procmail with nfs home dirs

Paul Howarth paul at
Thu Sep 7 09:32:43 UTC 2006

Matthew Gillen wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to SELinux, and I was having some problems with procmail not working
> correctly for me with NFS (via NIS-based autofs) home directories on FC5.
> There seemed to be a discussion about a similar issue a while back:
> but the solutions there didn't solve my problem.
> In any event, I managed to get it working for myself using the following
> policy module.  The 'autofs_t:dir search' part seemed to be needed to find
> my .procmailrc file, and the rest looks like it is needed to write messages
> into my maildirs under $HOME/Mail/
> If anyone has suggestions on how to improve this I'd be happy to hear them.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> --------------------------------------
> module procmailnfs 1.0;
> require {
>         class dir { getattr search write };
>         class file { append getattr read };
>         type autofs_t;
>         type default_t;
>         type procmail_t;
>         role system_r;
> };
> allow procmail_t autofs_t:dir search;
> allow procmail_t default_t:dir { getattr search write };
> allow procmail_t default_t:file { append getattr read };

A couple of things:

1. I'm surprised you're getting default_t as the type; NFS directories 
here are nfs_t

2. I'd wrap the parts needed for NFS home directories with a conditional 
based on the state of the use_nfs_home_dirs boolean, as for instance 
happens in the xserver policy:



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