FC5/SELinux: Possibilty to enforce an "second set of eyes" method for admins?

Michael Decker MDecker at tesis.de
Mon May 29 13:23:49 UTC 2006


I wonder, if I can setup this kind of scenario:
An admin has to change e.g. some SELinux policies. But if an admin can
change all SELinux policies, he could change his own or others in a way,
so he can do anything. So a second admin/user has to allow that action.

Is there a way to setup that?


Michael Decker                      Michael.Decker at tesis.de
TESIS SYSware GmbH                      http://www.tesis.de
Baierbrunnerstr. 15 * 81379 Muenchen * Tel. +49 89 747377-0

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