Stephen Smalley wrote:

>On Thu, 2006-02-02 at 18:48 +0100, dragoran wrote:
>>so what is the solution? use setexecon() to run the daemons as initrc_t 
>>to let the domain transitions take effect?
>No, that wouldn't work, nor it is useful.
>>this should also be init_t -> initrc_t -> daemon .. or did I miss / 
>>missunderstood something?
>As I said, the policy could be extended to include direct transitions
>from init_t -> daemon domains so that initng would work as is.  But that
>needs to be taken up on selinux list and directed to refpolicy
filled bug:

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