Directories for policy module packages

Paul Howarth paul at
Wed Jul 26 15:21:16 UTC 2006

Daniel J Walsh wrote:
> Changing to use
> %define moduleList() %([ -f %{_sourcedir}/modules-%{1}.conf ] && \
> awk '$1 !~ "#.*" && $2 == "=" && $3 == "module" { printf "-i %%s.pp ", 
> $1 }' %{_sourcedir}/modules-%{1}.conf )

Could possibly use:

$1 !~ /^#/

instead of

$1 !~ "#.*"

which might be marginally faster

> Any reason for the sort?

No particular reason other than it orders the list of modules in the 
same way that the original "ls *.pp" did, and it's easier to check that 
the list of modules matches what's in the package that way.

> Do not want to grab comment lines.

I didn't see it doing that but better safe than sorry.


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